Writers Solution

theories of organisational learning

Unit: Organisational Learning and Change
Unit Code: BUS 510
Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 — Organisational change project
Learning outcomes — (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
(a) Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning
(b) Critically analyse and explain the dynamics of strategic organisational change
(c) Critically review and evaluate the reasons for different approaches to
Unit Learning change, and demonstrate an ability to apply this understanding to volatile
Outcomes or novel organisational contexts
addressed: (d) Critically analyse and critique common perspectives on the role of, and relationship between, individuals, teams and leaders in the change process
(e) Integrate biblical frameworks into a contemporary understanding of organisational learning and change
(f) Integrate the concepts of organisational learning, strategic and innovative change management with leadership theory and practice
Criterion 1 – Description of the organisation — (5/50)
• Criterion 2 – Understanding of organisational change concepts or
Criteria for theories — (10/50)
Assessment: Criterion 3 — Organisational analysis — (10/50)
Criterion 4 – Recommendations and resource requirements — (20/50) Criterion 5 — References and structure — (5/50)
Assessment Task: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students take on a management perspective to analyse organisational change and propose recommendations with the aim of improving the situation. This project seeks to create a case study of an organization that requires a change intervention.
Students will be required to choose an organisation that they are familiar with and analyse it using relevant change management theories or frameworks to identify areas where change is required. Relevant change intervention strategies are to be proposed.
The organisational change project covers the following:
1. An introduction to the organisation.
2. Internal and external analysis of the organisation to identify areas requiring change (at the end of this section, include a summary of the areas where change is required)
3. Literature review — overview of change management theories or frameworks
4. Evaluation of possible change strategies required to improve the situation.
5. Recommendations of the most suitable strategies.
6. Required resources for implementing the identified suitable strategiec•
7. Conclusion

Writers Solution

Epidemiology. Burlington: Jones & Bartlett Learning

Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females)


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The Crude Mortality rate for Jasonville is

A. 300 per 100,000

B. 60 per 1,000

C. 10 per 1,000

D.  100 per 1,000


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The proportionate mortality due to tuberculosis is

A.   20%

B.   30%

C.     6%

d.       3%


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The case fatality rate for tuberculosis is

A.    20%

b.      6%

c.        3%

d.       25%


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer the question: The cause-specific mortality rate for tuberculosis is

a.    60 per 100,000

b.     300 per 100,000

c.    200 per 1,000

d..       20%


5 points   


Jasonville is a community of 100,000 persons (of which 55% are females). During 2001, there were 1,000 deaths from all cause. All cases of tuberculosis have been found, and they total 300 (which were twice more than found in 2000). 200 of these cases were males and 100 were females. During 2001, there were 60 deaths from tuberculosis, 50 of them in males.Use this data to answer: The sex – specific mortality rate for tuberculosis in males is

A.      11 per 100,000

B.       11 per 10,000

c.      111 per 10,000

d.       Cannot be calculated due to insufficient data

1.      Refer to Table 5-3 on page 99. What are possible reasons for the observed differences in death rates between those of Hispanic origin and those not of Hispanic origin?

2.      Refer to the following estimated statistics for the US and Malaysia in 2005:


Crude mortality rate = 800 per 100,000

 Crude birth rate = 14 per 1,000

 Life expectancy = 77.7 years


Crude mortality rate = 500 per 100,000

Crude birth rate = 23 per 1,000

Life expectancy = 72.2 years

Can the lower crude mortality rate in Malaysia be explained by the fact that the US has a larger population? What factors could explain differences in birth rates and life expectancy?

3.      Which of these is an example of a ratio:

    Number of men who died from heart disease in a given year divided by the corresponding male population in the same year.

    Number of men who died from heart disease divided by the number of women who died from heart disease.

    Number of women taking an epidemiology class divided by the number of students in the class.

4.      How does prevalence proportion differ from incidence?

5.      What is the death-to-case ratio and how is it different from the case-fatality rate?