Writers Solution

Imagine that you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers.

Imagine that you are the marketing manager for a U.S. manufacturer of disposable diapers. Your firm is considering entering the Brazilian market. Your CEO believes the advertising message that has been effective in the United States will suffice in Brazil. Outline some potential objections to this. How would you have to tweak your advertising message to cater to the local culture? Your CEO also believes that the pricing decisions in Brazil can be delegated to the local managers. Why might she be wrong? The CEO continues to believe that within 20 years, we will see the emergence of enormous global markets for standardized customer products. Do you agree with this statement? Justify your answer. 

In your original post and your response to at least two of your peers,  demonstrate critical thinking, contribute something new to the discussion and demonstrate the integration of class concepts from your reading along with examples to support your statements and sources referenced. If you use content from external sources a citation and reference must be included in APA format, and the content must be in quotes if taken verbatim.

Writers Solution

What global marketing strategies have these companies implemented to stay ahead of their competitors?

Prepare a PowerPoint presentation (12 slides maximum) comparing and contrasting two global companies of your choice.

• In your analysis, address the following at a minimum:

• One slide summary for each of the companies and products

• What global marketing strategies have these companies implemented to stay ahead of their competitors? Make sure to incorporate the marketing mix variables, pricing and market segmentation.

• What are their human resource strategies with regards to staffing and retaining talent?

• What is their source of competitive advantage?

• If you were the leader running these companies, would you change anything? Why or why not?

• As in other assignments and in line with the assignment rubric, make sure to integrate class content in your analysis and cite your sources.

Maximum of twelve slides in length, excluding the Title and Reference page.

• APA format, including an in-text citation for referenced works.

• At least three resources.

Writers Solution

Identify the role of the marketing manager

 Business Improvement plan:Glamorous Jewellery
The University
Of Queensland
CRICOS Provider Number O1697J
CRICOS Provider Number 00025B
Marketing Manager
• Identify the role of the marketing manager (You must research this).
• Revisit the company problem identified by the general manager
PROBLEM: ( The major problem is our general cost is over spend).
• Develop a branding strategy, with an explanation as to why your customers would purchase from you (Must discuss the target market).
Marketing Manager
– Discuss two (new or current) products from the business, and list their prices with explanation using the information from the previous slide
– Identify a brand image or logo for the branding strategy that will be used in your chosen business (You must create a brand logo and insert in this presentation)
Marketing Manager
– Using the business’s financial ratio analysis, discuss as to why the branding strategy will help improve the business. (insert samples of the financial ratio analysis in the slides as visuals)

Writers Solution

Marketing concept and summarize its relationship to marketing myopia

 Marketing Myopia Essay

As discussed in the Unit I Lesson, the Also, recall that promotion is used to reach those target markets.

In this essay, define the marketing concept and summarize its relationship to marketing myopia. Give an example of marketing myopia that you have seen.

  • Your essay must include an introduction.
  • You must also reference at least one journal article from the CSU Online Library and one article from a business-related or news website; therefore, your essay should be supported by at least two sources.
  • Your essay must be at least three pages in length and double-spaced—not counting the title and reference pages.
  • All sources used must be referenced; paraphrased and quoted material must have accompanying APA citations.

See the CSU Success Center’s video for helpful information about writing essays. Click here to view the video.

Writers Solution

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

 Book Title: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

Authors: Al Ries and Jack Trout

ISBN: 978-0887306662

•A short summary of chapter 16: the law of singularity, in your own words.chapter 16 only

• Your pick of the most important sentence in the chapter (and why).

• Identify 3-5 out-of-date examples in your assigned chapter and provide reasoning or possible updates.Files: chapter 16.3.pngChapter 16.2.pngChapter 16.1.png

Writers Solution

The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing

 Book Title: The 22 Immutable Laws of Marketing 

Authors: Al Ries and Jack Trout 

ISBN: 978-0887306662 

Book Review Paper Requirements

A quick review of the book on your own worlds and answer the following questions.

Please include all applicable points in your Book Review. You may switch the order of these points, if necessary.

  • Which laws/concepts do you feel have stood the test of time (for the most part)?
  • Which laws/concepts do you think need to be updated to remain useful?
  • Which laws/concepts do you feel should be discarded entirely?

(Between the three questions above, be sure to sort each law into a category)

  • Was this book helpful in understanding some of the psychology & history behind marketing?
  • Did any parts of this book help you connect the topics we studied in our other textbook?
  • In your opinion, were any parts of this book unnecessary? Offensive? Confusing?
  • Overall, what did you think of the book?

   Length and Format Requirements

Cover Page: Do not include a cover page, but be sure to include your name, date, and the course on the first page.

Table Of Contents: Do not include

Works Cited: Include all sources used (including textbook), in APA format. Use in-text citations.

Format: DO NOT answer this assignment as bullet points only. This should be in essay-format, with paragraphs, and full sentences. 12pt Times New Roman, Double Spaced or 1.5 Spacing, 1” Margins, Regular Character Spacing.

Length: Do NOT exceed 3 pages. Works Cited does not count toward page count.

Writers Solution

develop marketing mix strategies

  • Your job in this Writing Assignment is to develop marketing mix strategies to ensure a value offering for the target market you identified in the previous assignment.
  • We will be looking to see if you can apply the marketing concepts to the real world situation. Assume you now work for this company, and your goal it to help the company grow sales.  We don’t expect you to develop strategies based on insider knowledge of the product or service since you are most likely not employed by your product or service’s company.
  • Again, do not fall into the trap of simply reporting on the product or service.  This is obvious because your assignment will look like a rewrite of the company’s website.  Don’t be afraid to make strategy recommendations based on what you have discovered about the product or service, and how you think it can move forward.  Be creative, take reasoned risks.
  • Always keep them in mind your product’s target market(s) from the previous paper when making your recommendations.
  • You will also have a chance to recommend new distribution and pricing strategies based on your new target market to meet their needs.
  • Prepare your assignment beginning with a title page with your name and the name of your product or service.  Then answer each of the following questions (two in part 1 and two in part 2) in order and number the beginning of your response to each question.  Do not repeat the question. Headings should separate the sections.

Part 1

  1. Type of consumer offering.  Describe your product or service offering as it is currently in terms of features and benefits, price and the total cost of ownership as discussed in the week’s readings.  Is it more product dominant or service dominant?  What are the tangible and intangible aspects? Based on the four categories of type of offerings discussed in course content,  describe the category in which your product or service offering belongs.  Based on your new target market, would that category of the offering change and if so, how?  How would it change the marketing strategy?
  2. Product lifecycle.  In which stage of the product lifecycle is your product or service offering now? Would the changes described in number 3 above change the lifecycle stage and if so how?  What would this mean to the lifecycle marketing strategy?

Part 2

  1. Marketing channels & strategy.  To the best of your ability, outline the marketing channels of your product or service offering as they currently exist.  Refer to Figure 6.2 for some ideas.  Most product and service offerings will have more than one channel, so your system should include at least two; for example (1)  a direct channel for internet sales:  manufacturer –> customer; and  (2) an indirect channel such as manufacturer –> distributor –> wholesaler –> retailer –> customer. If your product or service only has only a direct channel, explain why.  Would this channel strategy change as a result of your new target market?  Why or why not?
  2. Pricing strategy.  Referring to the various pricing strategies outlined in the week’s readings, which one does your product or service currently use?  Would you recommend any changes for your new target market?  If so, how would you change it and why?
  3. Assignment statusSolved by our Writing Team at
Writers Solution

Marketing Plan for Nike’s new product

 Nike’s New DeliveryNike’s new female apparel includes its very first collection dedicated to maternity wear.
Nike’s new collection, Nike (M), is designed for new and expectant mothers. It’s the first collection of its kind for the active wear giant and follows years of requests by customers and professional athletes. After three years in the making, Nike (M) is finally hitting the market with a four-piece “essentials” collection. Nike (M) includes a supportive legging, tank top, sports bra that provides accessibility to pump and nurse, and a fleece pullover with extra material to fit growing stomachs.
Not only does Nike (M) assist pregnant consumers, it also aids the environment. Nike designed the collection to be sustainable, with each piece made from 78-88% recycled polyester. Combining the relatively untapped market of maternity active wear with sustainability could help Nike appeal to more female consumers, as women are more likely to shop eco-consciously. Additionally, even if they are not shopping the new Nike (M) collection, the line could change Gen Z consumer’s view of Nike, as they tend to favour brands with inclusive and environmentally friendly products.
Advertising and launching the new collection in countries around the world could further Nike’s connection with consumers and boost its image as an inclusive active wear brand. With many of its stores still closed due to the Coronavirus pandemic, Nike will rely on its desktop and mobile sites for the new collection’s drop. As Nike’s sites generate the highest traffic rates in the active wear sector, it could easily draw consumers online to shop the new maternity wear. Though Nike (M) is the first of its kind for the company, it is not the first maternity line from a large active wear brand, as Reebok first released a multi-purpose active wear line for expectant mothers in 2019.
Nike’s new collection allows expectant and new mothers to exercise in comfort. The release of a maternity line, along with last year’s launch of modest women’s swimwear, could show Nike’s commitment to expanding its reach into untapped areas of the women’s active wear market.
Write a Marketing Plan for Nike’s new product. Ensure you identify:
a) Environmental analysis – the marketing environment
b) Target Market
c) Marketing Objectives
d) SWOT analysis
e) Marketing Strategies

Writers Solution

Raincross is seeking a full time marketing rockstar to manage client accounts, devise and implement strategies and craft winning content daily.

Write a resume and cover letter for the following position

Online Marketing Strategist 

Riverside, CA 92507

Full-time, Contract

Raincross is seeking a full time marketing rockstar to manage client accounts, devise and implement strategies and craft winning content daily. Candidates must be extremely motivated, possess excellent research and writing skills and pay very close attention to detail.


  • Master      the art of creating content: blog articles, updates on social sites, press      releases, infographics (or at least the concepts behind them for our      design team to create) are all part of the ideal candidates daily tasks
  • Research      and analyze the latest data to uncover gaps; stay up to date on the latest      trends and be quick enough to jump on them before they pass
  • Convert      through compelling CTA’s: Create copy for signage, newsletters, email      campaigns, online promotions, ads, etc to help brand reach their goals
  • A/B      test: Do you know what works and what doesn’t?
  • Craft      brand strategies: Figure out what they’re doing right, what they’re doing      wrong and create strategies to implement. Research to include competitor      marketing, trends, etc. Come up with creative new ways to help clients grow      and become more successful
  • Social      advertising: Run ads on Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, LinkedIn and any      other social platform that allows us to


Writers Solution

The roaring 2020s have commenced. As managers we need to understand what this means for our marketing approach

Assessment 1 Outline
Assessment title:
Ready for marketing in the roaring 2020! Assessment weighting: 20%
Assessment type:
Reflective Assignment Word limit: 1500 Equivalent
DUE DATE: 4/03/2020
Assessment instruction
The roaring 2020s have commenced. As managers we need to understand what this means for our marketing approach. There will be many new opportunities and new challenges and constant changes. What about you? Are you ready for marketing in the roaring 2020?
In this assessment you are asked to reflect on a section of the following article in relation to your own experience and learning.
Digital Arts Staff, Creative trends for a roaring 2020, January 2020
Your submission for this assessment has to consist of 2 components:
v An artefact
v A reflective essay (max 700 words)
What you need to do:
1.) Read the article on creative trends for a roaring 2020.
2.) Identify whose contribution resonates most with you.
o Flo Lau
o Andy Payne
o Caroline Paris
o Sadie Westwood
o Thibault Michal
o James Ramsden
3.) Use Gibb’s reflective cycle (1988).
Reflect on your chosen contribution about Creative trends for 2020 in relation to your own experiences with marketing – as an individual, a student and a professional.
You will need to address several stages: Description-Feeling-Evaluation-Analysis-Conclusion-Action Plan.
4.) Produce an artefact on your reflection.
This can be a blog or vlog, an ad, a comic, a digital mood board, a scrapbook, a diary, video collage, etc.
5.) Write a short reflective essay (max 700 words) to give more insight into
o the process of your reflection and the creation of your artefact.
o the most important insights you gained as a learner from the reflection and how you can enhance your future learning.
Assessment format
Artefact and reflective essay
Item Required? Y/N Word count
inclusion? Y/N Lecturer comment
Artefact Y Y Equiv. 800 words
Reflective Essay Y Y Equiv. 700 words
Title Page Y N For essay only
Executive Summary N N
Table of Contents N N
Introduction Y Y For essay only
Body Y Y For essay only
Conclusion Y Y For essay only
Reference List Y Y For essay Yes, for artefact if applicable
Appendices Y N For Artefact if applicable
Specific line spacing N NA
Specific margins N NA
Min/max references Y N Minimum 5 independent references
Calibre of references Y N o Must use academic text or peer reviewed journals
o Min 3 published since 2010
Template in use N N
Submission details:
Electronic copies of the assignment must be submitted to the ‘Turn-It-In’ website by 23.59 on the due date. Do not ‘E-mail’ assignments, as they will not be accepted in this subject.
In case the format/size of your artefact is not suitable to be submitted to ‘Turn-It-In’ you have to upload your assignment to the designated folder on Sharepoint. You have to advise your lecturer via email by Wednesday, February 26th, COB, if you wish to do so. Your submission will need a coversheet.
Graduate qualities being assessed:
GQ4 The ability to research, evaluate & use information & ideas from a broad range of sources to effectively identify, formulate & solve problems, to generate ideas & demonstrate a capacity for initiative, judgement, innovation & entrepreneurial thinking.
GQ5 The ability to communicate effectively and appropriately in a range of hospitality industry contexts using communication, literacy, numeracy and information technology skills
GQ7 A commitment to self-directed lifelong learning and intellectual development.
GQ8 A commitment to “Swissness-, a concept that includes punctuality, the role of formality, rigorousness, professionalism, excellence, precision, respect for guests, linguistic ability and a global mindset.
Threshold Learning Outcomes being assessed:
Responsibility Service &
Design Inter
Inquiry Collaboration Problem