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The Worldwide Web: The Positive Impacts of the Internet on Society

The Worldwide Web: The Positive Impacts of the Internet on Society

The development and the progression of internet usage are one of the most vital advancements made in the history of human civilization. Every facet of modern contemporary society is connected to and integrated with internet usage, including education, medicine, and news, among other essential aspects of society. The internet has reduced the world into a global village, connecting even the remotest part of the world. The proliferation of social media usage, especially among the young generation, is a notable feature of the internet that has changed crucial aspects of life. Similarly, the internet has equally changed how business and entrepreneurship work in the modern day. Online transactions, business advertisements, and deals have been integrated into technology to increase efficiency and productivity. Likewise, politics revolutionized through the internet with increased participation among the public. However, the internet is also associated with numerous negative impacts, mainly linked to addiction and overreliance on the internet. Opposers of the internet argue that it affects the social and mental well-being of addicted users (Quaglio 8).

Similarly, opponents argue that the internet increases access to harmful and dangerous information detrimental to young users’ growth and development. Nonetheless, internet usage is valuable if the use is controlled and monitored. The internet has positively impacted society as it has enhanced communication and social connectivity improved commerce, and provide tools for learning and development.

The growth of internet usage has hugely impacted how people communicate and interact by enhancing social connectivity. The internet ensures effective and faster communication among users from around the globe. Instant messaging through social media platforms like Facebook, Instagram, and other messaging applications like e-mail has enhanced communication. Faster and more efficient communication improves productivity by reducing the time spent on other traditional forms of communication and interaction (Huizer et al. 5). Similarly, the internet enables users to meet and interact with new people, thus enhancing the social network (Castells 136). Social media platforms give users opportunities to create new relationships and connections. In this digital age, networking is crucial for improving knowledge and experience in various fields. Likewise, interacting with people with varied outlooks on life improves users’ understanding of the people around them and the world in general. The internet offers a seamless communication medium that is crucial for understanding the vital aspects of one’s environment, including what is happening in other parts of the world that have global impacts (Diomidous 1). Social relations formulated online translate to the physical world because people become more aware of their surroundings and other people’s experiences. With the internet, users are more likely to meet people with the same insights and outlooks on life. Similarly, the internet has also enhanced the likelihood of formulating romantic relationships through dating applications and digital platforms. The internet has enhanced work-life balance as users preoccupied with other commitments, such as work and family, can still interact and connect with new people faster and efficiently.

Correspondingly, the internet has revolutionized how businesses operate and reach out to target customers. The development of electronic commerce, commonly known as e-commerce, has enhanced the interaction between customers and entrepreneurs. Customer satisfaction is a vital aspect of business success enhanced by the internet through feedback and direct communication with business providers (Dentzel 16). Through data collection, organizations determine the preferences of their customers and feedback on the services provided by certain enterprises. Through such communication, a business can easily customize its services and products to meet specific and unique customer requirements. Likewise, business models, including small enterprises, can monitor how customers interact with their products by monitoring traffic data and customer reviews. Huizer and his colleagues point out that through the internet, enterprises can reach out to customers in other parts of the world faster and more efficiently (4). Online shopping has modernized customer experience, as seen with the success of large corporations such as Amazon and Alibaba. Local businesses and small corporations’ benefit from the internet by advertising their products and services, leading to the growth of their customer niche (Dentzel 17). Online transactions, including online banking and payment methods, have equally increased the growth of businesses, ranging from small to medium enterprises, improving a country’s economy. Similarly, the growth of internet commerce has created new employment opportunities, especially for the youth, who comprise the most significant percentage of internet users. Internet content creators and influences play a crucial role in the growth and success of e-commerce.

The internet provides tools for learning and development by providing access to an array of information. The internet gives users access to various information sources, including resources and study materials that widen their knowledge and experiences. Through the internet, users can access online libraries and sources that would be costly and time-consuming. Users conduct comprehensive research on the internet on various subjects within a short duration and more efficiently by comparing data and information across verifiable internet sources (Alam et al. 622). Traditional learning institutions have incorporated online resources and classes that increase access to education and information for people worldwide. Students nowadays do not have to physically attend an institution to access courses in a given institute, as they are available online. Therefore, the internet increases access to information and education that enhances users’ growth and development in various fields of learning (Dentzel 10). According to Poushter and his colleagues, the internet broadens students’ learning experience as they access various fields, which helps them choose a specific field of interest. For young learners, the internet improves their creativity and innovative skills by offering an array of data and resources (Fatema et al. 73). Such learning experiences are vital for improving an individual’s autonomy and self-expression as they become more confident and expressive. With the internet, users can express their opinions and participate in discussions of critical issues, including political, social, and economic debates (Castells 143). Individuals feel value in sharing insights and information about specific vital societal issues through social networks. Social media campaigns increase awareness and information about social and political issues, influencing individuals to call for change and improvements.

Conversely, opponents of the internet argue that it harms users’ social and mental well-being, especially the youth and young children. Opponents argue that the internet affects the development of individuals’ intellectual and social skills as they become addicted to the internet (Alam et al. 626). Such a viewpoint bases its argument on the issues connected with addiction to the internet, primarily social media usage. Critics of increased internet usage believe it interferes with a person’s psychological and interpersonal connection skills as they get accustomed to online interaction, reducing physical activity and interaction (Quaglio). Fatema and her colleagues reiterate that social media addiction affects users’ physical and mental health, who gradually become lazy and withdrawn from society (76). Opponents argue that the internet increases access to harmful and dangerous content such as pornographic material and discriminatory information (Quaglio 6). Also, antagonists argue that the internet spreads false information that ostracizes specific populations. Diomidous points out that the internet has also inadvertently promoted antisocial traits such as cyber terrorism, cyberbullying, cyber suicide, and cyber racism (2). However, such negative impacts of the internet are mitigated through controlled and monitored internet usage, especially for young users. Parents can limit the time and the content their children access the internet. Older adults can equally control their access to specific sites and improve their safety through security features that prevent information theft. Through self-evaluation and self-care, social media addiction can incorporate habits and practices that complement online interactions with physical activity.

Overall, the internet benefits contemporary society by increasing communication and social connectivity, enhancing commerce, and improving access to information and learning resources. The internet gives users access to various tools and features that improve their connection and interaction with others, enhancing their independence and expression. Similarly, the internet enables increased public participation in discussing critical social, political, and economic issues affecting people from various parts of the globe, fostering change and improvements. With technology, people can connect with their loved ones, including friends and families, faster and more efficiently, irrespective of location. Although the internet may also be associated with negative influence that affects a person’s social and meant well-being, controlled usage mitigates the graveness of harmful impacts. Numerous lifestyle changes have proven beneficial in countering the adverse effects of internet usage, including isolation, anxiety, interpersonal relationships, and mental health problems. The discovery of the internet has undoubtedly revolutionized all aspects of modern society, and thus its usage cannot be avoided but controlled.

Work Cited

Alam, Syed Shah, et al. “Negative and positive impact of internet addiction on young adults: Empirical study in Malaysia.” Intangible Capital 10.3 (2014): 619–638.

Castells, Manuel. “The impact of the internet on society: a global perspective.” Change 19 (2014): 127-148.

Dentzel, Zaryn. “How the internet has changed everyday life.” Change 19 (2013).

Diomidous, Marianna, et al. “Social and psychological effects of the internet use.” Acta informatica medica 24.1 (2016): 66.

Fatema, Kaniz, et al. “Impact of using the Internet on students: A sociological analysis at Bangabandhu Sheikh Mujibur Rahman science and technology university, Gopalganj, Bangladesh.” Open Journal of Social Sciences 8.12 (2020): 71–83.

Huizer, Erik, et al. “A brave new world: How the internet affects societies.” Internet Society (2017).

Poushter, Jacob, James Bell, and Russ Oates. “Internet Seen as Positive Influence on Education but Negative on Morality in Emerging and Developing Nations.” Pew Research Center (2015).

Quaglio, Gianluca. “Potentially negative effects of internet use.” European Parliamentary Research Service (2020)




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violations of Internet security that have occurred over the past five years

Research and identify three (3) large scale hacks or violations of Internet security that have occurred over the past five years. For each of the hacks, identify the suspected hacker or hacker group, what the hack consisted of, what the hackers wanted, and how the hacked entity was able to fend off the attack, or how the entity resolved the hack if it was successful.

Compare and contrast each of these and write a proposal for an information security review for The New York Times newspaper. This review should include the potential threats, ease of access to reporters and staff accounts, and so on. You should also identify the top three threats to the newspaper in your review.

Your APA-formatted report should be a minimum of 6-8-pages, and include a minimum of 6 peer-reviewed or academic resources


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Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG)

Cisco is one of the key network solution companies driving the infrastructure upon which the cloud resides. Within Cisco, the Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG) studied virtualization solutions and their use of the cloud. The group created a variety of best practices and predictions. Discuss whether you believe Cisco is driving the cloud or is the cloud driving Cisco. 

275 words 

No APA Format 

Citations and references required 


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER on Internet Business Solutions Group (IBSG)

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Internet for evidence that Amazon’s EC2 complies with ISO 27001

  1. Search the Internet for evidence that Amazon’s EC2 complies with ISO 27001. Summarize your findings.
  2. SAS 70 is an auditing standard that provides guidance for an auditor issuing a report about internal controls implemented by a cloud services provider. To assess the adequacy of data center controls, it is necessary to read and analyze the report that was prepared in accordance with SAS 70.  Search the Internet for evidence that Microsoft’s auditors have issued a report in accordance with SAS 70. Summarize your findings.
  3. Search the Internet for evidence that Amazon’s auditors have issued a report in accordance with SAS 70. Summarize your findings.


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A popular phrase on the Internet is that your goals do not care how you feel

Learning Strategies for Success

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.Part II: Got goals? A popular phrase on the Internet is that your goals do not care how you feel. Although this is a layman’s philosophy of life, it possesses some great truths. What do you think about this outlook? How do you handle situations when your goals seem to get the best of you?

Unit II Discussion Board

What is your motivation? Michael Jordan, a retired NBA player, is often largely acclaimed for the six championships that he brought to the city of Chicago back in the ’90s. However, his die-hard fans know that he failed many, many times before he succeeded, but Michael did not give up. So, what about you? What is your motivation for learning? What keeps you going even when you feel like dropping the proverbial ball and going home?

Critical Thinking

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: Chapter 1 of our textbook explains the difference between an argument and an assertion. Give your own example of an assertion. Our textbook author states that assertions do “…little other than impart information.” Why do you think assertions should be true? In other words, why does truth matter?

Unit II Discussion Board Question

As critical thinkers, we greatly benefit by determining what people assume. What people assume is not always said out loud. Briefly summarize a conversation that you recently had or have had in the past (note that this could also be a conversation that you heard). List at least two assumptions that were made during the conversations but were not said out loud. How did you know that these were assumptions (that they were taken for granted)? Were these assumptions true, or were they questionable? When do you think it is appropriate to point out that someone’s assumptions are false?

Anatomy & Physiology

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: Have you ever encountered any type of prehospital neurological emergency? If so, is there anything you could have done differently based on the knowledge you have acquired in Unit I? If not, what did you learn from this unit that could help you in the future?

Unit II Discussion Board Questions

Some services use ( or have used) smelling salts for unconscious patients. Discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of having smelling salts on hand in order to restore consciousness after a person has fainted. What is in smelling salts that would raise a person from the unconscious state?

Community Health

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: Think about your own career path. Discuss the ways you believe the study of community and public health relates to your current or future career goals. Share an area of community and public health you are most interested in. Give an specific example of a component of that area you would like to either work in or conduct research on, and explain why.

Unit II Discussion Board Question

Select one particular health problem affecting your community that is of specific interest to you. Discuss what type of epidemiological studies could be useful in learning more about that particular problem. Which type of study would you prefer to conduct, and why?

Introduction to Current Procedural Terminology

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: What part of the coding process do you expect to find most challenging, and why? As you respond to classmates, offer any tips you find useful that might help others.

Unit II Discussion Board Question

On page 477, your textbook states, “Flexibility is the first word that comes to mind when I describe the attributes of a medical coder.”

Name two other attributes you believe are essential to being an effective medical coder. Explain your rationale as you offer an example how each can contribute to your success as a medical coder.


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A popular phrase on the Internet is that your goals do not care how you feel

Learning Strategies for Success

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.Part II: Got goals? A popular phrase on the Internet is that your goals do not care how you feel. Although this is a layman’s philosophy of life, it possesses some great truths. What do you think about this outlook? How do you handle situations when your goals seem to get the best of you?

Unit II Discussion Board

What is your motivation? Michael Jordan, a retired NBA player, is often largely acclaimed for the six championships that he brought to the city of Chicago back in the ’90s. However, his die-hard fans know that he failed many, many times before he succeeded, but Michael did not give up. So, what about you? What is your motivation for learning? What keeps you going even when you feel like dropping the proverbial ball and going home?

Critical Thinking

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: Chapter 1 of our textbook explains the difference between an argument and an assertion. Give your own example of an assertion. Our textbook author states that assertions do “…little other than impart information.” Why do you think assertions should be true? In other words, why does truth matter?

Unit II Discussion Board Question

As critical thinkers, we greatly benefit by determining what people assume. What people assume is not always said out loud. Briefly summarize a conversation that you recently had or have had in the past (note that this could also be a conversation that you heard). List at least two assumptions that were made during the conversations but were not said out loud. How did you know that these were assumptions (that they were taken for granted)? Were these assumptions true, or were they questionable? When do you think it is appropriate to point out that someone’s assumptions are false?

Anatomy & Physiology

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: Have you ever encountered any type of prehospital neurological emergency? If so, is there anything you could have done differently based on the knowledge you have acquired in Unit I? If not, what did you learn from this unit that could help you in the future?

Unit II Discussion Board Questions

Some services use ( or have used) smelling salts for unconscious patients. Discuss the advantages and/or disadvantages of having smelling salts on hand in order to restore consciousness after a person has fainted. What is in smelling salts that would raise a person from the unconscious state?

Community Health

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: Think about your own career path. Discuss the ways you believe the study of community and public health relates to your current or future career goals. Share an area of community and public health you are most interested in. Give an specific example of a component of that area you would like to either work in or conduct research on, and explain why.

Unit II Discussion Board Question

Select one particular health problem affecting your community that is of specific interest to you. Discuss what type of epidemiological studies could be useful in learning more about that particular problem. Which type of study would you prefer to conduct, and why?

Introduction to Current Procedural Terminology

Unit I Discussion Board Question

Part I: Introduce yourself to your classmates with your name, location, current employment, and future goals.

Part II: What part of the coding process do you expect to find most challenging, and why? As you respond to classmates, offer any tips you find useful that might help others.

Unit II Discussion Board Question

On page 477, your textbook states, “Flexibility is the first word that comes to mind when I describe the attributes of a medical coder.”

Name two other attributes you believe are essential to being an effective medical coder. Explain your rationale as you offer an example how each can contribute to your success as a medical coder


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Policy Drafting Exercise: Internet of Things (IoT)

INFA 660

Policy Drafting Exercise: Internet of Things (IoT)

Updated: April 4, 2022

As you have most likely heard, the Internet of Things (IoT) is the next major thing and is ready to invade the home. Appliances and meters are connected to the internet to facilitate monitoring and improve maintenance. The Federal Trade Commission (FTC) is playing an important role in educating the public on the benefits and security and privacy challenges posed by IoTs and leading the discussion on how to address these challenges. See

Two recent articles on the subject are:



For this exercise, imagine that the FTC is looking to you to issue policy to vendors and service providers so as to manage the collection and sharing of information by these home devices. The goal is to minimize the privacy concerns of consumers/customers of IoT devices in their homes. Your Policy is dictating how vendors/service providers of these devices shall care for the privacy of their customers/users. One good resource for writing a Privacy Policy is by TRUSTe. It is in your Session 3 OERs.

Here is the complete exercise:

· Part 1 of the paper should describe the future home identifying the types of internet connected devices that you anticipate, the benefits that such connections may offer and the issues and challenges that such connections present.

· Part 2 should provide your recommended policy concerning data collection, sharing, data usage, protection of data collected, etc. Part 2 should also have a Conclusion. In your Conclusion, present what you learned from this exercise and identify specific concerns regarding the Internet of Things (IoT) and the future it portends

The paper will be graded as follows:

Content (Understanding of the topic as well as soundness and completeness of the policy and conclusion presented)

· Description of IoT for home: 10%

· Benefits and challenges of IoT at home: 10%

· Policy on data collection, sharing and limitations: 40%

· Conclusion: 10%

· References and citations: 10%


· Clarity/style (how well you communicated your ideas in writing (the use of figures, pictures and tables are all encouraged): 10%

· Writing ( grammar, usage, spelling, and punctuation): 10%

The paper will be 9 – 12 pages in length, double-spaced, 12 font and typewritten.  The page limitation does not include the Title Page or the Reference List. No Abstract is needed.

In this paper you must demonstrate graduate level writing and comply with the format requirements of the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, 6th Edition. Careful attention should be given to spelling, punctuation, source citations, references, and the presentation of tables and figures.

Please refer to UMUC policies on academic dishonesty and plagiarism.

Use of Turnitin

This Policy Paper assignment will be reviewed using Turnitin, a software tool embedded in the online classroom to support the development and assessment of academic writing, including ensuring the authenticity of student work through a Similarity Report that highlights any matching areas in your paper found in another submitted paper in the Turnitin repository using a range from 0% to 100%.

The use of Turnitin in this class  is different than how it may have been used in your other classes in that there is no need to create a separate account. You only need to submit your assignment within the classroom. Shortly after you submit your assignment you will receive helpful feedback to improve your writing from within the Turnitin software tool.

You can submit your paper to Turnitin multiple times before the assignment due date. Once you submit your assignment to the Assignment folder, your paper will be submitted automatically to Turnitin generating a Similarity Report. When a Similarity Report is available for viewing, a similarity score percentage will be made available that can be accessed from the Assignment folder by selecting the Submitted link located under “Completion Status” or by clicking the View History button.  NOTE: It may take a few moment for the report to be available.

 If you have any questions about the use of Turnitin for your assignments, please reach out to your instructor directly via the in-class messenger or email. If you are experiencing any difficulty accessing the Similarity Report, please visit the Turnitin support site.

Remember that you will not use your account at for this course; the tool is already embedded in this assignment folder.

Be sure to include the following certification statement:

“This paper or presentation is my own work. Any assistance I received in its preparation is acknowledged within the paper or presentation, in accordance with academic practice. If I used data, ideas, words, diagrams, pictures, or other information from any source, I have cited the sources fully and completely in footnotes and bibliography entries. This includes sources which I have quoted or paraphrased. Furthermore, I certify that this paper or presentation was prepared by me specifically for this class and has not been submitted, in whole or in part, to any other class in this University or elsewhere, or used for any purpose other than satisfying the requirements of this class, except that I am allowed to submit the paper or presentation to a professional publication, peer reviewed journal, or professional conference. In adding my name following the word ‘Signature’, I intend that this certification will have the same authority and authenticity as a document executed with my hand-written signature


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Big Data technologies, Cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT)

Discussion Forum

Examine your organization or an organization you are familiar with regarding their capabilities to maintain data privacy and the ethical use of data while implementing new technologies such as: Big Data technologies, Cloud computing, and the Internet of Things (IoT). You may also select an organization from a journal article. Are your selected organization’s data privacy and ethical use policies mature and enforced? Does enough information security infrastructure exist to protect data and ensure compliance with policies?

A substantive initial post answers the question presented completely and/or asks a thoughtful question pertaining to the topic.  Use at least one scholarly source and follow APA guidelines


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The surge of internet usage and digital technology has led to the rise of various social media platforms.

The surge of internet usage and digital technology has led to the rise of various social media platforms. Marketers are now riding the social media wave to engage consumers.


There are 2 parts to this assignment:

1. Select a brand (i.e. Nike, Walmart, Coca-Cola, etc.) that you frequently use.

2. Compare their social media platforms (Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, YouTube, etc.) to their other digital and traditional marketing channels (TV, website, eMail).

Please address the following:

  • List the number of current followers they have on 3 of the major social media platforms they are utilizing. 25% of grade
  • How do they leverage the use of influencers to promote their brand? 25% of grade
  • In your opinion, and assuming a $1 mil ad spend, what percentage should be spent on: 25% of grade
  1. Social media
  2. Other digital & traditional
  • One-paragraph summary of concluding thoughts & opinions 25% of grade


  • A one-page Word document with your name, title of assignment & date in the footer
  • Proper college-level grammar is required. APA format, including any in-text citations.


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Can low orbit 5g satellites make internet work on rural area

Write Summary Article

My topic is about : Can low orbit 5g satellites make internet work on rural area

Assignment Instructions:

  1. Perform a search for scholarly peered reviewed articles or other publications from reputable sources (as discussed in class)
  2. For each publication you must use the Word template provided.  You can type in your responses into the template for submission
  3. Please be brief, concise, but thorough with your responses
  4. Ensure that when you include the citation for source at the end of template, that it is in the proper APA format
  5. If there is question in the template that does not apply to your publication, please put N/A and the rationale as to why
  6. The information from this template is what you will present to the class for the Summary Article Presentations
  7. Your final grade for this Summary Article will be based on turning in the Summary Article and performing the accompanying presentation.  Your grade will be given after your in-class presentation.  Your grade will be based on the content of your Summary Article and quality of your presentation.  Please see rubric below


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CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER Can low orbit 5g satellites make internet work on rural area