Writers Solution

Compare and contrast the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake with the 1811 New Madrid Earthquake

  1. Great earthquakes are known to occur on both the west coast and mid-continent of North America, but their causes and effects differ greatly. Below is a USGS map comparing the areas affected by the 1994 Northridge, California and the 1895 Charleston, Missouri earthquakes. (Red areas are those sustaining extensive damage to buildings and other structural elements; yellow areas were shaken but sustained minimal damage.) As you can see, the earthquakes were nearly equal in magnitude.

Figure 3.4: Areas affected by earthquakes of a similar magnitude

  1. Compare and contrast the 1906 San Francisco Earthquake with the 1811 New Madrid Earthquake. Include these elements: type of faulting and offset, epicenter, magnitude, damage, duration, date, and area affected.
  2. How might the differences be explained?
  3. What is the likelihood of another similar future earthquake in each of the areas?
  4. Is the future potential for catastrophe the same for each area? Explain.

(Use your readings, the USGS website — Google: 1906 San Francisco Earthquake, and 1811 New Madrid Earthquake and choose the USGS website that comes up –, and any others of your choosing to research this question.)

  1. Consider earthquakes around the globe. Describe three factors that influence the amount of surface damage and two that affect the number of fatalities. Recommend five actions that might be taken to reduce damage and fatalities. What political, social, or economic issues must be overcome to implement these?
  2. Since 1700, 33 large earthquakes of M7.3 or greater have occurred in the United States.
  • Alaska 12  (M7.8-9.2)
  • California 7  (M7.8-7.9)
  • Cascades 3  (M7.3-7.9)
  • Hawaii 1  (M7.9)
  • Missouri 3  (M7.8-8.1)
  • Montana 1  (M7.3)
  • South Carolina 1  (M7.3)

Explain why earthquakes have occurred in these areas. (There are many different reasons, and each needs to be discussed separately.) Why do the Alaskan earthquakes have the highest magnitudes?

Compose your response to the assignment in a word processing program.

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