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Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities

  1. Once you have determined your preferred learning style, review the corresponding link to view your learning preference.
  2. Review , read/write,  AND BASE IT ON READ AND WITE
  3. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  4. Examine how awareness of learning styles has influenced your perceptions of teaching and learning

In a paper (750-1,000 words), summarize your analysis of this exercise and discuss the overall value of learning styles. Include the following:  

  1. Provide a summary of your learning style according the VARK questionnaire.
  2. Describe your preferred learning strategies. Compare your current preferred learning strategies to the identified strategies for your preferred learning style.
  3. Describe how individual learning styles affect the degree to which a learner can understand or perform educational activities. Discuss the importance of an educator identifying individual learning styles and preferences when working with learners.
  4. Discuss why understanding the learning styles of individuals participating in health promotion is important to achieving the desired outcome. How do learning styles ultimately affect the possibility for a behavioral change? How would different learning styles be accommodated in health promotion?

Cite to at least three peer-reviewed or scholarly sources to complete this assignment. Sources should be published within the last 5 years and appropriate for the assignment criteria.  

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.   

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Course Resources if you need assistance.


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Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning

Topic is “Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning”.

Research Questions:

How can we control the access to sensitive healthcare information and systems?

How to provide data security for affected healthcare data breaches?

How to enhance the cybersecurity in healthcare to overcome the cyber attacks ?

11.1 Mock Dissertation Chapter One Introduction

Overview: As you observed in the LIVE session, there is a connection between chapter three and chapter one. Therefore, as an extension of our week in the mock chapter three from last week, we will write a mock chapter one. For the sake of preparation, we will be using the required headings from the University of the Cumberlands Dissertation Handbook. Like we discuss in class, each university has unique parameters for what they expect in chapter one, so you may see papers from other universities that look slightly different. The importance here is to focus on the content, not necessarily the organization. This assignment will help determine your readiness to write a full-length chapter one.


1. Review the rubric and examples to make sure that you understand what is expected of you in this assignment.

a. Chapter One Samples.pdf Chapter One Samples.pdf – Alternative Formats

b. Rubric for Chapter One.docx Rubric for Chapter One.docx – Alternative Formats

2. Develop a 3-4 page (more is fine) mock chapter one to include the following expectations from the university:

o Overview (1-2 well developed paragraphs)

o Background and problem statement (1-2 well developed paragraphs)

o Purpose of the study (1 well developed paragraph)

o Significance of the study (1 well developed paragraph)

o Research Questions (numbered list)

o Limitations of the Study (1 short paragraph)

o Assumptions (1 short paragraph)

o Definitions (list)

o Summary (1 well developed paragraph)

3. Turn in your “mock” chapter one to the submission box.

Sample to write

Chapter 1


Since the publication of the Reagan era education report,ANationatRisk,theUnited Stateshasfocusedattentiononeducation reform(United States, 1983). Thisreportused compelling languageto describeAmerica’s schoolsaslargely inadequate andunabletomeet globaldemandsoneducation, thereby leaving America’sfuturein jeopardy. Sincethattime schoolleadershaveembraced variouseducation reformmovements suchasNoChild LeftBehind and EveryStudentSucceedsAct(NoChild LeftBehind[NCLB],2002,Every StudentSucceeds Act[ESSA],2008). Each withtheir ownmeasuresofstandardizedtesting,academicachievement, and schoolperformance. Perhapsoverlooked istheimportanceofschoolclimateintheoverall schoolimprovementprocess. ClevelandandSink(2018)promotethenotion thatstudent perspectivesonschoolclimateshould beincluded inschoolimprovementplans. Otherresearches suchas Zahid (2014),suggestschoolclimateto bethenumberoneconsideration forstudent academicachievement.

Dutta &Sahney(2016)researched therelationship between schoolclimate andstudent achievementandsuggested apositivecorrelation. Schoolprincipalsaretheleadersoftheir building, shaping acompelling visionforthefuturewhilepromoting safety,academic achievement,andapositiveclimate. Depending ontheschools’size,theprincipal’sjob description may includecurriculum, discipline, community relations, andfiscalresponsibilities. Principals are required tobalance theexpectations ofstate, community, and districtleaders toproducethehighest possiblestandardized testing, personnel,and schoolclimateresults. Theseresponsibilitiesmake themoneofthemostinfluential schoolimprovement figures.

Backgroundandproblem statement

Leadership practicesutilized byprincipals arevitalto thequalityoftheir jobperformance.

Theinfluenceofaprincipalextendstotheperception ofallinternaland externalstakeholders. With increasing research tosuggestpositiveschoolclimatescould beaninfluentialcomponent of schoolimprovement, principals should consider theextenttowhichinternal stakeholderssuch as theteaching faculty perceive their influenceoverschoolclimate. Theextentto which principals can influenceschoolclimate inArkansas’ schoolsisunknown.


Thepurposeofthisquantitativecorrelational research wastoinvestigate if andtowhat extentprincipal leadership practicescorrelatewithschoolclimate asperceived byteachersinthein ruralandsuburbanschoolsinArkansas. Thisstudyinvestigatedthebivariatecorrelationbetween theteachers’perception oftheschoolprincipal’sleadershippracticesandthecorresponding school’sclimatescores. Twenty-fourschoolsareincluded inthesamplesizefromsixgeographic regionsofArkansas. Inall, 626teachersparticipated, answeringsurveysregarding their perspective of24schoolprincipalsandthe correspondingschoolclimates in Arkansas.The leadership practicesoftheprincipal andtheschoolclimate werethevariablesforthisstudy. Significanceofthestudy

Theextantresearch onschoolclimateincultureislimited. Principalsseeking toimprove their schoolsneed guidanceonhowto promotethebestpossibleenvironmentforpositivestudent outcomes. Promoting apositiveschoolclimatemay provebeneficialto increasing student academicachievement. Understanding theleadership practicesasperceived thatpromotea positiveschoolclimatewillbenefitprincipalsseeking toimprovetheir schools. Thisstudywill recommend leadership practicesthatmay promoteapositive schoolclimateforoverallschool



RQ1:To whatextentdoesthe overallindexofprincipal’s leadership practices correlatewith schoolclimate asperceived byhighschoolteachersin 24ruraland suburban schoolsin Arkansas?


Thescopeofthisstudymeasures theclimatesandleadership behaviorsof24schoolsand principals. Given thatschoolclimatescanchangerelativelyquickly andaresubjectto factors beyond theprincipals’ control, theresultsofthiscross-sectionalstudymay onlybe appropriatefor implementation forashorttime afterwards. Assumptions

Thisstudyassumesthattheinstruments usedwillaccurately portray leadership behaviors ofschoolprincipalsandproperly assessschoolclimates. Responsesreceivedfromteachersare believedtoaccurately reflecttheir supervising principalandaccurately measurethecorresponding schoolclimate. Definitions Principal.Thehead leadership position inaschool. Principalsmanagetheday-to-dayschool operationsaswellasmanage discipline, curriculum, andcommunity engagement. Schoolculture. Thecollectivebeliefsandnormsofaschool. Summary

Schoolclimatemaybethemissinglink ofpasteducationreforms. Principalshavethe abilitytoinfluencetheclimateoftheir respectiveschools. Researcheshavesuggested apositive correlation between schoolclimateandstudentachievement(Dutta&Sahney,2016). Providing schoolprincipals withbestpractices topromoteapositiveschoolclimatemay aideinoverall



Cleveland,R. E.,&Sink,C. A. (2018). Studenthappiness,schoolclimate, and school improvementplans. ProfessionalSchoolCounseling, 21(1) doi:

Dutta, V. &Sahney,S. (2016),Schoolleadership and itsimpactonstudentachievement:The mediating roleofschoolclimateandteacher jobsatisfaction, InternationalJournalof EducationalManagement, 30(6),941-958.

Every StudentSucceedsActof2015,Pub. L. No. 114-95§114Stat. 1177(2015-2016).

NoChild LeftBehind(NCLB)Actof2001,Pub. L. No. 107-110,§101,Stat. 1425(2002).

United States. National CommissiononExcellenceinEducation. (1983). Anation atrisk:The imperativeforeducationalreform. Washington, D.C.:TheNational Commissionon Excellence inEducation.

Zahid, G. (2014). Directandindirectimpact ofperceived schoolclimateuponstudentoutcomes. AsianSocialScience, 10(8),90-102.


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foster learning and growth

Touchstone 2.2: Informative Essay Draft

ASSIGNMENT: Select one of the following writing prompts and draft a 3-5 page (approximately 800-1300 words) informative essay. As a part of your completed draft, complete the color coding activity described below. In addition, answer the “Think About Your Writing” questions on a separate sheet of paper and include it with your draft submission.

Note: Touchstone 3 will be a revision of the draft that you submit for Touchstone 2.2.

Sample Image Analysis Essay: Prompt A
Sample Extended Definition Essay: Prompt B In order to foster learning and growth, all essays you submit must be newly written specifically for this course. Any recycled work will be sent back with a 0, and you will be given one attempt to redo the Touchstone.

A. Instructions

Choose one of the following prompts for your informative essay.

PROMPT A: IMAGE ANALYSIS: Although we look at print advertisements every day, we often do not consider the ways in which they affect us. Visual images in ads can influence and persuade us, so it is important to evaluate them critically to understand their meanings. Good image analysis involves examination of the components of an image to gain an understanding of the whole.

Select an advertisement to analyze. The advertisement you choose should be directed towards a specific audience. To identify the intended audience, think about the members of the potential audience for the advertisement that you have chosen. Who are they? Ads for a beauty product, for example, may be aimed at young girls; ads for a deodorant might target men; a diaper commercial is likely intended for new parents; ads for cruise trips might be aimed at retirees. You can use any academically-appropriate advertisement to complete this assignment, as long as its intended audience is clearly identified.

Your thesis must inform the reader of your topic and purpose. Because you are writing in the informative mode, use objective language and a neutral point of view.

Draft an analytical essay that examines the audience, context, and purpose of the advertising image you’ve chosen. Read the article by Jenna Pack titled “Breaking Down an Image” found in the “Model Informative Essays” tutorial for ideas about how to write an image analysis. Your analysis should lead to a conclusion about the ad’s effectiveness, based on examination of its components. Include the image with your draft.

PROMPT B: EXTENDED DEFINITION: Define or redefine one of the following words:

  • Family
  • Success
  • Courage
  • Art
  • Beauty

In your draft, briefly explain how society, or the dictionary, defines the word you’ve selected, and then explain your unique or extended definition of the word. Provide examples and explanations to support your definition. Your thesis must inform your readers of your new definition and, because you are writing in the informative mode, you must use objective language.

Draft an extended definition essay that defines or redefines a word or concept. Read the article by Dan Richards titled “Digital Ethics” found in the “Model Informative Essays” tutorial for ideas about how to write an extended definition essay.

B. Think About Your Writing

As a part of your completed draft, complete the color coding activity and include answers to all of the questions below your draft.

PART 1: Color Coding Activity

Using the color codes provided, evaluate your draft as follows:

  • Use red text to indicate your thesis statement.
  • Use green text to indicate the topic sentence of each body paragraph.

PART 2: Questions

1. What is the significance of your essay? Why should readers care about what you have written? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Think about why you decided to analyze this particular image, or why you picked the word you chose to define. Your interest in in your subject matter should be clear to readers.

2. Which areas of your draft do you think will benefit most from revision? (2-3 sentences) Sophia says: Consider the organization, style, focus, development, and conventions of your draft. Which areas did you struggle to complete?

3. Consider the strengths and weaknesses of your writing. How can you capitalize on your strengths and improve on your weaknesses in future essays? (3-4 sentences) Sophia says: Think about what was easy about writing the draft, and what was more difficult. For example, if you write paragraphs with strong topic sentences, but repeatedly use the same type of sentence to provide supporting details, you can improve your paragraphs by varying sentence structure.

C. Informative Draft Guidelines

DIRECTIONS: Refer to the checklist below throughout the writing process. Do not submit your Touchstone until your draft meets all of the guidelines.

Essay Prompt: Image Analysis

❒ If you chose the image analysis prompt, have you analyzed and interpreted – and not just described – the ad’s design?
❒ Have you made conclusions about the audience and effectiveness of the ad?
❒ Did you include the image in your draft?
❒ Did you complete the color-coding activity?
❒ Is your draft 800-1300 words long?

Essay Prompt: Extended Definition

❒ If you chose the extended definition prompt, did you indicate how society defines the word you selected, and then explain your definition (or an extended definition) of it?
❒ Have you included examples and explanations to support your definition?
❒ Did you complete the color-coding activity?
❒ Is your draft 800-1300 words long?

Working Thesis

❒ Have you included a clear, focused, and detailed thesis statement?
❒ Does your thesis state the topic and purpose of your essay?
❒ Is your thesis a single sentence, and is it located in the introductory paragraph?

Focus and Organization

❒ Is there an adequate number of body paragraphs, each with a clear topic sentence?
❒ Is there a conclusion paragraph that makes a concluding statement?
❒ Are your draft paragraphs sequenced properly?
❒ Have you used transitions to connect ideas between sentences and paragraphs?
❒ Can your draft be described as having a good flow?
❒ Does your draft have a clear focus?
❒ Are all supporting details relevant?

Style and Tone

❒ Is the tone of your draft unbiased and informative?
❒ Is it clear that the purpose of your essay is to inform readers about your topic?
❒ Have you carefully considered your word choices?


❒ Have you checked your draft for grammatical errors?
❒ Have you used Spell-Check or another method to check spelling?
❒ Have you punctuated your draft correctly?

Before You Submit

❒ Have you included your name, date, and course at the top left of the page?
❒ Have you completed the “Think About Your Writing” questions and color coding activity?
❒ Is your draft between three and five pages long (approximately 800-1300 words)

D. Scoring

Your draft will be scored according to the Touchstone 2.2 Rubric, which considers required elements for either the analysis essay or the definition essay, the thesis statement, organization, style and tone, focus, conventions, completion of the color-coding activity and answers to the “Think About your Writing” questions above.

E. Rubric

 Advanced (100%)Proficient (85%)Acceptable (75%)Needs Improvement (50%)Non-Performance (0%)
Image Analysis / Extended Definition Prompt A: Analyze an advertisement using parts to draw conclusions. Prompt B: Define a meaningful word or concept in a unique or compelling way.Prompt A: Consistently goes beyond description to analyze the design choices made in the advertisement, including layout, color schemes, text, and/or other design components; effectively draws conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement. Prompt B: Defines a meaningful and nuanced word or concept in a coherent and compelling way, consistently using critical thinking and thoughtful discussion to explore the definition; consistently goes beyond traditional definitions to define or redefine the word in a new and unique way.Prompt A: Primarily goes beyond description to analyze the design choices made in the advertisement, including layout, color schemes, text, and/or other design components; draws conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement. Prompt B: Defines a meaningful and nuanced word or concept in a coherent way, primarily using critical thinking and thoughtful discussion to explore the definition; primarily goes beyond traditional definitions to define or redefine the word in a new and unique way.Prompt A: Includes some analysis of the design choices made in the advertisement (e.g., layout, color schemes, text, and/or other design components), but focuses primarily on description; somewhat effectively draws conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement. Prompt B: Defines a meaningful and nuanced word or concept adequately, but only sometimes uses critical thinking and thoughtful discussion to explore the definition; only sometimes goes beyond traditional definitions to define or redefine the word in a new and unique way.Prompt A: Focuses heavily on description; analysis of the design choices made in the advertisement is limited or absent; conclusions about the intended audience, and the likely impact and effectiveness of the advertisement are very limited. Prompt B: Defines a word or concept, although critical thinking and thoughtful examination are largely absent; often relies too much on the traditional or dictionary definition and does not sufficiently explore a new or unique definition.Prompt A: Does not describe or analyze the advertisement; does not draw conclusions about the advertisement. Prompt B: Does not define a word or concept from the list provided and/or does not explore the definition in a thoughtful or critical manner; relies almost entirely on the traditional or dictionary definition.
Working Thesis State the focused central claim of the essay.Has a clear, focused, and detailed working thesis that is expressed in a single sentence that states the central claim of the essay.Has a clear and focused working thesis that is expressed in a single sentence that states the central claim of the essay.Has an acceptable working thesis that states a claim, but it may be unclear or unfocused, or consist of more than one sentence.Has a working thesis, but it is not clear and/or focused and/or it does not state a claim.Does not have an identifiable working thesis and/or the thesis is extremely unclear or unfocused.
Organization Exhibit competent organization, flow, and writing techniques.Includes all of the required components of an essay, including an introduction with a strong thesis; an adequate number of body paragraphs (3-6), each with an effective topic sentence; and a conclusion with an effective concluding statement; the sequence of sentences and paragraphs is logical and flows well.Includes all of the required components of an essay, including an introduction with a thesis; an adequate number of body paragraphs (3-6), each with a topic sentence; and a conclusion with a concluding statement; the sequence of sentences and paragraphs is predominantly logical and flows well.Includes all of the required components of an essay, including an introduction with a thesis; an adequate number of body paragraphs (3-6), each with a topic sentence; and a conclusion with a concluding statement; however, some components may be ineffective; the sequence of sentences and paragraphs is somewhat logical, and may lack good flow.Is missing one of the required components of an essay or most of the components are ineffective; the sequence of sentences and/or paragraphs is frequently illogical and lacks flow.Is missing multiple required components of an essay or all of the components are ineffective; the sequence of sentences and/or paragraphs is consistently illogical and there is no flow.
Style and Tone Establish a consistent, informative tone and make thoughtful choices.Demonstrates thoughtful and effective word choices and uses a wide variety of sentence structures; establishes a consistently unbiased and impersonal tone that is appropriate for an informative essay.Demonstrates effective word choices and uses a variety of sentence structures; establishes an unbiased and impersonal tone that is appropriate for an informative essay, with occasional minor exceptions.Demonstrates generally effective style choices, but may include poor word choice, and/or repetitive sentence structures; primarily establishes an unbiased and impersonal tone that is appropriate for an informative essay; but some sections express bias or include personal observations.Frequently includes poor word choices, and/or repetitive sentence structures; primarily establishes a tone that is biased, and personal observations and opinions are expressed frequently.Consistently demonstrates poor word choices and/or repetitive sentence structures; tone is consistently biased and the essay is dominated by personal observations and opinions.
Focus Include relevant details and draw effective connections.Details are relevant and support the purpose of the essay; the writer consistently makes effective connections between the supporting details and the working thesis.Details are relevant and support the purpose of the essay; the writer makes some effective connections between the supporting details and the working thesis.Details are predominantly relevant and generally support the purpose of the essay, though some details may be irrelevant and/or distracting.Details are often irrelevant and frequently distract from the purpose of the essay.Details are irrelevant and distract from the purpose of the essay.
Conventions Demonstrate command of standard English grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, and usage.There may be a few negligible errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are occasional minor errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are some significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are frequent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.There are consistent significant errors in grammar, punctuation, spelling, capitalization, formatting, and usage.
Think About Your Writing Answer reflection questions thoroughly and thoughtfully.Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; consistently includes insights, observations, and/or examples in all responses; answers all reflection questions effectively, following or exceeding response length guidelines.Demonstrates thoughtful reflection; includes multiple insights, observations, and/or examples; answers all reflection questions effectively, following response length guidelines.Primarily demonstrates thoughtful reflection, but some responses are lacking in detail or insight; answers all reflection questions, primarily following response length guidelines.Shows limited reflection; the majority of responses are lacking in detail or insight; answers reflection questions inadequately: may not answer all of the questions and/or may not follow response length guidelines.Does not answer the majority of reflection questions or the majority of answers do not follow response length guidelines.

F. Requirements

  • Your draft must be 800 to 1300 words in length (approximately 3-5 pages).
  • Informative Draft Guidelines and Topic Selection Guidelines must be followed or your submission will not be graded.
  • Double-space your draft and use one-inch margins.
  • Use an easily-readable 12-point font.
  • All writing must be appropriate for an academic context.
  • Your draft must be original and written for this assignment.
  • Plagiarism of any kind is strictly prohibited.
  • Your submission must include your name, the name of the course, the date, and the title of your draft.
  • Your submission must include both your color-coded informative draft and your answers to the “Think About Your Writing” questions.
  • Submit a only single file that contains all of the assignment components.
    • Acceptable file formats include .doc and .docx.


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Which learning theory best supports the strategy that you suggest?

Managing Classroom Challenges

In every learning environment, instructors are faced with a multitude of challenges regardless of the age of the students. Students may be disengaged in the lesson, come unprepared, or even disrupt the instructional setting. Think of a particular situation and one instructional strategy that you could use to improve student learning and the instructional setting. Consider the different learning theories you have been exploring. Which learning theory best supports the strategy that you suggest? Be sure to support your strategy and evidence with readings from the text or another reliable source.

For this Assignment you will:

Introduce the learning challenge briefly and how it might impact the class (1 paragraph).
Describe a specific instructional strategy that is based on a learning theory that could be used to improve the learning and motivation of the student and/or the classroom environment (1-2 paragraphs).
Explain how the strategy is related to a specific and prominent theory of learning, development, and motivation and why you chose this strategy over others (1-2 paragraphs).
Describe how you will assess the effectiveness of the strategy and why your assessment is appropriate to the setting. (1-2 paragraphs).
Create your assignment in Microsoft® Word® and use APA style for formatting (including a cover page and running header), citations, and references.

Please note: This is a short, focused assignment that should contain a maximum of 7 paragraphs. It should be no longer than 2½ pages (double spaced), excluding cover page and references


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Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme

Read about ‘Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme’ (IBO, 2018). Focus on ‘Teaching based on inquiry’ strand (IBO, 2018, p. 15) and complete the matrix based on experiences in your classroom.  Do you incorporate teaching based on an inquiry into your lessons? Is this a common practice when planning lessons? Why or why not?

your work should include examples of real class experience and make sure you cite at least three sources both from outside and the ones that are presented in the reference section. 

This assignment will be assessed using the Portfolio Activity rubric.


1. Approaches to teaching and learning. (n.d.). ib Diploma Programme.

  • Approaches to teaching and learning in the Diploma Programme reflection tool has been designed to help Diploma Programme (DP) teachers “audit” and reflect upon approaches to teaching and learning in their classrooms (IBO, 2018). It is intended as a tool to help individual teachers reflect on their current practice, as well as a way to promote and stimulate discussion among colleagues within and across departments.

2. Chemistry guide (first assessment 2016). (2014, February). IB Diploma Programme.

  • Read about Group 4 Projects (pages 184-189 ) -This publication is intended to guide the planning, teaching, and assessment of the subject in schools. Subject teachers are the primary audience, although it is expected that teachers will use the guide to inform students and parents about the subject.

3. Edwards, G. J. (2002). Make Your Own Project-Based Lesson Plan. Educator and Curriculum Development Specialist Unlimited Learning, 12–13.

  • Some learners perceive their “world” as a whole, where all things are interconnected and dependent upon each other (Edwards, 2002). These “integrated” students face major challenges in coping with our dominant educational, social, and economic systems, which tend to present information in a linear fashion without the necessity of integration into meaningful contexts. This resource is a guide on how to make your own project-based lesson plan. It can be used to develop an educational project that includes a specific outcome while teaching academic skills.

4. Lamberg, T., & Trzynadlowski, N. (2015, July). How STEM academy teachers conceptualize and implement STEM education. Journal of Research in STEM Education, 1(1), 45–58.

  • This study specifically seeks to understand how teachers in STEM schools interpret what the word “STEM” represents and how they implement STEM in the classroom (Lamberg & Trzynadlowski, 2015). This study investigates how seven elementary teachers in three STEM academy schools conceptualize and implement STEM in their classrooms.

5. Schaut, M. (2014, October 30). A brief overview of the 7E inquiry model. Prezi.

  • Sometimes a current model must be amended to maintain its value after new information, insights, and knowledge have been gathered. Such is now the case with the highly successful 5E learning cycle and instructional model (Eisenkraft, 2003).

6. Thomas, J. W. (2000, March). A review of research on project-based learning. Download the PDF here. 

  • Project-based learning (PBL) is a model that organizes learning around projects (Thomas, 2000). Teachers who employ PBL are able to set complex tasks, based on challenging questions or problems, that involve students in design, problem-solving, decision making, or investigative activities; give students the opportunity to work relatively autonomously over extended periods of time, and culminate in realistic products or presentations.

Smithsonian Science Education Center. (2016, February 13). Effective Inquiry-Based STEM Education [Video]. YouTube.


  • The Smithsonian Science Education Center addresses systemic change in STEM Education within a school, district, region or state. We do this by supporting education leaders, including teachers, through superior professional development and leadership training to ultimately see a measurable increase in student achievement.

St. Clare’s, Oxford. (2014, April 14). IB Science Group 4 Project Video [Video]. YouTube.
  • This video clip is about group 4 project done by a group of DP students. A group 4 project is an interdisciplinary activity in which all Diploma Programme science students must participate. The intention is that students from different group 4 subjects analyze a common topic or problem. The exercise should be a collaborative experience where the emphasis is on the processes involved in, rather than the products of, such an activity. In most cases, students in a school would be involved in the investigation of the same topic. Where there are large numbers of students, it is possible to divide them into several smaller groups containing representatives from each of the science subjects. Each group may investigate the same topic or different topics—that is, there may be several group 4 projects in the same school (IBO, 2014, p. 185)


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Based on what you have read and your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate?

Topic: Learning Style Characteristics

Using this week’s readings, complete the following:

Based on what you have read and your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate? Why?
Now, take what you have learned through the readings and any personal experiences you may have had to respond to the following scenario:

Three new students have been assigned to your fourth-grade math class. Each student has a particular learning style. How do you ensure you are providing them with effective instructional strategies based on their learning styles?

-Peggy requires structure and has visual preferences.
-George requires a quiet learning environment, is teacher-motivated, prefers learning alone, is a factual and kinesthetic learner, and requires mobility.
-Moses lacks persistence, is a peer-oriented learner, has auditory preferences, requires food while he is working, and learns best in the morning.

For each of the students, complete a description under each of the following headings:

Teaching Strategy
Evaluation/Assessment Strategy
Part 2

Finally, review the responses from at least two peers’ posts and respond to the following:

You are a kinesthetic and tactile learner; however, you are taking an online course with no real tactile component. How do you deal with the fact that almost everything in your online course is visual? What modifications would you make to your learning style to be successful in class?




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  Based on what you have read and your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate?

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What specific strategies will you use to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?

Use lesson Plan for guide(attached)

Fill out lesson Plan template

Step Two: Multicultural Lesson Plan (Due in Unit 5: 150 points)

This assignment is concerned with your ability to develop a lesson plan that delivers a multicultural or diversity objective while employing differentiated instructional strategies that promote an inclusive environment for diverse students. Consider the following when you plan your lesson:

What specific strategies will you use to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?
For example, how will you differentiate your instruction to respond to English learners, students with special needs, or gifted learners in your lesson?
Are there any other individuals or groups you need to modify your instruction for?
How will the lesson sequence be modified so various groups or individuals will be successful with your learning objective?

Create a lesson plan using the lesson plan template or submit a Word document found under Course Documents on the Course Resources. It may be a lesson plan that you have conducted or will conduct, or it may be a lesson plan for a fictitious classroom created for this assignment.


Be sure to use two additional sources beyond your textbook to justify your instructional decisions for diverse learners.




CLICK HERE TO ORDER THIS PAPER AT ON  What specific strategies will you use to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?

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Learning Style Characteristics

Topic: Learning Style Characteristics

Using this week’s readings, complete the following:

Based on what you have read and your experiences, which learning style (visual, kinesthetic, or auditory) do you think is the hardest for teachers to accommodate? Why?
Now, take what you have learned through the readings and any personal experiences you may have had to respond to the following scenario:

Three new students have been assigned to your fourth-grade math class. Each student has a particular learning style. How do you ensure you are providing them with effective instructional strategies based on their learning styles?

-Peggy requires structure and has visual preferences.
-George requires a quiet learning environment, is teacher-motivated, prefers learning alone, is a factual and kinesthetic learner, and requires mobility.
-Moses lacks persistence, is a peer-oriented learner, has auditory preferences, requires food while he is working, and learns best in the morning.

For each of the students, complete a description under each of the following headings:

Teaching Strategy
Evaluation/Assessment Strategy
Part 2

Finally, review the responses from at least two peers’ posts and respond to the following:

You are a kinesthetic and tactile learner; however, you are taking an online course with no real tactile component. How do you deal with the fact that almost everything in your online course is visual? What modifications would you make to your learning style to be successful in class?




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cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas

Which resource discussed in your textbook did you decide to use for your assignment in this unit? Explain why you chose that resource.

                                                              CLASSMATE’S POST

The resource I chose from the textbook information is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas. One of the tools I used was the screen capture video in Canvas Studio. The screen capture tool records media for any time, depending on the computer’s memory. For example, I used it to present my lesson on a few PowerPoint slides and a link to a YouTube video about a child on strike during the Industrial Revolution in America. In addition, I used Microsoft’s Office, a productivity software, to create a PowerPoint and add a link to the video. 

I selected each resource as a hook for the beginning of my unit on the Industrial Revolution. The presentation, video, and questions help students with different learning modalities because the lesson includes auditory, visual, and inquiry for comprehension


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cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas


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Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding:

You need a Google account to do this assessment. You can create a free Google account here: 

Once created, you need to navigate to the Google created lab: “Intro to Modelling” here:

In addition to following the instructions outlined in the lab, you must: 

• Implement a possible solution to each of the tasks outlined in the lab 

• Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding: 

• Identify various different models that would be appropriate to use as alternatives for the tasks presented by the lab by varying hyperparameters and features. There is also an opportunity for you to create your own custom model by using different regressor functions  within TensorFlow. 

For more details, see: 

• Familiarise yourself with the assessment’s rubric to understand how the various assignment grades are assigned. 

• Produce a manual of 500 words in length outlining: 

o The answers to the questions posed in each of the tasks within the lab.

 o The choice of models you made during your assessment including the various hyperparameters you chose and feature engineering performed for the appropriate task. 

o An analysis of the various models created and an evaluation of their efficiency

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