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Service companies that manage inventory

Assignment: Inventory Management, research two (2) manufacturing or two (2) service companies that manage inventory and complete this assignment.

Write a six to eight (6-8) page paper in which you:

  1. Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.
  2. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.
  3. Evaluate the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.
  4. Compare and contrast the four (4) different types of layouts found with each company; explain the importance of the layouts to the company’s manufacturing or service operations.
  5. Determine at least two (2) metrics to evaluate supply chain performance of the companies; suggest improvements to the design and operations of their supply chains based on those metrics.
  6. Suggest ways to improve the inventory management for each of the companies without affecting operations and the customer benefit package. Provide a rationale to support the suggestion.
  7. Use at least three (3) quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar Websites do not qualify as quality resources.

Your assignment must follow these formatting requirements:
• Be typed, double spaced, using Times New Roman font (size 12), with one-inch margins on all sides; citations and references must follow APA or school-specific format. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
• Include a cover page containing the title of the assignment, the student’s name, the professor’s name, the course title, and the date. The cover page and the reference page are not included in the required assignment page length.

The specific course learning outcomes associated with this assignment are:
• Evaluate the processes used in designing and producing goods and services.
• Determine four layout patterns and when they should be used.
• Utilize the concept of supply chain management.
• Employ the concept of capacity management.
• Evaluate the management of inventories and resources.
• Use technology and information resources to research issues in operations management.
• Write clearly and concisely about operations management using proper writing mechanics.

Grading for this assignment will be based on answer quality, logic / organization of the paper, and language and writing skills, using the following rubric.
Points: 300Assignment 2: Inventory ManagementCriteria
Below 60% FMeets Minimum Expectations
60-69% D
70-79% C
80-89% B
90-100% A1. Determine the types of inventories these companies currently manage and describe their essential inventory characteristics.
Weight: 10%Did not submit or incompletely determined the types of inventories these companies currently manage; Did not submit or incompletely described their essential inventory characteristics. Insufficiently determined the types of inventories these companies currently manage; Insufficiently described their essential inventory characteristics.Partially determined the types of inventories these companies currently manage; Partially described their essential inventory characteristics.Satisfactorily determined the types of inventories these companies currently manage; Satisfactorily described their essential inventory characteristics.Thoroughly determined the types of inventories these companies currently manage; Thoroughly described their essential inventory characteristics.2. Analyze how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.
Weight: 15%Did not submit or incompletely analyzed how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.Insufficiently analyzed how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.Partially analyzed how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.Satisfactorily analyzed how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.Thoroughly analyzed how each of their goods and service design concepts are integrated.3. Evaluate the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction Service companies that manage inventory.
Weight: 15%Did not submit or incompletely evaluated the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.Insufficiently evaluated the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.Partially evaluated the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.Satisfactorily evaluated the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and customer satisfaction.Thoroughly evaluated the role their inventory plays in the company’s performance, operational efficiency, and cu





Samsung and Apple companies are leading companies in the global electronics industry. The two companies have largely invested in research in the development of new products in order to cope up with high competition in this industry as well as the evolving nature of customer needs and technological advancement.  The two companies manufacture mobile phones and computers as their main products. However, Samsung has diversified its product base to include other electronic products such as television sets and refrigerators among other products. The two companies have put in place elaborate inventory management systems that that are unique and relevant to their individual operations.

Types of inventories and essential characteristics

The Apple Company maintains two major types of inventory. These include the parts inventory and the products inventory. The part inventory includes all the parts that the company sources from suppliers and uses them in the manufacture of its products.  The unique way in which Apple has been able to manage this type of inventory is through shipping parts directly to the manufacturing plant. This way, the company has been able to cut down on storage costs and maintained low inventory.

The second inventory that the Apple Company maintains is the finished product inventory. The company has a wide product base. The major inventories for apple under this category include IPhone, IPad, MacBook, Mac…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Service companies that manage inventory


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The inventory was purchased by Stoneman Corporation.

Stoneman Corporation had the following assets on December 31, 2020:

           Basis to Stoneman Corporation                             Fair Market Value

  • Cash…………………………………. $31,000……………………………. $31,000
  • Inventory…………………………….. 30,720……………………………. 122,880
  • Building and Land………………… 61,440……………………………. 199,680
  • Equipment…………………………. 178,176……………………………… 30,720
  • Investment stock…………………… 55,296……………………………… 32,000

The inventory was purchased by Stoneman Corporation. The investment stock was acquired from one of the corporation’s shareholders Gary, as a capital contribution on November 15, 2019, when the stock had a fair market value of $36,864 and an adjusted basis of $55,296. The remaining assets were acquired from the shareholders when Stoneman Corporation was formed four years ago. Stoneman Corporation adopts a plan of liquidation on December 31,2020, and will distribute all of its assets on that date to its two unrelated shareholders, Ellen (80 percent of the stock in Stoneman with a stock basis of $168,960), and Gary (20 percent of the stock in Stoneman with a stock basis of $82,944). Structure a liquidation that will minimize the tax liabilities to Stoneman Corporation and it its two shareholders and show all of your computations.

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Open the “Identifying Social Style” inventory

 For this unit assignment, write an essay on social styles following the steps below.

  1. Open the “Identifying Social Style” inventory (Word document) by clicking here. Answer each question as to whether you feel each item describes you, using the scale of 1 for Strongly Disagree to 5 for Strongly Agree. On the second page of the form, use the two charts to tally your scores. For example, if you marked a question as 2 – Disagree, then write two points for that question in the appropriate chart. The first chart determines your assertiveness score and the second chart determines your responsiveness score. Scores above 34 indicate high assertiveness or responsiveness. Scores between 26 and 34 indicated moderate assertiveness. Scores below 26 indicate low assertiveness or responsiveness.
  2. Using your scores as a jumping-off point for the essay, begin your essay by describing different ways of responding to others, including what steps you would need to style flex.
  3. Share your scores with a family member or friend. Evaluate his or her perceptions in your essay. How did he or she consider the scores accurate or not accurate? What perceptions or suggestions did he or she have about your social style?
  4. Describe how your social style affects your listening skills and how you can improve as a listener. Describe how style flexing can assist with communication effectiveness.

Your essay should be a minimum of three pages, not counting the title or reference pages. Remember to use APA style with citations and references from the textbook and other sources.

Writers Solution

Bullshit inventory

The purpose of this activity is for you explore how much bullshit you encounter. To do so, you will need to build a “bullshit inventory” (BSI) that captures all of the bullshit that you encounter over the duration of 10-14 days. The idea is to make note of each bit of bullshit that you see, read, or hear, and to record some information about it. This activity is open-ended and I’d like you to be creative. You might consider tracking things like:

Bullshit that is forced upon you

Bullshit that is merely exposed to you

Bullshit that you produce yourself

Bullshit that you debunk or try to debunk

To complete this activity, you’ll have to determine and describe some key parameters such as:

Concept Definition: What constitutes bullshit in your mind? For example, does a deliberate lie count? Does the bullshitter have to be aware that he or she is bullshitting? And so forth.

Measurement Definition: How are you going to measure bullshit? Are all instances of it considered equal (e.g., 25-page white paper versus a 140 character tweet)? Should you consider the amount of time that one spends dealing with it? Are some forms of bullshit more significant than others?

Measurement Technique: How will you track your daily encounters with bullshit? What if there’s so much bullshit out there that you can’t (or don’t want to) sit down and recall it every evening? How much information do you feel comfortable providing? How will you make the data anonymous enough that it can be discussed without getting you in trouble?

Reporting Approach: You will need to report your findings. You can do however you see fit (e.g., tables, graphs, figures, etc.). For inspiration, take a look at the Dear Data project (, which has examples of lo-fi data visualizations of everyday life. Or, if you’re a user, see Tableau’s gallery ( Again, be creative and display your data however you would like – an interactive applet, data viz software, in PowerPoint, a stack of 3×5 cards, a hand-drawing, etc.

The deliverable for this activity is a short synopsis of the above 4 parameters: your concept and measurement definitions, your measurement technique, and (obviously) your summary reporting of the findings.