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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is arguably the most influential piece of accounting legislation that has been put into action.

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The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is arguably the most influential piece of accounting legislation that has been put into action.  Every finance, accounting, and business class at least mentions this important piece of legislation.  I found an article that considers the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002, 15 years later.  The Sarbanes-Oxley Act, otherwise known as SOX, had a major impact on the economy immediately.  The article that I found is broken down into 6 parts being 1st, the objectives of SOX, then the impact of SOX, its implications of accounting ethics, the conclusion, a notes section, and finally references.  

The first section of the article addresses the objectives of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 and says that “SOX had the primary objective of curbing fraud and encouraging ethical behavior in private enterprises by company employees, and most notably by executives and auditors of the corporation.” (Gunz, 2018).  This means that the main goal of this act was to protect the finances of all through increasing ethical standards and financial practices.  This act was conceived after a time of financial scandals and mishaps with major companies like Enron, Worldcom, and Tyco (Gelinas et al., 2017).  The SOX act is covered in chapter 7 of our textbook where it is explained in detail about what the act is and why it was derived.  SOX created an oversight board to monitor the accounting practices of companies, called the PCAOB (Gelinas et al., 2017).  The Public Company Accounting Oversight Board, or PCAOB, implemented “strengthened auditor independence rules, increased accountability of company officers and directors, mandated upper management to take responsibility for the company’s internal control structure, enhanced the quality of financial reporting, and put teeth into white-collar crime penalties.” (Gelinas et al., 2017).  This is very important to modern accounting for companies and how they handle their investors finances and their own finances.  Especially with the birth of cryptocurrencies, it would be easier than ever to launder money and act unethically because of increased technology and automation.  

The main article then highlights the broad effects of SOX in the US and how it leaked into other countries.  The article says “Approximately 44 other countries quickly followed the lead of the US and passed similar legislation…” (Gunz, 2018).  This act was so impactful to the US economy that other countries decided to take pieces of it or follow the lead of the US and make sure that their economies were protected from the dangers of unethical practices in finance.  The EU recently created a few pieces of legislation similar to our Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.  There are multiple parts to their acts though.  The first part is the “Directive 2014/56/EU, which established the framework for audits, public oversight of auditors, and cooperation between EU authorities.” (Grajek, 2020).  The second piece is the “ Regulation (EU) No 537/2014 and specifies audit requirements for public interest entities.” (Grajek, 2020).  The third piece of the EU SOX lookalike legislature is ‘the establishment of the Committee of European Auditing Oversight Bodies to further improve oversight of audits across the EU.” (Grajek, 2020).  The point of all this is that directive legislation on accounting and audit ethics was so impactful that other countries followed in the footsteps of the US to protect themselves as well.  

The third section of the article covers whether SOX actually had an impact on influencing more ethical behaviors in accounting of corporations and auditors.  The article then goes to show three separate papers that show their opinions with support for if SOX facilitated ethical behavior.  Accounting Today says that “A recent survey by Deloitte found that more than half (52.4 percent) of C-suite and other executives said global corporate ethical behavior has improved since the enactment of SOX.” (Cohn, 2017).  A 50% increase of ethical behavior is pretty good if you ask me.  The survey reported that just over half of US corporations felt the impact of the Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002.  There would never be a one hundred percent increase in ethical behaviors in corporations.  That expectation would be too overzealous.  The Accounting Today article also said that some corporations still are having trouble with compliance to ethical policies (Cohn, 2017).  That result is normal when there are employees because a corporation will never be able to get all of their employees to follow and comply with all policies put in place.  The last paragraph of the third section mentions that the SOX act increased “whistleblower policies” (Gunz, 2018).  That means that the act created more avenues for employees and others who are part of corporations and audit teams to tattle on those who they have knowledge of being involved in corrupt actions or acting unethically and fraudulent.  On the note of ethics,  if companies were to structure their policies in a Christian way it may be more lucrative and rewarding for employees who are Christians trying to act ethically.  The book of Colossians says a verse that reads, “And whatever you do, whether in word or deed, do it all in the name of the Lord Jesus, giving thanks to God the Father through him.” (NIV, Colossians 3:17).  The Lord specifically instructs all who follow him to act in an ethical way and in good faith for God the Father and Christians should always strive to follow this word.  

The conclusion of the main article from Springer Link discusses in brevity what was covered in the entire article.  It sums up the main themes and conclusions made throughout the evidence shown throughout the article.  The conclusion states that “The three studies suggest that the goals of increasing transparency and trust in financial reporting appear to have been met, as trust on the part of investors has increased, and ethical climate in organizations has improved.” (Gunz, 2018).  This means that the overall goal of Sarbanes-Oxley Act was met and helped with corporate fraud and mistrust overall.  The Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002 is nearing its 20 year anniversary and corporations can still say that they are feeling the impact and positive trends that this act created.  The overall environment of corporations and auditors has been much more trustworthy and reliable since this act was implemented.  The scandals that occurred just before this act were heinous and unacceptable and that is the reason that SOX was conceived, to make the investing and corporate environment friendly and not hostile.  

The final sections of references and notes are just to acknowledge the resources used in creating the article and to give credit to those who are deserving of it





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states have some form of legislation that mandates an organization’s responsibilities when a data breach affects the state’s citizen’s private, protected information

For whichever U.S. state you are currently residing in, research its breach notification law. Note that some states do not label it as such, but all 50 states have some form of legislation that mandates an organization’s responsibilities when a data breach affects the state’s citizen’s private, protected information.

Some research resources to consider include your textbook, the state’s governmental websites; the state bar association’s (legal profession) website; Cornell University’s legal website; etc. 

Describe your state’s law including at least these considerations: 

What types of organizations or individuals does it apply to? Is it limited to only those organizations or individuals who reside or exist in that state, or might it affect external interests? How does the law define or describe the information that it protects, by both name and description? What exemptions, if any, exist? What are the penalties for violating the law? In your opinion, is it effective? Good law? Needing updating? What other critiques or opinions do you have about it? Anything else that you think your classmates would benefit from. 

As always, the Initial Post must be written well and conform to APA when relevant (see especially the APA notes about legal references). 

 respond to at least two fellow classmates with your thoughts about the law they discussed. Compare its description to your state’s law and opine about which parts, if any, are better or worse. If anything confuses you, ask them to clarify





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Examine the effect of government price legislation on Jane a farmer in rural Philippines

Assessment Weight: 50 total marks
• All questions must be answered by using the answer boxes provided in this paper.
• Completed answers must be submitted to Blackboard by the published due date and time.
Submission instructions are at the end of this paper.
This assessment consists of six (6) questions and is designed to assess your level of knowledge of the key topics covered in this unit

Assessment Question Week 2 and 3
Demand and Supply, and Elasticity
Question 1 7 Marks
After the devastating typhoon Haiyan in the Philippines, the government and donor agencies embarked on rehabilitating rice production to avoid hunger and starvation. As a result, Philippines experienced a rice bumper harvest which led to the equilibrium price to decrease to AUD 1.50 per kilogram. To reduce poverty, the government decided to increase the price of rice to AUD 2.00 per kg. Suppose the figure below represents rice production by Jane a farmer in rural Philippines, answer the questions below.
i. Examine the effect of government price legislation on Jane a farmer in rural Philippines (3 Marks)
ANSWER: ** Answer box will enlarge as you type
ii. Calculate the price elasticity of demand using the midpoint formula for rice. (1 Mark)
iii. What is the price elasticity of demand for rice? Based on your answer, is rice a necessity? Explain your answer. (3 Marks)
Assessment Question Week 4:
Production costs
Question 2 7 Marks
John was a high school teacher earning a net salary of $54,000 per year. After working for one year, he quit his job to start his own milk bar business. In order to start the business, John borrowed $40,000.00 from the bank and was paying 5 percent interest per year. Also, John withdrew $ 50,000 from his savings account. He had been earning 5 percent interest per year for this account.
John’s first year of business can be summarised as follows:
Item Amount $
Revenue- Fresh milk section 250,000
Revenue- Yogurt Section 180,000
2 Cashiers expense (wages per worker) (40,000)
Truck expense (80,000)
Manager expense (60,000)
Milk sales assistant expense (30,000)
Equipment expense (50,000)
Motorcycle expense to ease movement in city (30,000)
2 milk freezers (cost per freezer) (5000)
Based on your calculations of accounting profit and economic profit, would you advise John to return to his teaching job or continue with the milk bar business? Show your work! (7 marks)
Assessment Question Week 5 and 6:
Market structure
Question 3 7 Marks
Adidas is one of the high-class sports shoe dealers in Melbourne with the following short run cost curves. Answer the question that follow
i. Use 2 characteristics to explain the market structure for Adidas Sports Shoe Company. (4 marks)
ii. Calculate this firm’s profit or loss for Adidas shoe company. (3marks)
Assessment Question Week 7 and 8
Measuring the size of the economy
Question 4 7 Marks
The table below is extracted from Khada Republic, Bureau of Statistics records for 2019-2020. Use the information in this table to answer the questions that follow.
Item Base year 2019 2020
Production Price Production Price
Used cloth (units) 4,000 50.00 5000 60.00
Components used tractor factory production 8,000 500.00 11000 1,200.00
Cloth 8,000 25.00 12,000 30.00
Beef gifts during cultural festival 1,500 2.00 1,700 3.00
Milk litres 5,000 1.30 7,000 2.50
Computers 2000 500.00 2,500 600.00
Printers 500 300.00 400 355.00
Raw materials for car assembling plant 4500 250.00 4450 300.0
i. Calculate Khada Republic’s nominal GDP, real GDP in 2020 and GDP deflator
(6 Marks)
ii. Examine the importance of a GDP deflator for Khada Republic (1 Mark)
Assessment Question Week 9 and 10
Inflation and unemployment, and Macro economics
Question 5 Marks 11
In order to improve the living standards of the people in Philippines after the devastating typhoon Haiyan, the government decided to increase the labour wage per hour from AUD 17.50 to AUD 25.00. Also, Philippines experienced structural unemployment and frictional unemployment.
i. What is the hardest type of unemployment that Philippines experienced as a result of typhoon Haiyan? Explain your answer. (4 marks)
ii. Use the figure below to examine the effects of the government minimum wage of AUD 25.00 in Philippines.
a. Examine the effect of government minimum wage of AUD 25.00. Assume the increase labour is equivalent to the total labour force and calculate the unemployment rate (3 Marks)
b. The figure below indicates that the aggregate demand curve slopes left to right downwards. Explain the factors that account for the shape of the Aggregate demand curve. (4 Marks)
Assessment Question Week 10 and 11
Fiscal policy and Monetary policy
Question 6 11 Marks
The government of Australia has embarked on various policies in order to reduce the severity of COVID 19 on the economy.
i. Has COVID 19 caused economic expansion or a recession? Explain your answer using at least two economic effects on the economy of Australia. (2 Marks)
ii. Examine the effects of the fiscal policy instruments that the government of Australia has adopted on the economy. (9 Marks)
Submission instructions:
• Save submission with your STUDENT ID NUMBER and UNIT CODE e.g. EMV54897 HI5003
• Submission must be in MICROSOFT WORD FORMAT ONLY
• Upload your submission to the appropriate link on Blackboard
• Only one submission is accepted. Please ensure your submission is the correct document.
• All submissions are automatically passed through SafeAssign to assess academic integrity





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