Writers Solution

You have recently been hired to work as the International Export Manager for a company that manufactures women’s shampoo and hair products (3 types and in 2 different package sizes – i.e. 6 SKUs total) in the US.

Read the Scenario below and answer the questions (minimum 300 words)

You have recently been hired to work as the International Export Manager for a company that manufactures women’s shampoo and hair products (3 types and in 2 different package sizes – i.e. 6 SKUs total) in the US.  After completing your initial research you have identified 2 potential markets for export – Mexico and Saudi Arabia. Using what you learned in our Week 2 and information that you find about the each country online or any other reputable and reliable source, answer the following questions:

1. Describe your target customer. Who will buy this product? Why would they buy your product? (Note: the product category: “Women’s Hair Products” is very broad. I have done this on purpose, so that you can be creative and set your own assumptions about what the product could be. So that you can answer the next two questions.)

2. Based on your research and your analysis in Question 2, identify the most important cultural traits for each country that will directly affect your sales and marketing in the each target country.

3. Based on what you found in Question 2, and your research, what changes will you need to make to the product in order to sell it in each of the countries? (List the specific changes for each country – 2 for each.

Make sure to clearly mark and number your answers.

Writers Solution

The international company must be new in Australia but could be existing in any other country for eg,Tata Motors in India.

word limit-1750 maximum
The international company must be new in Australia but could be existing in any other country for eg,Tata Motors in India.
Task Description
As the international marketing director of a company, you have been assigned to develop a -market entry plan- for a product that is aiming to enter for a particular Australian market segment in 2020. Your tasks are:
Briefly explain the profile of Australian market segment and the product for this segment,
Identify the pros and cons of the most useful market entry modes that you have studied in this unit, and decide and explain the best entry mode strategy for your company, and
Design three frameworks outlining the pricing, distribution and promotional strategies.

Writers Solution

The International Development Association (IDA) was organized by the World Bank in 1960

Read the following overview describing the increase in economic globalization over the past several decades: the following issue brief through the Levin Institute that describes the development, purpose, and criticisms of the International Financial Institutions (International Monetary Fund and World Bank): 

Merchandise trade after WWII marks the biggest growth period in economic globalization. The main forces driving globalization include: 

  • Technological innovations (e.g. discovery of large oil fields in the Middle East, 1948)
  • Broader political changes (e.g. the establishment of the United Nations in 1945)
  • Economic policies (e.g. the establishment of Bretton Woods – IMF, World Bank, 1944 – 1971)

Development of the IMF and World Bank: 

  • Conference at Bretton Woods, New Hampshire, to address concerns about the stability of global economic markets

IMF Structure: 

  • IMF is controlled by its 187 member-countries, each of whom appoints a representative to the IMF’s Board of Governors
  • The IMF has three main activities: surveillance, financial assistance, and technical assistance

Why is the IMF Controversial? 

  • Some critics say that the conditions of the loans are too controlling and don’t give the receiving country enough freedom to do things the way they feel is necessary
  • Some critics say that the IMF imposed the policies of the Washington Consensus without understanding the complexities of the nations they were working with
  • Some critics are displeased that the policies are imposed all at once
  • Some critics say that the IMF was not transparent or open to constructive feedback when developing their policies

World Bank Development and Structure:Originally known as the International Bank for Reconstruction and Development (IBRD) 

  • IBRD was founded at Bretton Woods
  • Structure is basically the same as that of the IMF; the majority of voting power is held by the U.S.
  • The mission of the IBRD claims that it “aims to reduce poverty in middle-income and creditworthy poorer countries by promoting sustainable development, through loans, guarantees, and non-lending-including analytical and advisory-services”

World Bank Initiatives: 

  • The International Development Association (IDA) was organized by the World Bank in 1960 to provide additional financial assistance to the poorest developing countries
  • The International Finance Corporation (IFC) was established in 1956 and is now the largest public source of financial investment for private sector projects in developing countries
  • The Multilateral Investment Guarantee Agency (MIGA) was created in 1988 to provide risk-balancing insurance services to foreign direct investment projects in developing countries
  • The World Bank established the International Center for Settlement of Investment Disputes (ICSID) in 1966 to encourage both investors and governments to undertake and receive foreign direct investment by providing a neutral dispute resolution system

Criticisms of World Bank:The World Bank has been criticized for lending to projects that caused environmental damage and social problems, as well as for causing too high of debt for developing countries.

Part 1

Review the eight goals Millennium Development Goals and suggest some improvements to the goals.  As of this year, how would list the Millennium Development Goals? Would the list from 1 to 8 stay the same, be switched around, or would some of the goals change completely? Be sure to include your rationale.

Discussion Guidelines

  • Share your thoughts and ideas on this week’s discussion forum prompts in a couple of paragraphs.
  • Be sure to cite any resources that you use in APA format.  Direct quotes should not be used in discussions.

Part 2

The Olympics of International Financial Institutions’ Projects

Various projects are handled by international financial institutions (IFI) on a yearly basis. It is your task to give one gold, one silver, and one bronze medal to each chosen project.

For each medal you give out, you must state the following:

  • Name and detailed description of the project.
  • Name of the IFI that handled the project.
  • Type of medal (gold, silver, or bronze).
  • Positive impacts and how they could have been even more impactful.
  • Negative impacts and how they could have been avoided.

Please make sure your assignment is double-spaced using Times New Roman, 12-point font, and 1” margins. Be sure to cite any references in APA Format. 

Each case paper will be assessed on the following:

  • Be sure to follow the directions, by stating the medals, names, details, IFIs, as well as the positive and negative impacts.
  • Strong examples, valid points, and ideas on the topic
  • At least two additional resources cited in APA format
  • 2-3 pages in length
  • Proper grammar, spelling, and punctuation

Part 3

Consider the criticisms of the IMF and the World Bank. Do you feel that their practices are required for accountability purposes, or do you believe that they unfairly threaten the sovereignty of certain nations? Furthermore, how would you shape the policies of the IMF and the World Bank, if you had the proper authority to do so? 

The journal entry should be about a page in length.  If applicable, be sure to cite any resources you use to support your learning journal. 

Writers Solution

International Relations, National Security, Military Studies, and Intelligence Studies = Turabian.

Select two articles from the list below and in 1-2 pages single-spaced (per article) address the following:

Include the full reference for the article using the writing style specific to your program on the title page.

Criminal Justice = APA

International Relations, National Security, Military Studies, and Intelligence Studies = Turabian.

Since multiple writing styles are in use within this course, on your title page, please note which style you are using within your assignment.  This will help me cater my comments to the style you are using.  The style you use need to be the one that is used within your program of study.

State the main goal(s) of the study

Summarize the research design, and discuss the research method(s) used to answer the research question or assess the hypothesis.

Summarize the results of the study.

Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of the study’s research design.

Provide a discussion on how the study can be moved forward.  For example, how can the methods be used in your own research proposal? In what other research might these methods apply?  Include two well phrased research questions that could be used in follow-on studies to the one reviewed.

Format:  You should have 1-inch margins on all 4 sides of your papers; your title page should include your name and date; you should use 12-point times new roman font throughout.

Phillips, Matthew D. 2016. “Time Series Applications to Intelligence Analysis: A Case Study of Homicides in Mexico.” Intelligence and National Security 31, no. 5: 729-745.

Parker, Karen F., Richard Stansfield, and Patricia L. McCall. 2016. “Temporal Changes in Racial Violence, 1980 to 2006: A Latent Trajectory Approach.” Journal of Criminal Justice 47 (December), 1-11.

Writers Solution

International Journal of Organizational Analysis

University Unit Profile
MGMT20144 Term 3 ¬ 2019 Management and Business Context
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All details in this unit profile for MGMT20144 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information
Class and Assessment Overview
CQUniversity Policies
Previous Student Feedback
Unit Learning Outcomes
Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
Textbooks and Resources
Referencing Style
Teaching Contacts
Term Specific Information
Assessment Tasks 1 Written Assessment
Assessment Title Business Case Analysis
Task Description
Assessment Type
Written Assessment
Task Description
This is a business case analysis of 1600 words +/­ 10%
This individual written assessment is designed to assist you to develop your knowledge of management and business
contexts. The secondary purpose of this assessment task is to give you the opportunity to enhance skills in research,
professional responsibility, and written communication.
Task details
Your task is to write a business case comparing two companies from the following web site: hhps://
Please make sure that you choose two companies from different countries.
It is suggested that you use articles from the following journals to support your theoretical arguments. You must include the doi for each journal article on your reference list. Please note that this is a suggested list of reference sources, and you may use other journals, but please make
sure that they are of a high academic quality
Asia Pacific Business Review
Benchmarking: an international journal
Business Strategy and the Environment
Business Strategy Review
Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy
Contemporary Pacific
European Business Review
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
European Management Journal
Global Governance
Human Resource Development Quarterly
IIMB Management Review
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
International Studies of Management and Organization
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of General Management
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Journal of Management and Organization
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Management Decision
Measuring Business Excellence
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Quality Management Journal
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
The TQM Journal
In terms of analysing the organisation all of the companies listed on this web site have an extensive list of annual and business reports, as well as media reporting. It is suggested that you also use these sources of information when seeking to apply theory to practice. Again, you will need to provide a reference for each source used, as well as the doi, where possible, or the appropriate web address in accordance with APA
referencing conventions. You are required to:
· You must first select TWO companies from the following web site.
· Undertake a cross­case comparison, which correspond to week 2¬4 topics, with a focus on
critically analysing the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of your chosen organization:
(a). How are the business and governance structures of your chosen companies different/similar, and why might this be the case?
(b). What are the environmental factors that influence your chosen companies’ performance and/or decision­making?
(c). What are the top three risks your chosen companies face and how might this influence their decision making?
(d). Make 3 suggestions regarding how the companies might improve their business practices.
· Your business case analysis must include at least five (5) peer reviewed journal articles published after year 2009 from the list of journals provided.
Note: further support on writing, referencing, etc. is given on the Moodle site for this course. Assessment Due Date
Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
All submissions must be uploaded through the Assessment Item 1 link on the unit Moodle page. The essay can be
uploaded as a pdf or word document. Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy.
Return Date to Students
Week 7 Monday (7Jan. 2020)
Every effort will be made to return your assignment by the date indicated. You will find your mark and feedback through
the Feedback Studio portal on Moodle.
Weighting 30%
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact
SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and
decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to
examine organisational environments Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills
Ethical and Professional Responsibility
Assessment Due Date Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
Business Case Analysis submission
Return Date to Students Week 7 Tuesday (7 Jan. 2020)
Business Case Analysis return date ­ Takes into account the university closure over the Christmas period
Weighting 30%
Assessment Criteria Assessment Criteria
· Criteria 1. Introduction * 3 marks Clearly outlines the purpose, scope, structure of the essay.
· Criteria 2 Body—Theoretical knowledge * 8 marks Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilize the theories and concepts presented in Topics 1¬5.
· Criteria 3. Body—Research efforts and analysis * 12 marks Level of research effort demonstrated regarding the chosen companies and ability to critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of the chosen companies by addressing the four proposed questions.
· Criteria 4. Conclusion *3 marks All aspects drawn together in a brief, concise summary. Consistent with findings, no new material introduced but highlights implications or a comment on the future of the company.
· Criteria 5. Presentation *2 marks High quality of expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and proofreading.
· Criteria 6. Referencing * 2 marks Inclusion of an accurate reference list on a separate page listing only the sources that actually have been used. The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors’ last names. At least 5 academic references post 2009 have been used, together with a numerous number of non¬academic references.
Referencing Style
American Psychological Association (APA)
Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Online
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills Research
Ethical and Professional Responsibility

Writers Solution

Benchmarking: an international journal Business Strategy and the Environment Business Strategy Review

Task Description
This is a business case analysis of 1600 words +/­ 10%
This individual written assessment is designed to assist you to develop your knowledge of management and business
contexts. The secondary purpose of this assessment task is to give you the opportunity to enhance skills in research,
professional responsibility, and written communication.
Task details
Your task is to write a business case comparing two companies from the following web site: hhps://
Please make sure that you choose two companies from different countries.
It is suggested that you use articles from the following journals to support your theoretical arguments. You must include the doi for each journal article on your reference list. Please note that this is a suggested list of reference sources, and you may use other journals, but please make
sure that they are of a high academic quality
Asia Pacific Business Review
Benchmarking: an international journal
Business Strategy and the Environment
Business Strategy Review
Competition and Change: the journal of global business and political economy
Contemporary Pacific
European Business Review
European Journal of Work and Organizational Psychology
European Management Journal
Global Governance
Human Resource Development Quarterly
IIMB Management Review
International Journal of Organizational Analysis
International Journal of Productivity and Performance Management
International Journal of Strategic Decision Sciences
International Studies of Management and Organization
Journal of Business Strategy
Journal of General Management
Journal of Industrial and Management Optimization
Journal of Management and Organization
Journal of Organizational Behavior Management
Journal of Organizational Change Management
Journal of Organizational Effectiveness: People and Performance
Management Decision
Measuring Business Excellence
Nonprofit Management and Leadership
Pacific Affairs: an international review of Asia and the Pacific
Qualitative Research in Organizations and Management
Quality Management Journal
The Journal of Applied Behavioral Science
The TQM Journal
In terms of analysing the organisation all of the companies listed on this web site have an extensive list of annual and business reports, as well as media reporting. It is suggested that you also use these sources of information when seeking to apply theory to practice. Again, you will need to provide a reference for each source used, as well as the doi, where possible, or the appropriate web address in accordance with APA
referencing conventions. You are required to:
· You must first select TWO companies from the following web site.
· Undertake a cross­case comparison, which correspond to week 2¬4 topics, with a focus on
critically analysing the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of your chosen organization:
(a). How are the business and governance structures of your chosen companies different/similar, and why might this be the case?
(b). What are the environmental factors that influence your chosen companies’ performance and/or decision­making?
(c). What are the top three risks your chosen companies face and how might this influence their decision making?
(d). Make 3 suggestions regarding how the companies might improve their business practices.
· Your business case analysis must include at least five (5) peer reviewed journal articles published after year 2009 from the list of journals provided.
Note: further support on writing, referencing, etc. is given on the Moodle site for this course. Assessment Due Date
Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
All submissions must be uploaded through the Assessment Item 1 link on the unit Moodle page. The essay can be
uploaded as a pdf or word document. Penalties for late submission are applied according to the policy.
Return Date to Students
Week 7 Monday (7Jan. 2020)
Every effort will be made to return your assignment by the date indicated. You will find your mark and feedback through
the Feedback Studio portal on Moodle.
Weighting 30%
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact
SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed
Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and
decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to
examine organisational environments Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills
Ethical and Professional Responsibility
Assessment Due Date Week 5 Friday (20 Dec. 2019) 11:59 am AEST
Business Case Analysis submission
Return Date to Students Week 7 Tuesday (7 Jan. 2020)
Business Case Analysis return date ­ Takes into account the university closure over the Christmas period
Weighting 30%
Assessment Criteria Assessment Criteria
· Criteria 1. Introduction * 3 marks Clearly outlines the purpose, scope, structure of the essay.
· Criteria 2 Body—Theoretical knowledge * 8 marks Demonstrated ability to define key terms and utilize the theories and concepts presented in Topics 1¬5.
· Criteria 3. Body—Research efforts and analysis * 12 marks Level of research effort demonstrated regarding the chosen companies and ability to critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of the chosen companies by addressing the four proposed questions.
· Criteria 4. Conclusion *3 marks All aspects drawn together in a brief, concise summary. Consistent with findings, no new material introduced but highlights implications or a comment on the future of the company.
· Criteria 5. Presentation *2 marks High quality of expression, grammar, spelling, punctuation and proofreading.
· Criteria 6. Referencing * 2 marks Inclusion of an accurate reference list on a separate page listing only the sources that actually have been used. The reference list is arranged in alphabetical order according to the authors’ last names. At least 5 academic references post 2009 have been used, together with a numerous number of non¬academic references.
Referencing Style
American Psychological Association (APA)
Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Online
Submission Instructions
All submissions must be submitted through the Moodle site. No email submissions will be accepted. Please contact SDesk if you have difficulty accessing the Moodle site.
Learning Outcomes Assessed Critically analyse the impact of a range of internal and external contextual factors on the performance and decision making of organisations
Synthesise and utilise key theories, concepts and terms relevant to internal and external contextual factors to examine organisational environments
Graduate Attributes
Cognitive, technical and creative skills Research
Ethical and Professional Responsibility


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