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Spanish mission to convert  natives to Christianity

1. Visit the following website regarding the Spanish mission to convert  natives to Christianity;

When your reading is complete, answer the following questions:

1.  What can we learn about the motives of Spain from this pronouncement?

2.  What is the role of the Pope (as successor to Saint Peter) according to this document?

3.  How will natives be treated if they accept Roman Catholicism?

4.  How will natives be treated if they do not accept Roman Catholicism?

2. Read the attached document:

Then, answer the questions on pg. 72.

Lastly, write a short answer (at least a paragraph but more is better) describing how these advertisements dehumanize slaves who have run away.   

3. Read the below document, Exchange between John Smith and Powhatan:

Then answer the questions found on pg. 26.  Your answers should be at least 2-3 complete sentences.  

4. First, read the following primary source from the Journal of Columbus:

Then, answer the following questions:

1.  What were the European impressions of Natives?

2.  How would the descriptions of the Natives shape the minds of other Europeans (specifically leaders) reading the account of Columbus and his Admiral?

3.  Why would Europeans believe the Natives would be good servants and what type of servants could they be?

4.  Columbus stated that the Natives believed he and his men came from heaven.  Do you think this could really be true?

5.  How often does Columbus talk about gold or other ornamentation?  Why is it important?

5. Read the below passage:

 And answer the following questions.  Your answers should be at least 2-3 sentences.

1.  Who was this written for?

2.  What does this tell us about the society who is using slavery as a form of labor?

3.  What do you think Equiano means by:  “In this situation I expected every hour to share the fate of my companions, some of whom were almost daily brought upon deck at the point of death, which I began to hope would soon put an end to my miseries”?

4.  Why did the crew throw the remaining fish over the edge rather than feed the slaves?

5.  Why is Equiano describing the stench of the ships so thoroughly?

6.  At the end of the document, Equiano describes great joy at arriving in Barbados.  Do you think that joy was short lived?

6. Read the following piece:

George Hewes Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party:

Then, answer the following questions:

1.  What was the purpose of the meeting on December 16th (at the church) in regard to the tea ships?

2.  Describe the disguises of the colonists used at the Tea Party.

3.  Why do you think all three ships were boarded by the protesters at the same time?

4.  Explain why you think citizens of Boston fished some chests of tea out of the river?

5.  Do you think any of the tea survived?  Bonus points if you can find out the information for sure (you must include where you found your information)

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Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals

NURS-6003N-18-Transition to Graduate Study

Networking Opportunities

In this module, you begin laying the foundation for your academic and professional success. Your efforts begin with a vision that includes your own definition of success. Your vision may vary from those of your colleagues, but this does not mean you have to take these first steps alone.

Walden University and the College of Nursing also have a vision and mission, which include helping you to make your own vision a reality. Members of your new academic community, such as faculty, support teams, and fellow students, can also be helpful. Current practitioners and other member of the professional community can also help you to clarify your vision.

This Module’s Discussion asks you to consider how the Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals. You will also begin to identify individuals and teams who can help you along the way as you begin designing the “blueprint”—your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan—that will guide you toward your own vision for academic and professional success. Finally, you will explain the importance of networking and how it can help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

To Prepare:

· Review the Walden and College of Nursing mission and vision statements, Walden’s goals and University Outcomes, and the MSN Program Learning Outcomes presented in this Module’s Learning Resources.

· Reflect on your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.

· Consider how the information in these resources fit with your own goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner.

· Also consider academic and professional individuals and teams with whom you may collaborate in support of your efforts as a student at the university and as a professional within your organization and career.

· Consider the importance of networking and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

Week 1

Post a brief introduction of yourself to your colleagues. Include an explanation as to how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN Program Outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Finally, explain why networking is important and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals




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Companies usually change their vision or mission once they have achieved those things or the company is pivoting. Your mission is where you are now. Your vision is where you want to be in three to five years. Here are some examples of old and new mission statement-

Apple’s older vision statement:

A computer in the hands of everyday people.

Apple’s current vision statement:

To produce high-quality, low cost, easy to use products that incorporate high technology for the individual.

UPS until 1991:

The leading package delivery company.

UPS after 1991:

The enablers of global e-commerce.

Microsoft old vision statement:

Put a computer on every desk and in every home.

Microsoft now:

Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Stanford University in the past:

To become the Harvard of the West.

Stanford now:

A Purposeful University Knowledge, Learning & Innovation for a Rapidly Changing World

Nike in the 1960s:

Crush Adidas.

Nike now:

Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. (*If you have a body, you are an athlete.)

You can see from these vision statements how organizations changed their focus as a reaction to changes in their world.

 YOUR TASK- Find out about such a company, can be a local one, from your native country, which has changed its mission statement. Then, write about what kind of Strategic changes have accompanied this change in order to allign themselves to the new mission statement.

Also add which direction the company is headed to in the new decade?

Prepare a powerpoint presentation for 8-10 slides- 20 marks

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Companies usually change their vision or mission once they have achieved those things or the company is pivoting. Your mission is where you are now. Your vision is where you want to be in three to five years. Here are some examples of old and new mission statement-

Apple’s older vision statement:

A computer in the hands of everyday people.

Apple’s current vision statement:

To produce high-quality, low cost, easy to use products that incorporate high technology for the individual.

UPS until 1991:

The leading package delivery company.

UPS after 1991:

The enablers of global e-commerce.

Microsoft old vision statement:

Put a computer on every desk and in every home.

Microsoft now:

Our mission is to empower every person and every organization on the planet to achieve more.

Stanford University in the past:

To become the Harvard of the West.

Stanford now:

A Purposeful University Knowledge, Learning & Innovation for a Rapidly Changing World

Nike in the 1960s:

Crush Adidas.

Nike now:

Bring inspiration and innovation to every athlete* in the world. (*If you have a body, you are an athlete.)

You can see from these vision statements how organizations changed their focus as a reaction to changes in their world.

 YOUR TASK- Find out about such a company, can be a local one, from your native country, which has changed its mission statement. Then, write about what kind of Strategic changes have accompanied this change in order to allign themselves to the new mission statement.

Also add which direction the company is headed to in the new decade?

Prepare a powerpoint presentation for 8-10 slides- 20 marks

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Connect your recommendation(s) to company goals and mission.


INSTRUCTIONS Strategic Recommendations: Proposal Assignment This is the culminating assignment for this course. Content developed for Discussions 1-7 will help with the collection of data and information that will be included in your strategic recommendations proposal. Prepare your Discussions so that maximum transfer of information may occur.

The resources used for this assignment include this instructional handout and the provided written proposal template.

Project Introduction and Back ground First, you should be familiar with the difference between a business proposal and a business plan. The business proposal is used to address a specific problem or opportunity within an organization. Proposals will typically be focused and abbreviated in content and heavy with supporting arguments and data. A business plan on the other hand is much more detailed. A business plan takes the business proposal and adds all of the specifics (costs, required equipment, timelines, facilities, personnel, etc.) necessary for a presentation to board members or investors. It is common for decision makers to ask for a proposal before a plan. Second, strategic recommendations refer to specific recommendations that focus on improving operational effectiveness and/or efficiency. Effectiveness refers to the idea of goals and mission. How effective are current processes and procedures at meeting company goals? Efficiency refers to the idea of resources. How much of company time, talent, and treasures are being used to achieve specific outcomes? Strategic recommendations focus on improvements in these areas and may come from the creation of new profit centers or the overhaul of existing ones. 

Assignment Elements

The proposal template provides additional instructions on assignment elements and layout. 

Again, feel free to use your creative rights when it comes to layout but the template is available for use. 

Your proposal must include:

1. Proposal Objectives. The Strategic Recommendations Proposal must begin with an executive summary and at least three proposal objectives you develop and address. These objectives should center on supporting your recommendation(s) for an area of improvement you have identified during your company research.

2. Company Mission and Goals. Connect your recommendation(s) to company goals and mission. Why should your recommendation be of interest to decision-makers? Craft these connections carefully.

3. Financial Analysis . If able connect recommendations to findings from the submitted financial statements. At minimum, provide a cost/benefit summary of your recommendation(s).

4. Supporting Arguments. Each objective must be addressed with appropriate assertions. All assertions must have supporting arguments. Arguments must be supported with appropriate data.  

My company is Korean Air


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mission statements and assess whether they meet the “person on a bus” test

1. Review these three mission statements and assess whether they meet the “person on a bus” test.

• To provide book lovers and those they care about with the most inspiring retail and online environments in the world for books and life-enriching products and services.

• X is dedicated to building a world-class national resource enabling Canadians to know their country and themselves through their published heritage, and to providing an effective gateway to national and international sources of information.

• X is an independent campaigning organization that uses nonviolent, creative confrontation to expose global environmental problems and to force the solutions essential to a green and peaceful future.

2. “Employees are our biggest asset.” “Yes, but they can walk out the door any time and all your investment in them will be lost.” Explain why investments in human capital are important. Using the example of a great coach, explain why all is not lost if some of the team members quit.

3. You and your friend decide to open a high-end restaurant specializing in cuisine from your home country. This type of food may appeal to people in the neighbourhood, but you will need to differentiate this restaurant from others, and offer great service, with explanations, customization, etc. Describe the ways in which you would use HRM programs to train the waiters.

4. Some HR professionals are suggesting that employers not “stereotype” generations and treat them differently. Argue the pros and cons of establishing different HR Policies for different generations.

5. Using your school as an example, find one trend in each of the areas (economics, globalization, political/legislative, technology, demographic and social/cultural) that will impact enrollment in your school.

6. Employees spend an average of 43 minutes a day at work on personal mobile devices. A company in the United States implanted a micro chip in employees (who had volunteered to have this done) to prove the identity of the user and increase security and privacy. What policies should the HR department develop in anticipation of the continuing use of technology?


There is total 6 questions in assignment and each question should be written in 100 words.


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Core competencies and consistency with mission?

A recommendation memo is a routinely used document in leading firms, and you may be writing such memos as part of an internship. Therefore, it is essential that you gain some practice at writing them. The purpose of a recommendation memo is to concisely recommend a course of action and provide rationale supporting the recommendation. This note describes how your team should approach writing a recommendation memo for the case assignments. The second part of this note gives you a sample memo that you should use to write your own memos for these assignments. Note that the format of the memos may vary from company to company. Therefore, while following the memo format as given in this note, bear in mind that the goal here is to expose you to memo writing rather than force a memo format on you.

The recommendation memo is a one-page document (not including exhibits) that recommends your course of action and rationale. This format promotes a concise and clear strategic thought process. Equally importantly, it mimics managerial practice. If your memo exceeds 1 1/4 pages, it is TOO long!



This paragraph expresses your intent or action (This recommends……).

· Topic overview (the “what”, not “when” or “how”): costs, funding, etc.

· Ends with the hook: selling idea, the “why” or payoff: this part reveals the author’s point of view.


· Is there a clear purpose, objective?


This paragraph explains why we are talking about this today. It lays out the story.

· Historical: not “new” news (i.e., none of your case analysis will appear here).

· Highlights what brought us to this moment, why we are in this position, what brought about the need to make this decision.

· Dimensionalize the importance to the organization (e.g., important profit goal).

· Constraints – such as budget, capacity, technology, people, etc.

· This section is both brief and factual.


· Is the background clear, concise, and easy to follow?

· Does it explain why action is needed now?

· Does the appropriate sense of urgency come across?


Here, you detail what to do, when to do it and how to do it.

· The details of “what”, “when”, and “how”. NO “why”.

· This section should be very specific (100% clear). It must be actionable (How much will it cost, when, how, who). The reader should be able to read this and know how to carry out this recommendation.

· Some cases will require more than one recommendation.


· Is the recommendation clear and actionable? Could someone else implement it?


Here the reader learns WHY each recommendation is the UNIQUE right thing to do.

· 2-3 solid reasons are typical. Any other action should seem less appealing.

· This section flows from the opening “hook”; links to the original recommendation.

· Support includes impact on profit, share, AND anything else affecting long-term business goals.

· Analysis should address applicable quantitative issues such as NPV, break even analysis, pro forma statement of project budget, sensitivity analysis; as well as qualitative issues, such as, technology consistency, architectural conformance, innovation potential, etc.

· Appeals to precedent and anecdotal evidence in absence of data, but only in limited, carefully constrained manner.

· Shows how the recommendation will put the firm at a competitive advantage or is simply a competitive necessity.

· The goal is to read the basis and conclude the recommendation.


· Is the recommendation an inescapable conclusion of the basis?

· Does the basis for recommendation appropriately consider:

1. Core competencies and consistency with mission?

2. External customers and internal clients?

3. Competitors?

4. Attractiveness – quantitative measures if applicable (e.g., NPV, ROI, break-even, payback)?

· Are all assumptions explicitly stated (e.g., needs, technology trends)?


· Outline other alternatives not selected.

· Discuss risks and key assumptions (use full disclosure, reference Options Grid) of your recommendation.

· When you give a precise number or range, you must support the basis as well.


· Is the analysis thorough with key alternatives fairly considered (see the attachment Options Grid)?

· Risks associated with recommendation are properly addressed?


· Orient to the reader

· Specify date and action needed (what will be done, by whom, and by when)


· Clear follow-up/next steps?

· If appropriate, lay out timeline with key milestones to implement recommendation.


· An Exhibit can be a graph, grid, or simple table (more than four lines).

· List assumptions used in calculations. Do not assume that the reader can read between the lines. So, make every assumption explicit.

· Exhibits should have Title, sources, footnotes to calculation. The point of the Exhibit should be instantly clear to the reader.

· Exhibits should be cited in the proper order (i.e., do not cite Exhibit 4 first in your Memo and then Exhibit 2).


· Is the analysis precise, accurate, and data-based?

· Are the exhibits clearly laid out, titled, and referenced in the memo?

· Is every assumption explicitly listed?

NOTE: Every memo may not include every element described above. The specific case will dictate what must be included. An example is attached.


To: (Name of supervisor goes here)

From: Your team designation/title/cohort and number



This recommends

Implementation will take place within ____ days of approval. Improved sales, reliability, profitability, productivity, and/or reduced costs will result from these actions (state specifics). Sales (Name), Finance (Name), and Manufacturing (Name) concur (If applicable).


· These key facts help explain why we are thinking about this situation today.
· At times, the background paragraph is a good place in a recommendation memo to document the gap between the “real” and the “ideal”. When you use it this way, be sure it sets up each of the reasons in the “Basis for Recommendation” section of the memo.
· Do not include obvious or unnecessary facts. Do not include information found while looking into the situation. This is for information that caused us to look into the situation.
· It is best to simply tell a simple and concise story.


· This describes what we are going to do and how we intend to do it. Limit this section to major points. Implementation details and caveats are discussed in the “Discussion” section following the “Basis for Recommendation” section.

· Our objective is to

Basis for Recommendation

· We state our most important reason here. It is numbered, underlined, and stated in a full sentence. We present data here to prove the claim made in point 1, making sure that the first sentence of this section clearly extends from the data. The claim must be the inescapable conclusion of the data. If there are more than four rows of data, use an exhibit (i.e. refer to Exhibit 1). Exhibits must be clearly labeled and numbered.

· We state our second most important reason here. We present data to prove the claim made in point 2. (3 points are typical)


· Here we discuss a) implementation details, and b) qualifiers, such as risks and rejected alternative solutions.

Next Steps: Here we tell the readers exactly what we want them to do and when we want them to do it. We also lay out a timetable of key milestones to implement the recommendation. A throw-away schedule should be prepared if high stakes are involved




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Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized

Case Assignment

This first case paper will set the stage for the balance of your Capstone project. Choose an appropriate project organization of suitable size, and with which you are familiar enough to conduct suitable critical analysis. Please choose an IT-related organization. This can be your current organization/unit, or a reasonable portion thereof. The focus can also be a recent organizational assignment within a given organization. If your work or assignment situation is not primarily IT-related, you may still use it. You will simply need to detail how IT and ITM figure into the performance and outcomes of this organization. If you are not currently employed outside the home or in an IT setting, find an organization, or IT personnel in your organization, who would be willing to provide you such IT information as is required as you proceed through the various segments of the Capstone Case. In this case, you must involve IT issues in some meaningful way. For this first Case segment, at minimum, for your chosen organization, provide as much of the following descriptive and analysis information as possible:

  • Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized, etc.
  • What sort of ‘environmental’ challenges is this organization facing: social, economic, and technological? How are they responding? What are some of the key opportunities, problems, and challenges your organization is facing? What are the IT Governance issues? What are the ethical issues?
  • You will wish to detail your personal role and contributions to this organization as well as the personal challenges and opportunities you face.

Assignment Expectations

In all of this, you will need to reflect on your description and analysis (and perhaps adjust it accordingly) to ensure that you are able to integrate insight and learning from previous classes (and other sources as fits the circumstances). This means at least five contiguous academically sound citations and later full references. Use enough concurrent discussion so that the purpose of each citation is apparent to the reader. Note that this paper is incomplete without five academically sound references (relevant magazine articles from such sources as CIO are OK. Also, you may use Wikipedia and military/corporate references, but they do not count as one of the required five).

You will be assessed on the appropriateness and completeness of the detail you provide regarding your selected organization, your use of citations and references as noted above, and your intellectual insight into topically important issues. You will also be assessed on how well you adhere to the specific Capstone Case Guidelines provided to you





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized

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Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized, etc.

Case Assignment

This first case paper will set the stage for the balance of your Capstone project. Choose an appropriate project organization of suitable size, and with which you are familiar enough to conduct suitable critical analysis. Please choose an IT-related organization. This can be your current organization/unit, or a reasonable portion thereof. The focus can also be a recent organizational assignment within a given organization. If your work or assignment situation is not primarily IT-related, you may still use it. You will simply need to detail how IT and ITM figure into the performance and outcomes of this organization. If you are not currently employed outside the home or in an IT setting, find an organization, or IT personnel in your organization, who would be willing to provide you such IT information as is required as you proceed through the various segments of the Capstone Case. In this case, you must involve IT issues in some meaningful way. For this first Case segment, at minimum, for your chosen organization, provide as much of the following descriptive and analysis information as possible:

  • Describe and discuss the organization: what it does; its services, products, outputs, or mission; how it fits in any overall larger system; how it is staffed, structured, and organized, etc.
  • What sort of ‘environmental’ challenges is this organization facing: social, economic, and technological? How are they responding? What are some of the key opportunities, problems, and challenges your organization is facing? What are the IT Governance issues? What are the ethical issues?
  • You will wish to detail your personal role and contributions to this organization as well as the personal challenges and opportunities you face.

Assignment Expectations

In all of this, you will need to reflect on your description and analysis (and perhaps adjust it accordingly) to ensure that you are able to integrate insight and learning from previous classes (and other sources as fits the circumstances). This means at least five contiguous academically sound citations and later full references. Use enough concurrent discussion so that the purpose of each citation is apparent to the reader. Note that this paper is incomplete without five academically sound references (relevant magazine articles from such sources as CIO are OK. Also, you may use Wikipedia and military/corporate references, but they do not count as one of the required five).

You will be assessed on the appropriateness and completeness of the detail you provide regarding your selected organization, your use of citations and references as noted above, and your intellectual insight into topically important issues. You will also be assessed on how well you adhere to the specific Capstone Case Guidelines provided to you





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metadiscourse to explain your letter’s goals from start to finish in a mission statement.

Write a letter in which you urge your readers to take action on a civic issue. You decide on the

issue. (Civic issues can include such topics as voting, exercise, diet, finances, safety, etc. Begin

with a topic and narrow it down to an argument.

Use metadiscourse to explain your letter’s goals from start to finish in a mission statement. Make

it clear who your authority figure/audience is (editor of a newspaper, state senator, city council

member, school board official, etc.) and the specific genre and setting (via the mail, the press,

etc.) in which you are delivering your argument. Also indicate your purpose for writing this


Provide context by discussing the issue that you are concerned about and by synthesizing the

different perspectives on this issue that you have researched by reading sources or by talking to

others who are also concerned. (Consult at least two sources, which can be formal written texts

or interviews.)

Using a blend of appropriate rhetorical appeals (ethos for credibility and character, pathos for

emotions, logos for logic) and strategies (tone, diction, organization of argument, etc.), make an

argument (a main claim with three points/sub-claims) that urges your audience to take action on

this issue.

Conclude by warning your readers to do something as soon as possible. Restate your three sub-

claims in the same order in which you stated them before. Include your name with credentials to

reinforce your credibility.

Cite your sources in a separate page.

How to Structure This Project:

Greet your specific readers (Dear ___,)

Introduction: Use metadiscourse to explain your project’s goals from start to finish in a mission

statement paragraph.

Establish your credibility at the onset of your letter so that readers will listen to you and trust that

you know your subject and have done your research. Give some indication of the genre, setting,

and purpose of your letter.

Provide a paragraph or two of context by discussing this issue that you are concerned about and

by synthesizing the different perspectives on this issue that you have researched.

Make an argument with three points, in three paragraphs, using a blend of appropriate rhetorical

appeals and strategies to influence your particular readers. Urge your audience to take action on

this issue. Use the info you researched in sources to reinforce your position. If you consider an

opposing viewpoint, acknowledge it briefly, but then refute it and maintain your own position.

Make sure that the three sub-claims are clearly indicated in your topic sentences near the

beginning of your body paragraphs. Use metadiscourse to guide readers through your argument.

Conclusion: Convince your readers to so something as soon as possible. Restate your three sub-

claims in the same order in which you stated them before.

Close your letter with an adverb (sincerely, respectfully, etc.) and your name with your

credentials (job title, years of experience, years at your residence, etc.).

Include an additional page, separate from the letter, with information about sources that you

researched and used for this project.

Criteria for Evaluation (How You Are Graded)

Successful writers will

1. Answer all parts of the prompt.

2. Write a cohesive and well edited letter.

3. Upload their rough draft and final draft to Turn It In before the deadline.

4. Complete 3-5 pages (format: single spaced with extra spaces after the greeting, between

the paragraphs, and before the closing).

Tips for Writing the Civic Letter

There should be only one argument (main claim) for this project.

The argument should be specific and clear (not a broad, general topic).

The argument should have three sub-claims (three points that pertain to that argument).

You must support your argument and its sub-claims with all three rhetorical appeals and some

rhetorical strategies of your choice.

(There’s no need to write the words ethos, pathos, logos; just incorporate the following three

rhetorical appeals: credibility and character, emotion, and logic, into your letter in order to

engage your readers.)

Rhetorical appeals:

Ethos: In your first or second paragraph introduce yourself with credentials so that you can be

trusted. Incorporate your credibility into your letter at key points to establish your character and

be persuasive.

Pathos: Try to engage your readers’ emotions at certain points in your letter.

Logos: Use hard evidence (data, statistics, etc.) as logic to convince your readers to do


Examples of an argument:

You should support ___.

We need funding for ___, so you should help us.

You should vote in favor of (or against) ___.

Examples of sub-claims:

Doing so would result in the following three benefits: 1…, 2…, 3…

Not doing so would have the following negative consequences: 1…, 2…, 3…


Support each sub-claim with evidence that you researched (interviews with fellow concerned

citizens, print sources, etc.).

Use really clear language (metadiscourse) to guide your readers through your points so that they

don’t get bogged down in your evidence. Place that metadiscourse at the start of each paragraph,

incorporated into your topic sentences, so readers can follow your train of thought.

Examples of metadiscourse:

In this letter I will…

My first point is…

My second point is…

My third point is…

To recap…

Watch my lecture for help.

Read the sample student civic letters for help.

Look for the following in the students’ civic letters: the argument; the three sub-claims; the three

rhetorical appeals, the strategies, and the evidence used to support the argument and its three

sub-claims; and the metadiscourse.

See how the writer clarifies the purpose for writing this letter.

Notice the specific audience (authority figure) that the writer is appealing to and how the writer

tailors this letter to that specific reader





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