Writers Solution

interpersonal communication skills

Assessment:This assessment asks you to document and reflect on your learning journey through the unit and apply interpersonal communication skills appropriately in a range of contexts. In your journal, you should document and reflect on how you have engaged with and applied interpersonal communication skills in a range of contexts. You should include some of the interpersonal communication skills from this list:  rapport development  listening skills  assertiveness skills  verbal communication and the use of language  appropriate non-verbal skills.  cultural difference and diversity in communication  the use of silence and power  your communication in the future.  . Your journal should include:  an introductory section (approximately 250 words) setting the context for your journal and what you hope to achieve. Provide an outline of the organisation of the journal.  an entry for each week of the term (200 words) in which you o identify the key skill you used, o define it o provide a detailed account of how you applied it and o Analyse its effectiveness (how the person responded, your response and feelings about the experience, what might this experience mean in that context? What other perspectives, theories or concepts could be applied to the situation? )  a summary section (approximately 250 words) outlining what you have learned from your journal and how you will apply that knowledge COU101A – AB3, RJ Page 3





Weekly journal








Weekly journal




Wednesday September 2, 2020

My brother’s birthday

I had to arrive early. After all, my brother, Justin, has never been an organized person, and I knew something was likely to go amiss. And so I needed to be there early to check that everything was ok for his birthday party.  I was pleasantly surprised. My 28-year-old elder brother’s house was spanking clean. He even had drapes on the front door and the windows.   His huge smile and the scintillating aroma wafting from the kitchen were very unlike him.

It all clicked when he introduced Chloe, “[Your name], meet my fiancée Chloe,” Justin said. I immediately liked Chloe. Not only because her organizational skills were tiptop, she was one of the most beautiful women I’ve ever seen, with a personality to match. She was the life of the party. She even made everybody wear masks and keep social distance without anyone raising a finger.  I cannot wait to meet her at Christmas where we are all to congregate at our parent’s home.


Monday September 7, 2020

The coughing

Registering for this academic year’s courses was one of the most unpleasant experiences of the year. I have a cold that has been pestering me for a few days.  When I reported at the registrars this morning and started coughing, I was promptly sent out of the office. You see, I forgot to wear a mask, or even carry one in my bag. And so I went to the nearest shop where I got one.  Then going back towards the registrar’s office, I developed a coughing fit. And so I sat on a bench to let it ease off. But it didn’t. One by one, the students seated on the bench and standing nearby left, giving me furtive glances. 

Despite having checked my symptoms earlier, I grew weary of this development.  I got my phone out so I could open up the Covid-19 symptom checker so as just to confirm I was ok. The phone’s battery was dead though; because of the pestering coughs I had not had an opportunity to charge it sufficiently. As I was contemplating what to do, I was confronted b a security officer.

“We are told you have a persistent cough. You’ll have to go to the clinic to get tested,” he said matter-of-factly. Despite my protestations, he was adamant. And so I spent the next hour at the clinic; queuing and getting tested. Phewks, it was just a common cold. But by the time I left the clinic at about 2 pm, I was exhausted and frustrated, and my cough was not going away. So here I am, self-isolated in my bed filling my journal. I will try register for the courses tomorrow.


Friday September 18, 2020

Lessons from Beast

I love you Beast. I love you more than you’ll ever know. To me, you are the best dog in the world.  There are so many reasons for this. For one, you do not have a bad bone in your body. Unlike some of my friends, you are not cunning or have a bad day off where you are curt and rude. In fact, you never answer back when I talk to you, just wag your tail or give me one of your many looks that I have come to know so well.

I will never forget the earnest, pleading look that you gave me this evening as you ran off in the rarely trodden path as we took our daily walk around the estate. I just had to follow you to find out what you were so earnest about. And so off we ran towards the field next to the park, albeit my legs are not as sprightly as yours. By the time I reached you, you were standing over what seemed like  pile of clothing. I could not believe it when I heard the crying noises inside the bundle. Peering over your head, there was the most angelic face with its eyes closed and fists trying to push out of the blanket that wrapped the small fragile body. The doctors said we were just in time otherwise the infant would have died soon after. The police were ever so cooperative, though I’ll have to go make a full statement at the station tomorrow so they can pursue the case or find a foster home for the toddler.

You see, not all we humans are bad. But I still wonder who could leave such a lovely baby in the middle of a field? Why? When? How? For now though, I’m just happy that you had the sense to seek it out. You are indeed the best dog in the world, nay, the best being in the world.


Saturday September 26, 2020

The bus ride

Dear racist,

Thank you for the best bus ride I have ever had. You made me believe in the human spirit again. I wish more of your teeth had fallen off from that fist you received from the black man.  How could you? Where did you summon the courage to stand there and utter those racist epithets? Just because you have a big body you think you can go around bullying everyone you meet? So where is there he came from that you’d wish him to go back to? Maybe you should go back to England or wherever your ancestors came from?! Then your seemingly affluent suburb home can be reallocated to an Aborigine family. After all, they maybe are more entitled to it than you are.

I am proud of the tenets this great nation is built on. Tenets of fairness and equity. These bind us together, making us embrace our different backgrounds and benefit from the concomitant diversity. But then this may be a bit too complicated for you since your homeschooling may not have imparted these requisite skills. But not to worry, you’ll get there by and by. Maybe when more fellow riders stand back and cheer when you get walloped again after mouthing off similar epithets in future. I hope I’ll have another opportunity to cheer again. For now, do nurse your wounds until next time.


Tuesday, September 29, 2020

Shopping for trainers

I love jogging. On Sunday, however, I noticed my trainers are really worn out. Yet I hate shopping. But I had no option if I was to get some comfortable trainers for my jogging. And that’s how I ended up at the shoe retailer in town today.

There was a long queue when I arrived. Looking around, I notice why. There were only two shop floor attendants who were harried, running around to get the best fit for each customer. Despite obviously been frustrated, they assumed a regal pose and a fixed smile on their faces. I guess this is what kept the other customers patiently waiting in the queue; at least it is what kept me patient.  I was also impressed they had time for quick small talk while we tried out my pair of trainers. Nonetheless, the cashier was not so friendly and I guess that is why he was not on the shop floor. But for my respect of the seemingly overworked shop attendants, I will retain my custom.


Sunday, October 11, 2020

The church encounter

Maybe it is because of this Covid-19 thing, but I find I have become quite spiritual of late. I even say an occasional prayer. And so it was I found myself in my local church this morning.

It was no surprise that most of the congregation were the elderly. Talking to my fellow youth, I have found that many are not believe in religion. ‘”Isn’t that the same church that fought between itself and with other religions for centuries?” “Why should I believe in an imaginary being?” “That make-belief world is not pragmatic”’ are some of the comments I get about religion from various youths.

But there was a lot of pragmatism from the preacher today. He talked about God rewarding good people and punishing evil people. Sounded like karma to me. And it resonates with me since I have witnessed that what goes around comes around. What’s more, the lunch was delicious, with everyone being ever so polite and welcoming.  I think I will go there again next Sunday.


Saturday, October 17, 2020

The Trial of the Chicago 7

I had read rave reviews about this movie but today I spent the last three hours on Netflix watching it. It gave me a deep sense of foreboding about events in the US, and the world in general. There is the civil unrest, flu pandemic and a presidential campaign based on law and order. This gives it urgency. Indeed, we should learn from history so that we do not repeat the same mistake.

History is also rich in depicting the power of effective communication. The various characters in the movie display assertiveness albeit towards different ends; those on trial, the judge, the defense attorney and even the court’s audience. This is depicted in their language use, gestures, postures, silence and (mis)use of power. The defendants are eventually vindicated by the court’s audience who cheer their anti-war stance at the end, depicting that their communication skills have swayed the public opinion in their favor despite the best efforts of the powers-that-be to try and suppress their communiqué.



Monday, October  19, 2020

Overcoming acrophobia

So here we were skipping through the valley towards (name of tallest hill near your place). I had thought of more romantic things we could do. But I had not voiced them. How could I when Lorna was so exuberant about her idea of climbing (name of tallest hill near your place)? Actually, how could I voce them when she could easily pick up the fear and trepidation in my voice? My feeble protest that I had no suitable gear had only led to a detour through the shops to grab some hiking gear. And so I meekly followed her as we wound our way through the valley towards (name of tallest hill near your place).

“You are sweating,” she noted. We were now at the bottom of the hill. “Yeah, I need this exercise more often to shed off excess weight” I replied as I tightened my bootlaces. From the corner of my eye, I saw her give me a strange look.

Soon, we set off on our climb. “It’s beautiful, isn’t it?” Lorna said as she observed the landscape from quarter way up the hill. I turned towards her gaze, “YYe..s… it’s beautiful,” I replied as I frowned towards the landscape. We were halfway up the hill when I heard some noise just behind me. I looked back and there was a lizard scuttling down the hill. From where I stood, I noticed this void of space separating us from the terra firma. “Oh no!” I let out a shriek. “It’s just a lizard,” replied Lorna. “Is it? Cool. Though I suggest we go back now. We might meet more fearful creatures up there”. Lorna laughed off my suggestion, noting that we’d come so far and we were nearly there.

And so we continued climbing. Though it seemed like a couple of hours later, in about half an hour, we were at the top of the hill. “Wow!” Lorna exclaimed as she took in the scenes below. “I never tire of coming here.” “Yeah, look at this termite mound,” I said as I fell on my knees next to a small termite hill near the center of the hill. “Yes, they are all around us. That one over there is the biggest I have ever seen,” Lorna was pointing into the distance. I continued staring at the little termite mound at the center of the hill. “The termites must have deserted this one,” I observed.

Lorna came and knelt next to me, “Look at me,” she said. “You don’t like my company now, do you?” I turned to look at her. She stared deep into my eyes.

“You know I don’t like heights!” I blurted out. “And you brought me all this way…” my voice faded off.

“You don’t?” she was astonished. “Why didn’t you… And you did all this for me?” She was holding my cheeks as she searched my face. “Ow!” She gave me a long hug.

“Come, show me the biggest termite mound,” I said as we broke off from the embrace. We walked hand in hand to the edge of (name of tallest hill near your place) and stared at the expanse below.


Wednesday, October 28, 2020

The no-show

I was taking Beast for a walk through the park when I met my friend Xang. We have not met since he invited me to a party at his place which I did not attend.

“Hallo (Your Name)” he waved jubilantly.

“Hello Xang”

“You did not come to the party”

“Sorry, I couldn’t. Something familial came up last minute. But I believe you enjoyed yourself.”

“Yes. We had a lot of fun. Great company where we ate delicious food, played various board games and watched a movie.”

“Sounds like great fun I missed. What did you eat?”

“We had barbeque. Roasted pork, beef, lamb, dog__”


“Sorry. We had rice, green peas and some chocolate too.”

After some more banter, we parted ways. I am happy I did not attend the party. I don’t think I will be attending any of his parties any time soon.


Friday, November 6, 2020

Lorna’s political leaning

“I wish Donald Trump will win” observed Lorna this evening as we watched news about the recent US elections. “His policies would sit very well with the Liberal National Party”.

“No they would not,” I wryly replied. I realized Lorna is a Liberal National Party supporter today. I support Labor and this completely c caught me off-guard.

“Yes, they would. He is for reduced taxation of businesses, fossil fuels such as coal and oil and border protection”.

“I am not sure about the merits of those policies you mention,” I replied. “I think we need increased taxation for social support, a sustainable climate and to be more welcoming to immigrants. It wasn’t an immigrant who was responsible for the Christchurch mass shootings. Furthermore, I think Trump is simply a self-driven egomaniac.”

“You cannot say that. Half of Americans voted for him. They must have seen something worthy in him.”

“I’m not sure about their judgment or morality anymore”.

“That’s the cooker alarm,” noted Lorna as she got up.”I’ll get dinner.”

I definitely intend to pursue this conversation later. The political views of my future wife are important to me.





Williams, J. W. (2020). Communication Skills Training: How to Talk to Anyone, Connect Effortlessly, Develop Charisma, and Become a People Person. J W Williams.


Leal III, B. C. (2018). 4 Essential Keys to Effective Communication in Love, Life, Work–Anywhere!: Including the “12-Day Communication Challenge!” 1st Edition, CreateSpace Independent Publishing.



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Writers Solution

Interpersonal skills can consist of understanding individual differences, self-esteem, self-confidence, communication, teamwork skills, problem-solving skills, cultural relations skills, motivation skills, customer service skills, ethical behavior skills, and stress management skills.

As discussed in the unit lesson, resolving conflict in the workplace requires using interpersonal skills, management skills, and techniques. Interpersonal skills can consist of understanding individual differences, self-esteem, self-confidence, communication, teamwork skills, problem-solving skills, cultural relations skills, motivation skills, customer service skills, ethical behavior skills, and stress management skills. Management skills focus on the type of management skill applied such as collaborating, accommodating, forcing, avoiding, and compromising. As a member of the workforce, you must be able to effectively resolve conflict, either with the use of interpersonal skills, management skills, or by applying the recommended ways of responding to tension in the workplace (e.g., overcoming defensiveness, accepting of the tension, and resolving the tension).

For your Unit VI Assignment, please reflect on your knowledge of resolving conflict that you have experienced or observed in the workplace. Please analyze what you have learned. Describe how your learned knowledge can be used. Also, identify how this information can be used to resolve conflict in the workplace in your current job or from a past incident you have experienced. What steps/methods were used in resolving the conflict?

Your reflection paper should be at least three pages in length, including an introduction, a body that supports your reflection, and a conclusion. Be sure to include a title page. The title page does not count toward the total page requirement.



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