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Research data collection plan and quantitative research design for measuring employee contributions

Your manager is very pleased with your research data collection plan and quantitative research design for measuring employee contributions and has asked you to write a literature review (similar to Chapter 2 in your dissertation). Your dilemma is what empirical research should be included in your literature review. How can you discern quality studies in the quantitative realm from mediocre ones? What are the top five criteria for selecting high quality quantitative empirical articles for your literature review? Justify criteria selected with appropriate sources.

Note: Rather than providing insights into or literature regarding the topics of employee rewards/compensation or employee retention, focus your discussion post on the research methodology and design and the process of selecting scholarly quantitative literature to resolve this applied research example.

Alicia response

I think it takes skills of critical thinking to discern high quality articles from mediocre articles. I believe high quality articles that best support the dissertation process are peer reviewed articles; because, peer reviewed articles have gone through a validation process by way of being carefully screened, scrutinized, and combed through to determine authenticity and objectivity; the true purpose of this study. Another component to high quality research methodologies is the presence of ethics and accuracy. Before choosing an article, ask the question, “How do we know that this article is tried, true, and tested?”. The process in which research is conducted determines whether an article is ethical and unbiased, or if the article is based on a theory without actual observation or experiments conducted. When considering to implement one should consider if the article is valid, trustworthy, and effective enough to support your argument. Another criteria for conducting research based on experiment or observation is to consider how this process will answer a question or test a certain theory. Skews (2020) wrote that in order for the professional practice of coaching to be validated, it needed to be conducted through an evidence-based empirical design. The evidence-based design would answer a direct question, and thirdly it would use the available systematic reviews to access evidence relevant to the research question.


Skews, R. (2020). How to design and conduct quantitative coaching intervention research. Coaching Psychologist16(1), 41–51.

Do you agree with Alicia ? yes or no- only 150 words plus reference apa 7 format

Stevie Response

Hello Class,

Continuation of proving you are a great new doctoral leader is important with every task that is given. In providing a literature review of empirical research, the first step would be ensuring that I have the right resources for my research. Because this will be a quantitative study, it is important within the resources used for the research are credible. Credible evidence to gain readers’ trust, and the writer must be able to avoid bias in his or her argumentation (D’Urso et al., 2021). There are five specific actions that will be considered during the research, dependability, Credibility, Confirmability, Transferability, Reflexivity, and Trustworthy. Credibility will provide accurate findings, Dependability reference can be used for future research, Confirmability is providing adequateness, Transferability is finding research that can be used in the future, Reflexivity is which thinking about thinking is consistently being practiced, and Trustworthy is the goal of qualitative research (D’Urso et al., 2021). When researching, selecting high-quality articles will be clear in finding these components.


D’Urso, P., Johnston, E., McClendon, C. (2021). GCU doctoral research: Foundational principles of research design. Grand Canyon University.

Do you agree with Stevie ? Yes or no

Kathleens response

      Credibility, accuracy, reasonableness, and support are the main criteria for discerning quality studies in the quantitative realm. (D’Urso et al., 2021) The top five criteria for selecting high quality empirical articles for your literature review include: 1) Why the study is conducted, 2)What new knowledge will be discovered, 3) Why this new knowledge is important, 4)The general population affected by the problem, and 5) How the research will contribute to resolving the problem. (Greenberger, 2021) Research design, research process, aims of research, amount of data, and method of analysis are all forms of the CIS (critical interpretive synthesis) (Depraetere et al., 2021) literature review process which has been in practice for several decades and has been very successful. Those are probably the best ways to evaluate literature.

Depraetere, J., Vandeviver, C., Keygnaert, I., & Beken, T. V. (2021). The critical interpretive        synthesis: An assessment of reporting practices. International Journal of Social Research            Methodology: Theory & Practice24(6), 669–689.

Do you agree with Kathleen ? Yes or no




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implementation of tools for measuring business success

 Implementation Plan: Part 3

For the final assignment of this course, you will continue your work with the company you used in Unit IV and Unit VI. For the Unit VIII Project, you will complete the final components of your implementation plan.

For Part 3, you will focus on the following points:

· internal and external issues,

· competition,

· future outlook for the organization, and

· implementation of tools for measuring business success.

Much of the information you will need to complete this segment can be found in the case study in the textbook. However, you will also need to conduct some outside research. For the future of the organization, you may be creative and add your own insight on where you see the company going. You will need to reference your textbook and at least one outside source for this assignment. You are encouraged to utilize the CSU Online Library, but you may also use external sources, as long as the source is reliable.

Your project must be a minimum of three full pages in length, not counting the title and reference pages. Make certain to include an introductory paragraph

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Why does Stiglitz believe that measuring a nation’s well-being should go beyond GDP?

Respond to each classmate 100 words or more. 

These are the questions they had to answer.

  • Why does Stiglitz believe that measuring a nation’s well-being should go beyond GDP?
  • What specific policies and societal norms highlight our nation’s emphasis on the factors of production and/or consumption?
  • What steps can be taken at the local and national levels to put greater emphasis on outcomes, like health, education, and the environment?
  • What does scripture have to say about this topic? Find at least one biblical verse to support your comments.

Classmate 1 

GDP: Measuring What Counts for Economic and Social Performance. Stiglitz believes that measuring a nation’s well-being should go beyond GDP because it focuses on materialistic things rather than people’s health and overall well-being. He discusses how some people are more privileged than others and how some people start at the bottom and don’t have a chance to put themselves in a better situation. Policies and societal norms that highlight our nation’s emphasis on factors of production or consumption consist of labor market reforms in which companies force workers to work and work hard for minimum so that they will be able to receive their pension. Most states and jobs are at will and can fire an employee at any time, which causes insecurities, makes workers conform to their jobs, and gives employers the chance to toy with workers. The article states, “If we want to put people first, we have to know what matters to them, what improves their wellbeing, and how we can supply more of whatever that is.” Steps that can be taken at the local and national levels to emphasize outcomes would be to offer free health insurance to everyone, lower healthcare costs, lower prices of healthy foods, and raise the cost of fast foods. Another thing that can be done education-wise is monitoring school systems to ensure that they are using state and federal money for learning purposes. Encourage parents to start at home with their kids so that they know that education is important. Companies should become greener; we should recycle more and try to become minimalist instead of buying and using unnecessary things and throwing them away in waste and destroying the environment.

Hebrews 12:14 (King James Version) states, “Follow peace with all men, and holiness, without which no man shall see the Lord.” A life of peace is better than being in the storm fighting with others. God loves us all. God wants us always to do what is right and help one another out. No one should consider themselves better than the next person or always in competition. That isn’t peace; the way to God’s heart is polite, generous, and willing to help others.

Classmate 2

In this article, we learned about the gross domestic product, which is known as GDP. GDP can be described as monetary value of all finished and services made within a place during a specific time. GDP is not a good measure of well being as mentioned in the article. It is believed that if we measure the wrong things then we will do the wrong thing. This is the reason Stiglitz believed that the nation’s well being should be measured beyond GDP. The information received from GDP was not very accurate. The information did help provide ways to help the well-being of the population. Production and consumption would not exist without one another.  People believed that the GDP did not have data that would benefit economic production such as health, environment, and education. These areas needed to be focused on in order for the economy to thrive. 

There are various steps that can be taken at the local and national levels to put emphasis on outcomes such as health, education, and the environment. A step that can be made in the health category is create more resources for mental health. There are more people being reported who are suffering from mental health issues. There are people who are seeking assistance, but some people cannot receive assistance. The reason is people do not always have the resources. If more resources are provided to people who have not been able to receive them, this would benefit the population more. For education, there could be more resources created such as more places that provide after school assistance to help with homework or other school related activities. There are different places that are available, but many parents do not have the funds that would allow their children to attend. Some places are not available in the area closes to the child. In order to help the environment, we can have community clean ups on a regular basis. There is so much trash that is polluting the environment that is harming the planet, people, animals etc. 

A scripture that is related to the topic is Proverbs 19:17 which states.” Whoever is generous to the poor lends to the Lord, and he will repay him for his deed.” This article informed us on how the GDP was not focused on the well being of others. This scripture explains how if someone is helps the poor or anyone that they will be blessed in return. Just as Stiglitz wanted to focus more on creating ways to assist with putting people first. In return, God will bless him for his great deed





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flynns effect explanation and advantages of measuring the iq test

 write an article on flynns effect explanation and advantages of measuring the iq test Paper must be at least 250 words. Please, no plagiarized work! TED Talk given by Flynn Introduction This paper will be focused to answer the questions about Flynn’s effect, its explanation and advantages of measuring the IQ test.

Each generation possesses the higher IQ test as compared to previous generation. Either individual of a generation think differently or they have become smarter than individuals of preceding generation. Flynn effect has been widely accepted and most approaches are used to estimate its error measurement. It is required to explain Flynn effect and show that how older people of old generation were not so rationale as compared to lateral generations.

A number of explanations are given to explain the Flynn effect. It is widespread, steady and too large that improved nutrition has produced the great familiarity of the IQ tests. People used only one bullet in the bullseye in 1865 and they used five bullets in 1898. In 1918, a hundred bullets were put in bullseye. People have escalated in their performance at a high degree than previously. People did not consider the difference between a fish and crow. In the early days, rifles were shuffled between different war fighters but later on every responsible individual would have his own gun.

In older days, people were not rationale and made speculations regardless of facts. People thought that camels could not be found in small villages because no room was there for camels. People were involved in problems regardless of their importance and reality. It is argued that intelligence is strongly associated with the IQ test that largely focuses upon problem solving capabilities of individuals. In this regard, one can say that intelligent increases as cultural generation are moving ahead. From Flynn’s work, one can conclude that cognitive demand has increased in modern days as 35% Americans are involved in profession or sub-professions while in 1900 only 3% American were found in practicing profession.


In this paper, focus has been to define the Flynn Effects and its explanation in terms of that how people of old days were not so rationale as compared to individuals of lateral generations. Some of the statistics about IQ and increase in cognitive demands are also evaluated.


Flynn J. (2013). Why our IQ levels are higher than our grandparents. Available from Accessed on 16/10/2015.

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The Triple Bottom Line: Measuring Your Organization’s Wider Impact

The concept behind the triple bottom line is that companies are responsible to all their stakeholders. This includes everyone involved with the company, whether directly or indirectly. It also includes the planet on which we all live. This approach views shareholders as very important stakeholders. This approach also recognizes the need for companies to consider other important stakeholders in the company, including employees, customers, vendors, and the larger community.

Before writing this week’s discussion posting, review this MindTools article, “The Triple Bottom Line: Measuring Your Organization’s Wider Impact,” for more details on the triple bottom line.

This Week’s Discussion Post

For this week’s discussion, please respond to the following:

How would you implement the triple bottom line (people, planet, profit) concept at your chosen company, whether you are using the snack food company scenario or the company of your choice?

Keep the following format in mind as you complete this week’s discussion:

  • Profit: When looking at profit from this theory’s perspective, the idea is that profits will help empower and sustain the community as a whole. Profits are more than just a benefit for shareholders. Briefly explain your approach.
  • People: Describe your approach to caring about suppliers, customers, employees, and the community. For example, one way to care about employees is to provide a good working environment, training and development opportunities, and health care.
  • Planet: Explain your approach to minimizing your company’s impact on the environment. For example, your company might develop a process to minimize waste or reduce energy usage, such as using recycled materials in its production process.

Post at least one substantive comment to another student’s post.


  • Textbook Chapter 14, “Social Responsibility & Sustainability,” pages 259–270, provides additional detail on this topic.
  • You will use the information from this discussion post and the feedback you receive in the Social Responsibility section of your Week 8 assignment, Operations, Technology, Management, and Social Responsibility Plan (With Financials).

In your response, include: 

1. A brief description of your business (name of the company, what you do, what products or services you are selling)

2. Use the 3 headings (People, Planet, Profit) and discuss per the instructions. Specific examples of what you will do at your company are required.

Additional resources:

Check out these videos to see how the concept is applied at Honest Tea Company.  

  • “Dr. Woody Interviews Seth Goldman of HONEST Tea” (6 min 1 s)
  • How entrepreneurs can change society – the story of Honest Tea: Seth Goldman at TEDxMidAtlantic
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