Imagine you work as a risk management supervisor at a local health care facility. You have been asked by leadership to prepare a presentation for the stakeholders on the importance of risk management.
Use the concepts you have learned in this course to create a 10- to 12-slide Microsoft® PowerPoint® presentation (not counting the title or reference slides) with detailed speaker notes of at least 100 words per slide.
Your presentation should:
Explain the concepts of risk management in the health care industry.
Explain factors that influence risk management in the health care industry.
Explain the relationship between risk management and quality management.
Analyze the information and information technology methods needed to make risk-management decisions in the health care industry.
Analyze key risk management tools in the health care industry.
Analyze challenges in making risk management decisions.
Cite at least 4 peer-reviewed, scholarly, or similar references.
Format your presentation according to APA guidelines.
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Instructions: Read the material at the sites listed, Content Section to help guide you in identifying solutions to the management problem you have identified. Complete a 2-4 page paper discussing solutions in relation to the management problem you are exploring during this course. Here are some tips to help you create your solutions:
· Solutions should focus on the problem, be accepted by the team and be achievable.
· Find opportunities to allow the individuals to meet to work out the differences, respectfully. Focus on strategies that can build trust in the relationship.
· Look at the tasks that the individuals are responsible for and explore whether or not they have had adequate training or resources to be successful in performing their tasks (so the solution is to provide additional training and/or mentoring to help your folks be successful).
· Evaluate the conditions under which these two work (are they sitting right next to the community coffee pot or the photocopy machine or with poor ventilation or no natural light? Is the environment affecting their behavior?) The solution may be to fix the problem by moving them or making some other change.
· Is it financially feasible? Can it be completed in a reasonable time? Can it be done within financial cost structures? What is the return on investment?
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ASSESSMENT 1 BRIEF Subject Code and Title MIS602 Data Modelling and Database Design Assessment Modelling Report Individual/Group Individual Length N/A Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include: a) Examine the role of data in an organisation, and develop solutions related to the creation, storage and management of organisational data. c) Apply contemporary database modelling to identify and address anomalies in data and recommend solutions. Weighting 30% Total Marks 100 Marks Task Summary This assessment requires you to prepare a modelling report that demonstrates your ability to assess business requirements along with a logical design that could be implemented in a relational database management system. Context When preparing to implement a new information system, it is essential that the initial design is well thought out from the outset. Modifying the database after implementation can often be an expensive process in terms of time, effort and cost. Often the first engagement step is to conduct interviews and workshops with end users and business subject matter experts to get a better understand of how the business runs. The output of these workshops becomes the foundation for the database design. Task Instructions
Please read the attached MIS602_Assessment 1_Case Study.
Based on the information provided in the case study, prepare a modelling report to answer the following questions: • An entity relationship diagram including significant attributes against each entity. • A relational model showing all fields, primary keys, foreign keys and concatenated keys. Your relational model should be in third normal form. List any assumptions/business rules you have made. • A sample screen of what you think your online order form might look like. You may use any tool you like to create this sample screen. Write a brief paragraph discussing the following: o Does your database design allow the storage of all the required information? o What changes, if any, did you make to your initial ER diagram and relational model after you created the sample input screen? MIS602_Assessment 1_Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 1 of 3 Referencing It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here Submission Instructions Submit Assessment 1 via the Assessment link in the main navigation menu in MIS602 Database Modelling and Database Design. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades. Academic Integrity Declaration I declare that except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly. MIS602_Assessment 1_Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 2 of 3 Assessment Rubric Assessment Attributes Fail (Unacceptable) 0-49% Pass (Functional) 50-64% Credit (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction (Advanced) 75 -84% High Distinction (Exceptional) 85-100% Entity relationship diagram The ER diagram does not have to be in 3NF. i.e. it can contain many to many relationships 40% Only a few entities identified and labelled. No relationships identified. Most entities identified and labelled. Most relationships identified. All entities identified and labelled. All relationships identified. Most cardinality is correct. Most Participation is correct. All Relationships meaningfully labelled. Primary key labelled for entities. All cardinality is correct. All participation is correct. Primary keys labelled for many-to-many relationships. Some non-key fields labelled. Overall, a well-presented entity relationship diagram. Relational model The relational model needs to be in 3NF and free from anomalies 40% Only a few entities converted to tables. Design is not in third normal form. No list of assumptions/ business rules. Most entities converted to tables. Most fields listed. Design is in third normal form. List of assumptions/business rules provided. All entities converted to tables. All fields listed. Most many-to-many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Primary keys correctly underlined. All many-to-many relationships deconstructed into new tables. Foreign key correctly underlined. Any multi-valued attributes deconstructed into new tables. Any selfjoins identified. A wellpresented relational model. Sample screen Sample screen of the online order form. Discuss how the database design allow the storage of all the required information and the changes made to the initial ER diagram and relational model 20% Sample screen does not capture the requirements of the order. No discussion paragraph provided. Screen captures most of the requirements for the order. Discussion paragraph does not address the key points. Screen captures all of the requirements for the order. Discussion paragraph is provided. All screen fields correctly mapped to a field in the relational model. Discussion paragraph is well written and addresses the key points. All screen fields correctly and accurately map to a field in the relational model. Well-presented sample screen along with a discussion paragraph that addresses the key points with clarity and detail. MIS602_Assessment 1_ Brief_Modelling Report_Module 2.2 Page 3 of 3
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Review the following video on the difference between Management vs. Leadership (Links to an external site.) and answer the following questions.
In your workplace, home, community organization, or another real-life scenario, would you view yourself as a leader or a manager, or both, and why?
Why might it be valuable for you to possess both leadership and management skills in your personal and/or professional lives?
Based on your personal and/or professional experiences, do you believe managers or leaders have more of an impact on generating positive outcomes (or do you find them equal – if so, justify your answer with credible sources)?
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Review the following scenarios. Risk Management Decisions
Scenario 1
A patient arrives at the emergency department and is admitted for increased pain with the source unknown. The on-call physician asks the intake staff, “What is the source of payment for the patient?” in order to assist with his decision to see the patient or not. The physician then declines to see the patient based on the insurance status.
Scenario 2
A patient is admitted to the medical floor in a health care facility. She is confused and won’t stay in her bed. The patient is placed in a room at the end of the hall away from the nurses station and she is not easily seen by staff. The patient continues to get out of bed without using her call light and eventually falls, resulting in an injury.
Write a 75- to 175-word response to each of the following questions based on the scenarios presented. Be clear and concise, use complete sentences, and use your own words. Follow standard grammar rules and provide examples where appropriate to support your answers.
What is the risk management issue presented in each scenario?
What do you propose to resolve the issues? Explain your answer.
What challenges do you foresee with the proposed solutions?
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1. Discuss what performance management is and how it influences effective teams.
2. Define leadership behaviors (in your own words) and note which behaviors are beneficial at specific organizational activities (example: project planning, leading coworkers, etc…). Please note at least five organizational activities and be specific when responding.
Note at least two organizational capabilities and compare and contrast each.
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Using the organization you selected in Week 1, review its corporate website and at least 2 other sources of information on the organization, including information on market trends.
Note: Review Strategic Management-8 Most Popular Cases in Connect. Access the case studies from the folder on the main course page in Blackboard.
Complete a SWOT analysis for your chosen company using the provided SWOT Analysis Template.
Write a 525- to 700-word summary of your findings on the SWOT Analysis template. Use information from the SWOT analysis as well as what you have learned about your business’s structure, culture, and interrelationships to write the summary. Your summary should:
Explain how you would match the business’s strengths to its opportunities.
Analyze how you would convert the business’s weaknesses into strengths.
Explain the actions the business needs to take to advance its goals and/or expand its competitive advantage.
Analyze interrelationships among distinct functional areas of the organization and how it may affect your SWOT analysis.
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Use your work in Part A and Part B of your Course Project, and what you have learned so far in this course to identify a potential Six Sigma project that can benefit the value stream and your organization.
1) Explain the Six Sigma project(s) that you would recommend to senior management, and justify your selection.
2) Develop a detailed Project Charter for your recommended project. The project charter must include the following:
a. Problem statement
b. Goal statement or Objectives c. Project Scope.
d. Critical-to-quality requirements or CTQs of the processes within the scope of this project
e. Key metric Y (or key metrics Ys)
f. Expected operational and financial benefits of the project g. Milestone dates for each phase of DMAIC (or DMADV)
h. Project team (titles of project team leader and members)
i. Champion (title of executive or senior manager)
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Visit our site at if you Need Management Assignment Help? Management as the term indicates the act or the procedure of getting the job carried out by others, assisting them in achieving their tasks, objectives, goals, etc. quickly, effectively and proficiently. It consists of numerous sub-processes, for instance, Planning, Organizing, Controlling, Directing, Leading, etc. The organization can be referred to as a system, and human activity could be called management. Organizations are a system that can not process smoothly or work efficiently if all the resources included are not handled on the best possible levels. The great importance of management lies in the fact that if its sub-processes are not worked out correctly and adequately, then the entire system or the process might go out of the way. The sources of the organization should be managed, organized, planned & directed well so that all the resources are structured according to the operating methods of the organizations, plus this is feasible by using active management strategies.
The sub-processes/activities of Management
Planning is undoubtedly the phase where we examine the scenario & create a guideline/method/plan to approach further so that beforehand only we have an in-depth strategy of executing the whole process. 02
According to the planning, all the resources are structured/outlined/appropriately assigned so that you can have the process structured or complete. 03
The manager must direct the staff by describing the complete plan for performing the entire process. Just in case the manager or the leader is not available to address or lead, the whole team is misled, and the process’s objective/goal gets deteriorated. 04 get Need Management Assignment Help? visit our team and make your order at
Now it is essential to monitor the process that is being performed or to control every scenario to ensure that the process does not move in the wrong direction.
The whole process of management is essential for any organization regardless of its field.
If we manage the organization well, the processes will perform efficiently & effectively, increasingly more revenue would certainly be produced, and so is the profitability for the organization. In the same way, if all the organizations will manage in the same manner, the revenue will boost day-to-day, and the entire economy of the nation will enhance as capital will pool in every moment. There is undoubtedly an improvement in the economic solidity of the country. Once the organizations are successful in every aspect, the total fund flow of the country will increase, so it could be considered that assuming the management is strong, the processes are successful. When the process is profitable, the capital will pool to lead to the success of the whole sector, business, and economy.
Topic of assignment : RELATIONSHIP BETWEEN MANAGEMENT AND EMPLOYEES AND JOB SATISFACTION ON CONSTRUCTION INDUSTRY IN AUSTRALIA Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines Trimester T1 2021 Unit Code HI6008 Unit Title Business Research Project Assessment Type Individual Assessment Title Assignment 4 – Reflective Journal Purpose of the assessment (with ULO Mapping) The purpose of this assessment is to ensure each student is able to individually document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. Matches to Unit Learning Outcomes 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7 Weight 20 % of the total assessments Total Marks 20 Word limit At least 1200 words Due Date 09 June S Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by 12 midnight on the due date, with a correctly and accurately-completed Assignment Cover Page, as one single document. [If no cover page -20% could apply. Late submissions attract penalties at the rate of -5% per day] • The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings, paragraphing, and page numbers. • Though it is NOT compulsory to cite other published work in this assignment, any reference sources that are used must be cited in the text of the report and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list, all using Harvard referencing style.
Assignment 4 Specifications Purpose: This unit aims to give you an opportunity to combine many facets of your acquired MBA skills into the production of a high-quality research project. Assignment 4 – the Individual Reflective Journal – is to ensure each student is able to contribute to document a critical reflection of their personal learning process, as experienced during this unit. It will be best to build your journal progressively, by making notes each week, starting at week 1 and going through to week 12. Your notes will serve as a reminder of which sections you personally contributed to, what you learnt, and how you experienced the learning process. A significant aspect of the learning journal will be your reflections on how well you co-operated with your team in the various phases of the Business Research Project, i.e. Topic Approval, Literature Review, and Methodology BUT your emphasis should be on what you experienced, what challenged you personally, how you dealt with that and what you gained as a result. It is NOT enough to objectively summarise what was done. This assignment must reflect and describe your own personal deep learning AND be convincing to the reader that you were integrally engaged throughout the learning process. Assignment Structure should be as the following:
Based on my personal contribution to the topic selection, problem definition, research question, writing of topic approval submission, and team charter, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
Based on my personal contribution to the literature review report, i.e. search process, summarising of relevant articles, designing the outline/argument/structure of the literature review, writing up the literature review, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
Based on my personal contribution to the research methodology report, i.e. my role in discussions about methods, sampling, questionnaire design, data collection, analysis and interpretation, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
Based on my reflections of the total research process, the insights I gained and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies I experienced, both individually and in the teamwork, how I experienced this, what challenges I faced, and what I learnt from that.
HI6008 Assignment 4 – Individual Reflective Journal – Marking Rubric Very Good 5 Good 4 Satisfactory 3 Poor 2 Unclear 0 / 1 Reflections about: topic identification, problem definition, research question, i.e. what you learnt whilst writing the topic approval submission and team charter [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Poor attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or not communicated Reflections about: literature review, i.e. what you learnt while conducting the literature search process /summarising relevant articles/ designing the outline of the literature review/ writing up the literature review [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated Reflections about: methodology, i.e. what you learnt through discussions about methods/ sampling/questionnaire design/ data analysis and interpretation [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated Reflections about: the research experience, i.e. say what insights you gained, and any issues, struggles, challenges, synergies experienced, individually and in the teamwork [Max 5 marks] Deep, insightful, well-stated, comprehensive capturing of essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Very good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Good attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Satisfactory attempt at capturing essential learnings, feelings and future opportunities Insufficiently reflective or poorly communicated Total Marks (20) Comments: /20 Late penalty / Cover Sheet penalty …………………. Days @ -5% per day = …………………. No cover sheet / incorrect / inaccurate / not single document = – ……………..% /20
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