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evaluate the service level agreement (SLA).

 When selecting a cloud vendor to host your enterprise data and apps, you need to evaluate the service level agreement (SLA).

a. Research the SLAs of two cloud vendors, such as Rackspace, Amazon, or Google. 

b. For the vendors you selected, what are the SLAs’ uptime percentages? Expect them to be 99% or less.

c. Does each vendor count both scheduled downtime and planned downtime toward the SLA uptime percentage?

d. Compare the SLAs in terms of two other criteria

e. Decide which SLA is better based on your comparisons.

f. Report your results and explain your decision. 


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Risk Matrix Level of likelihood Level of Impact

 Assessment Task-2 Project work and Role PlaySection 1: Review programs, systems and processes
Task One
Company Overview
1. Establish the strategies the organisation will adopt to monitor and evaluate performance and sustainability of key systems and processes.
Discuss at least three approaches/strategies
? Deciding on the approach to monitor and evaluate, such as:
? Total quality management (TQM)
? Lean management
? ISO 9000 (quality management systems standards) o Key systems analysis o Process analysis
? Arranging for input from stakeholders
? Analysing the strategic plan
? Reviewing existing QA processes
? Consulting with external experts or specialists
? Researching industry requirements
? Referring to legislative and other compliance requirements
2. Undertake detailed analysis of supply chains, and operational, product and service delivery systems.
• Analysis of supply chain:
• Operation system:
• Service delivery system:
• Identifying and evaluating the processes in a supply chain
• Consulting with other staff to gather information from people who deal with suppliers and customers
• Identifying activities that comprise an organisation’s value chain as primary and secondary (support) activities
• Highlighting areas of inefficiency
• Identifying and prioritising areas for improvement
• Mapping the current supply chain, and analysing the mapping the product flow from production to customer delivery
• Identifying opportunities for strategic partnership with suppliers
• Improving efficiency and cutting costs
• Identifying suppliers and environmental factors that affect supply
3. Conduct a performance analysis of the organisation
A. Identify key result areas and performance measures, and evaluate the effectiveness of tools used to measure performance.
• Considering factors that affect the current state and predictions for the future state of the organisation
• Using a variety of sources of information, such as SMEs ? Determining performance measures, such as:
? input measures – how effectively resources are being used to achieve outcomes
? outcome measures that compare intended or projected results to actual results
? output measures that review the quantity or quality of the products or services delivered
? efficiency measures, such as productivity or cost-effectiveness o quality measures used to determine effectiveness in meeting customer expectations related to product reliability, service responsiveness or measuring error rates
? Sourcing performance data, such as reports, graphs, reporting tools, benchmarking measures, surveys, discussions, audits and observations
? Using analysis tools such as brainstorming, mind mapping, cause and affect charts, flowcharting, and control and run charts
? Evaluating measuring tools, such as determining whether:
• measures enable projections or anticipated results of data is readily available, reliable and up to date
• measures allow for timely analysis to enable decision-making o measures are easy to calculate o tools and techniques are user-friendly
• tools and techniques identify issues or improvement opportunities o there is a balance of financial and non-financial measures
B. Analyse performance reports and business plans. As part of your analysis, identify variance from expected results and potential causes of any variance.
• Identifying performance reports related to finance, marketing, sales and customer service, quality, production, logistics, human resources, and health and safety
• Using data collected from resource usage, expenses, outputs and outcomes
• Determining reasons for variances, such as increases in sales leading to a favourable variance
• Identifying corrective actions, such as revising objectives and measures to ensure they are appropriate
C. Identify and analyse changing trends and opportunities relevant to the organisation, conducting a PEST analysis, a SWOT analysis and a competitor analysis.
• Conducting a PEST analysis to review external environmental conditions that apply to the organisation (Use Template)
PEST Analysis
• Conducting a SWOT analysis describing the strengths, weaknesses, opportunities and threats of the existing approach to innovation and continuous improvement (Use Template)
SWOT Analysis
• competitor analyse
• Technology and electronic commerce opportunities
Section 2: Facilitate and communicate about continuous improvement
Task two
a. Communication Plan including handouts or notes
Relevant stakeholders
Required resources
Schedule/ delivery date
Relevant policies/ procedures
Security/ confidentiality status
Strategy for all team members to provide feedback
Outcomes/ follow-up actions
b. Undertake a risk management and cost–benefit analysis for each option or idea selected for trial.
Risk Management Plan
Level of access and restrictions:
Reporting requirements:
Risk Matrix
Level of likelihood Level of Impact
1 (Significant) 2 (Minor) 3(Moderate) 4 (Major) 5 (Catastrophic)
A (Expected) Medium Medium High Extreme Extreme
B (Probable) Medium Medium Medium High Extreme
C (Possible) Low Medium Medium High High
D(Improbable) Low Low Medium Medium High
E (Rare) Low Low Low Medium Medium
Risk Action Plan
Risk Description Priority Proposed Controls Actions required to implement controls Resource requirements Costs ($) Responsibilities Schedule

Record keeping procedures:
Updates Person Responsible Date
Risk register
Lessons learned register
c. Undertake Cost Benefit Analysis
Elements Cost ($) Benefits

d. Obtain approval from appropriate personnel for the selected innovations through agreed organisational processes.
? Completing an authorised approval request form
Section 3: Implement innovative processes
Task Three
Prepare a plan for implementing continuous improvement and/or innovation:
a. Address the impact of change and consequences for all affected people.
? Understanding and reducing the barriers to change
? Promoting enablers of change, such enabling team leaders to be change agents
? Addressing the need for training and development in change management for staff to improve performance through workshops, accredited training or mentoring
? Listing the expected changes, the implementation will bring, and the impact on people and resources
? Arranging activities to support change, such as:
a. team building
b. inter-group development in changing attitudes and perceptions o process consultation to adjust to new processes being introduced o survey feedback that allows employees to provide input o sensitivity training to change behaviours o job redesign to fit new structures or technology o career and succession planning for employees
c. implementing health promotion programs to prevent stress and anxiety, including staff counselling if necessary
b. Implement a change transition plan.
? Deciding on an appropriate approach according to the organisation’s policies, procedures and practices, and the size and nature of the innovation or improvement project
? Identifying the likely effect of change and determining change readiness and associated risks, including contingency plans
? Determining transition activities
? Determining resource requirements
? Allocating roles and responsibilities
? Determining communication requirements (showing what is being to communicated, who is being communicated to, and the method and frequency of communication)
? Identifying methods for monitoring and evaluating the transition schedule
c. Ensure the objectives, time frames, measures and communication plans are in place to manage implementation
? Using a project planning approach, such as a project management body of knowledge (PMBOK)
? Defining the process of implementing the project in an implementation plan that includes:
Project Objectives Activities Required Resources Time frame
Task Four
Follow up any failures or non-performance:
a. Implement contingency plans, such as using an alternative supplier for raw materials.
b. Investigate and analyse the causes, and manage emerging challenges and opportunities effectively. You will be observed speaking with staff involved to evaluate the options and determine solutions.
? Providing coaching in one-on-one sessions to help build a skill or improve performance in certain areas
? Identifying barriers, understanding needs, and selecting methods and strategies most likely to work with the employee
? Identifying the variances between the plan and the actual performance, such as by conducting a root cause analysis
? Identifying and addressing an external pressure, such as an unreliable supplier
? Applying problem-solving processes to overcome challenges
Task Five
Write a report with recommendations for incorporating new or revised processes into the
organisation’s knowledge management systems. This is to ensure that lessons learnt from past activities are captured and managed to inform future work.
(1) Incorporating new or revised processes into the organisation’s knowledge management systems and future planning
(2) Reviewing processes and reflecting on successes and failures
(3) Listing what worked well in terms of project management, change management and continuous improvement methods
Task Six
Present how you would regularly evaluate continuous improvement systems and processes, and document your findings in a report.
? reviewing and analysing systems and processes
? identifying opportunities
? outlining the implementation of ideas
? providing recommendations for improvements.
Task Seven
Conducting a face-to-face explanation of the costs and benefits of innovations and improvements to relevant groups and individuals
1) Purpose of presentation:
2) Audiences:
3) Report project performance
4) Reporting an analysis of the root causes of failure if objectives are not met
5) Developing corrective actions
6) Making adjustments to budget, resources and timing to implement corrective actions
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ability to write a college-level academic essay with clear logical reasoning and at least four credible sources.

You are to write a 1200-1500 word persuasive essay. Your essay must have an introduction, body paragraphs with supporting evidence, a refutation, and a conclusion. You must incorporate some of the knowledge from class by using the means of persuasion and other rhetorical devices effectively. Your paper MUST follow MLA guidelines (no exceptions). Your paper must demonstrate an ability to write a college-level academic essay with clear logical reasoning and at least four credible sources.  

Edit your paper carefully. Rhetorical style, grammar, spelling, punctuation, and MLA correctness will all be considered along with the content and development of this paper. The earlier you can produce a draft, the more time you will have to perfect it before you submit it for a grade. The final, polished paper.

See Final Research Project for further details. 

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Analyze your team by considering its level of emotional intelligence (EI)

Analyzing the Team

Last week, you began to analyze your team by considering its level of emotional intelligence (EI). You also considered the communication style of both the team and leader. You will continue analyzing the team and its leaders by using the concepts that we have studied this week. Consider the following categories and answer the questions:


  • What are the common values team members’ shares? How do these common values help the leader?
  • Are there any shared team values, which, if present hinder the team’s performance? Justify.
  • Are there any shared values missing which if present would enable higher team performance?
  • Is the leader a value-based leader? Justify.
  • What action steps would enhance the shared values of the team?


  • How would you analyze the leader of the team using the four EI dimensions (self-awareness, self-management, social awareness, and relationship management)?
  • What competencies does the leader have that are strengths?
  • What competencies might be lacking or are weaknesses?
  • Is the team marked by resonance (positive emotions) or dissonance (negative emotions)?
  • What action steps would help improve the leaders’ EI?


  • Is power shared in the group? How?
  • Do team members feel empowered?
  • Is the level of empowerment in the group appropriate? Why?
  • What conditions exist that support team members’ feelings of empowerment?
  • What conditions exist that if removed could increase team members’ feelings of empowerment?
  • What action steps could improve empowerment/motivation in the team?


  • What type of communication occurs in team interactions (i.e., persuasion, information, entertainment, relationship)?
  • Does the correct type of communication occur or does the wrong type of communication frequently occur?
  • What type of communication method does the leader use? Does the leader listen, persuade, manipulate, or coerce?
  • What actions steps could improve team communication?

Team Design

  • How well is the team designed? Is there any category of the team design phases (i.e., task analysis, people, process or procedures) that needs to be re-examined and possible changes made?
  • Where is the team at in the stages of team development?
  • What action steps could improve team design or development?

You might need to interview some team members to gather answers. You should do some research by using the South University Online Library or the Internet to help you formulate the necessary action steps. Be sure to include at least three library sources and eight to ten key concepts from the readings. If you are the leader of the team, you should ask members of the team to help you develop answers to the questions.

Submission Details: 

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Medical Administrative Assistants, entry level Medical Billing and Coding, Medical Assistant, Electronic Health Records Specialist

 Reflection has a partial listing of potential allied health careers. Medical Administrative Assistants, entry level Medical Billing and Coding, Medical Assistant, Electronic Health Records Specialist are all entry level positions. In 1-2 pages reflect on where you might like your career to go.

Include the following aspects in the assignment:

Ø  Convey two careers listed in either the link above or other links pertaining allied health careers.

Ø  Expand on the job outlook, responsibilities, and education requirements.

Ø  Demonstrate what skills you personally have that would make you successful in the field of Allied Health.

Ø  Explore your short and long-term goals in reference to Allied Health.

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Personal and Social History: 1. Educational level 2. Personal interests

Please do this one based on a 5 year old with croup


Identifying Data: Age, Gender, Occupation, and Marital Status

Source and Reliability:

1. Subjective:

Chief complaint or appropriate health screening visit: The one or more symptoms or concerns causing the patient to seek care. Need not be the patient’s complete statement – may be a brief summary of reason patient wanted to be seen for this visit

HPI: Complete subjective description of problem, including “OLDCARTS” findings or similar, including location, quality severity, duration, timing, context, modifying factors, associated signs/symptoms, relieving and aggravating factors, related systems.

Medications, including OTC and Herbals Preparation

Past Medical History:

1. Allergies – medications, food, environmental or seasonal

2. Childhood Illnesses – Chicken pox, Rheumatic fever, Rubella, Measles, and Mumps

3. Adult Illnesses

    1. Injuries

    2. Surgeries

    3. Hospitalizations

    4. Obstetric/Gynecologic

    5. Psychiatric

4. Health Maintenance

    1. Immunization status – DPT, MMR, Influenza, Hepatitis, Polio, and Pneumovax

    2. Dental Exams (frequency and treatment)

    3. Last eye exam (include results)

    4. SBE/Pap/GYN (include results)

    5. Testicular/rectal exam (include results)

Family History: Include presence or absence of specific illnesses in family such as hypertension, diabetes, or cancer

Personal and Social History:

1. Educational level

2. Personal interests

3. Lifestyle – exercise and diet

4. Older Adults – ADLs and iADLs

Review of Systems: Pertinent positives and negatives in the differential diagnosis 

1. Objective:

    1. Vital Signs

    2. Blood Pressure

    3. Temperature

                                               iii.      Pulse

1. Respirations

2. Height

3. Weight

                                              vii.      BMI including normal, overweight, obese, morbidly obese

1. Physical Examination – specific systems as appropriate

1. Assessment and Plan (This section should process for the reader, should be based on current literature/guidelines. This should be organized and succinct.)

Differential diagnoses including ICD – 10 and Rationale: List the other diagnoses that should be considered in light of the history and physical findings. Rationale: Articulate a rationale for the most likely diagnosis and for each differential diagnosis. In this discussion, include pertinent positives and pertinent negatives which help to rule out or rule in each diagnosis.

Most likely diagnosis: (if more than one diagnosis, number each in order of priority)


1. Pathophysiology of the problem

2. Explanation of the diagnosis

3. Diagnostic Testing

4. Lab testing

5. Radiology testing

6. Cardiac or Neurologic testing

7. Evaluations – Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, or Mental Health Evaluations

8. Medications and Treatments – pharmacological and non-pharmacological treatments. Should include at least 2 evidenced based references

9. Motivational Interviewing

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Seth, a psychology graduate student, theorizes motivations are gut-level, biological reactions that can’t be voluntarily controlled

Seth, a psychology graduate student, theorizes motivations are gut-level, biological reactions that can’t be voluntarily controlled or modified. Use your knowledge of research and

  1. Name and explain the theory that supports his claim. Include a real life scenario that provides evidence of this position. (5 pts)
  2. Name and explain a theory that refutes or argues against his claim. Include a real life scenario that provides evidence of this position. (5 pts)
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Demonstrate information literacy and critical analysis appropriate to the level of study.

Subject Code and Title BIZ101: Business Communications
Assessment Source Analysis
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes This assessment addresses the following subject learning outcomes:
a) Demonstrate information literacy and critical analysis appropriate to the level of study.
b) Understand and demonstrate academic integrity and authentic engagement with information.
d) Identify and apply effective communication skills within a variety of business environments, including the use of technology.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 3.2 (Week 6)
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Identify, summarise and evaluate four (4) sources that will be useful for completing the Assessment 2B Written Report.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this assessment.
In business, you need to be able to research sources of information, read and evaluate their credibility to ensure they are appropriate when building and communicating an argument or a line of reasoning. Beyond this context, these skills will assist you for academic purposes in writing summaries and critically reviewing sources of information for your current and future studies.
Task Instructions
To complete this assessment task you must:
1. Select one (1) of the following topics (You will use this topic for both this assessment task (2A Source Analysis) and Assessment 2B Written Report):
a. Using Social Media in the workplace to communicate with staff.
b. Communicating a companywide employee recognition program using digital technology.
c. Boosting workplace motivation through innovative communication tools.
d. Implementing instant messaging/group messaging, discussion forums and workplace chatrooms.
e. Podcasts, internal blogs/vlogs as a means to communicate to employees.
f. Using an internal intranet/social intranet for employee interactions.
2. Conduct research on your chosen topic.
3. Identify four (4) sources that will be useful for completing Assessment 2B Written Report (read Assessment 2B Brief to inform your choice of sources).
a. Two (2) of the sources must be from reliable academic sources, such as academic journals and books. The other two (2) sources can come from YouTube or TEDtalks or other non-academic sources.
4. Provide the following for each source:
a. Name of the source in full according to the APA 6th ed. style.
b. A brief summary of each source (100-150 words each), justifying why it is relevant to the topic of your written report.
c. Evaluate the reliability of each source by applying the Five Tests for Reliability, covered in Module 3. You must cover:
1. Authority
2. Audience
3. Transparency
4. Objectivity
5. Currency
d. Include a final reference list for all four (4) sources in APA 6th ed. style.
Please note the following additional information:
• You should adhere to the correct use of academic writing, presentation and grammar.
• You are advised to include a minimum of two (2) academic references and two (2) mediabased references as described above.
• You must check the Similarity Report for your assessment task in Turnitin before submitting it in Blackboard. All highlighted sentences must be either paraphrased in your own words or put in as direct quotes and referenced accordingly.
• For additional support on academic skills, please visit: p;content_id=_2498849_1
• It is essential that you use appropriate APA 6th edition style for citing and referencing your research.
• Please comply with all academic standards of legibility and referencing details (including a reference list). Please see more information on referencing here:
Submission Instructions
Upload your Source Analysis to Turnitin and check your Turnitin Similarity Report.
When the Turnitin Similarity Report is less than 20%, submit your Source Analysis via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in BIZ101 Business Communications.
Your learning facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in Blackboard. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
The below assessment rubric guides the marker when awarding marks for your assessment. You should use this rubric to review your assessment task prior to submission, ensuring there is nothing you have missed.
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75 -84% High Distinction
Number of sources
Identifies less than 4 sources useful to complete the Assessment 2B Written
Report on the chosen topic. Identifies 4 sources, however there are less than 2 reliable academic sources identified.
The usefulness and/or suitability of the sources identified to complete the Assessment 2B Written Report on the chosen topic is debatable. Identifies 4 sources, from which at least 2 are from reliable academic sources. The sources identified are generally useful and
appropriate to complete the Assessment 2B Written
Report on the chosen topic. Identifies 4 sources, from which at least 2 are from reliable academic sources. All sources identified are useful and pertinent to complete the Assessment 2B Written Report on the chosen topic. Identifies 4 sources, from which at least 2 are from reliable academic sources.
The academic sources identified are critical in the discipline to the discussion of the chosen topic. All sources identified are highly pertinent to complete the Assessment 2B Written Report on the chosen topic.
Does not include correct references or in-text citations; does not use APA 6th ed. style.
Attempts to include references or in-text citations; however, these are sometimes insufficient or incorrect; uses APA 6th ed. style, however may contain some citation or referencing errors. Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; uses APA 6th ed. style, however may contain minor citation or referencing errors. Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; uses APA 6th ed. style, containing minimal and or no errors. Includes in-text citations and references from suitable sources; uses APA 6th ed. style, containing no errors.
Sources have not been summarised (i.e. more than one summary missing for one of the sources).
There is no/ a limited attempt at justifying relevance of selected sources. Most sources have been summarised (i.e. all sources have partial summaries or there is one summary missing for one of the sources).
The summaries are inconsistently appropriate
to the task, as demonstrated by an interrupted flow of ideas and at times lack of clarity.
All sources have been summarised appropriately, however this still needs some work to achieve a clear and coherent flow of ideas.
There is a generally adequate attempt at justifying the relevance of all selected sources, however this still needs some work (i.e. relevance to topic and task inconsistently clear). All sources have been summarised appropriately, coherently and clearly.
All sources are justified in relation to their relevance to the topic of the written report clearly and consistently. All summaries are consistently clear and coherent; in the summaries, the main ideas are synthetised as they are needed to justify the source selection in relation to the topic of the written report (i.e. main ideas from sources are used to justify selection and relevance to chosen topic).
BIZ101 Assessment 2A Brief Page 4 of 5
There is a basic attempt at justifying the relevance of all selected sources, however this needs substantial work (i.e. relevance to topic and task
not entirely clear, appropriate).
Reliability evaluation
The reliability evaluation shows no understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with omissions in all of the tests. The reliability evaluation shows superficial understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with weaknesses in all of the tests and some omissions. The reliability evaluation shows a generally competent understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with only weaknesses in some of the tests and no omissions. The reliability evaluation shows a clearly competent understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with no more than one or two weaknesses and no omissions in all of the tests. The reliability evaluation is comprehensive, thorough and
appropriate in all tests, demonstrating a highly competent understanding of source authority, audience, transparency, objectivity and currency, with no weaknesses and no omissions in all of the tests.
BIZ101 Assessment 2A Brief Page 5 of 5

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Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors

A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and community building.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic strategic management. Strategic Management Strategic Management Q1: Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors. This is evident when it paid millions of dollars to popular and successful sports icons such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Serena Williams to promote the sales of its products. The company focused on producing high quality shoes and other sports wear whose sales were promoted through “guerilla” marketing. This proactive approach resulted into increased 1998 revenues of $9.6 billion. Nike cements its business-level strategy with corporate strategy (diversification) to serve its customers better and increase its market share, thus higher revenue.

Focused differentiation: Nike also pursues focused differentiation strategy where it focuses on serving the sports segment by providing the best sports products than other players in the segment. Nike serves two major market segments: footwear and apparel market segments.

Q2: How Nike’s business level strategies changed the nature of industry competition

Nike utilized its competencies in design and marketing to penetrate new market segments. The company’s business-level strategies changed competition in the industry in that the company significantly reduced the threat of competition through acquisitions. The company resorted to purchasing other footwear companies that offered substitute products, for example, the company acquired Converse, Hurley International as well as Official Starter among others. Nike has made its products unique from those of competitors and relied on innovation for new product development. This has enabled the company to venture new markets. The company has used its competitive advantage over other competitors to stay on top of the market.


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A large, successful restaurant company with a portfolio of differentiated brands is about to launch a new restaurant concept in the U.S.A. called “Blossom.” This will be a full-service restaurant offering a predominantly plant-based menu which focuses on seasonal items using locally sourced, fresh produce wherever possible. The restaurant will be positioned by its values: clean eating, responsible sourcing, and community building.

You are to assume the role of marketing director for the new restaurant concept. You are required to produce a strategic marketing plan for Blossom. Your plan needs to contain the following elements:

1. Executive summary: what the brand is, how it will be positioned, who it will target, and the primary objectives (no more than two paragraphs)

2. Current market situation

a. Food trends (U.S.A.)

b. Full-service restaurants

c. Competition (direct/indirect)

d. Pricing

3. SWOT analysis (table format)

4. Objectives

a. Year 1

b. Year 2

5. Marketing strategy

a. Positioning (expand upon the value proposition in the opening paragraph above)

b. Targeting

c. Integrated marketing mix: four Ps (product, pricing, place, promotion)

6. Marketing controls: How will results be measured? How will marketing research be us


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Writers Solution

Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors.

Write 1 page thesis on the topic strategic management. Strategic Management Strategic Management Q1: Business-level strategies that Nike is pursuing Differentiation: Nike is robustly engaged in differentiating its products from those of competitors. This is evident when it paid millions of dollars to popular and successful sports icons such as Michael Jordan, Tiger Woods and Serena Williams to promote the sales of its products. The company focused on producing high quality shoes and other sports wear whose sales were promoted through “guerilla” marketing. This proactive approach resulted into increased 1998 revenues of $9.6 billion. Nike cements its business-level strategy with corporate strategy (diversification) to serve its customers better and increase its market share, thus higher revenue.

Focused differentiation: Nike also pursues focused differentiation strategy where it focuses on serving the sports segment by providing the best sports products than other players in the segment. Nike serves two major market segments: footwear and apparel market segments.

Q2: How Nike’s business level strategies changed the nature of industry competition

Nike utilized its competencies in design and marketing to penetrate new market segments. The company’s business-level strategies changed competition in the industry in that the company significantly reduced the threat of competition through acquisitions. The company resorted to purchasing other footwear companies that offered substitute products, for example, the company acquired Converse, Hurley International as well as Official Starter among others. Nike has made its products unique from those of competitors and relied on innovation for new product development. This has enabled the company to venture new markets. The company has used its competitive advantage over other competitors to stay on top of the market.