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Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a local health system

You are the Chief Information Officer (CIO) for a local health system. Your organization held its annual strategic planning session and decided that there needed to be a change in the Emergency Departments (ED) relative to the triage process at one of the facilities. The Chief Executive Officer has suggested a pilot program utilizing telemedicine to supplement its ED services. The use of telemedicine may reduce wait times at the ED and triage non-emergent needs to the appropriate level of care (i.e., urgent care or primary care). It would also allow for more resources to be deployed for ED related services, such as on-call physicians operating remotely.


In your role as CIO, you will need to research the use of telehealth in the ED and its implications for the organization. Draft a memo outlining the readiness of the organization to implement the change strategy. Your memo should include:

  • A SWOT analysis identifying internal and external forces and trends that may impact the change initiative.
  • A discussion of the challenges facing the ED based on research into the utilization practices of the ED in your community or in a community with which you are familiar.
  • Recommendation of the organization’s potential readiness for the change, including any actions that should be taken to increase readiness.

Using the Rasmussen library, research common challenges facing Emergency Departments. In addition, research utilization practices commonly aligned with ED visits. Use information from your current facility (or one you are familiar with or can research) to develop a SWOT analysis. Your recommendation should be based on both your SWOT analysis and your research into ED challenges.


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My local community where i live in is East Los Angeles, CA

Look for a current news article depicting a specific incidence of violence in your local community. 

My local community where i live in is East Los Angeles, CA

1. Article can be from any local News source – You should have the link or a picture of the news clipping that you will be uploading here as an attachment.

2. The “Incident” must have occurred within the last 3-5 months. (no more than 5 months ago)

3. The  Article must be more than 2 paragraphs long (the more information, the better able you will be to decide on a theory)

4.  upload the following to the discussion post:

a scanned copy of the article or a link to article 

a very brief summary of why this incident is considered violence (2-3 sentences)




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Identify which theory are you connecting it to and why (2-4 sentence explanation)  —–YOU CAN ONLY CHOOSE ONE THEORY

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Cultural significance of both of the landmarks to the local people and the impact the locals have on the landmarks

Tavel Photo Essay
Pretend you are a travel writer. Your assignment is to write a travel photo essay highlighting some of the important natural or man-made landmarks unique to a particular location. Your essay will include two different landmarks (man-made or natural) from the same area or region. The two different landmarks can be from a local, national, or international location. Your travel photo essay will include an introduction, two photos with descriptions, and a conclusion.

The first page of your essay will be a title page, presented using APA 7th edition formatting.

The next page will contain a 100-word introduction. The introduction should include why you picked the tourist location and what impact visiting the landmarks had on you.

Insert two photos (from the web or your own photographs) into the essay. Write a 100-word description of each of the landmarks. Place each description below the corresponding image.

Write a 200-word concluding paragraph (summary) about the cultural significance of both of the landmarks to the local people and the impact the locals have on the landmarks. What impact does each of these landmarks have on the shared identity, beliefs, economics, environment, and/or activities of the people living in that community? Are the local people impacting the landmarks positively or negatively? How?

End your essay with a references page that lists all of the sources you used in your essay, set up using APA 7th edition formatting.
The CSU Online Library has fantastic resources that can be used for this assignment. Additionally, the CIA World Fact Book website is a great source of information.
In addition to the two required photos, you are required to use at least one outside information source from the CSU Online Library. You can also use your textbook as a resource. All sources used, including the textbook, library resource, and photo sources (unless they are your own photos), must be cited and referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.




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CSI and Police Department in your local area as lead forensic scientist for quite a few years now

Crime Scene: Processing Evidence

Imagine that you’ve been working with the CSI and Police Department in your local area as lead forensic scientist for quite a few years now. The department has recently put a young, brand new forensic scientist to work on a case with you, so they can better learn the ropes from a seasoned vet like yourself! The two of you are on your way to investigate a crime scene where a dead body was found just a few hours ago. Of course, it’s imperative that you teach the new forensic scientist the proper way to handle evidence and an investigation!

Crime Scene:

You walk up to the crime scene. A dead body is lying on the bank of the river, just a few miles outside of the city. There is a bullet wound on the victim’s chest where it appears a bullet entered the body.

There are a few bullets that have been found scattered near the body of the victim. You can see that a gun is resting on the bottom of the river in the shallow end near the shore.

Do some online research regarding what should be done first at any crime scene and how evidence should be processed. Based on your research, and what you learned in the unit, answer the questions.

1. Discuss the first things you should teach your new partner to do as you approach the crime scene.

2. Explain how you and your partner should go about handling the gun found at the bottom of the river? What are some things to keep in mind?. 

3.How should you and your partner go about handling the bullets found near the body of the victim?

4. What information might you be able to find from the gun and bullets found at the crime scene?

5. As we know, it is very important to handle evidence at a crime scene properly. If clues and evidence are mishandled, it could ruin an entire investigation! Conduct some additional online research on your own. Find an article that describes a crime scene where evidence was mishandled. Share the link to the article you found and write a paragraph or two to describe how the scene was mishandled and how this impacted the case. Include advice on how the investigation could have been better managed and how the scene and evidence should have been handled.  africa


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Carol, a local interior designer, just joined the XYZ Corporation Board of Directors


Carol, a local interior designer, just joined the XYZ Corporation Board of Directors. XYZ Corporation produces cell phones and laptop computers. Carol was very excited about being elected to the Board and planned to work diligently and ethically. The Corporation’s attorney gave Carol a welcome packet that included, among other things, a copy of the complete Sarbanes-Oxley Act of 2002. He told her to review the packet and let him know if she had any questions. Another reason Carol was excited to be part of the Board was that her husband was the Lead Auditor from ABC Corp. ABC Corp was the outside auditing firm that XYZ used. In fact, he had been the Lead Auditor for over 8 years and after the completion of this year’s audit, he was hosting a party for all the officers and directors of XYZ the most expensive restaurant in town. (Secretly he was trying to figure how to bill back a portion of the restaurant’s bill to XYZ Corporation.) Carol, as the newest member of the Board was also asked to serve on the Audit Committee of the Board. (This Committee chooses whether to retain the current outside auditing firm.) She was also asked to serve on the Nominations Committee and the Compensation Committee. The Board meets 10 times a year and each Board member is paid $5,000 per meeting. Each Committee meets between 10-15 times per year (many times after the regular Board meeting.) The payment for attending Committee meetings is $2,000 per meeting. Do you see any violations to the Sarbanes-Oxley Act? If so, how could they be resolved? Prepare a 3-4 page reflection paper answering the questions listed above. Your paper does not need a cover sheet and please use 12 pt font and double space.


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local Enterprise Sup port Group which helps entrepreneurs to set up and run new enterprises

© ATHE Ltd 2018 Unit H/617/1157 Entrepreneurship Level 4 15 Credits Sample Assignment Scenario You are keen to become an entrepreneur as you have a lot of ideas for new business ventures and want to work for yourself. You have a joined a local Enterprise Sup port Group which helps entrepreneurs to set up and run new enterprises . Task 1 Paul, the Enterprise Support Group leader, contacted you and has asked you to undertake some prepar ation before joining the group . He wants you to find out about enterprise in business and writ e a paper which you will discuss with Paul before the first meeting. You r paper about enterprise in business which must include: • An analysis of the entrepreneurial lifecycle (AC1.1) • An evaluation of how entrepreneurship is encouraged and supported in different countries (AC1.2) . Merit task To achieve a Merit, you must add itionally include in the paper : • An analysis of the impact of entrepreneurship on the economy (AC 1M1) . Task 2 You have discussed your paper with Paul and are ready to attend your first group meeting . The agenda for the meeting includes ‘Entrepreneurs and their skills and qualities ’ and each member of the group will give a presentation on this topic . Prepare a presentation with a handout containing supporting notes for the group on the skills and qualities of an entrepreneur . Y ou must include: • An analysis of different types of entrepreneur (AC2.1) • An analysis of the combination of personal skills and qualities in entrepreneurs which distinguish them from managers i n other organisations (AC2.2) . Ta sk 3 The group enjoyed your presentation and after some discussion with its members, you have decided that you definitely have the personal skills and abilities to be an entrepreneur . You are now going to think of your own new enterprise ideas to take to the group for discuss ion at the next meeting. You must write a proposal in which you explain a range of new entrepreneurial ideas and give reasons for why you believe they will succeed. Your proposal must include: © ATHE Ltd 2018 • An explanation of a range of new entrepreneurial ideas which could be developed into a business venture, with a justification of why you believe each idea is viable (AC3 .1) • An assessment of the application of a model/theory of innovation for new business oppo rtunities . (AC3 .2) . Distinc tion task To achieve a Distinction, you must add to the proposal by further develop ing the most workable business idea into a workable business venture, justifying your choice (AC 3D 1). Task 4 You have discussed your range of ideas with Paul and the group and have confirmed the business idea that you have chosen to set up as a new business venture . Paul has now asked you to prepare a briefing paper about your preparations for a new business venture, which you will discuss wit h the group. The briefing paper must include an analysis of the component parts of an effective business start -up plan (AC4 .1) . Merit task To achieve a Merit, you must additionally include in the briefing paper an analysis of the brand development and p romotion aspects of launching an effective new business venture (AC4M1). Distinction task To achieve a Distinction, you must additionally develop a start -up plan for your chosen new business venture. (AC4D1). © ATHE Ltd 2018 Guidelines for assessors The assignments subm itted by learners must achieve the learning outcomes and meet the standards specified by the assessment criteria for the unit. To achieve a merit or distinction grade, the learners must demonstrate that they have achieved all the criteria set for these gra des. Where work for the pass standard is marginal, assessors can take account of any extension work completed by the learners. The suggested evidence listed below is how learners can demonstrate that they have met the required standards. Task number LO s and AC Suggested evidence PASS Suggested evidence MERIT Suggested evidence DISTINCTION 1. LO1: 1.1, 1.2 , 1M1 The paper must be written at a suitable level and in a suitable professional format. AC1.1: Students will break down the entrepreneurial cycl e into components and examine each component in detail. Components may be: new idea conception; creation of organisation to harvest opportunity; harvesting of opportunity. AC1.2: Students will judge and make a valid conclusion on the ways a range of sele cted countries provide encouragement and support when setting up and running a new enterprise. Depending on the country, this may include helpful laws, tax breaks and individuals and organisations which provide practical assistance as well as mentoring, advice and guidance. AC1M1: For Merit, students will break down into separate parts and examine ways in which entrepreneurship affects the economy. This is likely to include the creation of wealth, and employment as well as creating new needs for new produ cts and services. Students will need to use examples to illustrate the points which are made. 2. LO2: 2.1, 2 .2 The presentation must be written at a suitable level and in a suitable format © ATHE Ltd 2018 for professionals . Students d o not need to actually delive r the presentation. As information on a presentation may not completely deliver the analysis required for this standard, it must be supported by a handout containing supporting notes which needs to be clearly linked to the presentation. Students should u se examples to support the analysis. AC2.1: Students will break down the range of entrepreneurs into types of entrepreneur and examine each type in detail . AC2.2: Students will break down the combination of skills and qualities frequently seen in entrepr eneurs, focusing on those skills and qualities which are unique to entrepreneurs compared to managers employed by organisations which they have not set up themselves. 3. LO3: 3.1, 3 .2, 3D1 The proposal must be written at a suitable level and in a sui table format for entrepreneurs . AC3 .1: The proposal must include a number of potential new business venture ideas, with reasons for a belief in the viability of those ideas. Students are likely to consider the financial and operational viability as AC3 D1: For a Distinction, students must consider their range of business ideas to decide which single idea is the most likely to be successful. There must be clear reasoning an d explanation of the judgement and the work produced should take the initial idea into a practical business venture . © ATHE Ltd 2018 well as issues/benefits of the creation of the product or service and the market potential . Students will use their own reasoned judgements on estimates and creative information for this, particularly for the financial viability. These judgements need to be r ealistic and based on research . Students may require support with these decisions. AC3 .2: Students will select a suitable model/theory of innovation and use information about it to make a judgement about how it can be, or has been applied to ideas for new business. Students may choose to refer to Drucker’s 7 sources of innovation. 4. LO4: 4.1, 4M 1, 4D1 The briefing paper must be written at a suitable level and in a suitable format for entrepreneurs . AC4 .1: The s tudent must break an existing effective business plan into parts and examine each part in detail so there is clarity . These parts may include the executive summary, business description, market analysis, organisation management, sales strategies, funding requirements and financial projections. AC4 M1: For Merit, students will break down brand development and promotion into different aspects and examine each aspect in detail. They may use current research or theory to support the analysis. AC3 D1: For Distin ction, students must develop their own business plan using the components identified in AC4.1. The plan is likely to include estimates and creative information, but may be based on actual research undertaken or sourced by the student.


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Mention water resource issues like overuse of local surface water

Minimum Five Pages double spaced (This does not include reference page, cover page)

This class is Water Resource Management. Please just type it out and then I will transfer it to APA format.

Please include some scholarly sources that I can cite.

Mention things like oil spills (British Petroleum), chemical leaks (west virginia’s freedom industries), Fukushima melt down (Japan) etc.

Please use terms and wording relative to Water Resource Management like water consumption categories = domestic & livestock & irrigation & public.

Mention water resource issues like overuse of local surface water, pollutions of water resources – leakage, contaminants etc.

Mention the financial cost of water importing (fiji water for example from china and how the Co2 output from the delivery boats is insane while boating it over from china).

Mention land loss during dam constructions, loss of colorado delta, disrupting native fish living downstream, diminishing clam population





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Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM)

Discussion 1

Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM). One day, while accepting a shipment of food from Dandy Distributor (DD), Mary tells the DD driver about TT. She exclaims in front of TT what a great job he is doing, and that she would not be surprised if he ended up running the place someday.

One very busy Saturday, before a blizzard is forecast to hit the area, TT is the backroom working when DD pulls up with a delivery. DD is in a hurry to get unloaded and get on the road to beat the weather, and DD remembers what MM told him when he sees TT; DD asks TT to sign for the shipment. TT does not have any idea what he is doing. Still, he realizes how rushed MM is and how FF is running low on groceries on this busy, snowy Saturday. TT just wants to help, and signs for the shipment. TT puts the invoice on MM’s desk but forgets to tell her about it.

Three months later, DD calls MM to ask when she is going to pay for the shipment. MM knew nothing about TT signing for it and did not see the invoice on her messy desk.

**Explain why FF might be liable to pay. Be sure to distinguish liability for agents and principals. Additionally, does it matter whether MM knew TT did or did not have authority to act on behalf of FF?

Discussion 2

Big Business (BB) employs Oscar Outspoken (OO). OO has worked in the warehouse at BB for years. He is not management, but due to his experience and political savvy, he has become a de facto leader of the warehouse workers.

BB has grown tired of OO’s complaints, and BB believes OO’s continued employment at BB will result in workers complaining like him. To stop further trouble, BB fires OO without giving a reason. OO sues BB for his firing.

** You’re a lawyer representing BB. Using this week’s material, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your client’s position on their dispute

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM)

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Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM).

Discussion 1

Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM). One day, while accepting a shipment of food from Dandy Distributor (DD), Mary tells the DD driver about TT. She exclaims in front of TT what a great job he is doing, and that she would not be surprised if he ended up running the place someday.

One very busy Saturday, before a blizzard is forecast to hit the area, TT is the backroom working when DD pulls up with a delivery. DD is in a hurry to get unloaded and get on the road to beat the weather, and DD remembers what MM told him when he sees TT; DD asks TT to sign for the shipment. TT does not have any idea what he is doing. Still, he realizes how rushed MM is and how FF is running low on groceries on this busy, snowy Saturday. TT just wants to help, and signs for the shipment. TT puts the invoice on MM’s desk but forgets to tell her about it.

Three months later, DD calls MM to ask when she is going to pay for the shipment. MM knew nothing about TT signing for it and did not see the invoice on her messy desk.

**Explain why FF might be liable to pay. Be sure to distinguish liability for agents and principals. Additionally, does it matter whether MM knew TT did or did not have authority to act on behalf of FF?

Discussion 2

Big Business (BB) employs Oscar Outspoken (OO). OO has worked in the warehouse at BB for years. He is not management, but due to his experience and political savvy, he has become a de facto leader of the warehouse workers.

BB has grown tired of OO’s complaints, and BB believes OO’s continued employment at BB will result in workers complaining like him. To stop further trouble, BB fires OO without giving a reason. OO sues BB for his firing.

** You’re a lawyer representing BB. Using this week’s material, discuss the strengths and weaknesses of your client’s position on their dispute

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. Tommy Teenager (TT) is an enthusiastic, new employee at a local grocery store, Food Fetch (FF). His boss is Mary Manager (MM).

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Your school’s Culinary Club is raising money for the local food bank


#Exp19 PowerPoint Ch02 CapAssessment Food

Project Description:

Your school’s Culinary Club is raising money for the local food bank. You volunteer to create a slide show that will be shown at a potluck fundraiser put on by the club. In this activity, you will create a presentation that meets slide show design principles, and has shapes, animation, video, and audio.

#Start PowerPoint. Download and open the file named Exp19_PPT_Ch02_CapAssessment_Food.pptx. Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the filename

#Replace Student Name in the subtitle placeholder on Slide 1 with Carl Patterson Change the title font size to 54.

#Click Slide 2. Change the title font size to 48. Change the subtitle font size to 32.

#Click Slide 3. Change the title to sentence case. Change the title font size to 54. Change the bulleted text to 32

#Click Slide 4. Change the title font size to 48. Change the bulleted text to 32.

#Click Slide 5. Change the title font size to 48. Change the subtitle font to 27.

#Click Slide 4 and insert a heart shape. Size it to a height of 2.5” and a width of 2.75” . Apply Colored Fill – Red, Accent 1, Darker 25%. Apply a shape outline in Black, Text 1. Apply Preset 2 as a shape effect. Position the shape horizontally at 10.35” from the Top Left Corner. Position the shape vertically at 4.9” from the Top Left Corner.

#Click Slide 2. Select the subtitle text and add the Zoom Entrance animation. Click After Previous in the Start box. Adjust the Duration to 01.75 and the Delay to 00.50.

#Click Slide 3. Select the first text bullet and apply the Fade Entrance effect. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of 02.00 and a Delay of 01.75. Click the Animation Pane, and then click the arrow for the first bullet. Select Effect Options to access the Fade dialog box. Set the After Animation to Orange (sixth from the left) on the Effect tab.

#Select the second text bullet and apply the Fade Entrance effect. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of 02.00 and a Delay of 01.75. Click the arrow for the second bullet in the Animation Pane. Select Effect Options to access the Fade dialog box. Set the After Animation to Orange (sixth from the left) on the Effect tab.

#Select the third text bullet and apply the Fade Entrance effect. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of 02.00 and a Delay of 01.75. Click the arrow for the last bullet in the Animation Pane. Select Effect Options to access the Fade dialog box. Set the After Animation to Orange (sixth from the left) on the Effect tab.

#Click Slide 4 and select the heart shape. On the Animations tab, in the Animations group, click More and add the Pulse Emphasis effect. Set the animation to start After Previous with a Duration of 02.00 and a Delay of 0.25. Click the arrow for the shape in the Animation Pane. Select Timing and set Repeat to Until End of Slide and click OK.

#Click Slide 1 and add the Fade transition. Set the Duration at 01.00. Set the slides to advance automatically after 00:07.00. Set it to apply to all.

#Click Slide 5. Insert the downloaded video file Veggies.mp4

#Apply the Rounded Diagonal Corner, White moderate video style.

#Set the video to start Automatically. Change the Video Options to Hide While Not Playing and to Rewind after PlayingCompress the media in the presentation using the Standard setting. Mac users, compress all pictures in the presentation using the On-screen setting.

#Save and close Exp19_PPT_Ch02_CapAssessment_Food.pptx. Exit PowerPoint. Submit the file as directed

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