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Son of Citation Machine

Please Note: There are TWO parts to this assignment. Complete both parts to receive full credit for the assignment.

*Include a title page in correct APA format.*

Label each part

Part 1 Overview:

Before you start this assignment, read the directions the Argumentative  Research Paper—on our course site so that you are familiar with the scope of the assignment.

After you have selected your research paper topic/issue, compose a well-developed of at least 250-300 words (about 1 page) paragraph identifying your topic/issue and the purpose of your research paper. Include mention of what specific points or topics you envision in your research paper and what kind of research you will still need to find. You can also include an explanation on how  your thinking on your topic and purpose has or has not changed as a result of completing this assignment. Your main objective is to explain how you envision the paper coming together for you. *The use of personal I statements are perfectly fine for this part of the assignment.*

Part 2 Overview:

Formulate a preliminary thesis statement that you will use for your argumentative research paper. The thesis should indicate to the reader the side of the issue being supported. You will have time as your paper comes together to revise your thesis statement as needed.

*Avoid the use of personal I statements when drafting the thesis statement.*

*Thesis statements are not in the form of a question.*

See details of this assignment above in the Assignment Details link.

Five Sources Formatted According to APA Rules for References

The research paper must include a list of sources used in the paper. In the APA format, the list is called: References.You should review the rules for formatting a citation for the References list, but it is not necessary for you to compose a citation from scratch. Use may a citation generator. The citation generators produce the citations for you. You plug in the information about your source and the generator gives you the citation. There are several free ones available. I recommend this citation generator: Son of Citation Machine. You can access this generator at:


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Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning

Topic is “Enhancing Cyber Security In Healthcare -With The Help Of Machine Learning”.

Research Questions:

How can we control the access to sensitive healthcare information and systems?

How to provide data security for affected healthcare data breaches?

How to enhance the cybersecurity in healthcare to overcome the cyber attacks ?

11.1 Mock Dissertation Chapter One Introduction

Overview: As you observed in the LIVE session, there is a connection between chapter three and chapter one. Therefore, as an extension of our week in the mock chapter three from last week, we will write a mock chapter one. For the sake of preparation, we will be using the required headings from the University of the Cumberlands Dissertation Handbook. Like we discuss in class, each university has unique parameters for what they expect in chapter one, so you may see papers from other universities that look slightly different. The importance here is to focus on the content, not necessarily the organization. This assignment will help determine your readiness to write a full-length chapter one.


1. Review the rubric and examples to make sure that you understand what is expected of you in this assignment.

a. Chapter One Samples.pdf Chapter One Samples.pdf – Alternative Formats

b. Rubric for Chapter One.docx Rubric for Chapter One.docx – Alternative Formats

2. Develop a 3-4 page (more is fine) mock chapter one to include the following expectations from the university:

o Overview (1-2 well developed paragraphs)

o Background and problem statement (1-2 well developed paragraphs)

o Purpose of the study (1 well developed paragraph)

o Significance of the study (1 well developed paragraph)

o Research Questions (numbered list)

o Limitations of the Study (1 short paragraph)

o Assumptions (1 short paragraph)

o Definitions (list)

o Summary (1 well developed paragraph)

3. Turn in your “mock” chapter one to the submission box.

Sample to write

Chapter 1


Since the publication of the Reagan era education report,ANationatRisk,theUnited Stateshasfocusedattentiononeducation reform(United States, 1983). Thisreportused compelling languageto describeAmerica’s schoolsaslargely inadequate andunabletomeet globaldemandsoneducation, thereby leaving America’sfuturein jeopardy. Sincethattime schoolleadershaveembraced variouseducation reformmovements suchasNoChild LeftBehind and EveryStudentSucceedsAct(NoChild LeftBehind[NCLB],2002,Every StudentSucceeds Act[ESSA],2008). Each withtheir ownmeasuresofstandardizedtesting,academicachievement, and schoolperformance. Perhapsoverlooked istheimportanceofschoolclimateintheoverall schoolimprovementprocess. ClevelandandSink(2018)promotethenotion thatstudent perspectivesonschoolclimateshould beincluded inschoolimprovementplans. Otherresearches suchas Zahid (2014),suggestschoolclimateto bethenumberoneconsideration forstudent academicachievement.

Dutta &Sahney(2016)researched therelationship between schoolclimate andstudent achievementandsuggested apositivecorrelation. Schoolprincipalsaretheleadersoftheir building, shaping acompelling visionforthefuturewhilepromoting safety,academic achievement,andapositiveclimate. Depending ontheschools’size,theprincipal’sjob description may includecurriculum, discipline, community relations, andfiscalresponsibilities. Principals are required tobalance theexpectations ofstate, community, and districtleaders toproducethehighest possiblestandardized testing, personnel,and schoolclimateresults. Theseresponsibilitiesmake themoneofthemostinfluential schoolimprovement figures.

Backgroundandproblem statement

Leadership practicesutilized byprincipals arevitalto thequalityoftheir jobperformance.

Theinfluenceofaprincipalextendstotheperception ofallinternaland externalstakeholders. With increasing research tosuggestpositiveschoolclimatescould beaninfluentialcomponent of schoolimprovement, principals should consider theextenttowhichinternal stakeholderssuch as theteaching faculty perceive their influenceoverschoolclimate. Theextentto which principals can influenceschoolclimate inArkansas’ schoolsisunknown.


Thepurposeofthisquantitativecorrelational research wastoinvestigate if andtowhat extentprincipal leadership practicescorrelatewithschoolclimate asperceived byteachersinthein ruralandsuburbanschoolsinArkansas. Thisstudyinvestigatedthebivariatecorrelationbetween theteachers’perception oftheschoolprincipal’sleadershippracticesandthecorresponding school’sclimatescores. Twenty-fourschoolsareincluded inthesamplesizefromsixgeographic regionsofArkansas. Inall, 626teachersparticipated, answeringsurveysregarding their perspective of24schoolprincipalsandthe correspondingschoolclimates in Arkansas.The leadership practicesoftheprincipal andtheschoolclimate werethevariablesforthisstudy. Significanceofthestudy

Theextantresearch onschoolclimateincultureislimited. Principalsseeking toimprove their schoolsneed guidanceonhowto promotethebestpossibleenvironmentforpositivestudent outcomes. Promoting apositiveschoolclimatemay provebeneficialto increasing student academicachievement. Understanding theleadership practicesasperceived thatpromotea positiveschoolclimatewillbenefitprincipalsseeking toimprovetheir schools. Thisstudywill recommend leadership practicesthatmay promoteapositive schoolclimateforoverallschool



RQ1:To whatextentdoesthe overallindexofprincipal’s leadership practices correlatewith schoolclimate asperceived byhighschoolteachersin 24ruraland suburban schoolsin Arkansas?


Thescopeofthisstudymeasures theclimatesandleadership behaviorsof24schoolsand principals. Given thatschoolclimatescanchangerelativelyquickly andaresubjectto factors beyond theprincipals’ control, theresultsofthiscross-sectionalstudymay onlybe appropriatefor implementation forashorttime afterwards. Assumptions

Thisstudyassumesthattheinstruments usedwillaccurately portray leadership behaviors ofschoolprincipalsandproperly assessschoolclimates. Responsesreceivedfromteachersare believedtoaccurately reflecttheir supervising principalandaccurately measurethecorresponding schoolclimate. Definitions Principal.Thehead leadership position inaschool. Principalsmanagetheday-to-dayschool operationsaswellasmanage discipline, curriculum, andcommunity engagement. Schoolculture. Thecollectivebeliefsandnormsofaschool. Summary

Schoolclimatemaybethemissinglink ofpasteducationreforms. Principalshavethe abilitytoinfluencetheclimateoftheir respectiveschools. Researcheshavesuggested apositive correlation between schoolclimateandstudentachievement(Dutta&Sahney,2016). Providing schoolprincipals withbestpractices topromoteapositiveschoolclimatemay aideinoverall



Cleveland,R. E.,&Sink,C. A. (2018). Studenthappiness,schoolclimate, and school improvementplans. ProfessionalSchoolCounseling, 21(1) doi:

Dutta, V. &Sahney,S. (2016),Schoolleadership and itsimpactonstudentachievement:The mediating roleofschoolclimateandteacher jobsatisfaction, InternationalJournalof EducationalManagement, 30(6),941-958.

Every StudentSucceedsActof2015,Pub. L. No. 114-95§114Stat. 1177(2015-2016).

NoChild LeftBehind(NCLB)Actof2001,Pub. L. No. 107-110,§101,Stat. 1425(2002).

United States. National CommissiononExcellenceinEducation. (1983). Anation atrisk:The imperativeforeducationalreform. Washington, D.C.:TheNational Commissionon Excellence inEducation.

Zahid, G. (2014). Directandindirectimpact ofperceived schoolclimateuponstudentoutcomes. AsianSocialScience, 10(8),90-102.


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VLIW machine with the goal of achieving a minimum number of cycles

Question-1 [Parallelism] [28 pts] This question has five parts [a through e]
Consider two threads, T1 and T2, with the following codes (‘$zero’ represents a register that is hardwired to value 0):
lw r2, 0(r1) lw r4, 4(r1) add r2, r2, r8 add r4, r4, r8 sw r2, 4(r1) sw r4, 0(r1) sub r1, r1, -4 bne r1, $zero, my_again:
your_again: lw r2, 0(r1) add r2, r2, r9 sw r2, 0(r1) lw r4, 4(r1) add r4, r4, r9 sw r4, 4(r1) sub r1, r1, -12 bne r1, $zero, your_again:
Each of these threads is to be separately scheduled and executed on a two-slot VLIW machine with the goal of achieving a minimum number of cycles. A ‘bundle’ in this architecture has two instructions. The first of these instructions can be only an ALU or branch instruction, whereas the second one can be only a load or store instruction. You are allowed to reorder independent instructions and change the offset of addressing (if needed). You are not allowed to combine instructions.
(a) Map T1 to this VLIW machine. Explain each instruction-to-execution slot mapping decision you make in sufficient detail (i.e., why you have decided so; couldn’t instruction be scheduled in an earlier slot (cycle)?). [5 pts]
(b) Map T2 to this VLIW machine. Explain each instruction-to-execution slot mapping decision you make in sufficient detail (i.e., why you have decided so; couldn’t instruction be scheduled in an earlier slot (cycle)?). [5 pts]
(c) Repeat (a), but this time assuming that any instruction can be mapped to any execution slot. [5 pts]
(d) Repeat (b), but this time assuming that any instruction can be mapped to any execution slot. [5 pts]
(e) Suppose you decided to move to a simultaneous multi-threading architecture (SMT). The SMT architecture you are considering can execute up to 4 instructions in parallel. Further, in a given cycle, any combination of independent instructions (from the same or different threads) can be executed in parallel. Show a scheduling of these two threads together on the SMT machine with the goal of improving throughput. [8 pts]
Question-2 [Branch Prediction and Stalls] [21 pts] This question has five parts [a through e]
(a) Explain the functionalities of the following hardware components: BTB (Branch Target Buffer) and BHT (Branch History Table). Discuss how these two components complement each other. [2 pts]
(b) Consider a branch that has the following outcome pattern (T for taken, N for not taken).
How many branches are predicted correctly with a static (0-bit) always-taken branch predictor for this branch outcome pattern. [5 pts]
(c) Using the same sequence from B. How many branches are predicted correctly with a dynamic 1-bit predictor where the initial state is Taken (T) for this branch outcome pattern? [5 pts]
(d) How many branches are predicted correctly with a dynamic, saturating counter 2-bit predictor for the branch outcome pattern in B? Suppose the four states are strong not taken (SN), weak not taken
(wn), weak taken (wt), and strong taken (ST). Assume that the initial prediction state is wt (weak taken).
[5 pts]
(e) What are the fundamental differences between ‘pipeline stall’ and ‘pipeline flush’? Provide examples to highlight what instructions will cause stall and what instructions will cause flush, and why. [4 pts]
Question-3 [Load/Store Queues] [25 pts] This question has three parts [a through c]
Consider the following sequence of instructions:
add r1,r6,r1 sw r1, 0(r12) lw r7, 8(r9) lw r6, -4(r10) lw r8, 4(r11) add r4,r6,r7 add r8,r8,r4 sw r8, 8(r9) lw r2, -8(r3)
(a ) Explain how ‘store queue’ can be used to improve/optimize the performance of this code sequence.
[8 pts]
(b) Discuss the relationship of the optimization in part (a) to ‘data forwarding’ (bypassing) used in pipelining. [7 pts]
(c) Explain how ‘load queue’ can be used to improve/optimize the performance of this code sequence [10 pts]
Question-4 [Hazards and Unrolling] [26 pts] This question has three parts [a through c]
(a) Identify all RAW, WAW and WAR dependencies in the loop shown below. Write down the dependencies within a ‘single iteration’ only. Use the following notation, for example, to indicate a dependency between Ix and Iy through r3 register: Ix- Iy (r3). (‘$zero’ represents a register that is hardwired to value 0, and ‘mul’ is opcode for multiplication): [8 pts]
I1: lw s1, 0(r1)
I2: mul s2, s1, s0
I3: add s3, s3, s2
I4: mul s2, s1, s1
I5: add s2, s2, s3
I6: sw s2, 0(r1)
I7: sub r1, r1, 8
I8: bne r1, $zero, loop
(b) Unroll the loop above once and eliminate as many dependences as you can via ‘register renaming’.
What dependences remain after renaming? Why can’t they be eliminated via renaming? [8 pts]
(c) Two important techniques have emerged recently for achieving high performance in processors. One is ‘speculative execution’, where instructions (or sequences of instructions) are executed before all the information needed to commit the instruction has been nailed down. The other is ‘simultaneous multithreading’ (SMT), where the processor can issue instructions from multiple threads (or processes), potentially in the same cycle. Describe the pros and cons of each approach with respect to the other. Do these approaches capture different opportunities for parallelism, or are they different ways to achieve the same result? If both were implemented in a single system, would you expect their projected improvements to be additive? Why or why not? [10 pts]

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Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding:

You need a Google account to do this assessment. You can create a free Google account here: 

Once created, you need to navigate to the Google created lab: “Intro to Modelling” here:

In addition to following the instructions outlined in the lab, you must: 

• Implement a possible solution to each of the tasks outlined in the lab 

• Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding: 

• Identify various different models that would be appropriate to use as alternatives for the tasks presented by the lab by varying hyperparameters and features. There is also an opportunity for you to create your own custom model by using different regressor functions  within TensorFlow. 

For more details, see: 

• Familiarise yourself with the assessment’s rubric to understand how the various assignment grades are assigned. 

• Produce a manual of 500 words in length outlining: 

o The answers to the questions posed in each of the tasks within the lab.

 o The choice of models you made during your assessment including the various hyperparameters you chose and feature engineering performed for the appropriate task. 

o An analysis of the various models created and an evaluation of their efficiency

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, Add appropriate comments to your code created, following machine learning best practices for clean coding:

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Identify a use case where you would be interested in applying a machine learning algorithm

Artificial Intelligence Class

Identify a use case where you would be interested in applying a machine learning algorithm-Write a hypothesisstatement and the steps you would take to choose and decide on the correct technique (only based on today’s lecture)-Provide a reason for your choice

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research Identify a use case where you would be interested in applying a machine learning algorithm

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Computer Networking and Machine Learning 

Topic: Computer Networking and Machine Learning 

4 pages 

 Introduction Based on the literature sources, provide a background of the research problem to be explored. Elaborate on the impact of the problem and why your research is important to pursue. Indicate what the goal of the research will be

 Introduction This section introduces the reader to the structural content of your Research Report.  

 Problem statement

  In this section, present a concise statement of a research-worthy problem to be addressed (i.e., why the work should be undertaken – don’t state “it was a requirement of the professor”). Follow the statement of the problem with a well-supported discussion of its scope and nature. The discussion of the problem should include: what the problem is, why it is a problem, how the problem evolved or developed, and the issues and events leading to the problem. Your problem statement must be clear, concise, to the point and able to be articulated in no more than three sentences. 

  • Relevance and significance  This section provides the necessary support for both the problem statement of your study. Consider the following questions and support your discussion by citing the research literature: 

 What is the potential for generalization of your results?  

What is the potential for original work?  

 Research Questions In this section you will define the research questions you expect to answer in your finding / results / conclusion sections. The research question(s) must be directly related to the problem statement and introduce the reader to their respective relationships. The answers to the research question(s) as elaborated in Chapter 3 need to be either qualitative or quantitative. In this section, the research questions should be numbered 

 Barriers and Issues

  In this section, identify how the problem is inherently difficult to solve. You should also show how the solution you propose are difficult to obtain (unlike a book report). You should show the study you propose is of adequate difficulty to warrant a successful grade assignment

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals Computer Networking and Machine Learning 

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You possess your own time machine and transport yourself back in time to the Precambrian Eon

Choose one of the following videos to review and then provide me with a written summary of at least 5 key points from that video.

https://www https://www pFVF344 https://www https://www Choose two of the topics below to discuss as fully as possible (each of these should be a minimum of 10 sentences): 1. You possess your own time machine and transport yourself back in time to the Precambrian Eon. Describe the changes you would find as you move from time in the Hadean to the Archean and then to the Proterozoic portion of the Precambrian. Discuss the state of the earth, the atmosphere, and dif ferent conditions you would face. 2. Discuss the Great Dying (Permian) extinction event fully . Cite evidence for this major extinction event and explain the most likely causes. 3. Y ou are maneuvering your swamp buggy through a Jurassic swamp in North America. Describe the climactic conditions, the plant and animal life forms you encounter during this drive, and the hazards you are facing. 4. Discuss the evolution of hominids, including in your discussion at least 2 of the significant fossils discoveries that have provided key information on this subject.





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Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory

Working with Virutal Machines
WEEK – 6

  1. Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  2. Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  3. Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
  4. Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
  5. Revert to a Snapshot
  6. Delete an Individual Snapshot
  7. Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    Week 6 Manage virtual machines (Template, clones and snapshot)
    Objective: Perform virtual machine management tasks
    In this lab, you will perform the following tasks:
  8. Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  9. Register a Virtual Machine in the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
  10. Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
  11. Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
  12. Revert to a Snapshot
  13. Delete an Individual Snapshot
  14. Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    Task 1: Unregister a Virtual Machine from the vCenter Server Appliance Inventory
    You unregister a virtual machine from the VMware vCenter Server™ Appliance™ inventory. Unregistering does not delete the virtual machine from the datastore.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
    • vCenter Server Appliance name
    • vCenter Single Sign-On user name
    • vCenter Single Sign-On password
  15. If VMware vSphere® Web Client is not active, open a Web browser and connect to the vCenter Server Appliance home page at https://vCenter_Server_Appliance/vsphere-client and log in.
  16. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  17. Select the your_name##-4 virtual machine and click the Summary tab.
  18. View the Related Object pane and record the VMware vSphere® VMFS datastore name where the your_name##-4 virtual machine resides. __
  19. Right-click the your_name##-4 virtual machine and select Power Shut Down Guest OS.
  20. Click Yes to confirm the shutdown.
  21. After the your_name##-4 virtual machine is shut down, right-click it and select Remove from Inventory.
    Do not select Delete from Disk. This operation is not recoverable.
  22. Click Yes to confirm the removal.
  23. Click the Refresh icon in vSphere Web Client.
  24. Verify that the your_name##-4 virtual machine no longer appears in the inventory.
  25. In the Navigator pane, click the Storage tab and expand the view.
  26. Right-click the your_name##-4 virtual machine’s VMFS datastore and select Browse Files.
    You recorded the VMFS datastore name in step 4.
  27. View the folders.
    Does a folder named your_name##-4 exist?
    Task 2: Register a Virtual Machine
    If you removed a virtual machine from the vCenter Server Appliance inventory but did not remove it from the managed host’s datastore, you can return it to the inventory by registering it with the vCenter Server Appliance.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
  28. In the list of virtual machine files in the right pane, right-click the yourname##-4.vmx file and select Register VM.
    The screenshot shows an example selecting of Register VM.
    The Register Virtual Machine wizard starts.
  29. 2. On the Name and Location page, enter your_name##-5.

is the number of your ESXi host.

  1. In the Select inventory location pane, select the LabVMs folder and click Next.
  2. On the Host/Cluster page, select your ESXi host and click Next.
  3. On the Ready to Complete page, review the information and click Finish.
  4. In the Navigator pane, click the VMs and Templates tab and verify that the your_name##-5 virtual machine is in the LabVMs folder.
    Task 3: Unregister and Delete a Virtual Machine from the Disk
    You can remove a virtual machine from the vCenter Server Appliance inventory and delete allassociated virtual machine files from the datastore, including the configuration file and the virtual disk files.
    Students should perform the steps in this task individually.
  5. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  6. Select the your_name##-5 virtual machine and click the Summary tab.
  7. View the Related Object pane and record the VMFS datastore name on which the your_name##-5 virtual machine resides. __
  8. Right-click the your_name##-5 virtual machine, select Delete from Disk, and click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  9. Verify that the your_name##-5 virtual machine no longer appears in the inventory.
  10. In the Navigator pane, click the Storage tab and expand the inventory view.
  11. Right-click the VMFS datastore name and select Browse Files.
    You recorded the VMFS datastore name in step 3.
  12. Verify that the folder and files from which the your_name##-5 virtual machine was registered no longer exist.
    The folder has the original virtual machine name: your_name##-4.
    Task 4: Take Snapshots of a Virtual Machine
    You take a snapshot to preserve the state and the data of a virtual machine at the time the snapshot is taken. You use snapshots when you must revert repeatedly to the same virtual machine state but do not want to create multiple virtual machines.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
    • Virtual machine administrator password
    • Software ISO image location
  13. On the vSphere Web Client Home page, click VMs and Templates and expand the view of the inventory.
  14. In the left pane, select the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
  15. In the center pane, click Launch Remote Console on the Summary tab.
  16. If necessary, log in as the virtual machine administrator and enter the password.
  17. On the task bar, click Start and select Run.
  18. In the Open text box, enter C: and click OK.
  19. Resize the window as needed so that the files in C: and the Recycle Bin are visible.
  20. Create a text file on Desktop iometer.
  21. Drag the iometer file to the Recycle Bin.
  22. To completely remove the iometer file, right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin.
  23. Click Yes to confirm the file deletion and leave the virtual machine console open.
  24. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Take Snapshot.
    The Take VM Snapshot wizard starts.
  25. Configure the snapshot.
  26. Click OK and monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane.
  27. Create a text file on Desktop cpu-busy.
  28. Return to the virtual machine console and drag the cpu-busy file to the Recycle Bin.
  29. To completely remove the cpu-busy file, right-click the Recycle Bin icon and select Empty Recycle Bin.
  30. Click Yes to confirm the file deletion and leave the virtual machine console open.
  31. Return to the vSphere Web Client.
  32. In the inventory pane, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Take Snapshot take another snapshot.
  33. Click OK and monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane.
  34. Connect the ClassFiles-vSphere.iso file on the CD/DVD drive to the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    a. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Edit Settings.
    b. On the Virtual Hardware tab, select Datastore ISO File from the CD/DVD drive 1 dropdown menu.
    c. Select the Classfiles-vSphere.iso file and click OK.
    d. Select the Connected check box.
    e. Click OK to close the Edit Settings dialog box.
  35. Return to the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  36. If the D: drive does not open automatically, open Windows Explorer and go to the D: drive.
  37. Copy the cpubusy file from the D: drive to the virtual machine’s desktop.
  38. Disconnect the CD/DVD drive from your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    a. From the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Edit Settings.
    b. On the Virtual Hardware tab, click the arrow next to CD/DVD drive 1 to expand the view.
    c. Select Client Device from the drop-down menu and click OK.
  39. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and take another snapshot by select Snapshots Take Snapshot to take another snapshot.
  40. Configure the Snapshot.
  41. Click OK.
  42. Monitor the task in the Recent Tasks pane and wait for completion.
  43. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots. You should see three snapshots. The difference in icons is due to whether the Snapshot the virtual machine’s memory check box was selected when the snapshot was taken.
  44. Leave the Snapshot Manager open.
  45. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Task 5: Revert to a Snapshot
    You can return a virtual machine to the state it had at the time the selected snapshot was taken.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
    • Virtual machine administrator password
  46. Verify that the your_name##-3 virtual machine is powered on.
  47. In the Snapshot Manager, select the Without iometer or cpu-busy snapshot and click Revert to.
  48. Click Yes to confirm the reversion.
  49. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q1. Did the virtual machine power off, and what is the reason?
  50. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine in the inventory and select Power Power On.
  51. Launch a remote console to the your_name##-3 virtual machine and wait for the boot process to finish.
  52. If necessary, log in as the administrator with the password.
    Q2. Is either iometer or cpu-busy on the local disk (C:)?
  53. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  54. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots.
    The You Are Here pointer should be below the snapshot named Without iometer or cpu-busy.
  55. In the Snapshot Manager, select the With cpu-busy snapshot and click Revert to.
  56. Click Yes to confirm the reversion.
  57. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q3. Did the virtual machine power off, and what is the reason?
  58. Open a remote console for the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    Q4. Is cpu-busy on the desktop?
    Q5. Is iometer on the desktop?
  59. Minimize the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Task 6: Delete an Individual Snapshot
    You can use the Delete All function to commit all the intermediate snapshots before the current state.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
  60. Right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots. The You Are Here pointer should be below the snapshot named With cpu-busy.
  61. In the Snapshot Manager, select the Without iometer or cpu-busy snapshot and click Delete.
  62. Click Yes to confirm the deletion.
  63. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
    Q1. Did the virtual machine power off?
    Q2. Is cpu-busy on the desktop?
    Task 7: Use the Delete All Function in the Snapshot Manager
    You can remove a snapshot from the Snapshot Manager. The snapshot files are consolidated and written to the parent snapshot disk.
    Students perform the steps in this task individually.
  64. In the vSphere Web Client, right-click the your_name##-3 virtual machine and select Snapshots Manage Snapshots.
  65. Click Delete All and click Yes to confirm that you want to delete all the remaining snapshots. The You Are Here pointer should be below the your_name##-3 virtual machine.
    Q1. Were all the remaining snapshots deleted from the Snapshot Manager?
  66. Click Close to close the Snapshot Manager.
  67. Return to the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
    Q2. Is cpu-busy on the desktop, and why?
  68. Close the your_name##-3 virtual machine console.
  69. Leave the vSphere Web Client open for the next lab





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What are advantages of cloning virtual machine in VMware Workstation?

Write a 6-8 page paper (deliverable length does not include the title and reference pages)

Research information about two current data mining projects being conducted.

  • What are advantages of cloning virtual machine in VMware Workstation?
  • Compare the configuration of a physical network to a virtual network.
  • Compare and contrast clones and snapshots.





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