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Personal career development plan. Career Management and Development

You will be creating a paper outlining a personal career development plan. Career Management and Development (Chapter 12) is a complex topic involving an understanding of life stage (Erickson and Levinson Models), models of career development, individual and organizational approaches to career management, roles in career management (individuals, managers and organizations), career development practices and activities concluding with a review of career development issues. In order to simplify career development and provide a valuable personal deliverable, the Unit 6 Assignment on career development will address your personal career development. At the end of Chapter 12, you will find Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay. This exercise gives you an opportunity to review relevant concepts in Chapter 12 and make personal application. That application will help you better understand and apply chapter concepts of relevance to your situation. Remember, this assignment parallels Exercise 1: A Career Planning Essay on page 436. Refer to that exercise as you complete the assignment. Your analysis of this section and your written submission should reflect an understanding of the critical issues of this portion of the course project; integrate the material covered in the text and present concise and well-reasoned justifications for the stance that you take.


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Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH) management

 MIS602 Data Modelling & Database DesignReflective Research Report
Three Thousands Word Limit
40 Marks
The MIS602 Data Modelling & Database Design subject is designed for you to progressively add to your understanding of data and database management and its relevance with in business context. It also introduces you to some of the key features of database management system and designing database systems that will feature in later modules of this topic. In order for you to do well in this subject, it is imperative that you undertake all of the learning activities in the modules. The learning activities are presented as a way of scaffolding your learning so that you can attempt the building blocks of the assessments and be in a safe environment to fail and to learn from them.
Therefore, doing your learning activities and seeking feedback from them from peers and from the learning facilitator is the single best way of preparing for doing well in this assessment.
The scenario for this assessment is a multi-specialty hospital system, the Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH), that provides a broad range of services to the community which include surgical, maternity, obstetric care, dialysis, emergency, mental health, aged and palliative care, allied health services and a 24-hour emergency department. The RRH has been serving in the region for over 50 years and has been using paper-based forms and documents to store and manage all the data with some use of spreadsheets that started not so long ago. Now that the management of RRH wants to take the advantages of Information Technology to maintain and manage the records of the various aspects of the hospital system more efficiently, they have put out a Request for Proposals (RFP) for appropriately qualified consultants to undertake a body of work that would help to scope the data requirements for such a system. With your success in your Torrens University Australia degree so far, and other similar projects that have garnered you some sustained success in the eyes of the profession and community, you have been shortlisted among no less than 10 other consultancies. There are expectations from them, then, as to the standard of report you will produce.

The management of the RRH has provided you with an overview and description of the hospital system as below-
The Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH) is a multi-specialty hospital that includes a number of departments, rooms, doctors, nurses, compounders, and other staff working in the hospital. Patients having different kinds of ailments come to the hospital and get checkup done from the relevant doctors. If required they are admitted in the hospital and discharged after treatment. The hospital maintains the records of various departments, rooms, and doctors in the hospital besides the most important records of the regular patients, patients admitted in the hospital, the checkup of patients done by the doctors, the patients that have been operated, and patients discharged from the hospital.
In RRH, there are many departments like Orthopedic, Pathology, Emergency, Dental, Gynecology, Anesthetics, I.C.U., Blood Bank, Operation Theater, Laboratory, M.R.I., Neurology, Cardiology, Cancer Department, Corpse, etc. There is an OPD where patients come and get a card (that is, entry card of the patient) for check up from the relevant doctor. After making entry in the card, they go to the relevant doctor’s room and the doctor checks up their ailments. According to the ailments, the doctor either prescribes medicine or admits the patient in the relevant department. The patient may choose either private or general room according to his/her need. But before getting admission in the hospital, the patient has to fulfill certain formalities of the hospital like room charges, etc. After the treatment is completed, the doctor discharges the patient. Before discharging from the hospital, the patient again has to complete certain formalities of the hospital like balance charges, test charges, operation charges (if any), blood charges, doctors’ charges, etc.
Next, the management talks about the doctors of the hospital. There are two types of the doctors in the hospital, namely, regular doctors and call-on doctors. Regular doctors are those doctors who come to the hospital daily. Call-on doctors are those doctors who are called by the hospital if the relevant regular doctor is not available.
The management believes and understands that the benefits of an IT solution to manage and maintain their records are enormous and hopes to gain a thorough insight that should come from a lot of forethought and design elements fed into it before it could be seriously considered by them. The RRH management seeks consultation on what the data requirements of such a system might be.
There are two objectives of this assessment:
1. For the purposes of the client, the Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH) management, you are to produce a design brief and,
2. For the purposes of the assessment, you are to produce a reflection.
So, this written submission should expertly mix a consultative style—that is, providing a solution to the problem as outlined by the client—with a deep reflection on what you have learned in the

subject and the potential for such an automated system. You will need to use your judgement on
this, it is likely to take several drafts to get it right. The deliverable for this assessment is plainly:
You are required to create a consultative report that addresses the data requirements of the proposed Royal Rundle Hospital (RRH) System as well as commenting on the feasibility of such a solution, given what you learned in the subject. Following instructions will assist you in completion of the task.
Some hints for you to heed while you develop and write your assessment:
• Consider all aspects of the hospital’s operations and flows of data and then explore the benefits and challenges that an automated system may present in regard to effectiveness, efficiency an also adaptation issues, when implemented.
• The RRH management has not provided any assumptions and you should list these if your proposal and reflection are to be considered cogent.
Based on your learning from the course modules and previous assignments, you are expected to come up with data requirements and a logical design of the system and a brief commentary on the design.
Submission Instructions:
This consultative research and reflective report will be in a format that you choose and there are no prescriptions for what to include or what not to include. You will need to research consultant-grade reports (look for consulting reports form the Big Four firms as a guide and use them as the basis for their content, articulation presentation standard).
Besides your research and reflection, you should include logical data requirements in a design summary that includes appropriate Entity- Relationship (ER) Diagram replete with connectivity and cardinality considerations, and the database schema with the final set of Relations normalised to 3NF (Note: you do not need to include the normalisation steps). You should list any and all assumptions used in your report as well as any limitations that the reader should consider as they read your report.
You should treat the prescribed word limit as something you cannot breach as there is no plus-or- minus 10 per cent ascribed in this assessment. The reality of consultant-grade reports is that any that breach the requirements are rejected and no reasoning is provided to the consultant. As you are preparing for your professional life, treat this requirement as the same in this subject and that any report that breaches the word limit will not be marked 

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Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.

 Subject Title Introduction to Human ResourcesSubject Code HRM100
Lecturer / Tutor Raymond Wiranatakusuma
Trimester September 2020
Assessment Title Final Assessment (Assessment 3)
Learning Outcome/s a) Understand contemporary Human Resource Management (HRM) theories and concepts and apply them to the modern workplace.
b) Define the role and objectives of HRM and its link to organisational objectives and success.
c) Identify the phases of the Employee Life Cycle and how they can help facilitate a competitive advantage for an organisation.
d) Describe the ethical and governance challenge facing HR
Managers in developing policies and procedure
Assessment type Individual
Weighting 40%
Word count Approximately 500 words per answer (approximately 2000 words in total)
Due date Week 11 – Sunday 23:59
Class submission Online ?
Submission type Turnitin ?
Format / Layout of Assessment This assessment is a Written Task
ICMS Cover Page
Five (5) tasks are presented below. Please choose ONLY four (4) tasks and complete them.
If you use information from any sources, these MUST be referenced as per ICMS Style Guide. In addition to in-text references, you must provide reference list in the end of each answer.
You must ensure that your work does not contain plagiarism.
This is an individual assignment. You must not get help from others.
Do not discuss your answers with anyone.
instructions Complete only FOUR of the following tasks. Each task is worth 25 marks.
1. Choose ONE of the following options:
– Front office staff for a 5-star hotel (e.g. Hilton, Marriott, etc.) in Sydney
– Baristas for a coffee chain (e.g. Gloria Jeans, Starbucks, Coffee Club) in Sydney
– Bank tellers for a major bank in Australia
Explain the importance of conducting a job analysis and describe how you would conduct a job analysis for the position that you have chosen.
2. Explain how you would administer each stage of the ADDIE model to successfully plan, implement, and evaluate a customer service training program for front line staff of a supermarket such as Coles & Woolworths.
3. Explain what MBO is. Using a job/position in an organisation that you are familiar with, discuss 2 possible advantages and 2
possible disadvantages of using MBO to manage the performance of the job holder.
4. Discuss the main difference between internal and external rewards. Explain the importance of providing both internal and external rewards. Use examples to clarify your explanation.
5. Discuss the following statement:
“HR has a crucial role to play in ensuring work health and safety”. Choose a company that you are familiar with. Explain how the HR department of that company can help ensuring work health and safety.
Content 70% Excellent summation of sections and detailed explanation.

Excellent use of examples. Impressive summation and
Very good use of examples. Solid summation and explanation.
Satisfactory use of examples. Acceptable summation and explanation.
Acceptable use of examples.
Inadequate or poor summation
and explanation.

Inappropriate or inadequate use of examples.
Referencing 15% Correct referencing as per ICMS Style Guide
Excellent use of at least 2 – 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with very few minor mistakes
Very good use
of at least 2 – 3 high-quality references per answer
References are used to provide definitions and support explanation.
Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with only several minor mistakes
Good use of at least 2 high- quality references per answer
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Referencing as per ICMS Style Guide with several mistakes
Satisfactory use of at least 2 acceptable quality references per answer.
References are mostly just used to provide definitions. Failure to reference correctly by using ICMS
Style Guide.
Failure to use acceptable quality references.
References are mostly just used
to provide
Presentation 15%
Articulated clearly through very good grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Articulated clearly through
good grammar, punctuation,
and spelling. Only few minor errors. Articulated satisfactorily, answer contains some grammar, punctuation,
and spelling errors. Articulated adequately with inconsistent, yet acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling. Poor articulation that is difficult to understand. Lacking in acceptable grammar, punctuation, and spelling 

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SHRM content areas related to HRD. Unit 5 continues with Performance Management

 The Unit 5 discussion topics continue to address SHRM content areas related to HRD. Unit 5 continues with Performance Management. While performance management and performance appraisal are often confused, they are not the same. Performance management takes a broad view of activities intended to improve individual and organizational performance. This includes determining expectations, measuring employee action and results and coaching. The intent is to link individual’s work to attain organizational goals. Performance appraisals are a focused assessment of an employee’s performance within a set time parameter. Employees are measured against expectations resulting in decisions related to organizational talent and decisions. A performance appraisal typically involves the utilization of rating tools and forms followed by a formal conversation between an employee and their manager. Performance management, particularly performance appraisals, are being eliminated by many high profile organizations (Accenture, Adobe, Microsoft, and GE). Studies have indicated that only 30% of workers think that their organization’s performance management helps to improve the organization’s performance. Less than 40% described their organization’s performance management as having clear performance goals or honest feedback. Some SHRM professionals have suggested that organizations rid themselves of traditional performance management due to its negative impact on organizational performance. The SHRM report, Performance Management that Makes a Difference, also reports that a Deloitte study of its own performance management discovered that performance management took two million employee hours to set performance goals, submit evaluation forms and to participate in performance reviews. Further, the technology required to support the Deloitte performance management process was calculated to be many thousands of dollars. The study indicated that the organizational cost was not work the organizational benefit. Too often, performance management is not done well, the discussion topic for this unit is intended to help you better understand performance management and what is involved in actualizing its potential. Topic 1: SHRM Content Area (Performance Management) Figure 1 in the SHRM effective practice article, Performance Management,  provides an overview of the performance management process. Put that performance management process into your own words. What are some possible outcomes from effective performance management? Using an organization, you have worked with, how would you assess their application of the Performance Management process? What success has that organization had with possible positive performance management outcomes? What recommendations would you make to improve their performance management practice?

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Leadership and Management of Large Corporations

 Assessment InformationSubject Code: BUS606
Subject Name: Business Research Proposal and Literature Review
Assessment Title: Assessment 3 – Final Research Proposal and Literature Review
Weighting: 40 %
Total Marks: Length: 40
3000 (not including reference list)
COURSE: Master of Business (Research)
Unit: Business Research Proposal and Literature Review
Unit Code: BUS606
Type of
Assessment: Assessment 3 – Final Research Proposal and Literature Review
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: (a) Demonstrate an advanced ability to initiate and prepare an original research proposal.
(b) Demonstrate an advanced ability to prepare a literature review based on the support of an original research proposal.
(c) Demonstrate a critical appreciation of the ethical issues associated with an original research proposal and their implications for the research and for the acceptability of the research by an ethics review committee.
(d) Critically evaluate the coherence, relevance and methodological merits of a given body of literature.
(e) Demonstrate a critical understanding of the theoretical, practical and professional contexts and significance of the research.
(f) Prepare a literature review that identifies and discriminates between concepts, issues, key findings and relevant theories most pertinent to the research proposal which the review supports.
Criteria for
• Knowledge and Understanding
• Content and exploration of theories and ideas
• Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
• Technical skills and referencing
Assessment Task: In this task, you will develop a research proposal for a research project addressing Leadership and Management issues that is aligned to one of the Research Clusters in the School of Business.
This research proposal will be used to allocate your Research
Supervisors who will be appointed to supervisor your Master of
Business Research thesis and will also be reviewed by the
Research Committee to complete your Confirmation of Candidature requirements.
Drawing on your synthesis of the existing research literature in business and allied fields, you will identify a research question based on the theoretical, professional, or organizational ‘gap’ for a business problem that your proposed research will address. You will analyze the implications of various theoretical approaches in order to choose and develop an appropriate theoretical framework for your research. You will analyze the strengths and weaknesses of various methodological approaches before choosing and justifying a preferred methodology for your research.
You research proposal and literature review should comprise the following sections:
Research Project Title: A working title for the Master of Business Research thesis that is no more than 12 words
Research Cluster: Identify the Research Cluster aligned to your research project
• Cluster 1: Leadership and Management of Large
• Cluster 2: Leadership and Management of Not-for Profit Organisations
• Cluster 3: Leadership and Management of Start-ups, SMEs and Family Business
• Cluster 4: Leadership and Management of Technological and Digital Transformation Cluster 5: Leadership and Management of Sustainable Business Operations
• Cluster 6: Leadership and Management of Government and Multilateral Organisations
• Cluster 7: Leadership and Management of Tourism and Hospitality Organisations
Executive Summary of the Research Project: In one paragraph state the purpose of the research, the research approach and the conclusion from the project.
Introduction: The introduction should provide an overview of the research project and issues addressed by the research. Place your project in conversation with other projects on similar topics.
Justification for the Research: Provide justifications for your project by explaining the need for the research, why your proposed research is important and what is the expected contribution of your research to the field of study.
Review of literature: The literature review should address and synthesise the relevant literature and prior research in the parent disciplines and relevant sub-disciplines.
Identification and definition of key terms: All key terms used need to be identified and definitions justified.
Evaluation of current theory and practice: Critically evaluate the current theories relevant to the research and identify gaps and related issues that the research project will address.
Research Objectives: State the general purpose of the project and outline the specific objectives you want to achieve by undertaking the research project.
Research Questions: Specify the key research questions you want to address in your research project. These questions should be consistent with your objectives.
Statement of the Research Problem: Clearly define your research problem. This section must address the following questions: “What is the gap that needs to be filled?” and/or “What is the problem that needs to be solved.
Statement of proposed research methodology: Outline the proposed research methodology such as quantitative methods, qualitative methods, or mixed methods. Also outline your research paradigm, research design, research strategy, sampling design, data collection method, and data analysis method. You must provide justifications for all your methodological decisions.
Statement of data sources and data collection methods: Outline how you propose to collect data for your research. Ensure this is a practical proposition and that you have taken account of the time required to collect data and any costs associated with data collection.
Evaluation of all ethical considerations: Identify the ethical concerns you anticipate and demonstrate how you will address them.
Statement of Expected Research Contribution: Prepare a statement outlining what is the expected contribution of your research project to the filed of research in the areas of theoretical development, methodological practice, leadership and / or management practice, policy or regulatory development or other areas of contribution.
Research timetable: Develop a timetable that will enable you to complete your proposed research thesis within the two semesters of study for the Master of Business Research thesis. This timetable must be realistic and you will be held accountable to meeting this timetable by your supervisors.
Bibliography: The research proposal should be supported by an extensive bibliography comprising at a minimum 30 references.
Submission Date: Week 12 (online submission).
Total Mark & Weighting: 40 marks | 40%
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or approved extenuating circumstances incur a 5% penalty per calendar day,
calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 15 will incur a 1.75 mark penalty per calendar day.
Marking Rubrics
Criteria HD (High Distinction) 85%-100% DN (Distinction)
75%-84% CR (Credit) 74%-65% P (Pass)
50%-64% F (Fail)
Knowledge and understanding
5 marks Command of the topic, unusual creativity, perception and insight, all suggesting that work should be published in an academic forum. Demonstrates command of the topic by showing creativity, perception and insight — a serious contribution to the academic debate. Demonstrates a well- informed understanding of the topic by showing
creativity and insight — a serious contribution to the academic debate. Understanding of contemporary academic debate, with some
creative input and insight, with a tendency toward description. Limited/poor understanding demonstrated. Any creative input is somewhat off the point.
Content and exploration of theories and ideas 15 marks Outstanding selection that makes a substantial contribution to academic debate. Outstanding selection from a wide relevant and innovative range of perspectives and sources. Selection from a wide and relevant range of perspectives and sources that draws upon contemporary academic debate. Relevant selection from a range of perspectives and sources. Sources are mostly integrated into the overall argument. Narrow selection, minimal use of sources, to support the argument.
Analysis, synthesis and critical engagement
15 marks Outstanding use of source material.
Excellent argument that is Sources very well integrated into the overall argument. Clear well Sources wellintegrated into the overall argument. Clear, cogent Mostly clear, cogent and wellstructured argument.
Demonstrates Sources are not properly integrated into the argument. Absence of clear and cogent
of the highest academic quality. Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the question, to a high degree of excellence. structured argument that is well crafted and cogent. Critical distance and outstanding analysis of the question. and wellstructured argument.
distance and sound analysis of the question. criticality and generally good analysis. argument.
Incomplete analysis with a tendency to accept the source material at face value.
Technical skills and referencing
5marks Referencing impeccable using appropriate conventions.
No errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions.
Virtually no errors in grammar or spelling. Referencing clear and accurate using appropriate conventions. Good grammar and spelling. Referencing sufficiently clear and using an appropriate convention. Adequate grammar and spelling. References limited/inappropriate. Many errors in grammar and
spelling, making it difficult or impossible to read

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Federated identity management

Subject: Cryptography

Describe how federated identity management will impact the processes behind identifying end users. 

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SHRM Content Area (Change Management – Resistance to Change) Change is a common HRD outcome related to assessment.

 Topic 1: SHRM Content Area (Change Management – Resistance to Change) Change is a common HRD outcome related to assessment. HRD professionals are then involved in the process of change management. One component of change management is understanding resistance to change. Borkowski  presents Roethlisberger’s X Chart as a means of understanding and responding constructively to individual resistance to change. The Roethlisberger X Chart suggests forces (change, personal history and social work situations) that influence attitudes, which then lead to a response. Borkowski provides additional insight into understanding the forces of change, personal history, and social work situations with an additional review addressing resistance to change, individuals’ barriers to change, discomfort with uncertainty, perceived negative effects, lack of clarity and excessive change. Based on the reading, and your experience, which have you seen having the greatest impact on attitudes? What would you recommend as a way of constructively having a positive impact on these factors? Topic 2: SHRM Content Area (Change Management Lewin’s Force Field and 3 Step Model) Another component of change management is understanding and applying models of change. Borkowski also presents Lewin’s Change Model with its driving and restraining forces. Utilization of driving and restraining forces provides a three step process for implementing change (unfreeze, change and refreeze). Apply Lewin’s Change Model with its forces and three steps to the organization you are using for the course project. What is the one change your organization needs the most? What are the driving and restraining forces? How should they be manipulated to work through the three steps of unfreeze, change and refreeze? What should be done to refreeze the change in the organization?

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Knowledge Management (KM) is an invaluable tool to the oil industry. Justify this statement with suitable examples.

Instructions Sheet
1. Type your answers in a word document and upload the document through the Moodle assessment submission for grading within the strict cut-off date and time. This will be limited to a time frame of 24 hours allowing you to type, complete, and upload. This will be checked by Turnitin as usual.
2. This examination comprises two parts, Parts A and B. Research and prepare answers to all questions in Part A and B. Use a variety of web sources, journals and books to do research, read, understand and then explain in your own words.
3. Part A: Answer ALL the questions. Part A is worth 25 marks.
4. Part B: Answer ALL the questions. Part B is worth 25 marks. Some specific instructions for Part B are:
• Read the supplied case study carefully and answer all the questions given this exam paper.
• Be specific and focused on the issue while answering the questions.
• No marks will be given for irrelevant details.
5. Write your answers clearly; use numbered headings or subheadings to show which part of your answer refers to which question. Example: Part A – Question 2 (a).
6. The submission may be subject to additional verification in the form of a Zoom interview with the Unit Coordinator (or nominee). Inability to satisfactorily answer questions about submission solution(s) will receive zero for the question(s). Interviews would only be used if there was suspicion about the submission and/or additional detail was required.
Answer ALL questions from this part.
Each question is worth 5 marks (5 x 5 = 25 marks).
Question 1 5 Marks
Consider three decisions you have made today. (Those decisions could be simple such as, taking a turn while driving or even choosing books at a library.) In each case determine the data, information, or knowledge that were involved in the decision. Now consider how those decisions would have been influenced by the lack of pre-existing data, information, or knowledge.
Question 2 5 Marks
Knowledge Management (KM) is an invaluable tool to the oil industry. Justify this statement with suitable examples.
Question 3 5 Marks
Suggest reasons why a knowledge-sharing system could be established between rival organisations (e.g., Mastercard and Visa, Toyota and Honda) for their mutual benefit.
Question 4 5 Marks
Tacit knowledge could be transferred from one person to another in two distinct ways. One possibility is to transfer it directly through socialisation. The other possibility is to convert it into explicit form (through externalisation), then transfer it in the explicit form to the recipient (through exchange), who then converts it into tacit form (through internalisation). What are the pros and cons of each approach? If the purpose is to transfer knowledge from one person to one other person, which approach would you recommend? Why? If the purpose is to transfer knowledge from one person to 100 other individuals in different parts of the world, which approach would you recommend? Why?
Part A continued over the next page
Part A (continued)
Question 5 5 Marks
How would you utilise knowledge discovery systems and knowledge capture systems in an organisation that is spread across the globe? Does geographic distance hamper the utilisation of these systems?
Answer ALL questions from this part.
Each question is worth 5 marks (5 x 5 = 25 marks).
Case Study: It’s not what you know … it’s who you know
Please find the case study on the 7th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf file available through the Assessment tab of the Moodle unit website.
Case Study Questions
1. The initial interview and orientation presented a very strong message about the knowledge environment operating at Manic Marketers. What features were portrayed? How did these differ from reality?
2. A mentor has certain functions in an organisation. Identify the types of support offered by this mentor. What else could the mentor have done to help Damon gain organisational knowledge?
3. In this context, the recording of client data is a major benefit to the organisation. Identify the types of information that should be included and discuss how they might have been recorded as codified knowledge. Review KM Viewpoint 2.1 located on the 4th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf and identify the other forms of knowledge which would have been of value to Damon in this initial stage.
4. Using KM Viewpoint 2.2 located on the 6th page of the Exam Case Study.pdf evaluate the social capital factors which were evident in the knowledge environment. What, in your opinion were the key weaknesses?
5. Manic Marketers needed to develop some very different approaches to how they share their knowledge. Identify some strategies which might be considered. How would you implement these strategies? What impediments to sharing can you identify?
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Leadership and Management in Complex Systems research by Jager and van der Vegt (2005),

Chapter 13 – Our observations from the case study reading in the chapter material, Leadership and Management in Complex Systems research by Jager and van der Vegt (2005), is that leadership scholars seem to acknowledge the dynamic nature of leadership and have developed models and frameworks to organize and describe the factors that are important.  However, empirical research to test these models is scarce.  The authors have suggested several reasons for the lack of such research on dynamic leadership processes. 

Q1: Carefully identify at least four (4) reasons, and provide a brief narrative about each reason, an

d why the authors provided that reason?  what are those four reasons for the lack of research? provide a brief narrative for each reason to support your response

Chapter 13 – According to our chapter case study, agent-based gaming projects have been noted as requiring the interaction between many different actors with possible turbulences.  Following this research viewpoint, Jager et al. (2000), what are the functions of agent-based models in the simulated market?

Q2: What is the function of the agent-based model in the simulated market?

identify and name the function(s),  provide a short and succinct narrative of each

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Management personality style.

Assignment 2: DiSC Assessment Reflection

Due Week 5 and worth 100 points.

Instructions: Use your Everything DiSC Management Profile Assessment results to identify your DiSC management style and answer the questions below. Remember, this is a reflection of your personality and strengths, so there are no “right” answers. Just be sure to answer the questions honestly and thoughtfully.

DiSC STYLE: ___________

(insert style above ex: D, i, S, C, etc.)

1. Give a brief summary of what your style says about your management personality style. (Page 4 of your report.)

2. Did your results surprise you? Explain why or why not.

3. Go to Page 5 of your report. Identify your “priorities,” and write them in the space below. (These are the areas where you focus most of your energy.)

4. Describe two (2) situations where one or more of your “priorities” have helped you accomplish a task and/or helped you to be effective when working with others.

5. Locate the list of motivators and stressors on Page 6 of your report. Choose three (3) of motivators and three (3) of stressors that you most identify with. In the space below, write down why you chose these motivators and stressors and explain how you’ve experienced them before.

6. Locate the list of your strengths and challenges as they relate to directing and delegating. (Page 7 of your report.) Identify the three (3) strengths and three (3) challenges that you identify with the most. Explain why you chose those strengths and challenges below.

7. After watching the Strayer Story: Discovering Your Purpose: Strengths and Personality and reading more about your DiSC management style, identify three (3) jobs/careers that you believe would align well with your personality. Use the list of occupations in this week’s “Coach’s Huddle” to help you narrow down your choices. Briefly explain why you feel as though your personality would be a good match for these jobs/careers.

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