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Health Belief Paper As health care leaders

Health Belief Paper As health care leaders, it is important to reflect on your own health belief model before you can work to educate and market to the health belief of others. After all, you are a health care consumer yourself! You do not need to have the same beliefs as those you are working with or educating/marketing, but you do need to understand your own and recognize that each person’s beliefs are individualized.

For this paper, you must complete each of the three parts below

.As you respond, consider all the variety of characteristics that you may have as part of your model. Remember, there are no right or wrong models.

Part I Describe your general health care, belief model.

  • Do you tend to follow a provider’s guidance/recommendation or collect information and make your own decision?
  • Are there others in your life that influence your health decisions (family members, friends, etc.)?
  • Where do you get health information?
  • What information is important to you in order to make a decision?
  • Are you comfortable with advertisements?
  • Do you want to read research on the topic or consult with someone first?
  • Do you consider how your health behaviors may impact you now and in the future? Why, or why not?

Part II: Market to yourself. Consider the types of marketing that most appeals to you. Perhaps you like to see data to support a product or service, or maybe you prefer testimonials from people who have used the product or service. Maybe you tend to lean towards brands you already trust and look for visual logos. Think through what types of things are most important to you in health care marketing.

Outline the type of marketing plan that appeals most to you as you address the following questions.

  • What types of information do you prefer to see (i.e., data, testimonials)?
  • What types of materials do you prefer (i.e., written, pictures, videos)?
  • Delivery of information—do you prefer to see health care providers in marketing materials or actual consumers that use the service?
  • What types of services do you prefer (medications and treatments versus preventive measures around lifestyle changes)?
  • If you were marketing to people who held the exact same health beliefs as you, what would be most effective?
  • Is it helpful to see other people having a positive experience, or do you focus more on the expertise of the health care providers involved?
  • Do you want to see data and numbers, or do you want to know that the health care service cares about you and will listen to you?
  • Do you prefer visual ads or written material you can read?
  • What is more important: price or value?

Part III: Cultural Diversity. Briefly research the general health beliefs of just one of the demographics below.

  • Nepalese
  • Bosnian
  • Latino
  • Asian
  • Amish

Now, consider the marketing plan you have outlined to market to people just like you and discuss how that plan may differ when marketing to people of the demographic you researched.

Your project must be a minimum of three written pages, not including the title or reference pages. You may include graphics, charts, or other data to support your plan, but they do not count toward the three-page requirement.

You must use a minimum of 3 sources to support your project.

 One can be your textbook. All sources must come from the CSU electronic library and must have citations and references properly formatted in APA Style.

Health Care Administration Research Guide




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Legal Issues Facing Today’s School Leaders


It is important as a school leader to have a working knowledge of the court systems in your state so that you are aware of how and where legal issues are addressed. Legal issues may come your way and a school leader that is informed and knowledgeable of the process that will occur and which courts will likely have jurisdiction will help you navigate the questions you may have.

Follow these steps:

Research your state’s court system. You can do an internet search by typing in your state’s name and the term “state courts” into a search engine. Remember to use official court websites as others may not have reliable information.
Find an issue in your state that is a legal requirement that the courts have ruled on and is of interest to you.
Summarize the issue/requirement in a presentation. Identify the court that made the ruling and explain how the case moved from the local level to the state level as well as the parties involved.
Next, find an issue/requirement that is educational related that had to be heard by the Supreme Court. As you summarize this issue/requirement, trace the path it took from the local court to the Supreme Court.

Now create a presentation. Your presentation can be a PowerPoint or a Prezi, which is compiled of 8-10 slides (not including the cover or reference slide). When your presentation is complete, post it to the discussion board. Make sure that you respond to your classmates in a way that promotes the discussion. Ask for clarification from their posts if needed, or compare/contrast their state’s court systems with yours




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Legal Issues for School Leaders

Discussion 1: Legal Issues for School Leaders

Understanding your state’s court systems and laws are very important for a school leader, but you must have a clear understanding of the statutes and case laws that work together to help everyone understand the best way to resolve legal issues that leaders face in today’s schools. It is important for leaders to understand that the law is not a static situation, but that it is constantly evolving. When a statute is passed by a governing body, its guidance for school leaders is limited until it is interpreted by the courts. This interpretation comes in the form of case law. It is important for a school leader to understand how case law impacts the governing of the schools and the administration of the rights of stakeholders of schools including, but not limited to, students, employees, parents, and community members. For this discussion, you should choose either the First Amendment or the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution (page 26 in your text) as the basis for your reply.

Follow these directions:

Describe what the chosen amendment says about our rights as U.S. citizens.
Find two examples of case law that apply to educational institutions that have helped to define how the rights guaranteed by that amendment have been interpreted by the courts.
Discuss implications of the chosen case law and how it relates to school leaders.
Research resources (at least 3) that a school leader can use for better understanding in order to comply with the Amendment chosen. Post these resources, along with their links, in the Discussion Board.

Discussion 2

Emergency Management Scenario


School administrators have a responsibility to keep everyone safe. Read the scenario and in the Discussion Board, answer the questions at the end.

During the passing time between classes at Eisenhower High School, there was a fight between two special education students. Student “X” pulled a knife on Student “Y” and cut the students arm to the point severe bleeding took place. Student “X” continued the attack, but thankfully other students were able to disarm Student “X.” The principal of Eisenhower High, Mr. Smart, takes pride in being proactive in his school and his faculty and staff know the law well, so he was very concerned at the findings of his investigation of this incident.

There were several issues that concerned Mr. Smart about this incident. First, one of the school’s teachers, Mrs. Wright, had been informed by another student that Student “X,” an emotionally impaired special education student, might have a weapon in their possession. Because the student who reported the possible weapon was not thought to be credible, Mrs. Wright did not take the report seriously. She decided not to report this because it was at the start of the class, and she did not want to leave her class without supervision. By the time class ended, Mrs. Wright had forgotten about the possible weapon.

To make matters worse, this incident occurred between classes at the end of the hallway where there are only two classrooms, and there was no adult supervision present. Hallway supervision is one area that was a constant struggle between the principal and the faculty and staff. Mr. Smart had urged the faculty and staff to monitor student activity in the hallway. However, when the incident occurred, one teacher had gone to the restroom and the other was at his desk preparing for the next class. Because of the normal noise in the hallway, no adult responded to the incident until well after it had ended. In fact, no staff members knew about the incident until the student came into class with a severe bleeding arm.

When Mr. Smart was alerted to the incident, he immediately took action to isolate Student “X” in a secure, supervised area and to get medical attention for Student “Y.” After making sure Student “Y” received medical treatment, Mr. Smart thoughts turned to his concern for what liability there might be for the district, teachers, and himself.

In your Discussion Board post please responses to the following:

What potential liability does the school district face due to this incident?
What potential liability does Mr. Smart and his faculty face due to the incident?
Based on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirement for a school to have an Emergency Management plan, what responsibility does the school have for the safety of their students?
Would it have been legally permissible for school personnel to search Student “X” based on the report of a fellow student? Why or why not?
What should have been done differently in this scenario by the principal and the faculty to prevent this incident from occurring or to limit school district liability?

Discussion 3

Religion in Schools


As the principal of a small town school, Oak Middle School (a public school housing grades 6-8), you have been approached by an organization named “Professional Athletes Against Drug Abuse.” This group has offered to send well known professional athletes to your school to give an assembly encouraging students to be “drug free.” A day before the assembly, you receive a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) telling you that this group’s main goal is to convert children to Christianity. You immediately contact “Professional Athletes Against Drug Abuse” to express your concern; they assure you that their goal is strictly to urge students to remain drug free. You accept their explanation and allow the assembly to take place. When the assembly begins, it quickly becomes apparent that you have been duped and that the ACLU letter was right. The professional athlete speaking to the students encourages them to turn away from drugs and to turn to Jesus. During the assembly students receive a very strong evangelical message and are strongly encouraged to meet with the professional athlete again that evening at a local church to be “born again.” You were understandably very upset, but you allow the assembly to continue to its conclusion.

Please respond to the following questions:

What should you do after the assembly?
Do you personally or the school district have any legal liability due to allowing this assembly?
How does the Lemon Test apply to this circumstance?
How does the principle of government neutrality apply in this case?
Are there any circumstances under which this assembly or one like it could have been held on public school property?
Have you created an open forum?
Explain the legal principles behind your decision-making process.
As you read your classmates’ posts begin a conversation about the administration of the Lemon Test and if it would or would not have changed this assembly situation. What could have been done to prevent this situation?

Writers Solution

Emergency Management for School Leaders

Purpose: Emergency Management for School Leaders

There are no school leaders that are exempt from dealing with emergency issues in their schools. Emergencies can happen at any time and they can be caused either naturally or by humans. Recent issues have involved school shootings, tornadoes, floods, and medical outbreaks. A forward-thinking school leader is cognizant of these and other potential issues and prepared to deal with them by making quick and accurate decisions.


For this assignment, imagine that you are on your school districts Emergency Management committee. You have been asked to research emergency management for K-12 systems as well as examine federal, state, and local emergency management requirements/systems and submit your findings to the committee. The chair of the committee has asked you to write a 3 to 4 page (not including cover or reference page) proposal describing the different systems you found and the impact they had or will have on the school systems as well as what would be your recommendations to make your school district, students, teachers, and staff safer.

The essay should:

Describe the different Emergency Management systems.
Summarize local, state and federal emergency management requirements.
Address the impact different systems had or will have on the school system.
Discuss your recommendations of K-12 Emergency Management to the committee.

Use APA Style for formatting, citations, and references.

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We’re ready to invest in a new generation of business leaders

3-5 pgs

After the meeting of the Board of Directors, the Chairwoman of the Board calls you into her office. She offers you a cup of coffee and is impressed with the information that you presented in the meeting and your understanding of new ventures. She says:

“We’re ready to invest in a new generation of business leaders. There is so much talent arising from business schools, and the passion for entrepreneurism, innovation, and business excellence helps to build a strong economy. I’d like you to work with a multicultural team of entrepreneurs to develop a global small business.

You will need to prepare an executive business plan overview for the global small business for the Board of Directors, a brand logo, and a prospective commercial that could be used to advertise the global small business’s product or service. If the global small business idea is successful, the Board of Directors may approve startup funding of up to $1 million.”

Using the resources in the CTU Library, research entrepreneurism and small businesses, and create an executive business plan using this template (I’ve attached the template file) that includes the following:

  • Company Information: The name and background of your global small business including founders, history, current number of employees, and location.
  • Mission Statement: The purpose of your global small business.
  • Product or Service: A description of the products or services that your global small business will offer.
  • Company Logo: An original creative graphic that identifies your company or brand.
  • Market: The market for your global small business, including regions served and competitors.
  • Advertising: Prepare a description of an original, creative commercial for the products or services offered; Include what advertising medium you would use (Social Media, TV, Radio, for example) and include the identified target audience
  • Financials: The projected operational financial needs for your organization and the potential investments needed.
  • Growth Potential: The projected financial and market growth of the company for the next 5 years.

Provide a reference list of up to 3 resources at the end of your project of the resources you have found in the CTU Library, and include in-text citations for the articles in APA format

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Walmart’s Boot Camp for Top Leaders

1. Complete Walmart’s Boot Camp for Top Leaders on p 357. Thoroughly answer the questions at the end of the case (6 points) Minimum of 1 page

2. Describe pros and cons of each of the following performance tools. (10 points)

  • Graphic rating scales
  • Ranking
  • Forced Distribution
  • Narrative methods
  • Management by objectives

Required Materials Textbook

Robert Mathis and John Jackson. Human Resource Management, 15th Edition, 2016 Thompson ISBN: 978-1-1305500709


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If our leaders’ interests are truly focused on human resources and their development coming together and strengthening our presence on the international stage, this is what will put the Caribbean in a position of respect and real independence

Subject: Politics

Format: Research Piece (max 4500 words, 1.5 spaced, excluding cover page)

Research Question: “If our leaders’ interests are truly focused on human resources and their development coming together and strengthening our presence on the international stage, this is what will put the Caribbean in a position of respect and real independence” Mia Mottley.

Using the above statement, you are required to compile a project report on the changing face of CARICOM and its relevance in the 21st century.

Project report should include the following:

1)    An introduction highlighting the role of CARICOM

2)    Critically discuss the challenges face by CARICOM leaders in managing the sovereignty of their home country while embracing the need for regionalism

3)    Provide an overview of how CARICOM can play a greater role in the fight against Covid-19 and climate change 

4)    In response to the challenges you have identified, discuss ways in which CARICOM can aid with the development of the Caribbean region.  Ensure to include the challenges of globalization and geopolitics. 


  • Essays should be accompanied by a Reference/Bibliography. No less than 3 sources should be used. Wikipedia and online dictionaries are not sources.NO plagiarism.
  • APA format to be used

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Why is it important for health care leaders to have a strong and positive mentor? Provide specific examples.

Write a 175- to 265-word response to the following questions:

  • Why is it important for health care leaders to have a strong and positive mentor? Provide specific examples. 
  • Do you have a mentor? If so, share your experiences. If not, how might you find one?

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one of the counterterrorism tactics used by the U.S. military and our allies was to target the leaders of terrorist organizations such as Osama bin Laden through the use of drone attacks and other strategic methods of infiltration

After 9/11, one of the counterterrorism tactics used by the U.S. military and our allies was to target the leaders of terrorist organizations such as Osama bin Laden through the use of drone attacks and other strategic methods of infiltration. For example, Seal Team 6 with the U.S. Navy carried out a counterterrorism raid to detain and take Osama bin Laden into custody. The raid ended with Osama bin Laden being killed. This method of counterterrorism tactics is known as targeted killing.

After 8 weeks in this course, do you believe that targeted killings are an effective and efficient method of countering domestic and global terrorist groups? Why, or why not? If so, how? If not, why? How does this tactic compare and contrast to other counterterrorism tactics? How does this counterterrorism tactic address future threats of global terrorism? Reflect on your course readings, the unit lessons, assignments, and your research throughout this course. Defend your position.

Your reflection paper must be a minimum of two pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. You must use at least one outside source to defend your position. All sources used, including the textbook, must be cited and referenced according to APA standards.





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Performance & Accountability – State & Local Leaders (

Performance & Accountability – State & Local Leaders (500 Words).

Topic/Question Prompt: Where competency approaches suggest that leaders are created, theoretical approaches suggest that leaders are born. Drawing from the leadership traits described in assigned readings, discuss whether you believe these traits can be trained, or whether they are natural skills.

In this course, Discussions play an exceptionally important role. Please consider these threads and replies to be formal communications on the same level as those you would conduct with employers, clients, or colleagues in the professional, political, or academic world. As such, they must be free of grammatical errors, must be properly formatted in current Turabian style, and must consist of well-reasoned, contemplative, and substantive posts and replies, rather than mere ipse dixid. These threads and replies must be adequately supported by citations of the sources or support for your ideas as well as any quoted materials.

For your personal thread and peer replies, use Turabian formatting and edit for spelling and grammar.





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