Writers Solution

CyberTech Systems and Software Inc. is an IT service that focuses on the sale of on-site and offshore information technology services primarily in the United States.

Apply Critical Thinking Address A case study that Intentionally

Project : Apply Critical Thinking In this project, you will address a case study that intentionally does not give you enough detail for you to quickly resolve the issue. This is meant to enable you to

Project : Apply Critical Thinking In this project, you will address a case study that intentionally does not give you enough detail for you to quickly resolve the issue. This is meant to enable you to

Project : Apply Critical Thinking

In this project, you will address a case study that intentionally does not give you enough detail for you to quickly resolve the issue. This is meant to enable you to use the processes of critical thinking to reach conclusions. Given the gaps in information provided to you, you will identify what you know, what you don’t know, and what questions you need to ask as you start your investigation of the facts of the case. The process is designed to encourage clear thinking and to help you to identify potential cognitive traps that could derail well-reasoned conclusions.


CyberTech Systems and Software Inc. is an IT service that focuses on the sale of on-site and offshore information technology services primarily in the United States. One of the cases the company is handling is for a law firm handling a suit from the Office of Personnel Management, OPM. The suspected hacking group is called Anomalous, accused of compromising the background information of millions of employees working for OPM. Anomalous are non-US based suspects in one of the cases and a defendant in the other. The otherhacking group is Equation Set which is a U.S. based hacking group. Anomalous has accused Equation Set of attempting to breach their security and hack them. CyberTech must evaluate each situation in order to ensure that there is no conflict of interest and protect their reputation. This analysis will provide additional information about the two cases involving Anomalous, Equation Set, and OPM. Afterwards, an unbiased conclusion will be presented. Explanation One of the main issues is the fact that Anomalous is involved in both cases. They are one of the main suspects of hacking CyberTech’s client, OPM, while at the same time claim they claim they are also the victims of another hacking incident. In the Anomalous vs Equation Set some of the members of Anomalous are CyberTech’s clients. CyberTech needs to be able to handle this issue while protecting its reputation. Even though Anomalous is a suspect in the OPMcase, there is no legal proceeding that prevents CyberTech from representing them in a completely unrelated case. The main issue is that representing a client and one of their potential

There are six steps that will lead you through this project. Most steps of this project should take no more than two hours to complete. Begin by watching the video above, which introduces the project you will be doing as it might occur in the workplace, and then continue with Step 1: Prepare to Think Critically.

Step 1: Prepare to Think Critically

In this first step, you will prepare to respond to your boss’s request for an analysis of a problem in your organization. You realize that this will require careful thinking. So, you take time to review the process and to engage in critical thinking and analysis.

When you have finished your review of the learning resources, you will move on to the next step: identifying the problem.

Step 2: Identify the Problem

Now that you’re prepared to think critically, it’s time to analyze the situation. Remember the direction from your CEO is to analyze the situation and advise on the two lawsuits. Review the video or transcript in Start Here as needed.

A suggested area of focus is to determine if a conflict of interest would exist in handling the two cases that might be related, and advise how to proceed.

Outline the points that you want to make in the first two sections of your paper (introduction, explanation) and draft those sections.

Next, it’s time to analyze the information.

Step 3: Analyze the Information

Now that you have some understanding of the nature of the breach and the parties involved, it’s time to gather and analyze information. The problem analysis resources will further aid your analysis and development of the third section of the paper.

Outline the points that you want to make in Section 3: Analysis of the Information of your paper, and draft that section.

In the following step, you will consider other viewpoints, conclusions, and solutions.

Step 4: Consider and Analyze Other Viewpoints, Conclusions, and Solutions

Once you have completed your analysis of the incident, the next step is to analyze alternative viewpoints, conclusions, and solutions. To do this, you will need to apply ethical decision-making and reasoning. Also, read the highly recommended  Randolph Pherson’s “The Five Habits of the Master Thinker,” a paper written for intelligence analysts, but applicable to all analytical thinking and reasoning.

Outline the points that you want to make in Section 4: Analysis of Alternative Viewpoints, Conclusions, or Solutions of your paper, and draft that section.

When you are finished, move to the next step, which involves developing conclusions.

Step 5: Develop Well-Reasoned Conclusions

You considered alternative viewpoints in the last step. Now you’re ready to develop personal conclusions and suggest remedies so that your boss is well-equipped to brief  leadership about the situation.

Remember, you may need to consult outside references, but this is not a research paper. It is more investigative in nature about the facts of the case. Cite outside sources carefully.

Now, outline your argument and draft Section 5: Conclusions and Recommendations, the final sections. Your boss is expecting to receive a concise, focused paper to prepare  for further meetings. Stay to the main points, although you may have more facts to answer any questions. You will submit your paper in the final step.

Step 6: Submit the Critical Thinking Paper

The final paper should be no more than five double-spaced pages, excluding the cover page and references page(s). Organize the paper in accordance with your preparatory steps, using these subheadings: