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Explain the interrelationships of the major domestic and global market sectors.

Assignment Instructions
Assignment marks: 75 | Presentation and referencing marks: 5 Total marks: 80
Total word limit: 4,100 words
Weighting: 40%
Download and use the Assignment Answer Template provided in KapLearn to complete your assignment.
Your assignment should be loaded into KapLearn by 11.30 pm AEST/AEDT on the due date.
Refer to ‘Time remaining’ on the ‘Assignment’ page in KapLearn to ensure you submit your assignment by the specified due date and time.
Learning outcomes (LO) mapping Marks
LO1 Explain the interrelationships of the major domestic and global market sectors. 20
LO2 Explain the role of intermediaries in financial markets. 7
LO3 Assess the changes and impact of key economic and financial indicators on the Australian financial markets. 19
LO4 Assess the changes and impact of government and monetary policy on the Australian financial markets. 8
LO5 Compare how the different asset classes are used and traded. 15
LO7 Analyse current issues driving domestic and global financial markets in a given scenario. 6
Research, presentation and/or referencing 5
Total marks 80
Assignment details
• This assignment covers Topics 1 to 7 and accounts for 40% of your final grade.
• There are two (2) sections in this assignment:
– Section A comprises three (3) short-answer questions worth a total of 50 marks.
– Section B comprises two (2) questions worth a total of 25 marks.
Answer all questions.
• Marks will be awarded for presentation and referencing.
• You are required to conduct research beyond the FIN101 subject materials to assist you in answering some of the assignment questions.
• Refer to the Criteria-Based marking Guide for guidelines on what is expected for each question.
• Full workings must be shown for all calculations. Show all calculations in the text of your assignment and not attached as an appendix. Appendices to the assignment will not be read.
• Answers are to be in your own words. Reference and cite all your sources (within the text of your answer) when quoting or using material from external sources. Include a reference list at the end
of your assignment. For further information on referencing, refer to the ‘Referencing and Research’ page in the ‘Build Your Skills’ hub in KapLearn.
• Indicative weightings are noted beside each question. Use these weightings to assist you with your allocation of time and resources. The weightings indicate the relative importance of each question.
• State all assumptions used in providing your answer.
• The overall word limit for the assignment is 4,100 words. Marks will only be awarded for answers up to the word limit (plus 10%) for each question. Any material written after this will not be counted towards your mark for that question. Headings, quotes and references within the body of the answer are included in the word count. Numerical tables, calculations, and reference lists are not included. For more information on word counts and their rationale, go to Assessment ? Assignment ? Assessment Preparation Guide.
• The Assessment Preparation Guide contains information about format and presentation, word limits, citations and referencing, collusion, plagiarism and other policies, useful resources, submitting your assignment and accessing your results.
• Follow the Harvard referencing style as recommended in Kaplan Australia: Harvard Referencing Guide located on the ‘Referencing and Research’ page in the ‘Build Your Skills’ hub in KapLearn.
• Requests for special consideration or information pertaining to special consideration written in the body of the assignment will not be considered by the assessor. Refer to the
‘special consideration’ section of the Assessment Policy on Kaplan’s website for more information.
Assignment presentation and referencing (5 marks)
You are required to research beyond the subject notes in answering the questions in this assignment. Reference and cite all your sources when quoting or using material from external sources. Include a reference list at the end of your assignment.
You are required to:
• use appropriate presentation and format for your assignment
• demonstrate independent research and analysis
• demonstrate appropriate use of relevant references
• follow the Harvard referencing style as recommended in Kaplan Australia: Harvard Referencing Guide available from the ‘Build Your Skills’ hub in KapLearn
• include a reference list at the end of your assignment following the recommended referencing style
• adhere to the assignment word limit.
Criteria-Based Marking Guide for presentation and referencing
The Criteria-Based Marking Guide (CBMG) provided at the end of each question is designed to assist students to understand what is expected of them in each question and to let you know how their performance will be judged. It provides advice about the criteria used in the marking of the question and what discriminates between an excellent, satisfactory and unsatisfactory answer.
The below CBMG outlines the expectations for presentation and referencing in this assignment.
Excellent (Mark range: 4–5 marks) Satisfactory
(Mark range: 2.5–3.5 marks) Unsatisfactory (Mark range: 0–2 marks)
• clear and appropriate assignment layout and structure
• adheres to assignment and question word limits
• clear evidence of independent research and analysis incorporated throughout assignment
• appropriate use of referencing
• accurate use of Harvard referencing style
• comprehensive reference list provided at end of assignment • adequate assignment layout and structure
• adheres to assignment and question word limits
• some evidence of independent research and analysis
• appropriate use of referencing
• use of Harvard referencing style
• reference list provided at end of assignment • poor assignment layout and/or structure
• assignment is significantly under or over the word limit
• no demonstrated independent research or analysis
• no use of references
• referencing does not use Harvard referencing style
• no or inadequate reference list provided at end of assignment
Section A
There are three (3) short-answer questions in this section worth 50 marks. Answer all questions.
Section A of the assignment relates to the information presented in the ECC case study.
Refer to the case study on the assessment page and the feedback you received for Analysis Task before attempting this assignment.
Question 1 Global influences on individual companies
(15 marks | Word limit: 900 words)
LO1 Explain the interrelationships of the major domestic and global market sectors
LO2 Explain the role of intermediaries in financial markets
LO3 Assess the changes and impact of key economic and financial indicators on the Australian financial markets
You have been asked by the board to build upon the preliminary work that you performed earlier for James and David; collating those notes into a more thorough briefing pack.
The board is interested in two key areas:
(a) In the context of ECC having to choose between the Indonesian Investment and thus becoming IPC, or the acquisition and thus becoming ECR; discuss the key domestic and global financial drivers applicable to both scenarios, explaining the key interrelationships that exist between domestic and international markets. (10 marks — 600 words)
(b) Given the above response, the board is concerned about recent high growth in Australia and is nervous about any RBA intervention. In the context of the above, comment on how your views in (a) may change if we start to see the RBA increasing rates steadily over the coming two years. (5 marks — 300 words)
Note: You should build upon your answers from the analysis task. marks are awarded for your justification and research into the topic. Use the start date of your study period as your base.
Criteria-Based marking Guide for Question 1(a)–(b)
(Mark range: 11–15 marks)
(Mark range: 7.5–10.5marks)
Unsatisfactory (Mark range: 0–7 marks)
• draws on advantages and disadvantages listed in analysis task
• has clearly stated an opinion on ECC expansion with comprehensive justification discussing the key domestic and global financial drivers applicable to both scenarios and explaining the key
interrelationships that exist between domestic and international markets
• clearly shown evidence supporting their justification
• evidence is supported with extensive independent research • draws on advantages and disadvantages listed in analysis task
• has stated an opinion on ECC expansion with some justification adequately discussing the key domestic and global financial drivers applicable to both scenarios and explaining the key interrelationships that exist between domestic and international markets
• has shown some evidence supporting their justification
• evidence is supported with some independent research • does not draw on advantages and disadvantages listed in analysis task
• has not stated an opinion on ECC expansion and/or with little (or no) justification discussing the key domestic and global financial drivers applicable to both scenarios and explaining the key interrelationships that exist between domestic and international markets
• little (or no) evidence to support their justification
• little (or no) evidence supported by independent research

Question 2 Impact of economic growth
(25 marks | Word limit: 1,000 words)
LO1 Explain the interrelationships of the major domestic and global market sectors.
LO3 Assess the changes and impact of key economic and financial indicators on the Australian financial markets.
At a recent board meeting, many of the board members raised concerns regarding the outlook for global economic growth as well as the possibility that ECC’s contracts with China will not achieve the scale of the projected profitability.
Note: Use the start date of your study period as your base.
(a) Evaluate the outlook for global economic growth over the next twelve months. In your answer include a percentage forecast for global economic growth. Within your evaluation, you should discuss:
• how markets are interrelated, and can directly impact upon each other
• what impact this has on the global commodities market, with particular attention to the energy markets, given this macro-economic global view, and your stated perspective on China
• any currency impacts this may have on the Australian dollar, the Indonesian Rupiah, and the Chinese RMB. (15 marks — 500 words)
(b) (i) The Chinese economy has changed drastically since the early 2000’s. As a result, Chinese Government authorities are presently in the process of restructuring their economy. The board would like to understand what this restructuring is; what this means for the future of Chinese economic growth; and what sectors of the domestic and international economy will be impacted. Briefly explain: • what this restructuring is
• what this means for the future of Chinese economic growth, and
• what sectors of the domestic and international economy will be impacted? (4 marks — 200 words)
(ii) Given these changes as anticipated, what do you anticipate these forecasts mean for ECC as a board. Explain what impact these changes will have on ECC, on Australian financial markets, and other related markets (such as commodities)? (6 marks — 300 words)
Criteria-Based Marking Guide for Question 2(a)–(b)
(Mark range: 19–25 marks)
(Mark range: 12.5–18.5 marks)
Unsatisfactory (Mark range: 0–12 marks)
• forecasts provided with comprehensive evaluation on the outlook for global economic growth
• comprehensive discussion on restructuring of the Chinese economy, its influence of the future of Chinese economic growth, and the sectors of the
domestic and international economy
• accurate explanation is provided on the impact of changes in Chinese economic restructure on ECC, on Australian financial markets, and other related markets (such as commodities) • forecasts provided with basic evaluation the outlook for global economic growth
• basic discussion on restructuring of the Chinese economy, its influence of the future of Chinese economic growth, and the sectors of the domestic and international economy
• appropriate explanation is provided on the impact of changes in Chinese economic restructure on ECC, on Australian financial markets, and other related markets (such as commodities) • incorrect, incomplete or no evaluation on the outlook for global economic growth
• poor or no discussion on restructuring of the Chinese economy, its influence of the future of Chinese economic growth, and the sectors of the
domestic and international economy
• poor or no explanation is provided on the impact of changes in Chinese economic restructure on ECC, on Australian financial markets, and other related markets (such as commodities)

Question 3 Influences exchange rates
(10 marks | Word limit: 900 words)
LO1 Explain the interrelationship of the major domestic and global market sectors.
LO7 Analyse current issues driving domestic and global financial markets in a given scenario.
Assume that the ECC Board has decided to stay with the commodity they know best and are in the process of purchasing the Indonesian Coal Mine and becoming Indo-Pacific Coal (IPC).
Prior to the purchase of the mine, the Australian Dollar has depreciated; in the main due to a sharp appreciation of the US dollar. ECC are still committed to the purchase. The funding for the purchase has been approved by way of an offshore loan arranged by a consortium of banks and will be denominated in USD.
Brief the board on the following:
• The impact of the appreciating US dollar on IPC, including the impact on the company’s profit and loss and their balance sheet. (4 marks — 350 words)
• The impact of the appreciating US dollar on the broader international markets (including the FX, interest rate and commodity markets). (4 marks — 350 words)
• Any indicative solutions/strategies which IPC need to consider (note: please do not go into specific hedging strategies). (2 marks — 200 words)
Criteria-Based Marking Guide for Question 3
(Mark range: 7.5–10 marks) Satisfactory (Mark range: 5–7 marks) Unsatisfactory (Mark range: 0–4.5 marks)
• clear understanding of foreign exchange markets and how currency fluctuations will affect the investment decision
• correctly identifies the risks and advantages associated with foreign investment
• comprehensive discussion of all factors affecting ECC’s operations domestically and abroad
• indicative solutions/strategies are provided • some understanding of foreign exchange markets and how currency fluctuations will affect the investment decision
• correctly identifies some of the risks and advantages associated with foreign investment
• some discussion of all factors affecting ECC’s operations domestically and abroad
• some indicative solutions/strategies are provided • basic/no understanding of foreign exchange markets and how currency fluctuations will affect the investment decision
• does not identify the risks and advantages associated with foreign investment
• basic/no discussion of all factors affecting ECC’s operations domestically and abroad
• indicative solutions/strategies are not provided/ incorrect
Section B
There are two (2) short-answer questions in this section worth 25 marks. Answer all questions.
Question 4 Asset classes
(15 marks | Word limit: 700 words)
LO5 Compare how the different asset classes are used and traded.
Assume you are a financial adviser. You have been approached by a ‘wholesale’ client who has accumulated sufficient investible funds to consider establishing their own personal investment portfolio. This client has now asked for a detailed report from you regarding investment options.
Your client has asked you to provide an analysis of each of the four asset classes below. Focus briefly on the current factors impacting each market, their anticipated returns, and the associated risks (if any) in each.
The four asset classes to consider are:
1. cash
2. fixed interest
3. equity (using the All Ords Index as your benchmark)
4. property (using the A-REIT Index as your benchmark).
Your answer an explanation of correlation (or non-correlation) between the asset classes (if any).
Conclude your answer with a forecast of which asset class overall you believe will provide the best returns for the period, justifying your opinion based on your forecast and associated justification. (15 marks — 700 words)
Criteria-Based Marking Guide for Question 4
(Mark range: 11–15 marks) Satisfactory
(Mark range: 7.5–10.5 marks) Unsatisfactory (Mark range: 0–7 marks)
• correct estimated percentage forecast of returns for each asset class is provided
• a comprehensive explanation of correlation of returns
• concluding statement about the best forecast is provided with well-supported justification • a mostly correct estimated percentage forecast of returns for each asset class is provided
• a mostly correct explanation of correlation of returns
• concluding statement about the best forecast is provided with some justification • incorrect or incomplete estimated percentage forecast of returns for each asset class is provided
• little or no explanation of correlation of returns
• concluding statement about the best forecast is not provided or poor or no justification is provided
Question 5 Influence of Monetary and Fiscal Policy
(10 marks | Word limit: 600 words)
LO2 Explain the role of intermediaries in financial markets.
LO4 Assess the changes and impact of government and monetary policy on the Australian financial markets.
It is critical to understand how governments and central banks react to domestic and international global events. Consider the following:
(a) In an overheating economy, what steps should the Reserve Bank of Australia take to stabilize the economy? In your answer, discuss issues which may impact the success of these measures. (5 marks — 300 words)
(b) When an economy faces a sudden downturn, what action can the government take to alleviate this issue? In you answer define fiscal policy and discuss the primary fiscal policy tool used by the government. (5 marks — 300 words)
Note: You should build upon your answer to the Analysis task and the feedback provided by the assessor.
Criteria-Based Marking Guide for Question 5(a)–(b)
(Mark range: 7.5–10 marks) Satisfactory (Mark range: 5–7 marks) Unsatisfactory (Mark range: 0–4.5 marks)
• comprehensive outline of policy measures employed by RBA
• comprehensive outline of policy measures employed by the government
• clear understanding of the underlying concepts behind monetary policy in Australia
• clear understanding of the underlying concepts behind fiscal policy in Australia
• answer is well supported and explained with independent research including references • adequate outline of policy measures employed by RBA
• adequate outline of policy measures employed by the government
• clear understanding of the underlying concepts behind monetary policy in Australia
• clear understanding of the underlying concepts behind fiscal policy in Australia
• answer is supported and explained with some independent research including references • limited outline of policy measures employed by RBA
• limited outline of policy measures employed by the government
• basic/no understanding of the underlying concepts behind monetary policy in Australia
• basic/no understanding of the underlying concepts behind fiscal policy in Australia
• answer is not supported and explained with independent research including references
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Writers Solution

Compare and contrast major contemporary research debates in the fields of people management and development and business

People Management & Development in Business – Paper 3 (DUBAI)


Overleaf pp2-7

· carries 50% of the module assessment weighting and

· is scheduled for the JULY Examination period for January Start students in July 2021,

· is based on a seen case study to be released 3 weeks prior to the Examination Date

· is ‘open book’ i.e. approved resources will be available for use during the Exam

· 2.5 hrs duration ….PLUS 50% EXTRA TIME = TOTAL 3 ¾ to allow download of question paper beforehand and upload of completed answer paper to Turnitin

· with unseen questions.

The Learning Outcomes to be demonstrated via this paper were validated as:

1.Compare and contrast major contemporary research debates in the fields of people management and development and business;

2. Critically evaluate the changing employment and learning landscapes and their influence on people management and development and business;

3. Critically evaluate the strategic implications for leadership, people management and development in an ever changing competitive and market environment;

4. Apply a critical, reflective and integrated understanding of people management and development within a context of business sustainability, corporate social responsibility and authenticity.

5. Formulate cogent arguments of what it means to deliver organisational performance and growth through people as well as the practical constraints and difficulties in meeting multiple aims


Case Study Source 1

The British Broadcasting Company, as the BBC was originally called, was formed on 18 October 1922 by a group of leading wireless manufacturers including Marconi.[footnoteRef:1] [1:,%2C%20on%20November%2014%2C%201922. ]

The BBC is a public service broadcaster established by Royal Charter. It’s funded by the licence fee paid by UK households. It provides ten national TV channels, regional TV programmes, an internet TV service (BBC Three), 10 national radio stations, 40 local radio stations and an extensive website. “Our mission is to act in the public interest, serving all audiences through the provision of impartial, high-quality and distinctive output and services which inform, educate and entertain. Our vision? To be the most creative organisation in the world.”[footnoteRef:2] [2: ]

On the 14th May 2021, the Right Honourable Lord Dyson published a report (‘The Dyson Investigation’). The Executive Summary is copied here below[footnoteRef:3]: It is followed by an article in The Financial Times newspaper on 21stMay 2021. [3: ]

Executive Summary of the Report of The Right Honourable Lord Dyson

The interview with HRH Diana, Princess of Wales that was (shown on television) on 20 November 1995 was a sensational triumph for the BBC and Martin Bashir, both nationally and internationally. Whatever reservations she may have had about it later, Princess Diana was pleased with the interview at the time. By early to mid-August 1995 at the latest, she was keen on the idea of a television interview. She would probably have agreed to be interviewed by any experienced and reputable reporter in whom she had confidence even without the intervention of Mr Bashir.

In this Report, I describe in considerable detail the way in which Mr Bashir commissioned fake bank statements from Matt Wiessler. These documents purported to show payments by Penfolds Consultants and News International into the bank account of Alan Waller, a former employee of Earl Spencer, Princess Diana’s brother. Mr Bashir showed the documents to Earl Spencer on a date early in September 1995. Mr Wiessler is an entirely reputable graphic designer who did freelance work for the BBC. Nobody has criticised him for accepting the commission.

A few days later, probably on 14 September, Mr Bashir also produced to Earl Spencer other bank statements which, he (Bashir) said, showed payments into the account of Commander Patrick Jephson (Princess Diana’s Private Secretary) and Commander Richard Aylard (the Prince of Wales’ Private Secretary). It is likely that these statements were created by Mr Bashir and contained information that he had fabricated.

By showing Earl Spencer the fake Waller and Jephson/Aylard statements and informing him of their contents, Mr Bashir deceived and induced him to arrange a meeting with Princess Diana. By gaining access to Princess Diana in this way, Mr Bashir was able to persuade her to agree to give the 3 interview. This behaviour was in serious breach of the 1993 edition of the BBC’s Producer Guidelines on straight dealing.

On seeing the interview on screen, Mr Wiessler immediately made the connection between the Waller bank statements and the interview. He was concerned that he might have played a role in obtaining the interview by deception.

Acting responsibly and appropriately, he (Mr Wiessler) reported his concerns to the BBC. A detailed account of how the BBC responded is set out (in the full report). The matter was eventually referred to Tim Gardam (Head of Weekly Programmes in BBC News and Current Affairs). Mr Gardam’s investigation culminated in a meeting between himself (and two other senior BBC persons) and Mr Bashir. Mr Bashir gave them an account of the faking of the documents. Crucially, he told them that he had not shown them to anyone. They accepted that he was telling them the truth, but asked him to provide independent evidence that Princess Diana had not been shown the documents. Within a few hours, Mr Bashir obtained a note dated 22 December 1995, signed by her (Princess Diana) which supported what he had said. I (Lord Dyson) am satisfied that the Diana note is a genuine document.

Mr Gardam did not then know that Mr Bashir had lied when he said that he had not shown the documents to anyone and did not know that he had in fact shown them to Earl Spencer in September 1995. Mr Bashir was to repeat this lie twice in March 1996. It was only on 23 March 1996 that Mr Bashir admitted that he had lied.

Mr Gardam did not consider the possibility that Mr Bashir secured the interview with Princess Diana indirectly by showing the documents to Earl Spencer. In the light of what he (Mr Gardam) knew at the time (and in particular the Diana note), I (Lord Dyson) do not consider that it would be reasonable to criticise Mr Gardam for failing to ask Earl Spencer for his version of the facts. But Mr Gardam too readily accepted that Mr Bashir was telling the truth about the fake documents.

There were rumours in early 1996 that something had been amiss (i.e. wrong) about the interview. The Mail on Sunday took the lead in carrying out further investigations which led to Mr Bashir admitting to Mr Gardam that he had shown the fake Waller statements to Earl Spencer. The BBC now decided that it must find out the entire truth behind Mr Bashir’s activities.

Mr Bashir was interviewed by Tim Suter (Managing Director of Weekly Programmes in BBC News and Current Affairs) and Richard Peel (Head of Communications and Information) on 28 March 1996. The conclusions that were reached after this meeting were expressed in a letter to Mr Bashir dated 4 April 1996, which was drafted by Mr Suter and agreed by Tony Hall (now Lord Hall, then Managing Director of News and Current Affairs at the BBC) but probably not sent. One of their conclusions was that Mr Bashir’s dealings with Princess Diana in securing the interview were absolutely straight and fair; but that his use of some material in the early preparation of the programme was in breach of the BBC Producers’ Guidelines on straight dealing and justified a reprimand.

This conclusion was not justified, even on an interim basis. It was based in large part on the uncorroborated assertions of Mr Bashir. This error was compounded by their failure to approach Earl Spencer once they knew that Mr Bashir had shown the Waller statements to him.

In early April 1996, the press continued to ask searching questions about the methods used by Mr Bashir to secure the interview. The BBC gave evasive answers to these questions. On 7 April 1996, The Mail on Sunday published an article which asked whether Mr Bashir had intended to show the fake Waller statements to Earl Spencer and thereby convince him that he (Mr Bashir) was the right person to interview Princess Diana.

Suggestions by the press that the Princess Diana interview had been secured by deception persisted. Lord Hall recognised that it was important for the BBC to conduct a full inquiry into what Mr Bashir had done and why he had done it and to resolve the matter once and for all. To that end, he arranged to meet Mr Bashir together with Anne Sloman (successor to Mr Gardam). The meeting took place on 17 April 1996. Mr Bashir was unable or unwilling to give Lord Hall and Mrs Sloman any credible explanation of why he had commissioned the faking of the Waller statements and why he had shown them to Earl Spencer. 5 They did not approach Earl Spencer to ask him for his version of what had happened. They accepted the account that Mr Bashir gave them as truthful.

The investigation conducted by Lord Hall and Mrs Sloman was woefully ineffective for the following reasons:

(i) they failed to interview Earl Spencer: this was a big mistake and the points they (and Lord Birt, the former Director-General) have made to justify their not doing so are rejected;

(ii) they did not scrutinise Mr Bashir’s account with the necessary degree of scepticism and caution: they knew he had lied three times when he said that he had not shown the fake statements to Earl Spencer (these were serious lies for which he gave no explanation); they knew that he been unable to provide any credible explanation of why he had commissioned the fake statements (which was a serious breach of the BBC’s Producers’ Guidelines on straight dealing); and they knew that Mr Bashir’s account of what happened was largely uncorroborated; and

(iii) without knowing Earl Spencer’s version of the facts; without receiving from Mr Bashir a credible explanation of what he had done and why he had done it; and in the light of his serious and unexplained lies, Lord Hall could not reasonably have concluded, as he did, that Mr Bashir was an honest and honourable man.

Without justification, the BBC fell short of the high standards of integrity and transparency which are its hallmark by (i) covering up in its press logs (records) such facts as it had been able to establish about how Mr Bashir secured the interview and (ii) failing to mention Mr Bashir’s activities or the BBC investigations of them on any news programme.

End of Case Study Source 1 – Case Study Source 2 is on the next page Case Study Source 2

Diana interview inquiry sparks fresh crisis of trust for the BBC

Reporter Martin Bashir’s web of deceit and the cover up that followed has given ammunition to broadcaster’s enemies

The Financial Times, Alex Barker  and  Patricia Nilsson , 21st May 2021


Diana, Princess of Wales plunged the BBC into crisis even before her Panorama interview was aired, the lies and forged documents behind it were exposed, and the UK broadcaster was dragged, 25 years later, into yet another scandal over editorial standards and a cover-up culture.

Recorded on Guy Fawkes day in 1995 and secretly edited in an Eastbourne hotel, the super-scoop by the journalist Martin Bashir was, from its inception, understood to be a historic gamble for a public corporation whose existence depends on a royal charter, and the consent of licence fee payers and the government.

So sensitive was the decision that Lord John Birt, the director-general at the time, kept his own chair Marmaduke Hussey, an arch monarchist, in the dark until Diana had described her “crowded” marriage on tape. Birt faced calls for his resignation before 23m viewers had even tuned in to watch it. “I had the chilling sense that a few centuries earlier my head would literally have rolled for the crime committed,” he wrote in his memoirs.

His reasons for approving the interview — the need to move with audience demands in what Birt saw as a more democratic age — cut to the heart of the repercussions for the BBC today: the threat of losing audience support.

“Modern institutions in the end have to operate as the public would wish — and we did,” Birt told Robert Fellowes, the Queen’s then private secretary. “And they have no choice any longer but to be completely transparent. There are no long-lasting secrets at the BBC.”

A quarter century on, that proved true. An official inquiry finally laid bare Bashir’s web of deceit in securing the interview and the cover-up that followed, leaving the BBC facing a firestorm of criticism from Diana’s sons and ministers. Oliver Dowden, culture secretary, remarked on the “damning failings” potentially requiring a rethink of governance.

Dame Melanie Dawes, chief executive of media watchdog Ofcom, said Dyson’s report raised “important questions about the BBC’s transparency and accountability”. She added that the regulator would be discussing with the BBC “what further actions may be needed to ensure that this situation can never be repeated”.

Bashir resigned from the BBC last week on grounds of ill health and on Friday Tim Suter, a former BBC News executive who was involved in the original in-house investigation, stepped down from the Ofcom board.

The episode has left the BBC scrambling to retain the confidence of the public — who have watched the heir to the throne Prince William accuse it of betraying his parents and fuelling his mother’s “fear, paranoia and isolation”.

It leaves a dangerously open flank for the BBC’s enemies in Westminster and “Fleet Street”.

“In one sense, it’s 25 years ago and the BBC is a completely different place — it is already much more overseen by outside bodies, it has much less revenue — so the notion that the BBC is the same place as 25 years ago is wrong,” said Jean Seaton, the official BBC historian. “But it does undoubtedly give parts of the government — if they fail to see the importance of the BBC for the future — a case that moves the British public.”

The failings uncovered from 1995, and the “woefully ineffective” investigation that followed, are devastating — and have prompted apologies from all involved. The misconduct does not have the industrial scale of the UK’s tabloid phone hacking scandal, nor a chain of responsibility leading to individuals still serving at the top of the BBC’s news organisation.

But there is no doubt about the deep questions it raises for the BBC, which until last year was run by Lord Tony Hall, who led one of the most heavily criticised investigations into Bashir’s conduct in 1996. Despite being aware of the use of faked documents, he found him to be “honest and honourable” and, later as director-general, blessed Bashir’s return to the BBC in a senior reporting position.

“In most organisations they would have called the police and instantly dismissed Bashir for deceit,” said Mark Stephens, a prominent media lawyer at Howard Kennedy. “Instead the BBC made him their religious correspondent.” One former BBC executive of that era said: “The euphoria of landing the scoop of the century just blinded them.”

Hall’s departure last year means he is fighting an uphill battle to keep his job as chair of the National Gallery, rather than at the head of the BBC. One government insider noted his next meeting with the gallery’s patron — Prince Charles — might be “quite difficult”.

Rather than the leadership, the immediate threat to Tim Davie and the BBC he took charge of last June is more political and financial.

Since his appointment as Hall’s successor, Davie has smoothed relations with Boris Johnson’s Number 10, in part by embracing its priorities: pride in flags and impartiality in news coverage. The Bashir scandal may reawaken the debate about metropolitan bias, embolden critics, and potentially prompt the government to take a more aggressive approach.

Dowden is satisfied the overall structure of the BBC — with a revamped board and direct oversight by the media regulator Ofcom — has reduced the risks of another Bashir incident. But he is open to ideas for reform in the BBC’s upcoming mid-charter review.

Lord Michael Grade, the former BBC chair, suggested creating a new editorial board for journalistic standards, saying “platitudes” would not cut it this time. Johnson, prime minister, notably said on Friday it was “up to the BBC” to ensure nothing like the Bashir scandal happened again.

There are potentially financial repercussions too. Lawyers expect the BBC to face significant compensation claims from victims, who include members of the royal household who lost their jobs as a result of made-up allegations of spying on Diana.

Davie is also locked in negotiations with the government over the level of the licence fee, making the case for a bigger BBC budget over the next five years. Given it is essentially a plea for more taxpayer generosity, the timing of the Bashir scandal could hardly be worse.

“Of course this is a stick that critics of the BBC will use to beat it with,” said Pat Younge, a former BBC executive who chairs the British Broadcasting Challenge, a campaign group pressuring the government over its review of public service media. “And the BBC is also a world leader in beating itself up at times like this.”

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Yearly, students are invited to membership in the honor society for your major if their class rank is at least in the 90thpercentile for all students in that major. In 2019 you ranked 30 out of 128 students in your major

Part 1

Yearly, students are invited to membership in the honor society for your major if their class rank is at least in the 90thpercentile for all students in that major. In 2019 you ranked 30 out of 128 students in your major.

a. Will you be invited to membership?

b. If you had the data on the cumulative gpa of each member of the honor society at the end of the spring semester in 2019, which measure of average would be the most meaningful –mean, median, mode? Explain.

Part 2

A jury pool consists of 9 men and 11 women. The jury will be made up of 12 jurors.

a. If one person from among 6court officers (3 women and 3 men) is chosen at random from to draw the names out of a hat, what is the probability that the court officer chosen to draw the names is a man?

b. How many ways can the jury be formed if there are no restrictions on composition?

c. How many ways can 8women be chosen?

d. How many ways can 4 men be chosen?

e. What is the probability that the random selection of the jury will result in 8 women and 4 men?





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We learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today

1) We learned that e-mail is a major area of focus for information governance (IG) efforts, and has become the most common business software application and the backbone of business communications today.  In addition, the authors provided details to support their position by providing 2013 survey results from 2,400 corporate e-mail users from a global perspective.  The results indicated that two-thirds of the respondents stated that e-mail was their favorite form of business communication which surpassed not only social media but also telephone and in-person contact. 

 With this detail in mind, briefly state why the e-Mail has become a critical component for IG implementation? Support with references and do your usual critical review of at least 2 other students’ posts.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic

2)Your readings in Chapter 9 this week, as well as the handout discussing the risk companies face over unstructured data raises concerns that need to be addressed when a company uses social media. 

With your industry in mind, identify and discuss these concerns and address how this can be effectively handled. Support with references and do your usual critical review of at least 2 other students’ posts.

Please make your initial post and two response posts substantive. A substantive post will do at least two of the following:

  • Ask an interesting, thoughtful question pertaining to the topic
  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic.

At least one scholarly source should be used in the initial discussion thread. Be sure to use information from your readings and other sources from the UC Library. Use proper citations and references in your post.

  • Answer a question (in detail) posted by another student or the instructor
  • Provide extensive additional information on the topic
  • Explain, define, or analyze the topic in detail
  • Share an applicable personal experience
  • Provide an outside source (for example, an article from the UC Library) that applies to the topic, along with additional information about the topic or the source (please cite properly in APA)
  • Make an argument concerning the topic




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What are the major advantages of the indirect method of reporting cash flows from operating activities?

1.      23

2.      What are the major advantages of the indirect method of reporting cash flows from operating activities?

3.      A corporation issued $2,000,000 of common stock in exchange for $2,000,000 of fixed assets. Where would this transaction be reported on the statement of cash flows?

4.      A retail business, using the accrual method of accounting, owed merchandise creditors (accounts payable) $320,000 at the beginning of the year and $350,000 at the end of the year. How would the $30,000 increase be used to adjust net income in determining the amount of cash flows from operating activities by the indirect method? Explain





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Identify the three major types of controls that organizations can use to protect their information resources

In an 8-9 page APA formatted written paper and a minimum of eight [8] peer-reviewed sources.

1. Identify the three major types of controls that organizations can use to protect their information resources and provide an example of each one.

2. What is TCP/IP? Explain its layers and how they are used.

3. Discuss the ethical and legal issues related to electronic commerce and provide


4. Apply cloud computing to an organization and identify the key benefits of it.

5. Describe each phase of the business analytics process.

6. Apply the six common types of electronic commerce to an organization.

7. Discuss the four business decisions that companies must make when they acquire new


Textbook: Rainer, R. K., & Prince, B. (2020) Introduction to information systems (8 th ed.) Wiley.

                    ISBN: 9781119594635





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compare and contrast the market types of two major corporations


·        To compare and contrast the market types of two major corporations.

·        To determine the various key elasticity indicators of these companies and the main goods they produce.

·        To analyze the market of each corporation to determine their competition, and any substitute, complementary goods, or services.

·        To determine the relative value of each company, its potential future growth, and make recommendations as to whether one is a better investment than the other.

·        To work constructively and collaboratively in a small group to produce an engaging and informative package.


In this group case study project, you will join forces with three of your peers to make an investment recommendation on either of two corporations: Pfizer or McDonalds Corporation. The task for your team will be to compare the two companies based on both the supporting information and any external research that you conduct, and ultimately recommend one over the other as having stronger investment potential.

As a further twist, your team will have some competition. Other teams will be given the same opportunity to prepare their information package on the same two companies using the same case studies as a starting point. Consequently, your team should try to package your information and recommendation that is the most engaging, creative, and persuasive.

·        Part 1 – By the end of Unit 3, students will have been assigned to a group which will meet online in the Group Case Study Project Discussion Forum (found in Unit 1) and brainstorm a strategy (ungraded, but with feedback).

·        Part 2 – In Unit 4, the group will submit a Learning Team Agreement, which will spell out who is responsible for what in the packaging of the information, and a list of their research sources (ungraded, but with feedback).

·        Part 3 – In Unit 8, the group will submit a draft of their project report, but without their recommendations (ungraded, but with feedback).

·        Part 4 – In Unit 9, the group will submit their final package (project report [8 pages, APA format, and double-spaced] and presentation), including their recommendation about which company the team recommends. The final package should incorporate feedback from Parts 2-3 (Weight 20% of project total).

Report Content

The report should not exceed EIGHT content pages (excluding cover page, table of contents, references, appendices, etc.). Do not exceed the page limit. Use only the following SIX titles for your report’s content:

1.      Introduction

2.      Company profile, product and industry position

3.      Financial performance

4.      The Market: Demand, Competition, Rival and Complement products, and consumer target segments

5.      Strategies and initiatives for efficiency, profitability, and sustainability

6.      Future outlook and investment recommendation

Approach to Writing

Write this report in comparative mode for all sections. In each paragraph compare and contrast both companies on you are focusing on in that paragraph. Make it a running comparison on each aspect you evaluate instead of writing about each company separately. For example, when comparing financial assets, you may write, “While the market capitalization of McDonalds as of July 2019 is $162.63B, Pfizer’s stands at 45% higher at $235.74B.”

At the end of each section, state which company is superior based on the metrics you just examined and explain clearly to your investor what this information means with respect to profit/returns for now and the future.

Guiding Questions for this Assignment

As your team conducts research on the companies to obtain appropriate information for making a financial investment in either company, here is a list of relevant questions to improve your comparative analysis between the two companies:

·        What is the current financial situation of the company?

·        What kind of market/industry structure (Perfect Competition, Monopolistic Competition, or Monopoly) does the company belong to?

·        What is the Price Elasticity of Demand for the goods that the company sells? Is the demand elastic or inelastic?

·        What kind income elasticity the product(s) of the company face?

·        Who are the company’s closest competitors?

·        Are there any close substitutes or complements?

·        Is the demand for the product of your chosen company growing? Explain why.

·        Can the labor force of your chosen company be trained further to increase productivity and lower cost of production?

·        As a business is your chosen company profitable? Will it be able sustain profitability?

·        How can it make its profit grow?

·        What is the price elasticity of demand for brand name drugs? Is it elastic or inelastic? How about fast food?

·        What is the Income Elasticity of demand for these products? Which one has the higher income elasticity and why?

·        What is the cross price elasticity of demand (if any) between the main products of the two companies? What about among Pfizer’s main products and related products, and among McDonalds’ main products and related products?

·        Which company has higher fixed costs? Which has higher marketing costs? Why?

·        What other issues with regards to the social, political, labour, legal or environmental practices of these two companies might you include that could impact your decision?

·        What specific innovations or strategies is each company pursuing and how might this impact the investment decision?

Project Deliverables

Remember that your ultimate goal is two-fold:

·        to provide the best evidence to support the choice of one company over the other as a place to invest and

·        to do so in the most compelling, informative, and creative way you can.

·        To that end, your group will need to produce a package consisting of the following:

·        An eight-page research report in which all your information about the two companies is organized, the comparison indicators presented, and your ultimate choices for investment are made. Your report should be a maximum of 8 pages, double-spaced with 12-point font, not including cover page and references. Your paper should follow APA formatting standards. The file should be submitted in Microsoft Word format only.

·        An accompanying media presentation of your findings that will be posted for your classmates in the Final Case Work Discussion Forum, listed in Unit 9. This can take any form your group has the skills to produce, but it is where your package will really distinguish itself from the others:

·        This is not to be a live (synchronous) presentation, but rather the creation of some sort of digitally submittable file that will most help support and sell your findings to your client. (If you need motivation, imagine that your client will only pay for the most interesting and engaging package submitted – your reputations are at stake!)

·        It can take the form of a PowerPoint presentation, a photo collage, or an audio or video recording – anything goes. Just be sure that you have permission to use any copyrighted materials (photos, audio, or video), because these packages will be shown to the class online and in our online world, unlike the brick and mortar classroom, that constitutes “republishing,” which is a copyright infringement unless you have permission.

Select a member of the group to submit your package as a digital document (preferably a single, multi-page PDF file) to the Submission link below no later than 11:00 p.m. on Thursday of Unit 9. At that same time EVERY member of the group must submit a confidential Peer Evaluation Form in which they will indicate the relative participation levels of everyone in the project work (no slackers allowed!) – Strong evidence that you didn’t pull your weight will be taken into consideration in the final grading of the project





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Major factors that contribute to an employee’s decision to join a union

After reading chapter-11 and chapter-12 from the attached textbook answer the following questions. Answer should be in own words and strictly no plagiarism, no copy and paste from other resources. APA format must and answer in own words as thorough as possible.

  1. Discuss three major factors that contribute to an employee’s decision to join a union. Discuss the five reasons that have contributed to the trend of decline in unionization.
  2. How would a manager use the progressive disciplinary action approach? How would the use of this approach prevent employees from being surprised if they are terminated?






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Major developmental theories across the lifespan

You will need to find 4 articles located in scholarly journals. Scholarly journal articles are also referred as primary source peer reviewed articles. A scholarly journal article can be found in the South University Online Library. To find more information regarding utilizing the South University Library and accessing scholarly journal articles click on Library Guide. What cannot be used for this assignment are web pages, magazines, newspapers, text books, and other books. Finally, current research for our purposes is an article that was published within the last 5 to 6 years.

Remember this is a course on human development so when looking for articles make sure they are related to the subject matter covered in the course. To help in your search here are some of the major areas we covered in this course (these are meant as a guide, not specific topics to find).

Major developmental theories across the lifespan
Nature of geographic, gender, social, cognitive, emotional, and developmental factors during each period of development
Developmental factors that impact one another.
Historical and current trends in development
Current trends which may differentially impact the future development of populations in the United States
Social, and diversity issues related to developmental psychology
With the major areas above in mind, focus on at least two of the following age groups:

Older Adults
First, give an overview of each article, including:

Write a 2-paragraph summary for each article.
Write a 1-2 paragraph analysis and evaluation for each article found.
Make sure to integrate course material in that analysis
Then, write a summary (1-2 pages) integrating what was leaned from the articles reviewed on the chosen age groups as seen from the life-span perspective. Cover the following in that summary:

What similarities did you find in the types of research and what was being studied? What differences did you find?
Based on your course readings, what developmental theories did you find that were applicable?
Explain how the life-span perspective may provide a way of better understanding the research reviewed.





The first article by Jaworska&MacQueen, (2015) authors look at the gap that exists in the understanding of the way that brain of an adolescentdevelops. The work is based on clinical research which entails the treatment of adolescents with emerging and established forms of psychiatric disorders.  In this article thus, the authors have been able to suggest that as much as basis research regard development of the brain during adolescents will appear to be thriving, the people’s understanding on how one can approach the whole development window from both the policy and clinical perspective is still an issue.

The authors argue that there is need to conduct more research on clinical aspects so that the treatment of adolescents with various psychiatric illnesses is one that is well informed. There is also great need to come up with developmental science that will be able to inform clinicians and psychiatrists on policies which are important to young people like how they can approach challenges of substance abuse(Jaworska&MacQueen, 2015). There should also be need for pre-clinical studies on nicotine, alcohol and cannabis among other substances which reveal that adolescents usually have different forms of brain response and sensitivity to these substances.


The second article by Kelly & Millar, (2017) authors discuss the transition period for the adolescents and challenges that come with negotiation the transition from dependence on parents to becoming independent. With the changes in the social relations, this is not a very unique demand for the modern youth, it however has an evolutionary history which is shared among different groups(Kelly & Millar, 2017).  However, when behavioural changes are observed in an emotive and explorative behaviourduring the transition to adolescents and the underlying issues in the basis of maladaptive and adaptive functions it is important for psychiatric intervention to guide these youth in their decision.

Due to these changes, the authors argue that it is important during the transitional period from dependence on parents that adolescents are taken through emotive and explorative mechanisms where parents and guardians take time to allow them explore their  goals  in life as this will enable them develop positively as they transition to adulthood. Such mechanisms have continued to evolve over different generations, thus…………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………………….. Major developmental theories across the lifespan


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Role of Vice President of a major organization

For this assignment, you will take on the role of Vice President of a major organization. The CEO has assigned you the responsibility of educating the leaders within the organization of the importance of maintaining an ethical culture. The tone of the presentation should be of a persuasive nature as you will also be asking these leaders to take this initiative to each of their areas. As you compile this presentation, include the following:
1. Explain exactly what it means to maintain an ethical culture within the organization.
2. Analyze the role that culture plays in global business ethics.
3. Describe and persuade the importance and rationale for maintaining an ethical culture within the entire organization. Think about methods that could be used to motivate ethical business practices.
4. Recommend tactical methods that might be used within each of their areas.
Your PowerPoint presentation should be 12-14 slides, not including the title slide and reference slide. (8 pages/2200 words approx maybe could make more than 10 slides if possible, I will take care the rest of the slides if needed). All sources used must be referenced and paraphrased. Directly quoted material must have accompanying citations and be cited per APA guidelines.

The use of speaker notes is required as well. In the speaker notes, you will provide what you would say if you were actually giving the presentation to an audience. Please write your notes in complete sentences and adhere to typical grammar and/or punctuation rules.

Please use sources that are accessible for me and doesn’t need any password. And please refer to the rubrics attached. Additional topics related to or with relevance to ethical culture will be fine)

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Vice President of a major organization

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Foreign Market Entry Strategies

Why so Many MNCs Opt for Joint Venture Entry Strategy

            The increasing interdependence of global economies and money markets has led many small, medium, and large size companies to go into global markets. Hitt, Li & Xu (2016) points that in the last 50 years many businesses were localized serving stable markets. However, advances in transportation and communications have facilitated multinational corporations (MNCs) to invest in foreign markets. The investment in foreign destinations must adopt effective entry strategy in order to be a success. Many of the MNCs have chosen to use joint ventures as a mode of entry because it is cheaper and provides a better way of understanding the local market.

            The entry into a foreign market demands a proper understanding of local culture, customer demands and preferences, and local laws and regulations. This can be an expensive task and the use of joint ventures can make foreign entry easier and less costly (Lo, Chiao & Yu, 2016). Joint ventures involve development of partnerships with locally established firms. Such firms have an existing organizational infrastructure, understanding of customer preferences and demands, and have met all the business regulatory frameworks. This allows MNCs to use such established business channels to sell its products and services by removing such barriers. 

            The other mode of entry into a foreign market includes foreign direct investment, strategic alliances and use of a fully owned subsidiary.  A subsidiary is a form of foreign investment where a firm with limited resources and local market knowledge follows its customers to invest in foreign country (Lo, Chiao & Yu, 2016). A fully-owned subsidiary would be ideal for an MNC because it is allows for full control by the parent company. Besides the authors point that fully-owned subsidiary is associated with advantages such as building of relationships that enhance gaining of new knowledge, penetrating new markets, and reducing business speculation behaviors.

The Impact on Organization Structure if a Company Finds New Markets in Europe and Decides to Expand to Asia             When a small manufacturing firm that makes handheld tools with established market in Europe moving to Asia, it is recommended that they change their organizational structure. Andréosso-O’Callaghan & Royall (2013) points that though…Vice President of a major organization………………