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how different hormones help maintaining blood glucose level within the normal range, when blood glucose level is too high (hyperglycemia), and when blood glucose level drops

Please note:| Short Answer Test 2 (SAT2)

  • For achieving high grades, make sure you have answered all underlined parts of the questions.
  • Ensure proper paraphrasing to demonstrate your understanding.
  • Questions are not equally weighted.
    1 – Discuss how different hormones help maintaining blood glucose level within the normal range, when blood glucose level is too high (hyperglycemia), and when blood glucose level drops (hypoglycaemia).
    2- Describe neural control of breathing. Explain in detail the function of major structures in the medulla oblongata and pons.
    3- Explain in detail the process of blood pressure regulation by the kidney, initiated by significant blood loss (RAAS).
    4- Describe the stress response, short term, long term through to exhaustion. Start in the hypothalamus and limbic system.
    Suggested literature:
    Marieb, E.N., & Hoehn, K. (2019). Human anatomy and physiology (11th ed.).
    1- Explain the dual blood supply of the liver, the origin of the vessels, as well as the nature of fluid that they carry.
    2- Describe the microscopic anatomy (structure) of the liver.
    3- Describe phase I and phase II drug metabolism in the liver.
    4- Discuss the metabolism of oral paracetamol. Include in your answer how paracetamol overdose affects
    the liver.
    Suggested literature:
    Marieb, E.N., & Hoehn, K. (2019). Human anatomy and physiology (11th ed.).





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services how different hormones help maintaining blood glucose level within the normal range, when blood glucose level is too high (hyperglycemia), and when blood glucose level drops

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Discuss how different hormones help maintaining blood glucose level within the normal range, when blood glucose level is too high

  • For achieving high grades, make sure you have answered all underlined parts of the questions.
  • Ensure proper paraphrasing to demonstrate your understanding.
  • Questions are not equally weighted.
    1 – Discuss how different hormones help maintaining blood glucose level within the normal range, when blood glucose level is too high (hyperglycemia), and when blood glucose level drops (hypoglycaemia).
    2- Describe neural control of breathing. Explain in detail the function of major structures in the medulla oblongata and pons.
    3- Explain in detail the process of blood pressure regulation by the kidney, initiated by significant blood loss (RAAS).
    4- Describe the stress response, short term, long term through to exhaustion. Start in the hypothalamus and limbic system.
    Suggested literature:
    Marieb, E.N., & Hoehn, K. (2019). Human anatomy and physiology (11th ed.).
    1- Explain the dual blood supply of the liver, the origin of the vessels, as well as the nature of fluid that they carry.
    2- Describe the microscopic anatomy (structure) of the liver.
    3- Describe phase I and phase II drug metabolism in the liver.
    4- Discuss the metabolism of oral paracetamol. Include in your answer how paracetamol overdose affects
    the liver.
    Suggested literature:
    Marieb, E.N., & Hoehn, K. (2019). Human anatomy and physiology (11th ed.).





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  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. A verdict was rendered against three parent chaperones. How was the third parent included in the case?
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Discuss how different hormones help maintaining blood glucose level within the normal range, when blood glucose level is too high

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Evaluate and describe your current level of listening and non-verbal skills

Listening is an important part of being an effective communicator, whether in a team setting or one-on-one. For this assignment, you will evaluate your own listening and non-verbal skills, research ways to improve these skills and present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation. 


• Evaluate and describe your current level of listening and non-verbal skills. 

• Research ways to improve listening and non-verbal skills in a business setting. 

• Determine your personal goals for improvement in these skills. 

• Present your findings in a PowerPoint presentation. 

Requirements: • A PowerPoint with 8-10 slides maximum.

 • Provide a title on each slide. • Use bullet format to highlight speaking points (avoid wordiness). 

• Include at least three images.

 • Cite all sources and provide APA references on the last slide

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Colombia and Thailand are roughly at the same level of economic development as measured by the level per capita national income

The 2002 World Development Report provides the following information for Colombia and Thailand:

Data is given in the attached file.

(a)   Explain carefully what each of the entries in the final four columns of this table measures. What concepts are being presented and what is their importance to economic development?

(b)  The table above shows that Colombia and Thailand are roughly at the same level of economic development as measured by the level per capita national income. Their performance in terms of poverty indicators is quite different. What factors may contribute to their differing performance?

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Colombia and Thailand are roughly at the same level of economic development as measured by the level per capita national income

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Write level descriptions for the construct. These can be based on one or more of the following: research literature, a Guttman analysis, a pairwise comparison, an adapted taxonomy, work samples.

AT3 Template (2000 words)
You should insert tables, charts, and graphs into this document via cut and paste, snipping tool etc. All appendices should be included after the text.
Everything is based on Narrative Writing. (Narrative Unit attached.
Construct: The construct that I will be teaching is Narrative writing.
Curriculum link:
Age group/class of target students: Year 5
Short description (100 words) of context:
Part One – Identifies evidence-based strategies for use in your teaching (1250 words)
Criteria 1. Describes the evidence base for strategy/ies
Criteria 2. Discusses the credibility of the evidence base
Criteria 3. Explains the suitability of the strategy/ies to cater for the range of Zone of Proximal Development groups
Criteria 4. Discusses the influence of context on the selection of evidence-based strategies
Part Two – Evaluates the impact of your teaching (1250 words)
Criteria 5. Interprets student growth data to inform evaluation
Criteria 6. Interprets other sources of evidence (e.g., student attitude, teacher workload, school resourcing)
Criteria 7. Makes inferences by combining evidence of student growth with other sources of evidence
Criteria 8. Discusses the impact of your teaching
Appendix A: Construct including curriculum link and source (i.e., set of rubrics, progression)

  1. Write level descriptions for the construct. These can be based on one or more of the following: research literature, a Guttman analysis, a pairwise comparison, an adapted taxonomy, work samples. If you have taught the construct many times, you may also use experience to describe the construct levels.
  2. Map the ZPD of your students to the levels in the construct (this could be on a Guttman chart).
    Appendix B: Explanatory documents related to the teaching plan (summary of teaching plan
  3. Document your teaching plan (this can be summarized in one page).
  4. Implement your teaching plan (ideally eight weeks of teaching but can be less). At the completion of your teaching,
  5. use formal and/or informal assessment methods to collect evidence of student proficiency on the construct.
    Appendix C: Evidence of student growth (template from Week 6, Activity 6.2)
    Appendix D: Summary of other evidence (in a table)

Appendix E: Reference list detailing literature/videos etc. cited

This is how Guttman chart is made… I need 2 Guttman man chart that shows post teaching and pre teaching… showing the students growth… the 3-color box is that student’s area of need. That where they are at.
Make a Guttman Chart for narrative writing for Criteria Appendix A (Example attached)
1.1.1 Easy criteria and at the end are the hardest criteria.





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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Write level descriptions for the construct. These can be based on one or more of the following: research literature, a Guttman analysis, a pairwise comparison, an adapted taxonomy, work samples.

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System Design Document (SDD) describes the high-level system design

The System Design Document (SDD) describes the high-level system design and the low-level detailed design specifications from which a system is built. As part of the security development team, this document provides the information necessary in designing and implementing a system.

Create a system design document making sure to:

  1. Describe the design goals and considerations.
  2. Provide a high-level overview of the system architecture.
  3. Describe the data design associated with the system.
  4. Describe the human-machine interface and operational scenarios.
  5. Design a drawing appropriate for implementation. The high-level system design should be further decomposed into low-level detailed design specifications for each system component, including hardware, internal communications, software, system integrity controls, and external interfaces.

Refer to the “System Design Document,” provided within the required readings as an example. Note: Only the criteria listed above is required within the System Design Document; additional sections are not required.





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high-level overview of the business that shows a competitive strategy towards its value chain

Write a 500-750 word paper researching a process methodology as related to project management (e.g., Agile Project Management, SDLC, Prince2). Include the following in your paper:

  1. Define the term process methodology.
  2. Briefly provide a high-level overview of the business that shows a competitive strategy towards its value chain. Then, discuss the project management process methodology that helps to support the organization’s value chain along with the outcomes of the process and associated benefits achieved by the organization.
  3. Provide an explanation of the relationship between project management process methodology and information systems from that organization.
  4. Reference your research on project management process methodology and the business researched.
  5. Use a graphic to illustrate the project management process methodology.
  6. Provide at least five references to scholarly resources.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. An abstract is not required.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite





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  • Writing services provided by experts. Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?  film dealing with the march on Washington on August 28, 1963
  • Enjoy our bonus services. You can make a free inquiry before placing and your order and paying this way, you know just how much you will pay. high-level overview of the business that shows a competitive strategy towards its value chain
  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services.

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Interaction that the patient may have with each level of care

Each group member will prepare a Word document of 3–4 pages that details the interaction that the patient may have with each level of care (primary, secondary, and tertiary). For each level, be sure to discuss the following components, at a minimum: Services provided for the level Medical professionals encountered on the level Special issues or challenges involved at this level of care from the following perspectives: A patient perspective A provider perspective An administrator’s perspective A third-party payer’s perspective Procedure to refer the patient to the next level of care Be sure to make your answers specific to a patient that has a brain tumor as you trace his or her interaction with the health care industry through the 3 levels of care. In addition, do not forget to use citations and references throughout your paper.





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Primary health care

            Primary health care is described as the initial stage in which patients interacts with the health care system. This include both health promotion activities and clinical services such as health service delivery, public health-type functions and population-level. The primary health care can be provided at the individual level, community level and at the population level. According to Alma Ata international conference (1978), primary health care is defined as “essential health care based on practical, scientifically sound and socially acceptable methods and technology made universally accessible to individuals and families in the community through their full participation, and at a cost that the community and the country can afford to maintain at every stage of their development in the spirit of self-determination.” Generally, primary health care components differ based on the context. Nonetheless, primary health care should be available at first interaction with the health system and in a regular basis.

            Primary health care incorporates health maintenance, illness prevention, and communication of information about diseases, personal support, medical diagnosis, treatment, psychological assessment and management. Based on the health care setting, primary health care may be provided by health care workers, family physicians………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….


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Demonstrate college-level communication

In this Assignment, you will be assessed on the following outcomes: GEL-1.1: Demonstrate college-level communication through the composition of original materials in Standard American English. PC-4.1: Assess the value of multiculturalism and diversity in a global environment. Assignment An effective understanding of economics forms the foundation of every manager’s, entrepreneur’s, bureaucrats, and leader’s ability to analyze business situations and to develop an appropriate response. The globalization of business is a fact of life for all business professionals. One of the most contentious issues in today’s global business world is the issue of closing local manufacturing facilities, laying off those American workers, and re-opening the same manufacturing facility in an Asian, or other third world country. Look in your own closet at the clothes you have purchased. Pick any 10 items of clothing and look at the labels in those clothes. Where were they manufactured? How many of the 10 items were manufactured here in America? If that same exercise had been done 50 years ago, (approximately the 1970s), all the clothes you owned would have been manufactured in textile mills in the Southeastern United States (Georgia, Alabama, Mississippi, North Carolina, South Carolina, etc.). All those Southeastern textile mills are now closed, and people buy foreign made clothes. If you were able to go further back in time to 150 years ago (1870s), the clothes you owned would have been manufactured in textile mills in the Northeast United States (Maine, New Hampshire, Vermont, Massachusetts, etc.). Yet, by the early to mid-1950s, those Northeastern textile mills were closed and their workers were out of a job. The mills had all relocated to the Southeast during the years following the Civil War. Many people say that we should ban the import of these foreign made clothes, so that more workers in American clothing textile mills could have jobs. Others say that we should continue to import clothing because imported clothing is relatively less expensive and more people can afford to buy more clothes at these low prices. Still others say that we should put an import tariff (an extra tax that would be paid when we buy these imported clothes), making the price of imported clothing comparable to the price of clothing made in the U.S., and, therefore, encouraging American consumers to buy American-made clothing. Questions Before answering the following questions, review the Assignment Checklist. Then, in a separate Word document, answer the following questions in a 3–4 page expository research paper: 1. Considering what you have learned about “comparative advantage” and relative “marginal opportunity costs,” discuss the advantages and disadvantages to all involved parties (American workers, American consumers, foreign workers, and foreign consumers) of continued importation and acceptance of foreign made goods into U.S. markets. 2. Compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of instituting an import tariff, or an outright ban on the importation of certain goods into U.S. markets. 3. Include in your research American trade agreements such as the NAFTA (North American Free Americas Agreement) and the proposed trade agreements of the FTAA (Free Trade Area of the Americas), TAFTA (Transatlantic Free Trade Area), and the Trans-Pacific Partnership. What are the main pros and cons argued in favor, and against these trade agreements? Why do you think each party feels the way they do about the issues? 4. In considering the foreign trade issue, discuss the benefits and challenges between Americans and the cultures of the citizens of the various trading partner countries with which these trade agreements are made. Discuss the importance of your ability to understand and accept cultural differences in a global context. What recommendations would you suggest to increase American understanding and acceptance of foreign cultures? Assignment Checklist: • Write your paper in a separate Word document. • Unless specified differently by your course instructor, save your Assignment to your computer with the following file naming format: Course number_section number_Last_First_unit number • Your title page should, at a minimum, contain the following information: Your Name, Course Number, Section Number, Date, and the Title of your paper • Write a 3–4 page paper (in addition to the title and reference pages) following APA format with citations to any quoted, or paraphrased sources. Your written research should also be in Standard American English with correct spelling, punctuation, grammar, and style (double spaced, in Times New Roman, 12–point, and in black font). • Your paper should provide a clearly established and sustained viewpoint and purpose






Economics: Research Paper

(Course Instructor)

(University Affiliation)

(Student’s Name)

(Course Number)

(Section Number)


Research Paper

The United States remains the largest economy in the world today. However, efforts have been put into bringing organizations such as World Trade Organizations and free trade into the world economics. Therefore America in some way finds it difficult to work against its own policies. Businesses today basically compete on global scale (Chisik, 2002). It is therefore, important for entrepreneurs, manufactures and retailers to increase in their competition to survive in the market. Pioneers of economics have demystified more on the importance of importation and exports of goods across the countries as a means of gaining comparative advantage.  Importation is not only the core business ideal today, but also makes the economies of different countries grow (Chisik, 2002). Each country is vested with particular resources, and on the other hand a country may lack other vital resources that will develop and improve their economy. For instance, some countries are rich in minerals like; gold, diamond or fossil fuels and other precious metals; on contrary other countries are in lack of the same minerals. In addition, some countries have excellent educational systems; infrastructure and others are still struggling to grow. The differences in resource endowment………………………………………………….






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Describe to what level you must deal with politics in your current job and how that affects you

  1. Describe to what level you must deal with politics in your current job and how that affects you.
  2. If there were direct benefits, such as new equipment or additional personnel being granted, would you be willing and able to ‘swim with the sharks’?

300-350 Words



Currently working for a Sheriff who is an elected official there is quite a bit of politics involved. Even with just random traffic stops people want to strike up a conversation about the politics within the department. It can be rather annoying. I am not a fan of many of the higher ups within the department. Many got there for un-moral reasons and that does not sit well with me that they climbed so high in rank so quickly because they have “dirt” on someone else. It is why I do not have a desire to climb up in rank at this department. Recently I was chosen to be on the Firearms committee to aid in deciding what new pistol, holster and weapon lights we will switch too. For those who are curious we are transitioning from using the Glock 22 to the new G45. Being involved in this committee I have had to swim with the sharks and voice my opinion on many things they did not agree with to fight for what we on the road truly want (new outer level three vest vs out level two inner vest) instead of buying new guns because Glock came out with a new toy. But yes, I do think for good to win from time to time we must face the sharks and stand up for what is right. I lost in the battle for the new vest even though the majority of the committee agreed with me. We are getting shot more and more, if they are going to spend that kind of money why not give us better protection with it; plus solve out back pain so we can wear suspenders to take the weight of 20lbs off our hips, what we actually want. We are proficient with our G22’s and they work great. And eventually if the good sticks around long enough the sharks will have to retire and the department can turn around. Phil Student 2 Good Afternoon Class, 1. Describe to what level you must deal with politics in your current job and how that affects you. The more senior I become in the military the more I see the backside policy issues that leaders face. As a CBRN Marine there are aspects of the job that are lifesaving and have to be backed by an SOP as the approved process. There is a lot of risk to the force when operating in a CBRN environment. Not only is there the traditional threats (bullets and explosions), but now there is WMD or CBRN concerns that alter how a force operates and puts them at a higher risk level. The assumption of the risk comes from higher headquarters. Typically, if an objective has a CBRN risk associated to it, we will just avoid it as there is no reason to increase the likelihood of a casualty. If the objective is deemed necessary then the leadership is staying the juice is worth the squeeze and we are going in. Do go into these environments we issue PPE that protects the assault force. Ensuring none of the gear is expired, the mask properly fits the individuals, and everyone is familiar with the gear they are wearing and the hazards they may be exposed to is just the beginning of the politics. After operating in that environment the personal and their gear (weapons, NVG’s, radios) will be possibly be contaminated. To decontaminate a person they are essentially cut out of their PPE in a very precise manner to mitigate the spread of contamination. Their gear is also decontaminated. There is not a real high fidelity way to verify their cleanliness or their gear. There is detection equipment but to monitor a person head to toe and pick up the negligible amounts of contamination that can adversely affect a person is almost impossible as the technologies just aren’t there yet. A commander (or political leader) has to make judgement calls on possibly quarantine their assault force (bio contamination) or reissuing the gear after it has been possibly contaminated, and then decontaminated. Or deciding if it is not worth the threat to force to issue back prior contaminated stuff, or just destroy it in place if possible. There are a lot of discretionary calls the leadership has to make as to even go into a CBRN environment and some of the considerations after contamination. All of these have SOP’s that if followed to the T can mitigate some of the hard decisions and reinforce the decisions being made. I personally do not deal much with the policies, besides informing the commanders of the risk of the CBRN hazards, things we can do to mitigate the risk (PPE, and training), and additional considerations post assault or contamination. I also ensure the gear is not expired, detectors are up to date, and everyone has the appropriate gear to operate in that environment. 2. If there were direct benefits, such as new equipment or additional personnel being granted, would you be willing and able to ‘swim with the sharks’? If there was additional direct benefits from swimming with the sharks I think I would be willing to do so. I would try to be very prepared for anything and everything prior to swimming. I am not in the senior E8/E9 position yet so in my current position I would typically lobby for the senior leadership to vouch for the need. I have to inform them on why we need the personnel or gear and give them as much ammunition as possible to fight for it before they have their meetings. ……………………………………………………………………….