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organisation’s risk management policies and procedures and make general comments on the strength and weakness of these current arrangements


Manage risk

Participant Assessment

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Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources.

Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your assessment here and ask your fellow students for a constructive and supportive review.

Perhaps, you can even help another student and answer their questions.

Sharing information is the key to success and remember; the only silly question is the one that remains unasked!!!


Read the scenario below, and provide a detailed response to how you may handle or resolve the situation within the scenario based on your knowledge and skills.  If answers are being simulated, make it as real as possible to workplace settings.

The trainer at Upskilled, a training company, has her laptop stolen from an interstate restaurant where she was conducting a dinner meeting with clients. The laptop contains nearly 4 weeks of data that had not been backed up. This is a significant loss of a large amount of personal information regarding clients and business opportunities. In addition to this loss, the trainer is now without use of a laptop and still has much client work to conduct. As a result of this loss, Upskilled undertakes a risk management process and decides to implement an action plan to ensure all identified risks are minimised.

Develop a detailed action plan with

a)  A policy to reduce the likelihood of this occurrence happening again.

b)  3 procedures to mitigate (minimise) the possible consequences, should it ever occur again. c)   Include if there is any legislative or regulatory context that you need to be aware of.


Read the project below, and provide a detailed response. Use as many workplace examples as possible. If answers are being simulated, make it as real as possible to workplace settings.

In order to demonstrate competence in this unit, you need to demonstrate that you plan, conduct and evaluate risk management strategies for an organisation or business. You can use your own work example or provide simulated answers.

Your task is to:

•            Describe your chosen organisation’s risk management policies and procedures and make general comments on the strength and weakness of these current arrangements.

•            Identify four risks in your organisation where there is a potential for having a negative impact on reaching your organisational objectives.

•            Analyse and evaluate these four risks according to the likelihood of them occurring and the consequences if they did occur, i.e. provide a Risk Assessment matrix on these four risks.

•            List the stakeholders for each of the risks identified and analyse the possible impact of the risk on the stakeholders. How will you communicate the changes to them?

•        Prioritise the treatment of the identified risks.

•        How will you monitor the implementation and effectiveness of your risk management plan?

What are the critical success factors?

•            Describe how you will document your risk management strategies so that they can become part of your organisation’s policies and procedures for managing risk.




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utility of case management services

SWK535 Movie Reflection Rubric (3-4 Pages) 150 points

Students will watch two films to help them understand the utility of case management services. Students must watch the films and engage in self-reflection and critical analysis of the issues presented throughout the films. Use APA format and the follow the rubric posted on Blackboard. The films are:

The Waiting Room:

Living in tents: for rent at

InstructionFeedbackPoints EarnedPoints Possible
Summary Provide a brief summary of the films, their main points, and positions50
Reflection Describe your position and personal reflections about the films. Incorporate relevant readings from the text to support your position.75
Organization Use the headings provided in this rubric and present organized sentences and paragraphs. All sentences are well constructed and have varied structure and length. No errors in grammar, mechanics, and/or spelling. APA style formatting




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If you were part of the management team at Petrie Electronics

Petrie Electronics

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Due Date

Petrie Electronics

5.57 Look over the scope statement (PE Figure 5-1). If you were an employee at Petrie Electronics, would you want to work on this project? Why or why not?

Because the Project has been divided into portions, if I worked for Petrie Electronics, I would want to work on it. Overview of the project, goals, major suppositions, and stakeholders. You may see a breakdown of the project and a list of the people in charge of each part. I’ll participate in the project since it is well structured because it is nicely organized.

5.58 If you were part of the management team at Petrie Electronics, would you approve the project outlined in the scope statement in PE Figure 5-1? What changes, if any, need to be made to the document?

The project overview and objective are both specific, so I would accept it. I would want to add that the stakeholders have a responsibility to be more detailed and to set a time for each project part so that they can easily follow what needs to be finished by when.

5.59 Identify a preliminary set of tangible and intangible costs you think would occur for this project and the system it describes. What intangible benefits do you anticipate for the system?

Training and staff salary are examples of tangible costs. Customer happiness and employee productivity are two examples of intangible benefits. A system to track the number of consumers who shop there at a particular moment is one of the advantages. Customers will be encouraged to shop more by the incentive scheme in order to accrue more points. A company’s reputation for dependability and consumer trust is aided by excellent customer service.

5.60 What do you consider to be the risks of the project as you currently understand it? Is this a low-, medium-, or high-risk project? Justify your answer. Assuming you were part of Jim’s team, would you have any particular risks?

If I were on Jim’s squad, I would take part. Due to the fact that it is an extra advantage, the project has low risk. The business can continue to run with or without a customer reward program. If revenues do not rise, incentives for devoted consumers may become an additional expense. Another expense that must be considered is the cost of outsourcing system development. This is a risk since money will be lost if the project’s objective is not met.

5.61 If you were assigned to help Jim with this project, how would you utilize the concept of incremental commitment in the design of the Baseline Project Plan?

You can examine the project at each stage, make changes, and go on to the next step of the project with incremental commitment. The financial, technical, and operational schedules can be examined and fixed one step at a time using this notion in the baseline project plan.

5.62 If you were assigned to Jim’s team for this project, when in the project schedule (in what phase or after which activities are completed) do you think you could develop an economic analysis of the proposed system? What economic feasibility factors do you think would be relevant?

Yes, I am able to create an economic analysis to ascertain the project’s profitability and how frequently clients would purchase as a result of the incentive schemes. Cost of systems study, time spent by systems analysts, and employee study time are a few key economic feasibility variables. In this project, training time and expense are important considerations.

5.63 If you were assigned to Jim’s team for this project, what activities would you conduct in order to prepare the details for the Baseline Project Plan? Explain the purpose of each activity and show a timeline or schedule for these activities.

At each stage of the project, I will do an incremental analysis.

  1. Activity- Introduction
  2. Activity – System Description
  3. Feasibility Assessment Economic analysis Cost benefit – cost to train and implement the project Operational analysis To measure customer satisfaction and increase in sales Schedules, timeline and resource analysis The entire project would take around 6 months to complete. Each stage of the project will take two months, with the second month dedicated to increment analysis.
  4. Management Issues – Description of stakeholder or team member

Assessing risk

The first step in creating a risk assessment plan is determining the hazards that your staff and business are exposed to. Look around your firm and consider how business activity or outside factors might negatively affect your workforce. Consider who will be injured if the hazards you’ve identified occur for each one. After making a list of potential risks, consider how likely it is that each risk will materialize and how significant the consequences will be if it does. With the help of this assessment, you can decide which risks should be given top priority and where they should be minimized.

You should reevaluate your analysis and, if required, make changes. Your workplace is constantly changing, and with it the risks to your business. Each new piece of machinery, method, or individual raises the possibility of a fresh risk. Review and update your risk assessment approach frequently to stay on top of these new threats (Puettmann, 2015).

Risk factors

  1. Project size

Due to the project’s extensive scope, the project’s success could be jeopardized by a lack of cash or poor financial management brought on by an overly ambitious budget or other restrictions. The risk may migrate to other operations and labor segments if the project cost exceeds the allocated money. The decrease in funds could also have an impact on the incidence of a scope risk. People will grow disinterested in the endeavor. In the middle of a project that lasts for months or even years, stakeholders could get lost. The business climate could change between the time the project is initiated and the point at which you identify it as finished. What would happen if your sponsors’ focus was redirected to newer projects or significant market changes, resulting in the loss of crucial funding? Costs will also increase. Cost creep is a valid concern for a few excellent reasons. The first are basic inflation and market conditions. When the project was still in the planning stages, were the pricing you obtained and the estimates you made still accurate? Your team members might also be less adamant about adhering to the original budget because there will be plenty of opportunities to “pay back” overages by borrowing from one line item to support another, much as you worry about losing control of a huge project’s time component. Can you stick to your budget over the long term?

  1. Project structure

The technological component of managing a project is a complicated deliverable due to the rapid emergence of new and cutting-edge technology. The technological layout of a project endangers data security, organization services, compliance, and information security. Technology-related hazards are more challenging to control because installing new IT systems typically calls for hiring new staff members and buying new software. Interruptions in service are one more technological risk that might result in delays and project failure (Ghasemi, 2018).

When you are in charge of a project, you are required to follow a tight code of conduct for timely and effective communication. Meetings with stakeholders, such project donors, enable you to stay on top of any changes, redistribute work, and promote team cohesion. Team members occasionally forget the most crucial components of efficient communication despite having access to so many communication tools and channels. This leads to data loss or misinterpretation, project disruption, and other problems.

  1. Development group

Specifically in terms of development objectives and long-term goals like economic growth and poverty reduction, as well as supporting goals like reform and capacity development, this is the danger that development aid or government/agency resources will not provide results. Development risk is influenced by the amount of administrative work that donors make governments and agencies do, as well as the expenses of complying with intricate donor procedures that are beyond the technical capabilities of people and institutions. The proper application of various country system elements is thought to support capacity building and reform (Kyttälä, 2014).

  1. User group

Customer service representatives may be required to deal with irate customers and attempt to mend the connection if the business falls short of consumer expectations. Discounts, extra/bonus service hours, or, in the worst situation, a client churn could occur as a result. Management will be helped in recognizing trends in customer unhappiness and putting action plans into place if these issues emerge by keeping track of unhappy customers as well as the strategies, time, and procedures required to fix them. By closely observing the causes and outcomes of customer service interactions, the company can spot areas for development and expansion. In this situation, the system may not perform as expected. In today’s always-on and connected environment, customers expect businesses they do business with to be accessible to them seven days a week, 24 hours a day. But what if your business lacks the required technological infrastructure? Understanding your limitations in relation to your clients’ needs is crucial, especially if you want to be able to assist them as they use your product or service. They must first comprehend the needs of the consumer in order to create the system.

Upon reviewing these examples, it is clear that one risk element that jumps out is Jim’s quick background check of the customer service and lack of consideration for the thoughts of the staff. Despite having five years of experience from his former position, Jim was a new employee of the organization. He ought to have taken his time to carefully weigh all the relevant factors so that he could appropriately formulate a comprehensive plan.


Ghasemi, F., Sari, M. H. M., Yousefi, V., Falsafi, R., & Tamošaitienė, J. (2018). Project portfolio risk identification and analysis, considering project risk interactions and using Bayesian networks. Sustainability, 10(5), 1609.

Kyttälä, T. (2014). Outsourcing Logistic and Supply Chain: Effects on small & medium size enterprises.

Puettmann, K. J., Wilson, S. M., Baker, S. C., Donoso, P. J., Drössler, L., Amente, G., … & Bauhus, J. (2015). Silvicultural alternatives to conventional even-aged forest management-what limits global adoption?. Forest Ecosystems, 2(1), 1-16.




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Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth

Login into CONNECT and click the link called “Course wide resources and additional activities”. Click the self

assessment link called “Do you have what it takes to be a leader?” and assess your leadership style.

Based on these assessment identify potential areas of improvement and prepare a Personal Development Plan

(PDP). You should then access the learning logs and complete both learning logs as directed to prepare your


Remember to follow APA guidelines for this assignment.

This assignment is worth 20% of your final grade.


Specific experiences teach specific lessons necessary for success. But it is critical, as T.S. Eliot said,

not to “…have the experience, and miss the meaning.” Managers we studied who went on to

become effective executives not only had the experiences but learned lessons from them. Center

for Creative Leadership Studies on Executive Learning

Management research indicates that developing self-awareness has several advantages: personal growth, career

development, and an enhanced ability to understand and have empathy with others. In their studies of

managerial and executive derailment, the Center for Creative Leadership found that successful managers: (1)

understand their values, personal styles, and strengths and weaknesses; (2) know the impact of these values,

styles, and strengths and weaknesses on their ability to effectively work with others and achieve their goals; and

(3) are quick to reflect upon and learn from their own experiences.

Despite these advantages, we often resist opportunities to increase our self-awareness. We try to protect our selfesteem.

We fear that learning something new about ourselves will be painful or may require us to change our

treasured and habitual ways of seeing, thinking, and behaving. We may think that we already know ourselves well

enough. Or we may not want to take the time out of our busy schedules to engage in self-reflection — like the busy

woodcutter who never takes the time to sharpen the saw and eventually loses the ability to cut wood. In short,

developing a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection, is a critical leadership skill that is not easily learned

yet reaps many rewards.

Keeping a learning log is a structured way to develop this skill. This log is a confidential, written record of your

personal development through the class.

The first log can be 8 -10 pages, and each entry should be no more than

1-2 double spaced pages. The last entry, your comprehensive action plan for change, should be no more than 6

pages. Your learning log is a confidential document. Only I will read it. The following criteria will be used to

evaluate your learning log.

• Completion of assignment: You submit the log on time, answer specific questions when asked to

do so, and have complete entries for each assignment. All papers must be submitted on time or

they will be considered late and at least 10% points will be deducted from your grade. The number

of points deducted for late papers will be determined based on how late the paper is turned in. If

there are special circumstances, please discuss these with the instructor.

• Self-reflection: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to engage in self-reflection. You provide

examples from your own experience. You show an understanding of the consequences of your

values, attitudes, style, behavior, etc. on yourself, others, and the organization. 30%

• Conceptual understanding: You demonstrate a thoughtful understanding of conceptual materials

from class and integrate them, as relevant, into your log. 30%

• Application: You demonstrate a willingness and ability to take steps toward personal change. You

discuss in depth possible plans for action. 20%

• Written composition: The learning log is professionally presented: well-organized and well written

(including spelling, grammar, reasonable paragraph length, double-spaced, 12 point font, pages

numbered, no less than 1 inch margins, and staying within page limits). 10%

• Plagiarism and citations: Please ensure to cite any external material properly as this paper will be

scanned for plagiarism. 10%

N.B: Required Learning Log questions  set 1

                          Learning Log questions set 2

                          Personal development plan

Please see attached for document.




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Operating System Administration and Patch Management

 Assessment Description

During this topic, the principles of Separation, Isolation, Encapsulation, Fail-Safe Defaults/Fail Secure, and Modularity would be implemented to help the network with layering defense security. This is important for the defense of the network.

Reference the following CYB-515 videos (located in the Class Resources) and handouts as needed to complete the lab:

  • Operating System Administration and Patch Management
  • Adding Windows 10 to the Network
  • Installing Patches
  • Creating Log On Policy
  • Creating Group Policy

Provide screenshots to illustrate the installation of patches and updates of the server, the creation of the three security policies, configuration of the VPN, and the addition of the Windows 10 VM to the network. On each screenshot, include 1-2 sentences that summarize what the screenshot is illustrating.

Part 1:

In the virtual sandbox environment, you created in Topic 1 configure Microsoft Server to do the following:

  • Reference “Installing Patches.” Install patches and updates for the server.
  • In the Active Directory, create three security policies as described in the following bullet points.
  • The Research and Development Department would have access to the network every day from 9 a.m. to 8 p.m.
  • The Human Resources Department policy for managers and users, using the least privilege, would allow managers to have access to all personnel information. Human Resources users would have access only to a specific department.
  • The Sales Department’s access to the network would allow managers to have access to the network only during their shift (i.e., from 9 a.m. to 5 p.m.) Users would only have access to their network Monday through Friday.
  • Configure VPN access for IT Department Admin only.
  • Add a Windows 10 VM to the network and a joint to the domain.

Part 2:

Write a 500-1000-word lab report that includes a title page, table of contents, overview, and the required screenshots with summaries.

  • Provide a brief summary explanation of what you were accomplishing when you installed the operating system.
  • Explain why it is important to install patches and updates as an operating system administrator.
  • Explain the significance of configuring appropriate authentication policies as part of managing system services and user accounts.
  • Explain the interaction between security and system usability and the importance of minimizing the effects of security mechanisms.

While APA style is not required for the body of this assignment, solid academic writing is expected, and documentation of sources should be presented using APA formatting guidelines, which can be found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center.  

This assignment uses a rubric. Review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.  

You are not required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite.





  • Operating System Administration and Patch Management

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Discuss the necessity of risk management and disaster recovery in the context of major disasters (such as 9/11)

Describe in detail and provide at least one example of what IT Risk Management is. Also, discuss the necessity of risk management and disaster recovery in the context of major disasters (such as 9/11).

Your assignment should meet the following requirements:

  • 2-4 pages, not including the cover page and reference page.
  • Conform to APA Style.
  • Support your answers with the readings from Module 01 and at least one current scholarly journal article (not more than five years old). The Rasmussen Library is a great place to find resources.
  • Clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques. You are being graded in part on the quality of your writing. If you need assistance with your writing style and APA format, start with the Writing and APA guides at the Rasmussen Library




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Role of production management in a successful business

Bunny Frank’s pastry business has been doing well since you helped her understand the role of production management in a successful business. Her output and sales have grown, and she has hired several employees.
Recently, though, several of her longtime customers have mentioned that, from time to time, her pastries are not as good as they used to be. Bunny’s business is based on delivering quality products and service. She wants to nip any problems in the bud. Once again, she has asked for your help.

Bunny would like to have a PowerPoint presentation on hand to show current staff and future hires.
Prepare a PowerPoint presentation that contains at least eight content slides as well as a title slide and reference slide. Your presentation should address the following elements:
the importance of quality to Bunny’s customers,
the importance of quality to Bunny’s operations,
at least two quality tools Yummy Bunny Pastries can use to determine if it has quality problems and how to use the tools, and
how to assure customer service quality.

Use the notes section (speaker notes) on each slide to write what you would say about the content of that slide if you were giving the presentation. That will help Bunny use the presentation in the future.

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


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Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework

The foundation of the protecting our nation’s critical infrastructures and key resources is the risk management framework. Risk is the possibility of an unwanted event – the chance of losing something. The goal in risk management is to mitigate loss from a natural or manmade disaster.

For this assignment, read Chapter 3, “The Strategy: Managing Risk,” PDF attached 


Write a 2–4 page paper in which you:

  1. Analyze the National Infrastructure Protection Plan and Risk Management Framework, including Figure 3 – Critical Infrastructure Risk Management Framework on page 15 of the National Infrastructure Protection Plan, and conclude how it has been designed to protect the nation’s critical infrastructure.
  2. Determine the purpose of the feedback loop design and argue how it strengthens or weakens the model. Justify your response.
  3. Decide if taking a “risk management” approach is suitable for protecting the nation’s critical infrastructure. Support your response.
  4. Choose the one step that is the most important or has the greatest impact on the other steps of the Risk Management Framework and describe why.
  5. Discuss your thoughts on the effectiveness of the NIPP, and suggest one change you would make to the plan. Support your response.
  6. Use the Internet, or your supplemental resource list to locate at least three quality resources for use in this assignment




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Module on crowd management and behavior issues

An essay of 600 – 800 words, be a MS Word Document file. Use 12-point Times New Roman font, double-spacing, and APA 7th edition style. No cover page is necessary. A reference list is required.


Select one of the three articles posted in the Week 3 module on crowd management and behavior issues. Briefly summarize the main points of the article. Focus on the issue that the paper discusses. What suggestions do you have to solve the problems discussed in the articles, that have not been covered in the articles themselves? You must have at least one suggestion (You cannot say “I agree with everything the article suggests.”

Grading Standard/ Rubric:

The papers should include an argument or thesis statement relevant to topic stated above (10%) that is being supported throughout the paper with paraphrasing and citations from primary and secondary sources (20%), brief summary of the main idea (20%), and then a critical analysis of how the sources support the argument/ thesis statement (20%). Spelling, grammar, and typographical errors should be kept to a minimum (15%). Students should use direct quotations sparingly (5%). The plagiarism tracker should have less than 25% match from other sources (10%). Over 40% match will be considered plagiarism and papers will receive a zero grade (0/20). Papers that have used programs that paraphrase to trip plagiarism detectors to point where the paper is unreadable, will receive a zero grade.

Note: Weighting of grade is the percentages in parentheses.

Total Paper is worth 20 points (20% of overall grade)

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Describe the safety responsibilities of management and other ‘key personnel’ under the Civil Aviation Act 1988

Exercise 5
5.1 Describe the safety responsibilities of management and other ‘key personnel’ under the Civil Aviation Act 1988. What do you understand by the term ‘corporate killing’?
5.2 Describe the relationship between a quality management system and a safety management system. Can you have an effective safety management system without an established quality system?
5.3 Describe the various steps of establishing a Safety Management System to your workplace or a hypothetical aviation organisation.
5.4 In your opinion could a more robust SMS have prevented the MH 17 accident?
Exercise 6
6.1 Provide a brief account of the development and study of aviation human factors in Australia.
6.2 Are ‘multicultural’ flight crews a safety hazard? Explain your answer with reference to specific case studies and recent (after 2010) aircraft accidents.
6.3 Write a brief essay on the importance of education and training of aviation personnel in human factors. Discuss the development of such training.
6.4 Do you consider it necessary to develop a learning culture in order to establish a ‘healthy’ safety culture? What are the steps required in ‘creating’ a learning culture?
6.5 Provide an overview of the advantages of either the LOSA/TEM training in terms of improving levels of safety.
Exercise 7
Write an essay of approximately 500 words on any one of the following topics.
7.1 Provide a brief account of the development and evolution of the philosophy of CRM training.
7.2 Write a brief essay on the advantages of Fifth Generation CRM philosophy.
7.3 Use the case study of the BEA Staines Trident accident to highlight the importance of CRM training for flight crew.
7.4 Use any case study to highlight the importance of situational awareness training for flight crew.
7.5 What is maintenance resource management?