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Lead and manage organisational  change

Adv Dip Community Sector Mgt 3A

  BSBINN601 Lead and manage organisational  change

  BSBMGT608 Manage innovation and continuous improvement

  CHCMGT002 Manage partnership agreements  with service providers

Participant Assessment

Need Help with your Assessment?

Post your query to your fellow participants in the Discussion Forum. Use this forum to post any question about any part of the assessment. Alternatively, post your query to the Facebook Study Group for your course.

Perhaps, you need help answering a particular question or sourcing the information from the resources. Perhaps, you need some informal feedback on your assessment before you submit it. You can upload your

assessment here and ask your instructor for a constructive and supportive review.

Perhaps, you can even help another participant and answer their questions.

Sharing information is the key to success and remember the only silly question is the one that remains unasked!!!


Assignment Activities

There are 2 parts to this assignment.

Use a word processor to create one document with your responses to all parts.

Part 1 is a Scenario. Read through the scenario carefully.  Answer each section.

Part 2 is the Major Project.  Read and follow the instructions provided.


You have taken a role in a traditional family business. Nothing much has changed in many years and revenue and profit is declining because the company is starting to fall behind the times. The owners are looking to you for some fresh thinking,  particularly about how to bring more sustainable practices into the business. Their power and waste removal costs are way above industry average.

You are encouraged to try an ideation workshop with the staff to see if you can come up with one or two innovations that you can take to the owners for approval.

   Consider the following methodologies  you have discovered from reading on the subject and the eLearning courses. Describe them and explain how they are best used.

o Brainstorming

o Osborne Checklist

o Six Thinking Hats


o Multiplication Technique

o Task Unification Technique

o Attribute Dependency Technique

   Decide which methodologies or tools to use in your workshop. Explain why you have

chosen these tools.

   Develop an introductory PowerPoint presentation for your workshop to brief the staff on performance improvement, sustainability and innovation as an essential element of competition.

    Describe the process you would use to evaluate the ideas.


You will use your newly gained knowledge to propose a Change Management Strategy for a new service you have proposed in order to facilitate a successful outcome for an external client.

It is important that you have access to the details of a service you can use to base your assessment on. Contact your trainer if you do not.

Some time has passed since you designed and implemented the previous project and you believe you can further enhance their profitability by offering a new service or product.  You should review the business model again to see if you think they can benefit from a new offering.  Perhaps when you did the project you had ideas that could have improved it that were not accepted at the time.

You will need access to the following information…

    Business Plan

    Company Profile

    Existing State

    Stakeholder interviews

You need to produce a plan to Change to the new service or product.  The following is a list of the project


Short Proposal outlining an executive summary of the selected service including:

    Reasons behind your proposal, based on an organisational review

    Plan for consultation meetings to negotiate deliverables

    Agenda templates

    Meeting outcomes matrix (RACI)

    Develop a Change Management Strategy including:

o  Change Procedure

o  Change Management Plan

o  Change Management Project Plan

o  Change Management Approval process

o  Training Program

    Implementation Strategy including:

o  Communication  Plans

o  Priority Plan

o  Delivery Plan

o  Risk Management Plan

o  Timetable

o  Evaluation Meetings Plan (stages)

    Review Plan including:

o  Method of gathering feedback with examples

o  Action plan to respond to feedback provided

o  Reporting on performance of the new service against needs

o  Method of reporting outcomes to stakeholders

o  Sign off

o  Service Maintenance plan (SLA)/ Memorandum of Understanding (MOU)

There are many components that go into developing a successful Change Management Strategy. Ensure you use appropriate documentation for each component.

Use network maps or diagrams, lists, block diagrams, component maps, etc.

Ensure all of the work that you submit is your own and that appropriate referencing is used.

Upload your completed documents on the MyUpskilled Portal.




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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Individual Report: PMBoK versus PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,200 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Following group discussions, individually write a 1,200-word report that discusses the strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and contrasts of PMBoK and PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects.
There are several project management methodologies and approaches that are used in contemporary project management. Among these are PMBoK, PRINCE2, Waterfall, Agile, Extreme Programming (XP), and Adaptive Project Framework (APF). Each of them has certain specific elements that proponents say make it easier to use, more applicable, more robust, or otherwise more appropriate for particular environments or circumstances. Whilst these methodologies are all valid and reliable tools for a project manager to use, it is important to be able to contrast them and to form a view of how they may best be used in a project. This analysis includes their usefulness, application in various types of projects, and how they view project risk. Such context can help project managers identify which methodologies/approaches may be best for specific projects.
In this Assessment, you will write a 1,200-word (+/- 10%) report that considers the application of a project management methodology to a project as described in an assigned case study. In particular, you will review the assigned case study, then compare and contrast the application of the PMBoK project management approach to the highlighted project with your choice of one of the following methodologies/approaches:
a) PRINCE2, or
b) Agile
The report must use the following headings:

  1. INTRODUCTION: Develop an introduction to PMBoK and the other methodology/approach you have selected (PRINCE2 or Agile) that includes their background and historical context (approximately 200 words)
  2. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: List 2–3 similarities and 2–3 differences between them and why these similarities and differences are relevant to the assigned case study (approximately 200 words combined)
  3. RISK: How each method treats project risk and how these approaches to risk are relevant to the assigned case study (approximately 200 words)
  4. PROJECT CONTEXT: The types of projects in which each is used (approximately 200 words)
  5. LIFECYCLE IMPLICATIONS: How each differs across different phases of a project’s lifecycle (approximately 200 words)
  6. APPLICATION: Explain which methodology you would choose to apply for the project in the assigned case study, and why (approximately 200 words)
    Be sure to cite any source material, including learning resources or other academic or industry literature you research, used to inform your analysis.
    You will need to consult the literature and use at least 6 references (and not more than 12 references) from academic and industry sources. The word count does not include the reference list. Each reference must be cited in-text in your report.
    The assessment requires that you submit your report via Blackboard. You do not need to upload anything relating to your group discussions in Weeks 4 and 5.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
    Submission Instructions
    Submit this task via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Knowledge and understanding of project management methodologies and approaches
    Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of PMBoK and either PRINCE2, and/or Agile
    methodologies/approac hes
    Percentage for this criterion = 30%
    Demonstrates a limited understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
    Demonstrates a functional understanding of project management methodologies and approaches.
    Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Demonstrates a thorough knowledge or understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Demonstrates a highly developed knowledge or understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates a capacity to explain in significant detail and thoughtfully apply relevant concepts.
    Demonstrates a sophisticated
    understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates an exceptional capacity to explain in substantial and relevant detail critical concepts and apply these concepts in a manner that makes strong connections.
    Analysis and application with synthesis of new
    Compares and evaluates two project management methodologies/approac
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 30%
    Limited or no comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approache
    application/recommendat ions based upon analysis
    of methodology similarities and differences. Demonstrated basic comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Demonstrated basic application/recommendation s based upon analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Well-developed comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Well-developed application/recommendatio ns based upon proficient analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Thoroughly developed and creative comparison and
    evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Thoroughly developed application/recommendatio ns based upon to analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Highly sophisticated and creative comparison and
    evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches
    Highly developed application/recommendati ons based upon to analysis of methodology similarities and differences.
    Effective communication
    Effectively presents two selected project management methodologies/approac hes and their
    Limited ability to present information related to
    two selected project management methodologies/approache s and their distinguishing elements.
    Specialised language and terminology related to project management
    s is rarely or inaccurately employed.
    Presents in a basic manner information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Occasionally employs specialised language and terminology related to project management methodologies/approaches with accuracy, with some inaccuracies.
    Presents in a coherent and readable manner information related to two selected project management
    methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Accurately employs some specialised language and terminology related to project management methodologies/approaches.
    Presents coherently and concisely information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Accurately employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology
    related to project management methodologies/approaches.
    Communicates eloquently, coherently, concisely, and creatively information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology
    related to project management methodologies/approaches
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 30%
    Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or the acknowledgment of sources. Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
    Information; arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
    Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
    Occasional minor errors
    present in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Engages audience interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and persuasive.
    Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are mostly free from errors.
    Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are insightful,
    persuasive, and expertly
    Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are free from errors.
    Correct citation of key
    resources and evidence
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 10%
    Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
    Less than six references employed.
    Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
    Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
    Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
    SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
    SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle


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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Subject Code and Title PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 1 – Project Management Lifecycle (PML):
Opinion Post and Peer Response
Individual/Group Individual
Length 800 words: 600 words (+/- 10%) initial discussion forum post and
200 words (+/- 10%) response post
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 2.2
Weighting 25%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Critically read and interpret both the Project Management Lifecycle and the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK). Engage with other students by posting an initial 600-word discussion forum post and a 200-word critique that details your response to the question below (or the set question).
The Project Management Lifecycle (PML) is an important component of project management methodology. It incorporates several areas of knowledge from the Project Management Body of Knowledge (PMBoK), and it affects and interacts with the application of PMBoK in a project. Different stages of the PML may require focusing on different areas of the PMBoK, and project managers need to assess the PML for their project in order to identify possible risks, plans for resourcing, and to commence communicating with stakeholders. This assessment requires that you answer the following question:
“During which project management lifecycle stage(s) do you believe a project management methodology is most impactful, and how do we ensure alignment between the lifecycle of the project and the implementation of a project management methodology?”
PROJ6000_Assessment_1_Brief_Opinion Post_Module 2.2 Page 1 of 6
To answer this question, you will need to:
(a) Post a 600-word (+/- 10%) response to this question, based on your informed opinion and demonstrated knowledge of project management concepts, project lifecycles, and PMBoK, to the Discussion Forum on the Learning Portal.
(b) Respond to another student’s post by critiquing their opinion and comparing it with yours in 200 words (+/-10%).

  1. Read about the PMBoK and the Project Management Lifecycle to familiarise yourself with their fundamental concepts. Critically reflect on your readings to form an opinion of both and how they interact together. Write a 600-word opinion piece responding to the set question. Be sure to cite any source material, including learning resources or other academic or industry literature you research, used to inform your opinion. The word count does not include the reference list.
  2. Read another student’s post. Think about their opinion and try to compare and contrast it with your own. This approach will allow you to “critique” their view. You can do this by highlighting the aspects you agree with and those you disagree within their post. You need to justify and explain your critique of their opinion. In your response, you will need to refer to industry and academic literature. Your response will need to be 200 words. The word count does not include the reference list.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
    Submission Instructions
    Submit this task via the Assessment 1 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    PROJ6000_Assessment_1_Brief_Opinion Post_Module 2.2 Page 2 of 6
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Knowledge and understanding of PMBoK and Project
    Management Lifecycles
    Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of Project Management
    Lifecycles and the
    Project Management
    Body of Knowledge
    Percentage for this criterion = 25%
    Limited or no understanding demonstrated of required concepts and knowledge.
    Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
    Demonstrates basic knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline.
    Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Thorough knowledge or understanding of the field or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Personal opinion and information are substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Demonstrates the capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Highly developed understanding of the field
    or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    A sophisticated understanding of the field or discipline/s demonstrated.
    Systematically and critically discriminates between assertion of personal opinion and information substantiated by robust evidence from the research/course materials and extended reading.
    Mastery of concepts and application to new situations/further learning.
    Analysis and application with synthesis of new
    Limited or no synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of project lifecycles and
    Demonstrated basic synthesis of project management knowledge and
    analysis/alignment of project
    Well-developed synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Thoroughly developed and creative synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Highly sophisticated and creative synthesis of project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of
    Synthesises project management knowledge and analysis/alignment of project lifecycles and PMBoK areas of
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 25%
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Limited application/recommendat ions based upon analysis.
    lifecycles and PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows the basic ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows thorough ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Shows highly-developed ability to interpret relevant information and literature.
    project lifecycles and
    PMBoK areas of knowledge.
    Strong application by way of pretested models and/or independently developed models.
    Recommendations are
    clearly justified based on analysis/synthesis.
    Excellent ability to apply knowledge to new situations/other cases.
    Effective communication
    Percentage for this criterion = 10%
    Post and/or reply lack clarity.
    Post and/or reply contains numerous spelling/grammatical errors.
    Post and/or reply demonstrate minimal clarity.
    Post and/or reply contains several spelling/grammatical errors.
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear manner.
    Post and reply contains few spelling/grammatical errors
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear and thoughtful manner.
    Post and reply contain no major spelling/grammatical errors.
    Well-demonstrated capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Post and reply are communicated in a clear, thoughtful, and professional manner that makes use of advanced concepts and examples.
    Post and reply contain no major spelling/grammatical errors.
    Inclusion of and correct citation of key resources
    and evidence
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 15%
    Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
    Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
    Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
    Shows evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
    Shows evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Provides constructive feedback to peers that strengthens their position or offers
    solutions to challenges
    Percentage for this criterion = 25% Feedback to peers is missing or lacks any value in support or solution development. Demonstrated feedback to peers that moderately strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Thorough feedback to peers that strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Highly developed feedback to peers that meaningfully strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges. Sophisticated feedback to peers that significantly strengthens their position or offers solutions to challenges.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
    SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
    SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle


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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Assessment Assessment 3 – Project Charter Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2,000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
d) Evaluate and apply tools and techniques used in the project initiation phase.
e) Critically reflect on the leadership competencies necessary to succeed in global project management environments.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
After reading the project case study, use it to develop a 2,000-word Project Charter, describing the entire project in a short, succinct, and professional document.
Project leadership is about inspiring the project team to do their best from the outset. This requires a combination of verbal and written communication skills and a range of applied leadership skills.
One of the foundational documents that helps “kick off” a project is the Project Charter. The Project Charter describes the entire project in a short, succinct, and presentable document that can be shared with project staff or other stakeholders and aims to commence the project in earnest. The Project Charter helps to clarify the project context, the project team roles, and the goals of the project.
You will be given a project case study to use in order to develop your Project Charter. Though all students will receive the same case study, it is expected that each student will think about the project from their own perspective as an up-and-coming project manager in order to formulate a unique Project Charter. Use your own style based on your critical thinking of what it means for you
PROJ6000_Assessment_3_Brief_Report_Module6.1 Page 1 of 6
to lead a project. You may use one of the templates provided in the learning resources or develop your own format.
Please follow the instructions below:
1. Read the case study provided by your lecturer. This will form the basis for your Project Charter, because you will assume that you are the project manager for this project.
2. After reading the case study, begin to develop your project charter. This needs to be a 2,000word report (+/- 10%) and must use a minimum of six (6) references (academic literature and industry publications—please consider the case study as a 7th reference). Please ensure all references are cited in-text.
3. The Project Charter must include the following headings and should be written as if you are presenting it to the project team that will build this project. You are the project manager.
The contents of your Charter should include:
a. Background of the project
b. Reasons for the project
c. Project objectives
d. Proposed project management approach or methodology/methodologies
e. Constraints, limitations, and risks
f. Leadership structure (project manager and his or her senior aides: list their roles and explain what each does in the project. You need to cite four (4) roles)
g. Project risks and their mitigation
h. Project stakeholders and how to interact with them
i. The vision of the project and the type of project team culture you wish to promote in your team
j. Reference list
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment 3 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity Declaration
I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
PROJ6000_Assessment_3_Brief_Report_Module6.1 Page 2 of 6
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Knowledge and understanding of project management concepts and how to apply them within an
organisational context
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the role of project management in the initiation of new projects
Percentage for this
criterion = 30%
Demonstrates a limited understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Key components of the assignment are not addressed, including little to no application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates a functional or partially developed understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates a limited application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates a proficient understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates a proficient application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates an advanced application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project and strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of management
concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates an exceptional application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project and strategies to lead project success.
Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge
Limited analysis and synthesis of subject
Demonstrates basic analysis and synthesis of subject
Well-developed analysis and synthesis of subject
Thoroughly developed analysis and synthesis of
Highly sophisticated analysis and synthesis of
Synthesises knowledge of the project management initiation phase and details of the assigned case study with an understanding of project management tools and techniques to develop an effective
project charter
Percentage for this
criterion = 30%
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates limited or no understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, and/or demonstrates limited applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a basic understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with some applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a welldeveloped understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with wellestablished applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
subject concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a thoroughly developed understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with significant applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
subject concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a highly sophisticated understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with substantial applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study that includes thoughtful recommendations and proposals.
Effective communication
Effectively presents the circumstances of the case study and the required elements of a project charter
Limited presentation of information related to the assigned case study, which is difficult to follow.
Presents in a basic manner information related to the assigned case study.
Occasionally employs specialised language and
Presents in a readable and coherent manner information related to the assigned case study.
Accurately employs some specialised language and
Communicates coherently and concisely information related to the assigned case study in a manner that adheres to the given format.
Accurately employs a wide range of specialised
Communicates eloquently information related to the assigned case study. Expresses meaning coherently, concisely, and creatively within the given format.
Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide
Percentage for this criterion = 30%
Specialised language and terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the
project management
lifecycle is rarely or inaccurately employed.
Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or the acknowledgment of sources.
terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the project management lifecycle with accuracy.
Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.
terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
Occasional minor errors
present in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.
language and terminology
related to project management and the
initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Engages audience interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and persuasive.
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are mostly free from errors.
range of specialised language and terminology
related to project management and the
initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are insightful,
persuasive, and expertly
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are free from errors.
Correct citation of key
resources and evidence
Percentage for this criterion = 10%
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
SLO d) Evaluate and apply tools and techniques used in the project initiation phase.
SLO e) Critically reflect on the leadership competencies necessary to succeed in global project management environments


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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Subject Code and Title PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 3 – Project Charter Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2,000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
d) Evaluate and apply tools and techniques used in the project initiation phase.
e) Critically reflect on the leadership competencies necessary to succeed in global project management environments.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
After reading the project case study, use it to develop a 2,000-word Project Charter, describing the entire project in a short, succinct, and professional document.
Project leadership is about inspiring the project team to do their best from the outset. This requires a combination of verbal and written communication skills and a range of applied leadership skills.
One of the foundational documents that helps “kick off” a project is the Project Charter. The Project Charter describes the entire project in a short, succinct, and presentable document that can be shared with project staff or other stakeholders and aims to commence the project in earnest. The Project Charter helps to clarify the project context, the project team roles, and the goals of the project.
You will be given a project case study to use in order to develop your Project Charter. Though all students will receive the same case study, it is expected that each student will think about the project from their own perspective as an up-and-coming project manager in order to formulate a unique Project Charter. Use your own style based on your critical thinking of what it means for you
PROJ6000_Assessment_3_Brief_Report_Module6.1 Page 1 of 6
to lead a project. You may use one of the templates provided in the learning resources or develop your own format.
Please follow the instructions below:
1. Read the case study provided by your lecturer. This will form the basis for your Project Charter, because you will assume that you are the project manager for this project.
2. After reading the case study, begin to develop your project charter. This needs to be a 2,000word report (+/- 10%) and must use a minimum of six (6) references (academic literature and industry publications—please consider the case study as a 7th reference). Please ensure all references are cited in-text.
3. The Project Charter must include the following headings and should be written as if you are presenting it to the project team that will build this project. You are the project manager.
The contents of your Charter should include:
a. Background of the project
b. Reasons for the project
c. Project objectives
d. Proposed project management approach or methodology/methodologies
e. Constraints, limitations, and risks
f. Leadership structure (project manager and his or her senior aides: list their roles and explain what each does in the project. You need to cite four (4) roles)
g. Project risks and their mitigation
h. Project stakeholders and how to interact with them
i. The vision of the project and the type of project team culture you wish to promote in your team
j. Reference list
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment 3 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity Declaration
I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
PROJ6000_Assessment_3_Brief_Report_Module6.1 Page 2 of 6
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Knowledge and understanding of project management concepts and how to apply them within an
organisational context
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the role of project management in the initiation of new projects
Percentage for this
criterion = 30%
Demonstrates a limited understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Key components of the assignment are not addressed, including little to no application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates a functional or partially developed understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates a limited application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates a proficient understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates a proficient application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates an advanced application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project and strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of management
concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates an exceptional application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project and strategies to lead project success.
Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge
Limited analysis and synthesis of subject
Demonstrates basic analysis and synthesis of subject
Well-developed analysis and synthesis of subject
Thoroughly developed analysis and synthesis of
Highly sophisticated analysis and synthesis of
Synthesises knowledge of the project management initiation phase and details of the assigned case study with an understanding of project management tools and techniques to develop an effective
project charter
Percentage for this
criterion = 30%
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates limited or no understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, and/or demonstrates limited applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a basic understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with some applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a welldeveloped understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with wellestablished applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
subject concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a thoroughly developed understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with significant applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
subject concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a highly sophisticated understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with substantial applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study that includes thoughtful recommendations and proposals.
Effective communication
Effectively presents the circumstances of the case study and the required elements of a project charter
Limited presentation of information related to the assigned case study, which is difficult to follow.
Presents in a basic manner information related to the assigned case study.
Occasionally employs specialised language and
Presents in a readable and coherent manner information related to the assigned case study.
Accurately employs some specialised language and
Communicates coherently and concisely information related to the assigned case study in a manner that adheres to the given format.
Accurately employs a wide range of specialised
Communicates eloquently information related to the assigned case study. Expresses meaning coherently, concisely, and creatively within the given format.
Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide
Percentage for this criterion = 30%
Specialised language and terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the
project management
lifecycle is rarely or inaccurately employed.
Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or the acknowledgment of sources.
terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the project management lifecycle with accuracy.
Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.
terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
Occasional minor errors
present in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.
language and terminology
related to project management and the
initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Engages audience interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and persuasive.
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are mostly free from errors.
range of specialised language and terminology
related to project management and the
initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are insightful,
persuasive, and expertly
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are free from errors.
Correct citation of key
resources and evidence
Percentage for this criterion = 10%
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
SLO d) Evaluate and apply tools and techniques used in the project initiation phase.
SLO e) Critically reflect on the leadership competencies necessary to succeed in global project management environments.ASSESSMENT 3 BRIEF
Subject Code and Title PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 3 – Project Charter Report
Individual/Group Individual
Length 2,000 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
d) Evaluate and apply tools and techniques used in the project initiation phase.
e) Critically reflect on the leadership competencies necessary to succeed in global project management environments.
Submission By 11:55pm AEST/AEDT Sunday of Module 6.1
Weighting 40%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
After reading the project case study, use it to develop a 2,000-word Project Charter, describing the entire project in a short, succinct, and professional document.
Project leadership is about inspiring the project team to do their best from the outset. This requires a combination of verbal and written communication skills and a range of applied leadership skills.
One of the foundational documents that helps “kick off” a project is the Project Charter. The Project Charter describes the entire project in a short, succinct, and presentable document that can be shared with project staff or other stakeholders and aims to commence the project in earnest. The Project Charter helps to clarify the project context, the project team roles, and the goals of the project.
You will be given a project case study to use in order to develop your Project Charter. Though all students will receive the same case study, it is expected that each student will think about the project from their own perspective as an up-and-coming project manager in order to formulate a unique Project Charter. Use your own style based on your critical thinking of what it means for you
PROJ6000_Assessment_3_Brief_Report_Module6.1 Page 1 of 6
to lead a project. You may use one of the templates provided in the learning resources or develop your own format.
Please follow the instructions below:
1. Read the case study provided by your lecturer. This will form the basis for your Project Charter, because you will assume that you are the project manager for this project.
2. After reading the case study, begin to develop your project charter. This needs to be a 2,000word report (+/- 10%) and must use a minimum of six (6) references (academic literature and industry publications—please consider the case study as a 7th reference). Please ensure all references are cited in-text.
3. The Project Charter must include the following headings and should be written as if you are presenting it to the project team that will build this project. You are the project manager.
The contents of your Charter should include:
a. Background of the project
b. Reasons for the project
c. Project objectives
d. Proposed project management approach or methodology/methodologies
e. Constraints, limitations, and risks
f. Leadership structure (project manager and his or her senior aides: list their roles and explain what each does in the project. You need to cite four (4) roles)
g. Project risks and their mitigation
h. Project stakeholders and how to interact with them
i. The vision of the project and the type of project team culture you wish to promote in your team
j. Reference list
It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
Submission Instructions
Submit this task via the Assessment 3 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
Academic Integrity Declaration
I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
PROJ6000_Assessment_3_Brief_Report_Module6.1 Page 2 of 6
Assessment Rubric
Assessment Attributes Fail
(Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
50-64% Credit
(Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
75-84% High Distinction
Knowledge and understanding of project management concepts and how to apply them within an
organisational context
Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of the role of project management in the initiation of new projects
Percentage for this
criterion = 30%
Demonstrates a limited understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Key components of the assignment are not addressed, including little to no application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates a functional or partially developed understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates a limited application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates a proficient understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates a proficient application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project or strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates an advanced understanding of project management concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates an advanced application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project and strategies to lead project success.
Demonstrates exceptional knowledge of management
concepts within an organisational context.
Demonstrates an exceptional application of project management concepts to the initiation of a new project and strategies to lead project success.
Analysis and application with synthesis of new knowledge
Limited analysis and synthesis of subject
Demonstrates basic analysis and synthesis of subject
Well-developed analysis and synthesis of subject
Thoroughly developed analysis and synthesis of
Highly sophisticated analysis and synthesis of
Synthesises knowledge of the project management initiation phase and details of the assigned case study with an understanding of project management tools and techniques to develop an effective
project charter
Percentage for this
criterion = 30%
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates limited or no understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, and/or demonstrates limited applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a basic understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with some applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a welldeveloped understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with wellestablished applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
subject concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a thoroughly developed understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with significant applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study.
subject concepts to a project initiation phase.
Project charter demonstrates a highly sophisticated understanding of project management knowledge, methodologies, and techniques, with substantial applicability to the circumstances of the assigned case study that includes thoughtful recommendations and proposals.
Effective communication
Effectively presents the circumstances of the case study and the required elements of a project charter
Limited presentation of information related to the assigned case study, which is difficult to follow.
Presents in a basic manner information related to the assigned case study.
Occasionally employs specialised language and
Presents in a readable and coherent manner information related to the assigned case study.
Accurately employs some specialised language and
Communicates coherently and concisely information related to the assigned case study in a manner that adheres to the given format.
Accurately employs a wide range of specialised
Communicates eloquently information related to the assigned case study. Expresses meaning coherently, concisely, and creatively within the given format.
Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide
Percentage for this criterion = 30%
Specialised language and terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the
project management
lifecycle is rarely or inaccurately employed.
Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or the acknowledgment of sources.
terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the project management lifecycle with accuracy.
Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.
terminology related to project management and the initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
Occasional minor errors
present in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation.
language and terminology
related to project management and the
initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Engages audience interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and persuasive.
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are mostly free from errors.
range of specialised language and terminology
related to project management and the
initiation phase of the project management lifecycle.
Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are insightful,
persuasive, and expertly
Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are free from errors.
Correct citation of key
resources and evidence
Percentage for this criterion = 10%
Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
Show evidence of wide scope within and without the organisation for sourcing evidence.
APA referencing is free from errors.
The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
SLO d) Evaluate and apply tools and techniques used in the project initiation phase.
SLO e) Critically reflect on the leadership competencies necessary to succeed in global project management environments.

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Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context

Subject Code and Title PROJ6000: Principles of Project Management
Assessment Assessment 2 – Individual Report: PMBoK versus PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects
Individual/Group Individual
Length 1,200 words (+/- 10%)
Learning Outcomes The Subject Learning Outcomes demonstrated by successful completion of the task below include:
a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle.
Weighting 35%
Total Marks 100 marks
Task Summary
Following group discussions, individually write a 1,200-word report that discusses the strengths, weaknesses, similarities, and contrasts of PMBoK and PRINCE2 or Agile in contemporary projects.
There are several project management methodologies and approaches that are used in contemporary project management. Among these are PMBoK, PRINCE2, Waterfall, Agile, Extreme Programming (XP), and Adaptive Project Framework (APF). Each of them has certain specific elements that proponents say make it easier to use, more applicable, more robust, or otherwise more appropriate for particular environments or circumstances. Whilst these methodologies are all valid and reliable tools for a project manager to use, it is important to be able to contrast them and to form a view of how they may best be used in a project. This analysis includes their usefulness, application in various types of projects, and how they view project risk. Such context can help project managers identify which methodologies/approaches may be best for specific projects.
In this Assessment, you will write a 1,200-word (+/- 10%) report that considers the application of a project management methodology to a project as described in an assigned case study. In particular, you will review the assigned case study, then compare and contrast the application of the PMBoK project management approach to the highlighted project with your choice of one of the following methodologies/approaches:
a) PRINCE2, or
b) Agile
The report must use the following headings:

  1. INTRODUCTION: Develop an introduction to PMBoK and the other methodology/approach you have selected (PRINCE2 or Agile) that includes their background and historical context (approximately 200 words)
  2. SIMILARITIES AND DIFFERENCES: List 2–3 similarities and 2–3 differences between them and why these similarities and differences are relevant to the assigned case study (approximately 200 words combined)
  3. RISK: How each method treats project risk and how these approaches to risk are relevant to the assigned case study (approximately 200 words)
  4. PROJECT CONTEXT: The types of projects in which each is used (approximately 200 words)
  5. LIFECYCLE IMPLICATIONS: How each differs across different phases of a project’s lifecycle (approximately 200 words)
  6. APPLICATION: Explain which methodology you would choose to apply for the project in the assigned case study, and why (approximately 200 words)
    Be sure to cite any source material, including learning resources or other academic or industry literature you research, used to inform your analysis.
    You will need to consult the literature and use at least 6 references (and not more than 12 references) from academic and industry sources. The word count does not include the reference list. Each reference must be cited in-text in your report.
    The assessment requires that you submit your report via Blackboard. You do not need to upload anything relating to your group discussions in Weeks 4 and 5.
    It is essential that you use appropriate APA style for citing and referencing research. Please see more information on referencing here:
    Submission Instructions
    Submit this task via the Assessment 2 link in the main navigation menu in PROJ6000 – Principles of Project Management. The Learning Facilitator will provide feedback via the Grade Centre in the LMS portal. Feedback can be viewed in My Grades.
    Academic Integrity Declaration
    I declare that, except where I have referenced, the work I am submitting for this assessment task is my own work. I have read and am aware of Torrens University Australia Academic Integrity Policy and Procedure viewable online at:
    I am aware that I need to keep a copy of all submitted material and their drafts, and I will do so accordingly.
    Assessment Rubric
    Assessment Attributes Fail
    (Yet to achieve minimum standard) 0-49% Pass
    50-64% Credit
    (Proficient) 65-74% Distinction
    75-84% High Distinction
    Knowledge and understanding of project management methodologies and approaches
    Demonstrates knowledge and understanding of PMBoK and either PRINCE2, and/or Agile
    methodologies/approac hes
    Percentage for this criterion = 30%
    Demonstrates a limited understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Key components of the assignment are not addressed.
    Demonstrates a functional understanding of project management methodologies and approaches.
    Often conflates/confuses assertion of personal opinion with information substantiated by evidence from the research/course materials.
    Demonstrates a thorough knowledge or understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates a capacity to explain and apply relevant concepts.
    Demonstrates a highly developed knowledge or understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates a capacity to explain in significant detail and thoughtfully apply relevant concepts.
    Demonstrates a sophisticated
    understanding of project
    management methodologies and approaches.
    Demonstrates an exceptional capacity to explain in substantial and relevant detail critical concepts and apply these concepts in a manner that makes strong connections.
    Analysis and application with synthesis of new
    Compares and evaluates two project management methodologies/approac
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 30%
    Limited or no comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approache
    application/recommendat ions based upon analysis
    of methodology similarities and differences. Demonstrated basic comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Demonstrated basic application/recommendation s based upon analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Well-developed comparison and evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Well-developed application/recommendatio ns based upon proficient analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Thoroughly developed and creative comparison and
    evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches.
    Thoroughly developed application/recommendatio ns based upon to analysis of methodology similarities and differences. Highly sophisticated and creative comparison and
    evaluation of project management methodologies/approaches
    Highly developed application/recommendati ons based upon to analysis of methodology similarities and differences.
    Effective communication
    Effectively presents two selected project management methodologies/approac hes and their
    Limited ability to present information related to
    two selected project management methodologies/approache s and their distinguishing elements.
    Specialised language and terminology related to project management
    s is rarely or inaccurately employed.
    Presents in a basic manner information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Occasionally employs specialised language and terminology related to project management methodologies/approaches with accuracy, with some inaccuracies.
    Presents in a coherent and readable manner information related to two selected project management
    methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Accurately employs some specialised language and terminology related to project management methodologies/approaches.
    Presents coherently and concisely information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Accurately employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology
    related to project management methodologies/approaches.
    Communicates eloquently, coherently, concisely, and creatively information related to two selected project management methodologies/approaches and their distinguishing elements.
    Discerningly selects and precisely employs a wide range of specialised language and terminology
    related to project management methodologies/approaches
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 30%
    Meaning is repeatedly obscured by errors in the communication of ideas, including errors in structure, sequence, spelling, grammar, punctuation, and/or the acknowledgment of sources. Meaning is sometimes difficult to follow.
    Information; arguments and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is not always clear and logical.
    Some errors are evident in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Meaning is easy to follow. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and logical.
    Occasional minor errors
    present in spelling, grammar, and/or punctuation. Engages audience interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are structured and sequenced in a way that is clear and persuasive.
    Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are mostly free from errors.
    Engages and sustains audience’s interest. Information, arguments, and evidence are insightful,
    persuasive, and expertly
    Spelling, grammar, and punctuation are free from errors.
    Correct citation of key
    resources and evidence
    Percentage for this
    criterion = 10%
    Demonstrates inconsistent use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop ideas.
    Less than six references employed.
    Referencing is omitted or does not resemble APA.
    Demonstrates use of credible and relevant resources to support and develop ideas, but these are not always explicit or well developed.
    Referencing resembles APA with frequent or repeated errors.
    Demonstrates use of credible resources to support and develop ideas.
    Referencing resembles APA with occasional errors.
    Demonstrates use of good quality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and statements.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    Demonstrates use of highquality, credible, and relevant resources to support and develop arguments and position statements.
    APA referencing is free from errors.
    The following Subject Learning Outcomes are addressed in this assessment
    SLO a) Assess the importance of project management concepts within an organisational context.
    SLO b) Compare and contrast project management methodologies and their application within global project contexts.
    SLO c) Identify and analyse the key processes of a project lifecycle





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Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning

Master of Business Administration
Master of Business Research
Unit: Organisational Learning and Change
Unit Code: BUS 510
Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 – Organisational change project
Unit Learning Outcomes addressed: Learning outcomes – (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
(a) Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning
(b) Critically analyse and explain the dynamics of strategic organisational change
(c) Critically review and evaluate the reasons for different approaches to change, and demonstrate an ability to apply this understanding to volatile or novel organisational contexts
(d) Critically analyse and critique common perspectives on the role of, and relationship between, individuals, teams and leaders in the change process
(e) Integrate biblical frameworks into a contemporary understanding of organisational learning and change
(f) Integrate the concepts of organisational learning, strategic and innovative change management with leadership theory and practice
Criteria for Assessment: • Criterion 1 – Description of the organisation – (5/50)
• Criterion 2 – Understanding of organisational change concepts or theories – (10/50)
• Criterion 3 – Organisational analysis – (10/50)
• Criterion 4 – Recommendations and resource requirements – (20/50)
• Criterion 5 – References and structure – (5/50)
Assessment Task: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students take on a management perspective to analyse organisational change and propose recommendations with the aim of improving the situation. This project seeks to create a case study of an organization that requires a change intervention.
Students will be required to choose an organisation that they are familiar with and analyse it using relevant change management theories or frameworks to identify areas where change is required. Relevant change intervention strategies are to be proposed.
The organisational change project covers the following:
1. An introduction to the organisation.
2. Internal and external analysis of the organisation to identify areas requiring change (at the end of this section, include a summary of the areas where change is required)
3. Literature review – overview of change management theories or frameworks
4. Evaluation of possible change strategies required to improve the situation.
5. Recommendations of the most suitable strategies.
6. Required resources for implementing the identified suitable strategies.
7. Conclusion
Submission Date: Week 13 (online submission via Turnitin)
Total Mark & Weighting: 50 marks (50%)
Students are advised that any submissions past the due date without an approved extension or without approved extenuating circumstances incurs a 5% penalty per calendar day,
calculated from the total mark e.g. a task marked out of 35 will incur a 1.75-mark penalty per calendar day.
Assignments should usually incorporate a formal introduction, main points and conclusion, and will be fully referenced including a reference list.
The word count for the assessment is 3000 words (+/- 10%)
Marks will be deducted for failure to adhere to the word count
References are assessed for their quality. You should draw on quality academic sources, such as books, chapters from edited books, journals etc. Your textbook can be used as a reference, but not the lecturer notes. We want to see evidence that you can conduct your own research. Also, in order to help markers, determine students’ understanding of the work they cite, all in-text references (not just direct quotes) must include the specific page number/s if shown in the original.
Work that includes sources that are not properly referenced according to the “Harvard Referencing Workbook” will be penalized.

Your assessment would be marked based on the following marking guideline.
Total marks – 50
Criteria Mark Fail Pass
Distinction High Distinction
Criterion 1
Description of the organisation 5 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Limited and incomplete description, missing many elements Adequate description of, missing a few elements Good and thorough description, includes all elements Very good and thorough description, includes all elements Exceptional and thorough description, includes all elements
Criterion 2
Understanding of organisational change theories or concepts 10 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Understanding of the individual concepts or theories not demonstrated Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is satisfactory Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is sound Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is detailed Understanding of the individual concepts or theories is highly integrated
Criterion 3
Organisational analysis 10 Below 5.0 5.0 – 6.0 6.5 – 7.0 7.5 – 8.0 8.5 and above
Lack of critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts not applied in the analysis Limited critical analysis of the organisation
Limited application of the relevant theories or concepts in the analysis Some critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts have been applied in the analysis Competent level of critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts have been correctly applied in the analysis Clear and thorough critical analysis of the organisation
Relevant theories or concepts been adequately applied in the analysis
Criterion 4
Recommendations and resource requirements 20 Below 10.0 10.0 – 12.0 12.5 – 14.0 14.5 – 16.0 16.5 and above
Limited, insufficient analysis of strategies with few and unclear recommendations
No resource requirements discussed Analysis of strategies with fairly established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements mentioned but not adequately described Good analysis of strategies with established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements described but could have been improved by providing more details. Very good analysis of strategies with established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements explained. Exceptionally thorough analysis of strategies with clearly established recommendations for implementation.
Resource requirements explained will all key aspects covered.
Criterion 5
Structure and mechanics
– Coherence and organization
– APA format 5 Below 2.5 2.5 – 3.0 3.5 – 3.8 3.9 – 4.4 4.5 and above
An unfocussed, incoherent essay, characterized by disorganization and/or missing required sections.
References are inconsistent with required format; a notable number of errors present. A somewhat focused, slightly incoherent essay, characterized by some disorganization and/or missing required sections.
References are inconsistent with required format; a number of errors present. A somewhat coherent and organized essay and including most required sections.
Referencing format is adhered to throughout the essay, with some errors present. A clear and coherent essay, organized and including all required sections.
Referencing format is rigorously adhered to throughout the essay, with very few errors present. An exceptionally clear, concise and coherent essay, critically organized and including all required sections.
Referencing format is rigorously adhered to throughout the essay, with no errors present.

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Organisational structures can help a company fail or succeed. Why do you think that is the case?

Assessment Details and Submission Guidelines
Trimester T1 2020
Unit Code HC3031
Unit Title Trends in the Global Business Environment
Assessment Type Individual Assignment
This is strictly required to be your own original work. Plagiarism will be penalised. Students are required to apply the theories and knowledge derived from the unit materials, demonstrate critical analysis and provide a considered and comprehensive evaluation. Students must use correct in-text citation conventions.
Assessment Title Tutorial Question Assignment 2
Purpose of the assessment and linkage to ULO. Student is required to answer 5 questions come from the recorded tutorial questions every week from week 8 to week 12
The following Unit Learning Outcomes is applicable to this assessment:
– Student will be able to analyse and evaluate social, economic, political and technological trends.
– Demonstrate familiarity with the academic literature on the macro environment level.
– Demonstrate the capacity to write persuasive reports containing sound recommendations, in preparation for a career in business or government.
Weight 25%
Total Marks 25 Marks
Word limit The required word limit is provided in each question
Due Date Week 12 – Friday 19 June at 11:30 PM
[Late submission penalties accrue at the rate of -5% per day]
Submission Guidelines • All work must be submitted on Blackboard by the due date along with a completed Assignment Cover Page.
• The assignment must be in MS Word format, 1.5 spacing, 12-pt Arial font and 2 cm margins on all four sides of your page with appropriate section headings and page numbers.
• A minimum of 10 peer-reviewed academic articles in total must be cited in the text of the report, and listed appropriately at the end in a reference list using Harvard referencing style.
Page 2 of 2
Assignment Specifications
This individual assignment is an opportunity for students to demonstrate their understanding of trends in the global business environment.
Answer All FIVE (5) of the following questions. The questions come from the recorded tutorial questions from week 8 to week 12.
Question 1 Week 8: Tutorial 7 (5 marks)
Organisational structures can help a company fail or succeed. Why do you think that is the case? Answer this question in 300 words
Question 2 Week 9 Tutorial 8 (5 marks)
What are some of the potential problems global businesses face when they outsource or subcontract their manufacturing work to companies in other countries? (e.g. an Australian company outsourcing the manufacturing of its product to a separate company in China or Vietnam)? Answer this question in 300 words
Question 3 Week 10: Tutorial 9 (5 marks)
What are some of the disadvantages that can result when companies use channels of distribution to market their products overseas? Answer this question in 300 words
Question 4 Week 11: Tutorial 10 (5 marks)
Based on your studies in this course, compare and contrast between personal and position sources of power. In your opinion, which sources of power are most effective as important resources for leaders? Answer this question in 300 words
Question 5 Week 12: Tutorial 11 (5 marks)
What are the characteristics of creative leaders in contemporary organisations? Answer this question in 300 words

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theories of organisational learning

Unit: Organisational Learning and Change
Unit Code: BUS 510
Type of Assessment: Assessment 3 — Organisational change project
Learning outcomes — (a), (b), (c), (d), (e) and (f)
(a) Critically analyse and critique the major theories of organisational learning
(b) Critically analyse and explain the dynamics of strategic organisational change
(c) Critically review and evaluate the reasons for different approaches to
Unit Learning change, and demonstrate an ability to apply this understanding to volatile
Outcomes or novel organisational contexts
addressed: (d) Critically analyse and critique common perspectives on the role of, and relationship between, individuals, teams and leaders in the change process
(e) Integrate biblical frameworks into a contemporary understanding of organisational learning and change
(f) Integrate the concepts of organisational learning, strategic and innovative change management with leadership theory and practice
Criterion 1 – Description of the organisation — (5/50)
• Criterion 2 – Understanding of organisational change concepts or
Criteria for theories — (10/50)
Assessment: Criterion 3 — Organisational analysis — (10/50)
Criterion 4 – Recommendations and resource requirements — (20/50) Criterion 5 — References and structure — (5/50)
Assessment Task: The purpose of this assessment is to allow students take on a management perspective to analyse organisational change and propose recommendations with the aim of improving the situation. This project seeks to create a case study of an organization that requires a change intervention.
Students will be required to choose an organisation that they are familiar with and analyse it using relevant change management theories or frameworks to identify areas where change is required. Relevant change intervention strategies are to be proposed.
The organisational change project covers the following:
1. An introduction to the organisation.
2. Internal and external analysis of the organisation to identify areas requiring change (at the end of this section, include a summary of the areas where change is required)
3. Literature review — overview of change management theories or frameworks
4. Evaluation of possible change strategies required to improve the situation.
5. Recommendations of the most suitable strategies.
6. Required resources for implementing the identified suitable strategiec•
7. Conclusion