Writers Solution

Implicit Bias and Microaggressions

 Implicit/Explicit Bias and Microaggressions

Review the articles and video clips “Implicit Bias and Microaggressions,” “How Heterosexist Are Health and Human Services Organizations?” and “Organizational Change Rationales.” Also view the film clip: “Microaggressions in Everyday life and MTV’s film clip on microaggressions (see Implicit Bias and Microaggressions lecture for the videos) . You will need to upload a copy of the “Cultural Competence Continuum” for this discussion.  

Research says that human services agencies are increasing in cultural competence. The main goal of cultural competence is to tailor services so that all clients are served effectively and efficiently. Answer the following questions in your discussion post. pm (400-word count.

1. In light of the readings on microaggressions toward racial ethnic populations, how are these indignities reflected on sexual minorities (LGBTQ)? List a few of the microaggressions used in commonplace ways toward sexual minorities that may be denied as harmful.

2. With this week’s readings as a guide, state some of the ways in which organizations were severely destructive with ethnocentric concepts. In what ways can organizations go from (heterosexist/homophobic) Cultural Destructiveness to Cultural Proficiency? Give examples.