Writers Solution

A legal nursing issue that sticks out to me is the case of redound Vaught, a Tenessee nurse that made a deadly medication error and whose case made headlines when she was charged criminally for her actions

replies should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs each. 

 Peer 1 : A legal nursing issue that sticks out to me is the case of redound Vaught, a Tenessee nurse that made a deadly medication error and whose case made headlines when she was charged criminally for her actions. This case was all over the news while I was in nursing school and caused me to take a serious look at how this kind of error could occur.

Malpractice is a legal term that anyone who works in the medical field is familiar with. It is described as “professional misconduct, unreasonable lack of professional skill, or failure to adhere to the accepted standard of care that causes injury to a patient” (Burkhardt, 2020, p. 126). Nurses are expected to make decisions according to their experience and education and can be held liable when it is deemed that there has been a breach of duty to the patient. When a nurse is licensed they are deemed to meet a certain proficiency and must follow the standard of care outlined for them from the state licensing board, their own facility policies, federal laws etc. (Burkhardt, 2020). Vaught made many errors when she mistakingly administered a paralytic to her patient instead of a sedative for anxiety. The legal case that followed determined that this went beyond medical malpractice and Ms. Vaught was charged with 2 felonies.

Vaught made a series of missteps and as a “reasonable and prudent nurse” these actions could have been avoided. She ignored alerts within her electronic medication system that indicated she was withdrawing the wrong drug, she failed to recognize the drug she was administering and she failed to properly monitor the patient after the drug was administered. The medical field has taken a good look at how to decrease the number of preventable errors in medicine. In 1999 the Institute of Medicine published To Err Is Human a report which argued that “errors are due not solely to individual health care providers but also to systems that need to be made safer” (Lamas, 2022). Mistakes are always going to occur, so how can we learn from them. 

Vaughts error falls under the category of the National Quality Forum’s “never events” initiative. This initiative recognized 28 “serious reportable events, which are so unambiguous, serious and preventable that they should never happen” (Burkhardt, 2020). One of the 28 never events is “patient death or serious injury associated with a medication error”. When Vaught administered that paralytic it was a failure in the system. She ignored many of the things that we are taught in nursing school including the rights of medication administration and that combined with her claims of being over worked and distracted led to the death of a patient.

As an outsider looking in there are so many glaring mistakes and ways that this could have been prevented, most of which the hospital had in place. There were claims that their electronic medication distribution system was malfunctioning, as someone who works in the ER of an underfunded community hospital, I find that completely plausible. There isn’t a moment that goes by when I am on the floor that I am not aware that I am just as vulnerable as Vaught was that day. I use her case as a reminder to not take shortcuts, to look up medications if I am not familiar with them and to remain steadfast and competent in my career as a nurse.

peer 2 : 

 A nurse is currently under investigation after various patients have become ill due to fentanyl being replaced with water during their care. The incident occurred at the Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Oregon, where suspicion of medication theft was reported. As a result, a concern for adverse patient care occurred, with the impact on the patients still being monitored and deaths being investigated. In this case, patients could have acquired infections due to the introduction of tap water into their system.

 In this example, the nurse falls under professional negligence as she failed to do what another reasonable nurse would have done in her position (Burkhardt, 2020). This nurse did not ensure the safety of her patients and acted in a way that not only did not follow the plan of care but violated their welfare. Additionally, as a nurse, the individual has committed malpractice as she committed negligence in a professional capacity and failed to adhere to the standard of care, causing injury to multiple patients. (Burkhardt, 2020).

 Malpractice within the healthcare field can be mitigated by using safety standards to prevent injury. The Joint Commission has outlined safety goals that healthcare providers, specifically nurses, can implement to create a safer practice environment (Rodziewicz et. al., 2023). Such safeguards include medication labels on all medications and proper identification of patients prior to administration. In this case, although the medication was labeled and the patient was identified, the nurse tampered with the medication. This action caused the safeguard to fail. In this case, requiring a cosigner when scanning the medication and programming the pump to minimize tampering risk may have been beneficial. Conversely, safeguards such as reporting discrepancies or any unexpected occurrence successfully prevented further injury by the nurse. 

 Although this nurse was reported and injury has already occurred, performing a root cause analysis is vital. A root cause analysis can help identify what factors contributed to these events and how to prevent them in the future (Rodziewicz, et. al., 2023). In this case, further insight into the nurse and the circumstances behind her actions can help identify other staff struggling to perform and meet the standards of practice. Examples can include substance abuse that is triggered by other emotional means, such as depression, anxiety, or previous health issues. Additionally, the units and the workplace environment will be assessed, and how management is involved in maintaining the well-being of their staff will be assessed. Unfortunately, the shortage of nurses is increasing the workload, which leads to fatigue, mistakes, and countless other factors that can negatively impact patient safety. In this case, drug testing on staff was not confirmed by Asante (Battaglia, 2024). These types of safeguards can help identify at-risk staff and allow management to intervene before events such as these take place, risking the lives of patients within the facility.

 In this case, the loss of life and patient injury could have been avoided. Once the investigation is complete, further details may highlight weaknesses in the hospital’s and the Joint Commission’s safeguards. Changes will be made and hopefully will have a positive impact by preventing further injury. 

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legal case involving disparate treatment

Research a legal case involving disparate treatment in the selection or hiring process. Then in a 3–4 page paper, succinctly and clearly analyze the case. Include the following in your analysis:

  • Describe the important issues in the case.
    • Provide a description of the case and describe the important issues.
  • Distinguish the theory of disparate treatment from the theory of disparate (or adverse) impact.
    • Distinguish the theory of disparate treatment from the theory of disparate or adverse impact, using specific examples from your selected legal case and providing additional context if needed to support your work. Be sure to identify the dispute and what makes this case about disparate treatment.
  • Analyze the outcome of the case.
    • Explain the court’s decision.
    • Note whether you agree with the court.
    • Analyze disparate impact.
  • Analyze the evidence of discriminatory effects.
    • Analyze the evidence of discriminatory effects in your selected case, and provide specific examples of connections to the rule, policy, or process.
  • Describe how the Uniform Guidelines on Employee Selection Procedures help employers avoid issues related to disparate or adverse impact.
  • APA formatting: References and citations should be formatted according to current APA style and format. See Evidence and APALinks to an external site..
  • Length of assignment: 3–4 typed, double-spaced pages.
  • Font and font size: Times New Roman, 12 point.


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What legal action was taken based on what your state laws say about this case?

A. Summary of the Case
In one or two paragraphs, provide a general overview of the case that serves as a snapshot of what the case is about and how it ended up in your state high court. A summary is using your words to write a brief history of the case. Do not give your opinion or your interpretation but stick to the facts only.
B: Case Outline
Your court case outline should include:
Title: Name of the case
Facts of the case: Provide key facts involving the case.
History of the case: What legal action was taken based on what your state laws say about this case?
Legal questions: What were the legal issues the court had to decide?
Decision or holdings: Did the court decide for the plaintiff or the defendant? Explain the reason behind the decision?
Verdict and opinion (judgement): What were the concurring and dissenting opinions? How many judges decided for the defendant and how many justices decided against the defendant? What was the final verdict from the judge or the jury, if it was a jury trial?
C. Conclusion
What was the resulting impact of the ruling? How did the citizens of your state benefit from it? Was this a good decision?
Writing Requirements (APA format)
The length of your outline will vary. Usually an outline is anywhere from 1-3 pages long. Make sure to write full sentences to explain your case. It is a concise list to be used as a reference for you during the presentation.
Using the outline, you will be describing the court case in your presentation and the scenario around the court case. The use of Wikipedia as a primary source of information is to be avoided – it is not a reliable source of information.
Search for an example of a case outline in the Internet. Without going into much detail at this state, each of the items listed above has a subject sentence with 3-6 bullet points that can help you expand on the topic.
For Week 7, you will be creating a narrated PowerPoint, or a video as approved by your instructor, from this week’s outline.
1-inch margins
Double spaced
12-point Times New Roman font
Title page
References page (minimum of 2 scholarly sources in addition to textbook if cited




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Legal Issues Facing Today’s School Leaders


It is important as a school leader to have a working knowledge of the court systems in your state so that you are aware of how and where legal issues are addressed. Legal issues may come your way and a school leader that is informed and knowledgeable of the process that will occur and which courts will likely have jurisdiction will help you navigate the questions you may have.

Follow these steps:

Research your state’s court system. You can do an internet search by typing in your state’s name and the term “state courts” into a search engine. Remember to use official court websites as others may not have reliable information.
Find an issue in your state that is a legal requirement that the courts have ruled on and is of interest to you.
Summarize the issue/requirement in a presentation. Identify the court that made the ruling and explain how the case moved from the local level to the state level as well as the parties involved.
Next, find an issue/requirement that is educational related that had to be heard by the Supreme Court. As you summarize this issue/requirement, trace the path it took from the local court to the Supreme Court.

Now create a presentation. Your presentation can be a PowerPoint or a Prezi, which is compiled of 8-10 slides (not including the cover or reference slide). When your presentation is complete, post it to the discussion board. Make sure that you respond to your classmates in a way that promotes the discussion. Ask for clarification from their posts if needed, or compare/contrast their state’s court systems with yours




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Legal Issues for School Leaders

Discussion 1: Legal Issues for School Leaders

Understanding your state’s court systems and laws are very important for a school leader, but you must have a clear understanding of the statutes and case laws that work together to help everyone understand the best way to resolve legal issues that leaders face in today’s schools. It is important for leaders to understand that the law is not a static situation, but that it is constantly evolving. When a statute is passed by a governing body, its guidance for school leaders is limited until it is interpreted by the courts. This interpretation comes in the form of case law. It is important for a school leader to understand how case law impacts the governing of the schools and the administration of the rights of stakeholders of schools including, but not limited to, students, employees, parents, and community members. For this discussion, you should choose either the First Amendment or the Fourth Amendment to the United States Constitution (page 26 in your text) as the basis for your reply.

Follow these directions:

Describe what the chosen amendment says about our rights as U.S. citizens.
Find two examples of case law that apply to educational institutions that have helped to define how the rights guaranteed by that amendment have been interpreted by the courts.
Discuss implications of the chosen case law and how it relates to school leaders.
Research resources (at least 3) that a school leader can use for better understanding in order to comply with the Amendment chosen. Post these resources, along with their links, in the Discussion Board.

Discussion 2

Emergency Management Scenario


School administrators have a responsibility to keep everyone safe. Read the scenario and in the Discussion Board, answer the questions at the end.

During the passing time between classes at Eisenhower High School, there was a fight between two special education students. Student “X” pulled a knife on Student “Y” and cut the students arm to the point severe bleeding took place. Student “X” continued the attack, but thankfully other students were able to disarm Student “X.” The principal of Eisenhower High, Mr. Smart, takes pride in being proactive in his school and his faculty and staff know the law well, so he was very concerned at the findings of his investigation of this incident.

There were several issues that concerned Mr. Smart about this incident. First, one of the school’s teachers, Mrs. Wright, had been informed by another student that Student “X,” an emotionally impaired special education student, might have a weapon in their possession. Because the student who reported the possible weapon was not thought to be credible, Mrs. Wright did not take the report seriously. She decided not to report this because it was at the start of the class, and she did not want to leave her class without supervision. By the time class ended, Mrs. Wright had forgotten about the possible weapon.

To make matters worse, this incident occurred between classes at the end of the hallway where there are only two classrooms, and there was no adult supervision present. Hallway supervision is one area that was a constant struggle between the principal and the faculty and staff. Mr. Smart had urged the faculty and staff to monitor student activity in the hallway. However, when the incident occurred, one teacher had gone to the restroom and the other was at his desk preparing for the next class. Because of the normal noise in the hallway, no adult responded to the incident until well after it had ended. In fact, no staff members knew about the incident until the student came into class with a severe bleeding arm.

When Mr. Smart was alerted to the incident, he immediately took action to isolate Student “X” in a secure, supervised area and to get medical attention for Student “Y.” After making sure Student “Y” received medical treatment, Mr. Smart thoughts turned to his concern for what liability there might be for the district, teachers, and himself.

In your Discussion Board post please responses to the following:

What potential liability does the school district face due to this incident?
What potential liability does Mr. Smart and his faculty face due to the incident?
Based on Every Student Succeeds Act (ESSA) requirement for a school to have an Emergency Management plan, what responsibility does the school have for the safety of their students?
Would it have been legally permissible for school personnel to search Student “X” based on the report of a fellow student? Why or why not?
What should have been done differently in this scenario by the principal and the faculty to prevent this incident from occurring or to limit school district liability?

Discussion 3

Religion in Schools


As the principal of a small town school, Oak Middle School (a public school housing grades 6-8), you have been approached by an organization named “Professional Athletes Against Drug Abuse.” This group has offered to send well known professional athletes to your school to give an assembly encouraging students to be “drug free.” A day before the assembly, you receive a letter from the American Civil Liberties Union (ACLU) telling you that this group’s main goal is to convert children to Christianity. You immediately contact “Professional Athletes Against Drug Abuse” to express your concern; they assure you that their goal is strictly to urge students to remain drug free. You accept their explanation and allow the assembly to take place. When the assembly begins, it quickly becomes apparent that you have been duped and that the ACLU letter was right. The professional athlete speaking to the students encourages them to turn away from drugs and to turn to Jesus. During the assembly students receive a very strong evangelical message and are strongly encouraged to meet with the professional athlete again that evening at a local church to be “born again.” You were understandably very upset, but you allow the assembly to continue to its conclusion.

Please respond to the following questions:

What should you do after the assembly?
Do you personally or the school district have any legal liability due to allowing this assembly?
How does the Lemon Test apply to this circumstance?
How does the principle of government neutrality apply in this case?
Are there any circumstances under which this assembly or one like it could have been held on public school property?
Have you created an open forum?
Explain the legal principles behind your decision-making process.
As you read your classmates’ posts begin a conversation about the administration of the Lemon Test and if it would or would not have changed this assembly situation. What could have been done to prevent this situation?

Writers Solution

Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity

Discussion response


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

Discussion response 2


Healthcare Organizations have a legal and ethical responsibility to prevent, detect and report fraudulent activity. The incorporation of a HCO handbook detailing the organization’s policies, procedures and compliance to the Joint Commission, encourages compliance and responsibility to all employees. As stated by the The Office of the Inspector General (OIG) of the Department of Health and Human Services’ [t]he purpose of compliance policies and procedures is to establish brightline rules that help employees carry out their job functions in a manner that ensures compliance with Federal health care program requirements and furthers the mission and objective of the hospital itself.” (National Law Review, 2018). The handbook should include topics such as Confidentiality, Fraud, data privacy, organizational safety and professional culture (workplace conduct and employment practices). These policy and procedures are part of the Joint Commision standards and expectations to help HCO provide safe, high quality care.

Handbooks have specific and direct procedure manuals on how a HCO is conduct itself and the policies in which it inforces. The prevention of legal violations is key in protecting patients personal information and the employees themselves. The confidentiality of protected health information (PHI) in regards to The Health Insurance Portability and Accountability Act of 1996 (HIPAA), is at foremost a priority for any HCO. Disclosing or falsifying PHI can result is large monetary fines which are huge losses for HCO. Stating who has access and the specifics of what they have access to should be discussed in the handbook. Especially when all employees are not privy to all PHI.  Similarly, The Joint Commision requires its own employees to oblige “In accordance with applicable legal and ethical standards, Joint Commission Personnel shall maintain the confidentiality of The Joint Commission’s intellectual property, employee and financial information, and any confidential proprietary or otherwise sensitive information received from or about health care organizations, including protected personal information.” (The Joint Commission, n.d.).

Incorporating policies for fraudulent behavior such a submitting false billing claims to Medicare of Medicaid would help prevent against any legal action in the False Claim Act. This would also include what to do if fraudulent behavior is detected. Also include is the reporting avenues and employee protection in the event of a whistleblower.

Policy and procedural handbooks work in all HCO, specifically any organization that participates in federally funded payment programs such as Medicare, Medicaid and TRICARE. This includes hospitals, long term care, hospice, military and physicians practicing in the private sector. 

This serves as a “best practice” for any HCO that promotes a culture of compliance and responsibility to the patients, employees and itself. By providing the handbook on policies and procedures to all employees, it holds each individual accountable. Each employee should be required to sign acknowledging they will follow all guidelines. Incorporation of handbooks makes it clear how each individual’s plays a part “in the organization’s efforts to prevent, detect, respond to, and report violations of laws, government regulations, and ethical rules.” (National Law Review, 2022).

This best practice is beneficial to not only healthcare organizations but any company/organization that deals with protected personal information(names, social security numbers, drivers license) such as banks and credit card companies

National Law Review. ( 2022, June 8). Seven Fundamental Elements of an Effective Compliance Program.

The Joint Commission, (n.d.). The Joint Commission Code of Conduct Manual.

 Discussion 3

Response 1 paragraph

Thanks for the post. Is it unethical for someone not to get required immunizations? Explain


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Describe the legal environment of Brazil, making specific references to – the rule of law

In this assignment, you need to 1. Describe the legal environment of Brazil, making specific references to – the rule of law (to what extent is Brazil governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials) and – laws that govern foreign direct investment (for example, are there provisions to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or provisions that restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions). 2. Discuss challenges and opportunities for American investors posed by the legal environment. 3. Based on the challenges and opportunities you have identified through your research, formulate two recommendations, with your supporting arguments, to an American investor to successfully navigate your country’s legal environment.


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Legal Environment Analysis

This is a written assignment that will be worth 100 points. It needs to be 3 pages long, double- spaced, Times New Roman 12, 1.25 margins.

The assignment is due on Saturday, March 26, at 11:59pm.

To submit it, use the “Legal Environment Analysis” Turnitin link that you will find by accessing the Assignments link in Blackboard.

Note: When referring to items that are not your own ideas (for example, referring to specific laws listed or talked about in your analysis), you must cite the laws using MLA or Chicago format. Here is a good website for tips on how to cite sources. ( uide/mla_formatting_and_style_guide.html)

Each individual has to turn in one written assignment.

In this assignment, you need to:

1. Describe the legal environment of your chosen country, making specific references to

– the rule of law (to what extent is the country governed by law as opposed to arbitrary decisions of individual government officials)


– laws that govern foreign direct investment (for example, are there provisions to attract foreign direct investment, such as tax incentives, most-favored-nation treatment, dispute resolution fora; or provisions that restrict foreign direct investors such as high local content requirements or currency exchange restrictions).

2. Discuss challenges and opportunities for American investors posed by the legal environment.

3. Based on the challenges and opportunities you have identified through your research, formulate two recommendations, with your supporting arguments, to an American investor to successfully navigate your country’s legal environment.

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Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation to health promotion protocol/practice

The purpose of this assignment is to complete a review of a screening tool utilized by nurse practitioners in maintaining individual, family, or community health.

Your presentation should:

1. Identify and select a screening tool 
2. Research of ethical, economical and legal issues relative to the practice in relation to health promotion protocol/practice. 
3. Provide recommendations.

Incorporate a minimum of 4 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work


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Investigate the legal rules governing the distribution of money and property on the breakdown of a relationship

 A Letter in the correct format (2 pages and add the links used from any websites at the end) C: Investigate the legal rules governing the distribution of money and property on the breakdown of a relationship D: Examine how the courts resolve disputes over children You are continuing with your work experience within the family law department at McAddams and Partners Solicitors.

 The Managing Partners were impressed by your work on the formation and dissolution of adult relationships and would like you to produce further materials relating to distribution of money and property and the care of children after the breakdown of a relationship.They have provided you with the details of the following clients:Client : Bashir RafiqueBashir and Molly have been married for 18 years and are now divorcing. They met during university and married not long after graduating. They have three children together, Toni (14), Andrew (10) and Ricky (6). When Molly become pregnant they agreed that she would stay at home to look after the children whilst Bashir would go out to work. Bashir is now a successful architect who owns his own business, earning in excess of £1 million per year. He was able to start the business using the £250,000 that was left to Molly when her grandmother died. Between them they have £5 million assets, which were generated solely through Bashir’s career. Since the split, Molly has secured employment on the other side of the country near where her parents live and wants to move there with the children. Bashir does not want this to happen.Task 1 – TitleTask 1a:You have been asked to produce a letter to both clients, using the information from their case studies. In both of your letters, you should:• Explain and apply the financial and children orders and relevant factors that will be taken into account on divorce/dissolution for each case• Analyse the financial order and orders available for children for each case• Explain and apply the law on parenthood and parental responsibility and children’s rights in both cases• Analyse how the court will resolve the disputes over children for each case.

keep a reference page separate and this is a level UK law work so I would expect that quality for the work


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What are some of the legal requirements pertaining to the physician’s duty of truth-telling?

Answer the accompanying prompts in about 300 words total, double-spaced (roughly 100 words per prompt).

1. What are some of the legal requirements pertaining to the physician’s duty of truth-telling?

2.According to research, what do most patients want to know about their illness?

3.What are some of the reasons that doctors give for not being completely frank with their patients about a serious illness?

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