Writers Solution

A local fair charges a flat rate of $7.50 per person for admission to the fair grounds

A local fair charges a flat rate of $7.50 per person for admission to the fair grounds. In

order to play games or buy food, the fair sells tickets. The first 50 tickets a customer

buys cost $0.60 each. Starting with the 51st ticket, the price of a ticket drops to $0.50.

The fair offers a roll of 100 tickets for a flat rate of $50. Individuals can only purchase

up to 100 tickets at a time.

a. Write a function C(t) that models the cost (C) of attending the fair for four people

and purchasing t tickets.

b. Explain why this function must be a piecewise-defined function.

c. Graph the function.

d. Write the real-world domain and range of this function.

e. Is the flat cost of 100 tickets a good deal? How much money will it save you?

Explain how you know.

f. You and your family of four estimates that you need 120 tickets to enjoy

yourselves. Can you use this function to determine your cost? Explain your


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You are a police officer who has been assigned to a local high school as a school resource officer.

 You are a police officer who has been assigned to a local high school as a school resource officer. You would like to recommend the use of restorative justice techniques to your resource officer program supervisor as you believe these will help youthful offenders assimilate back into the school system after being away. Prepare a report for your supervisor in which you outline the techniques you would like to use and how these ideas might help to improve relations between resource officers and young people in the schools. In your report, be sure to explain the theoretical perspectives behind your techniques and why you feel they are important.

Your report should consist of at least two pages, including an introduction, and should use at least two references, one of which can be your textbook. Make sure that your citations and references are formatted properly in APA Style.

Resources: The book for this course is:  Solar, P. J. (2019) Police and Community Relations: A conflict management approach. You may reference the book and you may also use your own sources. Please follow all the instructions. 

Writers Solution

Local is More Important Than You Think As South Africa battles

 Why Supporting Local is More Important Than You Think As South Africa battles the twin effects of illness and lockdown the time is ripe to consider carefully how and where South Africans spend their money. There are those who have lots, and those who have little, yet if people understood the power of a single Rand to change the future of the country, everyone might spend it very differently. In 2015, a paper on the negative impact of shopping malls on local economies used research from India, USA and South Africa to explain how the arrival of a glamorous mall sucks the money out of the local community and pulls it away, into the coffers of big business. The counterargument in favour of malls is that small, rural and township dwellers deserve first world shopping, which provide local jobs and convenience, entertainment and better pricing than traditional high street shops. Most township residents would certainly vote for glorious first world shopping and low prices, at least in the first year. By year three however they might notice, for example in the small town of Grabouw or Knysna perhaps, how the main street is deserted. Small businesses that had thrived there for generations are now reduced to mere shells of their former self and replaced by those selling counterfeit, imported T-shirts or cheap bling. The money circulating locally has dwindled, small businesses have closed, many jobs have disappeared, and local wealth departed along with them. By year four or five, the shopping malls also suffer as local buying power is depressed along with the lower employment rate, resulting in an overall downturn in spending. For those who need more convincing, it is important to look at the maths of it. In basic terms it works like this – in the days before the arrival of malls and major chain stores, Mary would spend R10 at the baker; who (assuming a 10% profit retention); would spend R9 at the butcher; who would spend R8 at the tailor; who would spend R7 at the school; who would spend R6 at the stationery store; who would spend R5 at the farmer’s market and so on. A simple illustration of how one R10 note can create wealth ten times over. Recovery and regrowth of South Africa’s economy is our responsibility; now that you know the power of your money, where are you going to spend your next Rand?


2.1 The article refers to ‘the twin effects of illness and lockdown’. Use the Keynesian school to explain how Covid-19 and lockdown would impact the economy. (5 Marks) 

2.2 The article states that, ‘A simple illustration of how one R10 note can create wealth ten times over’. What term is used by the Keynesian school to describe this effect of spending and incomes creations? (2 Marks) 

2.3 Use the AD/AS model framework to illustrate and explain the effects of Covid-19 and the lockdown on the South African economy. (13 Marks)

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Pharmocologic approach- Opioid analgesics, Local anesthetics, Anti-depressants/ anti-seizure medications

Describe the different approaches to pain management discussed in your Honan book. Choose one approach and describe when that approach may be the better option as opposed to the others. 

Pharmocologic approach- Opioid analgesics, Local anesthetics, Anti-depressants/ anti-seizure medications

NonPharmacologic approach- Cutaneous stimulation and massage, Thermal therapy, Transcutaneous electrical nerve stimulation,Distraction, Relaxation techniques/ meditation, Hypnosis, Acupuncture, Movement therapy

Neurologic/ Neurosurgical: Stimulation procedures

Writers Solution

ABC Learning Center is a child care center the uses a local area network to run its business.

 ABC Learning Center is a child care center the uses a local area network to run its business. Employees use a computer in the main room to check children in and out and complete of other necessary paperwork for the center. Records and financial information are kept on another computer located in a back room restricted to employees only. A Web server is also hosted in the back room; a router provides access to the Internet via a broadband DSL connection. The center does not use antivirus software, as the Internet access was primarily implemented to broadcast images from a webcam in the main room so that parents can check on the children via the Internet. Since you are enrolled in a Security Assessment and Auditing class at Tarrant County College, you have been recommended to assist ABC Company with a risk assessment. Complete the following questions based on information provided 

Writers Solution

Discuss representation, participation, and voter turnout in local elections. What trends do you see, and what are their impacts?

Discuss representation, participation, and voter turnout in local elections. What trends do you see, and what are their impacts?