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Standard Plot Structure: Introduction

Create a personal narrative. This narrative needs to be nonfiction but may have fictional elements if you so choose. It must be 3-6 pages in length. Three pages means at least 3/4 of the third page must be filled to complete the page requirement. Please abide by the guidelines in your syllabus for any additional formatting. When creating the paper, please keep in mind the ideas from class: 1. Standard Plot Structure: Introduction, Rising Action, Climax, Falling Action, Conclusion 2. Dramatization: Setting, Character, Action, Method, Motive 3. Description: This includes sensory elements, color, weather, and imagery Remember, the key to good detail is Show Don’t Tell. Also, it may be helpful to keep in mind the other rule of thumb: The most important parts in the narrative get the most description. NOTE: The rough draft of this will be for peer review. You will need at least two copies of your paper for the small group peer review. This means that you will be getting into small groups and the group members will read your narrative and give you suggestions on how to improve your paper. As a writer you may also bring up trouble spots that you are having in your narrative and ask for specific help. This does not mean that you can come to class with brief notes and not a fully formed paper and ask for help. You must have at least two copies of your 3-6 page narrative present for the review




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Introduction to Employment Relations

Assignment Part 3: Final Essay-Introduction to Employment Relations

Assignment details
ObjectivesThe overall essay assignment is intended to evaluate your ability to apply course theories, frameworks, and perspectives to understand and provide insights into contemporary, real-world employment relations problems and policy issues. Part 3 is where you draw on the building blocks from Parts 1 and 2 and deliver your fully developed analysis and argument.
RequirementsWrite a final essay addressing each of the required topics and questions. See below for additional requirements and guidance.
Style and format· Your essay should be approximately 8 pages, double-spaced, Times New Roman 12 point-font, and 1-inch margins. Your reference list is not included in the page count. · It should be written in a MS Word, Pages, or Google document and then saved and submitted as a PDF. · It should be clear, organized, and free of spelling and grammar errors. · It should have numbered pages and a header page (see below for details). · The use of appropriate headings is encouraged to enhance readability. · You should include at least five different high-quality references, which you identified in Assignment Part 1 and 2. Use APA citation style for in-text citations, and include full references at the end of the paper. If you would like detailed written comments on your essay and you did not already do so in Assignment Part 1 or 2, please include the following sentence on your header page: “I would value receiving detailed written comments from the instructors.”

Additional Requirements and Guidance


Remember, your reference list should include at least one academic or “scholarly” source (e.g. books or articles in academic journals, sources of original data, etc.). You need not cite our class sessions as the source of key class concepts, but you may wish to cite academic sources to expand on these concepts. You may use “popular sources” including news articles, podcasts, videos, etc. produced by reputable media outlets. You may use additional sources in your final essay that you did not already identify in Assignment Part 1 or 2. Your essay MUST include in-text citations. Quotations require citations, as do facts which are not common knowledge and ideas which are not your own. Thus, if you paraphrase an article instead of quoting it, you must still cite it. In your reference list, do NOT include sources you have not cited in the body of your essay. If you have any doubts about the appropriate citation style, please contact a librarian, an instructor, or a TA. Overall Assignment Details You have already selected an organization and issue for Assignment Parts 1 and 2. You should NOT change your selection for Part 3 without extenuating circumstances. Please contact an instructor if you have questions or concerns about your prior selection. You should address ALL of the following main points in your essay. However, when a point below says “e.g.,”, you need not address all of the specific items or sub-questions. They are there as examples. For instance, you may wish to discuss a class concept that is not listed below. You should repeat and expand on the information that you submitted in your outline for Part 2. Describe the organization (e.g., for a for-profit organization, you could describe the sector, industry, history, ownership structure, primary business activities, product markets, types of jobs, etc.). You may also choose a union, a government organization, or another type of organization. Describe the issue this organization is currently facing (e.g., What is the problem? What aspects of the organization does this problem affect? What are the steps the organization is considering or has taken to address the issue?) Describe how key class concepts relate to the issue. (e.g., Which of the types of conflict that we have discussed are causing or arising from this issue? Which of the perspectives on employment relations best describes how the organization has responded to the issue so far? What assumptions about ‘why we work’ are being represented in the organization’s response?) Analyze the issue and its potential solution(s). In your opinion, which of the perspectives on employment relations should the organization draw on to effectively handle the issue? Consider what perspective might allow the organization to balance the objectives of efficiency, equity, and voice in the employment relationship and to incorporate the interests of its other stakeholders (e.g., customers, communities, environment). Formatting You are free to add section headings or not to the body of your essay, but all essays should have a formal Introduction and Conclusion. (An Introduction typically does not have a section header.) A good rule to follow is that 70% of an essay should be occupied by the body, 20% for the introduction and 10% for the conclusion. In an 8-page essay this means 1.5 page for the introduction, 5.5 pages for the body, and <1 page for the conclusion. Your essay should be followed by a reference section (not included in the page count). Appendices where images, figures, tables, etc., listed in the text should be located at the very end of your essay (also not included in the page count). The first page of your submission should be a cover page with your essay title, name, course information, and date, formatted similarly to the image to the right.

APA Example (accessed from R. Gomez IRE240 assignment instructions) In the following excerpt, APA style in-text citations are highlighted, and a reference list is included. In his classic study, Pinker (1994) summarized the skepticism of current researchers and observers about whether the signs produced in the Washoe project were really American Sign Language. His conclusion was that chimpanzees’ abilities at “anything one would want to call language” were almost nil (p. 339). A group of statisticians (Tannenbaum, Leung, Sudha, & White, 2005) who re-analysed published data argued further that the compound words once claimed as inventions of a particular chimpanzee were the results of repeated random juxtapositions. Even Premack (2007) has now rejected his own past claims for chimpanzee cognition, outlining the key differences between chimpanzees and humans revealed by brain imaging and calling for closer scrutiny of experimental results. References Pinker, S. (1994). The language instinct: How the mind creates language. New York: Morrow. Premack, D. (2007). Human and animal cognition: Continuity and discontinuity. Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America, 194, 13861-13867. doi:10.1073/pnas.0706147104 Tannenbaum, R. V., Leung, K., Sudha, J. R., & White, M. A. (2005). A re-examination of the record: Pitty Sing’s creation of compound words. Journal of Biostatistics, 20, 368-396.

Marking scheme

An exemplary response (15 points) will do the following: (You will note that these are the same items from Part 2. We will simply be evaluating them more rigorously in your written work than we did in your outline.)

1. Identify and describe the organization and issue in enough detail that the reader can fully understand your subsequent analysis.

2. Accurately relate the issue to one or more employment relations concepts discussed in class. Provide enough detail that demonstrates you fully understand the concept(s) in addition to how the concept(s) applies to your organization and issue.

3. Clearly state and defend your opinion, supported by class concepts and other sources, about how the organization should resolve the issue. Clearly state which of the four IR perspectives best fits your proposed solution.

4. Include at least five reference sources (at least one of which is an academic source) and indicate (though in-text citations) which of your points are supported by which sources.

5. Be formatted correctly and free of errors.

IRHR Library Research Guides & Resources

Check out the IRHR Library website for additional resources – resources specific to this course are available on the guide, and the Research, Writing, and Citation Support guide will be useful for all your research projects.

Research help is available from the IRHR Library by email at or book an online reference consultation. Find out more ways to connect with your library on the IRHR Library Quercus site.

Accessing UofT Library Resources Off Campus

When you use licensed University of Toronto Libraries resources (online journals, articles, eBooks, and databases) off campus, you’ll be asked to log in with your UTORid. Check out authentication tips at Is there an easy way for me to authenticate as a U of T user while I’m researching off-campus?

Useful Links for Citing Sources

· Citing Your Sources

· CIRHR courses use APA style, unless otherwise specified

· Citation software, such as RefWorks, can help you quickly generate citations; you can also copy APA citation from Google Scholar (look for the cite icon under the article link) and most journal websites.

· Legal Citations

· Help with citations and bibliographies is available from the IRHR Library

· Additional writing support is available from U of T Writing Centres, including the Woodsworth College Academic Writing Centre

Reminder of Relevant Policies (included in full on the course syllabus)

Term Work Policies

Submit your assignment in a timely manner and back up your work.

Late Assignment Policy Plan your schedule ahead of time to ensure that your assignments are submitted by the due date. You may take a 48-hour (two-day) grace extension with no penalty. After that, a penalty of 5% per day will be applied to the grade received on the assignment (e.g., if the assignment is one day late and receives 80%, once the penalty is applied the assignment would receive 75%). No assignments will be accepted one week past the original due date.

Remarking Term Work A student who believes an individual item of work has been incorrectly or unfairly marked may ask the person who marked it for a re-evaluation. Any remarking may result in the grade being raised, lowered, or unchanged. See the course syllabus for full details on this policy.

Academic Integrity

This is an individual assignment, so please do your own work and ensure you are familiar with the University of Toronto policy on academic dishonesty. If you have questions or concerns about what constitutes appropriate academic behaviour or appropriate research and citation methods, you are expected to seek out additional information on academic integrity from the instructors or from other institutional resources


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SACR-2400. Introduction to Race and Ethnicity

An introduction to race and ethnic relations, with global and Canadian perspectives, which may draw on both sociological and anthropological literature. Topics may include Canadian cultural, indigenous, ethnic and racial identities; multiculturalism; im/migration and integration; separatist movements; pursuit of collective rights; transnationalism and diaspora.

Society today is complicated. You’ll learn how to unravel its most urgent issues in this program that is focused on research, analysis and communication — skills relevant to a wide range of fields. You can tailor your degree by picking courses that match your interests. The department is small, ensuring you’ll get lots of personal attention.

  • Sample Courses: Foundations of Social Life; Social Dilemmas; Sociology of Families; Perspectives on Culture; Crimes of the State: Genocide, War Crimes and Ethnic Cleansing; Social Movements
  • Career Tracks: Immigration officer, human resources manager, community relations worker, mediator, case worker


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SACR-2400. Introduction to Race and Ethnicity

An introduction to race and ethnic relations, with global and Canadian perspectives, which may draw on both sociological and anthropological literature. Topics may include Canadian cultural, indigenous, ethnic and racial identities; multiculturalism; im/migration and integration; separatist movements; pursuit of collective rights; transnationalism and diaspora.


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First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals

Gender as Spectrum From EDUC 251

Session Slides

(Links to an external site.)

1) First, watch the video below for an introduction to the gender spectrum, a second framework in which gender in comprised of a dynamic line between two ever-changing ideals.

2) Next, take two minutes to reflect and journal about the ways in which you have been taught that gender is a spectrum going from masculine to feminine.

· Where have you seen this line or fragments of it? What places you more toward one end of the spectrum or the other? What places you more toward the middle? For example, when have you have been told “As a boy/girl you should … more.” or “Because you’re a boy/girl you need to do … less.” Please note that these messages also apply to people who are genderqueer in the middle of the spectrum except that they are given messages to be or do more or less to fit into either masculinity or femininity rather than being more genderqueer.

· What rewards or opportunities will you receive if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

· What costs do you incur or risks do you take if you stay where you are or move in one direction or another?

3) Then, watch Makkai (2002) below for a shelf resource to balance with your self.

4) Now take two more minutes to reflect and journal about balancing your own story of your self with Makkai’s (2002) story from the shelf. What windows and mirrors came up for you?

5) Post your reflection on the discussion board below. Read and respectfully respond to other people’s posts.


Makkai, K. (2002). Pretty. National Poetry Slam




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The presence of an appropriate introduction to the organisation

Level 10 & 11
233 Castlereagh Street
NSW 2000
MCR002 Organisational Behaviour
Assessment: detailed description
Assessment – 1 Online quiz Worth 5%
This is a quiz. It must be completed online at the designated time in week-5 tutorial session. The questions for this quiz will be generated from the contents of the first four topics of Organisational Behaviour subject. If you miss this quiz irrespective of reasons, you shall not get another chance to make it up.
Assessment – 2 Group project Worth 25%
This task is designed to develop your ability to contribute fruitfully to a group task; assess an organisational issue or problem as objectively as possible; appreciate the potential of theory in managerial decision making and problem solving; apply theory to ‘real life’; take managerial responsibility by designing a practical course of action.
You must submit your assignment online via Moodle (Turnitin software will be used to detect plagiarism cases). Only one report from each group. The report MUST contain the name and ID numbers of all group members. Please include the word count on the cover page and highlight the names of the group members who were inactive/ not contactable/ didn’t contribute at all.
Task description:
1. This is a group assignment, and the lecturer will create and finalize assignment groups in week 3/4. (4-5 members in each group).
2. Identify a problem (only one problem relating to OB) in an organisation that you have access to (preferably an organisation where at least one group member works or has worked recently. Do not focus on a problem that has already been solved and do not choose an organisation that is no longer in business (cease to exist).
3. Provide a brief introduction to the organisation (it is acceptable to withhold the name of the organisation).
4. Describe the problem, as much as possible in terms of the observable or measurable symptoms it manifests, for example: low levels of motivation; high employee turnover; deterioration of service quality; increased customer complaints; dysfunctional groups; loss of profit; negative/ unhelpful organisational culture etc.
5 The issue/problem should then be considered and analysed in terms of concepts/ models/ theories drawn from any topic studied as part of this subject. Try to choose the topic that seem to offer the most useful insights into the problem. Do not try to deal with many models or concepts. Topics outside the OB subject coverage must not be selected.
6. Design an intervention (a change program or set of activities and procedures) utilising some aspect or aspects of your analysis. The intervention should be intended to solve or improve the situation. Please note you are not merely being asked for a list of recommendations.
7. Prepare a report of 1200 words (cover page, summary and the reference list is not included in the word count). There are penalties for exceeding the word limit (1 mark). Late submission without prior permission shall attract penalty @ 10% per day. Submit the report via Moodle on or before the due date (only one report from each group). Your report must be correctly and adequately referenced using APA/Harvard style. Please aim for a balanced range of research from academic journal articles and popular media (such as podcasts, company websites, practitioner publications, news items etc.). Use at least 5 academic references.
(Note: Assignment marking rubrics are available on the Moodle page as well as at the end of this page).
Assessment – 3 Ongoing Assessment Worth 10%
These are ongoing assessments- mostly individual (quizzes, case studies, scenario analysis, problem solving exercises) conducted during tutorial sessions.
These assessments will be conducted without prior announcement starting from week 6 through to week 12. It is necessary that the students are regular in attending the lecture and tutorial sessions. There shall be no make -up for these activities if these are missed – irrespective of reasons.
Assessment 4: Final Examination Worth 60%
The Final Exam will be 2 hours in duration. The exam may include short answer questions, essay questions and case-study analysis. Further information on the format will be provided during revision week.
The questions will be devised to assess the interpretation and application of knowledge, comprehension skills, and critical thinking skills rather than only knowledge recall.
You will be expected to demonstrate your understanding of key concepts and your ability to apply those concepts to various situations.
All material covered in this course is examinable. The exam will be conucted during the UBSS exam period.
This is a ‘MUST pass’ assessment item. To clear/pass this subject, you need 50 marks of which a minimum of 30 must come from the final exam.
(Note: Assignment marking guide is provided below).
MCR002 Oranisational Behaviour Group report: Marking guide
Assessment Criteria HD
Excellent D
Very good C
Good P
Fair F
0- 49%
Very poor Marks
• The presence of an appropriate introduction to the organisation (2 marks)
• The identification of a suitable problem for analysis and the depth of analysis of problem
(2 marks)
• Effective use of material from subject topics and appropriateness of the chosen
topics (6 marks)
• Suitable intervention design with detailed action steps (5 marks)
• Quality and completeness of response to the presentation topic:
? The breadth and depth of response sufficient and appropriate information to support the key points
? Demonstrated understanding of the necessary concepts/ theories involved
? Demonstrated understanding of the nature
and complexities of problems (5 marks)
• Format and clarity of expression:
? The response conforms to the requirements of the specified format (report format)
? Complied with word count
? Complete cover page information
? The writing is fluent, exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated
? There are no spelling or typing errors and due regard is given to rules of capitalisation and abbreviation, gender neutral
• Referencingexpression etc.
? Citation of sources in the text,
? List of references at the end – adequate, correct and complete as per APA format. (3 marks)




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An introduction highlighting the role of CARICOM


Format: Research Piece (max 4500 words, 1.5 spaced, excluding cover page)

Research Question: “If our leaders’ interests are truly focused on human resources and their development coming together and strengthening our presence on the international stage, this is what will put the Caribbean in a position of respect and real independence” Mia Mottley.

Using the above statement, you are required to compile a project report on the changing face of CARICOM and its relevance in the 21st century.

Project report should include the following:

1)    An introduction highlighting the role of CARICOM

2)    Critically discuss the challenges face by CARICOM leaders in managing the sovereignty of their home country while embracing the need for regionalism

3)    Provide an overview of how CARICOM can play a greater role in the fight against Covid-19 and climate change 

4)    In response to the challenges you have identified, discuss ways in which CARICOM can aid with the development of the Caribbean region.  Ensure to include the challenges of globalization and geopolitics. 


  • Essays should be accompanied by a Reference/Bibliography. No less than 3 sources should be used. Wikipedia and online dictionaries are not sources.NO plagiarism.
  • APA format to be used


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Dr. Lund Notes for The Norton Introduction to Philosophy

What is Knowledge?

Dr. Lund Notes for The Norton Introduction to Philosophy, with supplements from Sober’s Core Questions in Philosophy, Ch. 12

Theory of Knowledge


-ology (study of) + episteme -propositional knowledge

(vs. techne)

Assumption: Most of our beliefs aren’t knowledge.

The sum total of our beliefs about the world range from our most important values to our most basic thoughts about what is going on in the world around us.

Knowledge, Belief, Fact

The term “knowledge” is a description that applies to statements such as “It is Monday.”

Beliefs based upon these statements are the “model” of the world that we build for ourselves.

The term knowledge describes a relationship that must apply between the world inside someone’s mind (what they believe to be true) and the facts of the matter-the world outside of (or independent from) that person’s mind.

It describes a match between how things are, and how they seem to be.

Commonsense and Counterintuitive

Sometimes our background understanding of other facts about the world along with good judgment helps us to determine whether a belief is likely to be correct.

But common sense is fallible. Many things that seem right are incorrect. In other words, a lot of knowledge is counterintuitive.

Ex. If you drop food, pick it up, wash it, and eat it, is it safe? Does it depend upon whether you drop it in the sink or the toilet? The answer may surprise you!

In 2008, Nicholas Evans, the author of The Horse Whisperer, picked some wild mushrooms, cooked them, and served them to his family. They nearly died, as the mushrooms were deadly webcaps, but Evans did not know this. This shows that sometimes a lack of knowledge can have serious–even fatal–consequences. Knowledge is valuable.

Story about lacking knowledge

© 2018 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.

Concepts in Question

Timmy has the ability to ride a bike

Luis is acquainted with Reinaldo

Dana correctly believes that the Rocky Mountains are in North America

What each of these statements share in common is that they can be rewritten with the word “know”

Kinds of Knowledge

Propositional knowledge: knowledge that a proposition is true or false

The main subject matter of epistemology

Personal/acquaintance knowledge: knowledge that is held on the basis of being acquainted with the subject

Procedural knowledge: knowledge concerning how to perform activities

© 2018 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.

How do we recognize Propositional Knowledge?

The first two components of knowledge are belief and truth.

If a person S knows that P is true, it must be true that (i) P is true, and (ii) S believes P.

Conditions (i) and (ii) are thus necessary conditions for S to know that P is true.

However, (i) and (ii) are not sufficient conditions for knowledge.

© 2018 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.

Plato’s View in the Meno

As Plato noted, knowledge is not merely “correct opinion.”

In addition to having a true belief that P is true, S’s belief that P (iii) is true must be justified.

The received view thus used to be that knowledge was justified true belief.

Theories about what Knowledge is:

Knowledge is justified true belief.

Having a justified true belief that S is true is not sufficient for knowing that S is true.

There is a fourth component of knowledge, in addition to justified true belief.

Can knowledge can be broken down into components?

© 2018 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.

Requirements for a Good Definition

Whatever concept we’re defining, we should expect a definition that is neither too broad nor too narrow.

too broad–just right–too narrow

To build a“just right” definition, we need to supply necessary and sufficient conditions.

What is a Necessary Condition?

These are features that if they are NOT met by an instance or individual tell us that the instance is not even a contender to fulfill the concept. (Sober, 149)

Necessary conditions rule things out

Examples of necessary conditions

Job description: must be bilingual

Mammal: must be an animal

Chair: must be furniture

Person you would date: must be alive, not a close relative, etc.

What is a Sufficient Condition?

For a given instance or individual, sufficient conditions are enough for us to be certain that the instance fulfills the concept.

Sufficient Conditions rule things in

Examples of Sufficient Conditions

New hire: candidate selected by the hiring manager

Mammal: nurses its young

Chair: is intended for sitting

Potential date: any person you would date for sure

President of the United States: Elected by the electoral college and sworn in by the Chief Justice of the US Supreme Court

Readings: Plato

© 2018 W. W. Norton & Co., Inc.


The participants in this dialogue attempt to define virtue.

In this dialogue, Socrates demonstrates the theory that knowledge consists of recollection.

He also distinguishes between knowledge and true belief.

JTB Definition of Knowledge

For any individual S and any proposition p, S knows that p if and only if (iff)

S believes that p

P is true

S is justified in believing that p

Necessary Conditions for a Statement to be Knowledge

Almost everyone who deals with the question of knowledge agrees that the JTB theory gets one important thing right. For a statement to be a contender for knowledge it must be a statement that someone believes and it must turn out to be true.

A statement’s truth and someone believing it are necessary conditions for it to be knowledge.

Sufficient Conditions for a Statement to be Knowledge

The question is whether knowing that a given statement is a belief held by someone, is true, and is justified is sufficient to conclude that the statement is in fact knowledge.

If we can find even one case of a belief that fits these criteria but should NOT be called knowledge, then the definition is too broad.

What is a Counterexample?

A counterexample is an example that goes against a generalization

In the case of the JTB, any statement that fits the definition but isn’t knowledge would be a counterexample.

Let’s look at the Lottery counterexample

Sober’s Lottery Example

A fair lottery

1000 tickets sold-you buy one (Justification)

You form the belief “I won’t win” (Belief)

When the drawing happens, you don’t win (True)

Would you throw out your ticket BEFORE the drawing happens?

Do Any Perfectly Justified Statements Exist?

Maybe this is the best description of what knowledge would be, but there is nothing that can fit this definition.

The theory that no knowledge exists is called Philosophical Skepticism

An Argument for Philosophical Skepticism

For any statement

P1: If S knows that p, then it isn’t possible that S is mistaken in believing that p.

P2: It is possible that S is mistaken in believing that p.


S doesn’t know that p.

Is Skepticism Self-Refuting?

I KNOW that no-one knows anything.

Is the statement above an accurate depiction of the skeptics’ position?

If so, it seems self-refuting, like these statements are.

No hablo Español.

I never make a misstake.

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Dillard’s introduction. Was it general to specific?

1. Read:

2.  In at least 20 words, describe Dillard’s introduction.  Was it general to specific?  Was it specific to general?  Be as specific as possible in describing her strategy. 

3.  In at least 50 words, describe the singular personal experience Dillard describes in this essay.  What happened to her?  What “show” details does she use to describe what happened to her?

4.  In at least 100 words, describe how Dillard analyzes that one experience.  What meaning does she create out of it?  How does she make the experience about more than just herself or weasels?  

5.  In at least 20 words, describe Dillard’s conclusion.  How does she emphasize the essay’s overall point?  How does she appeal to the readers’ emotions?  How does she make the purpose of the essay resonate with you?  

6. FREEWRITE for 10 minutes:  Describe an experience you have had about which you could write an essay like Dillard’s.  Was there an animal encounter you had?  A moment in the wild somewhere?  An argument with someone you love?  A time you felt unsafe? A time you let go of something you really loved?  What was living that moment like for you?  And what do you think that experience means?  Could its meaning be bigger than you and that lived moment?  

7.  Draft a short essay, of 500 words or less, with an introduction and conclusion, that both DESCRIBES an experience you had AND ANALYZES that experience to explain what it means and how that meaning might be bigger than you and that one moment (could it be about sustainability?).  Practice using: 

A. Introductions

B. Conclusions

C. Development: 

i. Show details

ii.  analysis

D. Unity

i. Topic sentences

ii. Thesis statements

8.  Revise the essay, in a whole other draft, for clarity. 





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Writers Solution

An introduction to your brand or company

Consider your social media choices. The most popular are sites like Facebook, Twitter, Pinterest, LinkedIn, Instagram, or Yelp. But you should think about your brand and what would work best: where would people look for your brand? What would be helpful to people considering and/or using it? Choose 4 different social media sites to work with for this project.


You are submitting your final social media plan. Your plan should contain all of the elements needed:

·        An introduction to your brand or company

·        An analysis of the market comparables

·        An outline of the audience you intend to reach and how to reach them

·        Your social media goals and general goals for the brand

·        A plan for each of 4 social media sites including profile information and posting ideas

Be sure that you have revised and refined the rough draft you turned in Module 04 based on your instructor’s feedback.

Your social media plan should be at least 10 pages long and can include screenshots if you have them

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