Writers Solution

Leo Tolstoy wrote that one of the chief criteria in judging art is how powerfully the art transmits the feelings of the author to us

In What Is Art? Leo Tolstoy wrote that one of the chief criteria in judging art is how powerfully the art transmits the feelings of the author to us. If art is “infectious,” if it gets under our skin and moves us to think or act differently or perhaps to create our own art, then that art has proven successful. In Tolstoy’s own words, “The stronger the infection the better is the art, as art.”

When watching a play live, this infection can be extremely powerful. The performers are physically near us and appeal or repel us in immediate ways. We respond to the story and to the voices and to the grandeur of the stage. And we respond in deeply felt ways to the truth presented and what it suggests about our life in this fallen world longing for grace.

Have you ever had this type of powerful experience watching a play? What about the play got under your skin, and how were you changed by the experience? Read Philippians 4:8-9. Given the unique power of dramatic art, do we have a special challenge as Christians both performing in theater and watching it?

If Theater has not had this effect on you, what form of art has? Talk about how you have been infected by that art in specific ways, and why you have been so affected, and what the result has been. Then tie that to the passage from the letter to the Philippians.




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Writers Solution

Judging implies a right or wrong, a good or bad

Writing Assignment As a social worker, you are there to help clients, not to judge them. Judging implies a right or wrong, a good or bad. Judgmentalism focuses on the person rather than the circumstance, and implies a put-down, or an attitude of “being better than” or knowing “more than” another. In a helping relationship, it implies that the social worker knows best how the client should think, feel, or behave. Remember, judgmentalism is the direct opposite of the social work values of respect for the client and the client’s right to self-determination. While it is impossible to be non-judgmental with all populations, self-awareness will help us catch yourself in time before we judge our client. The purpose of this assignment is to improve self-awareness along with professionalism by learning to recognize within ourselves any attitudes, thoughts, or feelings of judgmentalism toward clients. Directions: Find a client who is completely different from you (age, gender, ethnicity, immigration status, education, marital or economic status, ability) who may be hard for you to like. Spend as much time as you can with him/her/them. Focus on your thoughts, attitudes, and feelings regarding a particular interaction that you have had with this client at the agency. Consider your judgmental thoughts. Have you noticed any indication of judgmentalism on the part of other workers or other clients at the agency? Next, find client’s chart / file / intake form and read client’s history about all the issues that brought client to the agency. Mentally picture yourself in his/her/their shoes, re-live your client’s life from the moment she/he/they were born: Was she/he/they a wanted and planned child, loved… or hated? Did she/he/they grow up & lived in a broken home… in poverty…witnessed violence… Was she/he/they successful in school or at work? Was she/he/they teased and picked on? What kind of trauma / loss might have she/he/they experienced? (loss of family members / friends / country / mental or physical health / mobility / house / job / belongings / jailed / loss of hope for better future) Paper Structure: Section I (Introduction Case Presentation (Client age, sex, ethnicity, relevant history) Section II Identify your initial judgmental thoughts. Do you feel less judgmental now that you had a chance to “walk in his/her/their shoes”? Describe any changes in your level of self-awareness as a result of your fieldwork experience as a social work intern. Specifically, how has this incident led to an increased awareness of your own thoughts, values, and feelings, etc? Why do you think that it is important for a social worker to have a high degree of self-awareness and self-knowledge? Section III As a result of your recent experiences with agency clients, in what ways have you become more aware of the role that social injustice toward diverse groups plays in clients’ situations? Ask your Field Instructor / Task Supervisor, “What do you say to yourself when you feel that you’re judging a client?” (describe the answer). What can you do about any judgmentalism that exists?

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Writing Assessment Paper


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Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:

Section 1: Introduction

            The client, William is 32 years old male of Spanish descent. Currently, William work as a supervisor in marketing department at medium size company. Williams’ work is very demanding and requires him to work longer hours to achieve the targets. He is living with his brother in two-bedroom apartment and has a very active social life when he is not working(Doweiko, 2015). William spend most of his free time clubbing or drinking in a bar. Recently, William made a lady and they started dating causally, but Joan has become infatuated with Williams’ personality. Joan has noticed William have a problem with drinking. Most of his colleagues from the company have also noticed the same problem and advised William to seek help about alcohol use.

            When Joan confronted William about alcohol use, he clearly stated that he is in complete control of his life with alcohol. This is a clear indication that William is in denial of the problem current problem. Based on the information provided and initial interview with client, it was evident that William needed examination for a condition termed as an alcohol use disorder. Initial examination showed that William is physically dependent upon alcohol and he will choose to use alcohol beyond what could be described as sensible for his physical health and social standards.  The source of information was from client’s personal background and responses directly from the clinical interviews.

Section II: Judgmental thoughts

            Value is described as norms of behavior that is influenced by certain judgmental principles of life. Like all other professionals, social workers develop ethics and values throughout their lives. However, social students are taught to be nonjudgmental towards clients due to client’s right to self-determination. Therefore, as we receive clients it is important not to be judgmental(McGarrigle & Walsh, 2013). It is required to show the client by attitude that he/she is respected person as client. Therefore, when I first made William, I was guided by the fact that he has human personality and has a lot of possibility for growth(Baginsky, 2014). This means that I respected the personality of William as individual and not as a drunkard. I saw William to be somebody who cannot be manipulated but as a human being with possibilities for growth.             Therefore, my initial judgment on William was not judgmental and after walking on his shoes I realized that he is working hard to meet the targets and only take alcohol after work. There is no doubt that William need treatment on how to manage alcohol use since the information given showed that his behavior changes and start misbehaving as Joan indicated when she broke up with William(McGarrigle & Walsh, 2013). From this perspective, the most important issue is to convince the client to start treatment

Writing Assessment Paper


Grade Course:

Tutor’s Name:

Date of Submission:

Section 1: Introduction

            The client, William is 32 years old male of Spanish descent. Currently, William work as a supervisor in marketing department at medium size company. Williams’ work is very demanding and requires him to work longer hours to achieve the targets. He is living with his brother in two-bedroom apartment and has a very active social life when he is not working(Doweiko, 2015). William spend most of his free time clubbing or drinking in a bar. Recently, William made a lady and they started dating causally, but Joan has become infatuated with Williams’ personality. Joan has noticed William have a problem with drinking. Most of his colleagues from the company have also noticed the same problem and advised William to seek help about alcohol use.

            When Joan confronted William about alcohol use, he clearly stated that he is in complete control of his life with alcohol. This is a clear indication that William is in denial of the problem current problem. Based on the information provided and initial interview with client, it was evident that William needed examination for a condition termed as an alcohol use disorder. Initial examination showed that William is physically dependent upon alcohol and he will choose to use alcohol beyond what could be described as sensible for his physical health and social standards.  The source of information was from client’s personal background and responses directly from the clinical interviews.

Section II: Judgmental thoughts

            Value is described as norms of behavior that is influenced by certain judgmental principles of life. Like all other professionals, social workers develop ethics and values throughout their lives. However, social students are taught to be nonjudgmental towards clients due to client’s right to self-determination. Therefore, as we receive clients it is important not to be judgmental(McGarrigle & Walsh, 2013). It is required to show the client by attitude that he/she is respected person as client. Therefore, when I first made William, I was guided by the fact that he has human personality and has a lot of possibility for growth(Baginsky, 2014). This means that I respected the personality of William as individual and not as a drunkard. I saw William to be somebody who cannot be manipulated but as a human being with possibilities for growth.             Therefore, my initial judgment on William was not judgmental and after walking on his shoes I realized that he is working hard to meet the targets and only take alcohol after work. There is no doubt that William need treatment on how to manage alcohol use since the information given showed that his behavior changes and start misbehaving as Joan indicated when she broke up with William(McGarrigle & Walsh, 2013). From this perspective, the most important issue is to convince the client to start treatment…………………………………………………………………………………………………




Writers Solution

Judging Yourself


You are a judge who believes that individuals should be allowed to choose when to die.

You personally had to watch both your parents die long and agonizing deaths because your state does not have a right-to-die statute. Before you is a doctor who is being prosecuted for giving a lethal dose of morphine to a patient dying of terminal cancer. The family of the patient did not want the prosecution, the majority of the public is not in favor of the prosecution, but the prosecutor believes that if there is a law in place, it should be enforced. The doctor has opted for a bench trial.
Write a 2-3 page, APA style paper addressing where you examine your options and defend your position. Please include 2-3 references.  (not Wikipedia) Only the body of the paper will count toward the page requirement






Ethics: Judging Oneself

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

January 22nd 2016.

Judging Oneself

            There are many debates in United States and many countries regarding the rights for one to take his/her live with the aid of a physician, when such an individual approaches the end of live under terminal illness. According to (Reinke et al., 2010), a terminal illness is defined as a medical condition where there is no expectation of recovery.  The debate has attracted the opposition of the traditional conservatives of sanctity of life and proponents who argue that such patients have a right to choose when to die. The opponents of euthanasia (taking one’s life with aid of medical prescription) argue that it is a homicide, pointing that everyone has a right to life. However, the idea that life is important is relative given that when a patient is suffering from a terminal illness, the choices that arise is to accord such a patient with a decent death or leave them to content with life full of suffering.

Although life is sacred and people have human dignity, maintaining life cannot be the ultimate way of maintaining human dignity. For patients and their loved ones, there is no important care than that one that can be offered towards the end of life (Knott, 2004). When patients have terminal illnesses, they near the end of life and most of their lives are devolved into hospital stays, medical research as well as doctor consultations. Such a state can be a source of huge agony for the patients and families whom they love. Such a life can be demeaning, miserable and has no dignity. For example and individual suffering from a rare case of locked-in syndrome, a severe stroke, cannot communicate but can use the movement of his/her to communicate. Such people suffer a lot of psychological torture and would wish to end their life in order to regain the dignity that they since had when they led a healthy life. Restricting such people from taking their lives is just like restricting them from their right to a dignified and descent death.           According to (Zhang, Nilsson, & Prigerson,…………………
