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Necessity to Fatigue Management Systems for Aviation Maintenance Mechanics

Write paper

 Title: Necessity to Fatigue Management Systems for Aviation Maintenance Mechanics

Assignment Instructions:

  1. APA version 7 formatting must be used.
  2. Your first draft paper will consist of all sections except the abstract section.
  3. Please use the APA briefing as a checklist to ensure that you have no APA formatting
  4. Please proof read your paper.

For Literature Review papers, be sure to include the following sections: 

  • Title Page
  • Placeholder for Abstract (for later)
  • Introduction
  • Background (Literature Review)
  • Conclusions
  • References (at least 10 references)
  • You must have at least 10 pages


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significance in managerial decision making pertaining to risk management

Assessment 2-: Critical Review & Analysis
Due date: Week 7
Group/individual: Individual
Word count/Time provided: 2500 words
Weighting: 25%
Unit Learning Outcomes: ULO2, ULO3, ULO4
Assessment 2 Detail
This assessment requires students to work individually to critically review quality and risk concept to discuss its application in a project environment and its impact on project life cycle. Student is also required to discuss about two contemporary (what is in practice) models of quality management and two contemporary models of risk management used in business organization/industry of their choice. The industry of choice should fall within the domain of project management.
Assessments 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
The assessment will be marked out of 100 and will be weighted 25% of the total unit mark. The marking criteria and rubric are shown on the following page.
Assessment 2 Marking Criteria and Rubric
Marking Criteria Not Satisfactory (0-49% of the criterion mark) Satisfactory
(50-64% of the criterion mark) Good
(65-74% of the criterion mark) Very Good
(75-84% of the criterion mark) Excellent
(85-100% of the criterion mark)
Critical evaluation of Quality
concept (20 marks)
• No demonstration of
critical evaluation through analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in Quality management • Evidence of limited interpretation and demonstration of critical evaluation through the
analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management. • Evidence of good
demonstration of critical evaluation through the
analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management
• Good analysis of the impact of quality on
project life cycle
• Evidence of very good understanding and demonstration of critical evaluation through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management
• Very good analysis of the impact of project life cycle
• Detail explanation demonstrating very
good critical thinking skills
• Evidence of an excellent understanding of and demonstration of critical evaluation through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in quality management
• Very good analysis of the impact of quality on project life cycle and in managerial decision with detail explanation
• Referencing of
supporting literature in the interpretation, explanation and analysis is presented
• Analysis presented is rigours and enlightening indicating independent strongly argued coherent writing
Critical evaluation of Risk
concept (20 marks)
• No demonstration of
critical evaluation through analysis of contemporary
ideas/concept in Risk management • Evidence of limited interpretation and demonstration of critical evaluation through the
analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management. • Evidence of good
demonstration of critical evaluation through the
analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management • Evidence of very good understanding and demonstration of critical evaluation
through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management • Evidence of an excellent understanding of and demonstration of critical evaluation
through the analysis of contemporary ideas/concept in risk management

Good analysis of the impact of risk on project
life cycle

Very good analysis of the impact of risk on project life cycle Detail explanation demonstrating very good critical thinking skills •
• Very good analysis of the impact of risk on project life cycle and in managerial decision with detail explanation Referencing of supporting literature in the interpretation, explanation and analysis is presented
• Analysis presented is rigours and enlightening indicating independent strongly argued coherent writing
Review of two best practice quality models in industry
(15 marks)

• Lack of evidence of enough use of literature and limited interpretation of the models.
No evidence of critical review of best practice quality models • Use of some supporting literature with limited interpretation of models and their significance in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management. • Evidence of good reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with good interpretation of model significance in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management. •
• Evidence of strong reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant
synthesis of arguments Evidence of independent research to validate the significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management. •
• Evidence of excellent reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant synthesis of arguments. Review presented is rigours in validating the significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to quality management.
Review of two best practice risk models in industry
(15 marks)

• Lack of evidence of enough use of literature and limited interpretation of the models.
No evidence of critical review of best practice risk models. • Use of some supporting literature with limited interpretation of models and their significance in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to risk management. • Evidence of good reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with good interpretation of model significance in managerial decision- • Evidence of strong reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant synthesis of arguments and evidence of independent research •
• Evidence of excellent reference to supporting literature in reviewing best practice models with significant synthesis of arguments. Review presented is rigours in validating the
making pertaining to risk management. to validate the significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining to risk management. significance of best practice model in managerial decisionmaking pertaining risk management.
Clarity of Expression
(20 marks)

The writing is poor with no logical flow and has grammatical errors. Information is limited, unclear and the depth is not adequately developed.
The idea is a simple restatement of the topic.
Demonstration of a limited sense of purpose or theme Insufficient understanding of the topic. •

• The writing is
satisfactory and exhibits majority of grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with some spelling or typing errors The writing does not go far enough in expanding key issues/ concepts. The writing requires further information to clarify main arguments. The writing is fluent and coherent with good structure exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with minor spelling or typing error. •
• The writing is fluent and coherent with very good structure exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with few spelling or typing error. The writing is used to support the main ideas and convince the reader of the argument who is left in no doubt of the purpose. • The writing is fluent and coherent with excellent structure and presentation exhibiting grammatically correct sentences that are appropriately punctuated with no minor spelling or typing error.
• The writing perceives a sense of the wider
context of the ides
Presentation and referencing
(10 marks)

• The writing shows insufficient application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) The writing shows no in-text citation
In-text citation does to match with citation under Reference list Report is not formatted and presented as per the APIC Assessment •

The writing shows inconsistent application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) In-text citation match with the citation under
Reference list
Report is formatted and presented as per the APIC Assessment presentation guidelines to some extent. • The writing shows good application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC
Harvard style) with some errors in referencing
• Report is formatted and presented as per the APIC Assessment presentation guidelines to large extent.

The writing shows very good application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) with few errors in referencing Report is well formatted but not presented exactly as
per the APIC Assessment
presentation guidelines • The writing shows excellent application of the recommended style of referencing (APIC Harvard style) with no error in referencing
• Report is formatted and presented exactly as per the APIC Assessment presentation guidelines.
presentation guidelines


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Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your Name RP Dr. Fayez Shriedeh

Management Practices in Response to COVID Pandemic: Wellness Centers

Your name


School of Hospitality@ LTUC



1.0 IntroductionThe coronavirus disease 2019 (COVID-19) pandemic is challenging industries around the world. Preventative measures to combat the spread of the virus, such as mandated business closures, physical distancing, reduced community mobility and travel restrictions, have been especially devastating to the hospitality industry (Gossling et al., 2020). Perhaps one of the more vulnerable subsectors has been wellness -related hospitality businesses. These businesses often rely on tourism and international air travel and many of resorts’ verticals, are synonymous with gatherings of large groups of people in close proximity (Shivdas, 2020). Unfortunately, these features, within which this industry thrives, also abet the spread of the virus (Centers for Disease Control and Prevention, 2020).Wellness centers stock price closed at an all-time high on Friday, a sign that these centers’ fleet-shrinking strategies are paying off financially — even as they leave consumers fuming. Major Wellness centers last two years dropped off more than 52% sales as the pandemic crushed demand (MOTA, 2021), according to MOTA (2021), more than 1 of every 3 wellness centers that were in service before the pandemic are no longer available.The industry backfire illustrates that the post-pandemic recovery, while strong, may not be entirely smooth. As more wellness businesses reopen, many report trouble hiring enough workers to cope with surging demand. “The covid shock was unlike anything we have experienced before. As we go into the recovery phase, we’re going to see friction and disruption in the normal flow of economic activity,” said Kathy Bostjancic, chief U.S. financial economist for Oxford Economics. “It’s going to be a bit erratic and disrupted, but the pace of growth will be very strong.” (Torbati and Lynch, 2021)This paper offers a methodology for studying and implementing micro-level practices of crisis management in the wellness centers in Amman. In the conclusion, suggestions for future research and useful information for managers of wellness facilities are provided.1.1 Aim and Objective of the ResearchThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Therefore, the objective research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman.1.2 Research QuestionWhat are the crisis management practices used by wellness center in response to Covid-19?1.3 Rationale of the StudyGiven the importance of Hospitality for the world economy and the sector’s impact on social and environmental issues, the damage caused by a crisis threatens not only the national economy but also the livelihoods of many tourist destinations. Therefore, it is worth monitoring crisis management strategies to minimize the negative effects.The study results will provide a valuable addition to the knowledge obtained from other studies on the crisis management practices that are used by wellness center in Amman. The study is valuable because it adds to the literature on crisis management.The decision maker in the wellness center ………also might have a deep insight into which practices managers actually use during an industry crisis and which practices consider important.1.4 Research ScopeThe aim of this research is to investigate crisis management practices that are used in response to Covid-19 in the wellness center in Amman. Accordingly, the study targeted the supervisory, middle and executive level of management to answer the survey questions. Wellness center …were chosen due to the lack of studies on crisis management practices during Covid-19 Pandemic in Jordan.1.5 Research StructureThe whole research will be completed by following proper structures. The overall structures of the research are given below using a table:SectionsDescriptionsIntroductionThis section will provide a basic overview of the research topic “ ………………………………..”Literature ReviewSeveral literature has been reviewed to understand and implement the research question properly. The literature review will give a deep idea about the wellness center.Research MethodologiesThe most common research methodologies are qualitative and quantitative. Quantitative methodology is used for implementing the research on the particular topic perfectly.Primary and secondary researchThe most relevant information for the research purpose will be collected from the primary and secondary sources. Questionnaire will be used for primary data collection. And, published articles, newspapers and websites will be used for secondary data collection.Data analysis and findingsThe collected data will be analyzed by using particular procedures so that appropriate findings can be generated from the research. The findings will be represented using numerical information.The efficiency of the research methodologies and other alternativesThis section will show whether the research methodologies appropriate identified and captured the goals and objectives of the research (Jankowicz, 2007).Conclusion and recommendationsThis part will conclude the overall research and provide some recommendation for the business owners. The overall findings from the report will be given here in a summarized form.

2.0 Literature Review

The current literature on crisis management in tourism and Hospitality focuses primarily on general prescriptive models (techniques) that provide general guidelines for coping with different crisis situations such as terrorism (Baxter & Bowen, 2004), and natural disasters (Pforr & Hosie, 2010). The majority of research efforts were primarily directed to violence activities relevant to the tourism industry and recommendations for preparations for times of terror. Pizam and Mansfeld (1996) analyzed different occurrences of terrorism in the tourism context whereas Blake and Sinclair (2003) detailed the reaction of the USA hospitality industry to the terroristic events of September 11, 2001. In addition, Ritchie (2003) stressed the importance of a holistic approach to crisis management in hospitality, as hospitality crisis management can be vastly improved through the application of crisis and disaster theories and concepts from other disciplines.

Alternative models generally focus on business crises, although the scientific literature barely mentioned the economic crisis effects on tourism prior to the financial crisis of 2008. The majority of studies (published before 2008) present crisis management from a historical, descriptive, or comparative perspective. Lerbinger (1997) categorized crisis according to external and internal factors that generated different business crisis types. Mansfeld’s (1999) historical review suggests that one method for coping with crisis is by using extensive marketing. Other studies have sought to improve theoretical models to forecast sudden major changes in economic systems and business cycles that could potentially lead to crisis situations (Puu, 1991).

Nevertheless, to date almost no research has examined specific micro-level practices in the wellness industry with focusing on a health pandemic. No similar studies have been conducted in Amman. The only studies that have addressed the specific operational activities to manage crisis situations and evaluate their usage in the hospitality industry are those conducted by Israeli and Reichel (2003) and Israeli (2007) on the Israeli hospitality industry and Okumus and Karamustafa (2005) on the Turkish hospitality industry. Therefore, this study will focus on the management practices of wellness centers in response to health crisis of Covid-19.

The study used Israeli (2007) techniques to develop four major categories of crisis management: marketing, maitenance, government assistance, and human resources. This model can aid in evaluating different crisis management techniques. As the selection of specific techniques in a given industry is crucial (Yoon & Hwang, 1995), the list of techniques with general guidelines can also be assembled for specific problems in different areas of hospitality industry.

Reference List

MOTA (2021). Statistics 2022. [online] Available at:

Baxter, E., & Bowen, D. (2004). Anatomy of tourism crisis: Explaining the effects on tourism of the UK foot and mouth disease epidemics of 1967-68 and 2001 with special references to media portrayal. The Inter- national Journal of Tourism Research, 6(4), 263–273.

Pforr, C., & Hosie, P. (2010). Crisis management in the hospitality industry: Beating the odds? Farnham: Ashgate Publishing.

Pizam, A., & Mansfeld, Y. (1996). Tourism, crime and in- ternational security issues. Michigan, UK: Weily.

Torbati, Y. and Lynch, D. (2021). How the COVID pandemic led to a rental car crisis just as Americans are ready to bust loose. [online] The Seattle Times. Available at:

Gossling, S., Scott, D. and Hall, C.M. (2020), “Pandemics, tourism and global change: a rapid assessment of COVID-19”, Journal of Sustainable Tourism.

Blake, A., & Sinclair, M. (2003). Tourism crisis management: US response to September 11. Annals of Tourism Research, 30, 813–832.

Ritchie, B. W. (2003). Chaos, crises and disasters: A strategic approach to crisis management in tourism industry. Tourism Management, 25, 669–683.

Lerbinger, O. (1997). The crisis manager: Facing risk and responsibility. New York: Lawrence Erlbaum Associates

Mansfeld, Y. (1999). Cycles of war, terror and peace: Deter- minantsandmanagement ofcrisisandrecoveryofthe Israeli tourism industry. Journal of Travel Research, 38, 30–36.

Puu, T. (1991). Chaos in business cycles. Chaos, Solitons & Fractals, 1(5), 457–473. Israeli, A. A. (2007). Crisis-management practices in the restaurant industry. International Journal of Hospitality Management, 26(4), 807–823.

Israeli, A., & Reichel, A. (2003). Hospitality crisis management practices: The Israeli case. Internatio- nal Journal of Hospitality Management, 22(4), 353–372.

Okumus, F., & Karamustafa, K. (2005). Impact of an economic crisis: Evidence from Turkey. Annals of Tourism Research, 32(4), 942–961.

Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (2020b), “Considerations for travelers-coronavirus in the US”, available at:

Shivdas, S. (2020), “Shut casinos hit Caesars as COVID-19 puts gambling industry in survival mode”, Reuters, 11 May, available at:

Jankowicz, A.D. (2007). Business Research Projects. [online] Thomson. Available at:


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In the early 1980’s, crew resource management (CRM) became the “buzz

Write Discussion Thread

Topic: In the early 1980’s, crew resource management (CRM) became the “buzz” word of the day. In the late 1990s, this idea was broadened to become known as human factors. The FAA addresses these issues in Advisory Circular AC 120-72. The FAA has identified the top twelve human factors which negatively affect maintenance in a pamphlet called “Avoid the Dirty Dozen .”  After studying these twelve human factors, which three are of the greatest threat to an aviation maintenance technician? Why? While you may reference these two documents, the textbook and 1 other outside source must still be referenced.


You are required to create a minimum 400-word thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. You must support your assertions with at least 2 sources (with 1 being the textbook) in current APA format. In addition to the thread, you are required to create a minimum 200-word reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. You must support each reply with at least 2 sources (with 1 being the textbook), per reply, in current APA format. Please review the Discussion Grading Rubric for insight into grading.Discussions threads are expected to engage the assigned subject matter, drawing on the Learn materials within the course as well as additional researched scholarly materials. A minimum of 2 scholarly sources are required for the initial thread. Acceptable sources are course readings, Bible, and peer-reviewed journal articles.

Write Discussion Thread

Topic: In the early 1980’s, crew resource management (CRM) became the “buzz” word of the day. In the late 1990s, this idea was broadened to become known as human factors. The FAA addresses these issues in Advisory Circular AC 120-72. The FAA has identified the top twelve human factors which negatively affect maintenance in a pamphlet called “Avoid the Dirty Dozen .”  After studying these twelve human factors, which three are of the greatest threat to an aviation maintenance technician? Why? While you may reference these two documents, the textbook and 1 other outside source must still be referenced.


You are required to create a minimum 400-word thread in response to the provided prompt for each Discussion. You must support your assertions with at least 2 sources (with 1 being the textbook) in current APA format. In addition to the thread, you are required to create a minimum 200-word reply to 2 other classmates’ threads. You must support each reply with at least 2 sources (with 1 being the textbook), per reply, in current APA format. Please review the Discussion Grading Rubric for insight into grading.Discussions threads are expected to engage the assigned subject matter, drawing on the Learn materials within the course as well as additional researched scholarly materials. A minimum of 2 scholarly sources are required for the initial thread. Acceptable sources are course readings, Bible, and peer-reviewed journal articles.


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Here is Link for the text book

Here is Link for the text book
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international managers/international management

Please, review the videos included in the section  Recommended Videos , covering international managers/international management.  In a one page Microsoft Word document FOR EACH INDIVIDUAL video, please provide an overview:

1. What does the author suggest about international management?

2. What are some of the challenges in managing in a globalized workforce?

3. How do international networks work?

4. Why are international networks important?

5. Should companies that operate internationally be more morally responsible than companies that do not operate globally?

Additionally, you should discuss within your paper:

· How this course helps with improving cultural agility.

· Three key points for international managers.

Your paper should be in Microsoft Word and formatted using APA 7th edition. Include a cover page and a reference page. Be sure to use citations in the body of the paper.




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cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas

Which resource discussed in your textbook did you decide to use for your assignment in this unit? Explain why you chose that resource.

                                                              CLASSMATE’S POST

The resource I chose from the textbook information is a cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas. One of the tools I used was the screen capture video in Canvas Studio. The screen capture tool records media for any time, depending on the computer’s memory. For example, I used it to present my lesson on a few PowerPoint slides and a link to a YouTube video about a child on strike during the Industrial Revolution in America. In addition, I used Microsoft’s Office, a productivity software, to create a PowerPoint and add a link to the video. 

I selected each resource as a hook for the beginning of my unit on the Industrial Revolution. The presentation, video, and questions help students with different learning modalities because the lesson includes auditory, visual, and inquiry for comprehension


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cloud-based learning management system (LMS) called Canvas


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Contingency planning management team (CPMT) of your organization has designated you as the disaster recovery team leader

 Consider a scenario where the contingency planning management team (CPMT) of your organization has designated you as the disaster recovery team leader, and the preparation and planning of this component of the security program are now under your purview with a team of 11 employees including yourself.Write a 2–3 page paper in which you:
Detail the CPMT hierarchy and sub-teams necessary and the roles and responsibilities that would be necessary for each team member.
Describe the proper procedures and policies that would be implemented specifically to the DR team personnel as well as the special equipment that would be required.
Draft an executive summary regarding your proposed DR plan, explaining its purpose and high-level specifics for presentation to upper management.
Use at least three quality resources in this assignment. Note: Wikipedia and similar websites do not qualify as quality resources.
This course requires the use of Strayer Writing Standards. For assistance and information, please refer to the Strayer Writing Standards link in the left-hand menu of your course. Check with your professor for any additional instructions.
The specific course learning outcome associated with this assignment is:
Recommend disaster recovery procedures using best practices


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Contingency planning management team (CPMT) of your organization has designated you as the disaster recovery team leader


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Chapter 19 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice

 The purpose of this assignment is to explain core concepts related to lease vs. purchase and tactical financial decisions.

Read the Chapter 19 Mini Case in Financial Management: Theory and Practice. Using complete sentences and academic vocabulary, please answer questions a through f.

Mini Case

Lewis Securities Inc. has decided to acquire a new market data and quotation system for its Richmond home office. The system receives current market prices and other information from several online data services and then either displays the information on a screen or stores it for later retrieval by the firm’s brokers. The system also permits customers to call up current quotes on terminals in the lobby.

The equipment costs $1,000,000 and, if it were purchased, Lewis could obtain a term loan for the full purchase price at a 10% interest rate. Although the equipment has a 6-year useful life, it is classified as a special-purpose computer and therefore falls into the MACRS 3-year class. If the system were purchased, a 4-year maintenance contract could be obtained at a cost of $20,000 per year, payable at the beginning of each year. The equipment would be sold after 4 years, and the best estimate of its residual value is $200,000. However, because real-time display system technology is changing rapidly, the actual residual value is uncertain.

As an alternative to the borrow-and-buy plan, the equipment manufacturer informed Lewis that Consolidated Leasing would be willing to write a 4-year guideline lease on the equipment, including maintenance, for payments of $260,000 at the beginning of each year. Lewis’s marginal federal-plus-state tax rate is 25%. You have been asked to analyze the lease-versus-purchase decision and, in the process, to answer the following questions.


  • (1)Who are the two parties to a lease transaction?
  • (2)What are the four primary types of leases, and what are their characteristics?
  • (3)How are leases classified for tax purposes?
  • (4)What effect does leasing have on a firm’s balance sheet?
  • (5)What effect does leasing have on a firm’s capital structure?    


  • (1)What is the present value of owning the equipment? (Hint: Set up a time line that shows the net cash flows over the period t = 0 to t = 4, and then find the PV of these net cash flows, or the PV of owning.)
  • (2)What is the discount rate for the cash flows of owning?

C. What is Lewis’s present value of leasing the equipment? (Hint: Again, construct a time line.)

D. What is the net advantage to leasing (NAL)? Does your analysis indicate that Lewis should buy or lease the equipment? Explain.

E. Now assume that the equipment’s residual value could be as low as $0 or as high as $400,000, but $200,000 is the expected value. Because the residual value is riskier than the other relevant cash flows, this differential risk should be incorporated into the analysis. Describe how this could be accomplished. (No calculations are necessary, but explain how you would modify the analysis if calculations were required.) What effect would the residual value’s increased uncertainty have on Lewis’ lease-versus-purchase decision?

F. The lessee compares the present value of owning the equipment with the present value of leasing it. Now put yourself in the lessor’s shoes. In a few sentences, how should you analyze the decision to write or not to write the lease?


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The Impact of Various Internal and External Organizational “Environments” on IT Management

The Impact of Various Internal and External Organizational “Environments” on IT Management

The ability to understand various elements within and outside your topic organization and the extent to which they affect information technology are keenly important to the organization’s management. One facet of this ability is to be able to successfully scan various internal and external “environments” (social, economic, political, and technological, etc.) at numerous organizational levels (as well as the demands of their various publics). This module will focus on gaining a better understanding of the “environmental” conditions facing your chosen Capstone organization and how to assess the elements of required planned change.

This module will be primarily devoted to the careful review of your previous Capstone Case paper segments, assembling them into a cohesive finished product (with one overall case introduction and conclusion) which reflects careful discussion, as well as the comprehensive integration/citation of previous MSITM coursework and other relevant sources.

Case Assignment

In this module, you will perform a careful review of your previous Capstone Case paper segments, assembling them into a cohesive finished product (with one overall case introduction and conclusion) which reflects careful discussion, as well as the comprehensive integration/citation of previous MSITM coursework and other relevant sources into your IT Governance Project. Also, you will produce a video where you present your project. Then post a link to the YouTube video with a presentation of your IT Governance project. 

Assignment Expectations

Your Capstone Case assignment is to produce a reasonable and workable plan to set the stage for these forthcoming IT improvements—a plan that will help affected organization managers, employees, and customers better embrace the forthcoming change implementation. Include these areas in your YouTube presentation as well. This paper require that you integrate, discuss, contiguously cite, and later fully reference at least five academically sound sources. Use enough concurrent discussion so that the purpose of each citation is apparent to the reader. This paper is incomplete without at least five academically sound references


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    The Impact of Various Internal and External Organizational “Environments” on IT Management

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Web Application and Server Management

 NIT1204 Web Application and Server ManagementPractical Assignment
Due: Session 9 (Demo in lab 3)
Weight: 30% of the final grade
Group assignment:
This is a group assignment to be completed in a group of two.
Description of task:
This project will be a comprehensive Web site that demonstrates application of many of the PHP concepts covered in this unit.
You are required to develop a PHP web application to manage a shopping list i.e. Shopping List Manager application. This application requires items to be stored in a database, every item you add/modify/delete, the application updates the item in the database accordingly.
Create a user interface
The user interface for the Shopping List Manager shows the items at the top of the web page in a numbered list. The user interface also includes an add form that lets the user add a new item to the list, and it includes a delete form that lets the user delete an item from the list.
Please note that the given screenshots are sample only.
Figure 1: When the application runs for the first time
Figure 2: After adding two items in the shopping list
Implement Add, Delete and Modify Buttons
Implement “Add Item” button which is used to add shopping items in the list. Delete button is to delete the selected shopping item. Use the array_push() function to add a new item to the list. “Modify Item” button lets the user modify an existing item. If the user clicks on the Modify Item button, this code should hide the form that contains the Modify Item button, and it should display the form that displays the current item in a text box and includes buttons that lets users save or cancel their changes. Please note that add, delete and modify items should update the database accordingly.
Figure 3. When you click modify item
After you click, Save Changes, the item is updated and the page looks like as in the Figure 4.
Figure 4: After you update an item
Implement the Sort Item button
Implement that code that allows a user to sort all items alphabetically. The Sort button should be displayed only if the item list contains two or more items.
Test the application
Test your application to make sure that everything works correctly.
What to submit:
?? A cover page (A4 format) – displaying course code, course name, assignment title and student id with student’s signature.
?? Student contribution report with meeting minutes
?? Documentation including installation/usage instructions, source code, screen capture of a database and database dump file (.sql) and test report with test cases and an acknowledgement for source of external resources etc.
Upload a zip file (assign folder with all PHP, Style Sheet, and Images folder if applicable)
Total Marks (out of 70) ________
Student ID
Student Name
______________ _____________________________________________
Table 1 General Requirements
Task Mark Actual Mark
Cover Page provided with student id and signature 2
Student contribution report 4
Documentation including installation/usage instructions, acknowledgement for source of external templates/ classes and images if any, screen capture of a database and database dump file (.sql), test report with test cases 4
/ 10
Table 2 General Programming
Task Mark Actual Mark
Appropriate / consistent coding style with useful comments 2
Correct usage of for loop 2
Correct usage of array 2
Correct usage of selection/case statement 4
Correct usage of include statement 2
Correct usage of data structure (stack/queue) 4
Appropriate validation of input fields (i.e. shopping items). 2
PHP code runs without run time errors 2
/ 20
Table 3 Functional Requirements
Task Mark Actual Mark
Index page with header, footer and body 4
Add item 4
Modify item 6
Delete item 5
Sort item 7
Testing 2
CSS formatting
Working data in database with add
Working data in database with modify
Working data in database with delete
/ 40
Table 4 Demonstration
Task Mark Actual Mark
Able to answer all questions 6
Able to modify code
/ 10


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