Writers Solution

Interview with an entrepreneur if his/her choice

Traditional Live Interview

Each student will be required to conduct an interview with an entrepreneur if his/her choice. The entrepreneur cannot be a family member and must be located in the US. Students will be required to identify the person including his/her name and contact information (10% of interviewees will be contacted to ensure validity) and apply class theory in conducting the interview and subsequent analysis. An exact transcription of the interview is not appropriate; rather, a summary of the key points will determine the grade, once again emphasizing an application of class material, especially Chapter 2. The maximum length will be 4 pages (not including the cover sheet or bibliography). The Certification of Authorship Cover Page, as noted below, is required. This assignment will be due in the appropriate Assignment Drop Box by noted due date, but the Drop Box will be opened earlier for students who want to finish it earlier. Supports Learning Objectives 3, 5, & 6.

Please include the Academic Honesty Cover Page – Interview (DOC)


Online Interview Assignment (alternative to Live Interview)

The Online Interview assignment represents an alternative to students who are uncomfortable (due to COVID-19 issues) in conducting a live interview as originally assigned for the class. Although it cannot replicate the benefits of a live interview, this alternative offers a glimpse into the entrepreneur’s mind, from creating a product or service to bringing it to the market.For this assignment, students will be expected to choose three online interviews from the following list, two from section A and one from section B. The paper needs to include the following:

  1. The Academic Honesty Cover Sheet (you will need to review the class video on Plagiarism and then quote and site any others’ words or phrases – which is perfectly acceptable (see APA guidelines).
  2. Develop a comparison of the three entrepreneurs, noting similarities in their stories as well as their entrepreneurial traits (the traits being noted from the class text).
  3. Develop any contrasts that you can find between the three entrepreneurs, from their histories to their entrepreneurial traits.
  4. Note as many pieces of entrepreneurial advice as you can garner form the videos. Your instructor hopes to gather the best ones from the class and present them to everyone in hopes of offering the best learning experience for the class as a whole.

A couple of pointers:

  • Prepare for the interview videos by reviewing the entrepreneurial characteristics in the class textbook: by doing so you will note them as they arise in the interview.Take notes of the characteristics as you see them in each interview: that way you will have a basis for comparison when you‘ve completed all three interviews.
  • You are welcome to use the words of the interviewees, but you MUST quote and cite them as well as the class textbook (per APA standards (Links to an external site.)), All assignments must be turned in.
  • The text of the paper needs to be 5 pages or less (not including the Academic Honesty Cover Page and the Bibliography).
  • Make sure to check your work using Turn It In software: it is automatically applied in the assignment drop box (and note that there WILL be some similarity due to the same cover sheet being used). 

Interviews: Section A (Choose 2)

  • Elon Musk (Links to an external site.) Founder of PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX
  • Reid Hoffman (Links to an external site.) (Founder of LinkedIn)
  • Kay Koplovitz (Links to an external site.) (Founder, USA Network)
  • Scott Cook (Links to an external site.) (Founder and Chair of Executive Committee, Intuit)
  • Sean O’Sullican (Links to an external site.) (Founder of SOSventures)
  • Drew Houston (Links to an external site.) (Founder and CEO of Drop Box)
  • Mark Cuban (Links to an external site.) (Owner, Dallas Mavericks, Media Entrepreneur)
  • Sara Blakely (Links to an external site.) (Founder and CEO, You Tube, SPANX)
  • Arianna Huffington (Links to an external site.) (Huffington Post)
  • Oprah Winfrey (Links to an external site.) (Harpo, Inc, O, OWN)

Interviews: Section B (Choose 1)

  • Brian Chesky (Links to an external site.) (Cofounder, Airbnb)
  • Rohini Unnikrishnan (Links to an external site.) (Cofounder Woohoo doodh, Happy Beverages and Foods Pvt. Ltd.)
  • Bill Gates (Links to an external site.) (Microsoft)
  • Bill Gates video 2 (Links to an external site.)
  • Mark Zuckerberg (Links to an external site.) (Facebook)
  • Steve Jobs (Links to an external site.) (Apple)
  • Larry Ellison (Links to an external site.) (Founder, Oracle)
  • J. K. Rowling (Links to an external site.) (Harry Potter empire)
  • Robert L. Johnson (Links to an external site.) (Founder, Black Entertainment Television)

Please review your work for plagiarism using the TurnItIn review system.  This TurnItIn video (Links to an external site.) will show you how to review your work.

Please review the grading rubric below before submitting your paper.

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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Traditional Live Interview

Each student will be required to conduct an interview with an entrepreneur if his/her choice. The entrepreneur cannot be a family member and must be located in the US. Students will be required to identify the person including his/her name and contact information (10% of interviewees will be contacted to ensure validity) and apply class theory in conducting the interview and subsequent analysis. An exact transcription of the interview is not appropriate; rather, a summary of the key points will determine the grade, once again emphasizing an application of class material, especially Chapter 2. The maximum length will be 4 pages (not including the cover sheet or bibliography). The Certification of Authorship Cover Page, as noted below, is required. This assignment will be due in the appropriate Assignment Drop Box by noted due date, but the Drop Box will be opened earlier for students who want to finish it earlier. Supports Learning Objectives 3, 5, & 6.

Please include the Academic Honesty Cover Page – Interview (DOC)


Online Interview Assignment (alternative to Live Interview)

The Online Interview assignment represents an alternative to students who are uncomfortable (due to COVID-19 issues) in conducting a live interview as originally assigned for the class. Although it cannot replicate the benefits of a live interview, this alternative offers a glimpse into the entrepreneur’s mind, from creating a product or service to bringing it to the market.For this assignment, students will be expected to choose three online interviews from the following list, two from section A and one from section B. The paper needs to include the following:

  1. The Academic Honesty Cover Sheet (you will need to review the class video on Plagiarism and then quote and site any others’ words or phrases – which is perfectly acceptable (see APA guidelines).
  2. Develop a comparison of the three entrepreneurs, noting similarities in their stories as well as their entrepreneurial traits (the traits being noted from the class text).
  3. Develop any contrasts that you can find between the three entrepreneurs, from their histories to their entrepreneurial traits.
  4. Note as many pieces of entrepreneurial advice as you can garner form the videos. Your instructor hopes to gather the best ones from the class and present them to everyone in hopes of offering the best learning experience for the class as a whole.

A couple of pointers:

  • Prepare for the interview videos by reviewing the entrepreneurial characteristics in the class textbook: by doing so you will note them as they arise in the interview.Take notes of the characteristics as you see them in each interview: that way you will have a basis for comparison when you‘ve completed all three interviews.
  • You are welcome to use the words of the interviewees, but you MUST quote and cite them as well as the class textbook (per APA standards (Links to an external site.)), All assignments must be turned in.
  • The text of the paper needs to be 5 pages or less (not including the Academic Honesty Cover Page and the Bibliography).
  • Make sure to check your work using Turn It In software: it is automatically applied in the assignment drop box (and note that there WILL be some similarity due to the same cover sheet being used). 

Interviews: Section A (Choose 2)

  • Elon Musk (Links to an external site.) Founder of PayPal, Tesla, SpaceX
  • Reid Hoffman (Links to an external site.) (Founder of LinkedIn)
  • Kay Koplovitz (Links to an external site.) (Founder, USA Network)
  • Scott Cook (Links to an external site.) (Founder and Chair of Executive Committee, Intuit)
  • Sean O’Sullican (Links to an external site.) (Founder of SOSventures)
  • Drew Houston (Links to an external site.) (Founder and CEO of Drop Box)
  • Mark Cuban (Links to an external site.) (Owner, Dallas Mavericks, Media Entrepreneur)
  • Sara Blakely (Links to an external site.) (Founder and CEO, You Tube, SPANX)
  • Arianna Huffington (Links to an external site.) (Huffington Post)
  • Oprah Winfrey (Links to an external site.) (Harpo, Inc, O, OWN)

Interviews: Section B (Choose 1)

  • Brian Chesky (Links to an external site.) (Cofounder, Airbnb)
  • Rohini Unnikrishnan (Links to an external site.) (Cofounder Woohoo doodh, Happy Beverages and Foods Pvt. Ltd.)
  • Bill Gates (Links to an external site.) (Microsoft)
  • Bill Gates video 2 (Links to an external site.)
  • Mark Zuckerberg (Links to an external site.) (Facebook)
  • Steve Jobs (Links to an external site.) (Apple)
  • Larry Ellison (Links to an external site.) (Founder, Oracle)
  • J. K. Rowling (Links to an external site.) (Harry Potter empire)
  • Robert L. Johnson (Links to an external site.) (Founder, Black Entertainment Television)

Please review your work for plagiarism using the TurnItIn review system.  This TurnItIn video (Links to an external site.) will show you how to review your work.

Please review the grading rubric below before submitting your paper

Writers Solution

Conduct a phone or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life

Assessment Title Assessment Task Two – Written Assignment
Purpose This assessment will provide students with an opportunity to engage with a health consumer, to gain insight into the impact chronic illness and/or disability has on the consumers life, and to plan person-centered care in partnership with a consumer. Students will have the opportunity to apply specific frameworks to demonstrate critical thinking, clinical reasoning and the principles of caring for people with a chronic illness or disability. Written consent from your interviewee to conduct your interview is required.
Due Date Wednesday 18th May 2022
Time Due 09:00
Weighting 50%
Length 1750 words (+/- 10%; includes intext citations, excludes reference list)
Assessment Rubric Appendix B of the NRSG372 unit outline
LEO Resource A National Q&A Session will be held during week seven (7) of the semester. The Q&A session will unpack the assessment task requirements. Students will have the opportunity to ask the National LICs any questions or clarifications they require. The recording of this will be made available for students following the session. All students are recommended to attend this session. A link for this will be made available on the Assessments page of the LEO unit.
LOs Assessed LO1, LO2, LO3, LO6
Task You are required to conduct a phone or video call interview with a real person in your community who has a chronic illness or disability to discover the impact this has on their life. You will need to prepare for your interview. McGrath, Palmgren & Liljedahl (2019) suggest twelve steps for conducting research interviews; this article is linked on the NRSG372 reading list.
Identify two (2) relevant care priorities for your interviewee. Present each priority and link this to the same health behaviour theory you chose in Assessment Task One.
For each priority, identify and rationalise where the person sits on the Roper-
Logan-Tierney (RLT) model of nursing independence to dependence continuum.
For each identified care priority, outline one (1) health education topic relevant for the person. It is expected that appropriate evidence-based literature will be used to support your assignment.
Consent Form You will need to gain written consent from your interviewee PRIOR to conducting your interview and inform your interviewee they may be called at random by the LIC to confirm consent. There must be evidence that you have interviewed (via phone or video call) a real person in your community, demonstrated by the consent form and unique circumstances outlined in your essay. If there is evidence that students have not conducted a genuine interview an NN grade for the assessment will be awarded.
Safety Confidentiality must be maintained. You must de-identify your interviewee in your paper, by use of a pseudonym, and state this clearly in your paper. Any identifiable location, organisation, or workplace must be deidentified.
This assessment does not encourage you to diagnose conditions or suggest treatments to your interviewee.
Those under 18 years of age, carers, or currently enrolled students at Australian Catholic University, are not to be interviewed.
Students are not to approach strangers for interviews, or to put themselves into situations of risk. Please be aware of the impact of conducting an interview on your interviewee. Should your interviewee become upset, please finish the interview at that point, and contact the LIC for further advice.
Paragraph Structure Written Assignment should follow the below paragraph structure
Introduction: Introduce the interviewee with a pseudonym (and clearly state it is a pseudonym), their health status and condition(s). introduce your heath behaviour theory, the two (2) relevant care priorities, and the education area relevant to each care priority. (max 10% of word count).
Para 1: Provide an overview of the health behaviour theory you are using to base your interview on.
Para 2: What is your first priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here.
Para 3: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority?
This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support.
Para 4: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing
Para 5: What is your second priority? What information have you used to arrive at this? Where on the RLT dependence/independence continuum (by way of equipment, treatments, or interventions) Be specific and explain the priority in depth here.
Para 6: What will the consequences be if you do not address this as your priority?
This is where you need to justify this being your priority- use evidence to support.
Para 7: As the nurse what is the relevant health education you will provide in relation to the identified care priority? You will need to provide specific information about what exact education you will provide. This needs to be more than “provide brochures” or “how to access information on the internet”. The content of the education needs to be specific and relevant to the person you are interviewing.
Conclusion: What have you discussed throughout the paper? What are the next steps? Evaluation of the education provided will demonstrate what? (max 10% of word count).

  1. Consent Form is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Consent Form” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit to the dropbox assigned to your stream.
  2. Written assignment is to be submitted to the “Assessment Two Written
    Assignment” LEO dropbox on your campus tile. Please ensure you submit Submission to the dropbox assigned to your stream.
    File format .doc or .docx (Do not submit .pdf files or pages files)
    Margins 2.54cm, all sides
    Font and size 11-point Calibri or Arial
    Spacing 1.5 spacing including the reference list
    Paragraph Aligned to left margin, indent first line of each paragraph 1.27cm
    Title Page Not to be used
    Level 1 Heading Centered, bold, capitalize each word (14-point Calibri or Arial)
    Level 2 Headings Not to be used
    Structure Introduction, main paragraphs, conclusion, reference list
    Direct quotes Always require page number. No more than 10% of word count in direct quotes
    Header Page number top right corner (9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Footer Name – Student Number – Ax1 – NRG372 – 2020 (in 9 point Calibri or Arial)
    Referencing Style APA 7th Please refer to the APA7 resource tile on the NRSG372 LEO site
    Minimum References A minimum of 17 high quality resources are to be used.
    Age of References Published in the last 5 years as this area of knowledge is rapidly developing
    List Heading “References” is centered, bold, on a new page. (in 14 point Calibri or Arial)
    Alphabetical Order References are arranged alphabetically by author family name
    Hanging Indent Second and subsequent lines of a reference have a hanging indent
    DOI Presented as functional hyperlink
    Spacing Double spacing the entire reference list, both within and between entries
    Late Penalties Late penalties will be applied from 9:01a
    of the maximum marks available up to a maximum of 15%. Assessment tasks
    received more than three calendar days after the due or exten receive feedback but will not be allocate
    Penalty Timeframe
    09:01am Wednesday to 9am Thursday
    09:01am Thursday to 9am Friday
    09:01am Friday to 9am Saturday
    Received after 09:01 Saturday
    An assignment is submitted 12 hours la
    100 receives 55 out of 100 as a final mark.
    m on the due date
    d a mark.
    5% penalty
    10% penalty
    15% penalty
    No mark allocated
    te and is initially mark , incurring 5% penalty ded date will
    Marks Deducted
    5 marks
    10 marks
    15 marks
    ed at 60 out of
    Return of Marks Marks will be generally returned in three weeks; if this is not achievable, you will be notified via your campus LEO forum.
    Final Assignment Marks for the final assessment (assessment two) of NRSG372 will be withheld until after grade ratification and grade release.
    Assessment template project informed by ACU student forums, ACU Librarians and the Academic Skills Unit


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How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?

For advanced health assessment, To prepare:
With the information presented in Chapter 1 of Ball et al. in mind, consider the following:
By Day 1 of this week, you will be assigned a new patient profile by your Instructor for this Discussion. Note: Please see the “Course Announcements” section of the classroom for your new patient profile assignment.
How would your communication and interview techniques for building a health history differ with each patient?
How might you target your questions for building a health history based on the patient’s social determinants of health?
What risk assessment instruments would be appropriate to use with each patient, or what questions would you ask each patient to assess his or her health risks?
Identify any potential health-related risks based upon the patient’s age, gender, ethnicity, or environmental setting that should be taken into consideration.
Select one of the risk assessment instruments presented in Chapter 1 or Chapter 5 of the Seidels Guide to Physical Examination text, or another tool with which you are familiar, related to your selected patient.
Develop at least five targeted questions you would ask your selected patient to assess his or her health risks and begin building a health history.

DISCUSSION CASE PATIENT: 21-year-old Filipino college student living in a dorm wanting to know what birth control is:
For advanced pharmacology,Post a description of the patient case from your experiences, observations, and/or clinical practice from the last 5 years. Then, describe factors that might have influenced pharmacokinetic and pharmacodynamic processes of the patient you identified. Finally, explain details of the personalized plan of care that you would develop based on influencing factors and patient history in your case. Be specific and provide examples


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If you are having a hard time coming up with an example, use a previous job interview where you had to “sell” yourself. Let’s have some fun with this!


Discuss some examples of when you had to “sell” an item. Give examples of what you liked about the situation, what you could have done better, and what you learned from the experience. If you are having a hard time coming up with an example, use a previous job interview where you had to “sell” yourself. Let’s have some fun with this! I look forward to reading your comments.

To earn the greatest number of points on this Discussion, the following needs to be present:

  • Each entry contributes meaningfully to the discussion.
  • Each response contains detailed remarks about that individual’s posting or is an accurate response to a discussion-topic related question.
  • Each entry includes a referenced source or an especially insightful analysis or real-life application of the issue.





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Interview ScriptContinue with the industry

Interview ScriptContinue with the industry you selected in Unit II for this assignment. For this Unit VII Assignment, write a script for a radio/television show as if you were interviewing an expert concerning topics discussed in this unit.

Include input from both the interviewer and interviewee standpoint. What questions would you ask as the interviewer? What answers would you give to those questions as the interviewee? When writing your questions and answers, keep in mind that you have already learned a lot about your industry through earlier assignments in this course. It is suggested that you review your responses to those assignments before beginning this one.

In your interview script, address the following topics:

  • the structure of the Federal Reserve,
  • the functions of money,
  • six qualities of ideal money,
  • the tools of monetary policy used by the Federal Reserve to manipulate the money supply in the United States,
  • the current status of monetary policy regarding a contractionary or expansionary stance in the United States, and
  • the potential impacts on your selected industry over the next 2 years of this monetary policy stance.

Your script must be a minimum of four pages (1,000 words, double-spaced). Adhere to APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. APA formatting, however, is not necessary.






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