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What is the central focus or big idea of the lesson?      

Be certain to attach any handouts, activities, templates, PPT decks that will be utilized with this lesson.

Central Focus for the learning segment: What is the central focus or big idea of the lesson?      
Content Standard(s):  State Standards (CCLS, NGSS, etc.) List the number and text of the standard. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part(s).        
ITSE Technology Standard(s): Visit to determine the applicable standard(s) for this lesson. If only a portion of a standard is being addressed, then only list the relevant part(s).
Learning Objectives: Thinking Skill – What cognitive process(es) will students be engaged in during the lesson? Refer to Bloom’s Taxonomy or Depth of Knowledge. Content – What content will students have access to during this lesson? Refer to the standards referenced above. Product –What will students know and be able to do by the end of the lesson?      
Language Development: Language Objectives – What will students be expected to utilize when illustrating or demonstrating understanding? Vocabulary – What key vocabulary is in the lesson?
Materials/Resources: Provide a list of the materials and resources you will use as sources of input for the students during this lesson.  At least one resource must be technology used for instructional purposes that is supported by the ITSE standard(s) referenced above.    
Context:  Knowledge of Students: Prior learning and Prerequisite Skills: What prior knowledge do students need to use and build upon to be successful? Misconceptions: Identify common misconceptions regarding the concepts that are addressed in the lesson.Explain how your plans linked student’s prior academic learning and personal/cultural/community assets to new learning.      
Plan Details: Write a detailed plan that describes the procedure of your class session including model of instruction, conceptual/skill development, activities, questions, and conclusion.      
Instructional Strategies and Learning Tasks:  How will you support diverse student needs? Include what you and students will be doing:      
Differentiation and planned universal supports: What will you use for the whole class, individuals, and/or students with specific learning needs? How will you address the needs of GATE, EL, or students with special needs during this lesson? Students with IEP or 504 must be included indicating necessary supports to achieve the learning objectives.      
Literacy Skills & Strategies :  A. Literacy Strategies: Identify at least one strategy used to help students comprehend and/or compose text within the lesson. B. Skills: Identify the requisite literacy skills students will develop and practice while learning the identified literacy strategy. C. Connection between Reading/Writing: Identify how your lesson helps student make the connection between reading and writing.      
Type of Student Assessments and what is being assessed: How will you know whether students are making progress towards the learning goal(s) and how will you assess the extent to which they have met the goal(s)? You must justify at least 2 formative or summative assessment strategies that occur in your plan. You must describe how the assessment is aligned with the stated objectives, which objective(s) it is assessing, how the strategy provides evidence of student understanding, and how you will provide feedback to the student on each of the 2 assessment strategies. Formative Assessment:      What objective(s) is this assessing? How will you know students have mastered the objective(s)? Summative Assessment:      What objective (s) is this assessing? How will you know students have mastered the objective(s)? Modifications to the Assessments for students with diverse needs:       
Evaluation Criteria and/or Rubric:        
Relevant theories and/or research best practices:       APA References:
Lesson Timeline:        
Explain multicultural communication and its origins
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Lesson Plans that Develop Multiple Historical Perspectives

Multicultural Lesson Plan


You will develop a Multicultural Lesson Plan based on your knowledge of culturally diverse populations.


You will develop the Multicultural Lesson Plan in two steps.

Step One: Multicultural Lesson Plan Introduction

Select the grade level and content area you plan to teach in the future. While planning, select an interest you have from the list of tpoics below, or examine your content area of interest and develop a lesson that incorporates multiculturalism within that content area. Prioritize your topics and select one topic for lesson plan development. Use the topics below to build an awareness of the elements needed to meet your assignment’s goals.

To develop a multicultural lesson, you may address one of the following topics: 

  • Lesson Plans that Develop Multiple Historical Perspectives
  • Lesson Plans that Develop Cultural Consciousness
  • Lesson Plans that Develop Intercultural Competence
  • Lesson Plans that Combat Racism, Sexism, Prejudice, and Discrimination
  • Lesson Plans that Develop State of Planet Awareness
  • Lesson Plans that Develop Social Action Skills

Once you have chosen your topic addressing multiculturalism, you will submit a one-page paper that includes a brief introduction to your plan for your topic and lesson, your plan should include the essential question and goals for your lesson, and a rationale for why you made these choices. Ask yourself how you can plan for the needs of diverse students to ensure that all have access to the content of the lesson.

Step Two: Multicultural Lesson Plan

This assignment is concerned with your ability to plan and develop a lesson plan within a template that delivers a multicultural or diversity objective or goal. It should also prioritize differentiated instructional strategies that promote an inclusive environment for diverse students. Use the following suggested outline to prioritize and organize your lesson plan to guarantee in-depth development of each aspect of your lesson plan:

  • What specific strategies will you prioritize to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?
    • For example, how will you differentiate your instruction to respond to English learners, students with special needs, or gifted learners in your lesson?
    • Are there any other individuals or groups you need to modify your instruction for?
    • How can you engage your peers, team teachers, and others at the school site to help diverse students achieve your goals within the lesson?
    • What research from the field will support your plan for diverse learners?
  • How will the lesson sequence be modified so various groups or individuals will be successful with your learning objective?
  • How does this demonstrate that the lesson plan prioritizes the needs of diverse learners?

Once you have completed your planning and in-depth research, create a lesson plan using the attached lesson plan template.  It may be a lesson plan that you have conducted or will conduct, or it may be a lesson plan for a fictitious classroom created for this assignment

Multicultural Lesson Plan


You will develop a Multicultural Lesson Plan based on your knowledge of culturally diverse populations.


You will develop the Multicultural Lesson Plan in two steps.

Step One: Multicultural Lesson Plan Introduction

Select the grade level and content area you plan to teach in the future. While planning, select an interest you have from the list of tpoics below, or examine your content area of interest and develop a lesson that incorporates multiculturalism within that content area. Prioritize your topics and select one topic for lesson plan development. Use the topics below to build an awareness of the elements needed to meet your assignment’s goals.

To develop a multicultural lesson, you may address one of the following topics: 

  • Lesson Plans that Develop Multiple Historical Perspectives
  • Lesson Plans that Develop Cultural Consciousness
  • Lesson Plans that Develop Intercultural Competence
  • Lesson Plans that Combat Racism, Sexism, Prejudice, and Discrimination
  • Lesson Plans that Develop State of Planet Awareness
  • Lesson Plans that Develop Social Action Skills

Once you have chosen your topic addressing multiculturalism, you will submit a one-page paper that includes a brief introduction to your plan for your topic and lesson, your plan should include the essential question and goals for your lesson, and a rationale for why you made these choices. Ask yourself how you can plan for the needs of diverse students to ensure that all have access to the content of the lesson.

Step Two: Multicultural Lesson Plan

This assignment is concerned with your ability to plan and develop a lesson plan within a template that delivers a multicultural or diversity objective or goal. It should also prioritize differentiated instructional strategies that promote an inclusive environment for diverse students. Use the following suggested outline to prioritize and organize your lesson plan to guarantee in-depth development of each aspect of your lesson plan:

  • What specific strategies will you prioritize to respond to the diverse learning needs in your classroom?
    • For example, how will you differentiate your instruction to respond to English learners, students with special needs, or gifted learners in your lesson?
    • Are there any other individuals or groups you need to modify your instruction for?
    • How can you engage your peers, team teachers, and others at the school site to help diverse students achieve your goals within the lesson?
    • What research from the field will support your plan for diverse learners?
  • How will the lesson sequence be modified so various groups or individuals will be successful with your learning objective?
  • How does this demonstrate that the lesson plan prioritizes the needs of diverse learners?

Once you have completed your planning and in-depth research, create a lesson plan using the attached lesson plan template.  It may be a lesson plan that you have conducted or will conduct, or it may be a lesson plan for a fictitious classroom created for this assignment




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Lesson Greene and Lidinsky (2018) describe the writing process from creating a draft to editing and from reading to writing.

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 1

Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII Upon completion of this unit, students should be able to:

1. Examine the attributes of academic writing. 1.1 Revise a proposed research topic.

4. Analyze arguments made in academic literature.

4.1 Summarize data in a table per APA Style formatting requirements.

Course/Unit Learning Outcomes

Learning Activity

1.1 Unit VII Assignment 1 Article: “Why Editing Matters”

4.1 Unit Lesson Chapter 10 Unit VII Assignment 2

Required Unit Resources Chapter 10: From Image to Text In order to access the article below, utilize the CSU Online Library to begin your research. Boles, J. B. (1996). Why editing matters. Social Science Quarterly, 77(1), 198–203.

Unit Lesson Greene and Lidinsky (2018) describe the writing process from creating a draft to editing and from reading to writing. Before writing, as evidenced earlier, extensive reading is necessary to acquaint one with the topical area that can take several approaches that include a broad view of a topic or a more systematic narrower approach (Gray, 2018; Peterson et al., 2017). Eventually, a topical area surfaces, and the writing process begins with first drafting an introduction to the research topic that will appeal to readers. Then, revisions are undertaken to refine the topic in response to additional research, discussion with other academics, peer discussions, dissertation committee chairs, and other sources. Before approval or the next step in the writing process, editing the draft is the final step in ensuring that sourcing, composition, grammar, and style are correct (Ganly, 2020; Greene & Lidinsky, 2018).



Figure 1 Editing Process

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 2



As doctoral students, practicing good scholarship is essential, and developing good writing skills starts with reading. Failure to write properly and correctly diminishes the credibility of the author. The editing process starts with good scholarship, correctly writing both in language and construction, paying attention to grammar, and employing other basic writing requirements. Secondly, the writer must use the correct formatting as required by the journal or university. Here at Columbia Southern University, the standard is the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association (2020) or APA Manual. Third, the meaning of words and phrases must be accurate for a complete understanding of the proposed research topic and the writing of the entire paper. Fourth, the editing of any piece of academic work must meet the requirements of the publication journal or the class and university. Fifth, the proposed research in this case (or any other writing) must meet the intended purpose and be written in such a way to appeal to the anticipated audience(s). Sometimes editing one’s work can be difficult because an individual knows what the intended meaning was and may miss what is written on the paper. Several resources are available and might include using software or the university writing center, hiring a private editor, reading a passage out loud, or asking another person to read and comment on the writing. Even walking away from the writing that has been done and returning to read it at another time can be effective in starting the editing process. Whatever tools or system an author chooses, editing needs to be a deliberate and purposeful step in the writing process. The discussion question in the previous unit is another option, perhaps, in meeting this need for editing of work before submitting for whatever purpose. Although there are manuals on writing clearly and properly, the APA Manual has a succinct and clear section on writing (APA, 2020, pp. 111–125). Since doctoral students in programs that require using APA Style already have the manual, this is a good place to start to review writing at the graduate level. An additional way to improve writing skills at this level is to continue to read articles published in peer-reviewed journals. Many publications, as noted in previous lessons, are not as reliable as others, so the source, writing, reputation, and credibility of the journal needs to be considered not only in referencing the arguments presented but also as an example of proper scholarship and writing at an academic level (McGregor, 2018). As discussed in previous units, part of sound argument development is knowing the purpose of your writing, the audience to which it is directed, and he development of sound arguments for your position (Zarefsky, 2007). This purposeful approach is true in research and writing and is at the center of developing a research proposal (Ravitch & Mittenfelner Carl, 2021). Outside of the writing, others will ask for a writer’s explanation of the purpose, approach, audience, appeal, argumentation, theoretical foundations, support, and other determinations central to developing a good research proposal, starting with a well-developed analysis for a proposed research topic. Then, is that analysis correctly and properly expressed in the written statement?

References American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(7th ed.). Ganly, T. (2020). Approaching assignment: A recipe for reflection. AISHE-J: The All Ireland Journal of

Teaching and Learning in Higher Education, 12(2), 1–10. Gray, D. E. (2018). Doing research in the real world (4th ed.). SAGE. Greene, S., & Lidinsky, A. (2018). From inquiry to academic writing: A practical guide (4th ed.). Bedford/St.

Martin’s. McGregor, S. L. T. (2018). Understanding and evaluating research: A critical guide. SAGE. Peterson, J., Pearce, P. F., Ferguson, L. A., & Langford, C. A. (2017). Understanding scoping reviews:

Definition, purpose, and process. Journal of the American Association of Nurse Practitioners, 29(1), 12–16.

Ravitch, S. M., & Mittenfelner Carl, N. (2021). Qualitative research: Bridging the conceptual, theoretical, and

methodological (2nd ed.). SAGE.

RCH 7302, Doctoral Writing and Inquiry Into Research 3



Zarefsky, D. (2007). Strategic public speaking: A handbook. Pearson.

Suggested Unit Resources The section on pages 111–125 of the APA Manual will be helpful in completion of your citations. American Psychological Association. (2020). Publication manual of the American Psychological Association

(7th ed.).

  • Course Learning Outcomes for Unit VII
  • Required Unit Resources
  • Unit Lesson
    • References
  • Suggested Unit Resources
Writers Solution

What lesson, moral, or universal truth is the author leading readers to?

Instructions are attached to the word document below.

Read the story in the links attached below and write a (4 pages maximum,  Arial 12 font, double spaced, MLA style) explaining the below questions:

  • I want you to delve deeper into the story. What lesson, moral, or universal truth is the author leading readers to?
  • What I really want you to show me is that you have an understanding of, and can give examples by name, (without re-telling the story)
  • Foreshadowing?
  • What kinds of Conflicts do you see? in other words, what’s driving the narrative (antagonist vs protagonist)?
  • Is there heavy use of Symbolism?
  • How many kinds of Irony can you identify (in its different forms)?
  • Is there heavy use of Motif?
  • Themes (what are the main ideas driving the narrative)?
  • Read “between the lines” and interpret what you think the story really means, or what philosophical ideas or universal truths the author is using the story to discuss.

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Identify the three main types of computer software that were discussed in your unit lesson.

1. Identify the three main types of computer software that were discussed in your unit lesson. Within the three main categories, give examples of each and a brief explanation of each. Each explanation/description category must be answered with at least 100 words. You must cite your sources within your answers.

2. Write a 150-word essay on the importance of operating systems (OSs). Locate at least one article in the CSU Online Library and one article from an Internet search. You may also use the required readings to support your essay. You must cite your sources within your essay.

3. Identify three mobile OSs and three personal computer OSs. Explain advantages and disadvantages of each one. Describe each OS. The total wording for each OS description/advantages/disadvantages should be no less than 100 words. You must cite your sources.


Template is attached





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Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson

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Descriptive Statistics Analysis

Describe the Sun Coast data using the descriptive statistics tools discussed in the unit lesson. Establish whether assumptions are met to use parametric statistical procedures. Repeat the tasks below for each tab in the Sun Coast research study data set. Utilize the Unit IV Scholarly Activity template attach.

You will utilize Microsoft Excel ToolPak. The links to the ToolPak are here.

Here are some of the items you will cover.

Produce a frequency distribution table and histogram.
Generate descriptive statistics table, including measures of central tendency (mean, median, and mode), kurtosis, and skewness.
Describe the dependent variable measurement scale as nominal, ordinal, interval, or ratio.
Analyze, evaluate, and discuss the above descriptive statistics in relation to assumptions required for parametric testing. Confirm whether the assumptions are met or are not met.

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Problems Encountered by Sun Coast Remediation

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Course Number

Instructor’s Name


Data Analysis: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

            Statistics involves the process of collection, analysis, interpretation, presentation, and data organization in a way that can be understood by its users. Statistical analyses are divided into two broad categories: the inferential and descriptive statistics (Verma & Abdel-Salam, 2019). Descriptive statistics consists of the methods of data representation that calculates descriptive figures and summary graphs or both. The Sun Coast Remediation data was analyzed and presented using descriptive statistics with the interpretations to ascertain whether parametric statistical procedures were met.

Correlation: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

            The analysis of Sun Coast Remediation data yielded the following statistical descriptive figures and summary graphs.

Frequency distribution table

Sick DaysFrequency


Descriptive statistics table

Mean Annual Sick Days Per Employee
Standard Error0.186483898
Standard Deviation1.892604864
Sample Variance3.58195317

Measurement scale

            The frequency distribution tables provide a means of ascertaining the measurement scales in which the data was measured.  An analysis of the variables used in data (sick days) revealed that the measurement scale used is ratio scale. Argyrols (2011) points out that a ratio scale uses units that measure equal distance between values on the scale with unique zero.  The variables used indicate sick days with an interval of 1 and with a unique zero as a starting point since there can be zero sick days.

Measure of central tendency

The measures of central tendency are a summary statistic that provides center point of a data set (Argyrous, 2011). The measures of central tendency used in the descriptive statistics for Sun Coast Remediation data are mean, mode, and media. These measures provide the mid-point in which the sick days are dispersed and this can be deduced from the histogram as the mid-point from which the data sets are dispersed.


            The assumptions for parametric assumptions can be ascertained if it were met by checking the histogram curve and the centrality of the distribution of the data. First, the measures of central tendency must be same. In the descriptive statistics, the mean, mode, and median are all same (7). Secondly, observing the histogram shows that the data is evenly distributed with no outliers. Lastly, the observed values for skewness and kurtosis are 0.142249784 and 0.124922603, which are all closer to zero. The general assumption is that the closer the values of skewness and kurtosis to zero, parametric statistical testing can be evaluated using such data. Therefore, the descriptive statistics above met the requirements of parametric assumptions. 

Simple Regression: Descriptive Statistics and Assumption Testing

Frequency distribution table

Lost TimeFrequency


Descriptive statistics table

Lost Time Hours
Standard Error4.803089447
Standard Deviation71.72542099
Sample Variance5144.536016

Measurement scale

The data set in the variables are ordered with meaningful intervals between the data values without unique zero, meaning it used an interval measurement scale. The measures of lost time cannot have zero starting point, since one cannot say that there is zero lost time. 

Measure of central tendency The measures of central tendency employed are mean, mode, and median. The measures provided how the data is evenly distributed across the………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Standards-Based Lesson Plan Alignment

JYT2 Task 2: Standards-Based Lesson Plan Alignment

Q. How do you align curriculum to standards?  What is alignment lesson plan? Standards-Based Instruction (SBI) is a teaching method that is based on standards of skill mastery. Deeply rooted in research and supported by significant evidence and observable experience, SBI is a student-centered form of pedagogy (the craft of teaching children) and curricular design. What is standards based instruction? What makes a lesson successful?

Assignment status
Solved by our Writing Team at