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A legal nursing issue that sticks out to me is the case of redound Vaught, a Tenessee nurse that made a deadly medication error and whose case made headlines when she was charged criminally for her actions

replies should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs each. 

 Peer 1 : A legal nursing issue that sticks out to me is the case of redound Vaught, a Tenessee nurse that made a deadly medication error and whose case made headlines when she was charged criminally for her actions. This case was all over the news while I was in nursing school and caused me to take a serious look at how this kind of error could occur.

Malpractice is a legal term that anyone who works in the medical field is familiar with. It is described as “professional misconduct, unreasonable lack of professional skill, or failure to adhere to the accepted standard of care that causes injury to a patient” (Burkhardt, 2020, p. 126). Nurses are expected to make decisions according to their experience and education and can be held liable when it is deemed that there has been a breach of duty to the patient. When a nurse is licensed they are deemed to meet a certain proficiency and must follow the standard of care outlined for them from the state licensing board, their own facility policies, federal laws etc. (Burkhardt, 2020). Vaught made many errors when she mistakingly administered a paralytic to her patient instead of a sedative for anxiety. The legal case that followed determined that this went beyond medical malpractice and Ms. Vaught was charged with 2 felonies.

Vaught made a series of missteps and as a “reasonable and prudent nurse” these actions could have been avoided. She ignored alerts within her electronic medication system that indicated she was withdrawing the wrong drug, she failed to recognize the drug she was administering and she failed to properly monitor the patient after the drug was administered. The medical field has taken a good look at how to decrease the number of preventable errors in medicine. In 1999 the Institute of Medicine published To Err Is Human a report which argued that “errors are due not solely to individual health care providers but also to systems that need to be made safer” (Lamas, 2022). Mistakes are always going to occur, so how can we learn from them. 

Vaughts error falls under the category of the National Quality Forum’s “never events” initiative. This initiative recognized 28 “serious reportable events, which are so unambiguous, serious and preventable that they should never happen” (Burkhardt, 2020). One of the 28 never events is “patient death or serious injury associated with a medication error”. When Vaught administered that paralytic it was a failure in the system. She ignored many of the things that we are taught in nursing school including the rights of medication administration and that combined with her claims of being over worked and distracted led to the death of a patient.

As an outsider looking in there are so many glaring mistakes and ways that this could have been prevented, most of which the hospital had in place. There were claims that their electronic medication distribution system was malfunctioning, as someone who works in the ER of an underfunded community hospital, I find that completely plausible. There isn’t a moment that goes by when I am on the floor that I am not aware that I am just as vulnerable as Vaught was that day. I use her case as a reminder to not take shortcuts, to look up medications if I am not familiar with them and to remain steadfast and competent in my career as a nurse.

peer 2 : 

 A nurse is currently under investigation after various patients have become ill due to fentanyl being replaced with water during their care. The incident occurred at the Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Oregon, where suspicion of medication theft was reported. As a result, a concern for adverse patient care occurred, with the impact on the patients still being monitored and deaths being investigated. In this case, patients could have acquired infections due to the introduction of tap water into their system.

 In this example, the nurse falls under professional negligence as she failed to do what another reasonable nurse would have done in her position (Burkhardt, 2020). This nurse did not ensure the safety of her patients and acted in a way that not only did not follow the plan of care but violated their welfare. Additionally, as a nurse, the individual has committed malpractice as she committed negligence in a professional capacity and failed to adhere to the standard of care, causing injury to multiple patients. (Burkhardt, 2020).

 Malpractice within the healthcare field can be mitigated by using safety standards to prevent injury. The Joint Commission has outlined safety goals that healthcare providers, specifically nurses, can implement to create a safer practice environment (Rodziewicz et. al., 2023). Such safeguards include medication labels on all medications and proper identification of patients prior to administration. In this case, although the medication was labeled and the patient was identified, the nurse tampered with the medication. This action caused the safeguard to fail. In this case, requiring a cosigner when scanning the medication and programming the pump to minimize tampering risk may have been beneficial. Conversely, safeguards such as reporting discrepancies or any unexpected occurrence successfully prevented further injury by the nurse. 

 Although this nurse was reported and injury has already occurred, performing a root cause analysis is vital. A root cause analysis can help identify what factors contributed to these events and how to prevent them in the future (Rodziewicz, et. al., 2023). In this case, further insight into the nurse and the circumstances behind her actions can help identify other staff struggling to perform and meet the standards of practice. Examples can include substance abuse that is triggered by other emotional means, such as depression, anxiety, or previous health issues. Additionally, the units and the workplace environment will be assessed, and how management is involved in maintaining the well-being of their staff will be assessed. Unfortunately, the shortage of nurses is increasing the workload, which leads to fatigue, mistakes, and countless other factors that can negatively impact patient safety. In this case, drug testing on staff was not confirmed by Asante (Battaglia, 2024). These types of safeguards can help identify at-risk staff and allow management to intervene before events such as these take place, risking the lives of patients within the facility.

 In this case, the loss of life and patient injury could have been avoided. Once the investigation is complete, further details may highlight weaknesses in the hospital’s and the Joint Commission’s safeguards. Changes will be made and hopefully will have a positive impact by preventing further injury. 

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Diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce

You are tasked with examining a

current (within the past 3 years) diversity issue that is prevalent in today’s economy and workforce.

You will choose a U.S. company or organization to research, identify a particular issue that is affecting (pros and cons) the

company, and its apparent approach to managing the potential issues.

Examples of diversity issues can include a lack of minorities and women in leadership, unequal pay, and hiring

discrimination, and examples of well-known companies struggling to maintain diversity include Google, Facebook, Amazon,

and numerous large banks and tech companies. While these examples offer a starting place, you may select an

organization and issue that interests you.

The outline is listed below:

Introduction: State the name of the chosen organization and the basis of the diversity issue(s) facing the company. State

the profile/bio of the company, including name, leaders, mission and vision statement, and the corporate responsibility statement that includes their stance on diversity.

Key Issues: Identify key issues of the problem(s) and write a solid thesis statement in one to three sentences. Describe

the problem(s) and the significance of the issues’ effect on the overall organizational mentality.

Background Information: Incorporate relevant issues and detailed facts of the problem. Present how changing

demographic makeups have affected this issue or issues. List one to five factors of a potentially problematic issue.

Present the norms of organizational diversity.

Discuss microaggression discrimination that is occurring in the workplace and if it is occurring in your chosen

organization. Provide examples as to why or why not.

Provide possible solutions for the problem(s). Outline the most viable solution for each factor of the problem(s), and

evaluate the advantages and disadvantages.

Summarize a realistic answer to the problem(s). Justify the rationale of the solution(s), explaining why the solution(s) is

the best, supported with solid evidence.

Recommendations: State-specific leadership strategies to accomplish the solution(s). Provide further actions and the

outline of the implementation plan of the solution.

Your completed case study should be a minimum of five pages in length.

All sources used must have in-text citations and references properly formatted in APA 7th Style. APA 7th formatting of your

paper is also required.


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Contemporary issue involves understanding and identifying opposing and supporting sides

Analysis of Unit Readings

To engage in true discussion or considerations about any topic, some effort must be made to fully understand or define the issue in question. An issue, by definition, includes both sides of a topic. Part of truly discussing a contemporary issue involves understanding and identifying opposing and supporting sides. We do not, after all, have much hope in making the right decisions or gaining clarity about a contemporary issue if we do not understand it in full. Demonstrate your mastery of defining the issue by completing the Unit III Analysis of Unit Resources template.

Follow the directions in the template for completing this assignment. Be sure to dedicate some detail to comparing and contrasting both articles. Take some time to reflect on the importance of doing so, as well.

Complete your assignment in the assigned template. It should be three pages in length. No sources will be required for this assignment.


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An executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue

The 3 criteria that would be a top priority for me as an executive leader in my first six months on the job in addressing the quality issue. 

1: I will engage in a honest and open communication. One of the most important elements of effective leadership is creating an open line of communication with your team members.

2: I will connect with my team members. Leading a group of people requires a mutual sense of trust and understanding between the leader and their team members. To achieve this, I will lean how to connect with my team members and make everyone voice be heard.

3: I will encourage personal and professional growth. Acting as a team’s cheerleader is an important part of me being an effective leader. I will invest my time in making sure the success and growth of my team members should be my number priority.

My 3 criteria’s that would be top priority are:

Societal Responsibility: Because getting your product out there and making it well known is very important for yourself and your business. Knowing what your customers wants and needs is vital for any business. Your business obligations should always be to pursue achievable and long-term goals for its people and the world at large’ Also being successful in your business your social responsibility is a wise way to give back to society and thank customers for there loyalty.

Managing For Innovation: Is the process of managing new ideas from having that idea to making it a reality. Generating-brainstorming and employee input to uncover hidden concepts. Capturing-resending ideas in a way that is easily shareable with key stakeholders. Evaluating and discussing innovative ideas to see if they fit your needs and last but not least prioritizing, deciding which innovative ideas will be executed to maximize time.

The System Perspective: Is one that focuses on the formal structures of an organization as a group of people who work together to pursue specific goals. Its all about team work and keeping it functioning as a whole




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Issue-Specific Security Policies

Assessment Description

Throughout this program, you will be creating a Business Continuity Plan (BCP) based on an industry that is of interest to you. This assignment is a continuation of that project. Using the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) content developed in the previous courses, complete Phase 3. Note: Upon completion and submission, implement any feedback from your instructor. Then, make sure to retain a copy of this assignment for the Business Continuity Plan, which will be finalized and submitted in either CYB-690 or ITT-660, depending on your major.

Special Note: Due to the length of this assignment, it will be started in Topic 4 and completed in Topic 5. Make sure to refer to the appropriate topic Resources as specified.

Prior to beginning this assignment, view “Business Continuity Plan (BCP)” and “Business Continuity and Disaster Recovery” within the “Video Playlist: Policy Management for Security Solutions,” located in the Class Resources.

Part 1: Issue-Specific Security Policies

NIST SP 800-12 Rev 1 recommends three types of information security policies to help organizations create, maintain, and develop an effective Information Security Program, with the objective of reducing risks, complying with laws and regulations, assuring operational continuity, and applying informational confidentiality, integrity, and availability.

One type is Issue-Specific Security Policies (ISSP). For each of the following issues, use “NIST SP 800-12 Rev 1,” located in the topic Resources, to create an ISSP document. Make sure to address the following for each policy: Issue Statement, Statement of the Organization’s Position, Applicability, Roles and Responsibilities, Compliance, Points of Contact, and Supplementary Information.

  1. Use of personal equipment on your company’s network (BYOD)
  2. Internet access
  3. Personal use of company equipment
  4. Removal of organizational equipment from your company’s property
  5. Use of unofficial software

Part 2: Legal Standard Operating Policies and Procedures 

A thorough legal standard operating policies and procedures (SOP) document is the foundation of a good business continuity plan. Standard operating procedures and policies provide the roadmap for management and staff to follow. These steps become the backbone of the business continuity plan, and they must govern every aspect of your chosen company. 

Using the Business Continuity Plan (BCP) – Phase 1 content developed in CYB-515, design a 6- to 8-page manual presenting the legal standard operating policies and procedures to describe incidents including fire evacuation, ransomware attack, power outage, and pandemic situations.

Each policy or procedure must include information related to:

  1. Industry Compliance
  2. Business Operations
  3. Training and Awareness
  4. Disaster Recovery
  5. Incident Response

Support the BCP with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

Part 3: Incident Response

Once an adverse event that has targeted a business is confirmed, it is labeled as an incident. That is the time to activate the incident response plan. After the plan is activated, procedures are followed for incident reaction. Most of the time, the incident is contained. Then, clean-up of all the problems begins and the organization makes a full recovery, with everything back to normal. This is incident recovery. 

Use the guidelines provided by “NIST SP 800-61 Rev. 2: The Computer Security Incident Handling Guide,” located in the topic Resources, to design an Incident Response Plan (IRP) for your company. Include actions to be taken if each of the following adverse events occurs:

  1. Ransomware attack on one PC/user
  2. Power failure
  3. ISP failure

If a disaster renders the current business location unusable for a long time, and there is no alternate site to reestablish critical business functions, what would you suggest in a situation like this? Hint: Use the 8-step model recommended by NIST to develop and maintain a viable BC program for your company. 

Support the BCP with a minimum of three scholarly resources.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance




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Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social

Guide to essay paragraph structure
Writing an introduction to your essay
An introduction is usually around 10% of the total word count. Some students find it easier to write
the introduction in their first draft, while others prefer to write it after their body paragraphs have
been finalised. An introduction is the first thing your audience reads, so it needs to be clear, concise
… and engaging!
* Note: All citations in this guide are in the Harvard style of referencing. See the Deakin guide to referencing
for further details of Harvard and other styles used at Deakin.
Essay introduction – Example 1
Here is an example of an introduction to an essay that provides:
Background information
Some background information is provided to give the reader some context for the discussion.
It is clearly stated what the essay will argue – and is a direct response to the essay question.
Indicates the main ideas to be discussed in the essay so that the reader knows what to expect.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Discuss the issue of legalising same-sex
marriage in the twenty-first century, with regards to current and past laws, cultural and social
Numerous philosophers have contributed to the debate on legalising same-sex
marriage. Some (Edwards 2008; Finnis 1994) argue that legalising same-sex marriage
would threaten the ideology of traditional marriage and deny the right of people of
faith to reject ‘alternative’ forms of matrimony. Others (Calhoun 2000; Mohr 2005)
contend that refusing same-sex couples the right to marry under law is an act of
oppression that ultimately denies them of their moral equality. This essay argues that
the notion of marriage has evolved over centuries with shifting social and cultural
standards, and that therefore there is a strong argument that in the twenty-first
century same-sex marriage should be legalised. Firstly, marriage will be defined from
the perspectives of natural law theory and new natural lawyers. Secondly, there will
be an analysis of various factors that contribute to the dynamics of marriage that are
often overlooked by the anti-same-sex lobby. Finally, reasons will be provided why
same-sex marriage must be recognised under law and how this is in accord with other
current laws around anti-discrimination and equity.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay introduction – Example 2
Here is an example of a first-year student’s introduction to a much shorter 500-word essay.
Note that there is often no space to provide background information in such a short essay, but the
following introduction does include:
This section directly addresses the assignment question. The first sentence identifies the subject of the
essay and the second sentence introduces a discussion.
Although there is little space to provide an outline, this introduction still provides the reader with
some details of what will follow.
It was in response to the following assignment question: ‘Identify two significant contributions to
early theories of evolution. Discuss the similarities and differences in their key ideas in relation to a
particular species.’
Two major schools of thought that significantly contributed to the theory of evolution
derive from the renowned naturalists, Jean-Baptiste Lamarck and Charles Darwin.
Although their arguments share a mutual foundation, their ideas differ in regard to
how certain characteristics came to appear in certain species, in particular on the
question of whether organisms have an ‘internal vital force’ driven by need
(Embogama 2014). The differences between these two theories can be clearly
demonstrated by a brief consideration of their respective observations and analyses
of the anteater.
Writing the body paragraphs of your essay
The body of your essay is where you detail your ideas. It usually makes up approximately 80% of your
essay. It is important to remember that the evidence you provide supports your writing, rather than
the other way around!
• Structure your body paragraphs by beginning with a topic sentence – this is the topic of
your paragraph.
• Provide supporting evidence with citations, but also ensure that you paraphrase and
summarise your sources more often than you quote.
• It is essential that each paragraph have some of your own analysis and commentary. This
might include: comparing and contrasting the ideas of others, asking questions, providing
further examples or making some conclusions based on your analysis.
OutlineGuide to essay paragraph structure
• Consider how you will conclude your paragraphs and how your paragraphs link to each
• Remember to be formal, objective and cautious in your writing.
Essay body paragraph – Example 1
The following essay body paragraph includes:
Topic sentence
This is the topic of the paragraph. Note how it begins with the linking phrase ‘Despite the …’, referring
to the previous paragraph.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes of all sources need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, asking questions, making
conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
Sometimes paragraphs include a concluding sentence, or a final sentence that links to the following
paragraph. Note that drawing your own conclusion is another example of analysis.
Despite the focus on hard skills, it appears that the biggest benefit of going to
university is not necessarily what you learn, but the people you meet there and the
networks that you create. Although graduates often list discipline-orientated goals
when asked what their main reason is for enrolling at university, ultimately many
graduates go on to careers and professions unrelated to their degree program
(Hopkins & Bylander 2013; Raskovich 2003; Smith 1999). So what kind of transferrable
skills do students carry over from their study into their career? Raskovich (2003, p. 217)
suggests that the key relationships and networks created by students at university
provide useful professional contacts for the future. This also assists in the
development of the interpersonal communication skills sought by employers.
Student proficiency in a range of digital skills that facilitate online academic,
professional and social networks are also important elements in the bigger picture of
graduate communication skills.
ConclusionGuide to essay paragraph structure
Essay body paragraphs – Example 2
Topic sentence
This is the topic of each paragraph. Note how the topic sentence in the second paragraph below
begins with the linking word ‘Furthermore’.
Supporting evidence and examples with citations
Cite reputable sources only. Summaries, paraphrases and quotes all need to be cited.
It is important to provide some analysis – comparing/contrasting sources, re-interpretation of ideas,
and making conclusions, etc.
Concluding sentence
A concluding paragraph is not necessary for every paragraph.
Social interaction is one of the fundamental principles of social constructivist theory.
In this philosophy, learning is regarded as a social process where people are engaged
with social practices (McMahon 1997). Vygotsky (1978) argues that with the help of
peer and other mentors, learners develop concepts and ideas that they can go on to
understand independently. In addition, students’ social interactions with other
students, academics, and other individuals outside the university, are major
influences on individual development and knowledge construction. In other words,
learners interact with members of their community outside the curriculum in order to
obtain or understand new knowledge and how to apply it.
Furthermore, language becomes a critical tool (Vygotsky 1978) that helps learners to
mediate social interactions. It is through speech, primarily, that learners engage with
bodies of knowledge that exist in a culture (Vygotsky 1978). As a result, through such
experiences and in challenging and supported environments, learners gradually
become skilled at participating in analytical discussions and other activities (Wertsch
1991, p. 235). Therefore, learners need to engage in social interaction to become
aware of others’ ideas, to interpret information derived from the interaction or
experience, and thus build and incorporate new knowledge. So the role of language is
key because it serves as a tool to mediate that engagement.
AnalysisGuide to essay paragraph structure
Writing a conclusion to your essay
You do not need to add new information, arguments or citations in a conclusion.
You may provide:
Restatement of topic and summary of response
Restate the essay topic and give a brief summary of how you have successfully addressed it – and
provide some of the key points.
Link back to broader context
This is optional, depending on the length and topic of your essay.
Suggest directions for further research
This is also optional and is usually for longer research essays.
Essay conclusion – Example
Charles Darwin and Jean-Baptiste Lamarck both made significant contributions to
theories of evolution. Through a brief analysis of the anteater, this essay has shown
that while both naturalists shared a common basis surrounding the question of
adaptation, Darwin’s notion of natural selection suggested the initial presence of
numerous variations from the beginning; whilst Lamarck’s theory focused on physical
and behavioural traits being repeatedly exercised and the resulting qualities being
inherited by their offspring. Recent research into epigenetics, which cannot be
explained exclusively by Darwinian theory and draws heavily on Lamarck,
demonstrates the continued relevance of revisiting the work of these seminal naturalists

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advocacy organization leader about a pressing issue

An Executive Summary is a condensed version of a longer report that highlights the most important points for the reader and guides them to the action you would like them to take. It is slightly longer and more in-depth than an abstract, and is prepared for the purpose of quickly informing a legislator, chief executive officer, or advocacy organization leader about a pressing issue. (Never give a legislator more than 2 pages to make your point – the shorter the better!) 

This document should be no more than 10% of your total analysis paper, so you are limited to one page. No reference list is included here.  Rather than strictly using APA style, format your Executive Summary in an eye-catching way (be creative but keep it simple). Feel free to use color, bullet points, captions, figures, available pictures or diagrams you create or that are in the public domain….whatever it takes to creatively get your message across quickly. 

Using the policy analysis paper you have written, determine an appropriate policy maker or policy organization to whom you might send the Executive Summary. Include the name and contact information for the policy maker or organization in the comments box for this assignment.

Include the following:

            Summarize the issue and its importance

            Clearly present your position and critical facts that support your position

            Provide a recommendation for action


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Develop a detailed description of the selected issue and the research process conducted

In this assignment you will select and research what you believe to be the most important and pressing economic issue that confronts the United States in the health care industry today, and potential ways in which to mitigate the issue. Consider the economic effects of the issue on the health care industry, strategies to address the issue, and best practices for implementing the strategies. You will write a paper to formulate strategies and the application of best practices from other countries based on your research to address a selected economic issue confronting the U.S. health care industry.


Provide a review of the selected issue in a 4–5 page paper in which you:

  1. Develop a detailed description of the selected issue and the research process conducted.
  2. Analyze the most significant economic effects of the researched issue on the health care industry supported with least two examples of the economic effects.
  3. Formulate specific strategies that relevant entities/stakeholders may use to address the selected issue from an economic perspective supported with a rationale for the strategy.
  4. Develop a strategic manner in which the United States can apply economic best practices from other countries to support the strategies for addressing the issue.
  5. Critique the likelihood of the government and the private sector to effectively address the issue.
  6. Use at least three sources to support your writing. Choose sources that are credible, relevant, and appropriate. Cite each source listed on your source page at least one time within your assignment. For help with research, writing, and citation, access the library or review library guides.

This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course


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Post a description of the current national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis.

Discussion: Review of Current Healthcare Issues If you were to ask 10 people what they believe to be the most significant issue facing healthcare today, you might get 10 different answers. Escalating

Discussion: Review of Current Healthcare Issues

If you were to ask 10 people what they believe to be the most significant issue facing healthcare today, you might get 10 different answers. Escalating costs? Regulation? Technology disruption?

These and many other topics are worthy of discussion. Not surprisingly, much has been said in the research, within the profession, and in the news about these topics. Whether they are issues of finance, quality, workload, or outcomes, there is no shortage of changes to be addressed.

In this Discussion, you examine a national healthcare issue and consider how that issue may impact your work setting. You also analyze how your organization has responded to this issue.


Post a description of the current national healthcare issue/stressor you selected for analysis. Explain how the healthcare issue/stressor may impact your work setting (my work setting is a Substance Abuse and Mental Health Facility). Then, describe how your health system work setting has responded to the healthcare issue/stressor, including a description of what changes may have been implemented. Be specific and provide examples.

  • Discussion is to consist of 3 paragraphs with 750 words no less than 550. With at least 3 references no more than 5 years old


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How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues?

Analyze globalization and industrialization and how different industries have impacted the global economy through the history and humanities lenses, and address the following: 

· How does this issue/event interact with the history lens and impact social issues? 

· In what ways does the history lens help articulate a deeper understanding of the global issue(s) that inform your issue/event? Next, analyze your issue/event through the lens of the humanities by exploring the following questions: 

· How is this issue/event portrayed creatively in a global society? What is the message or commentary of this representation? 

· How does this representation interact with you in your personal and professional lives? 


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