Writers Solution



Download the PDF.  Chose 1 of the 3 topics below, go to that page(8,9 OR 10) in the PDF and respond to the 3 discussion questions

Topic 1:  /the mental health dilemma_
Addiction, anxiety and depression. Platforms
are designed to reward distraction and keep us
hooked – at the expense of our wellbeing – to fuel
their business.
Topic 2: /the democracy dilemma_
Political polarization and divisiveness. Content
that promotes outrage, deception, and conspiracy
is promoted as a way to drive more engagement.
Stronger ideological rifts make cooperation and
compromise increasingly difficult and ultimately
sabotage our democracy.
Topic 3: /the discrimination dilemma_
Algorithmic bias and the amplification of hate.
Algorithms are not equipped to detect hate speech
and the data harnessed by our online activity is
used by institutions in ways that can harm and
discriminate against marginalized communities.
The companies that connected the world and
transformed how we consume information did
so at a cost. The unintended consequences of
exploitative technologies are catching up with
us in the form of:
Those of us who rely on these platforms are
unknowingly complicit in this devil’s bargain,
where we trade our freedom for followers,
our social cohesion for instant connection,
and the truth for what we want to hear.

Writers Solution

Film Virunga Documentary on the Netflix

watch the film Virunga Documentary on the Netflix and Complete the assignment by answering each question in paragraph form. Answers should be complete and comprehensive, demonstrating that you paid attention to the film and thought about the content/issue presented

Name of the film: Virunga Documentary 

1.  Title of the film and the year it was released.  Briefly describe what the film is 

about and the position that it advocates. 

2.  Who produced the film?  Was it an independent film maker? Was it an organization? If it was an organization does the organization have a particular political affiliation/position that you feel influenced the content and presentation of information contained in the documentary?

3.  List six facts described in the film that impressed you and explain how each fact relates to the film’s premise or theme. 

4.  How did the filmmakers try to convince you of the position that the film supports? Look for appeals to logic, emotion, and prejudice. 

5.  Did any of the reasoning given in support of the position advocated by the film seem to be weak or misleading?  If so, describe the concept put forward in the film and why you thought the reasoning was flawed.

6.  Did the film change your mind about any aspect of the subject that it presents? What information, argument or persuasive technique caused you to change your mind?