Writers Solution

Milwaukee’s First Latina Police Officer Paved Way for Future Generations

Write 300–500 words that respond to the following questions with your thoughts, ideas, and comments. This will be the foundation for future discussions by your classmates. Be substantive and clear and use examples to reinforce your ideas.

For this Discussion Board, please complete the following:

Women in Law Enforcement and Religious Accommodation

Review the following before answering the questions for this Discussion Board:

  • Watch the following video: Milwaukee’s First Latina Police Officer Paved Way for Future Generations.
  • Listen to the following podcast: ’30 by 30′ Calls for 30% of Police Recruits to Be Women by the Year 2030.
  • Watch the following video: Keeping the Peace While Keeping Her Faith, Muslim Officer Breaking Barriers.

Discuss the following:

  • In the case of Officer Ayesh, what are the legal safeguards in place for her religious accommodation to wear her hijab?
  • Discuss the importance of religious accommodations in the workplace and give one example of another religious workplace accommodation from personal experience or research.
  • In the case of Officer Velasco, what are 3 reasons she may be the first Latina in her department?
  • Describe two challenges women recruits in law enforcement (e.g., Federal Bureau of Investigation [FBI], Central Intelligence Agency [CIA], police departments, and so on) face that may cause them not to graduate.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on Milwaukee’s First Latina Police Officer Paved Way for Future Generations


Writers Solution

Tina, a 36-year-old HIV-positive Latina woman

Ethical, Social, and Legal Implications of Disclosure
Prior to beginning work on this discussion, be sure to read the required articles for this week. .

You are a consulting psychologist for a local clinic and have been asked to review an ethically complex case. Please review the PSY699 Week four discussion case file (Links to an external site.) for detailed information on the case under review.

In your initial post, explain how the APA Ethical Principles and Code of Conduct can be used to guide decisions in this ethically complex situation. Provide a suggested course of action for the clinic staff. Given the daughter’s age and the situation presented, integrate concepts developed from different psychological content domains to support your suggested course of action. Be certain to use evidence-based psychological concepts and theories to support your arguments. You may wish to consider the following questions as you construct your post.

Does the daughter have a right to know her diagnosis?
Does the mother have a right to not disclose the diagnosis to her daughter?
Does the mother have a right to privacy regarding her own diagnosis, which could be threatened if her daughter learns of her own status?
Should the staff tell the daughter if the mother does not want her to know?
If the daughter wants to know more about her condition, what should the staff say?
Are there other approaches the staff can take? If so, what are they?
Is further information required in order for you to create an ethically sound suggested course of action?

PSY699: Master of Arts in Psychology Capstone

Week Four Discussion Case File

Case Summary

Client 1: Tina, a 36-year-old HIV-positive Latina woman

Client 2: Tina’s daughter, 12-year-old Victoria (also HIV positive)

Tina became infected through a former boyfriend who had a history of intravenous drug use.

Tina gave birth to an HIV-positive daughter, Victoria. Tina does not want Victoria to know that

either of them has HIV.

Victoria is now 12 years old and has been told by her mother that she takes medications for “a

problem in her blood.” Recently, Victoria stated that she does not like taking the medication and

occasionally misses doses. The clinic staff has raised the issue of whether Victoria should be told

about her diagnosis. They’ve warned Tina that in the near future, Victoria will be at an age at

which girls often become more interested in boys or sexual behavior. The clinic’s therapist feels

that if Victoria knew her diagnosis she might be more adherent to her regimen of medications.

However, Tina absolutely does not want her daughter to know. Tina believes Victoria is still too

young and will be emotionally devastated. Tina believes that it is her responsibility — and only

her responsibility as a mother — to “protect” her child, and that her daughter is “not ready” to

know. Tina also believes that Victoria is “a good girl” and will not be sexually active until she is


The clinic’s therapist thinks Tina’s guilt about having transmitted the virus to her daughter is

causing her to take this stance. Still, the clinic staff is concerned and wants Tina to reconsider.

This situation presents several ethical dilemmas and requires further consultation.