Writers Solution

Spanish mission to convert  natives to Christianity

1. Visit the following website regarding the Spanish mission to convert  natives to Christianity;

When your reading is complete, answer the following questions:

1.  What can we learn about the motives of Spain from this pronouncement?

2.  What is the role of the Pope (as successor to Saint Peter) according to this document?

3.  How will natives be treated if they accept Roman Catholicism?

4.  How will natives be treated if they do not accept Roman Catholicism?

2. Read the attached document:

Then, answer the questions on pg. 72.

Lastly, write a short answer (at least a paragraph but more is better) describing how these advertisements dehumanize slaves who have run away.   

3. Read the below document, Exchange between John Smith and Powhatan:

Then answer the questions found on pg. 26.  Your answers should be at least 2-3 complete sentences.  

4. First, read the following primary source from the Journal of Columbus:

Then, answer the following questions:

1.  What were the European impressions of Natives?

2.  How would the descriptions of the Natives shape the minds of other Europeans (specifically leaders) reading the account of Columbus and his Admiral?

3.  Why would Europeans believe the Natives would be good servants and what type of servants could they be?

4.  Columbus stated that the Natives believed he and his men came from heaven.  Do you think this could really be true?

5.  How often does Columbus talk about gold or other ornamentation?  Why is it important?

5. Read the below passage:

 And answer the following questions.  Your answers should be at least 2-3 sentences.

1.  Who was this written for?

2.  What does this tell us about the society who is using slavery as a form of labor?

3.  What do you think Equiano means by:  “In this situation I expected every hour to share the fate of my companions, some of whom were almost daily brought upon deck at the point of death, which I began to hope would soon put an end to my miseries”?

4.  Why did the crew throw the remaining fish over the edge rather than feed the slaves?

5.  Why is Equiano describing the stench of the ships so thoroughly?

6.  At the end of the document, Equiano describes great joy at arriving in Barbados.  Do you think that joy was short lived?

6. Read the following piece:

George Hewes Retrospect of the Boston Tea Party:

Then, answer the following questions:

1.  What was the purpose of the meeting on December 16th (at the church) in regard to the tea ships?

2.  Describe the disguises of the colonists used at the Tea Party.

3.  Why do you think all three ships were boarded by the protesters at the same time?

4.  Explain why you think citizens of Boston fished some chests of tea out of the river?

5.  Do you think any of the tea survived?  Bonus points if you can find out the information for sure (you must include where you found your information)

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