Writers Solution

Social environment and reporting on how it structures opportunities related to health and illness

Pick a neighborhood in the proximity of where you live[1]. You will be studying the social environment and reporting on how it structures opportunities related to health and illness.  You may choose your neighborhood, but be careful, as we tend not to recognize the obvious in our lives. McCamey, Texas. This project involves observation. You shouldn’t interview, survey, or speak with anybody as part of your study for ethical reasons. If you took any photos of people, you wouldn’t be at your best. Any project that incorporates interviews with locals or other people WILL NOT BE ACCEPTED, and a grade of 0 will be assigned. I want you to concentrate on the actual surroundings instead. Even if your knowledge is solely observational and needs no interaction, no specific people should be included in your report.
You should abide by all applicable local, state, and federal laws. NO TRAFFICKING AT ALL. A grade of 0 will also be assigned for any documented unlawful action. Furthermore, it would be ideal if you avoided placing yourself in risk. Avoid going to places where you might endanger yourself. Please be reasonable. Never go out at night or alone yourself, and avoid any scenario where there may be a danger to your safety. Take extra precautions. I don’t want you to live in an area where drug sales are conducted openly, and I don’t want you to hang around in parks late at night to watch shady characters commit crimes. I don’t want you to provide a conflict zone report from a renegade journalist. Instead, you may do the majority of the task using a computer.Webcamsscreenshotsareas through online street views, maps, and all-you-can-eat establishments, among other things.

You may take digital pictures (a camera phone should be just fine) to include with your project.

You may use Google Street View (but not required) and show screen shots of specific area. Any photos you take should be of places, NOT people.  No individual should be identifiable in any of the photos you take. 

What types of factors should you be looking for?

•      Public spaces. – exercise, playgrounds, parks

•      Food – groceries (type of), fast food availability, all you can eat buffets, etc.

o   What type of food displays are prominent in the grocery store? Healthy food/junk food?

o   If there is no grocery store in your area, find the closest one(s) that ·you think people in your selected area use for their food.  all-you-can-eatIs smoking allowed indoors? Only in bars? Not at all?

•      Pedestrian safety/ability or need to drive everywhere

•      Bike lanes

•      Road safety – How often do major car accidents occur? Official data may not be available, but in Odessa, for example, the news covers them in detail. 

•      Proximity to medical clinic/hospital

•      How do people come together? How many churches/if any? How many bars? Do people have to walk to the bars or do most drive? Other positive/negative areas of interaction?

•      Other factors may be unique to your specific situation – proximity to power plants, waste dumps, industrial areas

Your paper will take the following basic format: (NO GPT CHAT OR ANY AI)

1.  Introduction 

-introduce social causation of disease

-introduce your neighborhood. Where is it? Do you believe residents are healthy?

-based on available data, what do the statistics say about the general health of your area? This may include broad information, as noted above, such as car accidents reported on the news. Alternatively, the EPA provides data on environmental hazards (and there,lots in Odessa, Midland, and Houston, for example), which you can are also discussthreeare summarize criticalthree summarizethree thetiny Introduce.  Findings

-Pick at least three key areas to examine (among those listed above). Discuss what you found. I don’t want a list of all 47 restaurants, but you could summarize how many fast food places there are, etc. Provide critical details and avoid adding filler that doesn’t speak to the project.  Think critically. Analyze what is going on.

3.  Conclusion

-Summarize your findings. Perhaps suggest how you think health could be improved if needed. 


[1] What constitutes a neighborhood?  This is somewhat undefined.  Generally speaking, it should be a residential area bordered by a few major streets. 1-2 square miles would be about right, but depending on population density, this could vary.  If you live in a tiny town (say up to 10,000 people), and for example, there is only one place to buy groceries, three summarizeyou may use the entire town. I provide an example below.

Social Risk Autopsy

Part A: Introduction 

· Introduce the threesummarize three the must also asocial causation of disease

·         Introduce your neighborhood. Where is it? Do you believe residents are healthy?

·         Based on available data, what do the statistics say about the general health of your area? This may include broad information, as noted above, such as car accidents reported on the news. Alternatively, the EPA provides data on environmental hazards (and there are lots in Odessa, Midland, and Houston, for example), which you can also discuss.

·         Five pages, excluding the title page and references page. You can use up to three pictures in your five-page project. You can add the rest of your images in the appendix.

Part B: Findings

·         Pick at least threesummarize three key areas to examine (among those listed above).

·         Discuss what you found. I don’t want a list of all 47 restaurants, but you could provide a summary of how many fast food places there are, etc.

·         Provide key details and avoid adding filler that doesn’t speak to the project. 

·         Think critically. Analyze what is going on.

Part C: Format- Academic Citations

·         3 sociological journals (from approved journals listed)

·         One source of your choice (still must be scholarly), such as a website.

·         The title page has all the required elements and formatting:

·         Formatted in the ASA style or APA (APA is allowed if you are not majoring in sociology. However, you must inform me which style you will follow). Remember to be consistent with your style.

Part D: Conclusion

·         Summarize your findings.

·         Perhaps suggest how you think health could be improved if needed.

Writers Solution

Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

Selected Topic for PPT: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Important Note:  Some of the readings found in this course are more than 5 years old. Although we strive to use current references whenever possible, many of the seminal articles/resources found in this course are from the theorists who created the original theory/theories.

Levitt, S. R. (2013). Cultural factors affecting international teamwork dynamics and effectiveness. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management: Annual Review, 13, 9–23.

Vora, D., Martin, L., Fitzsimmons, S. R., Pekerti, A. A., Lakshman, C., & Raheem, S. (2019). Multiculturalism within individuals: A review, critique, and agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(4), 499–524.

Huang, J. (2016). The challenge of Multicultural Management in global projects. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 226, 75–81.

Poeppelman, T., & Blacksmith, N. (2015). Virtual workplaces: Technological functions can address common challenges. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 52(3), 108–112.

Alonso, A., & Wang, M. (2014). International practice forum. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 51(4), 103–106.

American Society for Quality (ASQ). (2015). Preparing for the future. Journal for Quality and Participation, 38(3), 30–33.

Celebrating teamwork. (2014). Journal for Quality and Participation, 37(3), 4–7.

Hurst, S., Arulogun, O. S., Owolabi, M. O., Akinyemi, R., Uvere, E., Warth, S., & Ovbiagele, B. (2015). Pretesting qualitative data collection procedures to facilitate methodological adherence and team building in Nigeria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 14(1), 53–64.

Morgan, L., Paucar-Caceres, A., & Wright, G. (2014). Leading effective global virtual teams: The consequences of methods of communication. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27(6), 607–624. 

Nelson, B. (2014). The data on diversity. Communications of the ACM, 57(11), 86–95.

Whillans, A., Perlow, L., & Turek, A. (2021). Experimenting during the shift to virtual team work: Learnings from how teams adapted their activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information and Organization, 31(1).

Presbitero, A. (2021). Communication accommodation within global virtual team: The influence of cultural intelligence and the impact on interpersonal process effectiveness. Journal of International Management, 27(1). https://doi-org/10.1016/j.intman.2020.1

Week 2 Presentation (Due in 2 Days) Urgent/Presentation Format.pdf

©  2016  Laureate  Education,  Inc.     Page  1  of  1  

Presentation  Format     During  one  set  of  paired  weeks  in  this  course,  you  will  be  appointed  as  a  Presenter.   When  you  are  the  Presenter,  you  will  prepare  an  individual  academic  presentation,   much  like  a  poster  session.  Your  presentation  should  include  an  analysis  and  synthesis   of  prior  research,  and  your  presentation  begins  the  interaction  with  your  colleagues.  You   will  prepare  a  PowerPoint  presentation  of  7–10  slides  to  demonstrate  your   understanding  of  the  research.       Outline  for  Presentations     The  following  PowerPoint  presentation  outline  is  suggested:     Slide   Number  

Contents  of  Slide  should  include:  

Slide  1   Title  Slide—Weeks  X–X/Week  Title/Presenter  Name     Slides  2–3   An  incorporation  and  analysis  of  the  Required  Resources  from  this  pair  of  weeks,  

including  identification  of  an  original  research  topic  (related  to  the  general  topic  for  the   week,  to  a  specific  reading  for  the  week,  or  to  apparent  gaps  in  the  literature)  

Slides  4–6   An  identification  of  principal  schools  of  thought,  tendencies  in  the  academic  literature,   or  commonalities  that  define  the  academic  scholarship  regarding  your  topic  

Slides  7–8   An  evaluation  of  the  main  concepts  with  a  focus  on  their  application  to   business/management  practice  and  their  impact  on  positive  social  change  

Slides  9–10   APA-­formatted  References  slide(s)  (to  include  a  minimum  of  10  peer-­reviewed,   scholarly  new  references)  

  Guidelines  for  Presentations     You  must  use  APA  formatting  throughout  your  presentation  and  incorporate  direct   evidence  of  addressing  the  Learning  Objectives  from  this  2-­week  unit.  Each  of  the   content  slides  must  include  detailed  notes/paragraphs  in  the  Notes  section  with   appropriate  citation  of  peer-­reviewed,  scholarly  references.  Please  refer  to  the   Presentation  Rubric  for  specific  grading  elements  and  criteria.       Note:  If  you  choose  to  include  graphics  of  any  kind  in  your  presentation,  be  prepared  to   accommodate  participants  with  vision  loss.  Know  that  you  may  have  to  provide  a  written   description  of  graphic  or  pictorial  material  for  a  fellow  student  who  is  visually  impaired.        

o   It  is  the  responsibility  of  any  participant  with  a  disability  that  limits  access  to   the  PowerPoint  presentations  to  contact  the  Instructor  and/or  Disability   Services  to  make  a  specific  request  regarding  this  assignment.  

Week 2 Presentation (Due in 2 Days) Urgent/Week 2 Presentation (Required Assignment).docx

Check above Your Past work ppt, This is same but research topic different

Selected Topic: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

My Note: (Presentation with notes/paragraphs) PPT Format attached, Need 7 Slides without References Slides. Total 9-10 Slides

(100% Original Plagiarism free work ) Due in 2 Days

Must be include all presentation requirement and follow Rubric Superior Criteria and Follow presentation Format

Course Name : Seminar in Multicultural Management

Selected Topic: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

Discussion: Opportunities for New Multicultural Management Research

As you know from the Week 1 readings, there is ongoing discourse concerning the topic of multiculturalism. Although many theories complement effective multicultural management practices, problems continue to manifest that require the appropriate application of multicultural models, theories, frameworks, and strategies to improve business practices. Many researchers offer suggestions for future research, and their suggestions are indicative that the multicultural management issues continue to require attention. This week, your Discussion serves as the beginning of your groundwork for your final paper in this course. This groundwork, among other methodological steps, will ultimately help you with the completion of your final paper, and your future research findings may apply to the enhancement of business practices and social change and multicultural management initiatives.

Over the next 2 weeks, you will analyze your readings from last week and this week and analyze prior research relevant to multiculturalism to discover opportunities for research. You will evaluate the applicability of the multicultural research literature to business practices and social change initiatives and will begin a systematic way of capturing invaluable literature through the construction of an annotated bibliography. Focus on the main messages presented in the readings, as well as on the research designs and on any apparent gaps in the literature that may merit further investigation.

After reading this week’s literature, what research questions or apparent gaps come to mind?

Keeping in mind what you have learned about research design and threats to validity, complete the following:

By Day 7 of Week 2

This week’s assigned Presenters should post a PowerPoint presentation with a detailed notes section that contains the following:

· Incorporation and analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature

· An original research topic related to the week’s literature (Note: The proposed research topic can be related to the general topic for the week or to gaps in the literature for the week, or it can be related to a specific reading for the week.)

· Background information on the research topic, including identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic

· Evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change

· A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references

Note:  The presentation must be in APA format and must incorporate direct evidence of addressing the Learning Objectives from this 2-week unit. Each of the content slides must include detailed notes/paragraphs with appropriate citation of peer-reviewed, scholarly references.

Refer to the Presentation Format document for more information about the expected contents of your Presentation. For suggestions on creating an effective PowerPoint presentation, see the Learning Resources for Weeks 2–3.

Refer to the Presentation Rubric for specific grading elements and criteria.

Outline for Presentations 

Slide  Number Contents of Slide should include: 
Slide 1 Title Slide—Weeks X–X/Week Title/Presenter Name  
Slides 2–3 An incorporation and analysis of the Required Resources from this pair of weeks,  including identification of an original research topic (related to the general topic for the week, to a specific reading for the week, or to apparent gaps in the literature) 
Slides 4–6 An identification of principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding your topic 
Slides 7–8 An evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to  business/management practice and their impact on positive social change 
Slides 9–10 APA­formatted References slide(s) (to include a minimum of 10 peer­reviewed,  scholarly new references) 

Rubric Detail

Superior CriteriaExcellent CriteriaSatisfactory CriteriaMarginal CriteriaUnsatisfactory CriteriaNot Submitted
Element 1: Incorporation and Analysis of Required Readings15 (15%) Student’s presentation incorporates a thorough and detailed analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Several sources and examples support thinking.14.25 (14.25%) Student’s presentation incorporates a thorough and detailed analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit, including identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in analysis.12.75 (12.75%) Student’s presentation incorporates an analysis of most of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit and/or some key information is lacking or not fully developed, and may include identification of any apparent gaps in the literature as well as detailed notes may be incomplete under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Some sources and examples support thinking.11.25 (11.25%) Student’s presentation provides a cursory or incomplete analysis of the Required Resources from this 2-week unit and/or does not include detailed notes under each slide (except the Title and Reference slides). Few sources or examples support thinking.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 2: Original Research Topic & Background Information15 (15%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, and provides a thorough and detailed analysis of the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Several sources and examples support thinking.14.25 (14.25%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, and provides a thorough and detailed analysis of the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in analysis.12.75 (12.75%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, and provides an analysis with some details regarding the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Some sources and examples support thinking.11.25 (11.25%) Student’s presentation incorporates an original research topic related to the week’s literature, but provides a cursory or incomplete analysis with vague or missing details regarding the principal schools of thought, tendencies in the academic literature, or commonalities that define the academic scholarship regarding the topic. Few sources or examples support thinking.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 3: Evaluation of Main Concepts & Impact on Positive Social Change15 (15%) Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Several sources and examples support thinking.14.25 (14.25%) Student presents a thorough and detailed evaluation of the main concepts with a focus on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Several sources and examples support thinking. There are one or two minor errors in evaluation.12.75 (12.75%) Student presents an evaluation of the main concepts with some details on their application to business/management practice and their impact on positive social change. Some sources and examples support thinking.11.25 (11.25%) Student presents a cursory or incomplete evaluation of the main concepts with vague or missing details on their application to business/management practice and/or their impact on positive social change. Few sources and examples support thinking.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 4: Minimum of 10 Peer-Reviewed, Scholarly New References10 (10%) Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references, including correct in-text citations, related to the proposed research topic.9.5 (9.5%) Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references, including correct in-text citations, related to the proposed research topic. There are one or two minor errors in the reference citations and/or References slide.8.5 (8.5%) Student includes a minimum of 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references; however, some citations and/or References slide entries are incorrectly cited and/or are loosely connect to proposed research topic.7.5 (7.5%) Student includes fewer than 10 peer-reviewed, scholarly new references and/or many citations are not peer-reviewed, scholarly references and/or do not relate to the proposed research topic.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 5: Critical Analysis in Presentation15 (15%) Student demonstrates an excellent ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a clear and coherent critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. The presentation shows a high degree of discovery and creativity in assimilating, synthesizing, and framing the resources into a coherent, plausible response. Student demonstrates a clear understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.14.25 (14.25%) Student demonstrates a very good ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a clear and coherent critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. The presentation shows a high degree of discovery and creativity in assimilating, synthesizing, and framing the resources into a coherent, plausible response. Student demonstrates a very good understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.12.75 (12.75%) Student demonstrates some ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. Student demonstrates some understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.11.25 (11.25%) Student does not demonstrate the ability to engage in scholarly thinking, and presents a weak critical analysis of the materials for the 2-week unit. Student demonstrates a vague understanding of the weekly topic in the assigned 2-week span.7.5 (7.5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 6: Response to Colleague’s Posting10 (10%) Student responds to at least two colleagues, thoroughly addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.9.5 (9.5%) Student responds to at least two colleagues, mostly addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.8.5 (8.5%) Student responds to two colleagues, somewhat addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and/or how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.7.5 (7.5%) Student responds to two colleagues, vaguely addressing how the readings assigned and posted by colleagues address the “so what?” questions in the field of multicultural management, how the readings are valuable to the research in the field, as well as discusses any important gaps that point to potential topics, and/or how he/she would extend or explore these gaps.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 7: Written Delivery Style & Grammar10 (10%) Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are no spelling or grammar errors.9.5 (9.5%) Student consistently follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are one or two minor errors in spelling or grammar.8.5 (8.5%) Student mostly follows APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style. Student mostly communicates in a cohesive, logical style. There are some errors in spelling or grammar.7.5 (7.5%) Student does not follow APA writing style and basic rules of formal English grammar and written essay style and does not communicate in a cohesive, logical style.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.
Element 8: Formal and Appropriate Documentation of Evidence, Attribution of Ideas (APA Citations)10 (10%) Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. There are no APA errors.9.5 (9.5%) Student demonstrates full adherence to scholarly reference requirements and adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. There are one or two minor errors in APA style or format.8.5 (8.5%) Student mostly adheres to scholarly reference requirements and/or mostly adheres to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. Some errors in APA format and style are evident.7.5 (7.5%) Student demonstrates weak or inconsistent adherence scholarly reference requirements and/or weak or inconsistent adherence to APA style with respect to source attribution, references, heading and subheading logic, table of contents and lists of charts, etc. Several errors in APA format and style are evident.(5%) Does not meet minimal standards.(0%) Did not submit element.

Learning Resources

Required Readings

Levitt, S. R. (2013). Cultural factors affecting international teamwork dynamics and effectiveness. The International Journal of Knowledge, Culture, and Change Management: Annual Review, 13, 9–23.

Vora, D., Martin, L., Fitzsimmons, S. R., Pekerti, A. A., Lakshman, C., & Raheem, S. (2019). Multiculturalism within individuals: A review, critique, and agenda for future research. Journal of International Business Studies, 50(4), 499–524.

Huang, J. (2016). The challenge of Multicultural Management in global projects. Procedia – Social and Behavioral Sciences, 226, 75–81.

Poeppelman, T., & Blacksmith, N. (2015). Virtual workplaces: Technological functions can address common challenges. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 52(3), 108–112.

Alonso, A., & Wang, M. (2014). International practice forum. The Industrial-Organizational Psychologist, 51(4), 103–106.

American Society for Quality (ASQ). (2015). Preparing for the future. Journal for Quality and Participation, 38(3), 30–33.

Celebrating teamwork. (2014). Journal for Quality and Participation, 37(3), 4–7.

Hurst, S., Arulogun, O. S., Owolabi, M. O., Akinyemi, R., Uvere, E., Warth, S., & Ovbiagele, B. (2015). Pretesting qualitative data collection procedures to facilitate methodological adherence and team building in Nigeria. International Journal of Qualitative Methods, 14(1), 53–64.

Morgan, L., Paucar-Caceres, A., & Wright, G. (2014). Leading effective global virtual teams: The consequences of methods of communication. Systemic Practice and Action Research, 27(6), 607–624. 

Nelson, B. (2014). The data on diversity. Communications of the ACM, 57(11), 86–95.

Whillans, A., Perlow, L., & Turek, A. (2021). Experimenting during the shift to virtual team work: Learnings from how teams adapted their activities during the COVID-19 pandemic. Information and Organization, 31(1).

Presbitero, A. (2021). Communication accommodation within global virtual team: The influence of cultural intelligence and the impact on interpersonal process effectiveness. Journal of International Management, 27(1). https://doi-org/10.1016/j.intman.2020.1


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Writers Solution

Brand Performance and Opportunities for Growth

Overview: You have recently joined a branding team where the objective is to increase brand sales.

Part One: Brand Performance and Opportunities for Growth (estimate 400 words):

Your first task is to provide a brief introduction of your brand that outlines key brand milestones, such as how long it has existed, its current owner and markets it operates within both inside and outside of Australia.  

Identify key competitors for the brand and present in a table that shows their brand share. Justify your choice of two to compare and contrast with your brand.

Identify the current challenges to growing brands in the allocated market and the performance of your brand based on industry data available via the library’s marketing guide.

Briefly explain how to build Mental Availability for the brand.  

Draw on the text, course references and library sources (use the Marketing guide Company and Industry information to search for relevant information to support your discussion.

Part Two: Brand Audit (estimate 800 words):

Draw on industry publications and conduct an online brand audit of campaigns and other activities that could build Mental Availability for your brand and the two chosen competitors. Industry publications can help with your critique of marketing campaigns or branding efforts, e.g. B&T, Advertising Age or articles from the WARC database. The brand’s website, YouTube and social media sites should also be examined as part of the brand audit for Part Two. Please note that social media is only one aspect of a brand’s integrated marketing campaigns, so it is important to consider activities in all media channels for a review of Mental Availability. Add examples into an Appendix (not included in word count) and in the report consolidate details into a summary that covers the following points:

Begin the audit with a brief overview of marketing efforts of the brand to grow Mental Availability, critique efforts against evidence on how to grow brands (refer to examples in your appendix of all three brands reviewed – at least five examples of marketing activities for each brand to give a minimum of 15 examples across all brands).

Next, focus specifically on the messaging and branding execution in relation to building Mental Availability. Examine brand messaging across the market for three brands (your brand and two others).  Clearly label examples in your appendix to indicate timing of use and media used for campaigns.

Discuss the type of links being built in the minds of category buyers? Are these being built only with your brand? Write from the perspective of your allocated brand and discuss how successful they are likely to be based on your knowledge of what is needed to build Mental Availability.

Provide a summary table that visually shows potential Distinctive Assets. In the table use rows to group different potential types of DA’s. In columns add in visual examples of their use. The first column shows potential DA’s for your brand, then repeat the same information for the two chosen competitors. Add in examples from any other brands from the category that look similar to DAs being used by your brand.

Reference the DA table in a discussion of the uniqueness of DAs. Explain what research is required before making changes to the brand’s identity and why having consistent execution of branding is important.

Conclude with a recommended DA Palette that identifies existing DAs to test.  Identify if there are any DA types missing that would be useful to build and explain why.

Part Three: Recommendations (estimate 400 words):

Conclude with recommendations on how the brand can improve its Mental Availability.  Explain how strategies suggested can help the brand to grow.

Highlight anything considered essential for successful execution and include specific metrics suggested to evaluate if Mental Availability has changed following execution of your recommendations.

Length: 1600 words, plus a minimum of 15 references and 15 brand examples (across all brands in the sector critiqued). There is no ‘magic number’ of articles or references to use but any claims you make require sources to strengthen your argument. Use the submission template and add headings, because this will provide clarity in the assignment


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research potential career and internship opportunities

Introduction to Business Intelligence

For this assignment, you will research potential career and internship opportunities that may include business intelligence as a requested or required skillset.


  • Copy and include some of the ads, if possible.
  • As you look for these positions, make notes of any educational requirements or specific certifications that are required or recommended.
  • Include in your research, articles about the job duties and responsibilities of a position in business intelligence.
  • Did you find out anything about a career in business intelligence that concerned you?

Submission Requirements

You will report your research in a one- to two-page paper that meets the following requirements: 

  • Includes your initial research findings on your opportunities in the business intelligence field.
  • The reference page and the title page do not count toward the total page requirement.
  • Since this assignment is considered a self-assessment and reflection, the assignment can be written in first-person


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Perform SWOT analysis ( strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) associated with this technologies.

Perform SWOT analysis ( strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) associated with this technologies. ( Alternative energy technologies ( e.g. solar, tidal , Geothermal).  write 500 words in APA style. Put references and citations also





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  • Premium papers. We provide the highest quality papers in the writing industry. Our company only employs specialized professional writers who take pride in satisfying the needs of our huge client base by offering them premium writing services Perform SWOT analysis ( strength, weakness, opportunities, threats) associated with this technologies.

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Agreements in the package holiday industry and market opportunities

 Compose a 1750 words assignment on agreements in the package holiday industry and market opportunities. Needs to be plagiarism free!

Package holidays are normally organized and structured by tour operators. These are the individuals or groups of people who put together different holiday elements into one package (Ryan, 1989). They then sell these packages directly to members of the public or indirectly through travel agents. Different holiday packages have different costs, depending on how they are structured. A normal package holiday may include the following:





Other elements of a package holiday can include: in-flight tickets, park tickets, ferry crossings and ski passes.

Accommodation is normally offered by hotels or hostels in various tourism destinations. Transport is normally offered either by chartered or scheduled flight services. In the package industry, meals are normally offered on a board basis. This means that the tourist is offered meals depending on the type of board he takes up. Different types of board offered by package tour services include:

•Room only where there are no meals available

•Bed and breakfast where only breakfast is provided

•Half board where breakfast and an evening meal are the only meals provided

•Full board where the tourists can get three meals in a day: breakfast, lunch and an evening meal

•All or fully inclusive which normally includes three meals a day, soft drinks, snacks and locally available alcoholic drinks

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  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. agreements in the package holiday industry and market opportunities

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agreements in the package holiday industry and market opportunities

Compose a 1750 words assignment on agreements in the package holiday industry and market opportunities.

Package holidays are normally organized and structured by tour operators. These are the individuals or groups of people who put together different holiday elements into one package (Ryan, 1989). They then sell these packages directly to members of the public or indirectly through travel agents. Different holiday packages have different costs, depending on how they are structured. A normal package holiday may include the following:





Other elements of a package holiday can include: in-flight tickets, park tickets, ferry crossings and ski passes.

Accommodation is normally offered by hotels or hostels in various tourism destinations. Transport is normally offered either by chartered or scheduled flight services. In the package industry, meals are normally offered on a board basis. This means that the tourist is offered meals depending on the type of board he takes up. Different types of board offered by package tour services include:

•Room only where there are no meals available

•Bed and breakfast where only breakfast is provided

•Half board where breakfast and an evening meal are the only meals provided

•Full board where the tourists can get three meals in a day: breakfast, lunch and an evening meal

•All or fully inclusive which normally includes three meals a day, soft drinks, snacks and locally available alcoholic drinks.

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  • Original and non-plagiarized custom papers- Our writers develop their writing from scratch unless you request them to rewrite, edit or proofread your paper.
  • Timely believes in beating the deadlines that our customers have imposed because we understand how important it is.
  • Customer satisfaction- Customer satisfaction. We have an outstanding customer care team that is always ready and willing to listen to you, collect your instructions and make sure that your custom writing needs are satisfied
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  • Writing services provided by experts- Looking for expert essay writers, thesis and dissertation writers, personal statement writers, or writers to provide any other kind of custom writing service?
  • Enjoy Please Note-You have come to the most reliable academic writing site that will sort all assignments that that you could be having. We write essays, research papers, term papers, research proposals. agreements in the package holiday industry and market opportunities

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Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things: Opportunities, Challenges and Enabling Technologies

Research paper on big data Analytics

Big Data and the Internet of Things

Title: Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things: Opportunities, Challenges and Enabling Technologies 

Dai, H.-N., Wang, H., Xu, G., Wan, J., & Imran, M. (2019). Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things: Opportunities, Challenges and Enabling Technologies.

The recent advances in information and communication technology (ICT) has promoted the evolution of conventional computer-aided manufacturing industry to smart data-driven manufacturing. Data analytics in massive manufacturing data can extract huge business values while it can also result in research challenges due to the heterogeneous data types, enormous volume and real-time velocity of manufacturing data.

For this assignment, you are required to research the benefits as well as the challenges associated with Big Data Analytics for Manufacturing Internet of Things.

Your paper should meet these requirements: 

· Be approximately four to six pages in length, not including the required cover page and reference page.

· Follow APA 7 guidelines. Your paper should include an introduction, a body with fully developed content, and a conclusion.

· Support your answers with the readings from the course and at least two scholarly journal articles to support your positions, claims, and observations, in addition to your textbook.

· Be clearly and well-written, concise, and logical, using excellent grammar and style techniques.





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Opportunities arise from C&C Sports’ current weaknesses AND strengths combined

relpy to this post with at least 200 words and citation

C&C Sports is a family and locally owned sport uniform company based in Texas since 1928. Their company started as a sewing operation with intents to provide clothing to workers. Over time, the company found a market niche in manufacturing baseball unforms and has attributed their continuous success to that. The company is run by the third generation of leadership with relatives running certain management positions.

In conducting a strengths analysis, we find that they are local and do not outsource operations from China. Because of this, they have grown favoritism throughout Texas and have grown a loyal fan base. Product delivery/shipment is also quick and reliable. C&C sports also has a ongoing connection with other vendors in the chain such as Universal Sports which offers marketing, less shipment costs, and additional sales for C&C Sports. Also, due to it’s history and close accounting records, C&C sports has been able to continuously generate income despite sales declining because they were able to understand what to do and that is create less clothes and ultimately, have production expenses reduce.

A weakness analysis displays a lower operating income percentage because it is a smaller firm and therefore can only produce so many clothes and income. In fact, there seems to be an ultimate decline in cash from operations despite income increasing and inventory increasing. There also seems to be a lack of growth and general expansion nationwide as their current business is staying stagnant.

Opportunities arise from C&C Sports’ current weaknesses AND strengths combined. Expansion is necessary in order to generate more revenue. C&C is so customed to occupying their current market niche (baseball apparel) and should look into alternate markets like other sport apparel and equipment even. The company can maintain its core values of not outsourcing but they should look into expanding and networking into other states/stores. The company also should pride themselves on their excellent customer service and high quality items and use those as a main selling point when they do venture into other markets. The company can also utilize various marketing tools from the internet and social media to display their brand.

Threats arise from alternate competitors or sport apparel stores that have been able to carry more than just baseball apparel. Overall, these competitors have occupied a certain portion of the market and C&C’s revenue even if C&C carries exclusive baseball attire (not found in other stores). Another threat that is incoming is the gradual decrease in sales due to the unbalanced operating income percentage. The company should also look into investing into operating activities as their current cash balance is decreasing despite their current method which is trading long term debt for short term debt is only a short-term solution.

It is crucial for C&C Sports to analyze their current financial reports and statements to identify where their strengths can be further utilized and how to correct their weaknesses. It is also important to identify whether or not the third generation President is fully mentally invested and capable in the job as he may no longer what a part of the business and is holding it back. “Thus, it is time to analyze the business’ opportunities and directions to ensure an appropriate match of management and leadership talents with the needs of the company” (Fritz, 1997).


Davis C. E., & Davis E. (2020). Managerial Accounting, Enhanced eText (4th ed.). John Wiley & Sons. ISBN-13: 9781119577669

Fritz, R. (1997). Wars of Succession : The Blessings, Curses and Lessons That Family-owned Firms Offer Anyone in Business: Vol. 1st ed. Silver Lake Publishing.





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Based on your knowledge of Ms. Gonzalez, what are some specific opportunities for health promotion and/or disease prevention that might apply?

1. Write an SBAR note (Situation, Background, Assessment, Recommendations) to summarize this assessment.  

2. Based on your knowledge of Ms. Gonzalez, what are some specific opportunities for health promotion and/or disease prevention that might apply? What additional questions would you like to ask Ms. Gonzalez to be sure you have completed a holistic assessment and considered opportunities to improve her current health status?  

Respond in 1-2 paragraphs and include the following in your response:  

    State at least three additional assessment questions you would ask Ms. Gonzalez to identify potential opportunities to improve her current health status and prevent future disease.

    Based on what you know, identify two priority opportunities for health promotion and/or disease prevention for Ms. Gonzalez. Explain why you selected these two items.  

    Please utilize the course textbook, weekly course lessons, or an outside scholarly source to support your thoughts and ideas. Cite your sources and provide a reference list after your response.





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