Option 1:
Assigned Reading: Chapter 4—Where Do We Want to Be?, pp, 53–64 .and Case 4-1, National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services in Health and Health Care, pp. 65–67.
The purpose of this case is to get people thinking about both the intended and unintended consequences of mandated and voluntary standards. It is also intended to fuel debate about acculturation of immigrants which spills over into the health sector. Note that these standards are promulgated by the Office of Minority Affairs of HHS and can be in conflict with other federal government objectives.
Case 4 describes federal standards that apply to federal programs. Should they apply to all health care services? Today, people are expressing concerns about the costs and hassle of regulatory “mandates.” Using the case as an example, explore the costs aad manageaial time and effort involved. If you wanted to, how could you change the standards to help reduce the burden of this and other mandates? Feel free to present other examples of regulations and mandates from your work experience.
Consider and respond to at least two of these additional questions in your paper. Upload to the dropbox by Tuesday @ 1159 CST.
Q1. OMH has said the enhancement objective followed a decade of successful implementation of the 2000 standards, but the news media have reported on implementation problems, and the 2013 standards were released with an implementation manual almost 200 pages long. What do you think might be some barriers to implementation, and what would you suggest to encourage implementation?
Q2. What do the expanded definitions of health and culture say in general about the way government framed health in 2013 as compared to 2010? What might have contributed to the change?
Q3. How do you explain the differences between recommendations, guidelines, and mandates? What are the possible explanations for making all enhanced standards guidelines?
Q4. Which are the most important standards in your opinion? Which are the least important? Explain your reasoning.
Q5. What would you change about these standards if you were in charge of the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services?
Q6. Does it seem unusual to you for a government agency to wait more than 10 years to review and revise standards like these? What might be the reasons for waiting? What arguments could be made for more frequent review?
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National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services
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National Standards on Culturally and Linguistically Appropriate Services
Question 1: Barriers towards CLAS Standards Implementation
Although the OMH has reiterated that the CLAS standards introduced in 2000 have been successful, there have been media reports that it has faced implementation barriers. The most predominant barrier towards it implementation is inadequate resource allocation to fund the training and staffing. The class standards demand collaboration between the healthcare systems within the state together with the community and the healthcare service consumers. Provision of adequate training to the hospital staff and creating a dedicated communication department demands a lot of resources. This can be costly and more so given the increasing pressure on healthcare organizations to cut on costs of care delivery.
The other possible barrier towards its implementation could be failure of the state department of health and human services to allocate adequate funding towards its implementation. In a report published by the U.S. Department of Health and Human Services (2016) OMH, it reported that majority of the states awarded less grants to the community providers of CLAS. The allocation of fewer resources would negatively affect the community training programs that are aimed at enhancing CLAS. Since the CLAS standards are geared towards creation of cultural competency, lack of enough resource allocation from state departments has become one of its major barriers. Some other factors that can be attributed to ineffective implementation of CLASS include language barriers, presence of many undocumented immigrants, poverty and illiteracy, and the general mistrust of the government and healthcare system. A majority of the population that constitutes the target population are not proficient in………………………………………………………………………………………………
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