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Relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange

Assessment 2: Report
Length: 1500 words (plus/minus 10 per cent)
Conditions: Individual
Weighting: 40%
The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between key elements of the unit material such as authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange, management support factors, and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.
This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
Facilitators will present students with a concept model from the journals you have listed in the reading list in the Unit Content section of Blackboard.
This assignment is about using the model that your facilitator has given you and:
1. Identify the journal article that the model comes from (make sure you include it in the reference list with SCU URL details).
2. Explain the model. This involves critically reading and writing about the concepts discussed in the journal article. You are expected to use some of the academic literature to support a well-constructed argument (a minimum of 5 references to other articles from the course material – more for higher grades). What are the factors in the model that you are looking at? What are the outcomes that are being investigated? What is the relationship between the factors in the model? (600 words)
3a. Application. If you are in a (paid or unpaid) work context, examine whether the way the factors interact in the model is similar to your understanding of how leadership behaviours affect employees’ outcomes in a workplace. Justify your response with reference to your own workplace and other journal articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words) Note: if you select this option you must get approval from your facilitator and you MUST demonstrate evidence that you are currently or recently employed by the organisation you are analysing.
3b. If you are not in a workplace setting at the moment, think about the findings that are presented in the model (and the journal article). Use the model and journal article to explain the type of leadership, management practices that employees experience and consider how it affects employee outcomes. Justify your response with reference to the findings in the article and other articles in the unit content and reading list (900 words)
• Do include a title page with a title that identifies the factors in the model
• Do not include an Executive Summary or Table of Contents
• Do structure your report with an Introduction, followed by the main body of the report where you explain the model and apply your understanding. Finish with a concluding paragraph.
• Do use Times New Roman, 12-point font, double line spacing
• Do number your pages
• Do refer to the literature conforming to the SCU Harvard referencing style
• You may use headings and sub-headings but they are not essential
Marking criteria
Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
Identification of the model • The model has been correctly identified with reference to the journal article in which the model was first published. 5 marks
Explanation of the model • The key factors/variables have been identified and explained (including the specific employee outcomes).
• The relationship between the factors has been explained clearly with reference to supporting literature. 10 marks
Applying the knowledge • There is clear evidence that the relationships in the theoretical model are understood
• There is evidence that the principles in the model could be effectively applied to a practical situation
• There is a demonstrated understanding of the impact of leadership on employee performance 15 mark
Paragraphing, formatting and referencing • The introduction should have a topic sentence detailing the topic of the report, and an outline of the report. Avoid using references to the literature in your Introduction (except for a reference to the article in which your model was published).
• Each paragraph that follows should be a well-constructed paragraph comprising approximately 150 words each. A paragraph should have a topic sentence. This should be followed by sentences that are referenced (i.e. intext citations using SCU Harvard style guide) and add depth to the argument development.
• The final paragraph should provide a summary of the report. It requires no references and is usually shorter than other paragraphs.
• Sources reviewed are acceptable and referenced correctly
• The formatting conforms to the specified requirements
• Include a Reference List in alphabetical order formatted in accordance with the SCU Harvard style guide 10 marks
Total 40

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Leadership and Management of Large Corporations

 Assessment InformationSubject Code: BUS606
Subject Name: Business Research Proposal and Literature Review
Assessment Title: Assessment 3 – Final Research Proposal and Literature Review
Weighting: 40 %
Total Marks: Length: 40
3000 (not including reference list)
COURSE: Master of Business (Research)
Unit: Business Research Proposal and Literature Review
Unit Code: BUS606
Type of
Assessment: Assessment 3 – Final Research Proposal and Literature Review
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: (a) Demonstrate an advanced ability to initiate and prepare an original research proposal.
(b) Demonstrate an advanced ability to prepare a literature review based on the support of an original research proposal.
(c) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the ethical issues associated with an original research proposal and their implications for the research and for the acceptability of the research by an ethics review committee.
(d) Critically evaluate the coherence, relevance and methodological merits of a given body of literature.
(e) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the theoretical, practical and professional contexts and significance of the research.
(f) Prepare a literature review that identifies and discriminates between concepts, issues, key findings and relevant theories most pertinent to the research proposal which the review supports.
Criteria for
• Knowledge and Understanding
• Content and exploration of theories and ideas
• Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
• Technical skills and referencing
Assessment Task: In this task, you will develop a research proposal for a research project addressing Leadership and Management issues that is aligned to one of the Research Clusters in the School of Business.
This research proposal will be used to allocate your Research
Supervisors who will be appointed to supervisor your Master of
Business Research thesis and will also be reviewed by the
Research Committee to complete your Confirmation of Candidature requirements.
Drawing on your synthesis of the existing research literature in business and allied fields, you will identify a research question based on the theoretical, professional, or organizational ‘gap’ for a business problem that your proposed research will address. You will analyze the implications of various theoretical approaches in order to choose and develop an appropriate theoretical framework for your research. You will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various methodological approaches before choosing and justifying a preferred methodology for your research.
You research proposal and literature review should comprise the following sections:
Research Project Title: A working title for the Master of Business Research thesis that is no more than 12 words
Research Cluster: Identify the Research Cluster aligned to your research project
• Cluster 1: Leadership and Management of Large
• Cluster 2: Leadership and Management of Not-for Profit Organisations
• Cluster 3: Leadership and Management of Start-ups, SMEs and Family Business
• Cluster 4: Leadership and Management of Technological and Digital Transformation Cluster 5: Leadership and Management of Sustainable Business Operations
• Cluster 6: Leadership and Management of Government and Multilateral Organisations
• Cluster 7: Leadership and Management of Tourism and Hospitality Organisations
Executive Summary of the Research Project: In one paragraph state the purpose of the research, the research approach and the conclusion from the project.
Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of the research project and issues addressed by the research. Place your project in conversation with other projects on similar topics.
Justification for the Research: Provide justifications for your project by explaining the need for the research, why your proposed research is important and what is the expected contribution of your research to the field of study.
Review of literature: The literature review should address and synthesise the relevant literature and prior research in the parent disciplines and relevant sub-disciplines.
Identification and definition of key terms: All key terms used need to be identified and definitions justified.
Evaluation of current theory and practice: Critically evaluate the current theories relevant to the research and identify gaps and related issues that the research project will address.
Research Objectives: State the general purpose of the project and outline the specific objectives you want to achieve by undertaking the research project.
Research Questions: Specify the key research questions you want to address in your research project. These questions should be consistent with your objectives.
Statement of the Research Problem: Clearly define your research problem. This section must address the following questions: “What is the gap that needs to be filled?” and/or “What is the problem that needs to be solved.
Statement of proposed research methodology: Outline the proposed research methodology such as quantitative methods, qualitative methods, or mixed methods. Also outline your research paradigm, research design, research strategy, sampling design, data collection method, and data analysis method. You must provide justifications for all your methodological decisions.
Statement of data sources and data collection methods: Outline how you propose to collect data for your research. Ensure this is a practical proposition and that you have taken account of the time required to collect data and any costs associated with data collection.
Evaluation of all ethical considerations: Identify the ethical concerns you anticipate and demonstrate how you will address them.
Statement of Expected Research Contribution: Prepare a statement outlining what is the expected contribution of your research project to the filed of research in the areas of theoretical development, methodological practice, leadership and / or management practice, policy or regulatory development or other areas of contribution.
Research timetable: Develop a timetable that will enable you to complete your proposed research thesis within the two semesters of study for the Master of Business Research thesis. This timetable must be realistic and you will be held accountable to meeting this timetable by your supervisors.
Bibliography: The research proposal should be supported by an extensive bibliography comprising at a minimum 30 references.
Submission Date: Week 12 (online submission).
Total Mark & Weighting: 40 marks | 40%
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or approved extenuating circumstances incur a 5% penalty per calendar day,
calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 15 will incur a 1.75 mark penalty per calendar day.
Marking Rubrics
Criteria HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% DN (Distinction)
75%-84% CR (Credit) 74%-65% P (Pass)
50%-64% F (Fail)
Knowledge and understanding
5 marks Command of the topic, unusual creativity, perception and insight, all suggesting that work should be published in an academic forum. Demonstrates command of the topic by showing creativity, perception and insight — a serious contribution to the academic debate. Demonstrates a well- informed understanding of the topic by showing
creativity and insight — a serious contribution to the academic debate. Understanding of contemporary academic debate, with some
creative input and insight, with a tendency toward description. Limited/poor understanding demonstrated. Any creative input is somewhat off the point.
Content and exploration of theories and ideas 15 marks Outstanding selection that makes a substantial contribution to academic debate. Outstanding selection from a wide relevant and innovative range of perspectives and sources. Selection from a wide and relevant range of perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary academic debate. Relevant selection from a range of perspectives and sources. Sources are mostly integrated into the overall argument. Narrow selection, minimal use of sources, to support the argument.
Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
15 marks Outstanding use of source material.
Excellent argument that is Sources very well integrated into the overall argument. Clear well Sources wellintegrated into the overall argument. Clear, cogent Mostly clear, cogent and wellstructured argument.
Demonstrates Sources are not properly integrated into the argument. Absence of clear and cogent
of the highest academic quality. Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the question, to a high degree of excellence. structured argument that is well crafted and cogent. Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the question. and wellstructured argument.
distance and sound analysis of the question. criticality and generally good analysis. argument.
Incomplete analysis with a tendency to accept the source material at face value.
Technical skills and referencing
5marks Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions.
No errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions.
Virtually no errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions. Good grammar and spelling. Referencing sufficiently clear and using an appropriate convention. Adequate grammar and spelling. References limited/inappropriate. Many errors in grammar and
spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read

Writers Solution

Development of clinical leadership

 Appendix II – Marking Criteria for Assessment 3Criteria
0-2.5 Marks 2.5-5 Marks 5-7.5 Marks 7.5-10 Marks Total
Definition of clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion of clinical leadership. Includes definition & description, could have been improved. Good discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Relevance could have been stronger. Exemplary discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Moral courage Poorly describes moral courage in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good description of moral courage and clinical leadership Good use of theoretical concepts to support discussion. Exemplary description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Considers challenges and difficulties in this area. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Emotional intelligence and Reflection Poorly describes emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved Good description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Good use of literature to support discussion. Exemplary description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Established importance and presented practical use of concepts in the context of clinical leadership. Excellent use of literature to support discussion. …./10
Development of clinical leadership
Poorly identifies ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership and/or does not link to practical examples Sound identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Exemplary identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Provided practical examples while considering particular concerns as a new graduate. …./10
Mentor Qualities Insufficient description of the attributes/styles of good mentors and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of the attributes/styles of good mentors although some areas could have been improved Good description of the attributes/styles of good mentors. Exemplary description of contemporary mentorship styles and attributes which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Goal setting- Surviving Clinical placement Poor discussion regarding the mentor relationship and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Although several areas could be improved Good discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Exemplary discussion
with worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies to succeed as a mentor provided …./10
Feedback Insufficient discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback; could have been improved. Good practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback. Exemplary practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback …./10
Poor performance Poor discussion regarding managing the poorly performing student and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Some areas were not considered Good discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Exemplary discussion regarding the poorly performing student, provided worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies with reference to relevant literature …./10
Key Messages Poorly identified and/or irrelevant. Sound identification and relevance. Some areas could be improved. Good identification and relevance Exemplary identification and relevance of do’s and don’ts in the context of mentor-mentee relationship. …./10
Quality Intext references matches with the list; at least five recent (last 5 years preferred) and reliable references (at least one textbook of recommendations) were included. Engaging, however, further consideration should be given to improving area regarding practical elements to assist in engaging the target audience. Colourful, creative, visually appealing, mostly appropriate and likely to engage the target audience. Visually appealing, sums up and underlines the main points, highly creative and engaging, its delivery was appropriate for the target audience. …./10

Assessment 3 – Written Assignment
Assessment Type Written Assignment
Purpose This assignment will assess students’ understanding of leadership, mentorship and clinical
Description New Graduate or Undergraduate Nurses’ Practical Guide to Clinical Leadership
In this assessment item you are required to do following:
• Submit a booklet (four pages of a word document) of a practical guide to
clinical leadership for your fellow new graduate nurses or nursing students.
• Create an interesting, engaging, relevant and practical guide.
• Use intext referencing of the evidence-based sources
Booklet Content:
1) What is clinical leadership?
2) Moral courage and clinical leadership
3) Emotional intelligence and reflection in clinical leadership
4) What can you do to develop clinical leadership?
5) What can you do to demonstrate clinical leadership?
6) What makes a good mentor?
7) Goal setting and surviving placement
8) Feedback – what it is and what it isn’t
9) Managing the poorly performing student
10) Do’s and Don’ts list
11) References
Note: Further instructions for the assignment will be provided on Blackboard.
Please also refer to marking criteria in Appendix II.
Weighting 50%
Submission Requirement – Students must submit this assessment item to pass the
Length 1400 words maximum
Due Date 9th November 2020 23:59
Submission Method Online via Turnitin
Assessment Criteria See Appendix II
Feedback Provided Grades and feedback will be available through Turnitin on Blackboard.
Opportunity to
Reattempt Students will not be given an opportunity to re-attempt this assessment

Writers Solution

clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature

 Appendix II – Marking Criteria for Assessment 3Criteria
0-2.5 Marks 2.5-5 Marks 5-7.5 Marks 7.5-10 Marks Total
Definition of clinical leadership Insufficient explanation of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion of clinical leadership. Includes definition & description, could have been improved. Good discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Relevance could have been stronger. Exemplary discussion of clinical leadership including definition, description and attributes. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Moral courage Poorly describes moral courage in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good description of moral courage and clinical leadership Good use of theoretical concepts to support discussion. Exemplary description of moral courage and clinical leadership. Considers challenges and difficulties in this area. Excellent use of theoretical concepts to support discussion which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Emotional intelligence and Reflection Poorly describes emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved Good description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Good use of literature to support discussion. Exemplary description of emotional intelligence and reflection in the context of clinical leadership. Established importance and presented practical use of concepts in the context of clinical leadership. Excellent use of literature to support discussion. …./10
Development of clinical leadership
Poorly identifies ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership and/or does not link to practical examples Sound identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate clinical leadership. Some areas could be improved. Good identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Exemplary identification of ways in which new graduates can demonstrate and develop clinical leadership. Provided practical examples while considering particular concerns as a new graduate. …./10
Mentor Qualities Insufficient description of the attributes/styles of good mentors and/or does not reference relative literature Sound description of the attributes/styles of good mentors although some areas could have been improved Good description of the attributes/styles of good mentors. Exemplary description of contemporary mentorship styles and attributes which were well supported by evidence. …./10
Goal setting- Surviving Clinical placement Poor discussion regarding the mentor relationship and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Although several areas could be improved Good discussion regarding the mentor relationship. Exemplary discussion
with worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies to succeed as a mentor provided …./10
Feedback Insufficient discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback and/or does not reference relative literature. Sound discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback; could have been improved. Good practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback. Exemplary practical discussion relating to key indicators of effective and ineffective feedback …./10
Poor performance Poor discussion regarding managing the poorly performing student and/or does not reference relative literature Sound discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Some areas were not considered Good discussion regarding the poorly performing student. Exemplary discussion regarding the poorly performing student, provided worthwhile and practical examples/ strategies with reference to relevant literature …./10
Key Messages Poorly identified and/or irrelevant. Sound identification and relevance. Some areas could be improved. Good identification and relevance Exemplary identification and relevance of do’s and don’ts in the context of mentor-mentee relationship. …./10
Quality Intext references matches with the list; at least five recent (last 5 years preferred) and reliable references (at least one textbook of recommendations) were included. Engaging, however, further consideration should be given to improving area regarding practical elements to assist in engaging the target audience. Colourful, creative, visually appealing, mostly appropriate and likely to engage the target audience. Visually appealing, sums up and underlines the main points, highly creative and engaging, its delivery was appropriate for the target audience. …./10

Assessment 3 – Written Assignment
Assessment Type Written Assignment
Purpose This assignment will assess students’ understanding of leadership, mentorship and clinical
Description New Graduate or Undergraduate Nurses’ Practical Guide to Clinical Leadership
In this assessment item you are required to do following:
• Submit a booklet (four pages of a word document) of a practical guide to
clinical leadership for your fellow new graduate nurses or nursing students.
• Create an interesting, engaging, relevant and practical guide.
• Use intext referencing of the evidence-based sources
Booklet Content:
1) What is clinical leadership?
2) Moral courage and clinical leadership
3) Emotional intelligence and reflection in clinical leadership
4) What can you do to develop clinical leadership?
5) What can you do to demonstrate clinical leadership?
6) What makes a good mentor?
7) Goal setting and surviving placement
8) Feedback – what it is and what it isn’t
9) Managing the poorly performing student
10) Do’s and Don’ts list
11) References
Note: Further instructions for the assignment will be provided on Blackboard.
Please also refer to marking criteria in Appendix II.
Weighting 50%
Submission Requirement – Students must submit this assessment item to pass the
Length 1400 words maximum
Due Date 9th November 2020 23:59
Submission Method Online via Turnitin
Assessment Criteria See Appendix II
Feedback Provided Grades and feedback will be available through Turnitin on Blackboard.
Opportunity to
Reattempt Students will not be given an opportunity to re-attempt this assessment

Writers Solution

leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency.

In a 4- to 5-page project proposal written to the leadership of your healthcare organization, propose a nursing informatics project for your organization that you advocate to improve patient outcomes or patient-care efficiency. Your project proposal should include the following:

  • Describe the project you propose.
  • Identify the stakeholders impacted by this project.
  • Explain the patient outcome(s) or patient-care efficiencies this project is aimed at improving and explain how this improvement would occur. Be specific and provide examples.
  • Identify the technologies required to implement this project and explain why.
  • Identify the project team (by roles) and explain how you would incorporate the nurse informaticist in the project team.

*No copying

*No plagiarism

*APA format

Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at

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Leadership and Management in Complex Systems research by Jager and van der Vegt (2005),

Chapter 13 – Our observations from the case study reading in the chapter material, Leadership and Management in Complex Systems research by Jager and van der Vegt (2005), is that leadership scholars seem to acknowledge the dynamic nature of leadership and have developed models and frameworks to organize and describe the factors that are important.  However, empirical research to test these models is scarce.  The authors have suggested several reasons for the lack of such research on dynamic leadership processes. 

Q1: Carefully identify at least four (4) reasons, and provide a brief narrative about each reason, an

d why the authors provided that reason?  what are those four reasons for the lack of research? provide a brief narrative for each reason to support your response

Chapter 13 – According to our chapter case study, agent-based gaming projects have been noted as requiring the interaction between many different actors with possible turbulences.  Following this research viewpoint, Jager et al. (2000), what are the functions of agent-based models in the simulated market?

Q2: What is the function of the agent-based model in the simulated market?

identify and name the function(s),  provide a short and succinct narrative of each

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 Trait theories of leadership

Assignment Content

  1. Resources: 
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Emotional Intelligence and Leadership

Note: You are strongly encouraged to complete the assessments in this course in the order in which they are presented.


Before you create and submit your assessment, complete the following:

  1. Review the results of your STAR assessment and look for credible, professional resources on leadership and managing stressful situations.
  2. Complete one of the emotional intelligence (EI) assessments (linked in the Resources) and find credible, professional resources on EI in business.


Read the requirements carefully and be sure you complete each section.

  • Section One – Emotional Intelligence and Leadership: Explain how EI concepts improve leadership skills. How does understanding and managing emotions make a more effective leader?
  • Section Two – Personal Leadership Assessment: Conduct a personal leadership situational assessment using the critical moment dialogue approach.
    • Describe a chaotic or stressful situation you experienced (in just a few sentences) and the specific actions you took in the situation.
    • Describe ways you could have better managed your reaction to the situation, using the leadership resources you located.
    • Explain how this new insight might influence your personal leadership development.
  • Section Three – Personal Leadership Brand Statement: Based on the results of your STAR assessment, personal leadership situational assessment, and EI assessment, propose a personal leadership brand or style that is authentic, reflects your personality and strengths, and capitalizes on your EI.
    • Condense your personal leadership brand into two words that best describe your style. You can test your proposed leadership brand by asking colleagues for feedback. Include a so that statement for your brand that demonstrates how your leadership style adds value to your organization.
    • Example: “My leadership brand is collaborative accountability so that I can facilitate effective teamwork towards meeting the organization’s goal to deliver X clinical and Y financial outcomes.”
  • Section Four – Personal Leadership Model: Analyze how you can combine your leadership strengths, emotional intelligence, and personal leadership brand into a leadership model that aligns with organizational culture and strategic goals and can guide organizational success. Be sure your analysis includes evidence and support from the resources you located. Specifically, address the following:
    • Leadership strategies to guide highly effective teams.
    • How your leadership approach might be influenced by financial forecasts.
    • How your leadership approach reflects the mission and values of the organization, as well as professional and personal ethics.

Additional Requirements

  • Structure: Include a title page and reference page.
  • Length: No required minimum length. Be substantive, thorough, and concise.
  • References: At least five current credible professional resources.
  • Format: APA format for references and citations only.
  • Font: Times New Roman font, 12 point, double-spaced.

Required Resources

The following resources are required to complete the assessment.

  • The Greater Good Science Center at the University of California, Berkeley. (n.d.). Test your emotional intelligence. Retrieved from
  • Cherry, K. (n.d.). What’s your EQ? Retrieved from


Suggested Resources

The resources provided here are optional and support the assessment. They provide helpful information about the topics. You may use other resources of your choice to prepare for this assessment; however, you will need to ensure that they are appropriate, credible, and valid. The Organizational Leadership and Governance Library Guide can help direct your research. The Supplemental Resources and Research Resources, both linked from the left navigation menu in your courseroom, provide additional resources to help support you.

Emotional Intelligence
Critical Reflection
Personal Leadership Brand
Writers Solution

Analyze a difficult leadership situation in the business world that has impacted a company or companies.

  1. In your paper,• Analyze a difficult leadership situation in the business world that has impacted a company or companies.• Develop a plan for positively increasing the performance of the organization, the leadership, and the teams within the organization using the five practices of exemplary leadership as developed by Kouzes and Posner.
    The Leadership in Hard Times paper
    • Must be two to three double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style
    Must include a separate title page with the following: • Title of paper• Student’s name• Course name and number• Instructor’s name• Date submitted
    • Must utilize academic voice.• Must include an introduction and conclusion paragraph. Your introduction paragraph needs to end with a clear thesis statement that indicates the purpose of your paper.• Must use at least three scholarly sources• Must document any information used from sources in APA style• Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style
  2. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
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Authentic leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap)?

Assessment 2: Essay
Length: 2000 words
Conditions: Individual
Weighting: 50%
The following assessment aims to examine how well you understand the relationship between authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange and management support and the psychological capital of employees of different employee groups. It continues the development of Cultural Competence Learning Outcome and Graduate Attribute by facilitating students’ increased knowledge and awareness about how authentic leadership, effective Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and management support interact on employees outcomes.
Pick a topic below and write a well-referenced literature review in response. You are expected to use the academic literature to support a well-constructed argument. This assignment must be submitted through the Turnitin link for this assignment.
1. What is the relationship between authentic leadership, Leader-Member Exchange (LMX) and employees’ Psychological Capital (PsyCap)? Critically review the literature that explains how to build the Psychological Capital of different types of employees? Why do emotions (of for example leaders, managers, employees) significantly impact employees’ performance?
Analyse the leadership and/or employee performance (such as their engagement, turnover, commitment, wellbeing) at your workplace and compare it with the positive leadership and Psychological Capital literature. How similar or different is your workplace from what is potentially possible as per recent research studies? Please consider different types of employees (such as professionals versus administrative employees, emotional labour, blue collar versus white collar employees, different generational cohorts, and/or different ethnicities). Use the positive leadership and/or Psychological Capital literature to suggest how to move your workplace towards being more effective? Note: if you select this option you must get approval from your tutor and you MUST demonstrate evidence that you are currently or recently employed by the organisation you are analysing.
Marking criteria
Sections Assessing criteria Weightage
Literature review • Literature reviewed is relevant to the chosen topic 5 marks
Synthesis of the Literature Review • Critically analyse and synthesise the emerging themes from at least 6 journal arguments to support your argument
• Sources reviewed are acceptable and referenced correctly 20 marks
Applying the knowledge • Clearly address all aspects of the question:
o Relationship between AL, LMX, and PsyCap
o At least two different types of employees (such as professionals versus administrative employees, emotional labour, different generational cohorts, and/or different ethnicities)
o Impact of emotions on employee performance 15 mark
Paragraphing • The introduction should have a topic sentence detailing the topic of the essay, and an outline of the essay.
• Each paragraph that follows should be a well-constructed paragraph comprising approximately 150 word each. A paragraph should have a topic sentence. This should be followed by sentences that are referenced and add depth to the argument development.
• The final paragraph should provide a summary of the essay. It requires no references and is usually shorter than other paragraphs. 10 marks
Total 50