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Role of marketing manager for the organization

For this assignment, you will be taking on the role of marketing manager for the organization that you researched in Unit VI. Within that role, you will need to present the marketing plan that you completed in Unit VI to the marketing team. This will require no additional research, but you will be compiling your content into a PowerPoint presentation and subsequent video. The items below should be included in your presentation.

·       Introduction: Include a brief introduction of the company.

·       Competitive Analysis: Provide a comparison of the company against two or three competitors.

·       Marketing Strategies: Include an examination of all four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion). This should include the product and service, pricing, distribution/place, and both traditional and digital marketing strategies.

·       Competitive Advantage: Address whether the company holds a competitive advantage in each of the areas of the four Ps.

·       Ethical Stance of Company: Present the company’s ethical stance, which can include topics such as how they have created an ethical culture, social responsibility or corporate social responsibility (CSR), or any other topics related to ethical behavior within the organization.

·       Conclusion: Provide recommendations for this company with respect to future marketing strategies, remembering to include topics involving all four Ps.

The PowerPoint must meet the criteria below.

·        Must be at least 12 slides in length (not counting the title slide).

·        Include speaker notes in order to further explain the information on each slide.

·        If outside sources are used, please follow APA Style when creating citations and references.

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Write a letter from the perspective of a company manager who must communicate the bad news to one of the characters in the scenario you selected

Assignment – Block Business Letter


In this assignment, you will use the scenarios from our Week 2 assignment as the basis for a block business letter in which you communicate bad news to the recipient. Note that this is an ongoing situation, and the recipient has previously requested a review via email, letter, or personal meeting with management. Refer to your textbook for clarity, writing mechanics, professional language, and style guidelines.


  • Choose one of the professional scenarios outlined in this document:
  • Write a letter from the perspective of a company manager who must communicate the bad news to one of the characters in the scenario you selected.
  • Use the guidelines outlined in Chapter 7 “Delivering Bad-News Messages” in your BCOM text to help you structure your message, shape your language, select your content, and format your message.
  • Focus on clarity, writing mechanics, and professional language and style requirements.
  • Content:
    • Address the communication issue from your chosen scenario.
    • Provide bad news from the company to the recipient.
    • Concentrate on the facts of the situation.
    • Use either the inductive or deductive approach to structure your message.
    • Address the current and past context of the situation considering your recipient has previously requested a review of the situation.
    • Include the proper introductory elements of the sender’s address, date, recipient’s address.
      • You may create any details necessary in the introductory elements to complete the assignment.
    • Provide an appropriate and professional greeting or salutation.
  • Format:
Writers Solution

Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


For this task you will create a number of classes that provide information about the personnel in an organisation. You will write a Manager class and a Worker class, each of which will subclass a Person class. A Person will have a name, just a String, and an identity number, which is an integer. As no-one is just a person, the constructor of the Person class will only be used by constructors of derived classes. The name will be provided when an instance of a derived class is created. The identity should be automatically generated during construction and must be unique. No person, either manager or worker, can have the same identity number as another person. You should also ensure that the identity numbers of managers and workers cover separate ranges of integers (e.g. 1 – 99 for managers and 100 – 999 for workers), so that an identity number can be used, in the human organisation but not in your program, to discern whether a person is a manager or a worker.

There is a relationship between managers and workers that needs to be incorporated in the

corresponding classes. Each manager is the leader of a team of workers. In particular, a manager leads

exactly one team and a worker belongs to exactly one team. The system must allow for workers to be

moved from one team to another, managers to be moved from leadership of one team to leadership of

another, as well as for the appointment and retirement of personnel. For the current assignment task a

simplifying assumption will be that we do not need a class to represent a team’s work area. Instead the

manager-worker relationships will be incorporated by each Manager object maintaining a list of

Worker references, representing the team, and each Worker object maintaining a Manager reference,

representing the team leader.

The following state and functionality should be provided for these classes:

  • The Person class will maintain name and      identity fields, as described above, and the derived

Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


  • Appropriate constructors will allow the name      and identity fields of Manager and Worker

objects to be initialised properly. Note that, although the identity field will be inherited,

its initialisation depends on the particular derived class. Full initialisation of the fields

implementing manager-worker interrelationships would not be done at this stage, but they

must be in an appropriate state for testing.

  • Getters for fields will be provided in      appropriate classes.
  • Appropriate toString methods will be      provided as required to simplify the display of object

state. Where an object’s state contains a reference to a person, include that person’s identity

number in the string.

  • For setting up, changing, or nullifying the      field values implementing manager-worker

interrelationships you need to make changes in the state of both a Manager object and a

Worker object. There are different ways to do this. For example, for moving a worker

between teams, one way is to provide the Worker class with a movetoTeamOf instance

method that accepts a Manager reference. The code of this method could first make some

checks (e.g. are either of the current and new Manager references null or are they the same?)

before removing the current worker from the team of the current manager, changing the

worker’s manager and then moving the worker to the new manager’s team. Note that this

would access instance methods of Manager for removing a worker from a team and for

adding a worker to a team. A similar approach applies for setting up a new worker and for

removing a worker from the system; the changes must be done so as to ensure the

information system remains in a stable state, which cannot be left as a responsibility of client


  • Changing team managers is another operation on      manager-worker interrelationships that

needs to be done, and with care. It might be implemented via a switchTeams instance method

of the Manager class that accepts the reference of another manager, but you need to make

sure that this switches all the Manager references held by the respective teams. You also

need to implement functionality for removing a manager from the system, which will only

occur if a newly created manager is available as a replacement, and adding an additional

manager, whose team could then be populated by client code applying some combination of

creating new workers and moving workers using functionality described above.

Write a TestPersonnel class to test the functionality of the classes you have developed. It will be done

without user interaction and will provide the following sequence of actions, using good design techniques such as in the appropriate use of methods:

  • Create a single list for the people in the      organisation, which is a list containing Person

references for managers and workers.

  • Provide code to create some managers (3 will      do) and some workers (12 will do) and add

them to the list. Assign the workers in turn to the different managers.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add 3 new workers to the organisation,      assigning them in turn to the different managers.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Remove from the organisation the first 2      workers in the list of people.
  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation.
  • Add a new manager to the organisation,      reassigning the first worker in the list of people to

this new manager.

  • Display the state of all the people in the      organisation





Manager and Worker classes will add the fields necessary to implement their


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middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks

Guidelines for Submission

Strategic Plan

Submit a Word document of 5 pages, devoting 1 page to each critical element described above. Include a graphic using Power BI for competitors’ relative strengths (p. 1). Place the graphic at the top of the page with bullets underneath. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 


Using the recommendation that you provided in Milestone One, you will develop a strategy to implement the innovation and get ahead in the marketplace.


You work as a middle manager for one of the top U.S. producers of luxury and mass-market automobiles and trucks. You are now leading a cross-functional team to move forward with the company initiative. To remain a viable competitor and meet the demands of consumers’ desire for technology, the company’s chief technology officer (CTO) has decided to implement the internet of things (IoT) into its product line.

In Milestone One (ATTACHED), you and your cross-functional team looked at risks and benefits of each innovation option, competitors in the market, and the company’s internal capability for moving forward with the innovation. After doing this analysis, you presented your recommendation to various stakeholders about how to proceed. You chose: Add recent technology features into one model and then incrementally into the broader product line (incremental innovation)

The CTO has accepted your recommendation. Now you are ready to develop a strategy for taking the innovation to market. In order to develop a strategy, you will need to look at your competitors’ relative strengths in the current marketplace, to understand how the company compares to your competitors, and to identify the total market and the market’s annual growth rate. Finally, you also need to share your thoughts on how to respond to changes in business conditions. Although no one can predict what is going to happen, it is important to think about how flexible your plan is in order to meet unexpected conditions.


Using the recommendation you provided in Milestone One, develop a strategic plan to implement the innovation and gain competitive advantage. Use the Sales Forecast, Comparative Growth Data and Comparative Operating Statistics to complete this milestone.

Strategic Plan

  1. Analyze the competitors’ relative strengths in the marketplace.
  • Write a short paragraph describing the growth rate of each competitor. You will get the solution from the comparative growth data sheet.
  • How much of the market does each competitor now own? Do you see a trend of gaining or losing market share? Present your findings using Power BI.
    • Perform your analysis for the cars and trucks category. Create pie charts using columns C and F from the comparative growth Excel sheet in Power BI. (ATTACHED- SEE “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CARS AND TRUCKS NOW” AND “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CARS AND TRUCKS IN 2030” )
    • Perform your analysis for the connected cars and trucks category. Create pie charts using columns H and K from the comparative growth Excel sheet in Power BI. (ATTACHED- SEE “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CONNECTED CARS AND TRUCKS NOW” AND “MARKET SHARE PERCENTAGE FOR CONNECTED CARS AND TRUCKS IN 2030”)
  • Determine each competitor’s financial strength by looking at their comparative operating data.

2. Explain how your company’s market share compares to your competitors’.

  • Is your company gaining or losing market share? Expand on the analysis done in Task 1 above and explain the major factors behind the change in market share.
  • What is your company’s growth potential in the industry?
  • How do your company’s financials look compared to your competitors’?

3. Identify future potential total available market (TAM) and growth for each chosen product/service and technology.

  • What is the TAM for cars and light trucks?
  • What is the TAM for IoT-connected cars and light trucks?
  • What is the projected compound annual growth rate (CAGR) for cars and light trucks?
  • What is the projected CAGR for IoT-connected cars and light trucks?
  • Identify the fastest-growing competitor.

4. Identify ways to adjust if business conditions change.

  • What can you do if your customers are slow to respond (buy) the innovation?
  • What can you do if one competitor is overtaking all the others, including your company?

5. Describe the steps your company needs to take from concept outline to launch. Consider your learning from the previous two modules to ensure the steps are easy to understand for your team.

  • What is the size of development that will be required?
  • Will you require additional capital and personnel?
  • How would you approach determining the timeline from the beginning of development until initial product launch?




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What traits does an effective manager display in the workplace?

Some managers would rather get a root canal than go through the performance evaluation process with their direct reports. Why? What does research tell you?

As you respond to the two questions listed above, please address the following:

  • What traits does an effective manager display in the workplace?
  • Is there a profile for a manager who may struggle with the evaluation process?
  • What are the key elements of a successful employee evaluation process? How should a manager prepare for the event?
  • Develop an evaluation form for your direct reports and show how the evaluation criterion correlates to the organization’s objectives.


  • The assignment should be between 4-6 pages which include the cover page and reference page.
  • Your paper should include an introduction and conclusion that summarize the contents of the entire paper.
  • Your paper should be written in proper APA format.
  • References: A minimum of two references are required for this assignment. You may use your textbook as a reference in addition to the two references




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Senior advertising manager of Barnabys Auctions

Read the scenario below and complete the assignment.

Telegraph Scenario:

The Telegraph (which publishes The Daily Telegraph, The Sunday Telegraph, and the online version of The Telegraph), founded in 1855, is widely viewed as the national “newspaper of record” in England. Due to its many awards and news-breaking journalism, it holds a strong, international reputation as one of the highest-quality newspapers in the world. The newspaper’s circulation is around 500,000, down a great deal from its high of around 1.5 million. You can view more details about the paper at its website: 

Today you are meeting with Skylyn Richards, senior advertising manager of Barnabys Auctions. You are a salesperson for The Telegraph. Barnabys has opened a series of websites that feature online auctions of art, antiques, and design. You can view more details about Barnebys at its website: 

You are planning to discuss having Barnebys place ads in both the online and print version of The Telegraph. Skylyn Richards has agreed to meet with you. 


Write a 750 – 1000 word email to your supervisor describing 3 competencies you will demonstrate in the meeting with Skylyn Richards. 

Classify each competency as 1 of the following: business, communications/interpersonal, leadership and management, occupation-specific competencies 




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Newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia

Project Assignment and Presentation
You are the newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia. Utopia is known for internal governmental coups among religious factions, a restrictive and closed-minded culture regarding women and minorities, and problems with drug cartels that kidnap American citizens. Utopia is also known for its beautiful weather. Travel to Utopia is not restricted and the American Embassy remains open there.
The previous HR manager was fired for failing to properly assist this company’s expatriate employees with a prior expansion. To avoid future problems with this expansion, the Board of Directors has asked to see your plan for recruitment and selection of internal and external staff, identification and selection of management staff, development, and support of that staff both during expatriation to Utopia and repatriation to the US and all the challenges that may be faced. The Board of Directors specifically said they do not want any particular staff type excluded so your plan must include provisions for women, families with children and minorities.
Part One – Research Report – Your report shall be 10 to 15 full pages, excluding the cover and reference pages. The report shall reference at least four academic journals or management texts. Your plan shall also include support examples of countries or businesses where the tactics you are suggesting worked or failed.
Part Two – PowerPoint Presentation – The Board of Directors expects you to make a presentation with PowerPoint slides of your report. Your slides shall be creative, eye-catching and a realistic summary of your report. Your summary shall be 10-15 slides. You are strongly encouraged to use PowerPoint to record your presentation


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You are the newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia

Project Assignment and Presentation
You are the newly appointed HR manager for a company that wishes to expand its business globally to another country known as Utopia. Utopia is known for internal governmental coups among religious factions, a restrictive and closed-minded culture regarding women and minorities, and problems with drug cartels that kidnap American citizens. Utopia is also known for its beautiful weather. Travel to Utopia is not restricted and the American Embassy remains open there.
The previous HR manager was fired for failing to properly assist this company’s expatriate employees with a prior expansion. To avoid future problems with this expansion, the Board of Directors has asked to see your plan for recruitment and selection of internal and external staff, identification and selection of management staff, development, and support of that staff both during expatriation to Utopia and repatriation to the US and all the challenges that may be faced. The Board of Directors specifically said they do not want any particular staff type excluded so your plan must include provisions for women, families with children and minorities.
Part One – Research Report – Your report shall be 10 to 15 full pages, excluding the cover and reference pages. The report shall reference at least four academic journals or management texts. Your plan shall also include support examples of countries or businesses where the tactics you are suggesting worked or failed.
Part Two – PowerPoint Presentation – The Board of Directors expects you to make a presentation with PowerPoint slides of your report. Your slides shall be creative, eye-catching and a realistic summary of your report. Your summary shall be 10-15 slides. You are strongly encouraged to use PowerPoint to record your presentation


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Manager of a busy café within the Blue Healer Hotel and Spa

Lead and Manage People

Assessment Task 2 Roleplay and Portfolio


You are the manager of a busy café within the Blue Healer Hotel and Spa. Apart from you and the owner, there is a full-time chef named Navneet, two sou chefs, two part-time kitchen porters and casual wait staff employed. The casual wait staff are from the local area and are mostly university students or high school students working part-time shifts. The team is tight knit and work well together. The casual wait staff visit the café socially sometimes and the culture is one of sharing and helping each other out when needed.

The café’s vision is to be the most popular café within the local region renown for it’s amazing local food service and vibrant atmosphere.

It’s mission is to grow the café and its popularity by strong leadership, sound communication and the provision of a clear strategic direction that ensures it’s a great place for staff to work; it provides food and beverages that the public wants with a focus on local produce and sustainable practices; and it becomes known for its vibe and atmosphere.

Values listed in its Strategic Plan include:

  • Operating with trust and integrity with each other, as well as with employees and the community.
  • Customer focus through appreciation of interests and passion for food that is local, healthy and delicious and sustainably sourced.
  • Camaraderie through recognising the superior strength and efficiencies of good team work
  • Innovation through best practice and change
  • Openness and transparency in communicating with our employees, customers and the broader community.

The organisation has adopted three key strategic goals is to improve local interest in the community and not just rely in the hotel guests for revenue, specifically to:

  • Increase local traffic by 25% in the new upcoming financial year
  • Develop and implement a “specials or loyalty” program to use as the basis of weekly advertising in the local area
  • Provide entertainment to encourage people to stay longer.

A key approach to achieve these will be to establish relationships with local talent to provide entertainment and increase advertising locally.

The owner has asked you to develop a team work plan will include a range of tasks and activities that the café’s staff can carry out over the next twelve months to achieve the key strategic goals and objectives.

In order to develop a plan that will be enthusiastically adopted by the team, you are to conduct a meeting with the staff to inform them of the new key goals, and to workshop innovative ideas they may have that could help the business achieve them. With the participation of the staff, you are to translate their ideas into actions that they will then carry out.


  1. Conduct a meeting with the team
Roleplay scenario The meeting will provide an opportunity for all the café’s employees to contribute to the next stage of the business’s development. You will be collecting ideas about how the team can fulfil the business’s objectives. You are expected to encourage all team members to be innovative and be constructive in their participation. Keep in mind that this unit’s focus is on teams working in an effective way, and you are being assessed on your ability to encourage and support your colleagues to do this. Review the Team Work Plan Template (Appendix 1) to order the information you receive at the meeting. You are being asked here to roleplay a Team Leader, leading colleagues in thinking up new ways of doing things, but you are also a student, asking your student colleagues for new ideas and how they can be translated into actions. Your team members will all most probably have a favourite café. Bring this out at the meeting, getting them to look at their own motivations as to what they enjoy, and look at how this could be used to motivate others, as well as their experiences of events (musical or social activities) that assisted in increasing interest and support of their favourite eatery. Also, be aware that the other students at the meeting will be conducting a meeting on the same topic within a short time of you conducting yours. So, try to establish your own meeting leadership style. It should be uniquely yours, and effective. Be conscious that you will be modelling effective meeting leadership throughout the meeting. You should consciously behave as a role model for your colleagues, behaving in a way that encourages team excellence. Roleplay conditions Your trainer will organise the meeting environment and arrange two other students from your class to participate as team members. Begin the meeting by welcoming the participants and giving a summary of the organisation’s goals and objectives, and how encouraging innovation in the workplace can support these. Your next step is to establish, and document, the team’s purpose and long-term objectives and how these support the business’s goals and objectives. Even though you may think that you know what the business should do, being a leader in this meeting means that you are responsible for engaging and motivating the other meeting participants, leading them in collaboration. Not leading them by telling them what to do. When you have conducted the preliminaries, open the meeting up to ideas that the participants have brought with them. Discuss (and record) the ideas the participants give, asking the others for input , looking at it practically, working out what preparation would be necessary, material, personnel, whatever is relevant to carrying the idea to realisations. While encouraging the team members to find and develop ideas, you are expected to display the following leadership skills during the meeting: Act as a positive role model through your performance Show support for, and commitment to, the business’s strategic goals Interacting with team members in a positive and professional manner. Encourage the team members to take responsibility for their own work. Encourage the team members to develop innovative approaches to their work. Model and encourage open and supportive communication within the team. Share information from the wider business environment with the team as appropriate for the situation Motivate the team members to achieve optimum performance. As you come to the meeting’s conclusion: Summarise the ideas and activities to have come out of the meeting. Tell the participants that you will lead and support them in meeting the outcomes. Finish the meeting by thanking the participants and telling them that you will collate the ideas and the activities selected to undertake into a team work plan. This meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.


  1. Develop a teamwork plan

Collate the notes that you took during the meeting, adding any points that you may have missed during the meeting. Where you find that some information is missing, use analytical thinking techniques to generate possible solutions, not forgetting that you can seek input from others as required.

Use the Teamwork Plan Template (Appendix 1) to list and describe activities that were brought up during the meeting, following each idea through its goals, timeframe, and who is responsible for individual tasks.

Ensure that a team member is clearly responsible for each task, and that specific productivity measures are allocated as outcomes for each idea. Each team member’s responsibilities should be allocated so each has a clear understanding of what is expected of them and when.

Save this document as Draft Team Work Plan


  1. Revise your team work plan

You received the following email from the CEO.

Dear Operations Manager,

It is a pity that I could not make it to the meeting myself.

Thank you for the draft team work plan. There are some very good ideas there.

I have an idea myself that I would like you to add to the plan. You see, Tristan has worked as a kitchen porter for us for several years now. He is popular, and knows all of the customer by name, and all of the staff too. I think that he could step up and help with some of the activities that we are planning – as he has asked me for any additional hours, we could give him, and he picks up things quickly.

Specially, I think that he drafts a monthly social media post, telling followers about the café’s activities coming up over the next month, and with a few words about the ‘behind the scenes’ or ‘spotlight on the employees’. Tristan is great with words and wit – but doesn’t have very good computer skills – I want to help him in this area too.

Please add this to the work plan and send a copy of your Revised Work Plan to me and the rest of the team.

Then I want you to meet Tristan and delegate this work to them. Now, I realise that you may meet some resistance from him initially, but I am sure that you can get around that. If in doubt, tell him that I requested this, as he has always performed any tasks that I have asked him to do.

Once you have gained agreement, please provide some mentoring and coaching until he can perform the task adequately.



Update your work plan to reflect the feedback given to you by the CEO.

Save this document as Revised Team Work Plan.


  1. Meet with Tristan
Roleplay scenario Identify any barriers to Tristan taking on the tasks and responsibilities that you are going to delegate to him and think through techniques or processes that you could use to overcome them. You will be required to provide mentoring and coaching to support Tristan. Make sure that you understand the differences between mentoring and coaching to ensure that you can provide both during the meeting. You will also be required to evaluate the team member’s skills and provide opportunities for their individual development. Think through how you can do this during the meeting. Roleplay conditions You assessor will organise the meeting environment and play the role of Tristan. The objective of the meeting is for you to coach and mentor Tristan in how to draft a document in Microsoft Word and email it to you. First speak to Tristan about the tasks that you intend to delegate to him. You are required to implement the techniques or processes you have thought of to overcome any barriers that Tristan presents to taking on the job. When you have gained Tristan’s agreement, evaluate their computer skills by asking them to open up their internet account and then create a new Word document. Demonstrate how to do this yourself, opening your internet account, creating new Word document, attach the document to an email and sed it. Describe how emails can be sent to a number of people or a group – and that once your receive the emails you will access it and then copy the information into the social media platform. Ask Tristan to demonstrate to you that they can do this. Coach them through the process as necessary. Before concluding the meeting, ensure that you gain Tristan’s commitment carrying out the tasks that you have assigned him. This meeting should take no more than 15 minutes.


  1. Write email to the owner
After 12 months, data shows that your team has exceeded the percentage increase in the number of new local support for the café, and you have decided to recognise your team for their efforts. In particular, one of the casual wait staff, Maggie, took it upon themselves to organise a fund-raising event for their grandparent’s care home and arranged the planning and details of it under your direction and support. This resulted in a regular morning tea outing for seniors and whole new demographic of customers. You should single he our for a personal reward.

The email text should give an evaluation of the team’s performance in terms of the achievement of their goals.

It should introduce and summarise the reward and recognition schemes that you have identified and seek their feedback and approval to move forwards with the project.

Indicate which of the schemes you think would be the most appropriate for the team as per the scenario and why.

The following links will provide some examples.

You will be assessed on whether your email addresses the required content as described, as well as the clarity of your email.

The owner will respond with authority to implement on of the schemes that you have selected.


  1. Write email to the team

It should that them for their efforts in achieving the strategic goals and give the details of the reward and recognition scheme that you are introducing.

The email should mention Maggie’s efforts and state that she will be the first recipient of a personal reward.


  1. Write email to Maggies

It should thank her for her efforts and her innovative approach to achieving the strategic goals. Give her the details of the reward that you are awarding her


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As manager of the gift shop at the Metropolitan Zoo, you are responsible for managing the weekly payroll


Excel Chapter 2 Mid-Level 1 – Metropolitan Zoo 

Exp19 Excel Ch02 ML1 Metropolitan Zoo Gift Shop Weekly Payroll

Project Description:

As manager of the gift shop at the Metropolitan Zoo, you are responsible for managing the weekly payroll. Your assistant developed a partial worksheet, but you need to enter the formulas to calculate the regular pay, overtime pay, gross pay, taxable pay, withholding tax, FICA, and net pay. In addition, you want to include total pay columns and calculate some basic statistics. As you construct formulas, make sure you use absolute and relative cell references correctly in formulas 

Start Excel. Download   and open the file named Exp19_Excel_Ch02_ML1_Payroll.xlsx.   Grader has automatically added your last name to the beginning of the   filename. 

Use IF functions to   calculate the regular pay and overtime pay based on a regular 40-hour   workweek in cells E5 and F5. Pay overtime only for overtime hours. In cell   G5, calculate the gross pay based on the regular and overtime pay. Abram’s   regular pay is $398. With 8 overtime hours, Abram’s overtime pay is $119.40.

Create a formula in   cell H5 to calculate the taxable pay. Multiply the number of dependents   (column B) by the deduction per dependent (B24) and subtract that from the   gross pay. With two dependents, Abram’s taxable pay is $417.40.

Use a VLOOKUP   function in cell I5 to identify and calculate the federal withholding tax.   Use the tax rates from the range D21:E25. The VLOOKUP function returns the   applicable tax rate, which you must then multiply by the taxable pay.

Calculate FICA in   cell J5 based on gross pay and the FICA rate (cell B23), and calculate the   net pay in cell K5. Copy all formulas down their respective columns to row   16.

With the range E5:K16   selected, use Quick Analysis tools to calculate the total regular pay, overtime   pay, gross pay, taxable pay, withholding tax, FICA, and net pay on row 17.

  Note, Mac users, with the range selected, on the Home tab, in the Editing   group, click AutoSum.

Apply Accounting Number   Format to the range C5:C16. Apply Accounting Number Format to the first row   of monetary data and to the total row. Apply the Comma style to the monetary   values for the other employees. Apply the Total cell styles format to the   range E17:K17.

Insert appropriate   functions to calculate the average, highest, and lowest values in the Summary   Statistics area (the range I21:K23) of the worksheet. Format the # of hours   calculations as Number format with one decimal and the remaining calculations   with Accounting number format.

Insert a footer with   your name on the left side, the sheet name code in the center, and the file   name code on the right side of the worksheet.

Save and close the   workbook. Submit the file as directed


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As manager of the gift shop at the Metropolitan Zoo, you are responsible for managing the weekly payroll

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