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great cybersecurity law program for an organization

This course has led you, module by module, to understand thoroughly what goes into a great cybersecurity law program for an organization. Now, you can demonstrate that you understand how to align a cybersecurity program with legal and regulatory requirements by writing and presenting a great program.

Describe a fictitious security infrastructure for a fictitious medium-sized retail company that does a significant amount of its business in online sales. We will make the assumption that the company already has a cybersecurity plan in place. Design a cybersecurity law program to go with it. Describe, in great detail, the important legal considerations that must be addressed to prevent losses due to both criminal activity and civil litigation. Make sure you cover local, state, and federal requirements. Include a discussion on international laws or frameworks that should be considered and why. Cover the potential impacts to your organization from emerging technologies, legislation, and trade pacts. Make recommendations for controls to prevent legal liabilities to ensure you always win in litigation, whether actions taken against you or those you initiate or support because you were on the receiving end of cyber misbehavior. Include cybersecurity liability insurance recommendations in case your legal efforts are not a win in court, or you find yourself in a position to need to settle out of court. All of this will be combined in a professional paper written to convince your company’s senior leadership that your recommendations are worthy of investment.  

As this is a culminating project, your paper should be somewhat more lengthy than those you wrote for Modules 1-6. There is no page number requirement – cover the material as you have learned in this course. Your paper should cover the legal considerations to a depth greater than what you gave in the first six modules. Describe the strategic legal environment in which your business must operate. Make sure you include policies and procedures for compliance with all the laws, regulations, and standards that apply to you. Discuss how your cybersecurity infrastructure is legally intelligent, how it helps make sure you preserve evidence, and give yourself a chance to win legal actions. Lay out a plan for insurance to a depth beyond what you gave in Assignment 6.1.

You will be graded on how you cover the learning objectives of the modules in this course and on the thoroughness of your treatment of the topic. Your writing will also be graded on meeting graduate-level and professionalism standards and on being clear and concise. Take the time to proofread your final project before submitting it. For APA and Standard Paper Assignment Guidelines and to understand how SafeAssign Originality Checker will affect this assignment, see the “Course Resources” link in the left navigation area




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great cybersecurity law program for an organization

This course has led you, module by module, to understand thoroughly what goes into a great cybersecurity law program for an organization. Now, you can demonstrate that you understand how to align a cybersecurity program with legal and regulatory requirements by writing and presenting a great program.

Describe a fictitious security infrastructure for a fictitious medium-sized retail company that does a significant amount of its business in online sales. We will make the assumption that the company already has a cybersecurity plan in place. Design a cybersecurity law program to go with it. Describe, in great detail, the important legal considerations that must be addressed to prevent losses due to both criminal activity and civil litigation. Make sure you cover local, state, and federal requirements. Include a discussion on international laws or frameworks that should be considered and why. Cover the potential impacts to your organization from emerging technologies, legislation, and trade pacts. Make recommendations for controls to prevent legal liabilities to ensure you always win in litigation, whether actions taken against you or those you initiate or support because you were on the receiving end of cyber misbehavior. Include cybersecurity liability insurance recommendations in case your legal efforts are not a win in court, or you find yourself in a position to need to settle out of court. All of this will be combined in a professional paper written to convince your company’s senior leadership that your recommendations are worthy of investment.  

As this is a culminating project, your paper should be somewhat more lengthy than those you wrote for Modules 1-6. There is no page number requirement – cover the material as you have learned in this course. Your paper should cover the legal considerations to a depth greater than what you gave in the first six modules. Describe the strategic legal environment in which your business must operate. Make sure you include policies and procedures for compliance with all the laws, regulations, and standards that apply to you. Discuss how your cybersecurity infrastructure is legally intelligent, how it helps make sure you preserve evidence, and give yourself a chance to win legal actions. Lay out a plan for insurance to a depth beyond what you gave in Assignment 6.1.

You will be graded on how you cover the learning objectives of the modules in this course and on the thoroughness of your treatment of the topic. Your writing will also be graded on meeting graduate-level and professionalism standards and on being clear and concise. Take the time to proofread your final project before submitting it. For APA and Standard Paper Assignment Guidelines and to understand how SafeAssign Originality Checker will affect this assignment, see the “Course Resources” link in the left navigation area




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Each member of an organization is held accountable for managing risks

Assessment Description

Each member of an organization is held accountable for managing risks. Therefore, it is essential to establish the context for a risk framework and risk process.

Prior to beginning this assignment, view “Risk Management and Assessment” within the “Video Playlist: Policy Management for Security Solutions,” located in the Class Resources.

Using your company from Topic 1, establish a risk management framework using industry standards for compliance.

Part 1

Refer to the “CYB-535 Risk Management Framework Guide,” and create a Risk Management Framework.

Part 2

Refer to “An Overview of Threat and Risk Assessment,” located in the topic Resources. In 750–1000 words, discuss various risk assessment models, methodologies, and processes that can be used to perform a risk assessment of a particular system. Make sure to:

  1. Describe how risk relates to a system security policy.
  2. Describe various risk analysis methodologies.
  3. Considering your framework from Part 1, explain why it is important to evaluate and categorize risk a) with respect to technology; b) with respect to individuals, and c) in the enterprise.
  4. Compare the advantages and disadvantages of various risk assessment methodologies.
  5. Explain how one would select the optimal methodology based on needs, advantages, and disadvantages.

Then, submit both Parts 1 and 2.

Prepare this assignment according to the guidelines found in the APA Style Guide, located in the Student Success Center. 

This assignment uses a rubric. Please review the rubric prior to beginning the assignment to become familiar with the expectations for successful completion.

You are required to submit this assignment to LopesWrite. A link to the LopesWrite technical support articles is located in Class Resources if you need assistance.

Benchmark Information

This benchmark assignment assesses the following programmatic competencies and professional standards:

MS Information Assurance and Cybersecurity

2.1 Establish a risk management framework using industry standards for compliance

MS Cybersecurity

1.5 Establish a risk management framework using industry standards for compliance.




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Conducting a survey within any organization is an essential examination and analysis process that provides insight into target markets

Peer 1 

Conducting a survey within any organization is an essential examination and analysis process that provides insight into target markets, specific techniques and or data to make business decisions (Hiyari, 2021). Defining the population for a study involves two separate decisions: what unit to study, and the boundaries of the population (Displayr, n.d.). Commonly used units utilized within the population portion of this survey include, users, households, consumers, businesses, etc.. (Berkowitz, 2016). In this case the population assessment would be best made on family practitioners that are qualified during the current year within the region the survey is taking place.

A sampling frame is a database and/or list that can be used to identify quantitative and/or qualitative measures, which provide market research for a specific project, source and/or clientele (Sample Unit, n.d.). A data list and/or record of family practitioners that are associated to a national association in accordance with their geographic locations would be an appropriate suggestion within this case. A sampling unit within marketing research can refer to any type of person and/or thing that is being researched (Berkowitz, 2016). This sampling unit is more of a singular value within a database provided through research conducted (Sample Unit, n.d.). The specific geographic locations in this research example, would be appropriate for a sampling unit, as it offers sizes for grouping methods (Displayr, n.d.).

Peer 2

 A sample is designed by collecting data from the target population which in this scenario would be the family practitioners who did not choose to specialize in pediatrics after graduation. The population is defined as “the entire group that you want to draw conclusions about” (Bhandari, 2020). The population for the practitioners that did not choose pediatrics as their specialty includes the family practitioners who were qualified to specialize in pediatrics nationwide but did not choose that specialty after graduating from American Academy of Pediatrics.

            Sampling frames is a way to put all possible sampling units together and “the specific group of individuals that you will collect data from” (McCombes, 2022). In this scenario, there is no list of the family practitioners that did not specialize in pediatrics, but samples could be collected from the graduates of many medical colleges in a specific area and gather those samples as one to get a sampling frame. The sampling frame can also be done by accessing the practitioners that are a part of a national association such as American Academy of Pediatrics and determine those who did not choose pediatrics as their specialty in a certain geographical area.

            The sampling unit is either an individual or a company sample, which in this case is newly graduated family practitioners who did not specialize in pediatrics after graduation. A sampling frame that can be used would be cluster sampling which “is a probability sampling method in which you divide a population into clusters, such as district of schools, and then randomly select some of these clusters as your sample” (Thomas, 2022)




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World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019, a new strain of the coronavirus disease was discovered

Unit VII Article Critique


According to the World Health Organization (WHO), in 2019, a new strain of the coronavirus disease was discovered. Also known as COVID-19, this strain of the virus had previously not been identified in humans. A worldwide pandemic ensued as the virus quickly spread across the globe, impacting countless lives, including many individuals in the United States.

In an effort to contain the virus, numerous countries’ leaders encouraged social distancing, which is an infection control strategy aimed to help lessen the spread of a contagious disease. This directive was given by leaders in the United States as well. Two schools of thought emerged. In fact, many people were skeptical about the authenticity of this pandemic due to perplexing and often conflicting messages that were received across social media and news outlets. Therefore, numerous Americans assumed business as usual and maintained their daily living and social rituals. On the other hand, scores of others quickly retreated to their homes, embracing the warning provided by some of the nation’s top infectious disease experts.

This assignment provides you with an opportunity to analyze a real-world, peer-reviewed, psychology journal article that contains research examining the social psychology aspects of motivation and emotion. You will then demonstrate your understanding of the article by relating the research and conclusions contained therein to current events.

Begin by visiting the CSU Online Library to locate and choose a journal article in which motivation and emotion are viewed under the lens of social psychology. The article must be peer-reviewed and should be no older than 7 years.NOTE: You are not required to locate an article about COVID-19; instead, you must find a peer-reviewed journal article concerning research that specifically examines motivation and emotion. You will then be critiquing the article and framing the research and conclusions presented in the article in the context of how they can be applied to behavior and social psychology during such an event as the COVID-19 pandemic.

A good place to start your search is the PsycARTICLES database or the Academic Search Ultimate database. You can access these databases from the Databases box on the library homepage.

For assistance in locating your article, you may find the following tutorial How to Find Journal Articles helpful. Additionally, you may find this tutorial How to Search in PsycARTICLES useful.

Once you have chosen your article about motivation, emotion, and social psychology, you will write an article critique that addresses the following elements.

  • Explain the research methodology that was used in the study.
  • Discuss social factors that influence people or groups to conform to the actions of others.
  • Indicate how behaviors and motivation are impacted by the presence of others. (How does this apply to COVID-19?)
  • Indicate the structures of the brain that are involved in emotion and motivation. (How could a person’s emotions related to fear drive their behaviors during this pandemic?)
  • Examine the article’s generalizability to various areas of psychology.
  • Why would some people choose to follow the orders to avoid social contact and others allow desire for human interaction to be their driving force?

In addition, your article critique should clearly identify the article’s premise and present an insightful and thorough analysis with strong arguments and evidence. You should present your own informed and substantiated opinion on the article’s content and its relation to social psychology during the COVID-19 pandemic. You should use the textbook as your second source to support your analysis and to supplement any information that is not contained in the journal article.

Your article critique must be a minimum of three pages in length, not including the title and reference pages. All sources used must be properly cited. Your article critique, including all references, must be formatted in APA style.

You may view the following CSU Writing Center tutorial Article Critiques for assistance in writing an article critique.




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Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization

Assignment based on Impact of Knowledge Management System (KMS) on the organization.

Client Info:

Mehdi Alinejad, Sales Engineer at Total Parking Solutions Inc. (

Field of business: Automated and semi-automated parking systems for buildings.

Organizational chart:

Permanent full-time employees: 2 persons, outsourced /part-time/ internship: 7 persons

Current Problem (briefly): All of our data are saved in different locations (PC, Google Drive, or

even hard- copy), which is hard to save or find the required data. Also, it cannot be accessed easily

from everywhere.

Some detail about the Problem:

• Data is saved in different locations: paper, pc, Google Drive, WhatsApp, and Telegram. So

we always have problems with where to save new data or where to find old data.

• We ran out of data storage in our computers and Google drive (high amount of data as well

as duplicated data)

• Some of our data are related to different subjects (e.g., a data sheet could be related to a

product and a project at the same time). So they are duplicated in different folders or

subfolders and even within the same folder. These duplicated saved data occupy data

storage space and make us confused during data access. A data cleaning app/software is


• We need to give access to different users: different users, different access levels, un/limited

access time. The above organizational chart depicts users of the data.

• We do not have a search option for our stored date. Even if we search on the PC of Drive,

due to different locations of storage, and poor tagging/labelling, the suitable result is not

achievable. Moreover, the available search options will not find different contents that may

be related to our search.

• We need to classify our data as raw data (useful/junction), information, and knowledge.

• Our data should be appropriately classified and saved in the new data management system;

somehow, a new employee can find and understand everything with minimum/zero support

from the old employees (knowledge management).

Content (data to be managed in the new system):

– Video files (mostly from our projects)

– Image files (mostly from our projects)

– Chat texts or email texts (internal or external correspondence)

– Product’s data sheets

– Clients’ information

– Projects information (potential projects, current projects, finished projects,

maintenance/after-sales service projects,) – Marketing data

– Notes and schedules of our daily tasks/ projects, and deadlines reminder

Managing these different content as well as the users who access these contents is essential

for us.

Solution required: A digital data management system (Digital transformation) may be a

suitable solution.

Required: This is a business report to the CEO.

Minimum: 2000 words or 6 pages (apart from the cover page & references page).

Diagrams and tables to support your analysis should be included in the paper.

At least five academic references APA 7th edition should be included in this report.

Recommended: Get Guru Knowledge management system and Freshdesk Knowledge Management system

  1. Do a comparative analysis of both Knowledge Management systems to solve the problems and answer the questions below
  2. What kind of technology is needed in the organization to deploy the suggested KMS systems? What is needed at a desktop level, a network level, a storage level, and a mobile level?
  3. What kind of cybersecurity is needed for both KMS systems?
  4. What are the challenges to getting employees to use the suggested KMS systems? For each challenge identified, how will those challenges be mitigated?




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Evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes

Write a 4-5 page evidence-based proposal to support the need for a nurse informaticist in an organization who would focus on improving health care outcomes.


As you begin to prepare this assessment, you are encouraged to complete the Team Perspectives of the Nurse Informaticist activity. Completion of this will help you succeed with the assessment as you explore the nurse informaticist’s role from the different perspectives of the health care team. Completing activities is also a way to demonstrate engagement.

Nurses at the baccalaureate level in all practice areas are involved in nursing informatics through interaction with information management and patient care technologies. Nurses must not only demonstrate knowledge of and skills in health information and patient care technologies, but also how to use these tools at the bedside and organizational levels. Moreover, nurses need to recognize how information gathered from various health information sources can impact decision making at the national and state regulatory levels.


For this assessment, assume you are a nurse attending a meeting of your state’s nurses association. A nurse informaticist conducted a presentation on her role and its impact on positive patient and organizational outcomes in her workplace. You realize that your organization is undergoing many technological changes. You believe this type of role could provide many benefits to your organization.

You decide to pursue proposing a nurse informaticist role in your organization. You speak to your chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager, who ask you to prepare a 4–5 page evidence-based proposal to support the new role. In this way, they can make an informed decision as to whether the addition of such a role could justify the return on investment (ROI). They need your proposal before an upcoming fiscal meeting.​ This is not an essay, but instead, it is a proposal to create a new Nurse Informaticist position.

One important part of this assessment is the justification of the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization and references from relevant and timely scholarly or professional resources to support the justification for creating this nurse informaticist position. The term justify means to show or prove that the nurse informaticist position brings value to the organization. This justification must include evidence from the literature to support that this position will provide a return on investment for the organization.


To successfully prepare for this assessment, you will need to complete these preparatory activities:

· Review assessment resources and activities.

. Conduct independent research on the nursing knowledge and skills necessary to interact with health information and patient care technology.

. Focus your research on current resources available through peer-reviewed articles, professional websites, government websites, professional blogs, wikis, job boards, and so on.

· Consult the  BSN Program Library Research Guide  for help in identifying scholarly and authoritative sources.

· Interview peers in your network who are considered information technology experts.

. Ask them about how information technology advances are impacting patient care at the bedside, at the organizational level, and beyond.

Proposal Format

The chief nursing officer (CNO) and human resources (HR) manager have asked you to include the following headings in your proposal and to be sure to address the bullets following each heading:

Nursing Informatics and the Nurse Informaticist

· What is nursing informatics?

· What is the role of the nurse informaticist?

Nurse Informaticists and Other Health Care Organizations

· What is the experience of other health care organizations with nurse informaticists?

· How do these nurse informaticists interact with the rest of the nursing staff and the interdisciplinary team?


· How does fully engaging nurses in health care technology impact:

. Patient care?

. Protected health information (security, privacy, and confidentiality)?

. In this section, you will explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse informaticist and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information, particularly privacy, security, and confidentiality. Evidence-based means that they are supported by evidence from scholarly sources.

· Workflow?

· Costs and return on investment?

Opportunities and Challenges

· What are the opportunities and challenges for nurses and the interdisciplinary team with the addition of a nurse informaticist role?

. How can the interdisciplinary team collaborate to improve quality care outcomes through technology?

Summary of Recommendations

· What are 3–4 key takeaways from your proposal about the recommended nurse informaticist role that you want the CNO and the HR manager to remember?

. This is the section where the justification for the implementation of the nursing informaticist role is addressed. Remember to include evidence from the literature to support your recommendation.

Additional Requirements

· Written communication: Ensure written communication is free of errors that detract from the overall message.

· Submission length: 4–5 double-spaced pages, in addition to title and references pages.

· Font: Times New Roman, 12 point.

· Citations and References: Cite a minimum of three current scholarly and/or authoritative sources to support your ideas. In addition, cite a minimum of one current professional blog or website to support your central ideas.  Current means no more than five years old.

· APA formatting: Be sure to follow APA formatting and style guidelines for citations and references. For an APA refresher, consult the  Evidence and APA  page on Campus.

Competencies Measured

By successfully completing this assessment, you will demonstrate your proficiency in the following course competencies and scoring guide criteria:

· Competency 1: Describe nurses’ and the interdisciplinary team’s role in informatics with a focus on electronic health information and patient care technology to support decision making.

. Define nursing informatics and the role of the nurse informaticist.

. Explain how the nurse collaborates with the interdisciplinary team, including technologists, to improve the quality of patient care.

. Justify the need for a nurse informaticist in a health care organization.

· Competency 2: Implement evidence-based strategies to effectively manage protected health information.

. Explain evidence-based strategies that the nurse and interdisciplinary team can use to effectively manage patients’ protected health information (privacy, security, and confidentiality).

· Competency 5: Apply professional, scholarly communication to facilitate use of health information and patient care technologies.

. Follow APA style and formatting guidelines for citations and references.

. Create a clear, well-organized, and professional proposal that is generally free from errors in grammar, punctuation, and spelling




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Which terrorist organization do you think is the most dangerous to Americans and American interests?

Write a one-page report that answers and covers the following questions while adhering to the requirements of the assignment.

Which terrorist organization do you think is the most dangerous to Americans and American interests? Instead of an organization, you may think a lone wolf attacker is the most dangerous. Whichever you decide, explain why you selected that organization or individual. Think about their history, the impact of their attacks, their weapons, and their capabilities (such as if they have a long-range reach or have access to a large amount of money). Also, provide a short summary of the group or individual.

This completed case study must be at least 1 page in length (not counting the title page and reference page), have at least 1 outside sources / references. The report must be written at or above a master’s level Quality. The paper should follow APA 7 guidelines to include in-text citations, references, and appropriate headings and subheadings.




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Organization’s achievement of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI)

Develop an “intake” briefing for a group of software engineers who have been tasked with developing a standard set of security review processes for virtual teams. The purpose of these processes is to ensure that compliance for software security requirements is verified resulting in software applications and software-based products where security is “built in.” The company also intends that these processes be used towards the organization’s achievement of Capability Maturity Model Integration (CMMI) Level 3 — Defined.

Background: Software development is a complex task, especially as technology changes at the speed of light, environments evolve, and more expectations are placed upon vendors who want to be competitive within the software market. Many software development organizations also depend upon virtual teams whose members are geographically dispersed. This complexity also makes implementing and testing security features (for software applications) much more challenging.

Format: This week, the format for your deliverable (posting) will be “Talking Points.” Talking points are presented in outline format and contain the content that you would put on slides in a slide deck. Your outline should include 5 to 7 major points (“slide titles”) followed by 3 to 5 supporting points for each. Remember to put enough information into the talking points that your peer reviewers can understand what you intend to cover in each section of your briefing. Remember to introduce the topic at the beginning, present your analysis, and then close your briefing with an appropriate summary. Include a list of sources (3 or more) which attendees could refer to if they wish to fact check your work.

In your critiques for your peers (2 different students), focus on providing suggestions for strengthening the talking points (added content, refocused content, etc.) Grammar, punctuation, and other writing mechanics will be addressed by your instructor and should not be part of your critique




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Importance of production planning and scheduling within an organization

Operation Management

 Please respond to the following:

  • Analyze the importance of production planning and scheduling within an organization. Evaluate a bad experience you have had with an appointment from the perspectives of the customer (you) and the organization with regard to inefficient planning and scheduling.
  • Analyze the experience you provided from a process perspective. Suggest ways the schedules could have been designed to be more efficient and effective.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 9 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • Select two fast food restaurants and evaluate them in terms of service quality. Suggest ways to improve the service quality.
  • Evaluate the two fast-food restaurants in terms of the “Seven QC tools” discussed in Chapter 15 of textbook, OM. Determine the top three QC tools that tend to be most valuable to business owners. Explain your rationale.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 10 Discussion 

Please respond to the following:

  • Compare and contrast the lean service system found within Southwest Airlines to a full-service airline such as United Airlines, British Airways, and other large carriers in terms of cabin service, boarding process, baggage handling, and service encounters.
  • Recommend ways for the airline carriers to improve their lean operation systems in terms of speed and quality while reducing waste and costs. Explain your rationale.
  • Be sure to respond to at least one of your classmates’ posts.

Week 11 Discussion 

The following questions will give you a chance to self-evaluate, to think about what you’ve been learning in this course, and to draw your own conclusions about how you can apply communication, problem solving and innovation in your life. Your answers may be used to determine how to improve the program for future students. Your answers will not be used for marketing purposes. Please respond in a paragraph of at least 5–7 sentences to fully address all questions. Be sure to use your own words!

Think about the skills that you have learned in this course: communication, problem solving, and innovation.

  1. How can you apply what you learned about communication, problem solving, and innovation to your personal, professional, and academic life?
  2. How will the skills you developed help you be a better persuasive writer? Give a few specific examples of how the skills contribute to persuasive writing




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