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Ms. Jones, a 28-year-old African American female , is present into the hospital beacuse of an infected wound on her foot.

Identifying Data & Reliability

Ms. Jones, a 28-year-old African American female , is present into the hospital beacuse of an infected wound on her foot. Her speech is clear and concise and well- structured. Throughout the interview, she maintain eye contact while freely sharing information.


General Survey

Ms. Jones is stting upright on the exam table, alert and oriented x3, friendly and well nourished. She is calm and appropriately dressed for the weather.


Chief Complaint

“I got this scrape on my foot a while ago, and I thought it would heal up on its own, but now it’s looking pretty nasty. And the pain is killing me!”


History Of Present Illness

One week ago, Ms. Tina was going down her steps with no shoes and stumbled scratching her right foot on the edge of the step and was taken to the emergency room by her mother where an x-ray was performed and the site showed no abnormality. They cleaned her injuries and Tremadol was reccomended for pain and she was told to remain off of her foot and to keep it very clean and dry at all times as she was realeased home. her foot became swollen 2 days aglo as the pain exacerbated and she saw grayish whte pus draining from the wound and that is when she started taking Tramadol. She rated her agony of pain as a 7 out of 10 on her wounded foot nevertheless; she says it emanates to her whole foot and that there was drainage initially when the episode previoulsy began. Ms. Tina has been cleaning the injury with cleanser and soap and applying Neosporin to the wound two times each day and occasionaly applied peroxide. The pain was depicted as throbbing and very still and sometimes sharp shooting pain or torment when she puts weight on her foot. She can not accomadate her tennis shoes on her right foot so she had been wearing flip tumbles or slippers everyday. The pai pills have eased the excruciating pain for few hours and she reported having fever. She has lost 10 pounds in barley a month accidentally and has work for two days as she reported. She denied any ongoing sickness and feels hungrier than expected. Review of System: HEENT: Occasional migraines or headache when studying and she takes Tylenil 500mg by mouth twice a


day. Ms. Tina reports more awful vision in the course of recent months ands no contact or restorative lenses. She denies any congestions, hearing problem or soar throat however, she admits infrequent running nose. Neurological: Occasional migrain revealed, no dizziness, syncope, loss of motivation, ataxia, loss of tingling in her extremities or furthest point. Respiratory: No brevity or shortness of breath, hac k or cough or sputum. Cardiovascular: No chest discomfort or pain and absence of palpitation but mild edema on the right foot. Gastrointestinal: No anorexia, nsasuea sickness, regurgitating or vmitting, loss bowels or diarrhea


Metformin 850mg PO BID for diabetes (She has not taken the medication for a while). Albuterol Proventil inhaler 90mcg MDI 1-3 puffs Q4hr PRN for Asthma (last use 3 days ago). Tramadol 50mg PO TID for pain (Last use this morning). Advil 600mg PO TID for menstrual cramps (Last use 3weeks ago). Tylenol 500mg-1000mg PO PRN for headaches.



Penicillin: Rash/hives Ms. Jones is allergic to cats and dust. She states that whenever she is exposed to cats and dust, she develops runny nose, swollen and itcy eyes. She denies food and latex allergies.


Medical History

Ms. Jones was diagnosed with asthma at the age of 2 1/2years. she had tons of astham attack when she was a child, however, denied any ongoing attack. Her last asthma attack was in high school and she was hospitalized. Her last asthma exacerbation was 3days ago and was relief with the use of the inhaler. She reports using the inhaler no more than 2-3times a week Her asthmas is trigger by cat, dust and by running up stairs. She uses Albuterol Provntil inhaler when she experience exacerbations. At the age of 24 years old she was diagnosed with diabetes type2. she had stop takin her diabetes medication, Metformin for a while and does not monitor her blood sugar at home in light of the fact that she is tired of manging it. she reports that the diabetes medication makes her felt sick constantly, and she was uncomfartable. She says she controls her diabetes by watching what she eats and seetle on more advantageous nourishment decision, however, does not appear to be stressed over her regimen. She states that she had a blood surgar checked in the ER a week ago and was told that her blood surgar was high but has forgotten the number. Her first sexaul encounter was at the age of 18 with men. She has used oral contraceptives in the past and stopped using it a while ago. She last visited her OB/GYN four years ago for STI testing which was negative. She reports uncertainty about past partners and STI testing. Her last menstrual period was 2weeks ago.


Health Maintenance

Ms. Jones last eye exam was when she was a kid, and have not have an eye exam since then. Her last dental exam was a few years ago when she was a kid. Her immunization is up to date and report receiving all necessary chilhood immunizations. She received her last tetanus vaccine in the past year. She denies receiving the Human papillomavirus vaccine and the flu vaccine. She has not have the mammogram but had an exam where the doctor felt her breasts around for lumps. She has not had pap smear for the past years.


Family History

Ms. Jones father died in an auto collision at the age of 58. He had hypertension, Type 2 Diabetes (DM2), high cholesterol. she has two siblings, a 24 year old brother who is obese and a 14 years old sister who was diagnosed with asthma and hayfever. her uncle on father’s side was alcohol dependent and her 82 year old paternal grandmother had hypertension and high cholesterol. Her paternal grandfather died at age 65 from colon cancer and had hypertension, Diabetes Type 2, high cholesterol. Her maternal grandfather died at age 78 from stroke and had hypertension and high cholesterol; maternal grandmother died of stroke at age 73 and had hypertention and high cholesterol. Her paternal grandmother is still living and is diagnose with hypertension. She denies any


diagnoses of depression or mental health, thyroid issues, cancer.

Social History

It has been three weeks ago since Ms. Tina had alvohol and drinks socially around twice every week, 4 or fewer beverages when around friends. She denied smoking cigarettes however, she used to smoke pot each of the week and halted or stopped, and has not smoked pot since 20 years of age as it troubled her asthma. She is exposed to second hand smoke when out with companions. She spends sometimes watching television and going out to bars and clubs and also enjoys drinking diet coke. She works as a supervisor at a Mid-American Copy and Ship while in high school and would be completing her bachelor’s degree in accounting. She has never been pregnant, no children and has never been married but hopes to have a family in the future. At the moment she is dwelling with her mother and her sister follwing the passing of her father. Ms. Tina drives her sister to her appointments, for grocery shopping and looks after her mother. She reports being increasingly worried following the passing of her father for a couple of months and did not complete school and reports not having any desire to get up certain days. She has since taking gradually and has gotten back up with school work and acknowledges confidnce is a major piece of her life and being associated with Baptist Church since she was was a child. She appeared to be extemely worried about missing work.


School and stressed over her foot being infected.

Review of Systems

HEENT: Occasional migraines or headache when studying and she takes tylenol 500mg by mouth twice a day. Ms. Tina reports more awful vision in the course of recent months and no contact or restorative lenses. She denies any congestions, hearing problem or soar throat however, she admits infrequent running nose. Neurological: Occasional migrain revealed, no dizziness, syncope, loss of motion, ataxia, lost of tingling in her extremities or in furthest point. Respiratory: No brevity or shotness of breath, hack or cough or sputu. Cardiovascular: No chest discomfort or pain and absence of palpatation but mild edema on the right foot. Gasrintestinal: No anorexia, nasuea sicknesss, regurgitating or vomiting, loss bowels or diarrhea. She has seen increment in hunger thirst. Genotourinary: No igniting with burning urination, no present or past pregnancy. At 11 year old started menstruating and her periods were unpredictable and kept going for 9-10 days and her last menstrual period was three weeks ago. No adjustment or change in bladder or bowel control. Musculoskeltal: No mucsle, joint, back pain or stifness, and previous history of broken bones or wounds. Mental or psychiateic: Denies depression. Endochronology: Denied night sweats however, report of polyuria, polydipsia which began about a month ago. Awakens more than once pernight to urinate and sometimes every hour or two during the

(No Model Documentation Provided)

days. Hematologic: No frailty or anemia and no bleeding. Skin: Dark skinaround the neck and saw some facial hair development as of late. No past surgeries. Denies sexual activites. Last sexual activity was two years back and did not use condom as she was on conception prevention. Denied any sexually transmitted disease.


Ms. Tina weighs 90 kilograms, and she is 170 centimeters tall with a Body Max Index of 31. Her vital signs incorperates Blood pressure 142/82, Pulse 86, Resporatory rate 19, Temperature 101.1 Farenheit, Pulse Oximetery 99% on RA. Her Random Blood Glucose level is 238. Wound estimate or measure is 2cm x 1.5cm deep situated on the ball of her right foot mild erythema around wound site and little serousanguinous drainge. The roght foot wound is swab and sent to the laboratory or processing center for culture and sensitivity. Wound is cleaned with normal saline and applied dry sterile dressing that is intact or flawless


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Mr and Mrs Jones were looking forward to celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary in style and had great plans for their special evening.

Case Study, Policy development & Observation
This is to be used for assessing students via the method of Scenario based questions.

Unit Code : SITXCCS008 Unit name: Develop and Manage quality customer service
Elements assessed : 1.1,1.2,1.3,1.4,1.5,2.12.3,2.4,2.5,2.6,3.1,3.2,3.3,3.4,3.5,3.6
Lecturer/Trainer : Neil D Rungassamy
Student Name :
Student No : Date Due : Date Received :
? Assessment is in two parts. Each task must be completed to be deemed satisfactory in this assessment.
Case Study
Mr and Mrs Jones were looking forward to celebrating their 5th wedding anniversary in style and had great plans for their special evening. Mr Jones decided to book a table for two for dinner at the recently refurbished “Cape Lighthouse”, a restaurant with commanding views over the Coral Sea. To ensure a nice table with views for this occasion, Mr Jones had contacted the restaurant 2 months prior to make a reservation with a male staff member who appeared to be very professional. The booking was then confirmed by telephone with Alex, a waitress, 1 week prior to the booked date.
On their anniversary Mr and Mrs Jones arrived at the restaurant; however they found there was no booking in their name. Staff were unable to locate any booking information. Mr Jones was asked whom he had spoken to, to make the reservation and provided the details of staff; however this was somehow shrugged off and they were asked to wait at the entry to “see whether a table could be arranged”.
As it was a Friday night the restaurant was very busy. Mr and Mrs Jones had to wait 15 minutes before they finally were led to a small table the back of the restaurant near the kitchen doors.
After a further 15 minutes they were attended to by a drink waiter who took their order for an aperitif. The Joneses placed their food and wine order and their entrees arrived after 30 minutes. The white wine to go with the entrees did not arrive and the drinks waiter seemed to ignore their eye contact.
The main course for Mr Jones arrived within 5 minutes after the entrees had been cleared, however Mrs Jones’ meal did not arrive for another 20 minutes.
Mrs Jones was very upset with the service and was almost on the verge of leaving.
When Mr and Mrs Jones went to pay the cheque on their way out, Mrs Jones was expecting an apology from the restaurant staff with regards to their booking and the delay in the service, unfortunately no one was around even to talk about it.
Mr and Mrs Jones decided that this was the last visit ever at this establishment. They definitely would tell their family and friends about their dining experience at “Cape Lighthouse”.
Your task: Address each of the following questions relating to the case study.

  1. Identify Mr and Mrs Jones’ customer needs and expectations in this case study. What would a customer expect not only on an important occasion like the mentioned anniversary but on each occasion when visiting an establishment?
  2. What could be the likely effects of this incident for the business and custom down the track if the customer service issues are not addressed?
  3. You are the General Manager of the Cape Lighthouse and the experience of Mr and Mrs Jones has come to your attention.
    You are determined to make contact with the customer to attempt to resolve the issue and achieve a positive outcome. Draft a letter which clearly outlines the steps you will undertake to contact Mr and Mrs Jones and how you will try to solve the issues. (This could be used as guidance for a telephone conversation for contact).
  4. Considering Mr and Mrs Jones’ recent experience, it is important to assess if there are recurring issues with customer service at the Cape Lighthouse. How will you determine if this is a one-off issue or if there are persistent problems? Outline your approach.
    PART B
    1 You are required to develop a policy and procedures for each of the following problem areas which were evident:
    a. Bookings
    b. Staff Presentation
    c. Greeting / Hosting
    d. Customer Service Procedures for Service (Orders, timelines, attendance)
    e. Dealing with complaints
    Each policy needs to include:
    o The policy name
    o The aim or purpose
    o The details of what is included
    o The procedures included to achieve the purpose
    o What are the requirements to train staff to be able to perform the procedures?
    o How will this policy and its effectiveness be monitored and evaluated?
    o To whom will this policy be made available? How?
    2 Observations
    You will be observed over four service periods, how you:
    A. Implement developed policies and procedures
    B. Communicate requirements with staff
    C. Monitor service provisions and manage these efficiently
    D. Evaluate each service instance and incorporate feedback into the next instance.
    You are required to write a brief summary for each service instance, clearly outlining:
  5. What worked well
  6. What needs improvement
  7. How you have evaluated each policy you have implemented
  8. How was staff involved for the purpose of evaluation
  9. How you will implement each identified change required into the following service instance.
    Provide each summary to your trainer prior to each service instance. Your implementation of procedures and requirements you have identified in each instance will be part of the assessment of your performance.
    Details of the nature of the major tasks for each service period should be provided in the table below.
    Instance Date Duration from … to… Tasks to be completed
    What will be observed? Evaluation summary completed
    Service Period
    e.g Breakfast 08/01/19 Details: 7am-8am
    Policies and procedures implemented and followed: Staff presentation policy 1.0 Are the staffs representing a positive image of the restaurant
    2.0 Are they neat and professional with appearance?
    Service Period 1:
    Policies and procedures implemented and followed:
    Service Period 2:
    Policies and procedures implemented and followed:
    Service Period 3:
    Policies and procedures implemented and followed:
    Service Period 4:
    Policies and procedures implemented and followed:
    3 Role-play : Customer dispute
    You are a restaurant manager in Quinlan restaurant. Your main responsibilities are managing the wait staff and front-of-house staff and ensuring customer satisfaction.
    Organisational procedures for handling customer complaints are as follows.
    • Step 1: Apologise to the customer and identify what the problem is.
    • Step 2: Try to resolve the customer’s problem by rectifying their issue. Service staff have the authority to offer the following.
    • Modify orders to incorporate customer requests within reason (i.e., not requiring undue time and expense).
    • Replace food or beverages to the value of $100.
    • Offer alternative food or beverages to the value of $50 more than the original order.
    • Step 3: If unable to successfully resolve a customer’s problem, inform the supervisor or manager. Provide details of all the issues and offers made to the customer when attempting to resolve the issue.
    • Step 4: Manager/supervisor can resolve the complaint and is able to provide free food, beverages, vouchers or hotel credits and a formal written apology.
    • Step 5: If the issue is still unresolved with the customer, then the item is escalated to the hotel manager or an external body.
    There are three participants in this role-play:
  10. The restaurant manager
  11. The head waiter
  12. The customer.
    Simulated environment resources
    • Desk to simulate front desk/counter
    • Bill
    Task 1: Conduct role-play
    Learner instructions
    It is lunchtime and you are talking with the chefs in the kitchen when you hear a loud angry voice at the front desk. It sounds like an irate customer. You then hear your head waiter also raising their voice. You quickly get to the front desk to try and resolve the issue.
    • During this role-play, you are required to demonstrate the following skills and knowledge.
    • Use questioning and listening techniques to determine the customer’s needs or concerns.
    • Use clear communication with the staff member.
    • Take responsibility for service outcomes and dispute resolution.
    • Recognise and resolve customer problems or delays and deficiencies in customer service.
    • Complete the role-play.
    Task 2: Question and answer
    Q1: How would you assess the effectiveness of the customer service provided by the head waiter?
    Q2: Was the dispute resolution process provided by the head waiter effective? Why/why not?
    Q3: What changes would you make to customer service and dispute resolution procedures as a result of this incident?
    Q4: How do you act as a positive role model for professional standards expected of hospitality industry personnel?

Role-play : Customer dispute
Did the learner successfully demonstrate evidence of their ability to do the following? Assessor comments Completed
Yes No
Student Name;
The learner recognised and resolved the customer’s problem.
Recognised that it was the head waiter’s error and that there was a double entry of the main on the bill.
Rectified the problem to the customer’s satisfaction in line with own level of responsibility.
Took responsibility for service outcomes and dispute resolution.
Corrected the head waiter and asked them to apologise to the customer.
Acted as a positive role model for professional standards expected of hospitality staff.
Gained feedback from the customer on how to improve customer service practices.
Trainers Notes

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Epidemiology. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females)


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The Crude Mortality rate for Jasonville is

A. 300 per 100,000

B. 60 per 1,000

C. 10 per 1,000

D.  100 per 1,000


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The proportionate mortality due to tuberculosis is

A.   20%

B.   30%

C.     6%

d.       3%


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The case fatality rate for tuberculosis is

A.    20%

b.      6%

c.        3%

d.       25%


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The cause-specific mortality rate for tuberculosis is

a.    60 per 100,000

b.     300 per 100,000

c.    200 per 1,000

d..       20%


5 points   


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer: The sex – specific mortality rate for tuberculosis in males is

A.      11 per 100,000

B.       11 per 10,000

c.      111 per 10,000

d.       Cannot be calculated due to insufficient data

1.      Refer to Table 5-3 on page 99. What are possible reasons for the observed differences in death rates between those of Hispanic origin and those not of Hispanic origin?

2.      Refer to the following estimated statistics for the US and Malaysia in 2005:


Crude mortality rate = 800 per 100,000

 Crude birth rate = 14 per 1,000

 Life expectancy = 77.7 years


Crude mortality rate = 500 per 100,000

Crude birth rate = 23 per 1,000

Life expectancy = 72.2 years

Can the lower crude mortality rate in Malaysia be explained by the fact that the US has a larger population? What factors could explain differences in birth rates and life expectancy?

3.      Which of these is an example of a ratio:

    Number of men who died from heart disease in a given year divided by the corresponding male population in the same year.

    Number of men who died from heart disease divided by the number of women who died from heart disease.

    Number of women taking an epidemiology class divided by the number of students in the class.

4.      How does prevalence proportion differ from incidence?

5.      What is the death-to-case ratio and how is it different from the case-fatality rate?