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Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

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Theoretical Foundation of Nursing

Theories lay foundation of every profession. The primary use of theories in nursing is to equip nursing students with important information about the career. This is essential since it prevents the students from drawing irrelevant conclusion about the field (Yancey, 2019). It ensures that the students or other party interested in the field is equipped with all the basic knowledge about the profession.  This also aims at introducing nursing students to their future roles and generally what nursing entails.

Nursing as an art and as a science, it has played a key role in helping my personal nursing philosophy to unfold.  This is because it has helped me in understanding that majority of nursing students take the path due to passion of helping others. In my perception, it is very clear that nearly all nurses are in love with their jobs since they love the company of many patients and attending to them. It cannot be underestimated that a nurse becomes happy when they see that the patients they are attending to are getting better. That makes nursing both an art and a science.

My nursing assumption have been challenged by numerous factors, the fact that nursing is all about providing services to those around us, many nurses are going contrary to this assumption. This makes me to understand that for one to provide excellent nursing services then one has to accept it deeply from the heart. The service that a nurse will offer to a patient is what will be used in judging the nurse nursing performance. The nursing ethical values are used in monitoring the performance of nurses and by following them then one will offer the best nursing services to their patients.

Personal conflict has been a major crisis that often occurs to my nursing environment. The conflict normally arises due to poor handling of issues with my fellow nurses. Talking rudely to the patient is against the ethical principles that govern nursing. For my case it was uneasy for me to tolerate a fellow nurse talking and panting loudly to a patient. Serving and nurturing for the patients are the fundamental duties of nurses. Mostly, these patients normally are never in their best condition and that is the reason why they require nursing services. A patient can do abnormal things but as a nurse you to accept and understand and try to bring the patient in normal state without causing any harm. This action really affected my relationship with my fellow workmate building a strong bond between the patient and myself. Nursing performance was really shaken since my fellow sidelined some patients to me who were a bit complex to handle.

Illustration of my nursing philosophy has been my biggest agenda in the nursing field. Personalization with patients has been my biggest duty instead of treating the disease the patient suffers from. This has helped in creating a very unique bond with patient. The fact that I come close to the patients makes them feel loved and as a result they share their fears with me hence easy to uproot them. The core reason of reaching out to the patients regardless of their state makes them feel comfortable and have self confidence in themselves (Christopher, 2020).  My action has posted numerous positive feedbacks since even the relatives and friends of the patients saw the difference in the patients.

Meta-paradigm nursing is the set of theories which directs how the discipline should perform its function. According to my point of view the meta-paradigm primarily focuse on the nurse who is the provider of the services. This is very vital since the nurse offers great sacrifices in order to help other. For the nursing discipline, the paradigm consists of several theories whose core agenda addresses the care giver as a whole. The nursing performance is clearly stated in the theories and the type of nursing care they should offer to the patient. This shows that the meta-paradigm focuses on both internal and external surrounding of the nurses. Articulation of good relationship between the members of the nursing team is also considered in the paradigm since it will assist in ensuring that no personal conflict arises hence better health care are provided.

My nursing philosophy has positively changed.   The change has helped me to understand that not only nurses can care for the patients but also fellow patients can assist each other. This has made me understand that nursing is a mutual exercise which requires participation of all the members involved for it to effectively be of great help.

In conclusion, all the stakeholders’ should understand that proper nursing care requires enough time. This shows that for one to be perfect in offering the services then the nurse should be fully experience and the experience is acquired over time.  The nurses should understand their patient in order to offer best nursing services and also to avoid personal conflict. Theories in nursing should not be under rated for they carry important information based on nursing for the good of both the nurses and patients.


Hartson, K. R., Della, L., & King, K. M. A feasibility study of a web-based physical activity program for university students: Final report for Sigma Foundation for Nursing.

Christopher, R., de Tantillo, L., & Watson, J. (2020). Academic caring pedagogy, presence, and Communitas in nursing education during the COVID-19 pandemic. Nursing Outlook68(6), 822-829.

Yancey, N. R. (2019). Evidence-based practice in nursing for teaching-learning: but is it really nursing?. Nursing science quarterly32(1), 25-28




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Nursing shortage in the United Stated is a problem

You will write a paper that contains a minimum of 4 pages but no longer than 6 pages for this course as its portfolio project. Your paper will address a topic of global nursing shortage, the topic associated with global health and health disparities.

Nursing shortage in the United Stated is a problem that we all have been aware of for the longest time. This problem is notisolated only in our country; it is a global phenomenon. As someof you may have heard, there are nursing agencies who bring in international nurses to the U.S. to alleviate the severity of nursing shortage. One may ask if it is ethically justifiable to doso, especially when those foreign nurses are from the developing countries. From the same token, is it ethical for the nurses to come to the U.S. or to some other developed countries, leaving their own countries in a worse public health and a more severe nursing shortage? The answer to this question may vary, depending on whom you ask. What about from the legal standpoints? Does hiring international nurses to come work inthe U.S. pose any legal issues/concerns to us, the nursesthemselves, and/or the nurses’ home countries?

This portfolio project gives you an opportunity to freely explore/learn of the issue from a global perspective. Sourcesinclude published literature from peer-reviewed journals obtainedfrom the BSN library databases and acceptable internet sources (refer to the acceptable resources for writing assignments posted in the course).

In your paper, you will:

Attached is the rubric and additional information. 




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Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals

NURS-6003N-18-Transition to Graduate Study

Networking Opportunities

In this module, you begin laying the foundation for your academic and professional success. Your efforts begin with a vision that includes your own definition of success. Your vision may vary from those of your colleagues, but this does not mean you have to take these first steps alone.

Walden University and the College of Nursing also have a vision and mission, which include helping you to make your own vision a reality. Members of your new academic community, such as faculty, support teams, and fellow students, can also be helpful. Current practitioners and other member of the professional community can also help you to clarify your vision.

This Module’s Discussion asks you to consider how the Walden mission and vision as well as the College of Nursing’s mission and vision apply to your professional and academic goals. You will also begin to identify individuals and teams who can help you along the way as you begin designing the “blueprint”—your Academic Success and Professional Development Plan—that will guide you toward your own vision for academic and professional success. Finally, you will explain the importance of networking and how it can help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

To Prepare:

· Review the Walden and College of Nursing mission and vision statements, Walden’s goals and University Outcomes, and the MSN Program Learning Outcomes presented in this Module’s Learning Resources.

· Reflect on your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.

· Consider how the information in these resources fit with your own goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner.

· Also consider academic and professional individuals and teams with whom you may collaborate in support of your efforts as a student at the university and as a professional within your organization and career.

· Consider the importance of networking and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals.

Week 1

Post a brief introduction of yourself to your colleagues. Include an explanation as to how Walden’s vision, mission, goals, and social change initiatives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Also include an explanation for how the Walden MSN Program Outcomes and perspectives relate to your professional and academic goals and to your becoming a scholar-practitioner. Finally, explain why networking is important and how it may help you achieve your professional and academic goals




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Examining Nursing Specialties


You have probably seen one or more of the many inspirational posters about decisions. A visual such as a forked road or a street sign is typically pictured, along with a quote designed to inspire.

Often decisions are not so easily inspired. Perhaps you discovered this when choosing a specialty within the MSN program. This decision is a critical part of your plan for success, and you no doubt want to get it right. This is yet another area where your network can help, as well as other sources of information that can help you make an informed choice.

Note : Unless otherwise noted, initial postings to Discussions are due on or before Day 3, and response postings are due on or before Day 6. You are required to participate in the Discussion on at least three different days (a different day for main post and each response). It is important to adhere to the weekly time frame to allow others ample time to respond to your posting. In addition, you are expected to respond to questions directed toward your own initial posting in a timely manner.

To Prepare:

Reflect on your decision to pursue a specialty within the MSN program, including your professional and academic goals as they relate to your program/specialization.

By Day 3

Post an explanation of your choice of a nursing specialty within the program. Describe any difficulties you had (or are having) in making your choice, and the factors that drove/are driving your decision. Identify at least one professional organization affiliated with your chosen specialty and provide details on becoming a member.

Required Resources




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Nursing theory and its conceptual model and demonstrate its application in nursing practice

Henderson Theory (Nursing Need Theory )

PowerPoint in which you describe the nursing theory and its conceptual model and demonstrate its application in nursing practice. Include the following:

1. Present an overview of the nursing theory. Describe which conceptual model the theory would fall into. Is it a practice theory, midrange theory, or grand theory? Justify your response with evidence.

2. Explain how the nursing theory incorporates the four metaparadigm concepts.

3. Describe how this nursing theory is applied or integrated using examples of three evidence-based practices.

Three Citations needed




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Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

Assessment 3 Instructions: Evidence-Based Proposal and Annotated Bibliography on Technology in Nursing

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· Write a 4 page annotated bibliography where you identify peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of a selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing.


Before you begin to develop the assessment you are encouraged to complete the Annotated Bibliography Formative Assessment. Completing this activity will help you succeed with the assessment and counts towards course engagement.

Rapid changes in information technology go hand-in-hand with progress in quality health care delivery, nursing practice, and interdisciplinary team collaboration. The following are only a few examples of how the health care field uses technology to provide care to patients across multiple settings:

· Patient monitoring devices.

· Robotics.

· Electronic medical records.

· Data management resources.

· Ready access to current science.

Technology is essential to the advancement of the nursing profession, maintaining quality care outcomes, patient safety, and research.

This assessment will give you the opportunity to deepen your knowledge of how technology can enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. You will prepare an annotated bibliography on technology in nursing. A well-prepared annotated bibliography is a comprehensive commentary on the content of scholarly publications and other sources of evidence about a selected nursing-related technology. A bibliography of this type provides a vehicle for workplace discussion to address gaps in nursing practice and to improve patient care outcomes. As nurses become more accountable in their practice, they are being called upon to expand their role of caregiver and advocate to include fostering research and scholarship to advance nursing practice. An annotated bibliography stimulates innovative thinking to find solutions and approaches to effectively and efficiently address these issues.


To successfully complete this assessment, perform the following preparatory activities:

· Select a single direct or indirect patient care technology that is relevant to your current practice or of interest to you. Direct patient care technologies require an interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. Nurses use direct patient care technologies every day when delivering care to patients. Electronic thermometers or pulse oximeters are examples of direct patient care technologies. Indirect patient care technologies, on the other hand, are those employed on behalf of the patient. They do not require interaction, or direct contact, between the nurse and patient. A handheld device for patient documentation is an example of an indirect patient care technology. Examples of topics to consider for your annotated bibliography include:

6. Delivery robots.

6. Electronic medication administration with barcoding.

6. Electronic clinical documentation with clinical decision support.

6. Patient sensor devices/wireless communication solutions.

6. Real-time location systems.

6. Telehealth.

6. Workflow management systems.

. Conduct a library search using the various electronic databases available through the Capella University Library.

7. Consult the BSN Program Library Research Guide for help in identifying scholarly and/or authoritative sources.

7. Access the NHS Learner Success Lab, linked in the courseroom navigation menu, for additional resources.

. Scan the search results related to your chosen technology.

. Select four peer-reviewed publications focused on your selected topic that are the most interesting to you.

. Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes.

10. Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team.

10. Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.


. Publications may be research studies or review articles from a professional source. Newspapers, magazines, and blogs are not considered professional sources.

. Your selections need to be current—within the last five years.

An Evidence-based Recommendation for Selected Technology Implementation

Prepare a 4 page paper in which you introduce your selected technology and describe at least four peer-reviewed publications that promote the use of your selected technology to enhance quality and safety standards in nursing. You will conclude your paper by summarizing why you recommend a particular technology by underscoring the evidence-based resources you presented. Be sure that your paper includes all of the following elements:

. Introduction to the Selected Technology Topic

13. What is your rationale for selecting this particular technology topic? Why are you interested in this?

13. What research process did you employ?

2. Which databases did you use?

2. Which search terms did you use?

2. Note: In this section of your bibliography, you may use first-person since you are asked to describe your rationale for selecting the topic and the research strategies you employed. Use third person in the rest of the bibliography, however.

· Annotation Elements

. For each resource, include the full reference followed by the annotation.

. Explain the focus of the research or review article you chose.

. Provide a summary overview of the publication.

3. According to this source, what is the impact of this technology on patient safety and quality of care?

3. According to this source, what is the relevance of this technology to nursing practice and the work of the interdisciplinary health care team?

3. Why did you select this publication to write about out of the many possible options? In other words, make the case as to why this resource is important for health care practitioners to read.

· Summary of Recommendation

. How would you tie together the key learnings from each of the four publications you examined?

. What organizational factors influence the selection of a technology in a health care setting? Consider such factors as organizational policies, resources, culture/social norms, commitment, training programs, and/or employee empowerment.

. How would you justify the implementation and use of the technology in a health care setting? This is the section where you will justify (prove) that the implementation of the patient care technology is appropriate or not. The evidence should be cited from the literature that was noted in the annotated bibliography.

3. Consider the impact of the technology on the health care organization, patientcare/satisfaction, and interdisciplinary team productivity, satisfaction, and retention.

Example Assessment: You may use the following to give you an idea of what a Proficient or higher rating on the scoring guide would look like:

· Assessment 3 Example [PDF].

Additional Requirements

· Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· Length: 4 typed, double-spaced pages.

· Number of resources: Cite a minimum of four peer-reviewed publications, not websites.

· Font and font size: Use Times New Roman, 12 point.

· APA: Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries. Refer to Evidence and APA as needed.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

· Competency 3: Evaluate the impact of patient care technologies on desired outcomes.

. Analyze current evidence on the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team.

. Integrate current evidence about the impact of a selected patient care technology on patient safety, quality of care, and the interdisciplinary team into a recommendation.

· Competency 4: Recommend the use of a technology to enhance quality and safety standards for patients.

. Describe organizational factors influencing the selection of a technology in the health care setting.

. Justify the implementation and use of a selected technology in a health care setting.

· Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.

. Create a clear, well-organized, and professional annotated bibliography that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling.

. Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for all bibliographic entries.


Use the scoring guide to understand how your assessment will be evaluated


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priority nursing interventions for Roslyn are to assess and monitor her vital signs

The priority nursing interventions for Roslyn are to assess and monitor her vital signs, especially her respiratory rate, and perform a pain assessment. The nurse should also administer medication to relieve pain, and considering she is pale and weak; a blood transfusion may be needed. The nurse should prepare Roslyn for that. As the nurse, it is vital to inform Roslyn and her family that her condition can cause pain and avoid students who may be sick when attending school. She should also inform them to let the school know about her condition and need to take medication to treat her symptoms while in school. The nurse can encourage them to keep Roslyn updated with her immunizations to help prevent infections. “Support groups for children with sickle cell anemia can help learn ways to cope with these conditions. These support groups can also be helpful for sharing their worries with peers who have similar concerns and feelings.” (Stanford Children’s Health, 2022, para.10) The nurse can support the family and Roslyn by providing information about support groups. The nurse needs to educate them about Sickle Cell Anemia and crisis. The nurse should instruct the family and Roslyn about the importance of handwashing. The nurse can educate them about different ways to manage pain and symptoms. Instruct them to avoid different foods and monitor things that can trigger Roslyn’s symptoms. It is vital to instruct Roslyn to avoid strenuous exercises because they can cause a crisis


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Setting the Stage for Community Health Nursing

  1. Read the Case Study below and post answers.
  2. Answers must: 
    • Be 100 words or more
    • APA Format
    • References are cited (if necessary)

Case Study
Setting the Stage for Community Health Nursing

At the community health care agency, the assigned nurse reviews with the assigned student the conceptual foundations and core functions of community health practice that are integrated into the various roles and settings of community health nursing. After working at the agency for the day, the student has to prepare an oral report to present to the class the next day.

  1. What are the three core public health functions that are basic to community health nursing?
  2. There are seven different roles of the community health nurse. What are the seven different roles of the community health nurse?
  3. The role of manager is a critical role for the community health nurse. What is involved in the role of manager within the framework of public health nursing functions?
  4. There are seven settings in which community health nurses practice. What are the seven settings and provide a brief description of the settings in which community health nurses practice?




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Evidence-Based Practice and Ethics in Community Health Nursing

  1. Click and read the Case Study below and post answers.
  2. Answers must: 
    • Be 100 words or more
    • References are cited (if necessary)

Case Study

Chapter 4

Evidence-Based Practice and Ethics in Community Health Nursing

The student nurse starts the day with the community health nurse with a discussion about the implementation of evidence-based practice. The nurse reviews with the student the importance of including appropriate research and evidence-based practice principles each day during the daily visits. The community health nurse emphasizes the importance of looking at one’s own values since the student nurse will encounter various individuals in the community health setting. The community health nurse asks the student nurse to review the key human values that influence a client’s health.

  1. The community health nurse asks the student nurse to explain what is involved in evidence-based practice. What are the necessary steps in the process of evidence-based practice that the nurse should include in the discussion with the community health nurse?
  2. What does implementation of evidence-based practice enable the community health nurse to do in the community?
  3. Research has what significant impact on community health and nursing practice?
  4. Values and ethical principles strongly influence community health nursing practice and ethical decision-making. What function do values hold in clinical practice in the community health setting?
  5. What three human values influence client health that the community health nurse must consider?




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Ohio Board of Nursing and The Delaware Board of Nursing

 Ohio Board of Nursing

 In Ohio, Advanced Practice Registered Nurses (APRNs) must practice under a Standard Care Arrangement with a physician. Advanced Practice Nurses in Ohio must practice under a physician or podiatrist when providing direct patient care in a healthcare organization. According to (Ohio Board of Nursing, 2021) an “Advanced Practice Registered Nurse may prescribe a Schedule II-V controlled substance under the direction of a physician or podiatrist.” In Ohio, the APRNs must prescribe according to the Standard Care Arrangement with the collaborating physician, consistent with the APRNs national certification and according to the state and federal law (Ohio Laws & Administrative Rules, 2018). An APRN who prescribes medications must complete an approved 45-hour course in advance pharmacology.

Delaware Board of Nursing

     According to (, 2021) an Advanced Practice Registered Nurse who is approved for independent practice is “allowed to practice and prescribe outside the employment of an established healthcare organization, healthcare delivery system, physician, podiatrist, or practice group owned by a physician or podiatrist without a collaborative agreement.” An APRN in Delaware who has practiced for at least two years and has 4,000 hours in their current practice can also practice independently without a collaborating agreement. (2021) grants APRNs prescriptive authority when granting an initial license by direct application or endorsement. An APRN may prescribe, administer, and dispense legend medications, including Schedule II-V controlled substances (, 2021).

The Difference Between the Ohio Board of Nursing and The Delaware Board of Nursing  

     In Ohio, an APRN must work under a collaborating physician, and the physician does not have to be on-site with the APRN. The APRN can order labs, and radiology tests, prescribe medication, and perform a physical examination. In Delaware, the APRNs can prescribe medication and treat patients independently without a collaborating agreement if they have practiced in their population focus for two years and have completed 4,000 full-time hours. 

APRNs Legal Authority to Practice within the Full Scope of Education and Experience

     An APRN must apply for a full practice authority to practice independently without a collaboration agreement with a podiatrist or physician. The APRN has the authority to prescribe without having a collaborating team on site. To adhere to the regulations, the APRN must complete the required continuing education and training hours in the area of their certification in addition to required clinical experience hours. APRNs must complete 80 hours of continuing education and medical education for their licensure renewal every two years. The APRNs must obtain a DEA number and complete an approved continuing education prescribing course.

References (2021). Division of Professional Regulation 1900 Boards of Nursing. 

Ohio Board of Nursing (2021). APRN Licensure and Practice in Ohio.

Ohio Laws & Administrative Rules (2018). Continuing education requirements.

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