Writers Solution

Judicial Activism

Write a 2-3 page, APA style paper on judicial activism. Present the arguments on both sides of the question as to whether judges should interpret or simply apply the Constitution. Research and provide more current examples (the current Supreme Court docket) and predict how you think the justices will decide.
Then think about the idea that if one can predict the decisions of the justices on the Supreme Court–where does that leave the idea that no case is prejudged?

Please include 2-3 references. Only one reference may be from an internet source (not Wikipedia)






The interpretation of the constitution in the circumstances of the judge preference amounts to judicial activism (Bond, 2008) . The proponents of judicial activism argue that it is a judicial necessity whose time is overdue owing to the changes that have occurred overtime as opposed to the time when the constitution was drafted. However, it opponents argue that judicial activism is a violation of constitution, as it deviates from the role of judges as constitutional interpreters and not makers of the law.           According to (Baker & Roach, 2002), the role of judges as enshrined in the constitution was to interpret the laws and not to make them. Although……………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….







Baker, D., & Roach, K. (2002). The supreme court on trial: Judicial activism or democratic dialogue. Canadian Public Policy / Analyse de Politiques28(4), 612. doi:10.2307/3552221

Bond, J. (2008). Judicial independence in transition: Revisiting the determinants of judicial activism in the constitutional courts of post-communist states. Acta Juridica Hungarica49(1), 25–87. doi:10.1556/ajur.49.2008.1.2

Kooijmans, H. J. P. (2007). The ICJ in the 21st century: Judicial restraint, judicial activism, or Proactive judicial policy. International and Comparative Law Quarterly56(04), 741–753. doi:10.1093/iclq/lei223

NCC Staff. (2016, ). Five supreme court cases to watch in 2016 Retrieved from


Writers Solution

creating laws and judicial doctrines

you need to complete at least two responses “the “Final Posts”) of at least 200 words each to classmates by the dates shown in the course schedule.

Q1/ In my opinion, constitutions, in short, are frameworks for making politics possible. The text of a written constitution contains different kinds of legal norms that create the basic framework. These norms include rules, standards and principles. Rules and standards exist along a continuum. Rules are norms that don’t require very much practical reasoning to apply.

Like standards, principles may also have abstract and vague terms; the difference is that when principles apply to a situation, they do not always apply conclusively, but may be balanced against other considerations.

A constitution contains a mixture of these different kinds of norms. They serve different functions. For some purposes, rules are better than standards or principles. Otherwise presidents would tempted to try to stay in power forever, and this might undermine democracy. But some constitutional goals cannot easily be achieved through rules. That is why human rights provisions in constitutions are usually expressed in terms of standards and principles. These are open-ended, abstract, or vague terms that necessarily require construction and implementation by later participants in the system.

Constitutions use rules, standards, and principles and to channel and police government action, to establish rules of succession to power, to create institutions that perform government functions, to divide powers among different actors and branches, and to set institutions in competition with each other in order to diffuse and check concentrations of power. Because constitutions not only use rules but also standards and principles – and because they are sometimes silent on certain questions – they are elaborate systems of constraint and delegation to the future.

I believe that we must be faithful to the original meaning in the sense of the original semantic and communicative content of the words. But it does not follow that we must apply the constitution’s words in the same way that they would have been applied by the people who wrote them. Thus, the Fourteenth Amendment to the U.S. Constitution guarantees equal protection of the laws. These words have pretty much the same semantic meaning as they did in 1868. But the people who wrote them did not expect that the words would require modern notions of sex equality. In applying the Equal Protection Clause today, we are bound only by the original meanings of the words – which in this case is the same as the contemporary meaning – and not the original expected application.

Because a constitution is a framework, it must be built out over time, and different generations must participate in that project. As each generation gets involved, change inevitably occurs. Moreover, many different people and groups in society participate in the construction of the constitution– not only judges and lawyers, or politicians, but also members of civil society and ordinary individuals.

These groups participate in official ways: for example, by creating laws and judicial doctrines. They also participate in unofficial ways: for example, through social influence, political organization, and cultural change. To understand constitutional development, we must take account of both the official and the unofficial contributions to constitutional construction.


Anyone approaching the topic of constitutional interpretation inevitably encounters the question of whether it has some specific trait that distinguishes it from other objects or forms of legal interpretation. Whatever the theory of legal interpretation to which one adheres, whether one regards it as a function of knowledge or as a function of the will, one necessarily presupposes that the constitutional interpretation is a species of the genus “ legal interpretation ”and one seeks to distinguish it from other species of the same genus, the interpretation of laws, that of international treaties, administrative acts, or contracts of private law.  But, if the question is always the same, the type of answer one gives depends in part on the theory of interpretation on which one relies. 

     Thus, those who believe that interpretation is a function of knowledge are obviously tempted to seek the specificity of constitutional interpretation in the specificity of its object. As the constitution is not a text like any other, constitutional interpretation is different from the interpretation of laws or treaties. In this regard, theorists who adhere to an intermediate or mixed theory agree with the proponents of interpretation-knowledge theory. According to the intermediate theory, in fact, interpretation is an act of will by which the authentic interpreter chooses within a frame among several possible meanings, while the determination of the frame would result from an act of knowledge.

     Americans constitutional theory presents an opposition between, on the one hand, the arguments in favor of a living constitution capable of adapting to change, and, on the other, the demand to restore the original meaning of the constitution. these two positions stem from a common observation: the recognition of the disappearance of the world which produced the old constitution. This experience of constitutional modernity gives rise to equal and opposite tendencies: the need to cling to the past, its symbols, and its concrete manifestations on the one hand and, on the other hand, the need to transcend the past through adaptation  pragmatic to a world that is no longer the same

Writers Solution

Texas has an unusual appeals process for judicial cases.

Texas Judiciary Assignment

Texas has an unusual appeals process for judicial cases. District courts, where trials on matters of fact are held, are separated into different types according to the kind of cases they hear. You may notice when you vote in county elections, there are civil courts, criminal courts, probate courts, family courts, etc.

All these cases are appealed to a court that has jurisdiction in all of those areas. The First and Fourteenth Courts of Appeals, which meet in Houston, hear all kinds of criminal and civil cases.

After that, however, the process splits again. Criminal cases go to the Texas Court of Criminal Appeals. Civil cases go to the Texas Supreme Court.

Go the the Texas Supreme Court website: (Links to an external site.)

Use the “case search” feature to find a case called “Mosley v. Texas Health and Human Services Commission and Texas Department of Family and Protective Services (17-0345),” decided on May 3, 2019.

In this case, a state agency investigated a nurse, Patricia Mosley, for allegedly neglecting a disabled patient, and recommended she be added to the department’s “Employee Misconduct Registry,” a blacklist that would have effectively ended her career. She requested an appeal of the department’s decision, following  the process the agency told her to follow in a letter it sent her. As it turned out, however, the department’s letter gave her the wrong procedure to follow, and – following the department’s instructions – she didn’t file the required motion for rehearing and her appeal was dismissed. The state’s position was, basically, that she should have known better than to follow the department’s own instructions.

The question before the Texas Supreme Court: Did the government’s actions violate Mosley’s right to “due course of the law of the land” under the Texas Constitution?

Write a 2 – 5 page essay explaining the facts of the case and how the court ruled. What did Justice Brown say about the court’s reasoning in his majority opinion? What is a concurring opinion, and what did Justice Blacklock say in his? [Note: How cool is it that the Supreme Court cited the movie Animal House as a scholarly source of judicial reasoning (“Come on, Flounder. You can’t spend your whole life worrying about
your mistakes. You [messed] up. You trusted us.”)?]

Submit in Word. Cite your sources.

Other Resources

Forbes Magazine take a look at the case: (Links to an external site.)

Texas Appellate Watch has a summary: (Links to an external site.)

The Institute for Justice has a summary: (Links to an external site.)

Legendary Houston law firm Baker Botts handled the case for the petitioner: (Links to an external site.)

Note on state court websites

The Texas Supreme Court seems to take its website down for maintenance a lot, usually around time time you’re supposed to be working on my Texas courts assignment. If the website is down, there are some alternative ways to get the information you need.

Here’s another way to get to the majority opinion: (Links to an external site.)

Here’s another way to get to the concurring opinion: