Writers Solution

Corporate culture of your organization (COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY)


PART 1- DISCUSSION Module 4 – (SHEILA)- Empowering Employees

Discuss the corporate culture of your organization (COMMUNITY SERVICES AGENCY). In your answer include how the company empowers its employees. (Remember empowerment incorporates a number of things).

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Your initial post should be at least 150 words, formatted and cited in current APA style with support from at least 2 academic sources.

PART 2- ASSIGNMENT Module 4- (SHEILA)- Implementing New Strategies

Explain why implementing a new or different strategy calls for managers to identify the resource requirements of each new strategic initiative and then consider whether the current pattern of resources allocation and the budgets of the various subunits are suitable.

SUBMISSION INSTRUCTIONS: Assignment should be 3 pages, formatted and cited in current APA style, and incorporate a minimum of 3 current (published within the last five years) scholarly journal articles or primary legal sources (statutes, court opinions) within your work.

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Writers Solution

Role of marketing manager for the organization

For this assignment, you will be taking on the role of marketing manager for the organization that you researched in Unit VI. Within that role, you will need to present the marketing plan that you completed in Unit VI to the marketing team. This will require no additional research, but you will be compiling your content into a PowerPoint presentation and subsequent video. The items below should be included in your presentation.

·       Introduction: Include a brief introduction of the company.

·       Competitive Analysis: Provide a comparison of the company against two or three competitors.

·       Marketing Strategies: Include an examination of all four Ps (product, price, place, and promotion). This should include the product and service, pricing, distribution/place, and both traditional and digital marketing strategies.

·       Competitive Advantage: Address whether the company holds a competitive advantage in each of the areas of the four Ps.

·       Ethical Stance of Company: Present the company’s ethical stance, which can include topics such as how they have created an ethical culture, social responsibility or corporate social responsibility (CSR), or any other topics related to ethical behavior within the organization.

·       Conclusion: Provide recommendations for this company with respect to future marketing strategies, remembering to include topics involving all four Ps.

The PowerPoint must meet the criteria below.

·        Must be at least 12 slides in length (not counting the title slide).

·        Include speaker notes in order to further explain the information on each slide.

·        If outside sources are used, please follow APA Style when creating citations and references.

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Writers Solution

Work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics

For this assignment, you will be taking a more thorough look into your leadership self-assessment results that you reflected on in Module One. This assignment will help in the creation of your personal development plan, which will be submitted in Module Six.


You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over 350 people in its Tampa, Florida, headquarters and three plant locations across the Southwest. While the business is currently based in the United States, the organization is exploring ways to move into Canadian markets within the next three years. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices were rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment, and now you will be taking a closer look at these results to produce a self-assessment report. You plan on exploring how this self-assessment would make a beneficial contribution to a personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit, which will help to resolve the leadership challenges the organization is currently facing.


For this assignment, refer to your results from your self-assessment and use the LPI Self Percentile Ranking to determine where each of your five leadership behaviors rank. Overview

For this assignment, you will be taking a more thorough look into your leadership self-assessment results that you reflected on in Module One. This assignment will help in the creation of your personal development plan, which will be submitted in Module Six.


You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. The organization has been in business since 1999 and employs over 350 people in its Tampa, Florida, headquarters and three plant locations across the Southwest. While the business is currently based in the United States, the organization is exploring ways to move into Canadian markets within the next three years. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices were rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment, and now you will be taking a closer look at these results to produce a self-assessment report. You plan on exploring how this self-assessment would make a beneficial contribution to a personal development plan and adaptive leadership toolkit, which will help to resolve the leadership challenges the organization is currently facing.


For this assignment, refer to your results from your self-assessment and use the LPI Self Percentile Ranking to determine where each of your five leadership behaviors rank.

Leadership Behaviors

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

For further information on each leadership behavior, please refer to The Ten Commitments of Exemplary Leadership.

Self-assessment: In this part of your report, you will use the results from your self-assessment to identify leadership behaviors where you ranked highest and where you ranked lowest, and begin thinking about how this information impacts your ability to lead. This work will help to inform your personal development plan, which you will create in Module Six.

  1. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest and define what this behavior means to you.
  2. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest, describe the importance of developing this area to improve skills related to leading others.
  3. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest and define what this behavior means to you.
  4. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest, describe how this area helps support skills related to being an effective leader.

Adaptive leadership toolkit: In this part of your report, you will use your findings from the Employee Satisfaction Survey and the leadership behaviors you reviewed in the self-assessment to identify areas of leadership the organization should focus on developing. This work will help to inform the adaptive leadership toolkit that you will develop in Module Seven.

  1. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership should focus on improving and explain how developing these areas will address the business problems the organization currently faces.
  2. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership is currently successful in and explain how maintaining these areas can help in managing relationships between the leaders and their direct reports.

What to Submit

Submit your report as a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. 

Leadership Behaviors

  • Model the Way
  • Inspire a Shared Vision
  • Challenge the Process
  • Enable Others to Act
  • Encourage the Heart

For further information on each leadership behavior, please refer to The Ten Commitments of Exemplary Leadership.

Self-assessment: In this part of your report, you will use the results from your self-assessment to identify leadership behaviors where you ranked highest and where you ranked lowest, and begin thinking about how this information impacts your ability to lead. This work will help to inform your personal development plan, which you will create in Module Six.

  1. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest and define what this behavior means to you.
  2. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked lowest, describe the importance of developing this area to improve skills related to leading others.
  3. Identify the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest and define what this behavior means to you.
  4. For the leadership behavior in which you ranked highest, describe how this area helps support skills related to being an effective leader.

Adaptive leadership toolkit: In this part of your report, you will use your findings from the Employee Satisfaction Survey and the leadership behaviors you reviewed in the self-assessment to identify areas of leadership the organization should focus on developing. This work will help to inform the adaptive leadership toolkit that you will develop in Module Seven.

  1. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership should focus on improving and explain how developing these areas will address the business problems the organization currently faces.
  2. Based on your review of the Employee Satisfaction Survey, identify the leadership behaviors the organization’s leadership is currently successful in and explain how maintaining these areas can help in managing relationships between the leaders and their direct reports.

What to Submit

Submit your report as a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style

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Writers Solution

Variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization

Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words: 
What are the variables that influence an employee’s decision to leave or stay at an organization (Hint: It’s not just money.)
Please include sources/references to support your perspective.

Part 2

Assess your Leadership Skills
Review the questions in Appendix 3: Glossary. (2007). Guide to Organisation Design, 302–315, page 5, under the heading ‘Gallup Q12’. Ask yourself these 12 questions to measure employment engagement and contemplate why these questions are practical. 
Respond to the following in a minimum of 175 words:
Do you consider yourself an engaged employee? 
Did these questions make you think of anything that can be done at your organization to increase employee engagement and performance? 
Would you add any questions to the list? 
How can managers in the healthcare industry utilize these questions?

Part 3

Exam Content
As a human resources manager in a healthcare organization, you will be asked to develop varying types of strategies and management techniques that improve the performance of your workforce. You need to know how to keep abreast of such strategies through research, as well as analyze how such strategies and techniques can be applied in your organization. In this assessment, you will apply these skills.
Select a healthcare organization and specific division within it with which you work or are familiar.
Assume you are the human resources director for your selected organization.
In a recent meeting, executive management determined it would like to improve healthcare workforce performance levels within a specific division of your organization.
Management has asked you to research and identify 3 diverse strategies that use innovative management techniques, operational practices, or technology that could be applied to improve workforce performance within the selected division at your healthcare organization.
Create a 1,050- to 1,400-word summary of 3 diverse strategies to improve workforce performance that includes the following:
Identification of 3 key strategies to improve workforce performance for your organization and division
An analysis of how each strategy could be deployed within your division and organization to improve workforce performance
A recommendation for the application of the best key strategy
An analysis of how your recommended strategy affects workforce needs for service delivery for your organization
SMART goal(s), objective(s), and tasks to implement your recommended strategy
A description of how goal achievement will be measured
Expenses for recommendation implementation
Cite 3 reputable references to support your assignment (e.g., trade or industry publications, government or agency websites, scholarly works, or other sources of similar quality).
Instructors Note:  Please carefully read and closely follow the assignment instructions and the content of the grading rubric. It is strongly suggested that you use subheadings for each assignment component. This will ensure that you are addressing each section of the assignment.

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Writers Solution

director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics

MBA 530- Scenario

You work as a director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics. This year’s employee engagement survey results for the organization show that some leadership practices are rated lower, while some practices were rated higher. The new chief human resources officer (CHRO) met with the team to discuss the general results. Everyone agrees that the company’s focus should be on both specific leadership development areas perceived as strengths and on those rated as areas for improvement, primarily regarding social intelligence, emotional intelligence, and the interpersonal skills of effective leaders.

To help this initiative, your manager, the vice president of leadership and learning, asked you to create an adaptive leadership toolkit that can be used throughout the organization. To begin this work, you conducted a personal leadership self-assessment and turned this into a personal development plan. Then you shared this artifact with your manager. Your manager was impressed with the thoroughness of the personal development plan and saw value in incorporating it as an exemplar within the adaptive leadership toolkit for use by all people leaders in the organization. After receiving such positive feedback from your manager, you are now ready to move forward on developing the adaptive leadership toolkit that will be shared with your manager and chief human resources officer (CHRO) of the organization.


  1. Summarize the business problems the organization is currently facing and describe how the adaptive leadership toolkit will address these problems.
  2. Based on the employee satisfaction survey, identify the skills and behaviors that are current strengths exhibited by leadership and explain how these strengths are critical to the success of the organization.
  3. Based on the employee satisfaction survey, identify the skills and behaviors that are current areas of weakness for leadership and explain how these areas may be improved by applying the self-assessment you used to create your own personal development plan.
  4. Describe the importance of including a personal development plan as an exemplar in the adaptive leadership toolkit and explain how SMART goal setting can help to improve the areas of weakness for leaders within the organization.
  5. Explain how the personal development plan and SMART goal setting could help develop the leadership styles of the leaders within the organization.

What to Submit

Submit a 3- to 4-page Word document using 12-point Times New Roman font, double spacing, and one-inch margins. Sources should be cited according to APA style. Consult the Shapiro Library APA Style Guide for more information on citations.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on director of leadership and learning for an organization that makes prosthetics


Writers Solution

An organization (BOMBAS) and Biblical value (KINDNESS)

Each paragraph should have at least 5 sentences and at least 2 different references. The case study paper must be 8–10-pages (not including Title Page, Abstract, or Reference page) and must include at least 5 scholarly resources in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible (New International Version or King James Version). 

BMAL 570

Case Study Assignment


Case studies are an important part of most graduate programs as they reveal more readily the concept or theory discussed in a real-world context. Consider the chapters you have read from Hill text that present a case study of an organization. In each of these chapters, the way organizations incorporate various values (ex. love, joy, peace, forbearance, kindness, goodness, faithfulness.) is described in real-world scenarios. This helps us see how the value, reactions to the value, and outcomes from demonstrating the value might be displayed—and thus, presents a rich case for learning best practices and enables us to take God with us to work and everywhere. Case Studies are stories that develop a person, or a group of people, or a company over a specific time period (ex. day, week, month, year). A case study analyzes what occurred during this time period.

For your Case Study Paper, you have selected an organization (BOMBAS) and Biblical value (KINDNESS) that the organization has displayed (ALREADY SELECTED IN OUTLINE). Write a story and develop a person or a group of people at this company. Remember you have to write a story that shows the example of this company displaying this Biblical value. You won’t be writing just about the company. Write a case study where a person or group of people displayed a Biblical value. Tell the story. Back up the actions of the people or group in the company with scholarly references, the text, and with the Bible (this is the most important part). Discuss and expand on how this Biblical value connects to the organization and the story.  The purpose of this is for you to be able to identify Biblical values in an organization.  Remember, Biblical values can certainly be displayed in secular workplaces; after all, all truth is God’s truth! 

Above is information about the case study. You have already completed the outline for this. If you want to make any changes to your outline, get this approved by your professor prior to submitting this case study. The outline and case study should all be on the same company. Use Below Outline and Organization:

Instructions Follow your outline that you did earlier in this course. Be sure to review any revisions required from your professor. Each Roman Numeral section from your outline usually equals at lease one paragraph in the case study. Each section of your case study should have a subheading and at least 1 paragraph. Do not use the Roman Numerals in the Case Study. Each paragraph should have at least 5 sentences and at least 2 different references. The case study paper must be 8–10-pages (not including Title Page, Abstract, or Reference page) and must include at least 5 scholarly resources in addition to the course textbooks and the Bible (New International Version or King James Version). The Case Study Paper is to be written in third person and must be in current APA format. Do not use first or second person in this outline or in the case study. Please do not use direct quotes in the outline. Only use direct quotes for Bible verses and famous quotes or dialogue. Before submitting the case study, your outline topic (BOMBAS) and Biblical value (KINDNESS) must be approved (ALREADY APPROVED). Once this is approved, any changes must be approved by the professor. Your case study should have a title page, abstract page, case study pages (based on the outline you created), and a reference page. Note: Your assignment will be checked for originality via the Turnitin plagiarism tool. image2.png image3.png image1.emf Microsoft_Word_Document.docx 1 5 Kindness in Bombas Organization Name University, School of Business Class Professor September 3, 2023 Topic Paragraph I have chosen the BOMBAS organization to focus on the value of kindness. I choose kindness due to this value being consistent with God’s character (Hill, 2018). BOMBAS is an organization that focuses on offering clean, comfortable socks, slacks, and t-shirts to people experiencing homelessness (Bombas, n.d). I chose this organization because of its collaborative efforts to help others. Collaboration with the community ensures that the community’s needs are met and is a successful step toward ending community-based issues such as homelessness (Awad, 2023). I chose this organization because of its innovative approach to community service even while conducting its everyday business. Additionally, it leverages kindness to make an impact on the community. Kindness allows individuals to significantly impact society beyond the economic realm (Taufek et al., 2023). For example, BOMBAS provides consumers with high-quality socks and donates one pair of socks for every pair sold. This shows an act of kindness that is rare in today’s world. Kindness can be shown through charity, highlighted in 2 Peter 1:7, which states, ” And to godliness brotherly kindness; and to brotherly kindness charity.”. Kindness is essential to BOMBAS’s business operations and how it has an impact on people’s lives. This value resonates with me because it demonstrates a compassionate and considerate approach consistent with my beliefs. Cottingham (2019) highlights the importance of kindness, reflecting the biblical teachings surrounding living with others and charity. It allows individuals to be compassionate towards each other (Cochrane et al., 2019). This aspect allows individuals within such an organization to work seamlessly and create a nontoxic work environment. Additionally, kindness is an important aspect of making a social impact, a key objective for most organizations (Griffin-EL, 2021). Outline I. Introduction II. Background of BOMBAS A. BOMBAS was founded in 2013 for a noble purpose, which includes providing clean, comfortable apparel, namely socks, pants, and t-shirts, to those in need, especially homeless individuals (Bombas, n.d). This mission was inspired by the awareness that clean clothing can restore a person’s dignity and confidence. B. The Model of “Buy One, Give One” The innovative “buy one, give one” model of BOMBAS ensures that an identical item is donated to homeless individuals for each article of clothing purchased by a consumer (Bombas, n.d.). Such donation strategies emphasize the importance of compassion and foster a sense of social responsibility within the organization and among its clients. III. Discussion of the Biblical Value Kindness A. The Biblical Definition of Kindness Kindness, as described in 2 Peter 1:7, can resonate with the mission of BOMBAS. Kindness reflects compassion, empathy, and compassion towards others, mirroring the biblical teachings on love and charity (Cottingham, 2019). The Bible teaches individuals to be kind to each other as a fruit provided by the holy spirit. It is also a reflection of God’s character (Hill, 2018). B. The Value of Kindness in Everyday Life Kindness plays a crucial role in fostering an empathic and compassionate culture in organizations (Cochrane et al., 2019). It aligns with BOMBAS’s mission to make a positive impact by addressing a fundamental need with a generous spirit: providing clean apparel. IV. Discussion of How BOMBAS Displays Kindness A. Influence through Donation BOMBAS’s initiative to donate one item of clothing for each item purchased illustrates generosity in action (Bombas, n,d,). BOMBAS demonstrates how the purchase of clothing can significantly affect the lives of others by addressing the needs of the less privileged. B. Partnerships with Community-Based Organizations The partnership between BOMBAS and over 3,500 community organizations demonstrate the organization’s commitment to nurturing kindness on a larger scale. The collaborations between community organizations and business organizations expand the scope and impact of their efforts to ease the problems faced by underprivileged individuals, such as homeless individuals (Awad, 2023). V. Discussion of how kindness is connected to BOMBAS A. Kindness is deeply rooted in BOMBAS’s core values, as shown by the organization’s mission to provide comfort and dignity through clothing (Bombas, n.d.). This alignment supports the idea that corporate success and acts of compassion and social responsibility can coexist. B. BOMBAS’s brand reputation and consumer loyalty are enhanced by its emphasis on kindness. An organization like this can cultivate a positive image that resonates with consumers seeking to support organizations that prioritize kindness by prioritizing social impact alongside business development (Griffin-EL, 2021). Consequently, Bombas has earned a positive reputation. VI. Discussion of How the Biblical Value of Kindness Influences BOMBAS Decision-Making A. Moral Business Choices Kindness influences the decision-making processes at BOMBAS, resulting in choices that prioritize social responsibility and human welfare. This ethical approach involving kindness in everyday business practice to decision-making reinforces the organization’s dedication to making a difference for the better (Taufek et al., 2023). B. Organizational Climate and Employee Engagement BOMBAS’s emphasis on kindness is probably ingrained in its corporate culture, nurturing an atmosphere where employees are inspired by its mission (Bombas, n.d). This commitment to compassion contributes to the employees’ sense of purpose and fulfilment. VII: Lessons Learned VIII. Conclusion References Awad, M. H. (2023). Place and the structuring of cross-sector partnerships: The moral and material conflicts over healthcare and homelessness. Journal of Business Ethics, 184(4), 933–955. Bombas. (n.d). We’re Bombas. Retrieved From: Cochrane, B. S., Ritchie, D., Lockhard, D., Picciano, G., King, J. A., & Nelson, B. (2019, May). A culture of compassion: How timeless principles of kindness and empathy become powerful tools for confronting today’s most pressing healthcare challenges. In Healthcare Management Forum (Vol. 32, No. 3, pp. 120–127). Sage CA: Los Angeles, CA: SAGE Publications. Cottingham, J. (2019). Loving kindness and mercy: Their human and cosmic significance. Philosophy, 94(1), 27–42.Griffin-EL, E. W. (2021). Exploring social entrepreneurial boundary spanning for compassion-triggered opportunities. Social Enterprise Journal, 17(3), 398–426. Hill, A. (2017). Just business: Christian ethics for the marketplace. InterVarsity PressKing James Bible (2017). (Original work published, 1769).Taufek, A. F. A., Suid, K. M. H. K., Bahauddin, M. A., & Idris, Z. (2023). Ethics in Business and Professional Ethics: Guidelines for Responsible Decision Making and Conduct. In Proceedings of 1st Glocal Symposium on Information and Social Sciences (GSISS) 2023 (p. 43). image2.emfMicrosoft_Word_Document1.docx Personality Assesment Students nameSchool of , Author Note I have no known conflict of interest to disclose. Correspondence concerning this article should be addressed to . Email: AbstractStudies show that there are sixteen work personalities. Those personalities are known as the type of table, which the Publisher wrote, Consulting Psychologists Press, Inc. Palo Alto, Ca 94303. It shows how important it is to know identify your work type for a healthy, happy, and fulfilled work environment for yourself and others. Keywords: 2PERSONALITY ASSESSMENT 2Introverts, extroverts, sensors, intuitive Personality Assessment Part 1: Jung and Briggs Myers personality results analysis            My personality test based on Jung and Briggs Myers typology indicated that I have an INTJ (introverted (38 percent), Intuitive (19 percent), thinking (6 percent), and judging (25 percent) type of personality. My results indicate that I have a moderate preference for introversion over extroversion. I have a slight preference for intuition over sensing, a slight preference for thinking over feeling, and a mild preference for judging over perceiving. As INTJ, my primary mode of living is known to be focused intrinsically; I take things and decisions based on my intuition. My secondary way of living is external, where I deal with situations rationally and logically. INTJ is known as masterminds; they live in a world of ideas and plan strategically rather than following their emotions. I value competence, intelligence, and knowledge as an INTJ person, and I have similar expectations to other people I work with currently and in the past. Since I am more of an introvert, I channel my energy into observing the world to generate potential ideas and possibilities which may turn out to be innovative. According to David Keirsey, a psychologist, and developer of the Keirsey Temperament Sorter, nearly 1 to 4 percent of the world’s population has an INTJ personality type. Keirsey’s four temperaments are better known as their subdivided sixteen kinds of personalities. The four-character types, according to Keirsey. The sixteen personality types include guardians, Artisans, Rationales, and Idealists; there are four personality types (Daniel, 2017).  I-introverted            Because I am more introverted at 38 percent, I am less likely to interact with others and share my ideas. I spend much of my time on my mind thinking about new ideas and how to plan strategically. As a result, I usually have little interest in the thoughts and feelings of other people.  Therefore, other people will perceive me as a reserved person who is often isolated and less likely to share ideas. However, I am open to welcoming ideas from other people that I perceive as critical and logical since my primary focus as an INTJ person is to uncover innovations. As an introvert, I prefer working by myself ad strongly prefer solo work to group work. People find it hard to know me because I see little value in social events such as partying and small talk and thus making it difficult for people to get to know me. As a result, I have reserved interaction with a small circle of friends and family members.             A person with INTJ personality traits tends to have difficulty establishing intimate solid relationships. I find it hard to show affection to other people. I do not feel the need to express appreciation to other people. People in a romantic relationship with an INTJ person may feel as they are not loved due to the type rarely showing respect. They are less likely to give positive support and praise as other partners desire, which I know significantly demonstrates in my personality (Daniel, 2017). I do not find it necessary to keep praising my partner, and I rarely use words of affirmation to other people, which makes them think that I am not romantic. In terms of career, I have great interest and passion in pursuing what I live to become more skilled and knowledgeable in my field of study. I have high expectations, and I see it as my responsibility to become the better version of myself.  I -Intuitive            Based on the personality test, my score for intuition was 19 percent. As an intuitive person, I slightly prefer intuition over sensing. I tend to rely on imagination on the potential outcomes rather than sense. I am more focused on tangible facts and more specific results. I tend to discuss and assess different views and options of what the world would look like in the future. I am interested in the future rather than the current moment. For example, I would like to think of where I will be in five years and how that will influence my personal and professional growth. In addition, I tend to exercise my imagination to seek new ideas and possibilities. T-thinking            I have a slight preference for thinking over feeling. According to Keirsey’s four temperaments, my INTJ personality falls under the rational category as a mastermind. Masterminds are planners, self-confident, systematic, utilitarian, willful, and ingenious (Keirsey, n.d). Under planning, they understand the logical outcomes of each move, and their decisions do not influence by the current situation but the consequences of the action. They quickly understand how a particular decision affects the next step. They foresee what will be the outcome of the present action. In addition, masterminds are self-confident and thus quickly make decisions because they believe in their intuitions and knowledge. When it comes to making decisions, I rarely waste time because I am self-confident that I am making the right decision. I have unparalleled certainty of my ability to overcome barriers and achieve excellent outcomes. Furthermore, INTJ’s personality confronts challenges head-on and acts as a stimulant for the mastermind to dig deep to uncover innovations. INTJ personality follows a systematic approach to a problem. In addition, a mastermind believes that every situation exists for a reason, and thus every issue must have a solution. They are interested in using ideas and their utility in reality, not merely concerned about the pictures.            NTS value knowledge and competence over everything else and seek to make sense of the world around them so that they can help improve it. However, they are not generally interested in taking care of details but instead are focused on seeing the big picture, discovering ideas, and recognizing patterns. Other people may find a person with an INTJ personality as a rigid person because they are committed to implementing their ideas. Other people may find it hard to understand a person with an INTJ personality.  J- Judgment            From the personality test, I score 25 percent in judgment. This score implies that I prefer judging over perceiving. For example, I like gathering information from the external world and analyzing it to gather new insights to make informed judgments rather than perceiving a situation.  Part 2: Relationship of various personality types at work            The Myers-Briggs Type Indicator (MBTI) is a practical framework that shows how different personality types work together. A workplace cannot be effective with too many people sharing the same personality. The workplace will not be effective because there are too many of the same character traits, and they do not benefit from different input from people with other character traits. For example, INTJ people are all rational masterminds and not input from a person with ISTP personality traits. An organization with an accurate mixture of different personalities will perform better if it has idealists, rationalists, guardians, and artisans. All these personality types interact to bring out the best results. For example, ENFP personality types are regarded as imaginative motivators, while ENSTJ personality types are considered efficient organizers (Thompson, 2022). As a result, a company needs efficient organizers and creative motivators to perform to its full potential. If an organization only has employees with ESTJ personality type, it will have a workforce full of efficient organizers. However, unfortunately, it will be missing employees with ENFP personality types who are imaginative motivators. Different personality types bring various talents and ensure the team generates a broad spread of ideas and solutions. However, with team members having diverse personality traits can be hard to synchronize the differences into something that can work for the better of the company. However, it is not impossible if all team members respect the boundaries of others. For example, if a person is an introvert and prefers email, approaching their workstations may make them uncomfortable (Kroeger, Thuesen & Rutledge, 2009). It is also imperative to come to people with different personalities in different ways. For example, guardian types prefer facts and patience. Therefore, it is essential to approach the points and have plenty of time for them to make decisions.            Based on the personality test results, I have learned the impacts that my personality type, both positive and negative, can have on an organization. One of the traits I have a person with an INTJ personality type is that I can easily make a decision because I can project the future outcomes, and thus, I am confident with the decision I make. I can predict how the future will unfold, and therefore, I can make strategic decisions for an organization that will place the company in a better position. As a mastermind, I am driven to achieve the result and always watch the long-term consequences of a given action. Therefore, I am now better positioned to avoid decisions that may have adverse outcomes for an organization. INTJs are about strategy, and organizations are about strategic planning. As an INTJ, one of my biggest strengths is strategy. I approach situations in terms of problem-solving by looking at the bigger picture and the outcome of a given case. Businesses miss out because of a lack of visionary leaders who can strategize effectively (Kroeger, Thuesen & Rutledge, 2009). In addition, as an INTJ, I am independent and have self-confidence about myself. Self-confidence helps a leader take more bold moves that can take the organization far ahead. However, one of the weaknesses of INTJs is that they like working in solitary; this can be a disadvantage, especially for projects that require teamwork. I prefer working on projects alone. However, it can be hard when I am supposed to team with other employees to complete a task.  References Kroeger, O., Thuesen, J. M., & Rutledge, H. (2009).  Type talk at work (revised): How the 16 personality types determine your success on the job. Delta. Thompson, J. (2022). How to work with all the Myers-Briggs personality types. Keirsey. (n.d). Learn about the rational mastermind. mastermind/ Daniel. (2017). Keirsey temperaments. temperaments/ image3.emfMicrosoft_Word_Document2.docx


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You are on the hiring committee for a key role in your organization

Workplaces that are diverse and inclusive tend to be more successful than those that aren’t. However, not everyone sees it that way, and being diverse and inclusive in the workplace is often more challenging in practice than it is in theory.

You’ll need to work toward improving your own Emotional Intelligence (EQ), as well as focusing on document design and style for this assignment. 

Scenario 1: Challenging Hiring Decision

You are on the hiring committee for a key role in your organization. After a thorough and lengthy process, the committee has narrowed the field to two final candidates: Candidate A and Candidate B. The interview process has concluded, and now it is time to make a decision. Will you hire Candidate A or Candidate B?

Both Candidate A and Candidate B meet all of the requirements for hiring in terms of education and experience. That said, Candidate A went to a more prestigious university than Candidate B, and Candidate A also has slightly more job experience than Candidate B. In the interview process, both candidates answered the questions very well, demonstrating high levels of knowledge. Candidate A was a bit smoother and more confident, but Candidate B occasionally hesitated before responding but also seemed more genuinely enthusiastic. Candidate A is a traditional applicant, and Candidate B is from a historically underrepresented minority.

Later today you will be meeting with the hiring committee to make the final decision. Your task is to write a short message to share with the rest of the hiring committee in which you recommend hiring either Candidate A or Candidate B. Be sure to explain which factors were most important to you and why.

Scenario 2: Evaluating Workplace Diversity

Because of your volunteer efforts in the local community, your supervisor has appointed you to lead DEI (Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion) efforts at your medium-sized company. As you begin doing research on the diversity of the company’s workforce, it appears that the company’s employees are indeed diverse, having good representation from various races and ethnicities, genders, people of varying sexual orientation, religions, abilities, and ages. However, as you spend a bit more time researching diversity in employment practices, you learn that it is not enough to have a diverse workforce but also a diverse workforce at all levels of the organization. What you instead discover is that women and BIPOC (Black, Indigenous, People of Color) employees are almost entirely employed at the lower levels of the organization, but management and corporate (C-Suite) levels are almost exclusively made up of white, male employees.

Your task is to write a short message to share with the executive team and board in which you recommend changes to the hiring and succession training processes so that the organization’s leadership better reflects the diversity of the workforce as a whole.

The channel that you use to communicate your message (email, memo, three- to four-slide PowerPoint presentation, etc.) is up to you. However, part of business communication is choosing your channel mindfully and then formatting your message appropriately. If you compose an email, it should have a To:, From:, Date:, Subject:, and correct spacing for an email. The same goes for other channels.



The message demonstrates a sophisticated understanding of the issues raised by the chosen scenario. The message communicates that the recommendations clearly and includes sufficient reasoning for the recommendation.

Document Design

The message is formatted appropriately, based on the type of message written. The style of the message makes it clear and easy to read.


GET SOLUTION FOR THIS ASSIGNMENT, Get Impressive Scores in Your Class on You are on the hiring committee for a key role in your organization


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Primary influencers of healthcare system organization and structure

A lot of variables impact the organization and structure of healthcare systems.

Among the key influences are:

Government policies and regulations: Through policies and regulations, governments shape the organization and structure of healthcare systems. They establish rules, guidelines, and standards that control how healthcare is given, funded, and governed. Healthcare finance models, healthcare workforce laws, quality standards, and patient safety requirements are examples of government policies.

Economic considerations, such as a country's total wealth and economic stability, have an influence on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. Economic issues impact healthcare resource allocation, healthcare service availability, and the finance systems utilized to sustain the healthcare system.

Population demographics and health needs: A population's demographics and health requirements have a considerable effect on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. Population size, age distribution, chronic illness prevalence, and individual health requirements all determine the sorts of services and resources needed, as well as the focus put on preventive, primary care, or specialty treatment.

Technological advancements: Advances in medical technology and healthcare informatics have a significant influence on the organization and structure of the healthcare system. New technologies have the potential to revolutionize the way healthcare services are provided, improve patient outcomes, and increase efficiency. Implementation of electronic health records (EHRs) and telemedicine technology, for example, has altered how healthcare is given and organized.

Socio-cultural factors: Societal and cultural norms, values, and beliefs impact the organization and structure of the healthcare system. Cultural influences may influence healthcare-seeking behavior, patient-provider interactions, and acceptability of certain medical procedures or therapies. The structure and objectives of healthcare systems are also influenced by societal views on health, wellbeing, and the role of healthcare in society.

Stakeholder interests and influence: Stakeholders with interests and influence in healthcare system organization and structure include healthcare providers, insurers, pharmaceutical corporations, patient advocacy organizations, and professional associations. Based on their interests and viewpoints, these stakeholders often shape policies, legislation, and resource allocation choices.

Global trends and experiences from other nations may also have an impact on the organization and structure of healthcare systems. International organizations, research results, and best practices from other nations may help to educate policy choices and inspire healthcare system improvements.

It is crucial to highlight that the impacts on healthcare system organization and structure differ by country and location, since each healthcare system is molded by its own environment, history, and social values.

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You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization.

Research Paper:

You have been hired as the CSO (Chief Security Officer) for an organization. Your job is to develop a computer and internet security policy for the organization that covers the following areas:

  • Computer and email acceptable use policy
  • Internet acceptable use policy
  • Password protection policy

Make sure you are sufficiently specific in addressing each area. There are plenty of security policy and guideline templates available online for you to use as a reference or for guidance. Your plan should reflect the business model and corporate culture of a specific organization that you select.  Include at least 3 scholarly references in addition to the course textbook. At least two of the references cited need to be peer-reviewed scholarly journal articles from the library.Your paper should meet the following requirements:

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The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization.



– Use the notes section of PowerPoint to elaborate on key points.

– PowerPoint presentation should use some graphics to convey key concepts.



For your Presentation, using what you prepared for Assignments, create a presentation that summarizes and explains personalized marketing and sales tools.

Your presentation should address the following topics: 0. The central role that customer relationships play in creating sales for the organization. 0. Why managers need to ensure that resources are allocated in a way that both sales and marketing are able to achieve their objectives. 0. How managing the sales funnel requires sales, marketing, and senior managers to have an open dialogue. 0. Why sales and marketing need to work together not only to understand customers’ needs, but also to create an environment where the value proposition can be communicated. The presentation should be organized and well-prepared. ———————————————————————————————————————————————— Note: This is the content which was submitted before and will include in the presentation. a. The most crucial aspect of every firm is its sales and customer relationships. Customer connections are vital since they raise sales, minimize customer attrition, provide priceless marketing, improve staff morale, and convert customers into the company’s R&D department. Positive customer relationships provide businesses with more insight into their customer concerns by creating an open line of communication for transmitting client feedback. Such results in more personalized consumer interactions, which develop trust over time and impact their purchasing choices. b. Amongst sales and marketing, there are two sources of functions. First, the necessity to split the entire budget supplied by sales management to support sales and marketing generates the economic function. In reality, the sales force will likely criticize marketing’s spending on three of the four Ps – pricing, product, and promotion, considering the price. The marketing department is under pressure to meet revenue targets and expects the sales force to “sell the price” rather than “sell via price.” Salespeople frequently prefer lower pricing since they can sell the goods more readily and because cheap prices offer them more space to bargain. Furthermore, there are organizational difficulties around price choices. Whereas marketing determines recommended retail or list prices and promotional pricing, sales have the last say on transactional pricing. As a result, managers must guarantee that resources are distributed so that both marketing and sales can meet their goals (Itani et al., 2019). c. It seems to me that there is some connection and that the groups establish procedures and regulations to minimize the possibility of conflict. The sales and marketing teams have a great fence, and make-good neighbors mentality, with each member, focused on their particular responsibilities. Each group is beginning to use the same vocabulary to discuss potentially divisive topics such as “How do we characterize a lead?” Questions like “What do we anticipate of one another?” are brought up in meetings, prompting a more reflective tone. Cooperation between the groups is essential for the success of significant events like consumer conferences and trade exhibits etc. d. The needs of customers are the first consideration when launching a firm. A business proprietor must learn what their clients want and work tirelessly to provide it (Terho et al., 2022). Clients are the lifeblood of every company; therefore, doing all possible to ensure their satisfaction is essential (Key et al., 2020). Successful communication of the value of the services sought by clients and the degree to which they have been satisfied requires close collaboration between sales and marketing (Wang, 2022).




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