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The error 1935 in QuickBooks desktop might take place at the time of the Microsoft .NET Framework system files

Well, there can be a lot of errors and issues that usually appear on the screen and affect your system. Just like other software, QuickBooks also displays technical bugs and error codes. QuickBooks installer error code 1935 is one of such common issues that occur while trying to install the QuickBooks desktop or programs. 

In addition to this, you might be facing the same issue while using the software in the Windows startup mode. A corrupted or damaged installation of the .NET framework can also lead to the same error code. 

In the following post, we have given all the feasible solutions to fix QuickBooks installer error code 1935. So, you are recommended to check out the whole post. 

What leads to QuickBooks Installer Error Code 1935?

Here, you can find out some of the possible causes that might be leading to QuickBooks error code 1935.

  1. The error 1935 in QuickBooks desktop might take place at the time of the Microsoft .NET Framework system files.
  2. If you are not allowed to install QuickBooks because of anti-virus programs, then QuickBooks installer error code 1935 may appear. 
  3. At the time of installing the .NET Framework. 
  4. Because of the damaged .NET Framework, the error 1935 may pop up on the screen.

How to Troubleshoot QuickBooks Installer Error Code 1935?

Given below are the complete steps to get rid of QuickBooks error code 1935. It is suggested to apply the following steps respectively. 

  1. Initially, you need to reboot the system and start the installation process.
  2. And then, disable the antivirus program. 
  3. Now, you will be required to install the QuickBooks desktop or .NET Framework.
  4. Enable the antivirus program once you are done with the installation of the .Net framework.
  5. Get the required information on Install QuickBooks by visiting the official website of Intuit. 
  6. Repair and reinstall Microsoft .NET Framework if you are still facing the error code 1935. 
  7. At last, initiate the installation procedure.

You may also read: QuickBooks tool hub file doctor

Concluding the Post!

Hopefully, you can easily deal with QuickBooks Installer Error Code 1935 after going through the whole post. If you face any difficulty while applying any of the above-listed steps, immediately get connected with our ebetterbooks team. We are working here all round the clock to provide you with technical support.  

Feel free to dial a toll-free error support phone number 1-860-215-2261


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How to Install the Data Analysis ToolPac in Microsoft Excel


In this assignment, you will be required to calculate descriptive statistics for each numeric variable in the Heart Rate Dataset


  1. Open the Heart Rate Excel Dataset In Read Me First
  2. Sort the quantitative variables by class (e.g., Male at-rest heart rate and Female at-rest heart rate)
  3. Use the Excel Data Analysis ToolPak* tools to calculate each of the following statistics:
    1. Mean of each quantitative variable
    2. Sample variance of each quantitative variable
    3. Sample standard deviation of each quantitative variable
  4. Create a table in Excel that summarizes the statistics for each variable.
  5. Transfer your summary results to Word.
  6. Interpret what the mean and standard deviation specifically tell you about the heart rates of males and females in the sample.  Are the heart rates for males or females higher?  Which data is more spread out and which is closest to the overall mean rate? Explain your responses.

In the topic “Measures of Center”, you were provided directions on how to upload the Data Analysis ToolPak to Excel. If you have not yet uploaded the add-in Data Analysis ToolPak, please view the appropriate video and follow the instructions.  You will not be able to complete this assignment without that add-in.

How to Install the Data Analysis ToolPac in Microsoft Excel

How to Add the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel on Mac 2018

Installing Excel Toolpak (Data Analysis) on Mac (versions other than 2018)

For a review of how to use the Data Analysis ToolPak to create summary statistics

Review: Descriptive Statistics in Excel Mean, Median, Mode …

Directions: Review this video on how to use the Data Analysis ToolPak to create summary statistics. 

Additional Instructions:

Your assignment should be typed into a Word or other word processing document, formatted in APA style. The assignments must include

  • Running head
  • A title page with
    • Assignment name
    • Your name
    • Professor’s name
    • Course


Ben G Kaiser. (2018).  How to add the Data Analysis ToolPak in Excel on Mac 2018 [Video]. Retrieved from

Joseph C. (2016). Installing Excel Toolpak (Data Analysis) on Mac [Video].  Retrieved from

Joshua Emmanuel. (2017). Descriptive statistics in Excel mean, median, mode, std. deviation… [Video]. Retrieved from>

Quantitative Specialists. (2013). How to install the Data Analysis ToolPak in Microsoft Excel [Video]. Retrieved from


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Server Hosting vs. On Premises Server Operations for Microsoft Systems

five-page paper (not including the title page or executive summary). Overview and instruction explain everything about the paper.

LRS Position Paper: Server Hosting vs. On Premises Server Operations for Microsoft Systems


A long-standing debate in the IT industry with respect to Server Hosting pertains to the debate regarding hosting servers in the cloud versus hosting them on premises. There are pro’s and con’s on both sides, both on the surface and some that will require research into current industry trends.

The objective of this exercise is to take a position in this debate and argue the merits in this debate. This paper is not designed to be a balanced report on the facts, but designed to engage you, the student, in the debate, and which solution would you choose.


You are to construct a properly formatted research paper of five pages (not including the title page or executive summary) conforming to APA format, stating your opinion as a thesis, having at least three supports and a well-written conclusion. The supporting material should not be general talking points, but rather, demonstrate proper research and clear thought.


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Microsoft Foundation Class

Object-oriented programming has been adopted widely because of its capability to reuse code. Most application development software provides class libraries and extensive support for complex data structures, including linked lists. 

Investigate one of these libraries, such as the Microsoft Foundation Class ( or the Java 2 Platform (http://www application programming interface (API). 

1)What data structures are supported by the library? 

2)What types of data are recommended for use with each data structure object? 

3)Which classes contain which data structures, and what methods does the library provide?

*Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose

*How the article and/or author(s) support your argument(s)

*Most important aspects of the article

*Any findings and conclusions

*Approximately 350 to 450 words in length( 5-6 pages 

*Include the article “Abstract” in your posting (your summary should be original)

*Include the industry example demonstrating the application of your researched article

“**IMPORTANT” – Include the reference for the article in correct APA format

*In correct APA format, write the Reference of the article.

*Clearly state what the article is about and its purpose.

*Repeat for a total of six (6) peer-reviewed sources


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Highlighting the text and inserting comments is a common way to annotate using Microsoft Word or Google Docs

Read the below article titled “Too Stressed to Learn.” I need you to show me how you will “annotate” or mark-up the text in the article below. Highlighting the text and inserting comments is a common way to annotate using Microsoft Word or Google Docs, but I know students have creative ways to annotate using different software tools. You can also print the articles annotate with handwritten notes, then scan and upload an image of your annotations in Canvas. The skill-set we’ll be practicing this semester is annotating the research articles you are using in your speeches and submitting them within Canvas. Show me in this assignment how you’ll annotate evidence you use in our class. In this assignment find the data/evidence within the Too Stressed to Learn article to respond to the following 3 questions: 1/ What are the 2 stress hormones listed in the article? 2/ what’s causing the stress? 3/how should you solve the problem of stress? Submit the marked-up article with your annotations within this Discussion forum to show your classmate’s how you prefer to annotate. Additionally, write at least 1 paragraph (5-7 sentences) describing the steps involved when you annotate. In this discussion show your classmates your best tricks and strategies you have learned to use to closely read a text and document your thoughts on the text for future use. To earn full credit, you need to include your annotated article and your description of your annotation process. Los Angeles Times Too stressed out to learn? New brain research may reveal how emotions make it harder for impoverished students to concentrate. September 01, 2008|Rosemary Clandos Students who grow up amid economic insecurity often face many obstacles: overcrowded schools, lack of enrichment activities, violent neighborhoods. Fear and stress can be two more problems. Brain science is showing how these emotions have effects on the brain and how they can directly impede learning. Some scientists and educators are suggesting ways in which kids and college students can combat the long-lasting effects of poverty-related stress. Taking over thoughts In response to fear or stress, the brain quickly releases adrenaline and cortisol, activating the heart, blood vessels and brain for life-saving action — fighting or running. The brain gives the threat priority over anything else — including schoolwork — and it creates powerful memories to help prevent future threats. “All families experience stress, but poor families experience a lot of it,” says Martha Farah, psychology professor at the University of Pennsylvania. For 20 years, David Diamond, a neuroscience professor at the University of South Florida, has studied the effects of stress-related hormones in rats. He found that high cortisol levels affect the hippocampus — a key learning center in the brain — in three ways. They suppress electrical activity, decrease efficiency and reduce new cell growth. These effects, thought likely to occur in humans as well, might be one reason it’s hard for impoverished students to concentrate and learn — especially if there is extra stress, violence or abuse in the child’s environment, Diamond says. In a 2006 issue of Brain Research, Farah reported that growing up in poverty affects thinking processes associated with several brain systems. Sixty healthy middle-school students matched for age, gender and ethnicity but of different socioeconomic status took tests that challenged brain areas responsible for specific cognitive abilities. Researchers found that children from low-income homes had significantly lower scores in areas of language, long-term and short-term memory, and attention. Research, Farah says, suggests that the effect of stress on the brain may be the reason for these detected differences and disadvantages. Fear also interferes with learning. A study published in the February online journal of Social Cognitive and Affective Neuroscience shows that students raised in low-income homes have stronger fear reactions — with potential consequences for concentration. In the study, 33 healthy undergraduate students viewed pictures of facial expressions — angry, surprised and neutral — while MRI imaging measured their brain activity. For students raised in low-income homes, the pictures of angry faces triggered a greater response in the amygdala, a brain region that processes fear and anger. “Growing up in a socially disadvantaged environment often exposes people to threats to their health and well-being,” says Peter Gianaros, an assistant professor of psychiatry and psychology at the University of Pittsburgh, who headed the research. Changing the brain There are science-supported ways to mitigate these accentuated fear and stress responses and nurture the brain, researchers and educators say. “Change the experience, and you change the brain,” says San Diego-based educator Eric Jensen, author of a 2006 book “Enriching the Brain: How to Maximize Every Learner’s Potential,” who has developed a teachers’ training program, “Enriching the Brains of Poverty.” “Many good schools have shown they can create experiences that change the brain for the better.” Among those experiences: * Targeted preparation. To help children succeed in school, Jensen teaches educators to build students’ brain capacity in areas shown by science to be lagging: attention, long-term effort, memory, processing skills and sequencing skills. He recommends a slate of activities for each — for example, compelling stories, theater arts and fine-motor tasks all build attention skills, he says. * Foster a mind-set of hope, determination and optimism — and security. There are many ways to foster hope, Jensen says, including asking about and affirming a student’s dreams, bringing successful students back to talk to new ones, giving useful feedback on schoolwork and teaching students how to set and monitor their own goals. “Behaviors and thoughts that relate to hope, love and happiness can change the brain — just as fear, stress and anxiety can change it,” Kandel says. “It’s completely symmetrical.” * Meditation. This has been proven in studies to lower stress. * Social connectedness. According to Diamond’s work at the Veterans Hospital in Tampa, Fla., “When people are experiencing strong stress, they recover much better when they have social support than when they are socially isolated,” he says. Jensen recommends mentoring programs for children and student groups. * Take control. “Feeling helpless increases stress hormones,” Diamond says. To offset learned helplessness and develop a sense of control, Jensen advised students to learn time-management skills and goal setting — and reward small accomplishments. * Exercise. “Exercise stimulates and energizes the brain to more efficiently process information. Exercise actually makes more brain cells,” Diamond says. Sports, aerobic exercise, yoga, dance, walking and even exercising the smaller muscles used for playing a musical instrument can change the brain. Music is calming, Diamond says. “If you feel better, you learn better.” * Eat well. Marian Diamond, a neuroscientist and professor at UC Berkeley, has been using dietary changes to improve the learning capabilities of orphans and impoverished children in Cambodia. For students living in poverty in the U.S., she said, “Be sure you’re getting good sources of protein and calcium. Each day, eat an egg — or egg whites — a glass of milk, and take a multivitamin.” Other researchers recommend cutting back on sugar and smoking because they raise cortisol levels. * Spirituality. In the January 2003 journal Urban Education, researchers reported that African American and Latino high school seniors who reported that they were very religious and were raised in intact families scored as well as white students on most achievement tests. “The achievement gap disappeared,” says William Jeynes, an education professor at Cal State Long Beach GET SOLUTION BELOW CLICK HERE TO MAKE YOUR ORDER TO BE RE-WRITTEN FROM THE SCRATCH NO PLAGIARISM
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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Highlighting the text and inserting comments is a common way to annotate using Microsoft Word or Google Docs
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A windows PC with Microsoft Excel installed. If you need this software

Resources needed: 

1. A windows PC with Microsoft Excel installed. If you need this software, follow these steps to install it.

2. Ess13ch02_Questionfile.xlsx

In this exercise, you will learn how to use spreadsheet software to improve management decisions about selecting suppliers. You will filter transactional data about suppliers based on several criteria to select the best suppliers for your company.

Scenario: You run a company that manufactures aircraft components. You have many competitors who are trying to offer lower prices and better service to customers, and you are trying to determine whether you can benefit from better supply chain management. The Assignments area under Week 2, you will find a spreadsheet file (Ess13ch02_Questionfile.xlsx) that contains a list of all the items your firm has ordered from its suppliers during the past three months. The fields in the spreadsheet file include vendor name, vendor identification number, purchaser’s order number, item identification number and item description (for each item ordered from the vendor), cost per item, number of units of the item ordered (quantity), total cost of each order, vendor’s accounts payable terms, order date, and actual arrival date for each order.

Prepare a recommendation of how you can use the data in this spreadsheet database to improve your decisions about selecting suppliers. Some criteria to consider for identifying preferred suppliers include: 

· the supplier’s track record for on-time deliveries 

· suppliers offering the best accounts payable terms 

· suppliers offering lower pricing when the same item can be provided by multiple suppliers. (extra credit)

Use your spreadsheet software to prepare reports to support your recommendations.

Information about the data:

· At a minimum you will need to be able to sort the database by various criteria such as item description, item cost, vendor number, or A/P terms

· A/P terms is expressed as the number of days that the customer has to pay the vendor for the purchase. In other words, 30 designates net 30 days. The vendor that allows customers the longest amount of time to pay for an order would, of course, offer the most favorable payment terms





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services A windows PC with Microsoft Excel installed. If you need this software

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Submit the completed case study responses in a single Microsoft Word compatible document to the appropriate extra credit submission link.

Extra Credit Assignment (Optional): Complete Case Study #1 at the end of Chapters 10, 11, and 12 (pages 322, 353, and 389) from Introduction to Information Systems

  • Deliverables: Submit the completed case study responses in a single Microsoft Word compatible document to the appropriate extra credit submission link.
  • Points Possible: 100 points (Each extra credit accounts for 1% on top of your final grade for a maximum of 2% extra credit overall.)





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Microsoft Dynamics 365 Enterprise resource planning (ERP).

Cybersecurity plan


Institutional Affiliation


Cybersecurity Plan

1. Information System Name/Title:

· List 3 major systems that South Balance would have and assign a unique identifier and name given to the system.

System IDSystem Description
SB-12012489Microsoft Dynamics 365 Enterprise resource planning (ERP). This system is an amalgamated procedure of collecting and systematizing data through an incorporated software suite. The ERP system comprises applications for smoothing South balance’s functionalities across all departments
SB- 12112421AT&T Wireless networks (WLAN). The company uses Local Area Network which is a computer network connecting all devices and computers within the firm’s building.
SB-12117832Gusto Payroll system. This system computes the amount of wages each worker is to be salaried centered on factors like hourly earnings, taxes, and other withholding sums.

2. Information System Categorization:

· For the 3 systems above, identify the appropriate FIPS 199 Availability categorization (place an X in the appropriate column). See the FIPS 199 document for definitions.

SB- 12112421X

3. Information System Owner:

· For the 3 systems above, identify the name and title of the system owner. In a real Security plan, this would also include agency, address, email address, and phone number.

System IDSystem Owner NameSystem Owner Title
SB-12012489Antonio Lazzeri. 115 Glann Rd Apalchin, New York (NY), 13874 Tel- (984) 895- 7997 Email- alazzeri@hotmail.comChief information officer
SB- 12112421Christian Ivanov 17 N Middleton Rd, New York (NY), 12867 Tel- (440)212-1784 Email- ivanova@gmail.comChief IT security, Science Soft Inc.
SB-12117832Louise Gehrig 4744 transit Rd Depew, New York (NY), 14123 Tel- (508) 739-8971 Email- gehriglouise@hotmail.comChief financial officer and vice president of finance

4. Assignment of Security Responsibility:

· For the 3 systems above, identify the name and title of the person responsible for the security of that system. In a real Security plan, this would also include address, email address, and phone number.

System IDSystem Owner NameSystem Owner Title
SB-12012489Walter Johnson. 103 S Railroad Ave Bronxville, New York (NY), 10708 Tel- (515) 127-1218 Email- walterjohnson@hotmail.comChief information security officer and director of IT security
SB- 12112421Lawrence Berra. 242 Hudson St Long Beach, New York (NY), 11462 Tel-(516)-107-2424 Email: berraL@ Hotmail.comDirector of IT operations
SB-12117832Mariana Rivera. 18 Willett Ave, New York (NY), 11575 Tel- 516) 108-2014 Email- riveramariana@hotmail.comDirector of finance

5. Information System Operational Status:

· For the 3 systems above, indicate the operational status of the system (place an x in the appropriate column).

System IDOperationalUnder DevelopmentMajor Modification
SB- 12112421X

6. Information System Type:

· For the 3 systems above, indicate if the system is a major application or a general support system. If the system contains minor applications, list them in Section 9. General System Description/Purpose.

System IDMajor ApplicationGeneral Support System
SB- 12112421X

7. General System Description/Purpose

· For the 3 systems above, describe the function or purpose of the system and the information it processes.

System IDDescription
SB-12012489The ERP system of South Balance has major application in amalgamating the company’s fiscal recording by incorporating financial data in one network. Also, the ERP interconnects order managing, thereby making order acquiring, inventory, dissemination, and bookkeeping a much effortless and less error-predisposed procedure. (Bjelland, E. (2020). The ERP systems can also be used as an overall support system in the procurement of products and raw materials and the human resource department for automated duty allocation and candidate selection. The ERP system process information on the financial stance of the firm, procurement and supplier’s data, accounting information, and supply chain data. Generally, the ERP will process data from divisions across all departments.
SB- 12112421The wireless LAN system serves as a router to enable faster and safer cableless communiqué between divisions in the office building. The staff can also use the system to access the internet for research and other work-related activities. WLAN systems do not really process data as it serves as a medium in which connected computers and devices send and receive signals and data.
SB-12117832The major role of the payroll system in South Balance company is to oversee the procedures of paying workers. The system is also responsible for the production and distributing pay-checks to appropriate persons. The system is also used for paying and filling occupation taxes and other subtractions such as mortgages, credits, and loans. (Rainer, R. K. (2020). The payroll system processes the employee information such as their names, social security numbers, addresses, particulars on current payment and contributions, and tax filing standing. The pay amount and regularity for every worker, their state and local tax reserving identification number are also processed by the payroll system.

8. System Environment

· For the 3 systems above, provide a general description of the technical system. Include the primary hardware, software, and communications equipment.

System IDDescription
SB-12012489The ERP used in south Balance is founded on the cloud and it enables the users to entree ERP software through the internet. The primary hardware needed for the implementation of cloud ERP includes computer servers used for storage and databases. The primary software needed is Microsoft Dynamics 365. Access point/base station is the type of communication equipment used in the ERP system. (Bjelland, E. (2020).
SB- 12112421The WLAN system uses microwave or radio transmission to convey data from one processor to another without wires. A WLAN consists of connections and access points. A node could be a peripheral or a computer having a system connecter or antenna. The access point or base station serves as transmitters and delivers data among the nodes or between the computers and the additional network. (Rainer, R. K. (2020).
SB-12117832The payroll system incorporates all things that go into waging and onboarding of the company’s workers. The system requires computers for data input and servers for information storage. The software utilized is the GUSTO payroll system. Communication equipment is the WLAN router.

11. Risk Assessment and Future Plan

• For the 3 systems above, provide a general description of overall cybersecurity risks. Include the primary hardware, software, and communications equipment.

System IDDescription
SB-12012489The computers and servers would be infected by malware through backdoors. Also, individuals with malicious intentions could obtain passwords to computers and would thereby manipulate or alter data in the servers. the software could be attacked by viruses, trojan, botnets, rootkits, and phasing attacks, which would result in a breach or data destruction. (Turner, L. (2020). When using an access point as communication equipment, online invaders might attempt to piggyback, shoulder surf, or use wireless sniffing to gain entree to the company data, which would be disastrous.
SB- 12112421WLAN networks are predisposed to unlawful admittance over network capitals such as wardriving, piggybacking, and evil-twin strikes, subsequent in susceptibility of confidential and private company data.
SB-12117832Viruses and worms could infect the hardware used by the payroll system thereby damaging or manipulating the data which would incur huge financial losses to the company. Also, the use of wireless routers as communication equipment predisposes the system to attacks such as shoulder surfing and wireless sniffing. (Turner, L. (2020).

12. Related Laws/Regulations/Policies

• For the 3 systems above, list any laws or regulations that establish specific requirements for the confidentiality, integrity, or availability of the data in the system.

System IDDescription
SB-12012489Sarbanes-Oxley Act encompasses obligations intended to aid businesses to avert financial reportage fraud.
SB- 12112421FCC rules, which are below title 47 of the code of national guidelines. Section 15 (47CFR15) outlines that when using computers or devices falling in the approved range, the user must register the computer or devices, conduct tests, and so on.
SB-12117832The company guidelines including pay strategy, benefits and leave policy, and attending policy must be adhered to when implementing this system.

13. Minimum Security Controls

· Provide 30 controls (of your choice) from the NIST 800-171 Security Controls documentation. Each one will be to cover all three of the above systems or, if control is specific to one of the three notate that in the control writeup. Copy and paste the below to provide all 30 controls.

NIST 800-171 Control Number:

Control Family:

NIST 800-53 Mapping:

Relevant 20 Critical Control:

Control Summary:

Implementation Status:

Immediate Action Plan (6 months):

Action Plan (12-24 months):

Long Range Action Plan (3-5 years):


Bjelland, E., & Haddara, M. (2018). Evolution of ERP systems in the cloud: A study on system updates. Systems6(2), 22.

Rainer, R. K., Prince, B., Splettstoesser-Hogeterp, I., Sanchez-Rodriguez, C., & Ebrahimi, S. (2020). Introduction to information systems. John Wiley & Sons.

Turner, L., Weickgenannt, A. B., & Copeland, M. K. (2020). Accounting information systems: controls and processes. John Wiley & Sons.

Tulane University – SOPA

CPST – 3900





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The spreadsheet project turned in should be a single file readable in Microsoft Excel.

You will submit a spreadsheet showing your work. Each problem should be answered on a clearly labeled separate worksheet of a spreadsheet. Answers should be formatted in a manner that makes the answers clear and easy to read. Each of the following Excel functions should be used to calculate at least one of the answers: FV, PV, PMT, RATE, NPER, NPV, AVERAGE, STDEV, and IRR. Calculating the answers elsewhere and typing or pasting them into the spreadsheet is unacceptable. The spreadsheet project turned in should be a single file readable in Microsoft Excel.

Need an excel file each question on a separate worksheet. 

There are 17 questions, the questions are in the attached document. 





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Marketing Excellence: Microsoft


Microsoft Case Study

Case studies are an essential learning strategy in business classes as they provide an opportunity for you to critically analyze events that have taken place in real-life businesses. This develops your critical thinking and research skills as you research the competition and industry in which your business resides in order to formulate a recommendation for the challenges faced by the company.

For this unit, review the “Marketing Excellence: Microsoft” case study on pp. 94–95 of your textbook. (ATTACHED)

Marketing Management 15th Edition Author: Philip T. Kotler; Kevin Lane Keller

This assignment will be comprised of two parts; one part will ask you to respond to questions, and the other will require you to complete a case analysis.

Part 1

Evaluate this case and respond to each of the following questions using both theory and practical managerial thinking.

·         Evaluate Microsoft’s product and marketing evolution over the years. What has the company done well, and where did it falter?

·         Evaluate Microsoft’s recent expansion into areas such as search engines and smart phones. Do you think these are good areas of growth for Microsoft? Why, or why not?

·         Review the potential ethical implications of Microsoft’s situation. How might they revise their strategies to align with good ethical practices?

Your Part 1 response must be at least two pages in length. Follow APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. Note that you will submit Part 1 and Part 2 in one document.

Part 2

Complete a case analysis of Microsoft. This requires that you conduct research on Microsoft beyond the case study material in the textbook. In the case analysis, you will look at the situational analysis, problem, and alternatives, and you will provide a recommendation. Refer to the instructions below as you construct your analysis.

Situational Analysis

·         Discuss the external environment through the compilation of a PEST (political, economic, socio-cultural, and technology) analysis.

·         Discuss the internal and external environment through the compilation of a SWOT (strengths, weaknesses, opportunities, and threats) analysis.


·         Identify at least one organizational problem that Microsoft is currently having or one that you project it will have in the future. Base this on your research and critical thinking.


·         Compile three or four potential marketing-related solutions to the problem above. Remember that these are potential alternatives; you will not select all of the alternatives to solve the problem.

Recommendation (Marketing Strategy)

·         Select one or two of the alternatives above to solve the problem that you identified in this case analysis.

·         Discuss your rationale for choosing these and not the others. Include supporting research that will increase the depth of your analysis.

Part 2 must be at least four pages in length. Follow APA Style when creating citations and references for this assignment. Support Part 2 with at least three sources outside of the textbook. As aforementioned, keep in mind that Part 1 and Part 2 will be submitted in one document.………………………………………………………………………………………………………….