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ER Trauma Level; Stroke Center Designation

Organizational leaders are often involved in a process that requires involves demonstrating compliance with regulatory guidelines or demonstrating evidence that the organization meets a particular set of standards. Some examples of this might include Magnet Journey, specialty area certification (i.e., upgrading of ER Trauma Level; Stroke Center Designation), Joint Commission Survey, State Department of Health. The organization is often provided with a form that specifies the information required and which must be completed and returned to the requesting agency for review. The information you provide to the requesting agency is then distributed to the team of evaluators responsible for determining if your organization has met the requirements of the agency. The quality of information you provide and the consistency of the format requested play a critical role in the minds of the evaluators. If there are gaps in the information, it will lead to questions from the evaluators during the visit. If you produce a thorough, high-quality, and professional document, consistent with the format requested, it significantly increases the likelihood of a favorable review process. The portfolio assignment provides the student with practice in finding and assembling information into a requested format for review. In a very small and simple way, this simulates a process such as what is described in the previous paragraph. The portfolio assignment also serves to chronicle and archive the project process. While you may start the project as the project manager, sometimes projects are handed off to another person or another team. Having a current set of documents and information allows a current PM to seamlessly hand off the project to another PM. Think of yourself as the PM taking over your project. What information would you want to help ensure a seamless transition? Assemble the portfolio so that it would be such that you would want to receive it in taking the handoff. This assignment allows you to assemble your CGE portfolio with the project management components and activities completed to this point. You will build on this assignment at the conclusion of the CGE II course to create an updated portfolio. 1. Assemble the initial portfolio. Elements of Portfolio The student is responsible for the development of a CGE portfolio that includes the following elements in the following order. Project PICOT question Five individual PICOT elements as approved in the Week 2 discussion Narrative PICOT statement or question consistent with the PICOT element statements Summary of CGE Executive Organizational Change Project Proposal Literature review (may be copied and pasted from the Week 4 assignment with any revisions requested by the instructor; summary table not required) Reflection on Course Outcome (CO) achievement List each CO as a heading in proper APA format. For each CO, provide a reflective summary of how you feel you have progressed in meeting this outcome through the resources and activities of NR631. The following documents each included as a separate appendix in the following order PICOT Worksheet (Week 2) Project Charter (Week 3) Project Scope (Week 3) Communication Plan (Week 5) Deliverables and CSF (Week 6)

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College Level Writing

What to Turn in 

  • Students will write an essay of 450-500 words
  • Your paper must be done using APA formatting style which includes:
  1. Type -written in size 10 or 12 font (Times New Roman)
  2. 1-inch margins all around
  3. A Title Page with the title of your essay and name in the middle of the page
  4. Page numbering in the upper right corner beginning with 1 on the title page
  5. In-text citations in APA format (that means the citation follows either the quote or the paraphrase of the information provided). Any article that was cited in text must appear in the reference page.
  6. A Reference page at the end (called References) in APA format. Any article that appears in the reference page must be cited somewhere in the text.
  7. You will upload your paper to Canvas as a word or PDF file with your name, student number, and 1 word descriptor separated by _ in the file title. :  renira_vellos_123212_memory.doc

OTHER expectations: 

For more information on deciding how to classify a source, see: to an external site.

“College Level Writing”: College level writing means that you are able to:

      o Use correct punctuation

o Use proper grammar

o Address the appropriate audience for the assignment

o Write in an appropriate voice (Ask yourself: Is the “I” voice okay for the assignment? Should it be geared towards a more formal audience?)


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Create an actionable plan including executive level support and budget allocation to ensure security controls can be rapidly updated and expanded as the threat environment increases

Assessment Description

Create an actionable plan including executive level support and budget allocation to ensure security controls can be rapidly updated and expanded as the threat environment increases.

The actionable plan should include (but is not limited to):

  1. Procedures to track performance
  2. Procedures to monitor and measure performance for areas of improvement
  3. Procedures to identify new threats, vulnerabilities, or any countermeasures
  4. Procedures to obtain feedback on the effectiveness of policies
  5. Procedures and technical tools to monitor the internal and external environment
  6. Procedures for budget allocation
  7. Procedures to catch any oversights

APA style is not required, but solid academic writing is expected.

Refer to “CYB-690 Cybersecurity Program Maintenance Scoring Guide,” prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.



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Master Level – SMEs marketing challenges

Master Level – SMEs marketing challenges

1) Based on the theoretical framework(PowerPoint will show) develop the Research Objectives -> Research questions(primary Research )only within the scope of the literature review. A) Research Obj

1) Based on the theoretical framework(PowerPoint will show) develop the Research Objectives -> Research questions(primary Research )only within the scope of the literature review.  

A) Research Objectives  

B) Research questions(primary Research)

2) Ref to 1B, prepare the Research questions for the SME interview & Questionnaires for customers


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Apply research, academic and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements

Subject Code and Title MGT502 Business Communication
Assessment Forming an Argument
Individual/Group Individual
Length Up to a page
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Apply research, academic and communication skills appropriate to the level of study and observe academic referencing requirements.
b) Critically analyse texts and/or multimedia material in both a business and academic context.
c) Identify and apply effective communication methods within a business and academic environment.
Submission 12 Week Delivery: Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4.1 (Week 7)
Intensive class: Due by 11:55 pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 4.1 (Week 4)
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 100 marks
Assessment Task
Write a critical argument on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography.
Provide supporting evidence for the argument from the resources used in Assessment 1 Part A.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
This assessment has been prescribed to appraise your’ ability to think critically and form an argument supported by evidence. It allows you to demonstrate your ability to understand the material you are using and to apply it in ways that go beyond what has been read.
This assessment has been designed to:
• Appraise your ability to critically evaluate academic and other research to form an argument on an organisational topic that is supported by evidence.
• Enhance your writing skills so they are able to form persuasive and convincing arguments and communicate them effectively.
The resources used in Assessment 1 Part A Annotated Bibliography are expected to be utilised in this assessment to support the argument.

  1. Write a critical argument up to a page on the topic selected in Assessment 1 Part A.
  2. Use the annotated bibliography resources from Assessment 1 Part A for sourcing evidence and ideas for your argument. Review the resources critically and select at least 5 to be used as references for this assessment.
  3. Please consider the following factors, when forming the argument:
    • A good argument is convincing whereby the premises are acceptable, the supporting evidence is relevant to the claim and provides sufficient grounds for acceptance of the claim.
    • You will be expected to form an academic and financial argument in favour, or against, utilizing the communications solution in the modern workplace.
    • Make a clear point and justify it.
  4. Please structure your argument as follows:
    • Title page
    • Introduction: provide a short introduction with a claim.
    • Main body: with a logical structure including supporting evidence from academic sources.
    • Conclusion: a concise conclusion which restates your claim and summarises your argument.
    • References: please provide the reference list on a separate page.
  5. Please use at least 5 in-text citations. Indicate logical connections and use connecting words
  6. You are strongly advised to read the rubric, which is an evaluation guide with criteria for grading your assignment—this will give you a clear picture of what a successful forming an argument looks like.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing in the Academic Skills webpage.
    Submission Instructions:
    Submit the Forming an Argument document via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MGT502: Business Communication.
    The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity
    All students are responsible for ensuring that all work submitted is their own and is appropriately referenced and academically written according to the Academic Writing Guide. Students also need to have read and be aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure and subsequent penalties for academic misconduct. These are viewable online.
    Students also must keep a copy of all submitted material and any assessment drafts.
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Evaluation of information selected to
    support the argument
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 50%
    Limited understanding of key concepts required to support the argument.
    Confuses logic and emotion. Information taken from reliable sources but without a coherent analysis or synthesis.
    Resembles a recall or summary of key ideas.
    Personal opinion without
    reflection, expert judgment or rigor, unsubstantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Supports personal opinion and information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Demonstrates a capacity to apply and justify the use of relevant concepts.
    Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Well demonstrated capacity apply and justify relevant concepts.
    Analysis and evaluation reflect growing judgement, intellectual independence, rigor and
    Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Information is taken from sources with a high level of interpretation/evaluation to develop a comprehensive critical analysis or synthesis.
    Exhibits intellectual independence, rigor, good judgement and adaptability.
    MGT502_Assessment_1_Part B_Brief_Forming an Argument_Module Due 4.1 Page 5 of 5
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 15%
    Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence.
    Audience cannot follow the line of reasoning.
    Information, arguments and evidence are presented in a way that is not always clear and logical.
    Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow.
    Information, arguments and evidence are well presented, mostly clear flow of ideas and arguments.
    Line of reasoning is easy to follow.
    Information, arguments and evidence are very well presented; the presentation is logical, clear and well supported by evidence.
    Argument is convincing and persuasive.
    Expertly presented; the presentation is logical, persuasive, and well supported by evidence, demonstrating a clear flow of ideas.
    Engages and sustains audience’s interest in the topic and demonstrates a persuasive and convincing argumentation.
    Correct citation of key
    resources and evidence
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 35%
    Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas
    Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
    Show evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    Demonstrates use of high- quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
    Show evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    MGT502_Assessment_1_Part B_Brief_Forming an Argument_Module Due 4.1 Page 5 of 5


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Why are the instructional activities that you have planned appropriate for students at your grade level?

Whether you are a teacher, administrator, or in a position, that supports teaching and learning, all educators need to understand the teaching and learning process as it relates to lesson planning. The purpose of this assignment is to produce a model lesson plan that demonstrates your knowledge of the constructivist approach to lesson design. In this Assignment, you will construct a model lesson plan that includes rubrics and appropriately integrates technology.

Your lesson plan must include each of these elements:

1.APA Cover
3.Select an academic concept – just one concept, not a related set of concepts – that you hope to teach to students. For example, you might select the mathematical concept of measuring perimeter, but not the whole set of concepts related to polygons in geometry. Or, you might select the concept of identifying the main idea in a reading passage, but not the whole set of concepts related to reading comprehension.

4.Grade Level (K-12, adults)
5.Introduction that includes the central focus of the lesson
7.Objectives with specific thinking skills and content as it relates to student learning.
8.Essential Questions
a.Use multiple strategies to differentiate for diverse students: English Learners (ELs), Gifted Students, Students with Special Needs.
b.Incorporate instructional strategies based on constructivist views of learning.
c.Incorporate instructional strategies that appropriately integrate instructional media in the teaching and learning process.
11.Evaluation/Assessment (Use multiple strategies to modify for diverse students: English Learners (ELs), Gifted Students, Students with Special Needs. Include necessary rubrics. Include necessary rubrics for assessment along with your lesson plan.
12.APA Bibliography (include in-text citations throughout the lesson plan)

Respond to these questions, drawing upon the Woolfolk text. Each response should be in essay format and contain one to two paragraphs. If other sources are used, please cite them in your references.

Why are the instructional activities that you have planned appropriate for students at your grade level? Explain how you compared instructional activities to choose the ones you found most appropriate.
How do your instructional strategies, assessment activities, and classroom management strategies support student motivation?


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Role of a senior level network administrator for the IT Guru corporation

Imagine that you are working in the role of a senior level network administrator for the IT Guru corporation.   The IT Guru corporation is a mid-sized Information Technology consultancy with locations in North America, Europe, and Asia with 5000 employees and 36 offices founded in 1999. 

Your organization is expanding its technology footprint, exploring emerging technologies, and consulting clients on information technology strategies and solutions. In your role, you provide recommendations on technology selection and implementation to support the needs of your organization and you are also an advisor to the consulting teams that assess and recommend technology strategies for their clients.   

You have been invited to a meeting with your Chief Information Officer and Vice President of Global Sales to discuss the concepts of cloud computing and explain the different cloud services that are available.   You will be provided with 30 minutes to present your ideas and this will require 10 slides.  

To complete this assignment, complete the following:

  • Create a 10 slide PowerPoint presentation that includes the following:
    • Introduction slide
    • Discuss the concept of cloud computing and the types of cloud services available to include SAAS, PAAS, and IAAS. (3 slides)
    • Provide an explanation of the components of cloud infrastructure that will need to be adopted to create a cloud platform. (3 slides)
    • Explain cloud computing strategies to include IOT devices, security, performance, and management. (2 slides)  
    • Closing slide


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Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion

 Write a 6-8 page paper in which you do the following:

  • Analyze the business-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the business-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
  • Analyze the corporate-level strategies for the corporation you chose to determine the corporate-level strategy you think is most important to the long-term success of the firm and whether you judge this to be a good choice. Justify your opinion.
  • Analyze the competitive environment to determine the corporation’s most significant competitor. Compare their strategies at each level and evaluate which company you think is most likely to be successful in the long term. Justify your choice.
  • Determine whether your choice from Question 3 would differ in slow-cycle and fast-cycle markets
Writers Solution

Research question: According to African citizens how  does/ has the level of democracy in their country affect economic growth

Research question: According to African citizens how  does/ has the level of democracy in their country affect economic growth.

Variables in Afrobarometer set Q43A_ARB & Q46A

Write a 2- to 3-paragraph analysis of your correlation and bivariate regression results for each research question. If you are using the Afrobarometer Dataset, report the mean of Q1 (Age). If you are using the HS Long Survey Dataset, report the mean of X1SES. Do not forget to evaluate if the correlation and bivariate regression assumptions are met and report the effect size. In your analysis, display the data for the output. Based on your results, provide an explanation of what the implications of social change might be. 

Use proper APA format, citations, and referencing for your analysis, research question, and display of output.

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Contribute level-appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a discussion environment that models professional and social interaction

Clinical Decision Support Systems


The ideas and beliefs underpinning the discussions guide students through engaging dialogues as they achieve the desired learning outcomes/competencies associated with their course in a manner that empowers them to organize, integrate, apply and critically appraise their knowledge to their selected field of practice. The ebb and flow of a discussion is based upon the composition of student and faculty interaction in the quest for relevant scholarship.

Activity Learning Outcomes

Through this discussion, the student will demonstrate the ability to:

  • Contribute level-appropriate knowledge and experience to the topic in a discussion environment that models professional and social interaction (CO4)
  • Actively engage in the written ideas of others by carefully reading, researching, reflecting, and responding to the contributions of their peers and course faculty (CO5)


Post a written response in the discussion forum to EACH threaded discussion topic:

  1. This week we learned about the potential benefits and drawbacks to clinical decision support systems (CDSSs). Create a “Pros” versus “Cons” table with a column for “Pro” and a separate column for “Con”. Include at least 3 items for each column. Next to each item, provide a brief rationale as to why you included it on the respective list.
  2. The primary goal of a CDSS is to leverage data and the scientific evidence to help guide appropriate decision making. CDSSs directly assist the clinician in making decisions about specific patients. For this discussion thread post, you are to assume your future role as an APN and create a clinical patient and scenario to illustrate an exemplary depiction of how a CDSS might influence your decision. This post is an opportunity for you to be innovative, so have fun!

Adhere to the following guidelines regarding quality for the threaded discussions in Canvas:

For each threaded discussion per week, the student will select no less than TWO scholarly sources to support the initial discussion post.

Scholarly Sources: Only scholarly sources are acceptable for citation and reference in this course. These include peer-reviewed publications, government reports, or sources written by a professional or scholar in the field. The textbooks and lessons are NOT considered to be outside scholarly sources. For the threaded discussions and reflection posts, reputable internet sources such as websites by government agencies (URL ends in .gov) and respected organizations (often ends in .org) can be counted as scholarly sources. The best outside scholarly source to use is a peer-reviewed nursing journal.  You are encouraged to use the Chamberlain library and search one of the available databases for a peer-reviewed journal article.  The following sources should not be used: Wikipedia, Wikis, or blogs.  These websites are not considered scholarly as anyone can add to these. Please be aware that .com websites can vary in scholarship and quality.  For example, the American Heart Association is a .com site with scholarship and quality.  It is the responsibility of the student to determine the scholarship and quality of any .com site.  Ask your instructor before using any site if you are unsure. Points will be deducted from the rubric if the site does not demonstrate scholarship or quality. Current outside scholarly sources must be published with the last 5 years.  Instructor permission must be obtained BEFORE the assignment is due if using a source that is older than 5 years.






Application of Course Knowledge



The quality for this category is determined by the ability to analyze, synthesize, and/or apply principles and concepts learned in the course lessons and outside readings and relate them to real-life professional situations.

Scholarliness and Scholarly Resources



This category is evaluated on the quality of the student’s ability to: Support writing with appropriate, scholarly sources; provide relevant evidence of scholarly inquiry clearly stating how the evidence informed or changed professional or academic decisions; evaluate literature resources to develop a comprehensive analysis or synthesis; use sources published within the last 5 years; match reference list and in-text citations match, and minimize or appropriately format direct quotations.

Interactive Dialogue



The quality for this category is determined by substantive written responses to a peer and faculty member’s questions in the threaded discussion. Substantive posts add importance, depth, and meaningfulness to the discussion. Students must respond to least one peer in the threaded discussion. If no question asked directly from faculty, student must respond to questions posed to the entire class. Post must include at least one scholarly source.

Total CONTENT Points= 130






Grammar, Spelling, Syntax, Mechanics and APA Format



Reflection post has minimal grammar, spelling, syntax, punctuation and APA* errors. Direct quotes (if used) is limited to 1 short statement** which adds substantively to the post.

* APA style references and in text citations are required; however, there are no deductions for errors in indentation or spacing of references. All elements of the reference otherwise must be included.

**Direct quote should not to exceed 15 words & must add substantively to the discussion

Total FORMAT Points= 20






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