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Identifying and evaluating business opportunities both domestically and internationally.

text reading, focuses on identifying and evaluating business opportunities both domestically and internationally.  Included in the business plan project is the assessment of the business idea and business model canvas assignment.  This assignment will give you an opportunity to apply an assessment process similar to the one in the textbook to your group’s business idea. This will address half of chapter 5.  Now it is on to international opportunity.

The textbook gives great information on what is needed to be considered in assessing global opportunities.  Please read the chapter material carefully.

As stated in chapter 5, there are a number of ways to enter the global market place.  The most common and least risky method is direct exporting.  In fact, the SBA (Frequently asked questions, 2018) reports that small businesses make up 97.6% of all exporting firms and 32.9% of all export value.  The numbers indicate that there is international opportunity for small firms. The Small Business Administration has complete information on exporting (check out the site).  In addition, the National Small Business Association and the Small Business Exporting Association teamed up to produce the 2018 Small Business Exporting Survey.  Please check out the report and share your thoughts and comments.  What did you learn from the survey?  You can also comment on the SBA exporting material if you wish. Do you have any experience with exporting?  If so, share your experiences.

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Identifying and evaluating business opportunities

Name of Student

University Affiliation

Small Business Exporting Survey

            The Small Business Exporting Survey provides invaluable information for small business that wish to go into global business platform. The survey provides critical information about the challenges and opportunities in the international export business (National Small Business Association, 2016). Reading the survey reveals that the major challenge that small business that wish to enter global market place face is payment for their products or services. This creates the thinking that majority of small businesses that engage in global business prefer to deal with their clients directly. Unlike the big companies that have direct foreign contacts, it seems that small businesses rely on direct customer business contact to do business. The major challenge to this is that absence of physical locations in foreign destinations makes it imperative that potential customers make full or use other secure forms of payment in order to get services or products.             What was learnt from the Small Business Exporting Survey is that entering the global market place present challenges and opportunities. The strength of the dollar makes the issues of payment critical for small businesses that enter into global market places. Since a majority of the customers come from emerging markets, strong dollar that is relative to the local currencies of the customer makes it imperative that payment is made upfront. In addition, it is important for one to consider challenges related with regulations and trade agreements in order to take advantage of trade agreements that facilitate entry into global market place. Exporting to other global destinations can be bound by tax and other regulations that govern specific exports such as those that involve military equipment. The knowledge………………………………………………………………………………………………




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Evaluating the options for marketing opportunities

 Assessment task 2.In assessment task 2, you must submit following tasks in order to achieve competency in this unit with valid, sufficient, authentic and current responses: –
• Report on marketing strategies (Task 1 – 4)
• Tactical plan (Task 5)
• Marketing plan (Task 6)
• Marketing scorecard (Task 6)
• Evidence of marketing plan presentation (Task 7)
• Feedback from key stakeholders (Task 7)
• Adjusted marketing plan (Task 8)
• Evidence of distribution of updated plan to key stakeholders (Task 9)
Report on Marketing strategies
Section 1. Devise a Marketing strategy
Executive summary:
1. Evaluating the options for marketing opportunities
• Summary of the organisation’s business structure and products/services it provides
In this section please discuss following points:
1. The type and size of the business
2. Types of product and/or services the organisation provides
• Addressing the organisational objectives
1. Reviewing the corporate objectives for profit and shareholder returns
2. Reading business strategy documents that outline the competitive advantage for a product or service
3. Reviewing existing marketing strategy objectives for customer acquisition, customer satisfaction and retention information
4. Increase sales from $15 million per year to $20 million per year in the next three years.
5. Increase our loyalty customers list from 10,000 to 15,000.
6. Establish brand recognition in Brisbane so that at least 1 in 3 people recognise our brand in a random survey taken in 18 months.
• Evaluating the risks and returns in the selection process
1. Researching options for market penetration and product development
2. Evaluating the risks of non-adherence to legislation or codes of practice, such as failing to comply with the consumer protection law
i. Sustainability
ii. Consumer protection law
iii. Privacy act
2. Identifying the organisation’s strengths and opportunities in line with its capabilities and resources
• Completing a SWOT analysis
• Completing a gap analysis

1. Identifying a knowledge gap such as lack of marketing knowledge or expertise in metrics
• Identifying at least two possible alliances, and weighing up the advantages and disadvantages
1. Outline of subsidiaries, joint ventures, possible distributors
2. Identifying advantages of alliances for filling knowledge gaps or speed of developing new products
3. Identifying disadvantages of alliances, such as trust issues between businesses or risk of failure in one of the alliance businesses impacting others
By 2020, Houzit will have a significant retail presence in homewares in every Australian capital city, starting with 15 stores in the greater Brisbane area and growing to 100 Australia-wide.
3. Developing feasible marketing strategies for the product/service.
• Identifying the strategies for pricing, placement and promotional channels
1. Describing the product, such as its features and how they will benefit customers
2. Outlining a pricing strategy, such as value-based pricing, competition-based pricing or performance-based pricing
3. Identifying opportunities for product placement, such as online and in store, and other channels
4. Identifying strategies for promotion, such as advertising online, via email, flyers, social media, etc.
• Describing a marketing mix
1. Details of the marketing team, such as the professional approach when interacting with customers or clients
2. Describing the steps involved in creating and executing the buying/selling process, such as implementing good customer service
3. Describing how a product is best presented to the customer, including use of packaging and the brand logo
• Identifying the target market segmentation
1. Measuring the size, purchasing power and characteristics of the target group
2. Determining whether the segments can be effectively reached and served
3. Determining whether the segments are conceptually distinguishable and respond differently to a different marketing mix
4. Identifying a program for attracting and serving the segments
• Recommending marketing strategies and explaining how they align with the organisation’s strategic direction
1. Explaining how the strategies align with the organisation’s strengths
2. Communicating the level of risk of the marketing strategies
3. Justifying how it will align with the budget and is likely to generate a financial reward for the organisation
4. Developing a marketing performance review strategy
• Measuring the organisation’s marketing performance using marketing metrics
1. Using metrics to measure website visits and online purchases and determining conversion rates based on this Calculating return on investment (ROI) of a marketing strategy
• Reviewing organisational performance
1. Requiring regular progress reports from internal staff, external suppliers and specialists
2. Comparing the current marketing campaign with past performance and looking for improvements
5. Plan Marketing Tactics
• Developing coordination and monitoring mechanisms for scheduled activities
1. Populating a work schedule or using a project management application
2. Identifying the necessary tasks to implement the strategies
3. Completing a budget document for implementing the marketing strategy
4. Indicating the time line required to complete the tasks
5. Identifying the people responsible and accountable for tasks, such as suppliers and specialists
6. Coordinating people in other departments and from external agencies
• Explaining how the tactics are achievable in line with the organisation’s objectives, capabilities and budget
1. Reviewing the work schedule and costing
2. Obtaining a sign off on costs by the client or marketing manager
• Explaining how the tactics meet legal and ethical requirements
1. Following organisational policies and procedures on legal and ethical requirements
2. Avoiding using customers as ‘talent’ for promotions or selling customers’ personal details
3. Selecting images of both genders and a variety of racial diversity
4. Adhering to legislation in relation to telemarketing, spam, privacy, anti-discrimination, intellectual property and industry codes of practice for advertising
• Identifying ways to review the ongoing performance against the objectives and budget, and adjusting if required
1. Reviewing data from various media channels using analytics on website clicks, conversion rates, etc.
2. Asking other departments for data to review and analyse such as IT, customer service, sales, etc.
6. Prepare a marketing plan
• Meeting organisational and marketing objectives
1. Providing measurable outcomes on KPIs such as a scorecard or marketing budget
2. Identifying predicted sales and expenditure and return on investment (ROI)
• Incorporating marketing approaches and a strategic marketing mix
1. Describing how the marketing mix offers the customer a unique value proposition
2. Describing the product, pricing strategies, product placement and strategies for promotion
• Containing a rationale for objectives and information that supports the choice of strategies and tactics
1. Describing the function of the marketing activity, and how strategies promote brand awareness and recognition
2. Describing celebrity endorsements or how the strategy will entertain the audience
3. Estimating the trends in the market, including key industry developments, new technology and/or new products
4. Undertaking informal research on the wants and needs of the target audience
7. Present and adjust the marketing plan
1. PPT slides
• Overview of the organization
• Research that you have undertaken to implement marketing strategies
(a) Competitors analysis
(b) Porter 5 forces
• SWOT analysis
• Present budget
• Stakeholders analysis
8. Adjusted Marketing Plan
• Obtaining feedback from all parts of the organisation, such as finance, manufacturing and customer service
• Allowing time for stakeholders to consider the plan and to analyse resources in the organisation
• Analysing and implementing feedback from stakeholders into the marketing strategy
9. Evidence of distribution of updated plan to key stakeholders.
• Email with attached marketing plan.

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Create Opportunities

Business Unit/Work Group Business, Justice and IT / Management Studies
Qualification code BSB42015
Qualification title Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
Unit code/s BSBINN301
Unit title/s Promote innovation in a team environment
Student name
Student SIS ID
Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Assessment 1: Create Opportunities
Assessment 2: Support and guide colleagues
Assessment 3: Reflect on how the team is working
Assessment 4: Short answer questions
Outcome – Unit of competency Pass Fail
Signature, lecturer:
Re-assessment arrangements: Describe arrangements for re-assessment

Satisfactory Not Satisfactory
Assessment 1: Create Opportunities
Assessment 2: Support and guide colleagues
Assessment 3: Reflect on how the team is working
Assessment 4: Short answer questions
Outcome – Unit of competency Pass Fail
Signature, lecturer:

Business Unit/Work Group Business, Justice and IT / Management Studies
Qualification Code BSB42015
Qualification Title Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
Unit Code/s BSBINN301
Unit Title/s Promote Innovation I a team Environment
Assessment Task Title Assessment 1: Create Opportunities
Student Name
Student SIS ID
Assessor Name
Overview of Assessment This assessment requires to meet with a team and create opportunities for innovation
Task/s to be assessed There are 6 assessment tasks (1.1, 1.2, 1.3, 1.4, 1.5,1.6)
Time allowed Assessment length is outlined per each assessment task
Assessment is Due 2nd June after your start date
Location Assessment will take place externally in your own time. You will be required to use technology such as WORD or EXCEL to complete the
Decision making rules To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must complete all parts
Assessment conditions Assessment questions will be completed independently and submitted by email to your facilitator by the due date as indicated above.
• Assessment responses will be submitted using the templates provided where indicated.
Resources required • You will need a computer and access to the internet to conduct your research.
• You will need to ensure that your computer is loaded with WORD/EXCEL to complete the written task
Results/Reassessment Students will be advised of assessment outcome 2 weeks after due date.
If student assessment is not satisfactory 1 opportunity to resubmit will be provided.
The Customer Service Manager has sent an email to all employees explaining that one of the most important roles in the organisation is to respond to all customer complaints in a timely fashion and recommend the appropriate action to address the complaint.
It has been identified that this is not happening and the organisation is now experiencing high levels of calls from customers complaining again that their complaints have not been dealt with.
This issue has now impacted on the team, and morale is at an all-time low and no one in the team really knows how to move into a new innovative state.
The team is keen to address this issue, but no one wants to be responsible to lead the team.
It has been decided that you will work with two other team members to find a better way of addressing these issues.
Your team has now come together for the first meeting (You will be allocated with a study group of three participants) and you will need to agree on effective ways of working together. (Study group will need to be prepared with some information regarding questions below when they attend this meeting)
You will be required to video your face during the meeting (using Skype4Business and submit the recording to your lecturer on CATAPULT. PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT NEED TO SEE THE OTHER PEOPLE, WE ONLY NEED TO HEAR THEM.
In the recording you will be assessed on actively participating in verbal exchange of ideas, listening and questioning and use clear language to clarify rules and roles relating to team activities.
In the meeting please document the following and submit to lecturer:
1.1 As this is your first meeting as a team, develop and document team norms and submit to lecturer.
Also, how will the team operate and communicate for example when will team meet? How will team members be valued and recognised?
1.2 Consider what your team needs to do to fulfil the organisational requirements for customer complaints and consider what else the team needs and wants to achieve. (see below Policy and Procedure for Customer Complaints)
1.3 Members of your team all have daily tasks that need to be completed as part of their roles including customer complaints.
Your daily tasks include responding to all emails in a timely manner from internal and external customers, in some cases up to 30 emails per day. You also look after new employees in a mentor role, this includes one on one catch ups every day.
Team member two, is in charge of WHS for your department, they must report and investigate all incident reports and unfortunately at the moment there has been a few come through. They must also do daily checks on Personal protection equipment.
Team member three is in a customer service role and deals on a daily basis with new and existing customers enquiries plus also speaks to suppliers.
Discuss workload the team is currently doing (consider daily tasks for the three members of the team) and what percentage of the day is taken up by these tasks. List one opportunity per participant for an innovative action to solve the issues.
1.4 There is another department that is experiencing the same issue as your team and you know that they have started working on addressing the issue. Discuss how you could work with this team to consolidate your ideas.
From your meeting:
1.5 Using the example from 1.4 you are required to develop an action plan so that everyone will know what they need to do, ensure there is a sharing of tasks. The action plan will also identify timelines.
Action (Tasks) By whom By when (timeline) How Why

1.6 Using an example form your personal work experience as a member of a team that was required to develop new ideas, explain the situation and then describe why it is essential for team members to discuss each other’s contributions to the team respectfully.

Policy All customers with complaints are to be treated courteously. A complaint should be seen as a way to identify customer service issues which need improvement.
Definitions A customer complaint could refer to:
• damaged goods
• poor quality goods
• non-delivery or late delivery
• incorrect goods delivered
• incorrect quantity of goods delivered
• incorrect prices
• customer service.
documents Incoming Calls Policy and Procedure
Customer Complaints Log
Monthly Customer Service Report
Authority of sales representatives and other Sales Department employees
Options provided to customers for resolving complaints must be offered within the bounds of the normal authority of sales representatives as per Sales Department directives.
Those outside normal authority should be referred as follows:
• product quality, incorrect prices and customer service ? Sales Manager
• incorrect prices ? Accountant
• damaged goods and delivery problems ? Warehouse Supervisor.
Complaints should be dealt with and not referred to other employees unless absolutely necessary.
Do not acknowledge that the organisation is at fault. This could lead to the customer taking legal action.
Telephone complaints
Incoming calls policy and procedure should be followed when answering telephone customer complaint calls. All complaints should be transferred to the Sales employee who dealt with the original customer enquiry. If the Sales employee is not available, complaints should be handled by another Sales Department employee.
Clarify customers’ complaints by polite questioning, repeating and summarising the details of the complaint. If possible or relevant, customers should be provided with a number of options to solve the problem. Negotiate with the customer on the most appropriate option.
Once negotiated, the option to resolve the complaint and the follow-up action to be taken should be clearly stated during the telephone conversation and afterwards confirmed in writing by letter, fax or email.
All customer complaint information must be recorded in the Customer Complaints Log. These entries will be collated monthly and reported in the Monthly Customer Service Report.
Face-to-face complaints
Clarify customers’ complaints by polite questioning, repeating and summarising the details of the complaint.
If possible or relevant, customers should be provided with a number of options to solve the problem. Negotiate with the customer on the most appropriate option. Once negotiated, the option used to resolve the complaint and the follow-up action to be taken should be clearly stated during the conversation and afterwards confirmed in writing by letter, fax or email.
All customer complaint information should be recorded in the Customer Complaints Log. These entries will be collated monthly and reported in the Monthly Customer Service Report.
Other complaints
Other complaints may be received by:
• letter
• fax
• email.
If possible or relevant, customers should be provided with a number of options to solve the problem. This information should be clearly stated in writing by letter, fax or email. Use the same form for the response as the complaint unless the customer indicates otherwise (i.e. letter, fax or email). Customers should also be informed of the follow-up action which will be taken and the timeframe for the action.
All customer complaint information should be recorded in the Customer Complaints Log. These entries will be collated monthly and reported in the Monthly Customer Service Report.
Following up complaints
All follow-up action should be taken in the timeframe indicated to the customer.
If action cannot be taken within the timeframe indicated, inform the customer and indicate when it is expected that the follow-up action will take place. If it is relevant, offer alternatives to the customer.
Following up customer service issues
If a customer complaint reveals a customer service issue which needs improvement, the person dealing with the complaint should provide the Sales Manager with details of the issue and if appropriate, suggestions as to how it can be improved.
Business Unit/Work Group Business, Justice and IT / Management Studies
Qualification Code BSB42015
Qualification Title Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
Unit Code/s BSBINN301
Unit Title/s Promote Innovation in a team environment
Assessment Task Title Assessment 2: Support and guide colleagues
Student Declaration I hereby declare that the material herein submitted for assessment is my own work except where specifically acknowledged and referenced.
Student Name
Student SIS ID
Student Signature
Assessor Name
Overview of Assessment This assessment requires you to support and guide your team
Task/s to be assessed There are 5 assessment tasks (2.1, 2.2, 2.3, 2.4, 2.5)
Time allowed Assessment length is outlined per each assessment task
Assessment is Due 2nd June after your start date
Location Assessment will take place externally in your own time. You will be required to use technology such as WORD or EXCEL to complete the
Decision making rules To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must complete all parts
Assessment conditions Assessment questions will be completed independently and submitted by email to your facilitator by the due date as indicated above.
Assessment responses will be submitted using the templates provided where indicated.
Resources required You will need a computer and access to the internet to conduct your research. You will need to ensure that your computer is loaded with WORD/EXCEL to complete the written task
Results/Reassessment Students will be advised of assessment outcome 2 weeks after due date.
If student assessment is not satisfactory 1 opportunity to resubmit will be provided.

It has been two weeks since the meeting and while the meeting was productive and everyone had been allocated with tasks and activities, you have noticed that timelines are not being met. This is causing another issue for the team.
In a team meeting discuss what can be done to solve this issue.
2.1 Document what supportive behaviour techniques you used in the meeting and how did these techniques support your team’s innovation.
2.2 Document how the team could use external factors to contribute to the team remaining innovative.
2.3 List three methods you could use to share information that may come to you from other team members.
2.4 Discuss two ways you challenged and could test ideas within the team positively and collectively.
2.5 Describe the methods you used to look at other team members opinions in an encouraging way to create other innovations on an ongoing basis.
Business Unit/Work Group Business, Justice and IT / Management Studies
Qualification Code BSB42015
Qualification Title Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
Unit Code/s BSBINN301
Unit Title/s Promote Innovation in a team environment
Assessment Task Title Assessment 3: Reflect on how the team is working.
Student Declaration I hereby declare that the material herein submitted for assessment is my own work except where specifically acknowledged and referenced.
Student Name
Student SIS ID
Student Signature
Assessor Name
Overview of Assessment This assessment requires you to reflect and receive feedback to make innovation improvements.
Task/s to be assessed There are 5 assessment tasks (3.1, 3.2, 3.3, 3.4, 3.5)
Time allowed Assessment length is outlined per each assessment task
Assessment is Due 2nd June after your start date
Location Assessment will take place externally in your own time. You will be required to use technology such as WORD or EXCEL to complete the
Decision making rules To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must complete all parts
Assessment conditions Assessment questions will be completed independently and submitted by email to your facilitator by the due date as indicated above.
• Assessment responses will be submitted using the templates provided where indicated.
Resources required • You will need a computer and access to the internet to conduct your research. You will need to ensure that your computer is loaded with WORD/EXCEL to complete the written task
Results/Reassessment Students will be advised of assessment outcome 2 weeks after due date.
If student assessment is not satisfactory 1 opportunity to resubmit will be provided.

Now it is time to reflect on how the team is working.
Your team will now come together for a final meeting (study group of three participants). Study group will need to be prepared with some information regarding questions below when they attend this meeting.
You will be required to video your face during the meeting (using Skype4Business and submit the recording to your lecturer on CATAPULT . PLEASE NOTE WE DO NOT NEED TO SEE THE OTHER PEOPLE, WE ONLY NEED TO HEAR THEM.
In the recording, you will be assessed on actively participating in verbal exchange of ideas, listening and questioning and use clear language to clarify rules and roles relating to team activities.
3.1 Discuss with your team their progress, and identify the future opportunities for improvement and Innovation? Document these opportunities
3.2 Gather Feedback from your team on things that went well and things that did not.
3.3 Look at the data from customers feedback in graph below, customer service has improved but others areas have not.
How would this feedback and feedback from your team improve your innovative idea generation in the future?

3.4 Discuss the top (5) challenges you faced in being innovative and how you overcame them?
3.5 Discuss ideas for improvement and how can these be used in future projects.
3.6 What are the top (3) things that you are most satisfied with achieving within the innovative process that you have used within this project?
Business Unit/Work Group Business, Justice and IT / Management Studies
Qualification Code BSB42015
Qualification Title Certificate IV in Leadership and Management
Unit Code/s BSBINN301
Unit Title/s Promote Innovation in a team environment
Assessment Task Title Assessment 4: Short answer questions.
Student Declaration I hereby declare that the material herein submitted for assessment is my own work except where specifically acknowledged and referenced.
Student Name
Student SIS ID
Student Signature
Assessor Name
Overview of Assessment This assessment requires you to answer short questions.
Task/s to be assessed There are 4 assessment tasks (4.1,4.2,4.3,4.4)
Time allowed Assessment length is outlined per each assessment task
Assessment is Due 2nd June after your start date
Location Assessment will take place externally in your own time. You will be required to use technology such as WORD or EXCEL to complete the
Decision making rules To receive a satisfactory outcome for this assessment you must complete all parts
Assessment conditions Assessment questions will be completed independently and submitted by email to your facilitator by the due date as indicated above.
• Assessment responses will be submitted using the templates provided where indicated.
Resources required • You will need a computer and access to the internet to conduct your research. You will need to ensure that your computer is loaded with WORD/EXCEL to complete the written task
Results/Reassessment Students will be advised of assessment outcome 2 weeks after due date.
If student assessment is not satisfactory 1 opportunity to resubmit will be provided.

4.1 Describe what Innovation is and what are the different types of innovation
4.2 Describe 3 benefits of innovation.
4.3 Explain the factors that influence a team both externally and internally to team become and remain innovative including:
• Team characteristics
• The role of group dynamics and diversity
• Broader environmental factors
4.4 Describe how activities can encourage or hinder innovation in a team including:
• Allocation of time and activities
• Modelling behaviour
• Rewards and recognition
• Communications
• Feedback

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