Writers Solution

Marketing Management and Digital Communications

CQUniversity Unit Profile
MRKT20052 Term 3 ¬ 2019 Marketing Management and Digital Communications
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All details in this unit profile for MRKT20052 have been officially approved by CQUniversity and represent a learning partnership between the University and you (our student).
The information will not be changed unless absolutely necessary and any change will be clearly indicated by an approved correction included in the profile.
General Information
Class and Assessment Overview
CQUniversity Policies
Previous Student Feedback
Unit Learning Outcomes
Alignment of Learning Outcomes, Assessment and Graduate Attributes
Textbooks and Resources
Referencing Style
Teaching Contacts
Assessment Tasks 1 Portfolio
Assessment Title Portfolio Articles Analysis
Task Description
For this assessment, each student will be analysing two news articles for tutorial discussion and submission on two separate weeks. Assessment 1A is due in week 4 and Assessment 1B is due in week 6 (refer to the Schedule section and Moodle for information on due dates).
This is an individual assessment with a maximum word count of 1000 words for each article analysis (including references). In your write ups, the emphasis should be on identifying the marketing implications of the events or incidents described in the selected articles.
List of articles to choose from for both Assessment 1A and Assessment 1B will be provided on the Moodle site for the unit in ‘Assessments’ folder. For each article analysis prepare a write­up (in .doc or .docx format) of no more than 1000 words for submission via Moodle.
The write­up for each article should be presented in the following format (ensure to use these points as sub¬headings in your write­up):
1. Concise summary of the key issues illustrated in the article.
2. Explanation of why the issues illustrated in the articles are important.
3. Discussion of implications of these issues from a marketing perspective.
For each write­up provide a list of at least 4 academic citations and references plus the reference for the chosen article Only references used

12/15/2019 CQUniversity Unit Profile
For each writeup, provide a list of at least 4 academic citations and references plus the reference for the chosen article . Only references used in text should be included in your reference list. The references should consist of published academic and research papers and textbooks in the write­up to support key points. Ensure that your references are relevant to the issues discussed. Referencing should follow the APA style.
Each article analysis submission is worth 10% equating to a total of 20% of the mark for the unit. Tutorial class activities in weeks 2 ­ 3 are designed to assist students in preparing for their week 1A assessment (due on Friday, week 4) and tutorial activity in weeks 4 and 5 for their 1B assessment (due on Monday, week 6).
Tutors will take note of the participants in class. Distance/online/flex students will discuss their analysis of articles 1 and 2 in the allocated Moodle discussion forum in weeks 3 and 5, respectively.
Academic Misconduct will be monitored to ensure that your submitted work is original and not purchased or copied from other students. Where assessments are found to be similar or purchased, penalties will be applied in accordance with University policy. Late penalties of 5% of the total mark will be deducted for every day late unless you have received an Assessment Extension from the Unit Coordinator.
Assessment Due Date Assessment 1A ­ Portfolio Article 1 Due: 6th December, Friday of week 4 (5PM
AEST); Assessment 1B ­ Portfolio Article 2 Due: 23rd December, Monday of week 6 (5PM AEST)
Return Date to Students Results will be released after moderation is completed (expected release to
students is 2 weeks after submission excluding public and University holidays time).
Weighting 20%
Assessment Criteria
Both Assessment 1A and 1B are marked usng the same criteria.
Summary of key issues (1.5 marks)
Explanations of issues’ importance (2 marks) Reflective analysis (4 marks)
Writing style (1 mark)
Evidence of research (1.5 marks)
Assessments will be marked in Feedback Studio.
Penalties apply for late submission (5% mark will be deducted from the total mark per day unless an approved extension has been granted).
Referencing Style American Psychological Association (APA)
Submission Online
Submission Instructions
Please ensure you submit your work as a word document (.doc or .docx) through relevant assessment submission link in unit’s Moodle page (link for submitting Assessment 1A is located in week 4 folder and for Assessment 1B in week 6 folder)
Graduate Attributes Knowledge Communication
Cognitive, technical and creative skills


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Writers Solution

Financial Management for the Supply Chain Professional

APICS Greater North Jersey presents a workshop about the financial management for the Supply Chain Professional – Financial Management for the Supply Chain Professional 

Click on the link titled Financial Management for the Supply Chain Professional to watch the workshop being presented.


Students are required to compose a film critique on each of the films assigned in the course. The critiques should be between 500 and 750 words long. They should be well written, following standard rules of grammar and composition, and developing consistent, cohesive ideas over several paragraphs.

A critique is an analytical essay on a film, in which you give your opinion on the aesthetic quality of the film and then give your reasons for your opinion.  Do not limit yourself to reacting to the film (“I loved it !”) and do not use generic terms like “incredible,” “wonderful,” “marvelous,” etc. Unlike a review, you assume that the reader has already seen the movie; you do not need to give an extensive plot summary; you do not need to hide plot information so as not to spoil the surprise of the viewer; and you do need to be consistently analytical and critical.

  • Your first paragraph should summarize the film’s plot and act as a transition to the analytical part of the essay. 
  • The second paragraph should explain how the Supply Chain concepts for the week were depicted by the film and why the depiction was or was not meaningful. What Supply Chain lessons were learned? What suggestions might you give to the role players to effectuate different and perhaps more satisfying (or even prosperous) result?

You are under all circumstances to make sure the opinions expressed in your film critiques are yours and not those borrowed from a printed or internet source!  Plagiarism will be severely treated in this class.  I encourage you to consult outside sources on the film you are critiquing, but you must use a reference system to credit all the sources you use.

Writers Solution

President and Congress to remove the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA)

Complete a briefing paper of at least five pages (double-spaced— not including the title page, abstract, references or appendixes) on the following: 

Should the U.S. Department of Homeland Security (DHS) recommend to the President and Congress to remove the Federal Emergency Management Agency (FEMA) from the DHS structure and make it an independent agency of the US Executive Branch? Discuss challenges facing FEMA responding to disasters. What strategies should be taken to lessen these challenges?  

Provide a short legal brief you might submit to your superiors.  The writing assignment should provide a balanced analysis of the issue assigned based on pertinent legal and other materials. The material for each assignment will come both from the required readings and outside research in order to fully assess the issues. 

Technical Requirements:

Length: 5 pages (not including the title page, abstract, references or appendixes), double spaced, 1″ margins, 12 pitch type in Times New Roman font

Citations/References:  You must use the APA style for this assignment.

Writers Solution

NoSQL database management system

For each of the following four cases, select the type of NoSQL database management system that would fit best the needs of each unique situation described below. Be sure to also include an applicable diagram and sample script for each situation.

  1. The database has to support a relatively complex hierarchical internal record structure that may vary for each record.
  2. The key requirement for the database is to access a specific record as quickly as possible without any concern regarding the internal structure of the record.
  3. The data are particularly well suited to be organized as a network of associations between the data items.
  4. It is important that the DBMS provides quick access to each of the records by a key value, but, in addition, it has to also allow easy access to the components of each record.

In order to successfully complete this activity, you’ll need to do some outside research on NoSQL. Pages 322-323 in the textbook discuss NoSQL from a high level. Start there then find outside sources to use to complete this activity. Additionally, I’ve included some text from another book I’ve used in the past for this topic, attached here, for your assistance in completing the activity.

Writers Solution

You have been asked by management to secure the laptop computer of an individual who was just dismissed from the company under unfavorable circumstances

You have been asked by management to secure the laptop computer of an individual who was just dismissed from the company under unfavorable circumstances. Describe how you would start this incident off correctly by properly protecting and securing the evidence on the laptop. 

 Should be a minimum of  500 words with 3 references. See APA criteria for citing resources. 

  2-3 APA Citations within paragraphs 

 2-3 APA References at the end 

Writers Solution

earned value management concepts (EVM)

  • Your Project Sponsor pulls you aside and admits that he has no idea what earned value management concepts (EVM), such as AC, BCWP, and EV mean; he is only concerned that you deliver the project ahead of schedule and under budget. Using the information covered from your readings and other activities, develop a project to educate him, including which EVM performance measures you would educate him on. Provide a rationale for your selection of topics.
Writers Solution

Principles of Management.

Strategic Management


Read Chapter 5: Strategizing, Section 2: Strategic Management in the P-O-L-C Framework in our textbook, “Principles of Management.” The textbook can be downloaded from the syllabus.

Part 1

answer the following questions:

  1. In a SWOT, how do internal factors (strengths, weaknesses) differ from external ones (opportunities, threats)?
  2. Provide examples of when a firm’s strength might simultaneously be a weakness.
  3. Remember that a SWOT is only one kind of tool. What are some of its limitations in diagnosing the situation of a firm?

Part 2

Pick any organization you are familiar with and complete a SWOT analysis for it.  You may want to create a chart to help organize your ideas.  Refer to figure 5.6 in the reading for an example of how to set up a chart. You may also want to review the SWOT Analysis of Flat World Knowledge as an example.  Evaluate which is stronger for an organization — internal or external factors. What specific ideas from the SWOT are most important to overall strategy formulation for the organization?Prepare a two page (double-spaced) essay. The paper should be 12-point font, TimesNew Roman, be at least 500 words, and include a final source list.

Part 3

What would a SWOT look like for you personally?  What are your greatest strengths and weaknesses?  Greatest opportunities and threats?

Writers Solution

Compulsory income management versus spending autonomy for welfare recipients

Assessment Task 3

Assessment Type Weighting Word Count Week Due
Report 40% 3,000 words 11

Assessment Task

You are to write a report comparing two different policy approaches to a contemporary social issue.

Examples of policy approaches to consider:

·         Harm minimisation versus abstinence in drug policy

·         Compulsory income management versus spending autonomy for welfare recipients

·         Restorative justice versus incarceration

·         Adoption versus family support programs

·         Public versus private human services delivery

·         medical cannabis prescription versus prohibition

  • assisted dying versus a ban on euthanasia

Note: choose one from the topics listed above.

Assessment Scaffold


Outline the issue you are examining, the key populations this affects, the different government departments and levels of government who currently respond to this issue.

Body of Report

For each of the policy approaches outline:

·         A broad overview of the policy approach, the key theory of government and the social values or philosophies that underpin it

·         The policy objectives of the approach and key policy documents that reference this

·         Some examples of how this approach has been described and framed in media discussions

·         A critique of the human rights implications of this policy approach and whether the policy or elements of the policy could be considered oppressive

·         An assessment of the evidence for the effectiveness of the policy, including information from formal evaluations if it is available

·         In what circumstances this policy approach could be considered an appropriate response to an issue

·         In what circumstances could this policy approach could be an inappropriate response to an issue

Integrating paragraphs and action plan

Consider each policy approach and describe which approach you broadly consider to be the most helpful in addressing the key social issue. Discuss how you would advocate for this including how you would balance the competing claims offered in the other approach. Outline at least two strategies you could use to advance your claim. Support your position with reference to human rights legislation and/or the AASW code of ethics.


Write a conclusion that briefly outlines the key case you have made for the best policy approach to the issue.

Assessment Criteria – Task 3

1.       Relevance of answer to topic

2.       Key issue being examined is outlined including information on population groups and government departments that address this

3.       Assertions are supported with relevant academic sources, government reports, and other relevant references

4.       Policy positions are reported and analysed

5.       Position taken is argued for logically and consistently

6.       Critical reflection as to how human rights are addressed in these policy positions and whether position is oppressive

7.       Main ideas are clearly and logically presented

8.       Each element of the report has been addressed

9.       Correct grammar, spelling and punctuation used throughout

10.   Academic style guidelines followed as outlined in the learning support website and first/third person writing style is applied where relevant

11.   Referencing using APA (6th edition) conventions

12.   Word count is within + or -10% of requirement

Writers Solution

Risk Management and the Supply Chain

Describe four unknown-unknown sources of risk that can affect a supply chain and four known-unknown sources of risk that can affect a supply chain. For each source, apply a management strategy that may eliminate or lessen the effects on the overall supply chain.

The Risk Management and the Supply Chain paper:

  • Must be four to five double-spaced pages in length (not including title and references pages) and formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center (Links to an external site.).
  • Must include a separate title page with the following:
    • Title of paper
    • Student’s name
    • Course name and number
    • Instructor’s name
    • Date submitted
  • Must use at least three scholarly sources from the Ashford University Library in addition to the course text.
  • Must document all sources in APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Must include a separate references page that is formatted according to APA style as outlined in the Ashford Writing Center.

Writers Solution

Principles of Project Management

Subject Code and Title PROJ 6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 4 – Personal Reflection
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1500 words
Learning Outcomes Successful completion of this assignment will result in achievement of the following subject learning outcomes:
1. Understand PMBOK knowledge areas and process groups and their role, relevance and impact on project management best practice and PMI’s Code of Ethics.
2. Critically compare and contrast project management approaches and their appropriateness for managing a variety of project types.
3. Apply appropriate project management tools and techniques, paying particular attention to risk management.
4. Critically reflect on the leadership styles necessary to succeed in a range of project management situations, and their personal capacity to succeed in those situations.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday First Half of Module 6
Weighting 20%
Total Marks 20 marks
At the beginning of your learning journey on this subject, you were encouraged to reflect on your learning experience and knowledge obtained from the learning modules through discussions and participation. This assessment will provide an opportunity for you to reflect on your learning, document lessons learned, identify global project management practices you hope to adopt in your career. In short, your reflection is a tool for developing knowledge and professionalism in all matters relevant to you as a project manager and leader.
PROJ6000_assessment 4 brief_November
2018.docx Page 1 of 4

By the first half of Module 6, you will be required to submit a 1500-word reflection of your learning throughout the subject using the given/approved case study.
Your reflection should include project management knowledge you have gained throughout the previous learning modules in this subject and appropriate use of additional resources related to this assessment.
Based on what you have learnt in this subject, describe project management practices, implementation and competencies of the project team that result in success and/or failure in the given project. Critically analyse how you could do to enhance or improve success rate of the project.
Include references to readings and additional resources discovered.
Output and Submission:
Submit your completed assessment at the first half of Module 6.
Assessment Criteria
This assessment will be graded using the Learning Rubric below. It is worth 20% of the marks available for this subject.

Learning Rubrics
Attributes Fail
(0-49) Pass
(50-64) Credit
(65-74) Distinction
(75-84) High Distinction
communication Difficult to understand for audience, no logical/clear structure, poor flow of Information, arguments and Information, arguments and Information, arguments and Expertly presented; the presentation is
25% ideas, argument lacks supporting evidence. evidence are presented in a way that is not evidence are well presented, mostly evidence are very well presented, the logical, persuasive, and well supported
No effort is made to keep audience engaged, audience cannot follow the always clear and logical. clear flow of ideas and arguments. presentation is logical, clear and well supported by by evidence,
demonstrating a clear flow of ideas and
line of reasoning. Attempts are made to keep the audience The audience is mostly engaged. evidence. arguments.
engaged, but not always successful. Line of reasoning is often difficult to follow. Line of reasoning is easy to follow. Engages the audience, demonstrates cultural sensitivity. Engages and sustains audience’s interest in the topic, demonstrates high levels of cultural sensitivity.
Knowledge and Limited understanding of required Knowledge or Thorough Highly developed A sophisticated
understanding concepts and knowledge understanding of the knowledge or understanding of the understanding of the
25% Key components of the assignment are field or discipline. understanding of the field or field or discipline/s. field or discipline/s.
not addressed. Resembles a recall or discipline/s. Discriminates Systematically and
summary of key ideas. Supports personal opinion and between assertion of personal opinion and critically discriminates between assertion of
Often information information personal opinion and
conflates/confuses substantiated by substantiated by information
assertion of personal evidence from the robust evidence from substantiated by
opinion with information research/course materials. the research/course robust evidence from the research/course

substantiated by materials and materials and
evidence from the research/course Demonstrates a capacity to explain extended reading. extended reading.
materials. and apply relevant concepts. Well demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts. Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
Reflection No attempt to demonstrate Little to no attempt to Inconsistently The reflection The reflection
connections to previous learning or demonstrate draws connections demonstrates demonstrates
50% experience. connections between between the connections between connections between
learning experience experience and the experience and the experience and
and material. materials. materials. material from other courses; past
Analysis is defensive or Sometimes Demonstrates a non- experiences; and/or
lack of depth. defensive or one- sided in analysis. defensive ability to critically appraise and discuss on the topics. personal goals.
Demonstrates an open, non-defensive ability to critically appraise and discuss on the topics.