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Primary  qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published  this year  in a  nursing journal

Apply Evidence-Based Research discussion

Use the Galen library database to find one primary  qualitative research article on any nursing topic recently published  this year  in a  nursing journal . Read the article and in  one paragraph (7 to 8 sentences) provide a rapid critical appraisal by answering the following questions.  Support your response by citing and referencing the research article.

1. What was the research design?

2. How were study participants chosen and was the sample size appropriate?

3. Does the research methods fit the purpose of the study? Explain.

4. Are data collection and analysis technniques approproiate for this type of study? Explain.

5. Is the phenomenon (human experience) clearly identified? Explain.

6. What are the reported results?

7. How may the results be applied in clinical practice?

· Each week your discussion will be graded on a point scale. In order to successfully complete each weekly discussion assignment, you will need to address all items included in the discussion topic/question, respond to peers thoughtfully, add value to the discussion, and apply ideas, insights, or concepts from scholarly sources, such as: journal articles, assigned readings, textbook material, lectures, course materials, or authoritative websites. For specific details and criteria, refer to the discussion rubric in the Menu (⋮) or in the Course Overview Weekly Discussion Guidelines. 

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A legal nursing issue that sticks out to me is the case of redound Vaught, a Tenessee nurse that made a deadly medication error and whose case made headlines when she was charged criminally for her actions

replies should be a minimum of 2 paragraphs each. 

 Peer 1 : A legal nursing issue that sticks out to me is the case of redound Vaught, a Tenessee nurse that made a deadly medication error and whose case made headlines when she was charged criminally for her actions. This case was all over the news while I was in nursing school and caused me to take a serious look at how this kind of error could occur.

Malpractice is a legal term that anyone who works in the medical field is familiar with. It is described as “professional misconduct, unreasonable lack of professional skill, or failure to adhere to the accepted standard of care that causes injury to a patient” (Burkhardt, 2020, p. 126). Nurses are expected to make decisions according to their experience and education and can be held liable when it is deemed that there has been a breach of duty to the patient. When a nurse is licensed they are deemed to meet a certain proficiency and must follow the standard of care outlined for them from the state licensing board, their own facility policies, federal laws etc. (Burkhardt, 2020). Vaught made many errors when she mistakingly administered a paralytic to her patient instead of a sedative for anxiety. The legal case that followed determined that this went beyond medical malpractice and Ms. Vaught was charged with 2 felonies.

Vaught made a series of missteps and as a “reasonable and prudent nurse” these actions could have been avoided. She ignored alerts within her electronic medication system that indicated she was withdrawing the wrong drug, she failed to recognize the drug she was administering and she failed to properly monitor the patient after the drug was administered. The medical field has taken a good look at how to decrease the number of preventable errors in medicine. In 1999 the Institute of Medicine published To Err Is Human a report which argued that “errors are due not solely to individual health care providers but also to systems that need to be made safer” (Lamas, 2022). Mistakes are always going to occur, so how can we learn from them. 

Vaughts error falls under the category of the National Quality Forum’s “never events” initiative. This initiative recognized 28 “serious reportable events, which are so unambiguous, serious and preventable that they should never happen” (Burkhardt, 2020). One of the 28 never events is “patient death or serious injury associated with a medication error”. When Vaught administered that paralytic it was a failure in the system. She ignored many of the things that we are taught in nursing school including the rights of medication administration and that combined with her claims of being over worked and distracted led to the death of a patient.

As an outsider looking in there are so many glaring mistakes and ways that this could have been prevented, most of which the hospital had in place. There were claims that their electronic medication distribution system was malfunctioning, as someone who works in the ER of an underfunded community hospital, I find that completely plausible. There isn’t a moment that goes by when I am on the floor that I am not aware that I am just as vulnerable as Vaught was that day. I use her case as a reminder to not take shortcuts, to look up medications if I am not familiar with them and to remain steadfast and competent in my career as a nurse.

peer 2 : 

 A nurse is currently under investigation after various patients have become ill due to fentanyl being replaced with water during their care. The incident occurred at the Asante Rogue Regional Medical Center in Oregon, where suspicion of medication theft was reported. As a result, a concern for adverse patient care occurred, with the impact on the patients still being monitored and deaths being investigated. In this case, patients could have acquired infections due to the introduction of tap water into their system.

 In this example, the nurse falls under professional negligence as she failed to do what another reasonable nurse would have done in her position (Burkhardt, 2020). This nurse did not ensure the safety of her patients and acted in a way that not only did not follow the plan of care but violated their welfare. Additionally, as a nurse, the individual has committed malpractice as she committed negligence in a professional capacity and failed to adhere to the standard of care, causing injury to multiple patients. (Burkhardt, 2020).

 Malpractice within the healthcare field can be mitigated by using safety standards to prevent injury. The Joint Commission has outlined safety goals that healthcare providers, specifically nurses, can implement to create a safer practice environment (Rodziewicz et. al., 2023). Such safeguards include medication labels on all medications and proper identification of patients prior to administration. In this case, although the medication was labeled and the patient was identified, the nurse tampered with the medication. This action caused the safeguard to fail. In this case, requiring a cosigner when scanning the medication and programming the pump to minimize tampering risk may have been beneficial. Conversely, safeguards such as reporting discrepancies or any unexpected occurrence successfully prevented further injury by the nurse. 

 Although this nurse was reported and injury has already occurred, performing a root cause analysis is vital. A root cause analysis can help identify what factors contributed to these events and how to prevent them in the future (Rodziewicz, et. al., 2023). In this case, further insight into the nurse and the circumstances behind her actions can help identify other staff struggling to perform and meet the standards of practice. Examples can include substance abuse that is triggered by other emotional means, such as depression, anxiety, or previous health issues. Additionally, the units and the workplace environment will be assessed, and how management is involved in maintaining the well-being of their staff will be assessed. Unfortunately, the shortage of nurses is increasing the workload, which leads to fatigue, mistakes, and countless other factors that can negatively impact patient safety. In this case, drug testing on staff was not confirmed by Asante (Battaglia, 2024). These types of safeguards can help identify at-risk staff and allow management to intervene before events such as these take place, risking the lives of patients within the facility.

 In this case, the loss of life and patient injury could have been avoided. Once the investigation is complete, further details may highlight weaknesses in the hospital’s and the Joint Commission’s safeguards. Changes will be made and hopefully will have a positive impact by preventing further injury. 

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Nursing Dissertation topics on clinical trials

There are various areas of concentration that may be studied when it comes to nursing themes relating to clinical trials. Here are a few nursing themes for clinical trials:

  1. Nursing duties and responsibilities in clinical trial management: This article delves into the numerous tasks and obligations of nurses in clinical trial management. It looks at how they participate in patient recruiting, informed consent procedures, data collecting, adverse event reporting, patient monitoring, and overall patient care during clinical trials.
  2. Patient safety and ethical concerns in clinical trials: This subject dives into the ethical principles and criteria that nurses must adhere to while taking part in clinical studies. It investigates how nurses safeguard patient safety, maintain informed consent procedures, respect patient rights, and preserve confidentiality during the experiment.
  3. Monitoring and reporting of adverse events in clinical trials: This issue focuses on nurses’ roles in monitoring and reporting adverse events that occur during clinical trials. It investigates their roles in noticing and analyzing adverse events, appropriately recording them, and conveying the information to the research team and regulatory authorities.
  4. Patient education and informed consent in clinical trials: This subject delves into the role of the nurse in informing patients about clinical trials and getting informed permission. It investigates how nurses successfully convey to patients and their families the goal, risks, advantages, and possible alternatives of participating in a clinical trial, ensuring they make informed choices.
  5. Nursing interventions for symptom management and supportive care in clinical trials: This issue focuses on nursing treatments for symptom management and supportive care in clinical trial participants. During the study, it investigates techniques for treating common treatment-related side effects, controlling pain, giving psychological support, and enhancing patients’ overall quality of life.
  6. Clinical trial nursing research and evidence-based practice: This issue emphasizes the significance of nursing research and evidence-based practice in clinical trials. It investigates how nurses contribute to the development of evidence, engage in data collecting and analysis, and incorporate research results into their clinical practice to improve patient care and outcomes.
    These are just a few examples of clinical trial nursing subjects. You may tweak these subjects or examine additional elements of nursing in the context of clinical trials based on your unique interests and the emphasis of your study.
    Finding suitable nursing research topics generally causes writer’s block in most college students studying in Healthcare. Even if they are well-versed in the topic, inappropriate structure, formatting requirements, locating suitable references, and meeting deadlines sometimes make it hard to escape tough grading. Unfortunately, it provides little time and room for serious research, forcing medical students to seek quick fixes that are not necessarily trustworthy. Professional medical research papers should incorporate accurate professional words and definitions, as well as relevant citation to support the concepts stated.
    We offer nursing papers for sale that are created by Healthcare & Nursing professionals that understand the peculiarities of each issue and thoroughly satisfy the original writing directions. Students who use our service get assistance at all phases, from selecting a good subject or thesis through proofreading, grammar, and formatting checks.
    Definition and Key Rules for Nursing Research Paper
    One of the most common nursing research issues is on concept definition. Many contemporary college students in the United States overlook the fact that good research should be as inventive as feasible. Even if you major in Dentistry or Cardiology, where specificity is required, you may always select a subject that deals with ethics, history, and diversity, among other themes. The key criterion with a healthcare research paper is to use sources while adhering to the study structure format.
    In general, research paper arrangement should comprise an introduction, three body paragraphs, and a conclusion with works cited. Depending on the format, a page for references. Unless otherwise specified by a college lecturer, students are often expected to create a personal reflection diary, which, like case study assignments, is crucial for nursing practices. The same is true for the subject; it may be assigned or the student may be requested to find relevant topic suggestions. When no specific standards are stated, it is vital to write in academic style, without colloquial language, and in first person if it is not a personal comment. When presenting unusual facts, keep correct reference and medical journals in mind not only to support ideas, but also to minimize plagiarism threats.
    Components of the Nursing Research Process
    Prior research for viable topic ideas, as well as discovering academic publications that deal with the issue, is always the first step in doing good research. Before picking researchable themes in nursing that deal with young patients, it’s a good idea to read works by other authors to grasp the problems and pertinent concerns. This phase guarantees that the student locate relevant materials and takes a slightly different approach to make the project unique.
    The next stage is to write an engaging research paper beginning that either makes a strong point or presents an arguable argumentation. If you’re writing on a hotly debated issue, create a claim that is subsequently developed into a proper thesis statement. Body paragraphs should avoid utilizing too many ideas since doing so just confuses the target audience and makes the conclusion section hard to finish. The last paragraph must provide a call to action, such as personal advice or an analysis of the information collected. Remember that if you employed statistics or comparative data in your nursing research paper subject, you must offer a complete listing in the Appendix or notes, if relevant.
    How Do You Pick a Good Nursing Research Topic?
    When students require assistance writing a college research paper, it all boils down to selecting a subject that is both original and powerful enough to obtain favorable feedback from a tough college professor. The majority of Healthcare students find it difficult to reduce it down to something that can be written without replicating anything that has already been done and without falling into the trap of plagiarism. A solid study subject should involve an investigation of even the most common medical conditions, as well as a strong recommendation for what modifications may be implemented.
    Similarly, even while doing a literature study on Autism, it is possible to choose materials that are not traditional and keep current with developments. When selecting a nursing research subject, one must browse through a list of accessible ideas and concentrate on difficulties that may be tackled differently by making personal contributions important. Use works by well-known nursing theorists, back up your own ideas with precise citations, and make the final article qualitative rather than quantitative.

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Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics

Adult nursing refers to issues and issues that are common to adult patients, where particular procedures are used. Prior to writing your Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics, decide on the best topic and we assist students at When working on the dissertation method and study samples, be sure to specify your age group. As individuals live longer, often with chronic conditions, nursing homes and home care are challenged internationally.

Since the majority of study evidence has been produced so far in hospitals, there is a lack of information regarding the implementation and impact of quality and safety interventions. Additionally, there aren’t enough efficient leading tools available in this situation to work on improving quality and safety.
The job of homecare nurses has been impacted by a number of changes over the past few decades, including an aging population, the decentralization of health care, problems with nurse recruitment, and a lack of public resources. Few academics have examined the effects of these shifts on homecare nursing. In this piece, we go over various aspects of home health nurses’ work with an emphasis on the way they “organize work.” We describe three phenomena that are becoming more prevalent: (a) homecare nurses frequently participate in discussions about the patient’s level of care and, consequently, the type of care they will receive; (b) the clinical practice of homecare nurses has advanced; and (c) homecare nurses are crucial in coordinating care among interdependent actors. The paper uses data from two Norwegian studies’ participant observation and homecare nurses’ interviews. The need for capable nurses who are highly organized and collaborative is growing as work practices change.

Are you searching for adult nursing research proposal topics? We have a variety of subjects for adult nursing dissertations on both traditional and digital advertisements. The list is created following extensive study on the approaches and emerging trends that have impacted adult nursing and marketing. You can use these adult nursing dissertation themes to finish your undergraduate and graduate degrees in advertising, marketing, or digital marketing.
Knowledge of This Subject
The profession of homecare nursing is evolving as a result of developments in the fields of politics, health, and demographics.

  • Little is known about the specifics of homecare nursing’s practical application, and study into this area is lacking.
    The Value of This Article
  • Homecare nursing procedures change as the environment does, and novel procedures are starting to catch on.
    The practice of homecare nurses is evolving but is hindered by a lack of knowledge transfer from hospitals to homecare and the difficulties of working alone in a private home.
    The type of treatment the patient will receive is frequently negotiated by homecare nurses between and within municipalities and with specialists.
    Homecare nurses are crucial in coordinating care among interdependent players because patient trajectories are more complicated than ever.

What are some suitable adult nursing study topics?
Adult nurses provide medical treatment to patients with a range of medical conditions, including minor wounds, illnesses, and diseases as well as acute and chronic illnesses and diseases. and staff workers who provide care. They are capable of working in a range of settings, such as local community agencies and hospitals. The following list of adult nursing dissertation themes is provided:

  • To provide adult patients with psychiatric treatment.
  • To offer health services in the globalized world.
  • To research the emergence of preventive care as a social anchor for medical treatment in the future.
  • To give adult nurses market education.
  • A survey of the literature on adult nursing.
  • To research the value of drug instruction.
  • Pharmacological training assists mature nurses in obtaining a professional degree.
  • Researching various nursing methods that can be used, depending on the circumstance.
  • Professional staff must teach new employees.
  • Advancements made in geriatric nursing.
  • To research delirium evaluation techniques for the nursing field.
  • Researching the function of nurses in private hospitals.
  • To research the adult weight-loss plans offered.
  • The distinction between adult care in the US and the UK.
  • What difficulties do nurses encounter when caring for people with dementia?
  • How should new hires be trained to handle critically ill patients?
  • How should you handle people who have two demands?
    What difficulties do nurses encounter in UK adult heart wards?
  • Research on diabetic elderly adults in the UK.
  • To pursue professional-level cancer nursing education in the UK.
  • Research on problems related to c-sections in women.
  • Obstacles faced by cancer nurses.
  • To investigate the impact of hiring practices on adult nurses in the UK.
  • To research how social media is affecting nursing careers.
  • Results of a UK survey on scholarly nursing careers.
  • An evaluation of nursing care given at home.
    What difficulties do US professors of adult nursing face?
  • A critique of adult caregivers.
  • To research the UK-based investigation into nursing care for cancer patients.
  • To investigate the problems with viability in adult nursing.
  • To offer cancer patients in-home care.
  • To review the staffing strategy every day.
  • The impact of social media on pupils studying adult nursing.
  • To give adult nurses the appropriate education.
    Do you believe that the development of technology has benefited the field of nursing as well?
  • To give patients comprehensive knowledge.
    Do you believe that the nursing deficit can be addressed by online nursing studies?
  • Why does the departure age for adult nurses fluctuate differently in Eastern countries?
  • Are there any differences in a nursing job in the modern era?
  • To research the degree of stress experienced by nurses working in emergency rooms.
  • Evaluation of patient services provided by both state and private hospitals.
  • To investigate the psychological assistance provided by adult caregivers
  • Risk management and requirements analysis in the medical field.
  • In what ways do adult nurses handle patients with dementia?
    Adult patients receiving intensive medical treatment are instructed by adult nurses.
  • Adult nurses with knowledge and expertise are required.
  • To research the transition of patients to clinical environments.
  • Career options in senior nursing.
  • To research the nurse navigator’s idea of growth.
  • To offer adult people mental health treatment.
  • I hope you were able to find the Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics you were looking for. If not, please use our 500–600 word custom mini proposal themes service based on your unique needs. In this service at, there is a 100% possibility that your supervisor will approve your topic. Challenges with safety and quality

  • The Nursing and Midwifery Council defines adult care as requiring and providing for adults, from 18 years old to seniors, in a variety of settings for PATIENTS with various degrees of confidence. Adult nursing is also referred to as “general nursing.” For more information on nursing dissertation themes, critical care nursing, dementia, and midwifery nursing, see our other related posts.
    As populations around the world live longer and frequently have one or more chronic conditions that should be managed as conservatively as possible, nursing homes and home care are facing challenges.1 We know very little about other healthcare settings because the majority of study on quality and safety in healthcare is done in hospital settings.2 The nursing facility and home care environments present numerous quality and safety challenges. For instance, relationships and interactions between patients, informal caregivers, and official healthcare workers are essential to patient safety in home care.3–6 Additionally, over time, minor errors, interruptions, and numerous caregivers who have little understanding of the patient’s status and development may have a negative cumulative impact. When we think about quality and safety at home and in the community, this cumulative impact is particularly significant. There is a need for more information on how provider and organizational factors interact to impact quality and safety in this situation because the role of organizational structures and processes has received little attention.
  • It might be challenging to find engaging Nursing adult homecare dissertation topics. You’ve come to the right spot if you’re one of the many students who struggles to choose an interesting dissertation topic.
  • To help you ace your dissertation, we’re going to provide you with an excellent list of PhD nursing dissertation themes. When selecting your dissertation subject, you must be very careful and exact. That’s because your dissertation is what your PhD is built upon.

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nursing dissertation topics diabetes

The prevalence of diabetes among the world’s population has consistently risen over the past few decades due to the growing consumption of fast food and the rise in the number of people living comfortable lives. Due to the rapid evolution of the field of diabetes, it is crucial to base your nursing dissertation topics diabetes on a trending diabetes dissertation topic that fills a research void.

Finding the ideal research topic is one of the most difficult aspects of writing a dissertation in any field. Students have access to a variety of online resources for conducting research and developing their topic selection, but this can take a considerable amount of time. To help you get started, we have compiled a list of well-researched, original, and intriguing diabetes research topics and ideas.
Topics for Diabetes Dissertations

  1. Why do individuals recently diagnosed with diabetes find it so difficult to accept reality and exercise self-control?
  2. What are the reactions of adolescents who have recently received a diabetes diagnosis? How can their understanding of how to treat the disease be enhanced?
  3. In long-term studies, individuals receiving intensive therapy for the disorder had a lower quality of life. What role should physicians and nurses play in mitigating this effect?
  4. Why do so many people develop severe depression in the months following their diagnosis, despite showing no other symptoms of deteriorating health?
  5. Discuss some of the benefits of a high-fat, low-carbohydrate diet for diabetics.
  6. Discuss the concept of diabetes in pediatrics and the need for regular research in this area.
  7. Describe the current threat and difficulty posed by childhood obesity and diabetes, highlighting some areas where parents are failing in their role as guardians to prevent the problem.
  8. Describe some of the challenges diabetes patients face, particularly in obtaining the necessary information and medical care.
  9. Describe some of the most common issues that people with diabetes encounter, as well as their impact on the disease’s prevalence. Provide measures that can be taken to address the issue.
  10. Discuss the prevalence of diabetes among Asian American adolescents
  11. Even though it is a global disease, certain ethnic groups are more likely to be affected due to nutrition and culture. What measures can be taken to enhance their health literacy?
  12. Explain how diabetes self-management can be advantageous, particularly for those who are unable to receive prompt treatment.
  13. Discuss the possibility of improved management for hospitalized individuals with diabetes.
  14. What therapies have had the greatest impact on reducing the number of short-term concerns in patients?
  15. How have various steroid varieties altered the body’s response in individuals with more frequent hypoglycemia?
  16. What effects do diabetes types 1 and 2 have on the kidneys? How do the most prevalent surveillance methods affect this?
  17. Is it true that certain ethnic groups are more prone to develop heart disease or eye disease after being diagnosed with diabetes?
  18. How has the new a1c test reduced the negative effects of diabetes on the body by detecting the disease earlier?
  19. Describe the difficulty of uncontrolled diabetes and how it can eventually lead to kidney and cardiac damage.
  20. Discuss the transmission of the diabetic genetic strain from generation to generation.
  21. What challenges do diabetics face when endeavoring to monitor their glucose levels and maintain a balanced diet?
  22. How have some people with type 1 or type 2 diabetes been able to survive longer than others?
  23. Is it true that excessive sugar consumption leads to diabetes, tooth decay, acne, hyperactivity, and weight gain?
  24. What is the impact of insulin treatment on type 2 diabetes?
  25. How does diabetes contribute to depression?
  26. What effect does rapid participation have on the prevalence of diabetes?
  27. Why has the number of individuals who self-test their blood glucose decreased? Could social or environmental factors have also played a role in this decline?
  28. Why is it so difficult for patients in the United States to procure the necessary treatment to monitor and maintain healthy glucose levels? Is this a result of rising healthcare costs?
  29. Nutrition is essential for a healthy lifestyle, but many diabetic patients do not know what they should consume. Discuss
  30. Why are injuries and diabetes national health priorities?
  31. What factors contribute to the rising incidence of type II diabetes among adolescents?
  32. Does socioeconomic status influence diabetes prevalence?
  33. An analysis of the shared pathological characteristics of Alzheimer’s disease and type 2 diabetes
  34. What effects and effects does diabetes have on peripheral blood vessels?
  35. What is the relationship between genetic predisposition, obesity, and the development of type 2 diabetes?
  36. In the vascular system, diabetes modifies the activation and repression of pro- and anti-inflammatory signaling pathways.
  37. The tri-molecular complex as a paradigm for understanding autoimmune diabetes
  38. Does socioeconomic status influence the regional variation of diabetes resulting from malnutrition?
  39. What evidence supports the use of traditional Chinese medicine and natural remedies to treat depression in diabetic patients?
  40. Why did qualitative evaluations of diabetes interventions take place?
  41. Examine the most prevalent signs of undiagnosed diabetes
  42. How can artificial intelligence benefit patients with diabetes?
  43. Another nursing dissertation topics diabetes is How does the paleolithic diet influence type 2 diabetes?
  44. What are the most prevalent causes and treatments for diabetes?
  45. How does diabetes affect the United Kingdom, and what causes diabetes?

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Do my nursing writing research proposal

The topic for their nursing research proposal must be chosen by the students. One of the trickiest tasks for students is this one. Investigational topics should continue to be intriguing and add fresh scientific value. Here is where you should take your own choices into account. It’s important to write papers that are interesting and appealing to you. If you area asking “Do my nursing writing research proposal” then at, we are here for you. Here area some a few tips:

You won’t get bored with the right nursing research proposal themes. Students frequently overestimate their own abilities to write sophisticated studies. Try to recall engaging lectures from important subjects. Review your lesson notes to see which subjects you genuinely find interesting.
Consider these top priorities while considering contemporary nursing research proposal topics: • Medically unexplained symptoms in an emergency room.
• The technological history of vaccine production.
• Health insurance that forgoes writing prescriptions.
• The transmission of health information for sickness prevention.
• The influence of parents on their children’s healthy lifestyles.
• Pregnant obese women: dangers and safety precautions.
Asking seasoned academics is another way to obtain excellent nursing research proposal ideas. Professors from the major fields are accessible. They may provide ideas for writing prompts or pointers to help you concentrate on a few certain topics. As an alternative, hiring degree holders ensures not only the drafting of nursing research proposals but also the discovery of excellent subjects.
There are so many options available when looking for someone to create my nursing research proposal that the results can be overwhelming. We have a staff of skilled writers who have written many different types of nursing research proposals. We always make sure that the writer of your nursing research proposal adheres strictly to all of your requirements. Place your order at any time by visiting our website.

There are a few important points to keep in mind when creating a nursing research proposal. First and foremost, your proposal must be succinct and unambiguous. You must decide on the issue or query you wish to research as well as the objective of your study. Create a proposal for my nursing research.
It is imperative to detail how your study will aid in the problem-solving or question-answering process. You must also be specific about the techniques you’ll employ for data collection and analysis. If you are given the assignment of creating a research proposal, you could feel overburdened. However, don’t worry—help is at hand!
This piece will go into detail about our nursing research proposal writing service and the reasons why you should use us to do your nursing research proposal project. Among other things, we promise original, high-quality work, prompt delivery, and no plagiarism in assignment papers.
What is a proposal for nursing research?
Written papers that thoroughly outline a nursing research study are known as nursing research proposals. The problem being addressed by the research, its goal, the research’s methodology, and its anticipated outcomes must all be stated clearly and succinctly in a nursing research proposal.
A nursing research proposal needs to be clearly stated and structured. A review of the relevant literature that highlights earlier research on the subject and how it pertains to the current proposal should also be included. A thorough research plan and a schedule for finishing the project should also be included in the proposal.
What function does a nursing research proposal serve?
To secure financing for their work, nurses must submit nursing research proposals. It’s not always simple to write a strong proposal, but a few pointers can help. Make sure you are clear on the topic you want to explore and why it is important before you begin.
Second, assemble a capable group of nurses to collaborate with you on the project. Lastly, be sure that your proposal is well-written and understandable. You should be able to produce a solid nursing research proposal if you keep these suggestions in mind.
A nursing research proposal includes the following elements: title, abstract, research questions, methodology, significance of the research, and bibliography.
difficulties students have when composing nursing research proposals
Creating a suitable study question is one of the difficulties students experience when creating a nursing research proposal. The inquiry ought to add to the corpus of knowledge in the nursing area and be one that past research has not fully addressed.
Creating a sound approach that will scientifically and ethically respond to the study issue is another challenge. For the methodological component of the proposal to be approved by the committee, it must be carefully considered and defended.
Finally, most students find it difficult to create a literature review that examines the pertinent research critically and explains why the proposed research is necessary.
Get nursing research proposals for sale
You’ve come to the perfect place if you need assistance with writing a nursing research proposal. We provide skilled and inexpensive nursing research proposal writing services at A nursing research proposal is a written outline of the study project that will be carried out.
A summary of the topic or problem that needs to be addressed as well as the suggested research approach should be included in the proposal. A literature review should be included in the nursing research proposal to give a summary of the field’s body of knowledge.
writing services for nursing research proposals
You might be unsure of where to look for assistance if you are a nursing student and have been required to prepare a research proposal. Fortunately, there are now a lot of internet resources available to you for creating nursing research proposals.
It’s crucial to find a nursing research proposal writing service with expertise in your particular field of interest. This will guarantee that they are knowledgeable with the most recent research and can assist you in creating a compelling proposal.
Cost is still another vital factor. While searching for a service, keep in mind that the caliber of their work should also be taken into account. Since this is a crucial component of your education, you want to make sure your research proposal is top-notch.
On the internet, there are a ton of examples of research projects. You might adopt one as a model and create your own in a comparable manner only to discover that your viewers have already read it. The research proposal writers at Nursing Writing Services create something that precisely outlines the topics you need to investigate and the elements that can have an impact on how specific study scenarios turn out. Our writers apply their expertise to your research proposal to create a paper that articulates a strategic perspective that positions your proposed research as an objective and rigorous scientific inquiry of a problem. In order to convince the review board that you have actually found an issue, we’ll add accurate facts, pertinent information, supporting evidence, and paperwork to your application. A strong research proposal will also demonstrate your ability to use the suggested study to identify a solution.
my nursing research proposal written
Nursing writing services is the finest option for you if you’re seeking for someone to “write my nursing research proposal” for you online. We produce high-quality nursing proposals since our talented writers spend the majority of their time conducting research because we recognize how significant a nursing proposal paper is. Order your write my nursing research proposal request from us; our writers are qualified professionals with master’s and doctoral degrees in nursing. We provide the finest writing assistance. We treat our customers’ requests for us to create my nursing research proposal with the utmost respect and ensure that they receive the paper on time and in compliance with all standards. Thus for us to do your nursing writing research proposal at is no big issue since we have done such before.

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Writers Solution

Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice

Discussion Topic: Using the theory of unpleasant symptoms as a guide, what would you look for in an assessment tool for patient symptoms?

Select one Student Learning Outcomes from the following list:

Student Learning Outcomes 

1- Critique nursing’s conceptual models, grand theories, and mid-range theories.

2- Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice.

3- Apply nursing theory or theories to nursing research.

Provides an explanation of how the selected Student Learning Outcomes is explored or related to the Discussion Topic.


  Formatted and cited in current APA 7 

  Use 3 academic sources. Not older than 5 years

  Not Websites are allowed.

  Plagiarism is NOT allowed

Assignment Status: Solved By Our Experts.


WE OFFER THE BEST PAPER WRITING SERVICES on Examine the influence that nursing models and theories have upon research and practice

USA, AUS, CA & UK PhD Writers

Writers Solution

Best Nursing Essay Writing Company

We at are the Best Nursing Essay Writing Company with research writing help from PHD and Masters writers from all over the globe. For your nursing and healthcare writing needs, let our expert nursing writers craft the best paper fro you

Nursing and the related medical fields require a lot of dedication and time, to study, go for practicum and write many nursing papers. This is in addition to other personal duties that they must attend to. It therefore becomes really tough to complete the nursing training course without the help of the best nursing essay writing company who help in writing some of the nursing papers. Nursing is a career that helps save lives and help the lives of the sick become more bearable and less painful, that is why at the training stage, some help to nurses from the best nursing essay writing company is key. However, getting the best nursing essay writing company is a challenge, because most companies have not specialized in one field, which means that their writers do not have any nursing training background, hence their nursing papers will not meet the expectations and needs of a nursing student and this has lead us at to specialize in the nursing field. Other options that nursing students have, is seeking individual writers, but they also face the challenge of lack of enough time to search for and get competent nursing writers. There will also be time wastage looking for the best nursing writers and vetting them, and still not sure that they will perform a perfect nursing writing job. To be the best nursing essay writing company like ourselves, we have carefully selected and vetted the best nursing writers, who produce the best nursing papers that meet all the academic requirements. All our nursing writers are trained nurses or nurse trainers in their past life, which makes them the most competent and best writers to handle nursing papers and all other nursing assignments. In addition, for us to retain our position as the best nursing essay writing company, we subject all our nursing writers to rigorous tests, and keep retraining them on the best writing methods, to ensure that we remain at the top of all nursing writing companies.

Our nursing assignment help covers a vast range of areas within nursing field in order to provide complete package to students seeking help in Australia. Nursing is an important subject area within the healthcare sector. This profession is aimed at providing care to patients with the intention of achieving improvement in their health performance. The importance of this subject has been higher within students in Australia and this is identified from the increasing number of students enrolling to this course. Nursing profession in Australia is regulated by Australian Health Practitioner Registration Authority (AHPRA) and it is essential for nurses to get registered in order to provide their caring services to patients.

Get quality dissertation writing services from at affordable rates. Relax and wait for professionals to handle your nursing dissertation assignment.

Why choose for nursing dissertation help?

  • On-time delivery

Meeting deadlines is an essential aspect of our professionalism. Our chat feature also allows you to keep track of your assistant’s progress.

  • 24/7 Customer service

Do you have any questions or problems placing your order? We have a professional customer care team standing by to assist you in obtaining high-quality academic nursing dissertation writing services.

  • Professionalism is a high-quality service with highly qualified writers who have established professional academic writing standards. Our authors have a success rate of more than 99.6%.

 Research, reports, essays, and scholarly writing are among our specialties. We use a plagiarism checker, extensive research, and a double-checking method to ensure we deliver original and quality nursing dissertation papers.

  • Privacy and confidentiality

Our professionals have used the most advanced encryption methods to protect your personal information and documents from unauthorized access. We also use End-to-end encryption in the chat system.

You don’t have to worry about leaking information to third parties when ordering our nursing dissertation services.

  • The best nursing dissertation writers

We’ve been on top because we only hire the best—distinguished academic help assistants with a proven track record. Thanks to our resourceful editorial team, your paper will be grammatically correct, formatted correctly, and completed according to your instructor’s standards.

  • Cheap nursing dissertation writing services

We understand that many students struggle financially, yet they have other tasks to attend to in life. As a result, we provide cheap nursing dissertation writing services to ensure they can afford them without too much struggle.

  • Reliable methods of payment

When you seek nursing dissertation writing help from our website, you do not have to worry about losing your money while making payments. We accept secure payment methods like debit cards, credit cards, and PayPal, among others.

When you place any nursing writing assignment with us, you are guaranteed of high quality, plagiarism free nursing papers delivered on time, which a  guarantee that you can only get from the best nursing essay writing company like ourselves. We at are also very keen on confidentiality, so you can rest assured that everything will go on well. We therefore recommend that you place your first nursing writing assessment with us today, and you will love our work, and place more writing job orders with us going forward, after confirming that we are the best nursing essay writing company.

Writers Solution

Nursing Assignment Writing Help

Nursing coursework form part of the final grade in most academic settings. It is necessary for any serious students to amass as many points as possible long before the final exam date and our services at Nursing Assignment Writing Help. To achieve this, the nursing coursework writing should be done to perfection  by a competent nursing writer. To secure the top mark, we ensure that the nursing coursework is done as per the given instructions.

Whether you are a struggling or a top student, we are committed to provide you with high-quality coursework in all nursing topics. Through the years we have been offering nursing coursework writing services, we have assembled a team of nursing coursework writing experts who have high qualifications in coursework writing. Thus, when you place an order with us, you can be sure that a professional with relevant writing skills will work on it and deliver a high quality paper.

Get high-quality nursing dissertation assistance from professionals

Are you nearing the end of your doctoral studies and looking for a reliable source of nursing dissertation help? Here is the end of your search. Whether you study nursing, public health, environmental health, health care, or a related profession.

As specialists who have provided nursing thesis writing services, we know the ins and outs of this type of writing and where most students go wrong. The risks of failing and missing the mark are significant, from topic selection to research and writing.

However, with the help of experienced nursing dissertation writers, you can be confident that everything will turn out well. We have a crew dedicated to managing such research papers at The good news is that we strive for high quality while keeping our prices low to accommodate every student.

  • Most of our experts have completed their post graduation from Australian universities pursuing nursing as their main subject. They can do any kinds of assignment based on this subject.
  • Our assignment makers have the potential to write even difficult assignments specific to Australian environment.
  • Our writers are well aware of the trends and preferences that are being followed in doing assignments based on this subject in Australia.

Nursing assignment writing is almost an everyday day affair on every topic for nursing students. Most nursing students are faced with many nursing assignments to write, yet they have very limited time to split between studies, practical work, having fun and personal time. Nursing assignment writing  require understanding of the topic and the nursing concept, ability to work fast researching and writing and produce quality work within a short span of time. At, we have experienced nursing paper writers, who have specialized in nursing and related healthcare field only, which make us the best nursing assignments writing company. Whenever you seek nursing assignment writing services, we are the best. Place an order for a nursing assignment today and you will love our work. We guarantee that even on short notice, we will deliver your essay, well written and plagiarism-free. Our nursing papers are the best because an expert nursing writer will handle your nursing paper and deliver a top quality one.

Writers Solution

Online Nursing Assignment Help

Are you looking for online nursing assignment help to assist you write your nursing assignment? Are you wondering where you can get a pool of writers who have specialized in handling only nursing and nursing related assignments and other nursing papers? Are your nursing assignment writing skills not up to the expected standards and you need help writing the best nursing assignment? Are you looking for an affordable yet quality online nursing assignment help to earn you a top grade and still save you money? If you are looking for any or all of the above, you are in the right place because at, we provide the above and more.


When you need online help with your nursing assignment, we are the best online nursing writing company to turn to. We have specialized in nursing writing only, with qualified and experienced nursing assignment writers. We therefore understand the nursing profession and the nursing assignment expectations, from nursing terminologies to nursing theories and complex medical conditions. Our mastery of the nursing professions and student life makes our online nursing assignment help the best platform to place your nursing assignment writing orders. Our papers contain the right content, are properly structured and referenced, and written from scratch to guarantee zero plagiarism.

How to Order an Online Nursing Assignment

Getting online nursing assignment help in any form of academic writing, from nursing essays to nursing dissertations is simple; it involves Fill in the paper details on the one-page order form, including personal details such as the email for notifications and communication. One can even upload documents if need be to ensure the instructions are as clear as possible. The next process is checking out and paying via debit or credit card, which is processed through very secure  PayPal. You can also pay directly from PayPal. We do not store any credit card information, and in addition, our website is encrypted to improve security. Thereafter, you can relax, your nursing assignment will be handled by a competent nursing assignment writing expert. After a custom-made paper is written, it will be checked for quality by our editorial team, checked for plagiarism and then availed to you for download from your account on our website before the deadline set by you, to ensure you get the Online Nursing Assignment Help that your desire and deserve.

No Barriers

Our online nursing assignment writing help has no barriers.  We provide our services to all the native English speaking countries such as the United Stated of America, the United Kingdom, Canada and Australia, as well as other countries across the globe using English as their language. Wherever you come from, for any nursing essay writing assignment, or any other nursing assignment writing job, we are ready to help. We have the best nursing writing team, better than most assignment writing companies do, given that we only specialize in nursing and related medical professions, unlike our competitors. Whenever you are looking for online nursing assignment help, look no further, we never disappoint



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NO PLAGIARISM, Get impressive Grades in Your Academic Work