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Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews

To Prepare:

· Review the Resources and identify a clinical issue of interest that can form the basis of a clinical inquiry.

· Develop a PICO(T) question to address the clinical issue of interest you identified in Module 2 for the Assignment. This PICOT question will remain the same for the entire course.

· Use the key words from the PICO(T) question you developed and search at least four different databases in the Walden Library. Identify at least four relevant systematic reviews or other filtered high-level evidence, which includes meta-analyses, critically-appraised topics (evidence syntheses), critically-appraised individual articles (article synopses). The evidence will not necessarily address all the elements of your PICO(T) question, so select the most important concepts to search and find the best evidence available.

· Reflect on the process of creating a PICO(T) question and searching for peer-reviewed research.

The Assignment (Evidence-Based Project)

Part 2: Advanced Levels of Clinical Inquiry and Systematic Reviews

Create a 6- to 7-slide PowerPoint presentation in which you do the following:

· Identify and briefly describe your chosen clinical issue of interest.

· Describe how you developed a PICO(T) question focused on your chosen clinical issue of interest.

· Identify the four research databases that you used to conduct your search for the peer-reviewed articles you selected.

· Provide APA citations of the four relevant peer-reviewed articles at the systematic-reviews level related to your research question. If there are no systematic review level articles or meta-analysis on your topic, then use the highest level of evidence peer reviewed article.

· Describe the levels of evidence in each of the four peer-reviewed articles you selected, including an explanation of the strengths of using systematic reviews for clinical research. Be specific and provide examples.

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Correlate lifestyle, environmental, and other influences with changes in levels of wellness

NR283 Pathophysiology

Concept Process Assignment Guidelines

Purpose: To integrate and build on basic concepts in support of critical thinking.

Courseoutcomes:This assignment enables the student to meet the following course outcomes.

CO 1: Correlate lifestyle, environmental, and other influences with changes in levels of wellness. (POs 1 and 7)

CO 2: Explain the pathophysiologic processes of select health conditions. (PO 1)

CO 3: Predict clinical manifestations and complications for select disease processes. (POs 1 and 8)

Duedate:Your faculty member will inform you when this assignment is due. The Late Assignment Policy applies to this assignment.

Totalpointspossible:50 points


  • Select a pathophysiology concept (i.e., infection, mobility, perfusion, tissue integrity, cognition, intracranial regulation, hormonal regulation, glucose regulation, fluid and electrolytes, acid-base balance, cellular regulation, nutrition, gas exchange, pain, immunity, inflammation, elimination, and thermoregulation) for which you have not previously completed an active learning template (ALT). Some examples include but are not limited to
    • Complete the three areas of the template to describe the pathophysiologic changes that occur within the body and what care the nurse may provide for clients experiencing the changes.
  • Select a disease process (i.e., myocardial infarction, cerebrovascular accident, seizure, small bowel obstruction) from the current organ system you are studying, for which you have not previously completed an ALT.
    • Complete the top three boxes, the Assessment and Safety Concerns area of the form.
    • Be prepared to submit, present and/or teach this concept to others, as directed by your instructor.
      • In addition, complete as much of the Patient Centered Care area as you are able based on your own research and/or collaboration with your peers or faculty.
  • Create a 1-page analysis describing how the selected Basic Concept ALT relates to the selected Systems Disorder ALT.
    • Be prepared to present and/or submit your paper, as directed by your instructor.

For writing assistance, visit the Writing Center.

Please note that your instructor may provide you with additional assessments in any form to determine that you fully understand the concepts learned in the review module.

Thefollowing provides anexample of the Basic Concept ALT to helpclarifytheassignmentguidelines.


fill out the 2 templates and write 1 page analysis paper. the basic concept is infection and the system disorder is pneumonia. 2

Thefollowing provides anexample of the System Disorder ALT to helpclarifytheassignmentguidelines.


fill out the 2 templates and write 1 page analysis paper. the basic concept is infection and the system disorder is pneumonia. 3

Thefollowing provides anexample of the 1-page Analysisto helpclarifytheassignmentguidelines.


Since the largest group to experience hip fractures are older adults, the normal changes that occur with aging place them at higher risk for complications of immobility and surgical repair of the fracture (for example: decreased muscle mass, decreased bone density, suppressed immune response, and loss of muscle strength and flexibility).

Immobility after a hip fracture (and surgical repair of the break) contributes to the following undesirable changes within the body.

  • Deep vein thrombosis (DVT) occurs when blood pools in the lower extremity veins, which increases the risk of pulmonary embolism and compromised circulation and oxygenation.
  • Muscle atrophy contributes to orthostatic hypotension when the smooth muscles of the venous system fail to contract when the client changes from a supine to an upright position.
  • Loss of appetite due to inactivity, depression, boredom, or pain can contribute to weight loss and malnutrition impacting muscle mass and delaying healing.
  • Use of an indwelling urinary catheter increases the risk for urinary tract infection.
  • Calcium loss from long bones may lead to renal calculi and osteoporosis.
  • Pressure and moisture to the skin increases the risk of pressure ulcers.
  • If client unable to reposition themselves in bed, skin can break down increasing the chance for infection.
  • Social isolation increases the risk of delirium and disorientation.
  • When supine, the weight of the chest wall limits lung expansion and contributes to atelectasis.
  • Blood redistribution and fluid shifts increase the risk for pulmonary edema.
  • Pooling of secretions increases the risk for pneumonia and decreased gas exchange.
  • Decreased weight bearing contributes to hormone imbalances.

Considering the concept of mobility with the systems disorder of a hip fracture, it is evident that the older adult is most at risk for not only experiencing a hip fracture but having one or more complications of immobility due to the injury, as well.

Patient-focused care should address pain management (pharmacologic and non-pharmacologic), promoting optimal respiratory status, and early movement with the help of physical therapy. As always, client safety should be incorporated into all care.

GradingRubric: Criteria are met when the student’s application of knowledge demonstrates achievement of the outcomes for this assignment.


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Assignment Section andRequiredCriteria (Pointspossible/%oftotalpointsavailable)Highest Level ofPerformanceHigh Level ofPerformanceSatisfactoryLevelofPerformanceUnsatisfactory Level of PerformanceSection not Presented in Assignment
BasicConceptActiveLearningTemplate (15 points/30%)15points13 points12points6 points0points
Requiredcriteria Complete the entire template. Student name Concept Related content Underlying principles Nursing interventions Be ready to submit, present, and/or teach this concept to others.5 of 5 required criteria are included.4 of 5 required criteria are included.3 of 5 required criteria are included.1-2 of 5 required criteria are included.0 of 5 required criteria are included.
SystemsDisorderActiveLearningTemplate (15 points/30%)15 points13 points12points6 points0 points
Requiredcriteria Complete these sections Student name Disorder/Disease process Alterations in health (diagnosis) Pathophysiology Related to client problem Health promotion and disease prevention Risk factors Expected findings Laboratory tests Diagnostic procedures Safety considerations9 of 9 required criteria are included.8 of 9 required criteria are included.7 of 9 required criteria are included.1-4 of 9 required criteria are included.0 of 9 required criteria are included
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Conducting simulated lab and field tests to determine pH levels of collected samples

 Review the following videos for help submitting your Individual Project:

Assignment Details

Welcome back, Scientists! Chemistry is all around us. This week, you will explore the impact of pH by conducting simulated lab and field tests. 

  • Start this week with the Unit 2 Learning Path in intellipath® (located in the Assignments list). Here, you will be taught the following fundamental aspects of chemistry that you will need to complete this week’s lab activity, the Unit 2 Individual Project:
    • pH
    • Acids and bases
    • Acid rain
  • Continue on to the Unit 2 Individual Project (instructions below): 
  • Don’t forget to read! You will learn more about the basics of chemistry, such as the following: 
    • Types of elements
    • Chemical bonds
    • Chemical reactions                   
  • Don’t be a stranger! Your instructor loves hearing from you. Let them know how you are doing this week, and touch base with any questions you might have. You’re doing great!

Lab 2: Measuring pH Levels

For this assignment, you will use the Unit 2 Measuring pH Levels Learning Module to complete the Unit 2 Lab Report worksheet. You will be conducting simulated lab and field tests to determine pH levels of collected samples.

  1. If you haven’t already, download the Lab Report worksheet.
  2. Then, view the Unit 2 Lab: Measuring pH Levels to complete the virtual lab and Lab Report worksheet.
  3. Submit your completed assignment in one of the following ways:
    • Upload your completed Lab Report.
    • Upload an image with your completed Lab Report.
    • Type in your responses to the Lab Report in the IP submission text box.

View the Individual Project Demo for guidance on how to submit your Lab Report as an Individual Project via the Virtual Classroom or the CTU Mobile app.

Assignment-Specific Grading Criteria

SCI103 Unit 2 Individual Project Grading CriteriaMax PointsThe pH values, solutions, and acid/base identifications are accurate.


The three lake pH’s are accurate, and the two most acidic lakes are identified correctly.


Three to five sentences are used to describe acids found in the home and their common attributes.


Three to five sentences are used to describe bases found in the home and their common attributes.


Three to five sentences are used to explain what acid rain is. Data from Part 1 is used to discuss how each lake’s location causes varying impacts of acid rain.


The acidic concentration change from pH 6 to pH 3 is given correctly, and environmental impacts of this change are accurately presented in 3–5 sentences.


Uses proper spelling, punctuation, and grammar to write clearly and effectively


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What information will help you to allocate funds?


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The data correspond to yields (in tons per hectare) of a pasture with 3 levels of nitrogen fertilizers, the design was randomized, applied in 5 plots per treatment

Problem #1.

The data correspond to yields (in tons per hectare) of a pasture with 3 levels of nitrogen fertilizers, the design was randomized, applied in 5 plots per treatment (blocks).

You want to know if the performance was different in the treatments.

Check the hypothesis with = 0.01%

Nitrogen Levels




Plot 1




Plot 2




Plot 3




Plot 4




Plot 5




Problem #2.

A product development engineer wants to maximize the tensile strength of a new synthetic fiber that will be used to make shirts. From experience, it appears that strength (or strength) is influenced by the% cotton present in the fiber.

It is also suspected that high cotton values negatively affect other quality qualities that are desired (for example: that the fiber can receive a permanent press treatment).

Faced with this situation, the engineer decides to take five samples for different levels of cotton and measure the strength of the fibers thus produced.

Cotton %

Observations (strengths of the 25 manufactured fibers)











































Total sum of the 25 Strength values obtained



Problem # 3 Full factorial example

Data Source

This example uses data from a NIST   high performance ceramics experiment

This data set was taken from an   experiment that was performed a few years ago at NIST by Said Jahanmir of the   Ceramics Division in the Material Science and Engineering Laboratory. The   original analysis was performed primarily by Lisa Gill of the Statistical   Engineering Division. Do the DOE set up and analysis and find the significant   factors affecting your response.

The   original data set was part of a high performance ceramics experiment with the   goal of characterizing the effect of grinding parameters on sintered   reaction-bonded silicon nitride, reaction bonded silicone nitride, and   sintered silicon nitride.

Description of Experiment:   Response and Factors

Response and factor variables

Purpose: To determine the effect   of machining factors on ceramic strength
  Response variable = mean (over 15 repetitions) of the ceramic strength
  Number of observations = 32 (a complete 25 factorial design)

Response Variable Y = Mean (over   15 reps) of Ceramic Strength
  Factor 1 = Table Speed (2 levels: slow (.025 m/s) and fast (.125 m/s))
  Factor 2 = Down Feed Rate (2 levels: slow (.05 mm) and fast (.125 mm))
  Factor 3 = Wheel Grit (2 levels: 140/170 and 80/100)
  Factor 4 = Direction (2 levels: longitudinal and transverse)
  Factor 5 = Batch (2 levels: 1 and 2)

The data

The design matrix, with measured ceramic   strength responses, appears below. The actual randomized run order is given   in the last column. 

speed rate grit direction batch strength   order

1 -1 -1 -1 -1 -1 680.45 17

2 1 -1 -1 -1 -1 722.48 30

3 -1 1 -1 -1 -1 702.14 14

4 1 1 -1 -1 -1 666.93 8

5 -1 -1 1 -1 -1 703.67 32

6 1 -1 1 -1 -1 642.14 20

7 -1 1 1 -1 -1 692.98 26

8 1 1 1 -1 -1 669.26 24

9 -1 -1 -1 1 -1 491.58 10

10 1 -1 -1 1 -1 475.52 16

11 -1 1 -1 1 -1 478.76 27

12 1 1 -1 1 -1 568.23 18

13 -1 -1 1 1 -1 444.72 3

14 1 -1 1 1 -1 410.37 19

15 -1 1 1 1 -1 428.51 31

16 1 1 1 1 -1 491.47 15

17 -1 -1 -1 -1 1 607.34 12

18 1 -1 -1 -1 1 620.80 1

19 -1 1 -1 -1 1 610.55 4

20 1 1 -1 -1 1 638.04 23

21 -1 -1 1 -1 1 585.19 2

22 1 -1 1 -1 1 586.17 28

23 -1 1 1 -1 1 601.67 11

24 1 1 1 -1 1 608.31 9

25 -1 -1 -1 1 1 442.90 25

26 1 -1 -1 1 1 434.41 21

27 -1 1 -1 1 1 417.66 6

28 1 1 -1 1 1 510.84 7

29 -1 -1 1 1 1 392.11 5

30 1 -1 1 1 1 343.22 13

31 -1 1 1 1 1 385.52 22

32 1 1 1 1 1 446.73 29

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Problem #4.

Replicate the DOE in the following website. Write a 3-line report with your conclusions
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interaction of supply and demand determines prices and output levels in markets

interaction of supply and demand determines prices and output levels in markets. Prices and output levels change when either the demand curve or the supply curve shifts. Sometimes price and output both increase and decrease. Sometimes one increases while the other decreases.

  • Consider a situation where the price of a good rises when output increases. For example, lithium is used in rechargeable batteries for computers, phones, other electronic goods, and even certain cars. Demand for lithium was low as recently as the early 2000s. Since then, both the price of lithium and the production of lithium have more than doubled.
  • Start your discussion by responding to these questions:
    • What could explain the simultaneous increases in the price of lithium and the production of lithium? Use supply and demand curves to explain your answer.
    • Hint: Price and equilibrium quantity have both increased. Would a shift in the demand curve or a shift in the supply curve lead to this result?

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  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
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Software development companies have engineering employees with different levels of expertise

Subject Code and Name CMP1041 – Foundation Programming
Assessment Number 2
Assessment Title Pseudo Coding and Flowcharting
Assessment Type Report
Length or Duration Four (4) Tasks / 1 File
Subject Learning Outcomes SLO 2, SLO 3, SLO 4
Submission Date / Time Week 8
Weighting 30%
Assessment Purpose
Software development companies have engineering employees with different levels of expertise, i.e. from junior engineers to senior engineers. Junior engineers may be given projects that are outside their ability to achieve, and thus receive help from more experienced engineers.
In this assessment you work as a senior engineer for a security software company that has a new client. A junior engineer was assigned to this client however has been struggling with the more complex parts of the software. Part of your role as a senior engineer at the security software company is to help the junior engineer in providing non-buggy software for the client.
Assessment Task / Item
For this assessment, you must submit a pdf file that contains your final solutions to the following four tasks.
Assessment Instructions
Read each of the following four (4) tasks and write your responses in the form of a report. The report will be submitted as one (1) pdf file.
Hi senior engineer! As a junior engineer I am struggling to finish the following four tasks. I’ve attempted each of them at least a little bit before getting stuck! I would greatly appreciate your help with these tasks!
Task 1
The client wants to add security tag readers to doors that allow employees to scan their security tag and if they have the security level appropriate to access the door, they can progress through the door. If they do not have the appropriate security level, security will be alerted with the employee’s name and the door will be locked down – not allowing anyone to enter until the door has been reset by security.
Doors are given a security level from 1 to 3, where 3 is the highest security level, and 1 is the lowest. Employees are also given a security level from 1 to 3. An employee with a security level of 1 can access all doors that also have a security level of 1. An employee with a security level of 2 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2. An employee with a security level of 3 can access all doors that have a security level of 1 or 2 or 3.
I’ve finished a flowchart, but as a junior I am unsure if it has bugs! Can you please identify any syntax, logic, and runtime errors in the flowchart and do the following:
i) Identify the flowchart node that has the error. ii) Provide a flowchart node that fixes the error. iii) Provide information about what the error was.
Task 2
The client wants to be able to upgrade an employee’s security level, so as the employee receives a promotion they can access new areas.
An employee may upgrade another employee’s security level only if the upgrader (the employee upgrading another employee) has a security level at least one security level above the upgradee (the employee being upgraded). That way an employee with a security level of 2 can upgrade an employee with a security level of 1 to a security level of 2, but is not able to upgrade an employee of security level 2 to a security level of 3. In the case where the employee does not have the correct security level to upgrade another employee, security should be alerted with the names of both of the employees.
As a junior engineer I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart, using appropriate tools that will create presentable flowcharts, so that I can implement this within a programming language.
Task 3
The client wants to be able to downgrade all employee’s security levels, if the employee has a specific role. Only an employee with a role of Security should be able to downgrade all employee’s security levels based on their role.
For example the client decides that all employees with a role of Scientist should no longer have access to security level 2 rooms and wants to be able to downgrade their security level from 2 to 1. An employee with the role of Security will then execute this program to downgrade all employees security level’s with the role of Scientist. An employee’s security level should never be below 1. If an employee tries to execute this program with a role that is not Security then security should be alerted with the employee’s name.
Again, I was unsure how to achieve this, but I have started a flowchart. Could you please finish the flowchart so that I can implement this within a programming language.
Task 4
As a junior engineer, I intend on implementing the above programs in an Object Oriented Language, such as C++. Can you please help me get started by providing the properties and methods for the Employee class, to be used in my class diagram, that has all the properties and methods required for the programs above, specifically methods that allow upgrading or downgrading an employee’s security level easily would be great!
Export a document with the 4 tasks in a pdf format with the following naming convention:
[Student_ID][Surname][First Name][SubjectCode][Assessment_#].pdf E.g.: 1234_Singh_Visha_PRG1002_Assessment_02.pdf
You should take a screenshot or otherwise convert your flowchart to an image that should be contained within the pdf document.
Google Docs, Microsoft Word, and various other word processing applications can export/publish to the pdf format.
All work must be submitted via the LMS, in the assignments section appropriate to this brief. Please ensure the above mentioned submission date and/or time are adhered to, or penalties may apply.
For more information on late submission, please see the Assessment Policy.
Academic Integrity
The integrity of the assessment process is fundamental for ensuring appropriate evaluation at AIT. All work submitted should be your own, and where additional resources are used, they must be referenced according to the Harvard style. Additionally, TurnItIn is available in the LMS to test plagiarism in your writing.
For more information on academic integrity, please see the Academic Integrity and Academic Integrity Penalties Policies.
Fair application of the assessment rubric, rules and guidelines should be administered for each assessment. If you feel an evaluation requires further consideration, you may be entitled to an appeal.
For more information on your right to an appeal, please see the Assessment Appeals Procedure and Policy.
For access to the policies mentioned above and related to education at AIT, please see the footer of the AIT website, and follow the link named Education Policies and Procedures.
Assessment Rubric
Task Descriptor (F)
Fail (P) Pass (C) Credit (D)
Distinction (HD)
Apply debugging processes to
meet project expectations
20% Fewer than two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.

  1. In the provided flowchart, half the errors are identified.
  2. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
  3. All errors have provided fixes. Two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
  4. In the provided flowchart, half the errors are identified.
  5. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
  6. All errors have attempted fixes. All three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
  7. In the provided flowchart, most errors are identified.
  8. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type.
  9. Most errors are fixed in an appropriate way. All three (3) of the following criteria are met.
  10. In the provided flowchart, all errors are identified.
  11. All identified errors are described with respect to the error type and how it impacts the program.
  12. All errors are fixed in an appropriate way. All three (3) of the following criteria are met.
  13. In the provided flowchart, all errors are identified.
  14. All identified errors are accurately described with respect to the error type and how it impacts the program.
  15. All errors are fixed in an optimal way.
    Apply the process for the
    implementation of algorithms
    40% Fewer than three
    (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  16. Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in two (2) cases.
  17. Uses variables with types.
  18. Has less than three (3) significant logic errors.
  19. Has less than eight (8) syntax errors. Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  20. Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in two (2) cases.
  21. Uses variables with types.
  22. Has less than three (3) significant logic errors.
  23. Has less than eight (8) syntax errors. All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  24. Have correct inputs, and outputs, except in one (1) case.
  25. Have less than three (3) cases of redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
  26. Have less than two (2) significant logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
  27. Have less than five (5) significant syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming. All four (4) of the following criteria
    are met
    All flowcharts:
  28. Have the correct inputs, and outputs.
  29. Have less than three (3) cases of redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
  30. Have no (0) significant logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
  31. Have no (0) significant syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming.
    All four (4) of the following criteria
    are met
    All flowcharts:
  32. Have the correct inputs, and outputs.
  33. Have no (0) redundant or inefficiently typed variables.
  34. Have no (0) logic errors that cause runtime bugs.
  35. Have no (0) syntax errors by using incorrect or inconsistent variable naming.
    Complete a project according to design specifications
    30% Fewer than three
    (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  36. Alert security is present in more than two (2) cases.
  37. Some variables are present used in alerting security in more than two (2) cases.
  38. Security level requirements are enforced in more than two (2) cases.
  39. Range of security level is maintained in more than one (1) case.
    Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  40. Alert security is present in more than two (2) cases.
  41. Some variables are present used in alerting security in more than two (2) cases.
  42. Security level requirements are enforced in more than two (2) cases.
  43. Range of security level is maintained in more than one (1) case.
    Three (3) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  44. Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations in all but two (2) cases.
  45. Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
  46. Security level requirements are enforced correctly in all but two (2) cases.
  47. Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3 in all but one (1) case. All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  48. Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations in all but one case.
  49. Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
  50. Security level requirements are enforced correctly in all but two (2) cases.
  51. Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3 in all but one (1) case.
    All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  52. Alert security at the appropriate places based on all possible security violations.
  53. Appropriate variables are present that are used in alerting security, such as employee names.
  54. Security level requirements are enforced correctly.
  55. Range of security level is maintained, i.e. never below 1 and above 3.
    Apply appropriate tools and processes for generating
    flowcharts and class diagrams
    10% Fewer than two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  56. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in six (6) cases.
  57. Have less than five (5) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  58. Use correctly spelled and Two (2) of the following criteria are met. Other criteria are not included or poorly applied.
    All flowcharts:
  59. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in six (6) cases.
  60. Have less than five (5) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  61. Use correctly spelled and Three (3) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  62. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in four (4) cases.
  63. Have less than four (4) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  64. Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  65. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage, except in two (2) cases.
  66. Have less than three (3) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  67. Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method All four (4) of the following criteria are met.
    All flowcharts:
  68. Use the correct flowchart nodes for the appropriate usage.
  69. Have no (0) missing arrows.
    All Diagrams:
  70. Use correctly spelled and consistent variable, property, and method names.
    consistent variable, property, and method names, except in five (5) cases.
  71. Flows from top to bottom, and all text is readable. consistent variable, property, and method names, except in five (5) cases.
  72. Flows from top to bottom, and all text is readable. names, except in three (3) cases.
  73. Are mostly well formatted and easily readable. names, except in three (3) cases.
  74. Are mostly well formatted and easily readable. 2. Are well formatted and easily readable

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Police departments need to test drivers for blood alcohol levels when they suspect the driver may be under the influence of alcohol

Develop a matrix for the following situation and calculate accuracy, true negative rate, and true positive rate. The illustrations from this unit’s studies are linked in Resources.

Comment on the utility of the test—does it work well? Do you think police departments would find this test acceptable? What about defense attorneys? Interpret accuracy, true negative rate, and true positive rate for this scenario:

Police departments need to test drivers for blood alcohol levels when they suspect the driver may be under the influence of alcohol. Blood alcohol tests are expensive and are invasive, requiring a blood sample. Breathalyzer tests provide preliminary test results that can establish probable cause for police officers to arrest an individual and take them for a formal blood alcohol test. Bringing a person in for a formal test when they really are not drunk creates ill will for a police department. Not detecting a truly drunk driver could lead to a tragic accident. Your firm has developed a new breathalyzer test and has the following results:

One hundred subjects were tested with your new device. Sixty subjects were truly drunk and 40 were not drunk. Of the 60 drunk subjects, the test correctly identified 58 as being drunk and incorrectly identified two as not drunk when they in fact were drunk. Of the 40 not drunk subjects, 22 were correctly identified as not drunk and 18 were incorrectly identified as drunk.

Second, assume that the test above generates an ROC curve labeled B in Figure 5-10 on page 217. Another test is identified that generates an ROC curve labeled A on Figure 5-10 on page 217. Which test is preferred? Why?





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environmental factors from the local to the global levels that influence health and interpret the relevance to the health of populations.

Subject Code and Title PUBH6002: Global and Environmental Health Issues
Assessment Assessment 1 – Report: Guided policy analysis
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Examine environmental factors from the local to the global levels that influence health and interpret the relevance to the health of populations.
b) Interpret and analyse the impacts of globalisation on the social, economic, and political determinants of global and local health.
c) Critically analyse ethical elements relevant to environmental health protections, policies, and industry practices, including identification of vulnerable groups
d) Investigate the relationships between environmental risk factors and social, economic, and political determinants of illness and injury.
Submission Due by 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday end of Module 4 (Week 4).
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
Equitable, effective and evidence-based health policy is essential to population based health management and disease prevention. The ability to review and analyse policy options and comment on their efficacy and feasibility is a key skill within public health. By conducting a policy analysis, student will gain an understanding of the importance of policy development and implementation to minimize health burdens. Policy analysis also introduces skills of critical thinking, literature research, and analysis.
After critically reviewing the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control and the National Tobacco strategy, write a 1000 (±10%) guided policy analysis report using the Report template provided on Blackboard.
Please refer to the Task Instructions for details on how to complete this task.
The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco was developed in response to the global epidemic of tobacco (e.g. tobacco consumption rates) and the increased burden of disease as a result of its consumption (e.g. tobacco-related disease). It is an evidence-base treaty aiming to provide the Legal and practical strategies that nations states can apply to regulate key structural factors that contribute to tobacco consumption globally, these factors include:

  • trade liberalization
  • direct foreign investment
  • global marketing
  • transnational tobacco advertising
  • promotion and sponsorship
  • international movement of contraband and counterfeit cigarettes (World Health Organization [WHO], 2021).
    Review the following documents:
  • The WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control (World Health Organization. (2003). WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control. World Health Organization.
  • The National Tobacco Strategy 2012-2018 (Department of Health and Aging. (2012). National Tobacco Strategy 2012-2018. Commonwealth of Australia, Department of Health and aging.
    Then conduct a policy review of The National Tobacco Strategy implemented in Australia, in relation to the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control Framework Write in 1000 words (±10%) a report guided by the following four questions:
    Introduction/Background (Approx. 150 words)
  • In the introduction present the burden of disease and smoking rates in Australia before the implementation of the National Tobacco Strategy and discuss tobacco control legislation prior to the policy.
  • Finally, briefly discuss the impact the implementation of the National Tobacco Strategy has had on the tobacco related burden of disease.
    Policy analysis (Approx. 600 words)
  • Discuss how the WHO Framework Convention on Tobacco Control informed the development and implementation of Australia’s National Tobacco Strategy? Who were the key stakeholders in this development and what were their role?
  • Describe the expected intermediate and long-term outcomes and the strengths of Australia’s National Tobacco Strategy based on successful achievements?
  • Discuss 2 strategies that have been less successful or unsuccessful at reducing tobacco consumption in Australia.
    Recommendations and conclusions (Approx. 250 words)
  • How could the National Tobacco Strategy be improved? Provide 3-4 recommendations to improve the implementation and efficacy of the NTS based on your policy analysis.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here
    Submission Instructions
    Submit this task via the Assessment 1 link. Please save your Assessment and submit it as the title of your submission using the following naming convention: subj code_Module#_surname_first name initial_assessment title
    E.g., PUBH6002_M2_Jones_S_Report
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard)
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Evidence of unsatisfactory achievement of one or more of the learning objectives of the subject, insufficient understanding of the subject content and/or unsatisfactory level of skill development. Evidence of satisfactory achievement of subject learning objectives, the development of relevant skills to a competent level, and adequate interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a good level of understanding, knowledge and skill development in relation to the content of the subject or work of a superior quality on the majority of the learning objectives of the subject. Demonstration of a high level of interpretation and critical analysis skills. Evidence of a high level of achievement of the learning objectives of the subject demonstrated in such areas as
    interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, use of methodology and communication skills. Evidence of an exceptional level of achievement of learning objectives across the entire content of the course demonstrated in
    such areas as interpretation and critical analysis, logical argument, creativity, originality, use of
    methodology and communication skills.
    Knowledge and understanding of policy foundation and developing process to target the impact of smoking and tobacco products consumption in the given population.
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 30%
    The report does not discuss the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and does not cover the situation legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies.
    The report shows a basic synthesis of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
    The report shows a proficient synthesis of information of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
    The report shows an advance synthesis of the introduction of the key information of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
    The report demonstrates
    a sophisticated understanding and ability to summarise key information of the burden of disease associated with tobacco consumption and legislative environment prior the implementation of the policies (Both FCTC and the National Tobacco strategy).
    The report does not address the bases of policy foundation and development.
    Demonstrates a functional knowledge of the bases of policy foundation and development, however, indicates only a limited understanding of the topic and develops the minimum aspects of the task.
    Demonstrates proficient knowledge the bases of policy foundation, development, and the role of key stakeholders.
    Demonstrates advanced knowledge of the bases of policy foundation, development, and the role of key stakeholders.
    Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of the bases of policy foundation, development, and the role of key stakeholders.
    The report shows little/no evidence of research or enquiry of the policy and the key stakeholders.
    The report shows some basic knowledge of the role of key stakeholders.
    Demonstrates proficient understanding of the policy outcomes and the strengths and limitations and their implications. . Demonstrates advance understanding of the policy outcomes and the strengths and limitations and their implications. Demonstrates exceptional understanding of the policy outcomes and the strengths and limitations and their implications.
    analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 35%
    Limited synthesis and analysis of key concepts of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
    Demonstrated analysis and synthesis of new knowledge with
    application of key concepts of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
    Well-developed analysis and synthesis with application of recommendations linked to synthesis of key concepts of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
    Thoroughly developed and creative analysis and synthesis of key concepts
    of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
    Highly sophisticated and creative analysis, synthesis of key concepts
    of the objectives, challenges, and outcomes required to support the analysis of the policy and its implementation in the specific context.
    Critical analysis of the challenges and proposes recommendations for the improvement of the policy.
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 25%
    application/recommend ations that does not align with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
    The report shows acceptable recommendations that align somehow with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
    The report shows precise recommendations that align logically with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
    The report shows coherent recommendations that align logically with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
    The report shows exceptional recommendations that align logically with the outcomes of the policy analysis.
    The report has limited or no evidence-based rational provided for the recommendations.
    The report shows some evidence-based rational provided for the recommendations.
    The report shows evidence-based rational provided for some recommendations.
    The report shows a clear evidence-based rational provided for most recommendations. The report shows a comprehensive evidence-based rational provided for each recommendations.
    Academic standards and general criteria
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 5%
    Poorly written with errors in spelling, grammar.
    Is written according to academic genre (e.g., with introduction, conclusion or summary) and has
    accurate spelling, grammar, sentence and paragraph construction.
    Is well-written and adheres to the academic genre (e.g., with introduction, conclusion or summary).
    Is very well-written and adheres to the academic genre.
    Expertly written and adheres to the academic genre.
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 5%
    There are mistakes in using the APA style.
    There are minimal mistakes in using the APA style.
    There are no mistakes in using the APA style.
    There are no mistakes in using the APA style.
    There are no mistakes in using the APA Style.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO a) Examine environmental factors from the local to the global levels that influence health and interpret the relevance to the health of populations.
    SLO b) Interpret and analyse the impacts of globalisation on the social, economic, and political determinants of global and local health.
    SLO d) Investigate the relationships between environmental risk factors and social, economic, and political determinants of illness and injury
    SLO e) Critical analysis and application of actions to mitigate an environmental health issue.





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· Identify levels of measurement in data collection instruments (CO 2)


In hospitalized med/surg patients , does med reconciliation compliance compared to non-compliant medication reconciliation impact 30 day readmission rates?

During Unit 5, you will be working on the following unit outcomes:

· Identify levels of measurement in data collection instruments (CO 2)

· Discuss the implications of levels of measurement for statistical analysis (CO 2)

· Appraise the validity and reliability of data collection methods (CO 4)

· Examine data collection methods in published research studies (C

Here is some more information on variables…

The dependent variable is the variable a researcher is interested in. The changes to the dependent variable are what the researcher is trying to measure with all their fancy techniques. The variable that depends on other factors that are measured.

An independent variable is a variable believed to affect the dependent variable. This is the variable that you, the researcher, will manipulate to see if it makes the dependent variable change. The variable that is stable and unaffected by other variables you are trying to measure. It is the presumed cause.

According to Tappen (2016), the independent variables are defined as the variables that the researcher will manipulate to see if a change occurs in the dependent variables. The independent variable is the presumed cause of change. The dependent variables are what the researcher is attempting to measure.


Ethical concerns in nursing research often do not have straight forward solutions. Nursing research relies on collaboration and partnerships based on mutual trust.  When that trust is breached the damage is irreversible.  Honesty, openness, respect and sensitivity to others provide the cornerstones for ethical research.  It is important that all nursing research is undertaken from a clear ethical stance, with ethical concerns identified at the outset and reevaluated on an ongoing basis throughout the project. 

Take a look at this video about ethical issues and human subjects (9:38) (Links to an external site.)

As nurses, our primary observations are of persons thus we need to think about how to ethically collect data from persons.

The National Research Act of 1974 established three ethical principles for research:

· Respect for persons

· Beneficence

· Justice

· Check out this video on Types of Sampling Methods —



· Probability sampling is the gold standard for ensuring generalizability, as it uses some form of random selection in choosing the sample units. The reason that this sample is called a probability sample is each sampling unit has a known chance (probability) that it will be selected (Houser, 2018). Nonprobability sampling does not use random selection so there is no known chance of being selected (Houser, 2018). Nonprobability samples are selected by nonrandom methods. They are often called convenience samples, as the selection is generally based on the convenience of obtaining access to the population. Results from a study where the sample was randomly selected from an accessible population can usually be generalized to the target population far easier than when using a convenience sample.

· Many researchers only have access to a convenience sample so lots of studies report this type of sampling. 

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emergency managers and homeland security professionals at all levels and across all sectors—coordinating plans with all potential stakeholders.

There is a notably challenging requirement for all emergency managers and homeland security professionals at all levels and across all sectors—coordinating plans with all potential stakeholders. Prospective partners can range from one incident to the next, but plans and planners must accommodate the needs, interests, and capabilities of all potential contributors so as to create the most comprehensive and integrated plan, policy, or strategy. One might consider such coordination a matter of common sense, but this is often overlooked, at least in part, for various reasons.

Causes might stem from the actions—or lack thereof—of EM/HS team members, external partners, or both. Lethargy; lack of resources such as time, funding, or expertise; lack of interest on any stakeholder’s or planner’s part; lack of understanding the criticality of advance collaboration; or a simple failure to follow up with organizations and individuals upon whom an EM/HS may depend, may each play a part in explaining why collaboration is not fully accomplished. It can also be difficult for individuals at the planner level, or those inexperienced in incident response, to have the vision that is necessary to foresee an assortment of circumstances requiring relationships with agencies and people and their attendant special capabilities.

Stakeholders may include fire, police, emergency services, and community leadership. Providers of public services, including public utilities, school leadership and networks, city engineers, and others, are also probably key players to consult. However, threats, conditions, hazards, limitations, geography, climate, and many other factors also combine to create the need for tailored planning, which will probably require special relationships. In other words, there is no one-size-fits-all template to employ for identifying, developing and nurturing requisite partnerships.

Advance coordination—that is, developing relationships, sharing information, and understanding the various contributors’ capabilities before you need them for managing emergencies—is essential. Knowing what specific skills, resources, and capacities entities can bring to bear in preventing or responding to crises allows planners to incorporate these capabilities into strategies, plans, and exercises. This knowledge also aids leaders and resource managers in identifying gaps in capacity, which will need filling somehow. At the same time, once an incident occurs or seems immediately likely, the ability to contact vital participants to literally assemble and join the active response effort makes for an optimally efficient and effective endeavor.

What type of information is coordinated? Everything from listing points-of-contact and their current, tested contact information to knowing what special skills an organization or individual might have. For example, if the community believes that certain hazardous materials are a threat, say by accidental spill or if used in a weapon, the EM/HS planners should determine whether the local hospital personnel are trained, equipped, and able to perform chemical, biological, or radioactive decontamination. The planners’ motive for determining this is knowing whether the hospital staff’s abilities may be degraded if personnel are exposed to unknown substances or the facility become contaminated. If decontamination is a skill that has not been trained for, if equipment and supplies are not available, or if it is considered too remote a threat to spend time on, planners may identify and liaise with a different hospital for select crises.

Yet, as mentioned above, the vision that is required to establish comprehensive and integrated strategies and plans can be elusive. Gathering myriad prospective partners together can assist in identifying vulnerabilities, allaying fears, clearing up confusion, establishing a functional baseline for all responders, etc. Note the lessons from the following real world illustration:

A small western town is home to several prisons. Trains carrying—among other things—chemical corrosives, travel close enough to the prisons that a spill might require a prison’s evacuation. This scenario had been planned for and exercised by EM/HS and other stakeholders, yet the prison planners had not been consulted when that plans were being developed. When the many partners were together one day, quarreling about timelines and priorities during such a scenario, a local police officer calmly asked the prison officials, “Where will you evacuate the prisoners to?” The official responded, “To the high school.” The police officer replied, “Have you mentioned this to the high school’s folks?” The answer was no, and there were no high school representatives at the meeting. The police officer and many others did not believe that prisoners being transported to schools that could be in session or hosting year-round activities presented security concerns. This idea hadn’t been thought of, yet one person’s casual question had identified an enormous gap in a specific plan.

Your assignment for this unit requires you to continue employing your selected real world county (using the pseudonym, but focusing on their real world conditions). In completing the requirements, you may consult members of the actual county EM/HS team to get insight into specific partners and capabilities that they rely on and with whom they develop relationships. You may also read their actual plans and strategies and determine how rigorously they have coordinated with external partners.

In a 7 page detailed outline, you will do the following:

  • List and describe fully your selected county’s central strategy or plan. These are often emergency operations plans with various subordinate annexes and appendices, but because plan designs can vary widely by community, research and report your county’s version.
  • Note that your county will probably have other plans as well, such as a school evacuation plan or a pandemic influenza response plan. You are free to mention and describe these as well.
  • List and fully describe 7–10 of your selected county’s core stakeholders that it includes (or should include) in its most central plan.
  • Core stakeholders include entities that you would reasonably expect any or all counties to coordinate with.
  • In selecting and describing these, provide depth in explaining the following:
    • Rationale as to why the relationship between EM/HS and the organization or individual does or should exist
    • How specifically coordination and collaboration benefits the EM/HS and each of the external core partners
    • At least three ways that these core relationships will provide the most comprehensive and integrated preparedness and incident response and promote information sharing specifically
  • List and fully describe five of your selected county’s unique stakeholders that it includes (or should include) in its most central plan.
  • Unique stakeholders include entities that you would reasonably expect this specific county to coordinate with. (An example is the prison’s officials in the scenario described earlier.)
  • In selecting and describing these, provide depth in explaining the following:
    • Rationale as to why the relationship between EM/HS and the stakeholder organization or individual does or should exist
    • How specifically coordination and collaboration benefits the EM/HS and each of the external unique partners
    • At least three ways that these unique relationships will provide the most comprehensive and integrated preparedness and incident response and promote information sharing specifically
  • List and describe fully at least three methods for conducting coordination sessions for partners to attend.
  • Include tactics on how to elicit robust participation.
  • Describe measures that the EM/HS team might use to encourage vibrant and productive discussions.
  • Describe what baseline information the county should provide to prospective partners to elicit optimal contributions. (An example might be defining what vulnerabilities are, demonstrating a risk analysis, or brainstorming as to what threats and hazards exist in the county, and how they should be prioritized.)
  • List and describe at least two tactics that the EM/HS team does or might employ to gain viable cooperation from potentially recalcitrant partners.
  • Mention any last lessons you’ve learned while working on this assignment, or advice that you would give the county’s team to aid in their writing or improving their core plan.

Be sure to reference all sources using APA style.