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Explain multiple organizational issues from chosen organization and validate with workplace examples

Instructions You will use the Milestone Three Assignment Template for this assignment. **Template, Milestones 1&2, and Case Study will be e-mailed through support for reference** Review the  Engstrom case study looking specifically at organizational issues, and address the following:

Prompt: For Milestone Three, you will apply the same methodology to a workplace experience of your choice, either past or present. 

Specifically, the following critical elements must be addressed: 

III. Workplace: Root Cause Analysis & Solutions Development 

a) Explain multiple organizational issues from chosen organization and validate with workplace examples. 

b) Analyze root causes of workplace organizational issues from a human behavior perspective and validate your analysis with scholarly research evidence. 

c) Create solutions to the organizational issues by applying human behavior theories and concepts and validate your recommendations with scholarly research evidence. 

d) Recommend strategic actions of sound change management practices that lead organizations in a proactive manner by applying human behavior theories and concepts. 

e) Examine the impact of poorly aligned and administrated human behavior theories and concepts


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• What were the ethical issues which needed to be considered in conducting this study?

Template for Critique of Quantitative Research Article
Journal and Authors
Was the paper published in a peer reviewed journal?
What is the background of the authors?
Did they have the appropriate expertise to conduct such a study?
Could this have predisposed to a bias of any kind? If so was this recognised?
Appropriateness, clarity and representativeness.
Research Question
Did the author make the research question clear?
Did the abstract summarise the background, methods, results and conclusion of the study?
Literature review. Has the literature review been comprehensive? You may need to conduct a quick literature search to evaluate this.
Did the author justify the need for the research i.e. did the paper add to the existing knowledge by filling an identified gap?
Have they fulfilled the purpose of a literature review?
Methods. Were the methods appropriate to answer the research question? In particular the:
• study setting,
• recruitment, selection sample size and randomisation;
• inclusion/exclusion criteria;
• data collection techniques,
data collection tool development;

• issues relating to bias e.g. reliability and validity?
• any assumptions stated
Ethical considerations
• What were the ethical issues which needed to be considered in conducting this study?
• How were the ethical issues addressed?

• Were the appropriate statistics used to analyse results?
• Were the results presented appropriately and in logical sequence using text, tables, figures etc.?
Did the author’s conclusions align with the results?
Were the study limitations acknowledged?
Were the implications for practice identified?
Were suggestions given for future research?
What are the implications of this article for your practice and / or practice setting?


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Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation to health promotion protocol/practice

The purpose of this assignment is to complete a review of a screening tool utilized by nurse practitioners in maintaining individual, family, or community health.

Your presentation should:

1. Identify and select a screening tool 
2. Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation to health promotion protocol/practice. 
3. Provide recommendations.

Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work


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Describe the people-related problems or issues Ann Wood faced during the day

Organizational Behavior – Week #1 Assignment 2

All in a Day’s Work Case Study

Review the All in a Day’s Work Case Study (pp. 33-34) and answer the three discussion questions. Responses to each question should range from 100-200 words.  Your paper should reflect scholarly writing and current APA standards (12 point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, 1″ margins, title and reference pages). Be sure to use the text and/or other sources to support your responses and properly cite the use of such.

1.  Describe the people-related problems or issues Ann Wood faced during the day. Did she handle these effectively? If not, what do you believe she should have done?

2.  Is Ann Wood a high-involvement manager? If so, provide evidence. If not, how well do you think she’ll perform in her new job as head of marketing?

3.  Assume that Ann Wood wants her managers and associates to be the foundation for her department’s competitive advantages. Use the framework summarized in Exhibit 1.2 to assess the degree to which Ann’s people are a source of competitive advantage at this point in time


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What are the dominant issues facing the contemporary international economic system?

This essay is for a political science course

What are the dominant issues facing the contemporary international economic system? Include the following:

– A brief discussion of the nature of the contemporary international economic systems;

– The identification of the dominant issues confronting the system and a rationale or explanation for selecting them;

– An evaluation of their implications.

– The essay to be 8-9 pages in length (excluding the bibliography page)

– Double Spaced

– Apa style to be used including in-text citations and a bibliography page in the end

– Minimum of 5 sources to be included 

– Academic and credible sources to be used (No Wikipedia or non-credible sources)

– No subheadings in between the essay

– This essay is for a political science course


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Accounting Theory and Current Issues

Unit Title Accounting Theory and Current Issues
Assessment Type Group Assignment
Assessment Title Conceptual and critical evaluation of theories
Purpose of the assessment (with ULO
Mapping) This is a group assignment. Students are required to conduct a research and analysis of a theoretical financial reporting issue and present their findings in a written report. Students will have to do research on relevant literature and demonstrate understanding and critical evaluation of key disclosure issues relating to application of specific accounting standards. Additionally, they will demonstrate understanding and critical evaluation of the Australian financial reporting environment and its current regulatory framework and recommend future directions to the Australian financial reporting regulators. (ULO 1, 2, 4, 7).
Weight 40 % of the total assessments
Total Marks 40
Word limit 3,000 words ± 500 words
Due Date Group Formation: Please form the group by self-enrolling in Blackboard. There should be maximum of 4 members in a group. Email for any issues with self-enrolling into groups.
Assignment submission:
Late submission incurs penalties of five (5) % of the assessment per calendar day unless an extension and/or special consideration has been granted by Student Services of your campus prior to the assessment deadline.
Submission Guidelines All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
The assignment must be in MS Word format, no spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
Reference sources must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
Adapted Harvard Referencing
Holmes has now implemented a revised Harvard approach to referencing:

  1. Reference sources in assignments are limited to sources that provide full-text access to the source’s content for lecturers and markers.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues Group Assignment
    Page 2 of 6
  2. The Reference list should be located on a separate page at the end of the essay and titled: References.
  3. It should include the details of all the in-text citations, arranged A-Z alphabetically by author surname. In addition, it MUST include a hyperlink to the full text of the cited reference source.
    For example;
    P Hawking, B McCarthy, A Stein (2004), Second Wave ERP Education, Journal of
    Information Systems Education,
  4. All assignments will require additional in-text reference details, which will consist of the surname of the author/authors or name of the authoring body, year of publication, page number of content, the paragraph where the content can be found. For example;
    -The company decided to implement an enterprise-wide data warehouse business intelligence strategies (Hawking et al., 2004, p3(4)).-
    Non – Adherence to Referencing Guidelines Where students do not follow the above guidelines:
  5. Students who submit assignments that do not comply with the guidelines may be required to resubmit their assignments or incur penalties for inadequate referencing.
  6. Late penalties will apply per day after a student or group has been notified of resubmission requirements.
    Students whose citations are identified as fictitious will be reported for academic misconduct.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
    Page 3 of 6 Assignment Specifications
    Part A
    In an article published in The Australian on 4 May 2021, it was noted that the company named as the ‘ABC Group’ reported a big loss equal to $595 million and negative net assets of $75 million. The company seems insolvent and unable to pay all of its liabilities if they fall due. The auditors did not qualify the financial statements, nor challenge the directors on their assertion that the company was a going concern.
    1) Discuss the implications for the company’s financial statements preparation and presentation if the company is not considered to be a going concern? Use the conceptual framework concept and general-purpose financial statements requirement given the evidence provided above?
    -Maximum 1000 words.-
    Part B
    According to the Australian Accounting Standards (AASB 138 Intangible Assets), companies are required to not capitalised research expenditure instead treating them as expenses consequently present them in the income statement.
    1) Building on the three main components of the Positive Accounting Theory, provide your prediction and discuss which companies are likely to have a preference of capitalising research expenditure rather than expenses?
    2) Discuss the potential investigation or studies for researchers for testing your predictions in the above question.
    -Maximum 2000 words.-
    Assignment Structure:
    Assignment Cover page clearly stating your name(s) and student number(s)
    Group’s Assignment Task Allocation table (except for Solo group members) Table of Content
    Body of the assignment with appropriate section headings List of references
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
    4 of 6
    Marking Rubric
    Excellent Very Good Good Satisfactory Unsatisfactory
    Part A Discuss the implications for the company’s financial statements preparation and presentation, if the company is not considered to be a going concern
    15% Demonstrate superior knowledge of the theory and key concepts. Excellent interpretation with extensive elaboration of relevant subtopics, appropriately weighted and within the prescribed word count. Demonstrated in-depth understanding and application of key concepts and terminology relating to the accounting fundamentals. A detailed outline of knowledge including the supporting theoretical argument. Providing a thorough understanding of the concepts within the topic. Professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows adequate knowledge of the concepts, key points and displays a sound understanding of theories and results. Relevant professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows some basic understanding of the topic. Has managed to cover some of the main points of the case. Displays sufficient understanding of concepts. Professional terminology adequately incorporated. Inadequate or little understanding of the theory. Lacks the necessary detail and expression and displays an
    underdeveloped understanding of the concepts. Absence of key professional terminology.
    Part B (1)
    Building on the three main component of
    the Positive Accounting Theory, provide your prediction and discuss which companies are likely to have preference of capitalising research expenditure rather than expenses
    Demonstrate superior knowledge of the theory and key concepts. Excellent interpretation with extensive elaboration of relevant subtopics, appropriately weighted and within the prescribed word count. Demonstrated in-depth understanding and application of key concepts and terminology relating to the accounting fundamentals. A detailed outline of knowledge including the supporting theoretical argument. Providing a thorough understanding of the concepts within the topic. Professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows adequate knowledge of the concepts, key points and displays a sound understanding of theories and results.
    Relevant professional terminology effectively incorporated. Shows some basic understanding of the topic. Has managed to cover some of the main points of the case. Displays sufficient understanding of concepts. Professional terminology adequately incorporated. Inadequate or little understanding of the theory. Lacks the necessary detail and expression and displays an
    underdeveloped understanding of the concepts. Absence of key professional terminology.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
    5 of 6
    Part B (2) Discuss the potential investigation or studies for researchers for testing your predictions in the above question
    5% Superior Interpretation of the questions and underlying key points provided.
    Outstanding and insightful theoretical discussion with clear empirical evidence provided. Interpretation of the questions and underlying key points were clearly identified. Demonstrated a strong theoretical discussion and empirical evidences. Interpretation of questions and underlying key points were partially identified. An effective theoretical response with some empirical evidence provided. Interpretation of the questions and underlying key points identified.
    Adequate coherence supported with a basic theoretical approach. Appropriate empirical evidence provided. Inadequate interpretation of the underlying key points.
    Inadequate interpretation demonstrating inconsistent and irrelevant thoughts. Inappropriate coherence of the key points.
    Presentation and Structure
    10% Superior key points were clearly identified and supported with outstanding references.
    Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax Referencing requirements exceeds expectations and advanced research techniques demonstrated. Effective key points were identified and supported with excellent references Excellent grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax. Referencing requirements meet expectations with excellent resources used Advanced research techniques demonstrated. Adequate key points were identified and supported with sound references
    Appropriate grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax. Referencing requirements meet expectations and appropriate resources used.
    Appropriate research demonstrated, and sound resources used. Key points were identified and supported with sufficient references. a well thought out rationale based on applying specific concepts in the report.
    Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs some improvement. Referencing requirements are met and mostly appropriate resources used. Key points were poorly identified and not supported with references. Grammar, spelling, punctuation, professional writing, and syntax needs significant improvement. Provides an inadequate critical analysis.
    Failure to meet referencing
    requirements and inappropriate resources used.
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues
    6 of 6
    Academic Integrity
    Holmes Institute is committed to ensuring and upholding Academic Integrity, as Academic Integrity is integral to maintaining academic quality and the reputation of Holmes’ graduates. Accordingly, all assessment tasks need to comply with academic integrity guidelines. Table 1 identifies the six categories of Academic Integrity breaches. If you have any questions about Academic Integrity issues related to your assessment tasks, please consult your lecturer or tutor for relevant referencing guidelines and support resources. Many of these resources can also be found through the Study Sills link on Blackboard. Academic Integrity breaches are a serious offence punishable by penalties that may range from deduction of marks, failure of the assessment task or unit involved, suspension of course enrolment, or cancellation of course enrolment.
    Table 1: Six categories of Academic Integrity breaches
    Plagiarism Reproducing the work of someone else without attribution. When a student submits their own work on multiple occasions this is known as self-plagiarism.
    Collusion Working with one or more other individuals to complete an assignment, in a way that is not authorised.
    Copying Reproducing and submitting the work of another student, with or without their knowledge. If a student fails to take reasonable precautions to prevent their own original work from being copied, this may also be considered an offence.
    Impersonation Falsely presenting oneself, or engaging someone else to present as oneself, in an in-person examination.
    Contract cheating Contracting a third party to complete an assessment task, generally in exchange for money or other manner of payment.
    Data fabrication and falsification Manipulating or inventing data with the intent of supporting false conclusions, including manipulating images.
    Source: INQAAHE, 2020
    HI6025 Accounting Theory and Current Issues




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Health Issues Facing the Elderly

Assignment details: Health Issues Facing the Elderly

Pathological Factors Affecting Response to Sex among the Elderly

Various diseases, medicines, injuries, and surgeries affect the sexual responses of the elderly (Gewirtz-Meydan et al.,2018). For instance, diabetes causes erectile dysfunction in elderly males and regular vaginal yeast infections in women. These instances make sex undesirable and uncomfortable for the elderly. Heart disease affects the ability to experience orgasms, be aroused, or maintain an erection. Older persons dread engaging in sexual intercourse for fear of another heart attack. Arthritis is another disease that makes sex unbearable. Pain in the joints prevents the elderly from engaging or enjoying intimacy. Chronic pain due to injuries, surgery, and specific diseases interferes with the desire for sexual intimacy among older people (Srinivasan et al.,2019). Medications meant to manage the pain have side effects which affect sex drive. mastectomy and hysterectomy make older women unsure about sex (Mernone et al.,2019).  They feel unattractive to their spouses.

Dementia has a huge effect on sexual life. Elderly patients with this condition may be interested in having sex, but they are unable to distinguish between good and bad sexual behaviors. For instance, dementia patients may not recognize their partner, and end up making advances to other people (Pinho & Pereira, 2019). Menopause also affects women’s sexual response. A dry vagina and disinterest in sex are the symptoms of this stage due to hormonal changes. Menopausal and post-menopausal women experience pain, irritation, and burning alongside bleeding during sex (Scavello et al.,2019). These experiences decrease their interest in intercourse. Medications meant to treat various diseases also cause sexual problems.  Drugs to treat high blood pressure, depression, allergies, ulcers, anxiety, cancer, Parkinson’s disease, and appetite affect the sex drive of elderly patients. These medications cause erectile dysfunction in men. They also make the men experience difficulties in ejaculation. STDs like gonorrhea, HIV/AIDS, and syphilis prevent the elderly from sexual activity. The fear of infection and medication causes a negative response to sex in the elderly. Nurses should support the elderly to encourage them to engage in sex.

Factors Decreasing Immunity in the Elderly

Aging decreases the performance of organ systems including the immune system. Immune cells cannot fight diseases like before, making the elderly more vulnerable (Fuentes et al.,2017). Nutritional and psychological factors, complementary, and alternative medications, and drugs affect the immune system of the elderly. Psychological factors like stress, life experiences, emotion, and anxiety alter the functionality of the body’s immunity.  The elderly experience psychological problems due to changes that alter their normal functioning. Stress and life events influence the susceptibility to disease development in the elderly. For instance, stress reduces the antibody responses causing poor immunity.

Nutritional practices affect the elderly’s immune system. Malnutrition is a common effect of poor nutrition among the elderly. Fried foods result in inflammation thus dampening the immune response. Meat carries toxic chemicals and viruses that interfere with immunity and increase inflammation. Processed foods drain nutrients and hinder proper immune functioning (Houghton,2020). These foods affect gut health, increasing the risk of disease development in the elderly due to poor immunity.

 Some medications are taken daily to treat diseases like diabetes, HIV, and others that affect appetite. Most are associated with weight loss and loss of appetite. Alternative and complementary medications also have the same effect. Constant interaction between the medication and food nutrients affects absorption, metabolism, digestion, and excretion.  Drug abuse further causes dehydration, sleep problems, poor nutrition, and stress. These alter the immune system increasing the risk of infections and disease. 


Fuentes, E., Fuentes, M., Alarcón, M., & Palomo, I. (2017). Immune system dysfunction in the elderly. Anais da Academia Brasileira de Ciências, 89(1), 285-299. doi:10.1590/0001-3765201720160487

Gewirtz-Meydan, A., Hafford-Letchfield, T., Benyamini, Y., Phelan, A., Jackson, J., & Ayalon, L. (2018). Ageism and sexuality. In Contemporary perspectives on ageism (pp. 149-162). Springer, Cham.

Houghton, T. S. (2020, March 20). How does nutrition affect the immune system? [Web log post]. Retrieved from

Mernone, L., Fiacco, S., & Ehlert, U. (2019). Psychobiological factors of sexual functioning in aging women–findings from the women 40+ healthy aging study. Frontiers in psychology, 10, 546.

Pinho, S., & Pereira, H. (2019). Sexuality and intimacy behaviors in the elderly with dementia: the perspective of healthcare professionals and caregivers. Sexuality and Disability, 37(4), 489-509.

 Scavello, I., Maseroli, E., Di Stasi, V., & Vignozzi, L. (2019). Sexual health in menopause. Medicina, 55(9), 559.

Sexuality in later life. (n.d.). PsycEXTRA Dataset. doi:10.1037/e321712004-001

Srinivasan, S., Glover, J., Tampi, R. R., Tampi, D. J., & Sewell, D. D. (2019). Sexuality and the older adult. Current psychiatry reports, 21(10), 1-9.

World Health Organization. (2021, April 13). Diabetes. Retrieved from

Pathological Conditions in Older Adults

Crego Leon, Leticia

St. Thomas University

January 25, 2022

Pathological Conditions in Older Adults

Pathological Conditions that might affect the Sexual Responses in Older Adults

Many physical and/or medical issues can impair sexual function. Diabetes, heart and vascular (blood vessel) illness, neurological problems, hormonal imbalances, chronic diseases such as kidney or liver failure, alcoholism, and drug misuse are examples of these ailments. Furthermore, the adverse effects of various medicines, especially antidepressants, might impair sexual performance. Again, psychological factors such as work-related stress and anxiety, concerns about sexual performance, marital or relationship problems, depression, feelings of guilt, body image concerns, and the effects of past sexual trauma can all impact sexual responses, particularly in older adults.

Intimacy between elderly individuals might be hampered by pain. Chronic pain does not have to be a part of becoming older and is frequently treatable. However, certain pain relievers can impair sexual function. Furthermore, some persons with dementia may have an increased interest in sex and physical intimacy, but they may not recognize what appropriate sexual activity is. Those with severe dementia may not recognize their spouse or lover, but they still need sexual interaction and may seek it elsewhere (Ferretti, Iulita, Cavedo, Chiesa, & Dimech, 2018). It might be perplexing and tough to know what to do in this case.

In cases of heart attack, blood vessels can become narrowed and hardened due to artery narrowing and hardening, causing blood to flow more slowly. As a result, both men and women may have a hard time with orgasms. It may take more time for both men and women to become excited, and it may be difficult for some men to establish or sustain an erection. People who have had a heart attack, or their partners, might be terrified of having sex because it will trigger another attack.

How Nutritional Factors, Psychological Factors, Drugs, and Complementary and Alternative Medications affect the Immune System in Older Adults

The relationship between aging and nutrition is complicated since determining what influences what is challenging. Although natural aging can be reversed, it can be postponed with dietary treatments. The complex interaction between nutrition and aging has a bidirectional relationship, which means aging influences nutrition and vice versa. Individuals’ pathological, physiological, social, and psychological states change as they age. Nutrition is a crucial aspect of health in the elderly, and it impacts the entire aging process. Changes in glucose homeostasis, for example, in old age, may lead to altered appetite and satiety. Malnutrition is a cumulative problem in this group, and it is linked to deteriorating functional status, decreased muscular function, decreased bone density, immunological dysfunction, and so on.

Interactions between nutrition and medications can impact drug metabolism, absorption, digestion, and excretion. The use of complementary and alternative medicine (CAM) is quickly expanding, reaching the prevalence of more than 60% among those aged 50 and over. The senior population is more vulnerable to chronic health issues due to natural aging processes. As a result, CAM has piqued the interest of many older persons and their carers, as it frequently provides softer and safer alternatives to addressing common health concerns experienced by the elderly (Siddiqui, Min, Verma, & Jamshed, 2017). Older adults who have musculoskeletal disorders such as joint pain and osteoarthritis, hypertension, and stroke seek CAM treatments to help them feel better.


Ferretti, M. T., Iulita, M. F., Cavedo, E., Chiesa, A. P., & Dimech, A. S. (2018, July 09). Sex differences in Alzheimer’s disease — the gateway to precision medicine. Nature Reviews Neurology volume, 14(1), 457-469. Retrieved from

Siddiqui, J. M., Min, C. S., Verma, K. R., & Jamshed, S. Q. (2017, December). Role of complementary and alternative medicine in geriatric care: A mini-review. Pharmacognosy Review, 8(16), 81–87. doi:10.4103/0973-7847.134230




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Rodriguez Corporation issues 8,000 shares of its common stock for $69,600 cash on February 20.

Exercise 11-3 (Algo) Accounting for par, stated, and no-par stock issuances LO P1

Rodriguez Corporation issues 8,000 shares of its common stock for $69,600 cash on February 20. Prepare journal entries to record this event under each of the following separate situations.

1. The stock has a $6 par value.

2. The stock has neither par nor stated value.

3. The stock has a $3 stated value.

· Record the issue of 8,000 shares of $6 par value common stock for $69,600 cash.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit1

· Record the issue of 8,000 shares of no-par, no-stated value common stock for $69,600 cash.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit2

· Record the issue of 8,000 shares of $3 stated value common stock for $69,600 cash.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit3

Exercise 11-6 (Algo) Stock issuance for noncash assets LO P1

Sudoku Company issues 33,000 shares of $7 par value common stock in exchange for land and a building. The land is valued at $243,000 and the building at $372,000. Prepare the journal entry to record issuance of the stock in exchange for the land and building.

Record the issue of 33,000 shares of $7 par value common stock in exchange for land valued at $243,000 and a building valued at $372,000.

Note: Enter debits before credits.

TransactionGeneral JournalDebitCredit1

QS 11-8 (Algo) Reporting a small stock dividend LO P2

The stockholders’ equity section of Jun Company’s balance sheet as of April 1 follows. On April 2, Jun declares and distributes a 20% stock dividend. The stock’s per share market value on April 2 is $10 (prior to the dividend).

Prepare the stockholders’ equity section immediately after the stock dividend is distributed.

Stockholders’ Equity
April 2 (after stock dividend)
Common stock
Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock
Total paid-in capital
Retained earnings
Total stockholders’ equity

Exercise 11-8 (Algo) Large stock dividend LO P2

Required information

Use the following information for the Exercises 8-9 below. (Algo)

On June 30, Sharper Corporation’s stockholders’ equity section of its balance sheet appears as follows before any stock dividend or split. Sharper declares and immediately distributes a 50% stock dividend.

Common stock—$10 par value, 82,000 shares issued and outstanding $ 820,000

Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock 360,000

Retained earnings 740,000

Total stockholders’ equity $ 1,920,000

(1) Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the distribution is made.

(2) Compute the number of shares outstanding after the distribution is made.

· Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the distribution is made.

SHARPER CORPORATIONStockholders’ Equity Section of the Balance SheetJune 30Common stock, no-par valuePaid-in capital in excess of par value, common stockRetained earningsTotal stockholders’ equity

Compute the number of shares outstanding after the distribution is made.

Number of common shares outstanding

Exercise 11-9 (Algo) Stock split LO P2

Use the following information for the Exercises 8-9 below. (Algo)

On June 30, Sharper Corporation’s stockholders’ equity section of its balance sheet appears as follows before any stock dividend or split. Sharper declares and immediately distributes a 50% stock dividend.

Common stock—$10 par value, 82,000 shares issued and outstanding $ 820,000

Paid-in capital in excess of par value, common stock 360,000

Retained earnings 740,000

Total stockholders’ equity $ 1,920,000

Assume that instead of distributing a stock dividend, Sharper did a 3-for-1 stock split.

(1) Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the split.

(2) Compute the number of shares outstanding after the split.

Prepare the updated stockholders’ equity section after the split.

SHARPER CORPORATIONStockholders’ Equity Section of the Balance SheetJune 30Common stock dividend distributablePaid-in capital in excess of par value, common stockRetained earningsTotal stockholders’ equityCompute the number of shares outstanding after the split.Number of common shares outstanding

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Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making

Assignment Content

  1. Read “Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making” from the University Library.

    Write a 350- to 575-word analysis and evaluation of a company’s effectiveness in the following areas:
    • Distinguish between social responsibility, ethical, and legal issues and their effect on marketing.
    • Relate the triple bottom line to an organization’s sustainability.
    • Analyze consumer influence on ethical behavior in marketing.
    • Assess the value of communicating ethical behavior to the public.
    • Conclude how ethical issues influence legal issues in marketing.
    • Format your assignment according to APA guidelines.

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  • Ethical Issues in Marketing: An Application for Understanding Ethical Decision Making

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    Contemporary issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality

     Assessment : Learning Journal (15%)3 entries x 500 – 700 words each
    To demonstrate students knowledge and understanding of the topics studied in this unit, they will be given three questions relating to topics discussed in specific lectures/tutorials during the term.
    These questions will enable students to demonstrate their own understanding of contemporary issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality. Students will be able to also provide their own opinions regarding each of the question topics in their answers.
    Students must answer each of the questions in 500 – 700 words per question and submit all questions together as one assessment.
    Your learning journal should include at least 5 (scholarly) journal articles read, in addition to any textbook references. Use APA 7 Referencing. The format of your journal will be discussed in greater detail during tutorials.
    Do NOT utilize sources such as and other such web materials as these in no way constitute academic references for the purpose of your assignments. If you rely on such sources for theoretical support, you will be deemed NOT to have met the requirements of the assessment.
    Criteria for report High Distinction 80% – Distinction 70%- 79% Credit
    60-69% Pass 50-59% Fail
    Analysis of literature on topic
    35% Consistently demonstrates an accurate and complete level of understanding of contemporary
    issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, draws on most recent scholarly literature Most of the time, demonstrates an accurate and complete level of understanding of contemporary
    issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, draws on relevant scholarly literature Demonstrates some level of understanding of contemporary
    issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, often cites the relevant literature. Demonstrates some level of understanding of contemporary
    issues in Australia concerning social and economic inequality, not always accurate and sometimes incomplete, sometimes cites the relevant literature. Explanations of contemporary
    issues in Australia concerning social
    and economic inequality, research inaccurate or incomplete, does not cite the relevant literature.
    Conclusions derived from analysis and
    assessment of the topic
    30% Shows an in-deep understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows an excellent understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows a good understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows a basic understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population Shows poor, insufficient understanding of how potential issues can be identified and their impact on targeted population
    Use and depth of research
    20% A comprehensive description is developed. Summarises and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A strong description is developed. Summarises and shows insightful synthesis of the literature information, including analysis of gaps and/or limitations of the research A good description is developed. Summarises and
    shows some
    insightful synthesis of the literature information, identifies some limitations of the research Description is fairly well developed. It
    summarises the
    overall information obtained from the research and synthesises adequately the knowledge gained Description is not well developed. It lacks summary and/or any synthesis of the relevant literature
    Presentation of report and correct
    references used
    15% All levels of content are covered in depth. Wide range of contemporary references and sources are well cited when specific statements are
    made High level of content is covered in depth. Wide range of good references and sources are well cited when specific statements are
    made Appropriate content is covered in reasonable depth. Sources are generally well cited when specific statements are
    made Most major sections of the relevant content included, but not covered in as much depth, or as explicit, as expected
    References were basic and some errors of citation Major sections of relevant content have been omitted or missed Inadequate references and poor citation
    TOTAL: / 25%


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